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Protection District

Pioneer Fire Protection District


Approved and Adopted: June 14, 2016

Pioneer Fire Protection District Board Policy & Procedures Manual Rev. 8/2017 Page 1 CONTENTS Introduction Mission Statement

Section II General Policies

1.1 Government by Policy 1.2 Board Policies 1.3 Policy Adoption, Repeal, Changes and Review

Section II Board of Directors

2.1 Basis of Authority 2.2 Membership of the Board 2.3 Code of Ethics 2.4 Conflict of Interest Code of Conduct 2.5 Orientation 2.6 Delegation of Authority 2.7 Fire Chief Delegation 2.8 Vice-Chair Duties 2.9 Fire Chief Evaluation Process 2.10 Legal Counsel

Section III Board Meetings

3.1 Attendance at Meetings 3.2 Board Meetings - General 3.3 Agenda 3.4 Meeting Minutes and Public Records 3.5 Conduct of Meetings 3.6 Special Meetings 3.7 Emergency Meetings 3.8 Study Sessions 3.9 Standing Committees 3.10 Ad Hoc Committees 3.11 Closed Sessions 3.12 Quorum 3.13 Compensation and Reimbursements 3.14 Board Vacancies 3.15 Board Elections

Section IV Personnel

4.1 Management of Personnel 4.2 Collective Bargaining Agreement 4.3 Sunshine Policy 4.4 Grievance and Appeal 4.5 District Awards

Pioneer Fire Protection District Board Policy & Procedures Manual Rev. 8/2017 Page 2 CONTENTS

Section IV Personnel

4.6 Resident Firefighter Program 4.7 Discriminatory and or Sexual Harassment

Section V Operations

5.1 Approval of Contracts 5.2 Authorization of Standard Procedures 5.3 Fixed Asset Accounting 5.4 Request to Examine Public Records 5.5 Request for Agenda Subscription 5.6 Use of Buildings and Facilities 5.7 Petty Cash Fund 5.8 Purchasing 5.9 Budget and Budget Process

Pioneer Fire Protection District Board Policy & Procedures Manual Rev. 8/2017 Page 3


This policy manual is specifically designed to cover the actions and activities of the Board. It was approved and adopted at the regular Board meeting on

Future amendments to this and all policy manuals will be recorded in the administration department at the District Office, Station 38.


The Pioneer Fire Protection District Strives to provide cost effective, professional, quality emergency response for the protection of life and property equitably within the District.

Pioneer Fire Protection District Board Policy & Procedures Manual Rev. 8/2017 Page 4 SECTION I – GENERAL POLICIES

1.1 Government by Policy

The Pioneer Fire Protection District Board ("Board") recognizes that one of its major functions is to serve as the policy-making body of the Pioneer Fire Protection District ("District"), and to govern the activities and shape the future of the District. At the same time, the Board preserves for the District Fire Chief ("Chief") and the professional staff the responsibility of the day-to-day administration of the District in a manner consistent with the policies and rules of the Board.

It is therefore the intent of the Board of this District to set forth a series of policies and Board rules to govern the conduct and deliberations of the business conducted by the Board and to serve as a guide for the professional staff in carrying out the daily functions of the District.

1.2 Board Policies

It is the intent of the Board to be governed by a set of policies. The policies and rules shall be adopted by the Board and made available as public documents.

The policies and rules of the Board shall be drafted, adopted and amended with full consideration for the Board's desire to provide fire and life safety protection of the best obtainable quality for the residents of the District, within the limitations of the District's ability to support it.

The Board, as the governing body representing the people of the District, determines all questions of policy to be employed in the operation of the District.

In the event that a Board Policy is found to be in conflict with state or federal law or the rules of a higher authority that portion of such policy is automatically null and void without Board action.

1.3 Policy Adoption, Repeal, Changes and Review

In its deliberations leading to the establishment or amendment of Board policy or rules, the Boards central concern will be for increased efficiency and effectiveness in carrying out its legally mandated tasks and general policies in the interest of the public good.

The District recognizes that all Board policies shall remain flexible and be subject to review and change.

In order to provide consistency, stability and integrity to Board policies, changes in policies, except in the case of emergency, shall be executed in a precise manner without undue haste or delay.

Adoption, changes, additions to and deletions from or repeal of the established policies shall be accomplished by a simple majority vote of the Board. A two-step action, with steps separated by no fewer than 28 days, is required. Introduction, discussion and deliberation shall constitute the first step. A ratification vote shall be required at a second meeting.

If disagreement over the application, extent, or interpretation of a policy arises, the resolution of the conflict will be based on the majority opinion of the Board. If such an interpretation is deemed to have future significance, an amendment to the applicable policy, as a Board rule, shall clearly specify the intent of the Board in interpreting the policy Pioneer Fire Protection District Board Policy & Procedures Manual Rev. 8/2017 Page 5 In the event that an emergency is deemed to exist, and said emergency is recorded in the official minutes and agreed to by a majority of the Board members, a policy can be changed, suspended, added to, or deleted from in the course of a single meeting.

An emergency shall be defined as an unforeseen circumstance requiring immediate action so as to prevent diminishment of the welfare of the District.

The assembled policies of the Board, known collectively as the Board Policy Manual, shall be the reference instrument for conducting the business of the Board.

Pioneer Fire Protection District Board Policy & Procedures Manual Rev. 8/2017 Page 6 SECTION II -- BOARD OF DIRECTORS

2.1 Basis of Authority

The Board is the unit of authority within the District. Apart from their normal function as a part of this unit, Directors have no individual authority. As individuals, Directors may not commit the District to any policy, act or expenditure. Directors do not represent any fractional segment of the community, but are rather, a part of the body which represents and acts for the community as a whole.

Pioneer Fire Protection District is organized and operated in accordance with the existing laws of the State of California, Health and Safety, Part 2.7, known as the Fire Protection District Law of 1961. Henceforth this organization shall be known as the Pioneer Fire Protection District of El Dorado County, (hereafter referred to as the District), under which all business shall be conducted.

The Board Chair shall normally preside at meetings of the Board. In the absence of the Board Chair, the Board Vice-Chair shall preside. In the absence of both the Chair and the Vice-Chair, the first order of business at the Board meeting shall be the appointment, by the Board members present, of a presiding Board member to chair the meeting.

The Board shall hire a Chief who shall serve at the pleasure of the Board. The Board may enter into a contract with the Chief specifying additional terms and conditions of employment. The organization, staffing and conditions of employment shall be set forth by the Board.

2.2 Membership of the Board

The Board of the District shall consist of five (5) members serving four-year, staggered terms. A resident of the District who is a registered voter over 18 years of age shall be eligible to serve as a Board member. The election of the Board members shall be conducted as provided by California Law.

During the month of December of each year the Board shall meet for the purpose of electing a Chairman, Vice- Chairman, Secretary and such other officers as may be deemed necessary. Such officers will be elected to serve for the following calendar year. Further, such officers of the Board of the District shall not simultaneously hold office and be a contractor or employee of the District. Further, no member of the Board shall be a full time paid employee of the District for a period of one year following termination of his/her term of elective office. Officers elected to fill a non expired term shall serve until the end of the predecessor's term. A member of the Board shall also comply with all State laws and District conflict of interest policies as may be adopted from time to time.

When a District election is to be held for the purpose of electing members to the Board, the election officer shall cause to be published in accordance with California Law (see Appendix Ill) the following information:

- The date of the election;

- The Board positions to be voted upon;

- The latest date candidates may file for office.

