Movement To Contact Class BOM6105

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Movement To Contact Class BOM6105

Rifle Platoon Reinforced Offense STEX

General Information: You are the 1st Platoon Commander, Co A, 1st Bn, 2nd Mar. Your battalion is located in the Northern Providence of Centralia. The Battalion has been attacking from west to east towards the town of Combat Town. The Battalion has had significant success pushing the EN towards the east. The Battalion has recently defeated a company size element of CRF forces in the vicinity of IOC village and has currently established a Battalion perimeter in order to reorganize and refit before continuing combat operations. The battalion is currently conducting patrolling operations to their east and north.

Orientation: Sandtable Dimensions: 1.5 km x 2.5 km / Approximately 500 meters from hilltop to hilltop DOA: East Firebreak: Unrestricted for tracked vehicles / Restricted for wheeled vehicles Trail: Restricted for tracked & wheeled vehicles Terrain and Vegetation: Virginia, Quantico-like Water Features:  All streams are fordable by foot mobile infantry  Swamp between Hills 350 & 320 is chest deep  Georgetown is off the sandtable to the East

I. Situation:

A. Enemy Situation:

1. Enemy Forces (SALUTE): 6 hours ago, a patrol from 2nd Platoon reported enemy contact in the vic of hill 300. The enemy on hill 300 delayed until they became overwhelmed and withdrew to hill 350. At hill 350, the EN linked up with another fire team sized element who appeared to be set into an ambush position oriented west. At this point the friendly patrol broke contact and returned to the battalion perimeter. A combination of this information and intelligence updates from two scout sniper teams has lead the S-2 Officer to believe that elements of the CRF company the battalion defeated are attempting to reorganize and delay the BN’s advance to Combat town IOT allow them to establish an organized defense in the vicinity of Combat town. The EN are armed with former Soviet block assault weapons (AK-47’s / RPK’s and RPG’s). They do have reliable communication equipment and are capable of calling for and adjusting 82mm mortars. Their exact location is unknown.

2. Enemy’s Capabilities and limitations (DRAW-D): Currently the enemy does not have the capability to defend or attack. Six hours ago they were observed delaying and withdrawing in an attempt to reinforce with elements of the defeated EN company and possibly other CRF elements located to the north of combat town.

3. Enemy’s Most Probable Course of Action (EMPCOA): The enemy is suspected to be deployed in a defense in depth. They are willing to trade space for time in an effort to delay our advance. On contact, it’s expected they will initially respond with a high volume of fire and then attempt to break contact to the East. I do not believe that EN will initially use indirect fire but as the Company move closer to Combat Town the likely hood of this will increase. I believe that the possibility of EN contact before PL Blue is Remote, from PL Blue to Red it is possible, from PL Red to Combat Town it is imminent. B. Friendly Forces:

1. Higher’s Mission and Intent: At 1200, 1/2 clears MSR Blue IOT prevent the EN from reorganizing and establishing a deliberate defense in the vicinity of Combat Town. The BN CO’s endstate is to maintain pressure on the EN and prevent them from reorganizing and establishing a deliberate defense at Combat Town.

2. Adjacent Units

a. North: Co B is clearing Axis Blue North (Fire Break Inclusive) IOT maintain contact with the EN and prevent them from reorganizing and establishing a deliberate defense in the vicinity of Combat Town.

b. South: No friendly units to the south

c. West: The Battalion HQ and reserve (Co C) in the vicinity of IOC village

d. East: No friendly units to the east

3. Supporting:

a. Bravo Battery 1/10 is in DS of the BN, located Vic of LZ Tern (810 759). POF is B, A, C

b. BN 81mm mortar platoon is in GS of Companies A, B, C. They are located vic of LZ Snipe (830 764). Priority of fire is A, B, C. Within the company priority is Advance Guard, Main Body, Rear Guard.

4. Attachments/ Detachments: None

II Mission: At 1200, Co A will conduct a MTC east along MSR Blue IOT prevent the EN from reorganizing and establishing a deliberate defense in the vic on Combat Town. BPT continue offensive operations into Combat Town.

III. Execution:

A. Commander’s Intent: The enemy’s CG is his relatively small size and the resulting maneuverability it affords him. His CV lies in the fact that he has not yet massed his combat power, he lacks mutually supporting prepared positions, he has no combat power when faced with the direct and indirect firepower of a rifle company. I will exploit this vulnerability by rapidly clearing the MSR before he has the opportunity to mass his forces. Endstate – Enemy forces in our zone rendered incapable reorganizing and establishing a deliberate defense in the vic of Combat Town.

