Conference Room 4ER, St Andrews House, Edinburgh

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Conference Room 4ER, St Andrews House, Edinburgh

 SWAG Scottish Workforce & Staff Governance Committee

Friday 12 July 2013

Conference Room 4ER, St Andrews House, Edinburgh


Present: John Boland, Unite Michael Brown, Royal College of Nursing Edwina Cameron, Scottish Government Gavin Fergie, Unite David Forbes, Unison Anne Gent, NHS Highland Donald Harley, BMA Pauline Howie, Scottish Ambulance Service (Chair) Gordon Jamieson, NHS Western Isles Shirley Johnston, Unite Gordon McKay, Unison Pamela McLauchlan, Scottish Ambulance Service Rose Anne O’Shea, Scottish Government Norman Provan, Royal College of Nursing Shirley Rogers, Scottish Government Claire Ronald, Chartered Society of Physiotherapy Elizabeth Stow, Society of Radiographers Dorothy Wright, NHS Education for Scotland

In Attendance: Marilyn Barrett, Scottish Government David Cline, Scottish Government Lorraine Johnstone, Scottish Government Janice Lennen, Scottish Government (Minute) Liz Reilly, NHS Tayside Kate Thomas, Scottish Government (Observer)

Apologies: Jane Anderson, Unison Wilma Brown, Employee Directors Group John Callaghan, Society of Chiropodists & Podiatrists John Connaghan, Scottish Government Emma Currer, Royal College of Midwives Joyce Davidson, BMA Brian Durwood, NHS NES Health Workforce and Performance Directorate 1 Staff Governance and Employee Experience T: 0131-244 1718 E: [email protected].  SWAG Ken Ferguson, NHS Ayrshire & Arran Jane Hamilton, Scottish Government Gerry McLaughlan, NHS Health Scotland Jackie Mitchell, Royal College of Midwives Brian Montgomery, Scottish Association of Medical Directors Judith Proctor, Directors of Planning Group Sandra-Dee Masson, Unison Ian Reid, NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde Anne Thomson, Royal College of Nursing

Agenda Item 1 – Welcome, introductions and apologies

The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting. Members were informed of the list of apologies (noted above) and that the meeting was quorate.

Agenda Item 2 – Minute of meeting held on 19 April 2013

The minutes of the previous meeting were agreed with the exception of Shirley Johnstone had noted her apologies.

Progress on the action points were noted and agreed.

Agenda Item 3 – Everyone Matters:2020 Workforce Vision

SWAG Committee members have received regular updates on progress as the Vision progressed. Marilyn Barrett led a discussion on a paper which was circulated in advance of the meeting and during this and subsequent discussion the following points were noted:

 Everyone Matters:2020 Workforce Vision was published on 11 June 2013 and successfully launched by the Cabinet Secretary for Health and Wellbeing at the NHSScotland Conference on 12 June 2013;  SWAG Committee members were thanked for their support during the previous 18 months and at the NHSScotland Conference;  Feedback received from delegates attending the Every Matters sessions at the NHSScotland Conference was all positive;  Boards have been asked to focus initially on ensuring the NHSScotland Core Values are aligned with Board Values  The Everyone Matters team will keep SWAG Committee informed and consult with them regularly to help shape the Implementation Plan; Health Workforce and Performance Directorate 2 Staff Governance and Employee Experience T: 0131-244 1718 E: [email protected].  SWAG  An implementation framework is being developed, with the first of a series of annual implementation plans being developed for issue in November 2013. The implementation plan will cover all workstreams.

Outcome: SWAG Committee members noted the update and recognised the importance of this work and the on-going engagement with staff.

Agenda Item 4 – Staff Experience Project

SWAG Committee members have received regular updates on progress as the project progressed. The project has now submitted its final report and recommendations to the Scottish Government. Liz Reilly presented a short presentation on the report’s findings and recommendations. Shirley Rogers led a discussion on the paper that was circulated in advance of the meeting. During this presentation and the subsequent discussion, the following points were noted:

 The NHSScotland Staff Experience Project, was led by NHS Dumfries and Galloway, NHS Forth Valley, NHS Tayside and NHS National Waiting times Centre;  This is a workplace approach designed to ensure employees are committed to their organisation’s goals and values, motivated to organisation success, and are able at the same time to enhance their own sense of wellbeing;  Produces accurate and reliable Employee Engagement Index;  Enhances Corporate, Directorate and Team resilience;  During this project, 69% of staff involved in the Pilots took part which suggests that the average staff member is engaged;  The outcome of this project provides a Staff Experience Continuous Improvement Model which provides Boards with a whole system approach which they can use at all levels of their organisation to measure and promote positive staff experience;  It takes approximately 24 months to work through the Staff Experience Continuous Improvement Model;  The Bespoke staff survey has been renamed “I Matter” to link into Everyone Matters:2020 Workforce Vision;  A number of implementation options were discussed and views noted;  It would be important to get all Boards involved to be able to capture a national snap shot of employee experience;  There is a need to test issues such as sharing resources;  Further consultation will be carried out before deciding on implementation options to roll out the Staff Experience Continuous Improvement Model and the development of IT software to capture staff experience results.

Health Workforce and Performance Directorate 3 Staff Governance and Employee Experience T: 0131-244 1718 E: [email protected].  SWAG Outcome: SWAG Committee noted progress and supported going forward with the Staff Experience Continuous Improvement Model after further consultation.

