Religious Observance and Class Attendance Any UC Student Who Is Unable to Attend Classes

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Religious Observance and Class Attendance Any UC Student Who Is Unable to Attend Classes

LSLS7068 1

Course Name/Number: LSLS7068 Sociolinguistics and Bilingual Education

Description: This course is an interface course that includes two interconnected elements: a seminar and field experience. In the seminar, the current governmental regulations related to the ESOL field, legal foundations, professionalism, and socio- cultural and educational context for teaching English language learners (ELLs) are discussed. The field experience component ensures that candidates get experience instructing ELLs under the guidance of a TESOL endorsed mentor.

Credit Hours: 3

Required or Elective: Required

Faculty Members who Teach the course: Virginia Gonzalez, Ph.D.

Prerequisites: Any TWO UC TESOL courses

Textbook(s): Igoa, C. (1995). The Inner world of the immigrant child. Mahwah, New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.

Espinoza-Herold (2003). Issues in Latino education: Race, school culture, & the politics of academic success. Boston, MA: Pearson.

Resource Materials: Packet of readings available electronically on the Blackboard web-page for the course

Marker Assignments: * Completion of 63 hours of field-experience practice in grade-level of choice under supervision of a certified TESL mentor *Forum discussions participation *Reflection about ESL teaching and assessment practices * Multimedia lesson plan *Video recordings of implementation of lesson plan

Learning Outcomes: Upon completion of this course, the student will be able How is this outcome to: assessed?

Discussion Forum Explain and use second-language teaching methods as those responses/lesson plan methods were applied in historical contexts. Videotapes #1 & #2

Explain and apply the evolution of laws and policy in the Lesson Plans ESL profession. Discussion Forum responses LSLS7068 2

Read and conduct classroom research informing ESL Lesson Plans assessment and instruction. Student Evaluations of Field-Experience Videotapes #1 & #2

Develop lesson plans and instructional materials using Lesson Plans electronic multimedia that meet the ELLs' educational Student Evaluations of needs, and cultural and linguistic characteristics. Field-Experience Videotapes #1 & #2

Participate in discussion forums and become reflective upon Discussion Forum their ESL practice and be able to revise their teaching based responses on recommendations received from peers, their supervisor, Reflection and the course instructor.

Alignment with Transformation Initiative: In view of this conceptual framework and our urban mission, the goal for our Transformation Initiative is to improve the performance of students whose home language is other than English by preparing educators who recognize the moral imperative to meet the needs of each student. We will prepare educators who are committed to each student, caring about each individual, and competent in evidence- based and data driven instruction. Themes addressed:  Theme: Helping candidates come to terms with unintentional barriers and bias.  Theme: Implementing a reliable and valid Teacher Performance Assessment to improve the consistency and quality of teacher effectiveness.  Theme: Embedding methods courses in schools and better integrating methods courses with field experiences.  Theme: Adding more and earlier field experiences.  Theme: Implementation of research-based strategies.  Theme: Academic language development  Theme: Reflection.

Alignment with Conceptual Framework: Candidates of the University of Cincinnati are committed, caring, competent educators  with foundation knowledge, including knowledge of how each individual learns and develops within a unique developmental context.  with content knowledge, able to articulate the central concepts, tools of inquiry, and the structures of their discipline.  who successfully collaborate, demonstrate leadership, and engage in positive systems change.  who demonstrate the moral imperative to teach all students and address the responsibility to teach all students with tenacity. LSLS7068 3

 able to address issues of diversity with equity and posses skills unique to urban education including culturally responsive practice.  able to use technology to support their practice.  who use assessment and research to inform their efforts and improve student outcomes.  who demonstrate pedagogical content knowledge, grounded in evidence- based practices, and maximizing the opportunity for learning, and professionalism.

This course addresses these institutional standards: -Students will become committed to issues of social justice, by caring about the diversity of each student, and will support advocacy for ELLs and their families. -Students will develop competence in evidence-based and transformative instructional practice and data-driven pedagogical decisions for effectively serving ELLs in high-needs urban schools. -Students will develop professionalism in collaborating with educators and participating as members of professional communities.

Alignment with Specialized Program Association: This course aligns with the Ohio Standards for TESOL Endorsement in these ways: Standard 4.2. Candidates know and demonstrate knowledge of historical, legal, demographic, immigration and migration issues. Standard 7. Candidates observe, participate and practice teaching in second (new) language instruction in classroom settings with experienced certified/licensed teachers having TESOL validation endorsement. 7.1. Candidates practice teaching second (new) language learners in a formal classroom setting, mentored by experienced certified/licensed teachers having TESOL validation/endorsement. 7.2. Candidates establish communication with students’ families and other professionals to enhance the student’s educational experiences. 7.3. Candidates describe, analyze and evaluate the field experience.

Alignment with Ohio Standards for the Teaching Profession: Ohio Teacher Standard 1: Teachers understand student learning and development, and respect the diversity of the students they teach. Ohio Teacher Standard 5: Teachers create learning environments that promote high levels of learning and achievement for all students. Ohio Teacher Standard 6: Teachers collaborate and communicate with other educators, administrators, students and parents and the community to support student learning. Ohio Teacher Standard 7: Teachers assume responsibility for professional growth, performance, and involvement as an individual and as a member of a learning community.