The County Elections Department has total responsibility for the conduct and administration of District elections Pioneer Fire Protection District Board Policy & Procedures Manual Rev. 8/2017 Page 7

2.3 Code of Ethics

The Board of Directors of Pioneer Fire Protection District is committed to providing excellence in legislative leadership those results in the provision of the highest quality services to its constituents. In order to assist in the governance of the behavior between and among members of the Board of Directors, the following shall be observed.

The District is required by law (AB 1234 Chapter 700, Stats of 2005) to provide ethics training every two years to their board of directors. Board members are encouraged to use a free ethics training course available through the Internet. AB 1234 Training for Local Officials in lieu of physical attendance at a workshop to satisfy this training requirement. New directors must complete this training within three months of taking office.

The primary responsibility of the Board of Directors is the formulation and evaluation of policy. The needs of the entire District's constituents should be the priority of the Board of Directors. All individuals should work together in the collaborative process, assisting each other in conducting the affairs of the District Directors should function as a part of the whole. Issues should be brought to the attention of the Board as a whole, rather than to individual members selectively

The dignity, style, values and opinions of each Director shall be respected.

Responsiveness and attentive listening in communication is encouraged. Directors should commit themselves to focusing on issues. The presentation of the opinions of others should be encouraged. The work of the District is a team effort. Differing viewpoints are healthy in the decision-making process. Individuals have the right to disagree with ideas and opinions, but without being disrespectful. Once the Board of Directors takes action, Directors should commit to supporting said action and not to create barriers to the implementation of said action

Each board member has a responsibility to attend all regular and special board meetings, to accept assignment to committees and faithfully perform committee duties. Board members should provide courtesy notification to the board chair of known absences, expected late arrival or early departure from any scheduled meeting;

Routine matters concerning the operational aspects of the District are to be delegated to professional staff members of the District; Directors should practice the following procedures:

- In seeking clarification on informational items, Directors may directly approach professional staff members, with notification to the chief, to obtain information needed to supplement, upgrade, or enhance their knowledge to improve legislative decision-making.

- In handling complaints from residents, property owners of the District, or from District personnel, said complaints should be referred directly to the chief.

- In handling items related to safety, concerns for safety or hazards should be reported to the chief or to a paid- staff member of the District office. Emergency situations should be dealt with immediately by seeking appropriate assistance.

When responding to constituent requests and concerns Directors should be courteous, responding to individuals in a positive manner and routing their questions through appropriate channels and to responsible management personnel.

Pioneer Fire Protection District Board Policy & Procedures Manual Rev. 8/2017 Page 8 Directors should develop a working relationship with the chief and administrative staff wherein current issues, concerns and District projects can be discussed comfortably and openly.

Board members shall refrain from endorsement of political candidates or ballot measures using their district board titles unless deemed appropriate and approved by the Board.

The acceptance of any gratuity in any form by a Director from a vendor or contractor or prospective vendor or contractor is prohibited and shall be cause for disciplinary action.

2.4 Conflict of Interest — Code of Conduct


The purpose of this policy is to establish compliance with legal requirements. As a public agency, including fire district governing boards, the District is required to adopt a conflict of interest code in compliance with Government Code 97300-87313.


The district Conflict of Interest Code shall comprise the terms of the California Code of Regulations, Title 2, 18730 and any amendments to it duly adopted by the Fair Political Practices Commission, together with attachments specifying designated positions and disclosure categories.

Governing Board members shall adhere to the District Conflict of Interest Code adopted pursuant to the provisions of Government Code 87300.

The code reviewing body is the Board of Supervisors of the county in which the District is located if the District is located entirely in one county. The Fair Political Practices Commission is the code reviewing body for fire districts with jurisdiction in more than one county. (Government Code 82011)

Code Requirements

Board members and designated employees shall file statements of economic interest with the District. The District's filing officer shall make and retain a copy and forward the original to the appropriate code reviewing body. (Government Code 82011)

Board members shall not be financially interested in any contract made by the Board or in any contract they make in their capacity as Board members. (Government Code 82011).

A Board member shall not be deemed to be financially interested in a contract between the Board and the Board member's minor child as long as the Board member's interest in the contract is disclosed to the Board and noted in the minutes of the Board. The Board member shall abstain from voting on the contract and shall not attempt to influence other members of the Board to approve the contract. (Government Code 1091)

A Board member shall not be deemed to be financially interested in a contract between the Board member's spouse and the district, provided the Board member's spouse has been employed by the district for at least one year prior to the Board member's election or appointment. (Government Code 1091.5)

Pioneer Fire Protection District Board Policy & Procedures Manual Rev. 8/2017 Page 9 A Board member shall not be considered to be financially interested in a contract if any of the exceptions set forth in Government Code 1091.5 apply.

A Board member who maintains a remote interest in any contract considered by the Board shall disclose the interest during a Board meeting and have the disclosure noted in the official Board minutes. "Remote interests" shall be those defined in Government Code 1091. The affected Board member shall not vote or debate on the matter or attempt to influence any other Board member to enter into the contract.

In accordance with Government Code 1126:

A local agency officer or employee shall not engage in any employment, activity, or enterprise for compensation which is inconsistent, incompatible, in conflict with, or inimical to this duty as a local agency officer or employee or with the duties, functions or responsibilities of his/her appointing power or the agency by which s/he is employed. Such officer or employee shall not perform any work, service or counsel for compensation outside of his/her local agency employment where a part of his/her efforts will be subject to approval by any other officer, employee, board or commission of his/her employing body, unless otherwise approved in the following manner:

Each appointing power may determine, subject to approval of the local agency, those outside activities which, for employees under its jurisdiction, are inconsistent with, incompatible to, or in conflict with their duties as local agency officers or employees. An employee's outside employment, activity or enterprise may be prohibited if it:

Involves the pursuit for private gain or advantage of his/her local agency time, facilities, equipment and supplies; or the prestige or influence of his/her local agency office or employment or

Involves receipt or acceptance by the officer or employee of any money or other consideration from anyone other than his/her local agency for the performance of an act which the officer or employee, if not performing such act, would be required or expected to render in the regular course or hours of his/her local agency employment or as a part of his/her duties as a local agency officer or employee or

Involves the performance of an act in other than his/her capacity as a local agency officer or employee or the agency by which s/he is employed or

Involves such time demands as would render performance of his/her duties as a local agency officer or employee less efficient.

The local agency may adopt rules governing the application of this section. Such rules shall include provision for notice to employees of the determination of prohibited activities, of disciplinary action to be taken against employees for engaging in prohibited activities, and for appeal by employees from such a determination and from its application to an employee.

2.5 Orientation

The Board Chair and the Chief are responsible for the appropriate orientation and training of new Board members.

The Chief, in cooperation with a Board member, shall schedule a work session for new Board members to acquaint them with the facilities, equipment and personnel and to provide copies of an overview of

Pioneer Fire Protection District Board Policy & Procedures Manual Rev. 8/2017 Page 10  Fire Board Policy Manual  The Brown Act  Standard Operating Procedures and Statement s of Policy  District territory and boundaries  District Rules and Regulations  Major contracts  Fair Political Practices Commission

2.6 Delegation of Authority

The Board has primary responsibility for the approval of District plans and procedures and for the appraisal of the ways in which these decisions are implemented and results obtained. The Board recognizes its authority to delegate specific responsibilities to the Chief for the implementation of the programs and services of the District.

