Administration, Faculty & Staff
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Administration Teri Harris Superintendent/Principal/AD Julie Jones District Business Manager Gayle Guffey School Secretary
Faculty Dan Baker...... 7 – 12 Science Jennifer Birrer...... 7 – 12 Agriculture Education/FFA David Bratsky...... 7 – 12 Soc.Studies,JMG/Yearbook Levi Lowery...... K-12 HPE/Elem./AD Jake Music...... 7 – 12 English Language Arts/Forensics Sarah Rittenhouse...... 7 – 12 Mathematics Cheryl Lynn Tatum...... Special Education K-12/Title 1 Krystal Van Dyke K-12 Music Catherine Warner-Combs...... K-12 Library/Counseling Carla Grewell...... Kinder One Samantha Elton ...... Kindergarten Lindsay Sedlacek...... Grade 1 Sheena Mallo...... Grade 2 Jacki Jessen...... Grades 3 & 4 Megan Flint...... Grades 5 & 6
Support Staff Ede Bauwens...... Custodian Bill Coty...... Bus Driver/Grounds Keeper Kelly Rysavy...... Bus Driver/Paraprofessional Heather Foos...... Food Service Steve Hoffman...... Internet/Computer Technician Bill Gruel...... Gym/Band Room Custodian Melody Kilwine...... Food Service Melissa Mitchell...... Paraprofessional Lindi O’Brien...... JH/HS Art, Paraprofessional Nathan Oren...... Maintenance Sharon Schutz...... Paraprofessional Lisa Yedlicka...... Paraprofessional
School Board of Trustees
Page 1 Jerry Paugh, Chairman, John Carter, Vice-Chairman, Vanissa Barker, Kristin Bauwens, Lori Guenthner.
Welcome to Fromberg School!
On behalf of the Fromberg School District, I am pleased to welcome you to our school. We hope that the time your child spends in the Fromberg School provides him/her with a superior education and a lifetime of wonderful memories.
The new school year renews a partnership between home and school that can provide positive educational growth for students. Parent/guardian involvement and support is critical to student success. Together, we can accomplish more for your child and for all students. In order to provide for the greatest degree of educational success, it is imperative that teachers, parents, and administrators communicate openly and frequently regarding the progress of all students. Research finds that people respond positively when they are encouraged, supported, and treated with respect. Students and staff have the right to work, study, and teach in an atmosphere of mutual respect. Parents also play an integral role and are encouraged to visit the school often and become involved with their child’s education.
The faculty and staff at Fromberg are dedicated to their students and work diligently to improve and differentiate instruction to facilitate student learning. Please contact them during the year if you have questions or concerns about your child’s academic, social or emotional growth. Parents often provide information that can benefit the child’s experience in the classroom. Likewise, please don’t hesitate to call my office should you have questions or concerns.
I hope that you are looking forward to the school year as much as I am. There is important work to be done as we strive to meet the educational needs of all students, but I feel certain that with the hard work of students and staff and the support of parents and the community, Fromberg School will be a source of pride for all.
School begins at 8:00 am and dismisses at 3:20 pm, with the exception of Friday. On Friday, school begins at 8:00 am and will be dismissed at 2:15 pm.
Teri Harris, Superintendent of Schools
Education for all: today, tomorrow, together.
MISSION STATEMENT Fromberg School will provide a safe, supportive learning environment with opportunities
Page 2 for each student to develop the skills and knowledge to become a responsible, successful citizen, making learning an essential lifelong process. Enrollment and Registration We welcome new students to Fromberg School. We hope you will enjoy your education here. The counselor, teachers, superintendent and staff stand ready to assist you in any way. Once a student has been accepted for enrollment, the following documents will be needed prior to registration and official enrollment at Fromberg School. (See DP#3110, 3121, 3125 for exceptions). Immunization Records: A school district may not enroll any person as a pupil unless, prior to enrollment, the person has been immunized against diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus, poliomyelitis, rubella and measles (rubella) in the manner and with immunizing agents approved by the state health department; pertussis vaccination is not required for a person seven years of age or older. To enroll, we must have a record of immunizations, a copy of transcript, latest report card, or recent withdrawal form from previous school. A required Emergency Medical Consent form, Student Demographics Form, and Student/Activity Handbook Parent Permission Form must be completed.
Non-Resident Enrollment Policy (see District Policy 3141) The Board of Trustees of Fromberg Public Schools recognizes the educational needs of its resident students including the need for an orderly educational process, free from disruption, overcrowding, and any kind of violence or disruptive influences. Except as otherwise by law, admission to the District as a nonresident student is a privilege. The district will not admit out-of-district students when to do so would require the hiring of additional staff; when educational services not currently provided in the school would need to be added; any overcrowding of existing classes; if the student is not in good standing as required by the Fromberg School District. The Superintendent will recommend to the Board any non-resident student admission in accordance with policy #3141, with the Board making final decision on admission. All residents who become nonresidents due to a move from the District by their parents/guardians may continue attendance for the remainder of that semester. At the completion of the semester, the student must apply as a nonresident student and go through the original process. All nonresidents who have been accepted into the school district are expected to follow all rules and regulations concerning acceptable student behavior, including proper attendance, proper discipline, etc. A nonresident student who is determined by the school administration to be a detriment to the educational process of other students will face any consequences appropriate, and will be allowed “conditional” enrollment the remainder of the semester. The Board reserves the right to charge tuition for nonresident students. All nonresident students will be considered ineligible transportees for school transportation services (20-10-101, MCA). Finally, the Board will not admit any student who is expelled from another school district.
In-District Enrollment Policy (see District Policy 3141) The Board of Trustees of Fromberg Public Schools recognizes the educational needs of its resident students including the need for an orderly educational process, free from disruption, overcrowding, and any kind of violence or disruptive influences. In-district students applying for admission that have been expelled from other public or non-public educational agencies may pose a considerable disruption to the educational process already established in the Fromberg Public School System. The Fromberg Public School may deny admission to an in-district student who has been expelled from another educational agency and/or has exhibited behaviors in the past twelve months that would be grounds for expulsion of any student already enrolled in the Fromberg Public School system. If the administration believes that the denial of admission of an in-district student is appropriate under these circumstances, a recommendation will be made to the school board that the individual student not be admitted as a student in the Fromberg Public School system. The student and his/her parents will be notified of the recommendation and the proceeding before
Page 3 the Board of Trustees will be handled using the same procedures that the district would provide to a currently enrolled student who has been recommended for expulsion. The Board will not admit any student who is expelled from another school district. JR HIGH & HIGH SCHOOL INFORMATION
Graduation / Senior Grade Level Status Senior status will only be assigned to those students who are eligible to graduate at the end of the school year. A student must have a minimum of 18 credits to be considered a Senior.
Senior class members who have not completed the requirements for graduation by the last day designated for Seniors in the month of May will not receive a signed diploma and will not be allowed to go through commencement exercises at graduation.
