Toto Je Nadpis Článku, Toto Je Nadpis Článku

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Toto Je Nadpis Článku, Toto Je Nadpis Článku

Sustainable Development

From 7th to 11th October 2013 our faculty will host Od 7. do 11. oktobra 2013. M.Sc. Jiří Pánek, sa M.Sc. Jiří Pánek, from the Department of Departmana Razvojnih Studija na Palacki Development Studies at Palacky University in Univerzitetu u Olomoucu, Republika Češka, održaće Olomouc, Czech Republic, who will lecture on seminar na temu Geografski Informacioni Sistemi. Geographical Information Systems. The lectures Predavanja će se održati na Rudarsko-geološkom well take place at the Faculty of Mining and Geology, fakultetu, Univerziteta u Beogradu, u naznačenom University of Belgrade, in the specified 5-day period, petodnevnom periodu i trajanju od 4-5 radnih sati po for 4-5 working hours per day. Detailed classroom and danu. Detaljniji raspored će biti blagovremeno poslat time schedule will be disseminated to participants at polaznicima seminara. earliest convenience. The course Geographical Information Systems is Seminar Geografski Informacioni Sistemi je organised within the project “Building capacities of organizovan u okviru projekta “Razvijanje kapaciteta universities in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Moldova and univerziteta u Bosni i Hercegovini, Moldaviji i Srbiji”. Serbia”. The aim of the project is to improve the Cilj projekta je unapređenje kvaliteta obrazovanja, quality of education, broaden the offer of courses proširenje ponude predmeta na univerzitetima u taught at the partner universities in Bosnia and Bosni i Hercegovini, Moldaviji i Srbiji., i uspostavljanje Herzegovina, Moldova and Serbia, and establish saradnje između univerziteta. Takođe, biće studijski further cooperation between the universities. During boravci nastavnog osoblja na partnerskim the project lecturers from Department of Development univerzitetima Palacki Univerzitet u Olomoucu i Studies will visit partner universities in Bosnia and Metropoliten Univerzitet u Pragu u Republici Češkoj. Herzegovina, Moldova and Serbia and lecture Projekat “Razvijanje kapaciteta univerziteta u Bosni i courses selected by the universities. Furthermore, Hercegovini, Moldaviji i Srbiji” je podržan od strane internships for staff members from partner universities Češke Agencije za Razvoj i Ministarstva spoljnih at the Palacký University Olomouc and Metropolitan poslova Republike Češke u okviru Programa University Prague, Czech Republic, will be arranged. Razvojne Saradnje Republike Češke. The project “Building capacities of universities in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Moldova and Serbia” is supported by the Czech Development Agency and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic within the framework of the Program of Development Cooperation of the Czech Republic. The course introduces Geographical Information Seminar upoznaje polaznike sa Geografskim Systems (GIS) within the development context. It is Informacionim Sistemom (GIS) primenjenog u structured into theoretical and practical part. Within razvojnom kontekstu. Podeljen je na teoretski i the theoretical introduction students understand the praktični deo. U okviru teoretskog dela polaznici će basics of GIS methodology and applicability. Practical biti upoznati sa osnovnim metodama i primeni GIS-a. part consists of hands-on GPS data-mining and map- Praktični deo se sastoji od uvežbavanja upotrebe i making done by the students. The course uses iskorišćavanja GPS-a i kreiranje mapa od strane commercial, but also Open-Source (free) software studenata. Na seminaru su u upotrebi komercijalni, and data in order to enhance usability and kao i Open-Source (besplatni) računarski programi i applicability of the knowledge and skills students podaci, sa ciljem da se podstakne korišćenje i acquire throughout the course. The aim of the course primena znanja i veština studenata, stečenih tokom is to familiarize participants with GIS, and to enable seminara. Cilj seminara je upoznavanje polaznika sa them working with digital spatial data and creating GIS-om i njihovog osposobljavanja za samostalno basic maps independently. The topics are listed but rukovanje digitalnim prostornim podacima i kreiranje not limited to: osnovnih mapa. Teme su izlistane ali ne i ograničene 1. What is GIS? Data layers, vector vs. raster kao što sledi: datasets, open-datasets, commercial vs. open- 1. Šta je GIS? Oleate podataka, vektorski i rasterskiih source software, OpenStreetMap. podaci, slobodno dostupni podaci, komercijalni i 2. ArcGIS - basic work with layers, symbology, programi otvorenog koda, OpenStreetMap. introduction to cartography. 2. ArcGIS – osnovni postupci sa oleatama, 3. Geoprocessing and advanced map creation. simbologija, uvod u kartografiju. 4. Spatial Analysis. 3. Geoprocesiranje i napredna kartografija. 5. Conclusion and Questions. 4. Prostorne analize. 5. Zaključci i Diskusija. M.Sc. Jiří Pánek is a scientific researcher at the M.Sc. Jiří Pánek je naučni istraživač na Departmanu Department of Development Studies at Palacky za Razvojne Studije na Palacki Univerzitetu. Osnovne University. He holds a B.Sc. and an M.Sc. in i master studije iz Geografije i GIS-a završio je na Geography and GIS from the Department of Departmanu za Geoinformatiku, Palacki Univerziteta Geoinformatics, Palacky University in Olomouc and u Olomoucu i trenutno je pred odbranom svog currently he is about to finish his PhD at the doktorata na Departmanu za Razvojne Studije. Department of Development Studies. His research is Njegov istraživački rad fokusiran je na upotrebu GIS- focused on GIS in development cooperation and a u razvojnoj saradnji i humanitarnoj pomoći, sa humanitarian aid, with main focus on Participatory akcentom na Participatorski GIS (PGIS/PPGIS). Ima GIS (PGIS/PPGIS). He has experienced mapping in iskustva u kartiranju u Keniji i Južnoafričkoj Republici i Kenya and South Africa and currently he serves as an trenutno je urednik editor of Important note: Due to the classroom hardware Važno obaveštenje: Usled ograničenih kapaciteta capacity and number of software licences the number računarske učionice i broja softverskih licenci, broj of participants will be limited to first 20-30 applicants učesnika će biti ograničen na prvih 20-30 učesnika that send formal confirmation that they will attend the koji se formalno prijave slanjem e-mejla da potvrđuju course to the following e-mail address: svoje učešće na sledeću adresu: [email protected] (please, label your [email protected] (molimo da se naslov messages “your surname GIS” in the subject box). poruke naznači na sledeći način: “vaše prezime GIS”) Also, please have in mind that the course (lectures, Takođe, imajte na umu da je seminar (predavanja, exercises, interaction and software interface) will be vežbe, komunikacija i programsko okruženje) na held in English. Students of Department of Engleskom jeziku. Studenti Departmana za Geotechnics, who have assigned the subject Geotehniku, koji su upisali predmet “Geološki “Geological hazards” are obliged to attend the hazardi” su u obavezi da prisustvuju seminaru. course.

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