The Board will approve a position description for the Chief according to District Policy. The Board will negotiate and enter into a contract with the Chief which specifies the terms and conditions of employment. The Fire Chief shall serve as the Executive Officer of the Fire District. Responsibilities of the Fire Chief may include:

1. Preparing the agenda in collaboration with the Board Chair for each meeting, attending all Board meetings, unless excused, and participating in deliberations of the Board as required.

2. Bringing to the attention of the Board matters requiring its consideration.

3. Reporting periodically to the Board on the progress of the programs in the District.

4. Addressing personnel, financial and capital improvement matters under the direction of the Board.

5. Reporting to the Board, appointments, demotions, transfers, and dismissals in accordance with the policies of the Board as applicable. 6. Provide for succession planning for management and personnel within the District, as needed, to ensure that the District’s long term goals and objectives are met. The Fire Chief will provide the District Board with updates on succession planning activities as part of fiscal year end reporting. All such reports shall be made no later than the regularly scheduled Board meeting in August of each year.

7. District liaison to the El Dorado West Slope County Joint Powers Authority (JPA). When action must be taken within the District where the Board has provided no guidelines for administrative action, the Chief shall have the power to act, but the decisions shall be subject to review by the Board at its next regular meeting. It shall be the duty of the Chief to inform the Board promptly of such action and of the possible need for a policy or rule.

Pioneer Fire Protection District Board Policy & Procedures Manual Rev. 8/2017 Page 11 2.7 Fire Chief Delegation

 In seeking clarification on informational items, Chair or designee may directly approach the Fire Chief or appropriate staff to obtain information needed to supplement, upgrade, or enhance their knowledge to improve legislative decision-making.  In handling complaints from residents and property owners of the  District, said complaints shall be referred directly to the Fire Chief. Any complaints regarding the Chief should go the Board Chair or designee. In handling items related to safety, concerns for safety, or hazards shall be reported to Fire Chief an appointed designee.

2.8 Vice Chair Duties

The Vice Chair shall serve as acting Chair in the absence or temporary disability of the Chair. The Vice Chair shall become Chair upon the death, resignation, or removal of the Chair.

2.9 Fire Chief Evaluation Process Add the process to manual


Directors are responsible for monitoring the Fire Chief’s progress in attaining District goals and objectives, while pursuing its mission.

The Board shall establish a process for evaluating the Fire Chief and establish an ad-hoc committee to carry out the evaluation process. The evaluation process is reviewed at the regular December Board meeting for any modifications prior to beginning the actual review process. See Appendix E for details.

2.10 Legal Counsel

It shall be the responsibility of the District Board to select legal counsel to represent the legal needs of the District. The Board shall recognize its responsibility to seek the advice of legal counsel whenever it is unclear regarding legal questions or whenever an action being considered by the Board may place the District in legal jeopardy.

Legal counsel for the District shall be in attendance for regular fire board meetings when legal advice, contract consultation and for closed session interactions deem it necessary by the Board Chair or the Chief.

In keeping with District Policy and fiscal responsibility, all legal counsel contact shall have prior approval by the Board Chair and/ or Chief for matters requiring a legal interpretation.

Pioneer Fire Protection District Board Policy & Procedures Manual Rev. 8/2017 Page 12 SECTION III -- BOARD MEETINGS

3.1 Attendance at Meetings

Members of the Board shall attend all regular and special meetings of the Board unless there is good cause for absence.

Pursuant to California State Law, a vacancy shall occur if any member ceases to discharge the duty of his/her office for the period of three consecutive months except as authorized by the Board or any of the following:

- The death of the incumbent.

- An adjudication pursuant to a quo warranto proceeding declaring that the incumbent is physically or mentally incapacitated due to disease, illness or accident that the incumbent would not be able to perform the duties of his or her office.

- His or her resignation.

His or her removal from office.

- Place of residence moves from the District.

- A conviction for a felony or any offense involving a violation of his or her official duties.

- Refusal or neglect to file his or her required oath or bond within the time prescribed.

- The decision of a competent tribunal declaring void his or her election or appointment.

3.2 Board Meetings - General

Meetings, Place and Time

The Board shall hold a regular meeting every second Tuesday of the month at Headquarters Station 38 unless otherwise announced. Notice of any meetings shall be made to all Board members, staff, representative of the Local and any party requesting copies of meeting agendas.


In accordance with the California Government Code, the Board members shall comply with the code regulations regarding the calling and posting of meetings by the Board. Such meetings are defined as; Regular Meetings (Section 54954.2), Special Meetings (Section 54956), and Emergency Meetings (Section 54956.5).


An agenda shall be prepared as specified in Policy 3.3 for all Board meetings and shall be delivered with the notice of the special meeting to those specified above. Agendas will be posted at the three post offices in the District and at station 38.

Pioneer Fire Protection District Board Policy & Procedures Manual Rev. 8/2017 Page 13 Only those items of business listed in the call for the special meeting shall be considered by the Board at any special meeting. No closed session may be held during an emergency special meeting, and all other rules governing special meetings shall be observed with the exception of the 24-hour notice.

Adjourned Meetings

A majority vote by the Board of Directors may terminate any Board meeting at any place in the agenda to any time and place specified in the order of adjournment, except that if no Directors are present at any regular or adjourned regular meeting, the Chair may declare the meeting adjourned to a stated time and place, and he/she shall cause a written notice of adjournment to be given to those specified above.

Annual Organizational Meeting

The Board of Directors shall hold an annual organizational meeting at its regular meeting in December. At this meeting the Board will elect a Chair, Vice Chair and Secretary from among its members to serve during the 12 month period beginning in the following January.


The minutes of any meeting, a distribution list, a copy of the roll call vote(s), and any actions taken at such meeting shall be posted for a minimum of ten days in the District office as soon after the meeting as possible. Staff shall ensure that appropriate information is available for the audience at meetings of the Board of Directors and that physical facilities for said meetings are functional and appropriate to include taping of all, except closed, meetings.

3.3 Agenda

The purpose of this policy is to provide the Board with adequate information to make thoughtful deliberations on all issues.

Staff Responsibilities for Preparing the Agenda

The items that shall consistently appear on the agenda are roll call, flag salute, pledge of allegiance, adoption of the agenda, public comment other than agenda items, approval of minutes, finance, review of correspondence, Chief's Report, Association's Report, Directors' Report, agenda items for the next month, and adjournment.

Each agenda item requiring Board action shall have a written report including a description of the issue, background, recommendation, and fiscal impact. This written report shall be included in the Board agenda packet and be mailed or hand delivered to each Board member.

The agenda packet shall be made available to the Directors no later than the Thursday preceding the regular Board meeting.

All items that require annual or semi-annual review shall be placed on the agenda 3 months prior to the review date.

Pioneer Fire Protection District Board Policy & Procedures Manual Rev. 8/2017 Page 14 Board Members Responsibilities

All Board committees are responsible for preparing a written report detailing their recommendation. Such report shall be shared with staff no later than noon on the Thursday prior to the packet being mailed out and shall be placed on the agenda for Board action. This is particularly important for those occasions when staff is not present at the committee meetings.

Any Board member shall notice the Chairperson, but may agenda any matter without prior approval of the Chairperson or any other person. The agenda matter shall be submitted with supporting documentation to staff no later than the Monday preceding the board meeting.