Action: Janice Lennen to circulate the Staff Experience power-point slides to SWAG Committee members. Completed

Agenda Item 5 – Staff Survey

Edwina Cameron gave a verbal update on the progress of the staff survey and, during this update, the following points were noted:

 The Staff survey was launched on 27 May 2013 and finished on 5 July 2013;  NHSScotland return rate so far is 27% which is an improvement on the 2010 response rate;  Boards which have seen an increased response rate will be asked to share good practice with other Boards;  Final results will be available in November 2013;  Future National Staff Surveys will be developed to supplement and compliment the Staff Experience Continuous Improvement Model.

Outcome – SWAG Committee members noted the update.

Action: Edwina Cameron to circulate interim findings on the 2013 staff survey as soon as they become available.

Agenda Item 6 – Staff Governance Standard Monitoring Framework

The Staff Governance Standard Monitoring Framework has been discussed at previous SWAG Committee meetings. Edwina Cameron gave a verbal update on progress.

 The Consultation ended in February 2013 and pilots have started;  Pilot Boards for Staff Governance Return are NHS Borders, NHS NES and NHS Tayside;  Pilot Boards using local tool are NHS Golden Jubilee, NHS State Hospital and NHS Forth Valley;  Comments from Pilot Boards so far have been positive with tools having a clear link to Everyone Matters:2020 Workforce Vision.

Outcome – SWAG Committee members noted the update.

Health Workforce and Performance Directorate 4 Staff Governance and Employee Experience T: 0131-244 1718 E: [email protected].  SWAG

Agenda Item 7 – Issues and Learning from Francis Report

David Cline led a discussion around the Francis report into the “serious failings” at Mid- Staffordshire hospital. During the discussion the following points were noted:

 The report considers why the serious problems at the Trust were not identified and acted on sooner;  The report makes 290 recommendations and highlights some important lessons for future patient care;  Parts of the report concern issues which will need to be addressed on a UK basis such as professional regulation and many of the recommendations do not apply directly to Scotland;  The report provides an important opportunity to reflect upon the Scottish model of healthcare and consider if current mechanisms and plans are sufficiently robust to meet the challenges highlighted by Francis. E.g. The failure to listen to staff and the loss of organisational focus on delivery of safe effective compassionate care;  NHSScotland did not issue a formal response to the Frances Report;  All Boards have considered the Francis recommendations at a local level;  NHSScotland is not complacent but is confident that a range of measures to address many of these challenges are already in place. E.g. Scottish Patient Safety Programme, Patient Rights Act, Person Centred Health and Care Collaborative; the new Confidential Alert Line and PIN polices;  NHSScotland does not have any policies that prevent staff from raising concerns;  The Scottish Government is committed to delivering safe, effective and person- centred care;  The Quality Strategy and 2020 Route Map continues to underpin the Scottish approach to healthcare.  Further suggestions to improve services in NHSScotland include: - Ensure issues highlighted in the staff survey are addressed; - Consider asking patients for feedback on the standard of care; - Consider asking NHS students for feedback and experiences of working on wards.

Outcome: SWAG Committee members noted the update

Action: David Cline to add an additional power-point slide on scrutiny to the Francis Report presentation and pass to Janice Lennen to circulate around members. Action: Janice Lennen to circulate the revised Francis Report power-point presentation to SWAG Committee members;

Health Workforce and Performance Directorate 5 Staff Governance and Employee Experience T: 0131-244 1718 E: [email protected].  SWAG Action: SWAG Committee members to feedback to David Cline with suggestions on services/scrutiny that could be enhanced in NHSScotland. The comments will help to inform quality development measures.

Agenda Item 8 – Integration of Health and Social Care

A paper was circulated in advance of the meeting. Kate Thomas introduced the paper and led a discussion on the Public Bodies (Joint Working) (Scotland) Bill. During the discussion, the following points were made:

 The Bill has now been introduced to the Scottish Parliament;  The Bill may change during its progress through Parliament;  Secondary legislation will be created putting in place further requirements of statutory bodies as a result of the Act;  The Bill is likely to be enacted in 2014; thereafter regulations will need to be made, consulted on and scrutinised by Parliament;  Implementation is likely to be Spring 2015;  The Bill includes provisions for a Chief Officer, (called a Joint Accountable Officer in the consultation) to be appointed by the Integration Joint Board within the Body Corporate Model. The Chief Officer will be an employee of either the Health Board or Local Authority;  Challenges identified include: - The cultural differences at local level between NHSScotland and Local Authorities; - Staff Governance arrangements and the industrial relations model going forward; - 3rd employer and potential implications; - Section 11 of Bill relating to staff terms and conditions;

Outcome: SWAG Committee members noted the work in progress.

Action: Kate Thomas to take challenges identified by SWAG Committee members to the Short Life Working Group for further discussion and feedback to SWAG Committee members at a future meeting..


There was no AOB raised.

Health Workforce and Performance Directorate 6 Staff Governance and Employee Experience T: 0131-244 1718 E: [email protected].  SWAG

Date of Next Meeting

The next SWAG Committee meeting will be held on Friday 25 October 2013 in Room 4ER, St Andrews House, Edinburgh from 10.00 – 13.00.

Health Workforce and Performance Directorate 7 Staff Governance and Employee Experience T: 0131-244 1718 E: [email protected].

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