It is recognized that under unusual circumstances, either medical or emergency, a student may not be able to meet graduation credit requirements. A student and/or parent/guardian may apply to the Board of Trustees for consideration of a special waiver of graduation requirements under these circumstances. Such request will be presented to the Board of Trustees at a scheduled meeting and all discussion will be conducted in executive session. The Board of Trustees shall make the final decision regarding such requests.
Early Graduation It is the philosophy of the administration and Board of Trustees that early graduation is not allowed at Fromberg High School. Students should complete four (4) full years of high school prior to making future decisions and plans such as college, vocational school, military, or entering the work force of society. In addition, students will not be allowed to take required courses for specific grade levels out of sequence until the year they are required. However, any student may petition the Board of Trustees under extremely special circumstances. If a student is granted Early Graduation, they are ineligible for Valedictorian, Salutatorian and Montana University system awards.
Graduation Requirements
Students must earn twenty-five (25) credits to graduate from Fromberg High School. Within the twenty-five (25) credits, students must earn credit in the following classes: ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS...... four (4) credits SOCIAL STUDIES (includes US History and American Government)...... four (4) credits MATHEMATICS...... four (4) credits SCIENCE...... four (4) credits VOCATIONAL/PRACTICAL ARTS (includes Technology, Business, Shop, FCS)...... four (4) credits HEALTH ENHANCEMENT/PHYSICAL EDUCATION...... two (2) credits FINE ARTS...... one (1) credit ELECTIVES...... two (2) credits Units of credit earned in any Montana high school accredited by the Board of Public Education shall be accepted by all Montana high schools. A unit of credit is defined as the equivalent of at least 225 minutes per week for one year.
Students will be allowed to enroll in independent study, dual credit, or Montana Digital Academy courses with guidance and permission of the counselor and superintendent for credit recovery or classes not offered by Fromberg School. Courses necessary for graduation must be approved by the Superintendent. Independent study classes are the financial responsibility of the student.
Page 4 Policy for Eligibility for Dual Credit Courses
Students must be on track to graduate: passing in all courses required for graduation at Fromberg Schools as well as the required number of courses at grade level. In order to be eligible, seniors will need a minimum of nineteen (19) credits; juniors will need a minimum of thirteen (13) credits.
The cost of college credits will be the responsibility of the student. Should the student complete college credit and wish the credit to be included on his/her high school transcript, the school will reimburse the student for one-half tuition of the course. Scholarship assistance may be available.
Grades for college level courses and MTDA AP Courses will be weighted: A=5.0, B=4.0, C=3.0, D=2.0.
Students must successfully complete a college course before enrolling in a subsequent course. 8/15/2014
Courses offered by Fromberg High School
Language Arts: English I, II, III, IV, Forensics (Speech & Debate) Algebra I, Geometry, Algebra II, Pre-Calculus, Calculus US Government, American History, World History, World Geography, Current Events, Psychology Physical Science, Biology I, Adv. Biology, Environmental Science, Physics, Chemistry Band, Jazz Band, Choir, Art, Foreign Language (MTDA) Computer Applications, Personal Finance, Business Math, Yearbook, Agriculture Education, JMG Health/Physical Education I, II, Advanced AP Courses through Montana Digital Academy University Connections MSU-Billings
Valedictorian / Salutatorian Requirements
It is the philosophy of the school district that it is important to validate the integrity of the Senior Class Valedictorian/Salutatorian.
As a result, in order to earn Valedictorian/Salutatorian honors, a student must have the following qualifications:
The student must have attended Fromberg High School for a minimum of four consecutive semesters during the Junior and Senior years.
The student must complete the following courses to be eligible – Pre-Calculus or Calculus, Physics and Chemistry.
Computation of the grade point average will include all classes and will be calculated to the one hundredths places (.00), up until the end of the seventh (7th) semester. In the event of a tie, the Helen McCall Trust will be divided equally.
In case of a tie for Valedictorian and/or Salutatorian honors, co-winners will be named.
Page 5 Any student who believes that circumstances beyond his/her control have permitted them from meeting any or all of these requirements, may appeal to the Board of Trustees.
Montana University Scholarship Information
The Board of Regents will authorize awards of Montana University System (MUS) Honor Scholarships to eligible graduates of accredited Montana high schools, in accordance with section 501.1 of the Montana Board of Regents of Higher Education Policy and Procedures Manual.
Who is eligible for the MUS Honor Scholarship?
Any high school senior who has a grade point average of 3.4 or higher; will graduate from an accredited high school in Montana; has been enrolled full time and in attendance in an accredited Montana school for at least three (3) years prior to graduation; has taken the ACT and/or SAT test by December of the current year, and is on track to complete the MUS rigorous core requirements by high school graduation.
** Please see your guidance counselor for further information!
In accordance with the Montana High School Association (MHSA), to be eligible to participate in an Association Contest a student must have received a passing grade in at least twenty periods of prepared work per week or its equivalent during the last preceding semester in which he/she was in attendance. If a student is assigned an “incomplete” or a “condition” in a subject, he/she has not received a passing grade in that subject. The record at the end of the semester is final, and scholastic deficiencies may not be “made up” in any way.
In addition, Fromberg High School has established the following standards for academic eligibility: Students will be monitored on a weekly basis. Students will maintain a “C” cumulative average in each class.
In order to help students maintain acceptable grades, the following measures will be taken: If a student falls below a “C” in a class after one week, a warning will be issued and the student may be required to attend academic support at the discretion of the teacher until the grade reaches a “C.” This will be known as a “probationary week.”
If a student is below a “C” in a class for two successive weeks, the student will be required to attend academic support at the discretion of the teacher and will be suspended from participation in extracurricular events for the week.
Teachers will turn in grades to the office for the cumulative quarter grade on Tuesday morning for any student falling below a “C.” In the event that a student is ineligible for extracurricular activities, copies of the report will be filed in the Superintendent’s office, mailed to the
Page 6 parent/guardian, and placed in the student’s locker.
Grades below a “C” at the end of the quarter will result in an automatic one-week suspension from event participation, and the preceding rules will apply for successive weeks
Fromberg Jr. High/High School Grading Scale
90 – 100 A 4.0 80 – 89 B 3.0 70 – 79 C 2.0 60 – 69 D 1.0 0 – 59 F 0.0
Semester grades are determined by the average of the quarter grades.
Grading for College Courses and MTDA AP courses will be weighted in the following manner: A=5.0, B=4.0, C=3.0, D=2.0. Courses will be reviewed by the Counselor and Superintendent for weighted grading approval.
Grades of “Incomplete” A grade of “incomplete” will be given to a student who has not completed the required work of the classroom teacher by the end of a grading period because of extenuating circumstances approved by the Superintendent of Schools. Only students who have been approved for grades of “incomplete” through the office of the Superintendent will be allowed such grades. A grade of "I" (incomplete) will be recorded when class work is not completed to the satisfaction of the teacher. If class work is not made up within a two week period after the last day of the grading period and recorded by the Counselor, the grade of "I" will convert to a grade of "F." Extensions may be granted in extenuating circumstances with approval of the Superintendent.