Public Input

Any member of the public may request that a matter directly related to the District business be placed on the agenda of a regularly scheduled meeting of the Board of Directors subject to the following conditions:  The request must be in writing and submitted to the staff together with supporting documents and information, if any, at least seven business days prior to the date of the meeting.

 The staff shall be the sole judge of whether the public request is or is not a "matter directly related to District business". The public member requesting the agenda item may appeal the staff's decision at the next regular meeting of the Board of Directors. The Board may, by a two thirds majority vote (or a unanimous vote of those remaining if two thirds of the Board is not present) add the item to that meeting's agenda if the Board determines that there is a need to resolve the issue immediately and that it could not reasonably wait until the Board's next regular meeting. Any director may request that the item be placed on the agenda of the Board's regular meeting.  No matter which is legally a proper subject for consideration by the Board in closed session will be accepted under this policy.  The Board of Directors may place limitations on the total time to be devoted to a public request issue at any meeting and may limit the time allowed for any one person to speak on the issue at the meeting. This policy does not prevent the Board from taking testimony at regular and special meetings of the Board on matters which are not on the agenda which a member of the public may wish to bring before the Board. However, the Board shall not discuss or take action on such matters at that meeting.

Chairperson of the Board Responsibilities

The Chairperson of the Board of Directors or designee shall be responsible to review the draft agenda packet to ensure compliance with these policies. This review shall occur on Thursday preceding the Regular Board Meeting.


Emergency items, as defined by the Brown Act, will be exempted. For the purpose of adequate review and study, nothing in these policies shall preclude distributing agenda material or reports at anytime prior to its consideration at the Board meeting. The agenda for all meetings shall be posted as required by policy 3.2

Pioneer Fire Protection District Board Policy & Procedures Manual Rev. 8/2017 Page 15 3.4 Meeting Minutes and Public Records

The minutes of the meetings of the Board shall be maintained in the Administration Office of the District and shall provide for information as required by law and Board policies.

The Board Secretary or staff designee shall record all proceedings of the Board meetings and file these in chronological order in a book provided for that purpose.

The official minutes of Board meetings, including supporting documents, shall be open to inspection by the public at the office of the Chief during regular business hours. Minutes of closed sessions are not subject to this provision in accordance with the Brown Act.

The District recognizes the right of any member of the public to inspect nonexempt public records, limited only by rules of reasonableness, and in accordance with guidelines established by California State Law. When access to District records is granted, examination will be made in the presence of the record custodian regularly responsible for maintenance of the files or by the Chief or a staff member designated by the Chief.

In accordance with the Public Records Law, certain records, such as closed session minutes and personnel records are not included in the category of records to which the right of access is to be granted by the District.

The Secretary of the Board shall keep minutes of all regular and special meetings and standing committees of the Board.

Copies of said minutes shall be made for distribution to Directors with the agenda for the next regular Board meeting.

The official typed minutes of the regular and special meetings and standing committees of the Board shall be kept in a secure place with easy access for the public review during normal business hours.

The official records of the meetings are the approved typed minutes.

Motions, resolutions or ordinances shall be recorded as having passed or failed and individual votes will be recorded unless the action was unanimous.

All resolutions and ordinances adopted by the Board shall be numbered consecutively starting new at the beginning of each calendar year.

The minutes of Board meetings shall be maintained as hereinafter outlined:

 Date, place and type of each meeting;  Directors present and absent by name;  Call to order;  Arrival of tardy Directors by name;  Pre-adjournment departure of Directors by name, or if absence takes place when any agenda items are acted upon; adjournment of the meeting; record of written notice of special meetings; and, record of items to be considered at special meetings.

Pioneer Fire Protection District Board Policy & Procedures Manual Rev. 8/2017 Page 16 Board Actions:

 Approval or amended approval of the minutes of preceding meetings;  Complete information as to each subject of the Board's deliberation;  Complete information as to each subject including the roll call record of the vote on a motion if not unanimous;  All Board resolutions and ordinances in complete context, numbered  A record of all contracts entered into;  All employments and resignations or terminations of employment within the District;  A record of all bid procedures, including calls for bids authorized, bids received and other action taken;  A record by number of all warrants approved for payment;  Adoption of the annual budget;  Financial reports, including collections received and deposited and sales of District property, shall be presented to the Board every month;  A record of all important correspondence;  A record of the Chiefs report to the Board;  Approval of all policies and Board-adopted regulations.

3.5 Conduct of Meetings

The Board encourages the participation of members of the public in its meetings. Participants in the Board proceedings are encouraged to be courteous and respectful. The Board expects to hear differing opinions and points of view during the course of its deliberations. Meetings shall be conducted according to Robert's Rules of Order, the Brown Act, as amended, and this policy, unless the Board, by majority vote, adopts other rules. These rules shall be made available to the public before any and all meetings.

Order of Business

The agenda as prescribed in policy No. 3.3 will be followed. After the opening procedures the usual order of business is to allow for public comments on items not on the agenda. The Consent Calendar will be considered next with any item that either the public or member of the Board wish to discuss will be relocated for later consideration.

Public Hearing

Each additional item on the agenda will be considered with the usual order of the public hearing for each agenda item as follows. The item is announced and the sponsoring person or organization report and recommendation is presented. The public hearing is opened and each person requesting to speak on the agenda item is called to testify.

Anyone addressing the Board shall be advised that the proceedings are being recorded and that presentations must be made from the podium provided. All presenters shall begin by stating their name.

The Board may limit the total time allowed for each speaker and the total time allowed for each agenda item. The usual time limit for each speaker is three minutes. Speakers are allowed to speak once on any agenda item unless the Board approves additional time. Members of the Board may ask follow-up questions of the speaker with such time not counted in the limitations.

Pioneer Fire Protection District Board Policy & Procedures Manual Rev. 8/2017 Page 17 Action

The public hearing is then closed and the Board discusses the item and/or takes action on the matter. The Board may request additional information from any party who addressed the Board on the agenda item under consideration. The Board may reschedule or continue items on the agenda.


Regular Meetings shall be held on the second Tuesday of each month at 6:00 p.m. at Station 38 or other locations as scheduled. To facilitate public participation Special Meetings shall be held during the evening hours unless the Board elects otherwise.

The announcement of all Closed Sessions will refer to the appropriate section Of the Brown Act authorizing such sessions.

3.6 Special Meetings

The Presiding Officer of the Board or a majority of the legislative body may call a Special Meeting. A majority may meet without providing notice to the public in order to call a Special Meeting and prepare the agenda; however, only discussion of the actual agenda items may occur. Notice of a Special Meeting must be provided 24 hours in advance of the meeting to all of the legislative body members and to all persons and media who have requested notification. The notice also must be posted at least 24 hours prior to the meeting in a location freely accessible to the public. Notice is required even if the meeting is conducted in closed session. Minutes are required for Special Meetings.

3.7 Emergency Meetings

An Emergency Meeting may be called by the District Board if a work stoppage, crippling activity, or other activity severely impairs public health or safety. Alternatively, the legal body may determine a dire emergency exists, such as a crippling disaster, mass destruction, terrorist act, or threatened terrorist activity that poses immediate and significant peril. All of the special meeting provisions apply to emergency meetings, except for the 24-hour notice requirement.

3.8 Study Sessions

Study sessions may be scheduled from time to time to allow the Board to focus closely on a particular subject. The notice and agenda requirements for a Study Session are the same as those for a regular Board meeting. A Study Session may be a closed meeting if it meets the requirements. No minutes are required for a Study Session. No action may be taken at a Study Session except providing direction to staff.

