Book Study Information Sheet

Continuing Professional Development (CPD) for Teacher Inquiry Study Group Course Participants must complete a minimum of 15 hours of class work for 1 CPD credit

Description of Proposed Book Study Book Studies offer an opportunity to engage in professional discourse around a specific topic of teaching and learning. Participants must be committed to reading and discussing the book and should be guided by the following question: “How will this book influence professional practices at both the classroom and school levels?” Briefly summarize the purpose of studying this book for your group:

Effective book studies are connected to educator goals and interests, engage colleagues in collaborative learning, are carried out over a period of time, and deepen teachers’ understanding of content knowledge and pedagogy. Teachers should be engaged in critical reading, intentional dialogue, and job-embedded learning with the purpose of enhancing teaching and students’ learning. (Introduction adapted from The Schultz Center for Teaching and Learning. )

Name of Instructor/Facilitator: Location of course: Dates & Times of experience: Audience: max # of participants, your own teachers or open up to any interested) Book title/author: Book info: Please indicate if the participants need to buy the book or if it will be provided and paste a link to the book on amazon. Replace this text with your answer. Evaluation: Online evaluation in ERO

Syllabus/Study Guide/Assignment Schedule: (specify what is face to face and what is online)

Date Time Content/Topics/Activities Hours Instructions for Instructor/Facilitator: 1. Prior to the course, a. SYLLABUS - send an e-mail to Staff Development that there is going to be a book study course at your school. Attach this form to provide a syllabus, study guide, and/or outline of the discussion/assignment schedule. [email protected] b. REGISTRATION - Staff Development will approve the credit and post the Book Study Opportunity in the ERO online registration system for participants. You will be entered as the instructor and can register each participant or you can email the link below to participants and have them register themselves. c. SIGN-IN SHEET - The instructor can print a sign-in sheet from ERO. Login and find your course. The top right corner of the screen has a link to print the “initial sign in sheet” as a classlist/gradebook. Participants initial for each date they attend and you mark credit completion in the last column. Ask us for assistance if you need help. d. CPD CREDIT FORMS - are available on the v: drive as a MS Word doc for instructors at V:\Instruction\StaffDevelopment-V\BookStudy . You can edit the name of the book and the dates to make it your own. Ask us for assistance if you need help. 2. Upon completion of the course, a. Mark attendance in ERO. Select each participant individually. Mark “attended” or “dropped”, “completed yes or no”, 1 CPD or 0 CPD, 15 hrs or 0 hrs. Update to save and then select the next person on the list. b. Return CPD credit forms. Sign CPD forms for participants who completed all requirements of the book study. Do not sign if the person does not pass. c. Return the Sign-In Sheet as a Classlist or gradebook for our records. Include an outcome for each and every participant. This sign in sheet will be kept as a record to answer questions about who earned credit and who did not. d. Have participants complete the online evaluation in ERO. After you mark attendance the online evaluation will appear under the My Evaluations Tab when participants login. They cannot see the evaluation link until you have marked attendance. 3. Staff Development will process the forms. When the final process steps have been completed each participant will receive a copy of the CPD form for their records from HR and they will be able to see the course on their online transcript in ERO.

ERO Online Registration System (or Click STAFF > Staff Development Login with email username (ie: jsmith ) and email password Search the Courses Tab

Where can I find Book Study CPD forms and Syllabus Template? V:\Instruction\StaffDevelopment-V\BookStudy

For Assistance: Dawn Schaeffer [email protected] x7253 Gayle Smith [email protected] x7360