Honor Roll Criteria Honor Roll is computed for each semester. All courses taken that are given a letter grade of A, B, C, D, or F are included in the Honor Roll computation. There will be two separate Honor Roll recognitions for Fromberg Junior High and Fromberg High School: Basic Honor Roll: The Basic Honor Roll is 3.00 to 3.49 GPA. High Honor Roll: The High Honor Roll is 3.50 to 4.00 GPA Students who receive a grade of "D" - "F" - or “I” will not be eligible for the Honor Roll. Resource Room grades will count equal to regular classroom grades on the Honor Roll.
Cheating Cheating in the school environment is a significant offense. A violation of this magnitude could result in expulsion from a college, university or vocational-technical school. As a result, it is the goal of Fromberg School to treat cheating with the utmost seriousness. A student caught cheating in any grade at Fromberg School will face the following consequences during their school career: 1ST OFFENSE - grade of “0" on the assignment and/or test. 2nd OFFENSE – grade of “0” on the assignment and/or test; 1 day of ISS REPEATED OFFENSES - grade of “F" for the grading period in progress in whichever class the cheating violation occurred and a three (3) day in-school suspension from school.
Page 7 Special Education Services Fromberg School supports and encourages the education of exceptional children from three years of age to 21 years of age. An individual education plan (I.E.P.) designed to provide the least restrictive learning environment is developed for each special education student. The Fromberg School District has adopted the special education policies and procedures as specified in the Program Narrative of the Yellowstone-West/Carbon County Special Services Cooperative and consistent with the requirements of the Administrative Rules of Montana, the Montana State Plan and the IDEA. Copies of the complete narrative are available upon request.
Guidance & Counseling Services Guidance services are available for every student in the school. These services include assistance with educational planning, interpretation of test scores, occupational information, issuance of work permits, career information, scholarships, study help, help with home, school and/or social concerns, or any question the student may feel he/she would like to discuss with the counselor. Students wishing to visit the counselor should contact him/her in the guidance office to arrange for an appointment. The purpose of the guidance program is to help each individual student achieve his/her highest growth mentally, emotionally, and socially. The counselor welcomes the opportunity to talk things over with any student, parent, or teacher.
Student Records Montana School Law will be followed in all cases regarding student records along with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). FERPA affords parents/guardians and students over eighteen (18) years of age ("eligible students") certain rights with respect to the student's educational records. A copy of this policy is located in the office of the Superintendent of Schools.
In addition, regarding student records, federal law requires that “directory information” on students may be released by the School District to anyone who requests it unless the parent and/or guardian object in writing to the release of any or all information. This objection must be filed within ten (10) days of the time the Student Handbook is given to parents. Directory information ordinarily includes the student’s name, address, telephone number, date and place of birth, participation in officially recognized activities and sports, weight and height of members of athletic teams, photographs, dates of attendance, awards received in school, and most previous schools attended. In exercising their rights as parents and/or guardians, to limit the release of this information, they will mark through the items of directory information listed above that they wish the School District to withhold about their child(ren).
The Rights & Responsibilities of Others Students have a right and a responsibility to learn. Teachers have a right and responsibility to teach. When students cause disruptions, they deprive others of their basic right to learn.
Students will not be insubordinate.
Students must show respect for their teachers.
Students must show respect for each other.
Students are expected to use appropriate language at all times.
Students must not fight/scuffle.
Page 8 Students must not initiate a false alarm - fire alarm, bomb threat, etc.
Students must not vandalize school property.
Students must obey all local, state and federal laws.
Students must respect substitute teachers, as they have the same authority as regular teachers.
Students must attempt to complete the class work assigned
Students must not show a lack of diligence. Lack of Diligence is defined as an accumulation of behaviors that indicate that, in spite of the school’s concerned effort, the student does not wish to participate in the learning process.
If a student displays a lack of diligence, he/she may be assigned to academic remediation after school or on Saturday mornings. Failure to show for any assigned academic remediation will result in the student being suspended from school for one (1) day.
The faculty and administration at Fromberg School will make every effort possible to ensure that children enrolled in our school do not fail in their educational experience.
18 Year Old Students All students including those who are 18 years of age or older will follow all school policies of the Fromberg School District.
Montana Law Montana law states, "Any pupil shall be subject to the control and authority of the teachers, principal, and district superintendent while he is in school, on school premises, on his way to and from school, or during any intermission or recess." - MONTANA CODE: 20-5-201 (d)
Chain of Command To properly solve a problem informally, begin by discussing it with the person closest involved. If the problem remains unsolved, continue the discussion up the “chain of command.” If the “chain of command” is not followed, problems cannot be solved. The proper “chain of command” is as follows: Student - Teacher, Coach, or Sponsor - Activities Director (if applicable) – Superintendent- Board of Trustees Grievance Procedure Any student, parent or guardian with a grievance should first discuss it with the teacher, counselor, or administrator involved with the objective of resolving the matter promptly and informally. If the grievance is not resolved and the Grievant wishes to pursue the grievance, he/she may formalize it by filing the grievance in writing and policy #1700 will be used to settle such grievance.
Health Impairments Students with a physical disability are required to submit a certificate from a licensed physician stating it is medically acceptable for him/her to participate in athletic/activity events. In addition, the school district is not responsible for covering injuries that occur at school or during school activities and/or extra-curricular activities. Parents are encouraged to have medical insurance which covers their children at school and in school events. A special student insurance policy shall be made available to parents for purchase at the school; however, the school district
Page 9 does not sell the policy, nor is responsible for it. In addition, all sports physicals must be taken after May 1st of each calendar year in order to be valid for the upcoming school year. Physicals taken prior to the May 1st date will not be valid for use during athletic activities during the next full school year.
Medications Policy No medication will be administered by any school personnel except in compliance with the following: 1. School personnel may not accept or supervise the taking of medication unless a “Request for Administration of Medication” form signed by the parent and/or guardian is on file in the high school office. 2. Students taking medication prescribed by a physician must present the medication in its original container to the high school office. Over-the-counter medication may be kept in a student’s locker in grades 7-12. 3. The initial dose must be administered at home by the parent and/or guardian to avoid adverse reactions from occurring at school. 4. Prescription medicines brought to the school without following the above procedure will be considered contraband and the student will be disciplined accordingly. 5. Students who are going to carry and self administer medication must have the “Montana Authorization to Carry and Self-Administer Medication” form completed, signed, and submitted to the office prior to self-administering medication.
Communicable Diseases Policy The Board recognizes that communicable diseases that may afflict students range from common childhood disease, acute and short-term in nature, to chronic, life-threatening diseases such as human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection. The District will rely on advice of the public health and medical communities in assessing the risk of transmission of various communicable diseases to determine how best to protect the health of both students and staff.
The District will manage common communicable diseases in accordance with Montana Department of Public Health and Human Services guidelines and communicable diseases control rules. The District may temporarily exclude from school attendance a student who exhibits symptoms of a communicable disease that is readily transmitted in a school setting.