3.9 Standing Committees

Standing Committees may meet monthly or as necessary with regard to their respective responsibilities and/or duties. Agendas shall be noticed and published in the same manner as Regular meetings. Reports, findings, and recommendations may be forwarded to the full Board for its

Pioneer Fire Protection District Board Policy & Procedures Manual Rev. 8/2017 Page 18 consideration. As with all Committees, the maximum number of directors that may be on a standing committee is two. No minutes are required from a standing committee.

3.10 Ad Hoc Committees

Ad hoc committees shall meet as necessary in accordance with their specific mission and purpose. An Ad hoc committee generally has a limited purpose and/or a limited span or time frame. These committees exist as long as necessary to accomplish their goal after which they are disbanded. There are no notice or agenda requirements for ad hoc committees. As with all Committees, the maximum number of directors that may be on an ad hoc committee is two. No minutes are required from an ad hoc committee.

3.11 Closed Sessions

A Closed Session is a part of a meeting where no member of the public may be present. Only the following topics are grounds for calling a closed session Government Code Section 54954.5: • Personnel Matters: Appoint, employ, evaluate performance, discipline, dismiss or release an employee; • Conference with legal counsel regarding pending or existing litigation; • Labor Negotiations; • Real Property Negotiations; • Liability Claims; • Conference with law enforcement regarding Public Security; • License Application by persons with criminal record.

The Brown Act states that the legislative body of any local agency shall publicly report actions taken in closed session as well as the vote or abstention on that action of every member present, when the body acts to do one of the following:

1. Approve an agreement concluding real estate negotiations. 2. Grant legal counsel permission to defend litigation. 3. Grant legal counsel permission regarding settlement of litigation. 4. Act to appoint, employ, dismiss, accept the resignation of, or otherwise affect the employment status of a public employee. 5. Act to approve an agreement concluding labor negotiations. 6. Make a decision regarding a pension fund investment transaction.

3.12 Quorum

A quorum is the minimum number of members of a d e l ib era t ive bo d y necessary to conduct the business of the Fire District Board. Three members of the five-member Board must be physically present within the District to conduct District business

3.13 Compensation and Reimbursement

The Board members receive no compensation for attendance at meetings. However, Board members are covered under the District's Workers Compensation policy.

Pioneer Fire Protection District Board Policy & Procedures Manual Rev. 8/2017 Page 19 The Board shall reimburse Board members for reasonable expenses actually incurred while on District business. Such reimbursement shall extend only to the bona fide expenses of Board members, and shall not include recompense for a spouse's or companion's costs. Each Board member shall present a statement, supported by appropriate documentation, before reimbursement is made.

3.14 Board Vacancies

Pursuant to California State Law, a vacancy on the Board shall occur if any member ceases to discharge the duty of his/her office for the period of three (3) consecutive months except as authorized by the Board of Directors or any of the following: The death of the incumbent.

1. An adjudication pursuant to a quo warrantor proceeding declaring that the incumbent is physically or mentally incapacitated due to disease, illness, or accident that the incumbent would not be able to perform the duties of his or her office. 2. His/her resignation. 3. His/her removal from office. 4. Place of residence outside the District. 5. A conviction of a felony or any offense involving a violation of his/her official duties. 6. Refusal or neglect to file his/her required oath or bond within the time prescribed. 7. The decision of a competent tribunal declaring void his/her election or appointment. 8. His/her commitment to a hospital or sanitarium by a court of competent jurisdiction as a drug addict, dipsomaniac, inebriate, or stimulant addict; but in that event the office shall not be deemed vacant until the order of commitment has become final. Filling vacancies in the office of Director shall be in accordance with California Law. Generally, vacancies may be filled by appointment (by the current Board) or by special election. The position may also be left vacant until the next election.

3.15 Board Elections

When a District election is to be held for the purpose of electing members to the District Board, the elections officer shall cause the following information to be published in accordance with California Law:

1. The date of the election; 2. The Board positions to be voted upon; 3. The latest date candidates may file for office.

The County Clerk, serving as elections officer, has total responsibility for the conduct and administration of District elections.

Pioneer Fire Protection District Board Policy & Procedures Manual Rev. 8/2017 Page 20 SECTION IV – PERSONNEL

4.1 Management of Personnel

The purpose of this policy is to establish the management of all personnel within the District.

The Chief is delegated the authority to hire and terminate personnel within the District Personnel hiring shall be done consistent with the Organization Chart approved by the Board. Compensation rates shall be established annually along with basic terms and conditions of employment. All recruits and appointments of volunteer firefighters and associated volunteer groups shall be made through the Chief.

It is the policy of the Board to engage in discussions for the purpose of reaching agreements with recognized employee groups and individual employees, as required in the Brown Act. The Board reserves to itself, or to the following, the responsibility of negotiating:

- A designee - A contract negotiator - A Fire Board Personnel Committee - The Fire Chief

The final ratification will be with the Board.

4.2 Collective Bargaining Agreement

It is the policy of the District Board to engage in discussions for the purpose of reaching agreements with recognized employee groups (Represented Safety, Represented Miscellaneous, Unrepresented Safety, Unrepresented Confidential and Chief Officers), as required in the Meyers Milas-Brown Act. The District Board may engage in negotiations itself but reserves the right to delegate to a designee the responsibility of negotiating with employee groups. During contract negotiations a Board member should limit communication with the bargaining group on matters pertaining to the negotiation. Board members shall not negotiate directly with represented labor groups and cannot agree to anything as an individual or on behalf of the Board while bargaining is underway.

The Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) is entered into by and between the PIONEER FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT (District), a California Special District and the PIONEER PROFESSIONAL FIREFIGHTERS ASSOCIATION, LOCAL 4586 OF THE INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF FIREFIGHTERS (Union), pursuant to Government Code 3500, et seq.

The MOUs, including side letters to such, is of no force or in effect in regard to matters within the authority of the District Board of Directors until such matters are submitted to, and accepted by, the District Board of Directors.

4.3 Sunshine Policy

It is Board Policy to be open and transparent in accordance with the law. Accordingly, any collectively bargained labor agreement between the District and a recognized employee association shall be made publicly available for thirty (30) days before the meeting at which the agreement will be acted on by the Board of Directors. Pioneer Fire Protection District Board Policy & Procedures Manual Rev. 8/2017 Page 21 4.4 Grievance and Appeal


This policy provides the means for employees, recognized employee organizations, and management to solve grievances in an orderly manner within a reasonable time period. It provides methods of administering employer-employee relations through the establishment of uniform and orderly methods of communication between employees and management.

Grievance is a claim, charge, or dispute involving the following: — The interpretation or application of any District rule, regulation, ordinance, resolution affecting employee's wages, hours, or conditions of work; — Alleged unlawful employment discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, political belief, physical handicap, medical condition, age, national origin, marital status, and gender.

This grievance procedure as defined herein shall not apply to any employee for any disciplinary action.

Employee Definition

This policy shall apply to all employees in all classifications. Employees include paid and non-paid personnel.

Grievance Process

Step One

Preliminary Informal Resolution

Any employee who believes he/she has a grievance shall present the evidence thereof orally to his/her immediate supervisor within five working days after the employee knew, or reasonably should have known, of the circumstances which form the basis for the alleged grievance. The immediate supervisor shall hold discussions and attempt to resolve the matter within three working days after the presentation of such evidence. If the immediate supervisor is not available an appropriate acting immediate supervisor will be substituted. It is the intent of this informal meeting that at least one personal conference be held between the employee and the immediate supervisor.

