Region IV Stay to Play Policy

Region IV teams participating in the Far West Regionals and Presidents Cup tournaments must book their hotel rooms through the host state association or its designated housing bureau.

Teams must make their reservations for the entire team and stay in the hotel for the duration of their participation in the tournament.

Teams who wish to stay in hotel properties not authorized by the host state or desire not to comply may do so by submitting a fee of $750.00 along with their housing list. Teams who stay in private residences or condominiums owned by relatives, or public facilities such as a campground are exempt from this non-compliance fee. Time shares and college dorm rooms are not exempt from these requirements, unless waived by the housing authority through the host state.

At a date no later than ten (10) days prior to the start of the tournament, all states must provide to the host state a list of their teams’ housing arrangements. The listing must include the number of rooms per team and duration of the reservations. If teams have opted out of the Stay to Play Policy, their $750.00 fee must accompany the state list of teams submitted to the host state.

Teams who fail to pay this non-compliance fee run the risk of being eliminated from the tournament.