School Lunches For 2017-2018, Fromberg School has been designated a community eligibility school; as such every student receives free breakfast and lunch. Extra milk will be billed at 40 cents per carton. Daily student lunch tickets will be $1.50 for elementary students and $1.85 for junior high and high school students; and $2.90 for adults.
The purchase of school lunch will be on a cash basis in advance. All school lunches need to be paid for in advance of eating. Low balance notices will be given to students periodically and parents will be notified. When an account reaches a negative balance of $20.00, the student will no longer be served a regular lunch until payment is made. An alternative lunch will be provided. Extra milk, other than the one provided with the meal, can be purchased for $.40 per carton. Free and reduced lunch forms are available for families who believe they may be eligible. Please check at the office.
Lunchroom Procedures It is very important for each person to help keep the lunchroom clean and picked up. Please put Page 10 paper refuse in the garbage containers and return your tray to the dishwasher area. There is no borrowing on lunch tickets. Food may not be taken from the lunchroom unless a class meeting is scheduled with permission of the sponsor.
Food and Drinks Drinks and snacks can be eaten before or after school and after the lunch period, before class begins. Students are asked to place all cans and wrappers in the garbage cans. Abuse of this policy will result in beverage and food privileges being revoked and machines locked. Clear containers with water only may be allowed in the classroom.
Office Area / Faculty Room Students are not allowed in the administrative offices without permission. The faculty room is for teachers and staff. Students are not allowed in the faculty room, unless accompanied by a staff member.
Use and Care of School Lockers Students are assigned lockers and are responsible for the contents of the assigned locker. Do not change or trade lockers without permission of the Superintendent of Schools. Students may lock their lockers. A key or combination must be left with the office on your student information sheet. Students are advised against leaving money or any other valuables in their lockers. The school does not assume liability for items stolen from lockers. Students are permitted access ONLY to their own locker. It is further expected that all students will keep the areas around their respective lockers clean and free of personal possessions and debris. No stickers, posters or pictures that are not considered respectful and tasteful are allowed on lockers. Empty lockers are to remain empty and not used as additional storage. If your locker needs repairs, you are to inform the high school office as soon as possible. If you place a lock on your locker you are to leave the combination and/or spare key in the office. The Supt. is responsible for conducting and supervising routine inspections of all lockers. Inspections of lockers and their contents may be conducted by school authorities for any reason, at any time, without notice, without student consent, and without a search warrant. All lockers and all items that students choose to store in the lockers are subject to inspection as well. At the end of each school day, all books, backpacks, etc. are to be put in lockers or taken home. Any remaining items on the floors after school hours will be confiscated.
Use and Care of Textbooks and School Equipment All basic textbooks, equipment, and materials are loaned to the students for their use during the school year. Textbooks are to be kept clean and handled carefully. Please be sure your name, grade, and school are written on the book label in case the book is misplaced. The student will be required to pay full replacement costs for lost or damaged books, equipment, and materials.
Internet Acceptable Use Policy New technologies are shifting the ways that information may be accessed, communicated and transferred. Fromberg Schools offer students access to the electronic information highway and the Internet. The school has installed a filtering system on the internet server to ensure that the basic mission of our school to educate young people is not compromised. While “Surf Watch” is a filter designed to prevent undesirable images and inappropriate messages from entering the school, it is only a tool. Ultimately, the school staff, parents, and guardians of our students are responsible for setting and conveying the standards that students should follow when using median and information resources. Fromberg School supports and respects each family’s right to decide whether or not to allow their child to apply for Internet access. Page 11 Students are responsible for good behavior on school computer networks just as they are in a classroom or in the hallways. Communications on the network are often public in nature. General rules for behavior and communications apply. The Internet is provided for students to conduct research and communicate with others in a relation to schoolwork. Access to network services is given to students who agree to act in a considerate and responsible manner. Parent and/or guardian permission is required in order for students to have network access. Access is a privilege, not a right. Therefore, upon the Acceptable Use guidelines outlined in this document, the system administrators will deem what is appropriate use and their decisions are final. The system administrators may close an account at any time. The administration, faculty, and staff of Fromberg School may deny, revoke, or suspend specific user accounts. Individual users of the Internet are responsible for their use of the network. The use of their account must be in support of education and research and must be consistent with academic expectations of Fromberg School. Transmission of any material in violation of United States or State regulations, including copyrighted, threatening or obscene material is prohibited. Use for commercial activities for-profit organizations, product promotion, political lobbying or illegal activities is strictly prohibited. The User is expected to abide by the following rules of etiquette - Be polite. Do not write or send abusive messages; Use appropriate language. Do not swear; use vulgarities or any other inappropriate language; Transmission of obscene materials is prohibited. Sending or receiving offensive messages or pictures from any source will result in immediate suspension of User privileges; Do not reveal the personal address or phone number of yourself to others; Do not communicate any credit card number, bank account number, or any other financial information; Electronic mail is not guaranteed to be private. People who operate the system do have access to all mail. Inappropriate messages will result in suspension of privileges; Do not use the network in such a way that would disrupt the use of the network by other Users; Vandalism or any malicious attempts to harm or destroy data of another User will not be tolerated. Any questionable action will result in cancellation of user privileges. Violation of any of the above mentioned rules and responsibilities will result in a loss of access and may result in further disciplinary or legal actions on the part of the School District such as ISS, OSS.
Use of Telephone/Cell Phones/Listening Devices A telephone is provided at the office counter in the main hall for students to use. You may use the telephone if you have permission from the office. Long distance calls cannot be made from this telephone. Please do not abuse your telephone privileges. Cell phones can be used during breaks, before school, or after school. No cell phones or electronic devices may be visible or audible in the classroom without specific teacher permission. Consequences: 1) The teacher will ask that the student put the device away; if the student fails to follow the directive, 2) The teacher will take the device for the class period; if the student refuses to give the device to the teacher, 3) The student will be sent to the office and consequences for insubordination will follow as outlined in the student handbook. Should the student have a device visible or audible in the classroom without specific teacher permission more than one time, the teacher will follow the consequences above and the student will serve a 30 minute detention for each violation after the first.
Cell phones used as an educational tool are allowed at the teacher’s discretion. Cell phones are not allowed in locker rooms. Persons using the cell phone to text improper messages that cause embarrassment or harm to a student, staff, or community member will have all electronic telephone
Page 12 use revoked and a possible report to law enforcement authorities. Electronic devices may only be brought into the classroom with specific teacher permission for classroom use. Cell phone or texting use that is meant to harass or bully is a violation of Montana State Law and will not be tolerated. Students are not allowed to take cell phone pictures at any time on School property during school hours or at home sponsored school activities. On overnight activities coaches or sponsors are to collect all cell phones before students are to have “lights out”.