Step Two

Management Review.

If the grievance has not been resolved at Step One, the grievant may present his/her grievance in writing on a form provided by the District to the chief of the fire district within ten working days after the occurrence of the act or omission giving rise to the grievance.

The statement shall include the following:

(a) A concise statement of the grievance including specific reference to any law, policy, rule, regulation, and/or instruction deemed to be violated, misapplied or misinterpreted; (b) The circumstances involved;

Pioneer Fire Protection District Board Policy & Procedures Manual Rev. 8/2017 Page 22 (c) The decision rendered by the immediate supervisor at Level I; (d) The specific remedy sought. The chief shall communicate his/her decision within ten days after receiving the grievance. Decisions will be in writing setting forth the decision and the reasons therefore will be transmitted promptly to all parties in interest. If the chief does not respond within the time limits, the grievant may appeal to the next level. Time limits for appeal shall begin the day following receipt of manager's written decision. Within the above time limits, either party may request a personal conference with the other.

Step Three

Board of Directors

In the event the grievant is not satisfied with the decision at Step Two, the grievant may appeal the decision in writing on a form provided by the District to the District Board of Directors within ten (10) days. The statement shall include a copy of the original grievance; a copy of the written decision by the last reviewer; and a clear, concise statement of the reasons for the appeal to Step Three.

The grievant has the right to have an advocate of his/her choosing present at the hearing.

The Personnel Committee shall, as soon as possible, schedule a hearing in closed session to formally receive the written grievance and the answers thereto at each step and to hear evidence regarding the issue or issues. The Committee's decision shall be announced in open session immediately after the closed session in which it was made.

If an employee does not present the grievance, or does not appeal the decision rendered regarding the grievance within the time limits specified above, the grievance shall be considered resolved.

By mutual agreement in writing, the parties may extend any and all time limits specified above.


A copy of the formal grievance process and decisions shall become a part of the employee's permanent personnel file.

4.5 District Awards

The purpose of this policy is to have a method by which the Board can recognize both the outstanding firefighter and citizens of the community annually.

Directors' Award — Outstanding Fire Fighter

A committee of two Board members shall determine this award. The committee members shall consider the input from staff and firefighters. The award shall be given at the annual Awards Dinner in April. A perpetual plaque at Headquarters Station 38 shall commemorate the award.

Directors' Award — Citizens' Award for Outstanding Community

A committee of two Board members shall determine this award.

Pioneer Fire Protection District Board Policy & Procedures Manual Rev. 8/2017 Page 23 The input from staff and other department members including firefighters, auxiliary members, special function and PFA Turnout volunteers shall be considered by the board committee members. This award may be given to one or more recipients as indicated and determined by the committee members.

The award(s) shall be given at the annual Awards Dinner in conjunction with the PFA A perpetual plaque for the citizen's award at Headquarters Station 38 shall commemorate the award

4.6 Reserve Firefighter Program

The purpose of this policy is to provide a means by which the District can render the highest level of service possible to the constituents of the District.

The Chief shall develop and administer a resident fire fighter program with reserve firefighters in accordance with the Fair Labor Standards Act.

Reimbursement amount formulas for resident service expenses shall be established by the Board in the Annual Budget. The District acknowledges that volunteers incur certain expenses by their service to the public and wishes to compensate them for those direct expenses. See Operations Manual for specific forms and instructions.

4.7 Discriminatory and/or Sexual Harassment

The District is committed to maintaining a working environment that is free from all forms of harassment and discrimination. Accordingly, harassment based on an individual's gender, marital status, pregnancy, race, color, ethnicity, national origin, age, disability, medical condition, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, veteran status, or other legally protected characteristic is prohibited. The District will not tolerate discrimination, harassment, sexual harassment or retaliation in the workplace whether committed by staff, independent contractors, visitors or customers of the District while they are on District facilities and/or District events. Each employee of the District is responsible for fostering civility, for being familiar with this policy, and for refraining from conduct that violates this policy.

Discriminatory Harassment

For purposes of this policy, discriminatory harassment is defined as: Any type of behavior which is based on gender, marital status, pregnancy, race, color, ethnicity, national origin, age, disability, medical condition, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, veteran status, that is so severe or pervasive that it interferes with an individual's work or creates an intimidating, hostile or offensive working environment.

Harassment when directed at an individual because of his/her gender, marital status, pregnancy, race, color, ethnicity, national origin, age, disability, medical condition, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, veteran status, or any other legally protected characteristic may include, but is not limited to: unwanted physical contact; use of epithets, inappropriate jokes, comments or innuendos; obscene or harassing telephone calls, e-mails, letters, notes or other forms of communication; and, any conduct that may create a hostile working or academic environment.

Sexual Harassment

Pioneer Fire Protection District Board Policy & Procedures Manual Rev. 8/2017 Page 24 Sexual harassment, whether between people of different sexes or the same sex, is defined to include, but is not limited to, unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other behavior of a sexual nature when:

Submission to such conduct is made implicitly or explicitly a term or condition of an individual's employment;

Submission to or rejection of such conduct by an individual is used as the basis for personnel decisions or advancement; or

Such conduct has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with an individual's work or creates an intimidating, hostile or offensive working or educational environment.

Sexual harassment may include, but is not limited to: unwelcome sexual advances; demands/threats for sexual favors or actions; distributing or displaying sexual pictures or objects; suggestive gestures, sounds or stares; unwelcome physical contact; sending/forwarding inappropriate e-mails of a sexual or offensive nature; inappropriate jokes, comments or innuendoes of a sexual nature; obscene or harassing telephone calls, e-mails, letters, notes or other form of communication; and any conduct of a sexual nature that may create a hostile working or educational environment

Prohibition Against Retaliation

Retaliation against an individual who complains of discriminatory or sexual harassment under this policy is strictly prohibited. Intentionally making false accusation of harassment is also prohibited. Responsibilities Under this Policy

The District is committed to enforcement of this policy. Individuals who are found to have violated this policy will be subject to the full range of sanctions, up to and including termination of his/her employment with the District.

All individuals are expected to conduct themselves in a manner consistent with this policy.

Any employee, independent contractor or volunteer who believes he or she has been harassed by a co-worker, supervisor, or agent of the District, or who observes harassment of another, should promptly report the facts of the incident or incidents, including dates, and the names of the individuals involved to his or her supervisor or to the Fire Chief. It is necessary for the individual to report all facts relating to the incident so that the District may adequately investigate the incident.

The supervisor should immediately report any incidents of harassment to the Fire Chief.

The Fire Chief will investigate all claims and take appropriate corrective action. If the incidents are claimed to personally involve the Fire Chief or a member of the Board, the Fire Chief shall report the facts of the claimed incidents to the Board of Directors which shall designate a person or persons to investigate such claim and recommend appropriate action to the Board of Directors. Incidents involving the Fire Chief may be brought by an employee directly to the Board of Directors.

Supervisors and/or managers, including Department Heads, are required to implement corrective action where, after completing the investigation, it is determined corrective action is indicated.

Nothing in this harassment policy supersedes or replaces the District grievance procedure, which may be utilized by employees, independent contractors and volunteers for such grievances. Effort will be made to

Pioneer Fire Protection District Board Policy & Procedures Manual Rev. 8/2017 Page 25 promptly investigate allegations of harassment. Such matters will be addressed in a discreet manner but consistent with the District's duty to investigate and take action if warranted.