Alignment with State Requirements: LSLS7068 4

-Students will be able to understand learning and development, and respect diversity of cultures, language skills, and experiences among the students they teach. -Students will be able to plan and deliver effective instruction that advances the learning of each individual student and expect him/her to achieve to their full potential. -Students will be able to collaborate and communicate with other educators, administrators, students and parents and the community to support student learning.

-Students will be able to demonstrate professional responsibility and growth during their involvement in field-experience hours and as a member of a learning community in forum discussions.

Attendance Policies: Asynchronous attendance for this class is required. Lack of participation in online discussion will negatively affect the candidate’s final grade in the course. For class preparation, the candidate is expected to complete the reading/assignments, prepare answers to the questions in preparation of the online discussion, complete assignments, and participate in a lively class discussion.

Academic Integrity Policy The University Rules, including the Student Code of Conduct, and other policies of the department, college, and university related to academic integrity will be enforced. Any violation of these regulations, including acts of plagiarism, cheating, or falsifying field work will be dealt with according to the severity of the misconduct. Dishonesty in any form may result in a failing grade in a course and/or suspension or dismissal from a program (e.g., graduate or undergraduate).

Electronic Communication Policy; All communication outside of class will be conducted via email to the student’s bearcat online account. Replies will be within 72 hours, whenever possible. At times I am engaged in national activities that preclude access to email.

Grading: Description of Assessment and/or Evaluation of Student Learning:

50 % Forum discussions participation

15 % Reflection about ESL teaching and assessment practices

15% Instructional Application: Multimedia lesson plan

20% Video recordings of implementation of lesson plan

Grading Scale A = 950 - 1000 points A- = 900 – 949.9 points B+ = 850 – 899.9 points B = 800 – 849.9 points B- = 750 – 799.9 points LSLS7068 5

C+ = 700 – 749.9 points C = 650 – 699.9 points C- = 600 – 649.9 points F = <600 points

Topics: Week Review of current governmental regulations related to the TESL field, and related 1 historical and contemporary legal foundations supporting the design of instructional goals/objectives for ELLs Review of professional ethics and standards 2 for the TESL field: professional responsibility and growth to serving ELLs and their families Review of application of evidence-based strategies for planning, implementing, and managing standards-based pedagogy 3 across content areas for serving ELLs: emphasis on oral language skills

Alignment of instruction to multiple federal, 4 state, and professional organization standards for Pre-K-Grade 12 ELLs Review of educational technology 5 applications to the design of lesson plans and instructional materials Review of research-based information supporting working with ELLs , and their 6 families and communities as partners and cultural mediators with the school system Conclusions and recommendations of best instructional and assessment practices with ELLs: Reflection about research-based 7 knowledge and lessons learned from field- experience hours working with ELLs and a certified TESL mentor Exam Week Presentation of reflections and lesson plans

Special Needs Policy – ―If you have a disability (e.g., visual impairment, hearing impairment, physical impairment, communication disorder, and/or specific learning disability, etc.) which may influence your performance in this course, you must meet with the Disability Services Office (DSO) to arrange for reasonable accommodations to ensure an equitable opportunity to meet all the requirements of this course. If you require accommodations due to disability, please contact DSO at 513-556-6823, Campus Location: 210 University Pavilion. You will be provided an Accommodation Form indicating your accommodation needs for the quarter. Please present this form to me AS SOON AS POSSIBLE to ensure LSLS7068 6

your accommodation needs are discussed, agreed upon, and provided.‖ (see

Religious Observance and Class Attendance – ―Any UC student who is unable to attend classes or participate in any examination, study or work requirement on some particular day(s) because of his or her religious belief should be given the opportunity either to make up the work that was missed or to do alternative work that is intrinsically no more difficult than the original exam or assignment — provided that the makeup work does not create an unreasonable burden upon University of Cincinnati and its faculty. Upon request and timely notice, students should be provided reasonable accommodation.‖ (see

"I" (Incomplete) – No grades of ―Incomplete‖ will be assigned unless there are extreme circumstances

AND a contract to complete the work is developed and signed by the student and the instructor prior to the last week of class. It is the student’s responsibility to approach the instructor with the request for an incomplete. Please note that a grade of ―I‖ will automatically be converted to an ―F‖ grade one calendar year after the initial grade was assigned. (see

Copyright – ―Copyright infringement is a violation of the Student Code of Conduct - Misuse of Information Technology. Students who are found to be illegally sharing files will be subject to a procedural review to determine responsibility under the Code. If responsible, this offense will become part of each student's permanent judicial file with the University.‖ (see

“AESS (Academic Excellence & Support Services) provides comprehensive, student- centered and university-wide programs, resources and services designed to promote transformative academic excellence through individual and group support. AESS comprises Disability Services and the Learning Assistance Center. We encourage any student with a disability who needs academic assistance to contact Disability Services. Learning Assistance is here to help all students who need help with tutoring, study skills, or other services. LSLS7068 7

Additionally, our services are designed to help all UC students become successful independent learners, as well as assist in the retention and graduation of all students. Disability services, tutoring, and other learning resources are free to students!‖ (see

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