Library Regulations The Library is designed to assist students with research, study and book checkouts. In addition to assuring a place for quiet study, the librarians will help students find materials and use library resources. Students are encouraged to use the Library during open hours. The library is an area for study and research. * Books and magazines will be checked out only by the librarian or assistant librarians or as directed by the librarian. * Absolutely no book, magazine, paper, pamphlet, chart, files, or other material belonging in the library is to be taken from the library without properly checking it out. * Books and older magazines may be checked out for two weeks. Current magazines may be checked out overnight only. Abuse of this privilege will result in its withdrawal on an individual basis. * Encyclopedias, dictionaries, almanacs, atlases or other reference books are not to be checked out under any circumstances. These reference materials are to be used at school only. * Magazines, papers, or a book may be checked out by the student by completing the checkout form provided. * All students are to conduct themselves as ladies and gentlemen while in the library. Library privileges will be restricted for those who fail to respect its facilities. * Necessary quiet conversation will be allowed when subject-related. * All rules and procedures as covered in the "Acceptable Use" policy is in effect in all classrooms including the Library. * During school hours (8:00 am until 3:45 pm), students will need a note IN ADVANCE from the Librarian to report to the Library.
Dress Code The Administration recognizes the effect which student dress and grooming have upon student behavior and commitment to learning. It further recognizes the role of parents in assisting their children in making appropriate choices regarding clothing, accessories and personal appearance. In order to maintain an atmosphere conducive to learning, the administration requires that all students will exercise good taste with regard to their personal appearance. Attire which is disruptive or could present a health or safety problem is not appropriate. Examples of dress that are not appropriate include, but are not limited to, the following: a) Bare feet b) Shirts that do not cover the midriff c) Halter tops d) Tank tops with straps less than 1 inch wide or men’s undershirts or tank tops with large arm openings e) Short skirts or shorts (fingertip length) f) Visible undergarments g) Shirts that reveal cleavage in either boys or girls h) Hats, caps, hoods and or other head coverings may not be worn from 8:00AM – 3:20PM inside the school buildings, but may be worn when entering or leaving the building. i) Clothing with obscene language or promotes sexual connotations Page 13 j) Clothing that advertises alcohol, illegal drugs, tobacco k) Any clothing that reveals the body in an inappropriate manner and/or any clothing or appearance that distracts from the normal educational process by the opinion of any member of the staff. l) Visible body piercing will be allowed with the exception of gauging The Superintendent’s judgment is final on all issues concerning the dress code at Fromberg Public School.
Acceptable Language at School The use of proper language at school will be a priority at Fromberg School. Profanity will be disciplined according to the seriousness and frequency of the offense. We all need to set good examples for those around us and learn to speak in a manner that is acceptable in public and the workplace!
Public Display of Affection There is a time and a place for everything, and certainly the school grounds during the school day is neither the place nor the time for kissing, caressing or other forms of affection unacceptable for the school setting. Students will be reprimanded upon the first offense of this nature and will be given in-school suspension upon repeated offenses.
Valuables and Money School is not the place for valuable items such as electronic devices, expensive jewelry, or large sums of money. The school is not responsible for an item left in any unattended place that comes up missing.
Visitors We welcome visitors to our school. However, our school is a business that requires responsibilities of all employees to its students. In order to reduce potential problems, and to increase security and respect for schedules, staff responsibilities and student responsibilities, we request that all visitors check into the office upon entering the building. Student visitors may be allowed with permission from the administration.
Change of Policy Notification Occasionally there may be changes of policy as outlined in the Student Handbook. These changes will appear in the daily school bulletin and will be posted on the bulletin board across from the high school office. Thereafter, any change will be the responsibility of the student to abide by the new policy.
School Attendance Procedures Class attendance and participation are requirements for successful course completion. As a result, students and parents are expected to cooperate in the best attendance record possible while in attendance at Fromberg School.
Any student in grades K-12 maintaining perfect attendance for the entire year shall receive a $50.00 gift card. Perfect attendance means just that, not missing any or part of any period or having any unexcused tardies to any class.
ATTENDANCE POLICY Statement of Policy and Purpose:
Page 14 Good attendance is necessary to assure complete learning. There are many activities and discussions which occur in class that simply cannot be made up. School also provides a foundation for the work environment that follows. Excessive absenteeism is not allowed in the work environment; therefore, the good habit of attending work every day must begin at school. Absenteeism above 10% is considered to be excessive in all employment disciplines.
Attendance Checkout Procedure: If a student is absent, the parent/guardian must call to inform the school of the absence. State regulations require this communication. Calls are requested between 7:30 A.M. and 9:00 A.M. Calls may be attempted earlier as on many days, people are in the office as early at 7:00 A.M. School personnel are required to contact the home in the event no call is received.
Appointments: Professional doctor appointments, as much as possible, should be scheduled so such appointments do not conflict with school hours. However, Fromberg High School realizes that some appointments must be scheduled within school hours.
Parents must make prior arrangements for professional appointments. The school should be informed as early as possible of the appointment. The student is responsible for making arrangements with teachers so that all possible class work is completed prior to the absence. (See Prior Notification below)
Prior Notification: Parents must contact the office ahead of time in all cases an absence is anticipated in the future. For activity-related absences, the coach or faculty member in charge will provide, in advance, a list to other staff members of all students who will be participating in the activity. It is the student’s responsibility to obtain advance assignments and complete any work required by a teacher prior to the absence.
Tardiness: Students are expected to be in class on time. By definition, a student is tardy when not in class and ready for instruction when the period begins. A student is not tardy if prior arrangements are made with a teacher. Each teacher is responsible for developing procedures to deal with tardiness. Those procedures may include participation by the Superintendent. Parents will also be contacted in excess tardy situations. Consequences for excessive tardiness may include detention and/or contracts between the teacher or Superintendent and student/parent. Three tardies or a tardy beyond 10 minutes will result in an absence for that period.
Excused Absences: Excused absences are absences authorized by parents. These absences are for the purpose of illness, bereavement, family emergencies, medical appointments, and absences related to requirements to satisfy the law. All excused absences are counted toward the ten-day semester limit of absences with the exception of school-related absence, medical absence, and family bereavement.
A call to the school on the day of the absence is required to identify an absence as excused. Montana law requires each student to be accounted for each school day.
Page 15 Unexcused Absences: An unexcused absence is defined as an absence without parental knowledge and authorization. An unexcused absence may occur when a student does not arrive at school at a time parents expect the student to be at school, or when a student leaves school when not authorized by the parent.
An unexcused absence is a serious matter. Parents will be contacted in these situations, and a conference will be required. Consequences may include “Saturday School.” (See policy related to unexcused absences). Excessive unexcused absences may lead to suspension/expulsion from Fromberg High School.
Policy Related to Unexcused Absences: Fromberg High School shall not tolerate unexcused absences and will take the following action if they occur: Students who have unexcused absences will be placed into “Saturday School” and the parent/guardian will be contacted. The amount of time assigned for “Saturday School” will depend on the total number of periods that the student is absent unexcused and will directly correlate with that time.
A student who does not show up for “Saturday School” or is disruptive while attending “Saturday School” will be given a one day out-of-school suspension.
Missed Assignments: Students will have one day plus one extra day of absence to make up work missed. For example; three (3) days absence will grant the student four (4) days for makeup. Makeup work is the responsibility of the student, not the teacher. In the case of extreme illness or circumstances, the Administration may extend the time limit.