Acknowledgment of Policy Against Harassment

The District is committed to maintaining a working environment that is free from all forms of harassment and discrimination. Accordingly, harassment based on an individual's gender, marital status, pregnancy, race, color, ethnicity, national origin, age, disability, medical condition, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, veteran status, or other legally protected characteristic is prohibited. The District will not tolerate discrimination, harassment, sexual harassment or retaliation in the workplace whether committed by staff, independent contractors, visitors or customers of the District while they are on District facilities and/or District events. Each employee of the District is responsible for fostering civility, for being familiar with this policy, and for refraining from conduct that violates this policy.

Sexual harassment is a particular form of discrimination and is prohibited by both Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and Section 19240 of the California Government Code (FEHA).

Sexual harassment is generally defined as unsolicited and unwelcome sexual advances; requests for sexual favors, sexual demands, or other verbal, physical or visual conduct of a sexual nature when they unreasonably interfere with a person's work performance or create an intimidating work environment Such acts are considered sexual harassment when:

1. Submission to the conduct is either an explicit or implicit term or condition of employment; or

2. Submission to or rejection of the conduct is used as a basis for an employment decision affecting the person rejecting or submitting to the conduct; or

3. The conduct has the purpose of unreasonably interfering with an affected person's work performance, or creating an intimidating, hostile or offensive work environment.

4. In third party situations, one individual is offended by the sexual interaction, conduct, or communications between others.

Any employee, independent contractor or volunteer who believes he or she has been harassed by a co-worker, supervisor, or agent of the District, or who observes harassment of another, should promptly report the facts of the incident or incidents and the names of the individuals involved to his or her supervisor or to the Fire Chief. The supervisor should immediately report any incidents of harassment to the Fire Chief.

Such matters will be addressed in a discrete manner, but consistent with the District's duty to investigate and take action if warranted.

If the incidents are claimed to personally involve the Fire Chief or a member of the Board, the Fire Chief shall report the facts of the claimed incidents to the Board of Directors which shall designate a person or persons to investigate such claim and recommend appropriate action to the Board of Directors. Incidents involving the Fire Chief may be brought by an employee directly to the Board of Directors.

Nothing in this harassment policy super cedes or replaces the District grievance procedure which may be utilized by employees, independent contractors and volunteers for such grievances.

Pioneer Fire Protection District Board Policy & Procedures Manual Rev. 8/2017 Page 26 I acknowledge that 1 have received and reviewed a copy of the District's Harassment Policy.

Employee: For the District For Local:

Signed: Fire Chief: President

Printed Name: Name: Name:

Date: Date: Date:


5.1 Approval of Contracts

Pioneer Fire Protection District Board Policy & Procedures Manual Rev. 8/2017 Page 27 The purpose of this policy is to ensure that the Board and the public have an opportunity to review all contracts utilized by the District.

All contracts for goods and services, professional services, construction, remodeling or any other contracted activity shall be reviewed and approved by the Board at their next regular public meeting.

All requests for service under any professional service contract shall be reviewed and approved by the Board during a regular or special public meeting.

From time to time, it may be more efficient or timely to secure advice from the district's legal counsel or accountant prior to any Board action. It is therefore the Board's policy that the Chairperson or successor may request advice from the attorney or accountant under approved professional service agreements at any time he/she deems appropriate.

When such advice is sought by the Chairperson, or successor, he/she shall transmit a written report detailing the information, which was requested, to the Board at their next regular public meeting.

All resulting responses from the attorney or accountant shall be presented in writing to the Board at the earliest possible Board meeting.

5.2 Authorization of Standard Procedures

The purpose of this policy is to give the authority for the development of fire department operational procedures.

The Board authorizes a manual of operations consistent with its policies (herein after referred to as the Standards of Operation or SOP's) to be written, maintained, and distributed by the Chief.

5.3 Fixed Asset Accounting

The purpose of this policy is to ensure proper accounting control resulting in the maintaining of accurate financial reports of fixed assets.

An accounting or inventory of all fixed assets shall be conducted on an annual basis. After the conclusion of the inventory, the Chief shall certify its completeness and report the results thereof to the Board of Directors at its next regular monthly meeting.

Applicable purchases for inclusion in the accounting shall be the following:

- Items that individually have an original total cost of more than $1,000.00. - All land and building acquisitions regardless of price. - Additions or major improvements to the District's service infrastructure of more than $1,000.00 - Any electronic equipment or any other item the Chief chooses to declare as an inventory item, regardless of the cost. Inventoried items that are declared to be junk, surplus, lost or stolen or unusable to the department shall be itemized on a list to be presented to the Board on an annual basis with a recommendation by staff for method of disposal.

Pioneer Fire Protection District Board Policy & Procedures Manual Rev. 8/2017 Page 28 5.4 Requests to Examine Public Records

Whereas the Government Code Section 6250 et seq. states in part "In enacting this chapter the Legislature, mindful of the right of individuals to privacy, finds and declares that access to information concerning the conduct of the peoples business is a fundamental and necessary right of every person in this state."

And whereas the Board recognizes the necessity of Sec. 6250 et seq. of the Government Code of the State of California the Board establishes the following Board policy:

Records may be examined at the District office. Records will be made available only during regular business hours.

All requests will be made in writing, using the "Pioneer Fire Protection District Request to Examine Public Records Form." Requests should be made in advance.

The request shall be specific items: i.e. Minutes for a Board Meeting, Financial Reports, etc.

Copies will be supplied at a reasonable cost to cover the time and materials required for copying.

The Chief will establish office procedures delineated in the Operations Manual to implement this policy.

Particular records are exempt from disclosure, as provided in the California Public Records Act, Section 6254.

The Fire District recognizes the right of any member of the public to inspect nonexempt public records, limited only by rules of reasonableness, and in accordance with guidelines established by California State Law. When access to District records is granted, examination will be made in the presence of the record custodian regularly responsible for maintenance of the files or by a staff member designated by the Fire Chief. In accordance with the Public Records Act, certain records, including personnel records, are not included in the category of records to which the right of access may be granted by the Fire District.

The District shall keep minutes of all regular and special meetings and standing committees of the Board, but minutes shall not be taken of Closed Sessions or Study Sessions.

Copies of said minutes shall be made for distribution to Directors with the agenda for the next regular Board Meeting.

The official records of the meetings are the approved typed minutes. The official typed minutes of the regular and special meetings and standing committees of the Board shall be kept in t h e office with access for the public review during normal business hours.

Motions, resolutions or ordinances shall be recorded as having passed or failed and individual votes will be recorded unless the action was unanimous.

All resolutions and ordinances adopted by the Board shall be numbered consecutively starting new at the beginning of each calendar year. The minutes of Board meetings shall be maintained as hereinafter outlined:

1. Date, place and type of each meeting;

Pioneer Fire Protection District Board Policy & Procedures Manual Rev. 8/2017 Page 29 2. Directors present and absent by name; 3. Call to order; 4. Arrival of tardy Directors by name; 5. Pre-adjournment departure of Directors by name, or if absence takes place when any agenda items are acted upon; adjournment of the meeting; record of written notice of special meetings; and, record of items to be considered at special meetings. 6. Complete information as to each subject of the Board's deliberation; Approval or amended approval of the minutes of preceding meetings; 7. Complete information as to each subject including the roll call record of the vote on a motion if not unanimous; 8. All Board resolutions and ordinances in complete context, numbered serially for each fiscal year; 9. A record of all contracts entered into; 10. A record of all bid procedures, including calls for bids authorized, bids received and other action taken; 11. A record by number of all warrants approved for payment; 12. Adoption of the annual budget; 13. Financial reports, including collections received and deposited and sales of District property shall be presented to the Board every month; 14. A record of all important correspondence; 15. A record of the Fire Chief’s report to the Board; 16. Approval of all policies and Board-adopted regulations; and

5.5 Request for Agenda Subscription

The Pioneer Fire Protection District Board has established the following procedures for those individuals requesting the mailing of agendas or agenda packets.