1) Concept of Operations:

1. SOM: The company will conduct a movement to contact using an advanced guard, main body, and rear guard east along MSR Blue. There will be a main effort and two supporting efforts. The company’s limit of advance will be the 86 easting. From the IOC village to PL Blue, I believe EN contact remote. The company will travel in a tactical column with no gap between the advanced guard and the main body. As the company reaches PL Blue, I believe that EN contact is possible. At this point the company will deploy guards. We will push a platoon size advanced guard to the front and squad size flank and rear guards. The advanced guard will push 500 meters in front of the main body to provide forward security and advanced warning of EN contact. The flank guards will travel approximately 100 meters to either flank of the main body. The rear guard will travel approximately 100 behind the main body. Once the company reaches PL red I believe EN contact is imminent. The company will deploy into a wedge with the advanced guard 500 meters in front ME on the North and SE#2 to the South, with the HQ element in the middle (see coordinating instructions). I have planned targets on key terrain along our route which will be established and cancelled by the advanced guard platoon.

2. Fire Support Plan: The purpose of my fire support plan is to suppress enemy units on contact IOT allow us to close within small arms range. I have multiple targets to that end:

a. AC 1000: Suspected enemy ambush site (Hill 300), HE, to be fired by BN 81’s, target to be called over BN Mortars TAC. Target to be observed and controlled by the advanced guard platoon commander. b. AC 1001: Suspected enemy ambush site (Hill 350), HE, to be fired by BN 81’s, target to be called over BN Mortars TAC. Target to be observed and controlled by the advanced guard platoon commander.

c. AC 1002: Suspected enemy defensive position, HE Delay, to be fired by BN 81’s, target to be called over BN Mortars TAC. Target to be observed and controlled by the advanced guard platoon commander.

d. AC 1003: Suspected enemy defensive position, HE Delay, to be fired by company 60mm mortar section, target to be called over Company Tac.

3. Tasks:

1st Platoon: You are SE #1: You will be the Advance Guard for the company. At 1200, provide forward security for the company movement to contact IOT allow the company to clear the southern side of MSR Blue. You have one MG squad (with a radio) and Assault Sqd attached, effective immediately. From IOC Village, you will be the lead element of the company that will be traveling in a tactical column. Once PL Blue is reached, you will be approximately 500m in front of the main body. Report all crossings of phase lines; report all enemy contact as soon as possible. You will establish and cancel preplanned targets as you move past them. BPT fix the enemy IOT allow the main body to maneuver. BPT assume the responsibility of the ME.

2nd Platoon: Co Main Effort. Follow in trace of 1st Plt and the Co HQ, in the main body. At 1200, clear the southern side of MSR Blue IOT prevent the EN from reorganizing and establishing a deliberate defense vic Combat Town. Once PL Red is reached you will be on the north side of the Co Wedge. You have 1 MG Sqd and Assault Sqd attached immediately. BPT maneuver and destroy the EN in the event that the advanced guard encounters a platoon size element or larger. BPT assume the role of the advanced guard.

3rd Platoon: Co SE #2. Follow in trace of 1st Plt, Co HQ, and 2nd platoon in the main body. At 1200, clear the southern side of MSR Blue IOT prevent the EN from reorganizing and establishing a deliberate defense vic Combat Town. Once PL Blue has been reached, you will provide one squad for the northern and southern flanks and the rear guard. Once PL Red is reached you will be on the south side of the Co Wedge. You have 1 MG Sqd and Assault Sqd attached immediately. BPT maneuver and destroy the EN in the event that the advanced guard encounters a platoon size element or larger. BPT assume the role of the advanced guard.

Wpns Plt: Attach one MG squad to 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Platoon effective immediately. Attach one Aslt Sqd to 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Platoons.

Mortar Section: You are in GS of the company. You will behind the HQ element. O/O you will establish a mortar firing position IOT provide IDF on targets of opportunity. Priorities of fire are 2nd, 1st, 3rd. 4. Coordinating Instructions:

Order of Movement:

Contact Remote, Possible (from PL Green to PL Red):

Advanced Guard: 1st Platoon HQ Element Mortars 2nd Platoon 3rd Platoon

Contact Imminent (PL RED and beyond):

Advanced Guard: 1st Platoon

2nd Platoon HQ Element, Mortars 3rd Platoon

Time Line:

0800-0900: Platoon Commander Time 0900-0930: Platoon Commander Back Brief of Platoon Orders 0930-1030: Company Rehearsals (ROC Walk) 1030-1130: Platoon Final Inspections 1130-1200: Comm Check 1200: Cross LOD

Priority of Rehearsals during ROC Walk

1. Company Formations 2. Transition between Main Body and Advanced Guard 3. IA Drills 4. Medevac Plan


Phase lines: PL Green: Trail PL Black: Trail PL Red: Stream (South Branch) PL Yellow: Steam (North Branch) Checkpoints: CP 8: Intersection of hill and firebreak CP 4: Intersection of trail and firebreak CP 6: Intersection of stream and firebreak CP 1: Stream Fork CP 9: Hilltop CP 2: Intersection of stream and firebreak Engagement Criteria:

The Advanced Guard will destroy all fire team or squad size elements. Anything smaller will be bypassed. The Advanced Guard platoon commander will deploy his entire platoon to destroy anything squad size. The company will deploy to destroy anything platoon size or larger.