Ten Day (over 10%) Procedures and Credit Requirements: Absences are considered excessive when a student’s absences exceed ten (10) days (over 10%) per semester in any class period. All absences will count toward the ten-day total unless the absence is for one of the following: School related absence—this includes all extra-curricular absences related to school activities. a) Fromberg High School places a high priority on keeping school-related absences to a minimum.
Medical absence---Medical appointments verified by a physician and illness that requires the student to be at home as prescribed and verified by a physician. Verification must be written by the doctor’s office on letterhead or appointment pad and turned into the office on the day the student returns to school. This written verification will be kept in the school files.
Family bereavement absence.
Administrative Procedures and Notification: 1) Parents/Guardian will be notified in writing by the office when absences are excessive. a. Notification will occur upon five (5) absences in any class during the first nine- week period of each semester.
Page 16 b. Notification will occur upon eight (8) absences in any class during the semester. c. Parents will be provided a final notification upon ten (10) absences in any class. 2) A parent conference will be requested by the School when it appears a student is in jeopardy of exceeding the absence limit. Parents may request a conference at any time. 3) A high school student who exceeds the ten-day limit will be required to meet with the board. The board will determine any action taken. Students may be required to make- up absences over ten in a semester. Retention will be considered for K-8 students who exceed the ten-day limit. (Please refer to Attendance Appeal Process.)
Attendance Appeal Process: 1) A parent or the Administration may request an appeal to the Fromberg Board of Trustees when the student approaches or exceeds the ten-day limit of absences. 2) In the event the student has exceeded the absence limit, he/she will be allowed to continue enrollment until the Board of Trustees meeting. 3) During this appeal process, the parent/guardian will have the opportunity to explain: a. reasons for the student’s absences, b. why it would have been difficult/impossible not to exceed the ten-day limit, and c. request an extension of days due to the explained circumstances. 4) Following the meeting, the Administrator will notify the parent/guardian in writing of the outcome of the appeal. 5) The decision of the Board of Trustees is final.
Attendance Incentive for Grades 7 - 12 Regular attendance is basic to meeting the educational needs of students. Maximum classroom instructional benefits can happen only when the student is in attendance. Regular and punctual attendance is essential to the educational welfare of students, parents, and educators. Because we believe that attendance is so important to student achievement, we have created an attendance incentive:
Students who have (2) or fewer absences during each nine-week grading period, for any reason except school-related absences, and who have completed work for the quarter will be given 1 day off. This includes excused absences, tardies to school or class, in or out of school suspensions, medical absences, or bereavement absences. This incentive day will be the last day of that nine-week grading period (October 18, December 22, March 9, and May 23). The day off will be counted as a school related absence.
Checking Out of School It is important that the Superintendent and office know when a student leaves school grounds because of legal requirements. Students may leave the school premises only with the permission of the Superintendent during regular school hours. Students are not to leave the school grounds during the lunch hour without prior parental permission. If it becomes necessary for a student to leave school, they must check out through the high school office with written or verbal parental permission before leaving the school grounds. Students who fail to follow this procedure will be considered “unexcused.” Students are not to check out to run errands for individual teachers without permission of the Superintendent.
Make-Up Work Regular school attendance is an important part of a student's school experience. The make-up
Page 17 procedures are based on the premise that class time is of prime importance. After an absence, certain responsibilities exist. The student shall contact the teacher the following day after an absence or absences to make arrangements to make up the work missed. Students have one (1) day to make up the work for each day missed unless special arrangements are made between the student and classroom teacher. If a long-term assignment (term paper, book report, etc.) is due on the day a student returns from an absence, the assignment is due as scheduled unless the student has made prior arrangements with the teacher. If a scheduled exam falls on the day a student returns from an absence and the material was presented while the student was present, the student will be expected to take the exam as scheduled, unless the student has made prior arrangements with the teacher. If a student fails to meet the agreed schedule, the work will be graded accordingly. Any unexcused/truancy absences will result in NO make-up work being allowed. When students are absent for a period of time, parents are encouraged to call the office and request missing homework. We would ask parents to give the office 24 hours notice to accumulate these assignments so that they can be picked up at the office the following day.
Extra-Curricular Activities Extra-curricular activities are a very important part of your education and students are urged to take part. Remember, however, that these activities are secondary to your academic education.
Extra-Curricular Activity Passes Extra-curricular passes may be purchased at the high school office: Family Passes ($90.00), Adult Single Pass ($50.00). These passes are good for all high school boys and girls athletic events at Fromberg Schools. Fromberg students may attend student activities at Fromberg free of charge.
Out-of-School Conduct Expectations High school or grade school students wishing to attend out-of-town games as spectators may do so, remembering that they are representing the Fromberg School. Students must behave in an appropriate manner at all games or their attendance is not desired. All issues of student behavior must be followed or privileges (as a student) will be denied. The entire school and community are judged by the actions of students at these events. Students not riding the bus to games are the responsibility of their parents.
Field Trips Field trips are encouraged if well-planned and followed up by teaching specific goals. All field trips must be approved by the Superintendent before any plans are made or any information is given to students. All field trip requests must reach the Superintendent at least two weeks prior to the date requested so proper arrangements can be made and notes can be sent home to parents.
All field trips will include a proper number of adult chaperones approved by both the teacher and the Superintendent of Schools. Other than the teacher(s) involved in the field trip, one adult chaperone per each 10 students on the field trip will be required, with a minimum of at least one adult chaperone in addition to the teachers involved. Chaperones will be seated throughout the bus and assigned seating will be implemented if necessary.
All students will ride to and from the field trip on the school bus unless permission has been given to ride with parents directly from the Superintendent of Schools. Any misbehavior reported to the Superintendent of Schools during a field trip may result in suspension from school. Page 18 Family Night School activities will not be scheduled on Wednesdays without School Board approval for students in grades K-4 after 3:30 pm and after 7:00 pm for students in grades 5 - 12. Teachers are not to give any homework on Wednesday nights, but may schedule any exams for Thursdays. In the event that a student has missed school, they may be required to complete make-up work on a Wednesday night.
Student Council The Student Council provides for student activities, serves as a training experience for both leaders and followers, promotes the common good, gives students a share in the management of the school, develops high ideals of personal contact, acts as a clearing house for student activities, seeks to interest students in school affairs and helps solve problems that may arise.
High School Prom The High School Prom is designated for high school students. Because of this there will be limitations concerning Prom. Junior high students are not allowed to attend and students who have graduated from high school may be considered to attend the Prom if the graduated student had been dating a Fromberg High School student and the Superintendent believes allowing the graduate to attend would be in the best interest of the student and the school. Any “date” not enrolled in high school may be required to come and visit with the Superintendent prior to the dance. Fromberg Students who invite a non-Fromberg student to the prom must fill out a prom attendance form.