The public member shall file a written request with the administration at the District office. The administration shall cause the requested material to be mailed at the time the agenda is posted or upon distribution to all, or a majority of all, of the members of a legislative body, whichever occurs first.

Request for material shall be valid for the calendar year in which it was filed. Renewal requests must be renewed following January 1 of each year.

An annual fee shall be charged to those public members who file a request for agendas only. An additional annual charge shall be charged for agenda packets to cover the extra cost of mailing. The annual fee shall be pro-rated by calendar year. The annual fee shall be paid at the time the request is filed. The individual requesting the material shall provide a minimum of 12 self addressed labels.

5.6 Use of Buildings and Facilities

Pioneer Fire Protection District Board Policy & Procedures Manual Rev. 8/2017 Page 30 The purpose of this policy is to provide guidelines for those community organizations or individuals that request use of the District's facilities for a meeting place and to have a means to monitor the use of the facilities as to not infringe on the districts ability to operate.

The normal use of all fire department buildings and facilities shall be for the express purpose of the District. The buildings and facilities may be used by other community organizations or individuals on a first come basis. The organization must supply the District a two week notice.

The applicant shall be required to provide the following information: — The name and purpose of the organization. — The dates and time of use. — The facilities needed - meeting room, kitchen, tables, chairs, etc. — The name of the organization responsible agent and approximate number of persons attending

In addition, the organization must supply the District with a copy of a Certificate of Liability Insurance.

Applicant shall use the Facility Use Agreement.

Use of these facilities shall at no time interfere with the normal function of the Fire Department meetings, drills, training, etc.

A flat rate fee of $25.00 per function may be charged to the using organization. This fee may be waived by the Chief.

When the facility is used as a voting precinct, the District shall comply with all applicable state laws regarding fees and reimbursements.

The use of nails, tacks, staples or tape in or on any of the woodwork or walls is prohibited.

No part of the building or grounds will be entered or used that is not specifically requested by the approved applicant, excepting necessary corridors and lavatory facilities.

A Department employee must be on duty whenever a building is open.

It is the organization's responsibility to set up and remove any special properties.

In the event there is a cancellation of the activity, a 24-hour notice of cancellation must be given to the Department either by telephone or in writing. Failure to notice will cause forfeiture of any of the fee.

For the purpose of fire and life safety, the maximum capacity of the meeting room is? The maximum occupancy shall not be exceeded at any time.

Driveways and doors to the apparatus room must be kept clear of all vehicles at all times.

5.7 Petty Cash Fund

The purpose of this policy is to ensure that the Board and staff have funds available for emergency incidental purchases.

Pioneer Fire Protection District Board Policy & Procedures Manual Rev. 8/2017 Page 31 The Board hereby establishes a revolving petty cash fund in the amount of $750.00

The fund shall be established as a checking account in a local bank or credit union.

$100 of the Petty Cash Fund maybe withdrawn in the form of cash.

The fund shall be used for incidentals such as postage and no fixed assets of any kind regardless of cost shall be purchased with petty cash funds.

5.8 Purchasing

Purchase Authorization

Items costing more than $300 require a company officer's signed approval.

Items costing more than $500 require the signed approval of the Chief.

Purchases costing $5,000 or more require pre-approval by the Board of Directors.

Purchases may not be split to avoid the above restrictions.


All items or purchases costing more than $300 require a purchase order prior to purchase.

Open Market Purchases

Purchases between $500 and $5,000 may be purchased on the open market. All purchases must be based on competitive price quotations.

Informal Bidding

Purchases costing more than $5,000 but less than $25,000 must be subject to informal bidding. Informal bidding requires at least three competitive bids.

Formal Bidding

Purchases amounting to more than $25,000 must be the subject of formal bidding by a Request for Proposal (RFP). The RFP must contain:

- A general project description - The project background - Scope of work - Services and materials to be provided by the District (if appropriate) - District liaison - Selection criteria - Proposal requirements

Pioneer Fire Protection District Board Policy & Procedures Manual Rev. 8/2017 Page 32 The RFP must be published in a local newspaper as well as being sent directly to potential bidders. All bids must be in writing and opened in public at a time and place prescribed in the RFP.

Absent justifiable reasons, the work will be awarded to the lowest bidder who meets the criteria set by the RFP.

Emergency Purchases

Emergency purchases may be made by any company officer. The company officer should first however make every reasonable effort to contact the Chief to obtain verbal authority. Emergency purchases are those that are necessary for the preservation of life or property. Any emergency purchase must be followed up as soon a possible with a purchase order which must contain a brief statement of the nature of the emergency.


The acceptance of any gratuity in any form by an employee of the District from a vendor or contractor or prospective vendor or contractor is prohibited and shall be cause for disciplinary action.

5.9 Budget and Budget Process


Annually the Board shall cause to be prepared a budget for the next July 1st to June 30th fiscal year. The budget shall be prepared by the Chief and administration staff using guidelines provided by the El Dorado County Auditor/Controller, generally accepted accounting procedures (GAAP), and as set forth in this policy. It will be presented to a working group prior to the June Board meeting. The working group will consist of: Two Board members The Fire Chief or his representative One member of the Local, and One member of the public


The budget will contain:  An Executive Summary,  General Revenue by line item and totals,  Budgeted Operating expenses by line item and totals  Comparison with preceding fiscal year,  Fund Balances.

A mid-year report shall be presented to the Board by the Chief showing variances and recommended changes to be made to the budget.


Pioneer Fire Protection District Board Policy & Procedures Manual Rev. 8/2017 Page 33 In conformance with the State of California Health and Safety Code, Section 13890- 13906 a preliminary budget will be prepared and submitted to the Board for approval no later than the June meeting prior to the new fiscal year.

The final budget will be prepared and submitted to the Board for approval and adoption no later than the September meeting of the Board,

The mid year review will be prepared by the February meeting of the current fiscal year.

District Guidelines for Budgeting

Each budget shall be balanced with consideration for the need to maintain reserves.

For purposes of estimating revenues for budgeting operating expenses purposes only Property Taxes and EDC General Fund Contribution shall be included.

All percentages used for projections must be supported.


Chapter One General Provisions 13800 —13806 Chapter Two Area 13810 — 13812 Chapter Three Formation Article 1 Initiation 13815 —13822 Article 2 Election 13823 — 13831 Article 3 Selection of Initial BOD 13834 — 13839 Chapter Four Existing BOD and Officers 13840 --13857 Chapter Five General Powers and Duties 13860 - 13879 Chapter Six Elections 13885 — 13887 Chapter Seven Finance 13890 —13906 Chapter Eight Alternative Revenues 13910 — 13919 Chapter Nine General Obligation Bonds 13925 — 13938 Chapter Ten Service Zones 13950 --13956 Chapter Eleven Employee Relations 13960 — 13970

Pioneer Fire Protection District Board Policy & Procedures Manual Rev. 8/2017 Page 34

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