Service-Learning High-Impact Practice Mini-Grant Application

Faculty/Instructor Name: Enter First and Last Name College & Department: Enter College & Department Email: Enter Email Address Phone Number: Enter Phone Number Course Name, Prefix, & Number: Enter Course Information Semester & Year of Course: Enter Amount Requested: $ Enter Requested Semester and Year Amount Community Partner Name and Contact Information: Enter Community Partner Contact Information

You may answer the following questions on this sheet, or attach a sheet with your answers:

1. What are the learning outcomes for your course and how will the service-learning component help you achieve these outcomes?

Click or tap here to enter text.

2. Briefly explain how the requested funds will be used, and why these expenses are crucial to the delivery of your course.

Click or tap here to enter text.

3. Please indicate with a “yes” or “no” your willingness to do the following:

a. Collaborate with OCEP on administering deeper assessments of student learning outcomes resulting from your service-learning course: Yes ☒ No☐

b. Ensure that your department’s scheduler has identified your course as “service- learning” when scheduling information is given to the Registrar: Yes ☐ No☒

c. Provide material (such as quotations from students and/or community partners; digital photos; video recordings; news stories; press releases) from your class so we can feature it on our website/in our newsletter: Yes☒ No ☒

d. Include the following acknowledgement in scholarly works resulting from this grant: “This work was supported, in part, by funds provided by the University of South Florida Office of Community Engagement and Partnerships”: Yes ☐ No ☐

OFFICE OF COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT AND PARTNERSHIPS University of South Florida • 4202 East Fowler Avenue, ALN 185 • Tampa, FL 33620 (813) 974-4829 • • [email protected]

Building Partnerships to Improve Our Communities e. Make a best effort in seeking other support to sustain the service-learning course in future semesters (e.g., consider adding a course fee to cover expenses associated with service-learning): Yes ☐ No ☐

● Please include with your application a copy of your syllabus and the letter of support from your community partner (if possible).

All applications, with course syllabus and community partner support letter, must be submitted electronically to [email protected] by 5:00 pm on the deadline date.

Service-Learning High-Impact Practice Mini-Grant Budget

Item Item Quantit Funding Requested Cost Total Category Description y from OCEP:

Supplies Equipment Travel Other Total project budget:

Total funding requested from 0 OCEP (not to exceed $5001):

1 Requests for additional funds may be considered under some circumstances. Please discuss any requests for funding above $500 with OCEP staff before submitting your application.

OFFICE OF COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT AND PARTNERSHIPS University of South Florida • 4202 East Fowler Avenue, ALN 185 • Tampa, FL 33620 (813) 974-4829 • • [email protected]

Building Partnerships to Improve Our Communities