Student Use of Vehicles Fromberg Schools operates under a closed campus policy for students in grades K-12. Students are to remain on campus once they arrive to school, unless proper checkout procedures are followed. Students are to park their cars or motorcycles in the parking areas and are not to be parked across the street from the main high school entrance or in front of any residential houses in the vicinity of the school. Fromberg School has a closed campus during the school day concerning the use of vehicles. Only students with direct permission from the Superintendent may use vehicles during school hours. Students who fail to drive in a careful and prudent manner on or around school property will have their driving privileges suspended by the Superintendent; and police and parents will be notified.
Bus Transportation The Fromberg Schools will provide bus transportation to and from school. Students are encouraged to ride the bus. Students not assigned to a bus route that wish to ride the bus on occasion, must provide the bus driver with a written note or be granted approval from the Superintendent. All students will behave appropriately and safely while riding on a school bus. The bus drivers will not tolerate students stopping drivers from doing their job or preventing other students from having safe transportation. A student, who commits an infraction of the school or bus rules while riding on the bus to and from school and/or on school activities, will be disciplined according to the seriousness and frequency of the offense. Drivers are authorized by the school district to take any or all of the following disciplinary actions: 1) verbal warnings 2) make assignments of seats on the bus 3) issue written warnings to the Superintendent of Schools for disciplinary action through his office.
GENERAL BUS RIDING RULES Follow directions of the driver; Stay in assigned seats, sit down facing toward the front of bus; Page 19 Keep all parts of your body inside of the bus; Leave aisle clear; No pushing, shoving, fighting, or loud, boisterous outbursts at any time; Do not touch emergency door; food, candy, pop, sunflower seeds, etc. are not to be eaten on the buses on their daily route.
Activity Bus Procedures The bus will leave on time! Those that ride during activity trips will travel to and from the activity on the bus. Exceptions may be granted if a parent has personally made arrangements with the advisor for the return trip. Failure to abide by reasonable requests will result in riding privileges being suspended.
School Discipline Procedures Due Process will be followed if a rule is broken. This means each person involved will have a chance to explain what happened. A student's behavior is an integral part of his/her success in school. Often disruptive behavior is reflective of other problems a child is experiencing. In an attempt to help the child control his/her behavior it is sometimes necessary to ask help from counselors, the school psychologist, the drug and alcohol coordinator, or the police department. If additional help is needed, it will be discussed with the child's parents.
Discipline Consequences and Definitions The following are discipline consequences and defined terminology for disciplinary actions.
CONFERENCE = the student will meet with the Superintendent for discussion of violation.
PARENT = the parents of the student will be notified of violation and the next consequence.
SATURDAY DETENTION = a two (2) to four (4) hour session of time from 8:00 am until 12 noon to allow students extra time for remediation for unacceptable behavior.
IN-SCHOOL SUSPENSION (I.S.S.) = a suspension whereas the student will stay in school in an isolated area to complete course work.
SUSPENSION (O.S.S.) = a one to five day out-of-school suspension assigned by the Superintendent in accordance with the Fromberg School Board of Education guidelines.
MAJOR SUSPENSION (O.S.S.) = a six to ten day out-of-school suspension assigned by the Superintendent in accordance with the Fromberg School Board of Education guidelines.
BOARD OF TRUSTEES (EXPULSION) = the Board of Trustees have the exclusive authority to expel a student from school.
Step-Ladder Program for Minor Discipline Problems – Fromberg Jr High/High School The Superintendent of Schools will use a Step-Ladder program for dealing with discipline problems of a minor nature. Students will be disciplined by the number of referrals received during the course of a semester. The more referrals, the harsher the punishment will be. Below is the Step program that will be used.
Page 20 STEP 1 (1st referral to Superintendent) = after school detention for up to three (3) days from 3:15 pm until 4:00 pm
STEP 2 = two (2) days of In-School Suspension
STEP 3 = two (2) days of Out-of-School Suspension
STEP 4 / Repeated referrals = three (3) days of Out-of-School suspension per offense
** All discipline referrals start over at the end of 1st semester and the Step-Ladder Program reverts to Step 1 Discipline Grid – Fromberg Jr. High / High School The Discipline Grid shows the probable consequences for major violations of school policy. The Superintendent of Schools has the responsibility to determine the best way to bring about the desired change in student behavior and may, in special cases, select an option not listed on this sheet. Where several options are listed, the Superintendent may CHOOSE ANY OR ALL of the items,
First Incident Second Incident Repeated Incidents
Disruptions; Disrespect; Insubordination; CONFERENCE/PAREN CONFERENCE/PAREN CONFERENCE/PARENT Profanity T T MAJOR O.S.S. I.S.S. I.S.S. O.S.S. O.S.S.
Use/Possession of Drugs, Drug Paraphernalia, CONFERENCE/PAREN Weapons T O.S.S.
False Alarms/Threats to other students CONFERENCE/PAREN T O.S.S. MAJOR O.S.S. POLICE INFORMED
Dress Code Violations CONFERENCE/PAREN CONFERENCE/PAREN CONFERENCE/PARENT T T O.S.S. Page 21 First Incident Second Incident Repeated Incidents REPRIMAND I.S.S. O.S.S.
Failure to Show for Assigned Detention by CONFERENCE/PAREN CONFERENCE/PAREN CONFERENCE/PARENT Teacher T T O.S.S. I.S.S.
Suspension Procedures The Board of Trustees recognizes that the power of suspension, in a district of this size, should rest with the Superintendent of Schools; but would emphasize that proper communications between all parties involved is essential in the handling of all disciplinary problems. In the event the proposed punishment of a student is to include denial of the right of school attendance from any single class or full schedule of classes for at least one (1) day, the following procedure shall be used - Before suspension, the student shall be provided a conference during which the charges will be explained and the student will be given the opportunity to respond to the charges. A pre- suspension conference is not required and the student can be immediately suspended when the student's presence poses a continuing danger to persons or property or an ongoing threat of disruption to the educational process. In such cases, the notice and conference shall follow as soon as practicable. Any suspension shall be reported immediately to the student's parent or legal guardian. A written notice of suspension shall state the reasons for the suspension, including any school rule which was violated, and a notice to the parent or guardian of the right to a review of the suspension.
Types of Suspension The following are the types of suspensions that can be used at Fromberg Schools: Long-term suspension definition: a suspension that is more than ten (10) school days and less than one calendar year in length; Short-term suspension: a suspension that is ten (10) school days in length or less; In-school suspension: a suspension that is administered in-school.
Suspension and Special Education A special education student may be suspended for an aggregate of ten (10) days per school year, regardless of whether the student's gross disobedience or misconduct is a manifestation of the student's disabling condition. Any special education student who has or will exceed ten (10) days of suspension may be temporarily excluded from school by court order or by order of a hearing officer if the District demonstrates that maintaining the student in the student's current placement is substantially likely to result in injury to the student or others. The student shall continue to receive educational services in accordance with the IDEA during such period of suspension.
In-School Suspension Guidelines ATTENDANCE: Students are to report to the superintendent immediately upon arrival to school. The student will spend the day(s) in a in-school suspension room/area. MAKE-UP WORK: Students who are assigned in-school suspension will be able to make up the work missed in the regular classroom at 100% of its total value. ADMINISTRATIVE RESPONSIBILITY: The administrative prerogative to remove a student from his/her present school setting because of willful violation of school rules, willful conduct which materially and substantially disrupts the rights of others to an education, or the property of the school is affirmed, provided that such action is taken with due regard for the welfare of both the Page 22 individual and the school.