Rotation Criteria:

If the Advance Guard becomes engaged with a squad size element the Advanced Guard will rotate. The ME platoon will assume the role of the advance guard. The Rear guard element will assume the role of the Main Effort and the Advanced Guard will assume the role of the Rear Guard.

Go/ No Go criteria:

If the Advanced Guard platoon loses more than a squad size element due to casualties then rotation criteria will be met and roles will switch. If the Advanced Guard looses communication with the Main Body the rotation criteria will have been met and roles will switch.

Lost Marine Plans: To be determined by the platoon commanders and brief during Platoon Commander back briefs.

Reporting Occasions: As per tasking statements.

No Comm plan: If the advanced guard loses comm, they will rotate and assume the role of the rear guard. At which point they will trouble shoot their comm. The messenger will be sent to inform the Co HQ of this.

IA Drills:

EN Contact Front: Platoon Sized EN Contact Rear Platoon Sized EN Contact Right/ Left Platoon Sized

IV. Administration and Logisitcs

A. Administration

1. EPW’s: All EPW’s will be treated IAW the 5’s and a T. The Co 1st Sgt is the POC for all EPW’s during the MTC. If the Advanced Guard takes EPW’s they will leave security with the EPW’s and they will be picked up by the Co 1st Sgt enroute. If the Company Deploys in the consolidation phase EPW’s will be brought to the 1st Sgt at the 6 O’Clock Position.

2. WIA/KIA: All casualties will be treated by their respective platoon corpsman. The Company GySgt is responsible for all medivacs to BN. If the Advanced Guard sustains casualties, they will be picked up enroute. The Advanced Guard platoon will need to leave Marines with the casualties and give an accurate grid location for the casualties.

B. Logisitics:

1. Ammunition. All Marines will have a standard fighting load: (8) Magazined 5.56mm for all M16 service rifles and (3) drims per SAW. In addition, all M203 grenade launchers will have (3) HEDP and (3) ILA 40mm rounds. Each platoon will have (1) WSC, (1) GSC, (2) HC Smoke Grenades.

2. Chow: All Marines will step off from the AA with (2) DOS of chow 3. Water: All Marines will step off from the AA with (2) full canteens and (1) full camel back.

4. Communications: Each platoon will draw (1) PRC 119’s with three spare batteries.

V. Command and Signal

A. Signal

1. Signal Plan

Event Primary Alternate Tertiary Adv Guard Radio WSP Messenger Engaged by EN Plt Blue on Blue Radio RSC Hand and Arm

2. Frequencies and Callsigns Unit Callsign Frequency BN Tac 1 Saipan 310 BN Tac 2 Saipan 311 BN Log Net Saipan 4 312 BN Mortars Saipan Mortars 200 Company Tac Godfather 112 Company Mortars Godfather Mortars 120 1st Platoon Tac Red 113 2nd Platoon Tac White 114 3rd Platoon Tac Blue 115 Weapons Platoon Tac Tan 116 Co GySgt Godfather 7 117 Bravo, 1/10 Brimstone 176

3. Challenge and Password Primary: Lantern/Blacksmith Alternate: Numbers adding up to 9 Running: Chessboard

4. Location of the CEOI. All CEOI’s shall be retained in the left shoulder pocket by all Plt Commanders, Plt Sgts, Plt Guides, and RTO’s.

B. Command

1. Location of Key Leaders: The BN COC is location at IOC Village. The Co Guide, Wpns Plt Cmdr, Co 1st Sgt and Co GySgt are located in the HQ element within the MTC Formation. Co XO is located with 2nd Platoon. Co Cmdr is located within the HQ element.

2. Succession of Command: XO, ME Plt Cmdr, SE #2 Plt Cmdr, Advanced Guard Plt Cmdr

Time is 0730 and questions?

Instructions to Students: Come to the O-STEX prepared with the following. Be ready to brief and participate. 1. A thorough estimate of the situation (METT-T) 2. A platoon defense Fragmentation order (Partial Order to include detailed EMPCOA, Paragraphs 2 and 3, 4 & 5) 3. A detailed tasking statement for attachments

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