Quarterly Monitoring Report Form

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Quarterly Monitoring Report Form

Quarterly Monitoring Report

Year 6 Quarter 6 Reporting Period January – March 2013 Report Deadline 11 March 2013

Section 1: Your project details

Project: Community Engagement Contact Name: Richard Evans / Kevin Ireland

Section 2: Progress towards milestones and other achievements

1. Report the progress against your project’s milestones for this quarter.

A: Show the milestones you have met and the outputs achieved, e.g. the number of attendees, grant applications received, etc. Highlight any particular successes.

No milestones for this quarter

B: Show the milestones you have not met and explain why, the impact on your project and how is this being managed and/or what action are you proposing?

No milestones for this quarter


Time to Change quarterly report March 2013 2. If you missed a milestone in a previous quarter, please provide an update.

Milestone: Launch E-library by December 2012

3. Summarise the outcome of any additional evaluation undertaken this quarter (not included in the report submitted by the Evaluation and Research Manager).

4. Were there any other activities, achievements or unexpected outcomes this quarter?

Section 3: Beneficiaries and targets

1. Beneficiary numbers Please check and update your beneficiary totals below.

New this 2012/13 totals (incl. Beneficiary totals quarter actuals this quarter) (incl. actuals this quarter) Beneficiary description Actuals 2012/13 2012/13 Total Total March to date Target actuals target actuals estimate to date to date Local grant-funded 70 social contact projects People from the 3,000 Tbc 75,000 Tbc audience group who have social contact in person/virtually via the grant-funded projects. People with lived 125 Tbc 500 Tbc experience leading the funded projects. Volunteers with lived 900 Tbc 2,000 Tbc experience of mental health problems who will deliver social contact. 2

Time to Change quarterly report March 2013 Number of social 80,000 223,005 240,000 223,005 contacts facilitated via (40K (85,409 (120K (85,409 events. face to face to face to face to face; face; face; face; 40K 137,596 120K 137,596 virtual) virtual) virtual) virtual) TOTAL 84,025 223,005 320,000 223,005

2. Please provide any further information about the beneficiaries your project has worked with this quarter and in total. Include any equalities monitoring information.

Section 4: Key issues and risks

1. Do you have anything to report in relation to the risks that you have identified for your project?

2. Are there any other issues that will affect your ability to deliver your project’s targets, ie milestones and beneficiary numbers? Explain how you will manage this.

Section 5: Budgets

1. Please provide details of any significant differences between planned and actual expenditure in this quarter.


Time to Change quarterly report March 2013 2. Is there under-spend from this quarter that you would like to carry forward to 2013/14? Explain a) why the funds were not spent during this quarter and b) how the funds will be used in future quarters.

Please note that requests to carry forward under-spend are signed off by the Senior Management Group.

Section 6: Future plans

1. Briefly describe your plans for the next quarter. Please refer to your project’s milestones.

No milestones for this quarter

Section 7: Stakeholder engagement

1. Please list the stakeholders you have worked with this quarter and explain how they support your project and/or the Time to Change programme.

2. Are there any new ways that external stakeholders can engage with your project?

Section 8: Equality and diversity

1. How has your project engaged and worked with BME communities during this quarter? In particular, how is your project engaging people from African and Caribbean communities?


Time to Change quarterly report March 2013 2. How has your project engaged and worked with other minority groups during this quarter?

Section 9: Social leadership

1. Set out how people with lived experience of mental health problems have been involved in shaping, delivering and reviewing your project during this quarter. Please include details of any advisory group meetings.


Time to Change quarterly report March 2013

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