Out-of-School Suspension Guidelines ATTENDANCE: Students are not to be on the school grounds until the suspension has been completed. Students who violate this rule will be subject to additional suspension from school for two (2) days.
MAKE-UP WORK: Students who are absent as a result of an out-of-school suspension will be able to make up the work missed.
ADMINISTRATIVE RESPONSIBILITY: The administrative prerogative to remove a student from his/her present school setting because of willful violation of school rules, willful conduct which materially and substantially disrupts the rights of others to an education, or the property of the school is affirmed, provided that such action is taken with due regard for the welfare of both the individual and the school.
Long-Term Suspension Guidelines ATTENDANCE: Students are not to be on the school grounds for any reason whatsoever until the end of the long-term suspension as determined by the Board of Trustees. Students who violate this rule will be subject to trespass laws.
Student Expulsion Guidelines A student may be expelled from school only by the Board of Trustees, and only after the following due process procedures have been followed: 1) The student and parent or legal guardian shall be provided written notice of the Board hearing to consider the recommendation for expulsion, by registered or certified mail at least five (5) school days before the date scheduled for the hearing. The notice shall include the time and place of the hearing; information describing the process to be used to conduct the hearing; notice of the Board's intent to conduct the hearing in executive session unless the parent or legal guardian waives the student's right to privacy. 2) Within the limitation that the hearing must be conducted during the period of suspension, an expulsion hearing may be rescheduled by the parent or legal guardian by submitting a request showing good cause to the Superintendent at least two (2) school days prior to the date of the hearing as originally scheduled. The Superintendent shall determine if the request shows good cause.
Student Search / Search of Property on School Grounds To maintain order and security in the schools, school authorities are authorized to conduct reasonable searches of school property (lockers are considered school property) and equipment, as well as students and their personal effects. School authorities may inspect and search property and equipment owned or controlled by the school (such as lockers, desks, and parking lots), as well as personal effects left there by the student, without notice or consent of the student. This applies to student vehicles parked on school property.
The Superintendent may request the assistance of law enforcement officials to conduct inspections and searches of lockers, desks, parking lots, and other school property and equipment for illegal drugs, weapons, or other illegal and dangerous substances or material, including searches conducted through the use of specially trained dogs. School authorities may search the student and/or student's personal effects in the student's possession when there is reasonable ground for suspecting that the search will produce evidence the particular student has violated or is violating
Page 23 the law or the School District's student conduct rules. The search itself must be conducted in a manner which is reasonably related to its objectives and not excessively intrusive in light of the age and sex of the student and the nature of the infraction.
If a search produces evidence that the student has violated or is violating either the law or the School District's policies or rules, such evidence may be seized and impounded by school authorities, and disciplinary action may be taken. When appropriate, such evidence may be transferred to law enforcement authorities.
Use and/or Possession of Drugs, Alcohol, and Tobacco The use and/or possession of drugs, alcohol, and/or tobacco at Fromberg School are prohibited by both school policy and Montana law. Students caught in possession and or using these types of products of any kind on school grounds will be suspended from school and local law enforcement authorities will be notified. The school building and grounds are drug, alcohol and tobacco-free areas.
Any student who has been suspended for the use or possession of drugs or alcohol may be reinstated after a two-week suspension period upon written notification by the school counselor that the student has attended required drug/alcohol counseling. Failure to attend the counseling sessions may result in the expulsion of the student for a period not to exceed 180 days. The use or possession of tobacco products in school buildings, school vehicles or school grounds is absolutely prohibited. Violation will result in a minimum suspension from school for three (3) days. Additional violations will result in more severe suspension from school.
BULLYING/HARASSMENT/INTIMADATION/HAZING POLICY (District Policy 3226) STUDENTS Bullying/Harassment/Intimidation/Hazing The Board will strive to provide a positive and productive learning and working environment. Bullying, harassment, intimidation, or hazing, by students, staff, or third parties is strictly prohibited and shall not be tolerated. Definitions 1. “Third parties” include, but are not limited to, coaches, school volunteers, parents, school visitors, service contractors or others engaged in district business, such as employees of businesses or organizations participating in cooperative work programs with the District and others not directly subject to District control at inter-District and intra-District athletic competitions or other school events.
2. “District” includes District facilities, District premises, and non-District property if the student or employee is at any District-sponsored, District-approved, or District-related activity of function, such as field trips or athletic events, where students are under the control of the District or where the employee is engaged in District business.
3. “Hazing” includes, but is not limited to, any act that recklessly or intentionally endangers the mental or physical health or safety of a student for the purpose of initiation or as a condition or precondition of attaining membership in or affiliation with any District-sponsored activity or grade-level attainment, including, but not limited to, forced consumption of any drink, alcoholic beverage, drug, or controlled substance, forced exposure to the elements, forced prolonged exclusion from social contact, sleep deprivation, or any other forced activity that could adversely affect the mental or physical health or safety of a student; requires, encourages, authorizes, or permits
Page 24 another to be subject to wearing or carrying any obscene or physically burdensome article, assignment of pranks to be performed, or other such activities intended to degrade or humiliate.
4. “Bullying” means any harassment, intimidation, hazing, or threatening, insulting, or demeaning gesture or physical contact, including any intentional written, verbal or electronic communication (“cyberbullying”) or threat directed against a student that is persistent, severe, or repeated, and that substantially interferes with a student’s educational benefits, opportunities, or performance, that takes place on or immediately adjacent to school grounds, at any school-sponsored activity, on school-provided transportation, or at any official school bus stop, or anywhere conduct may reasonably be considered to be a threat or an attempted intimidation of a student or staff member or an interference with school purposes or an educational function, and that has the effect of:
a. Physically harming a student or damaging a student’s property; b. Knowingly placing a student in reasonable fear of physical harm to the student or damage to the student’s property; c. Creating a hostile educational environment d. Substantially and materially disrupts the orderly operation of a school 5. “Electronic communication device” means any mode of electronic communication, including, but not limited to, computers, cell phones, PDAs, or the internet.
Reporting All complaints about behavior that may violate this policy shall be promptly investigated. Any student, employee, or third party who has knowledge of conduct in violation of this policy or feels he/she has been a victim of hazing, harassment, intimidation, or bullying, in violation of this policy is encouraged to immediately report his/her concerns to the building principal or the District Administrator, who have overall responsibility for such investigations. This report may be made anonymously. A student may also report concerns to a teacher or counselor, who will be responsible for notifying the appropriate District official. Complaints against the building principal shall be filed with the Superintendent. Complaints against the Superintendent or District Administrator shall be filed with the Board.
The complainant shall be notified of the findings of the investigation and, as appropriate, that remedial action has been taken.
Exhaustion of administrative remedies A person alleging violation of any form of harassment, intimidation, hazing, or threatening, insulting, or demeaning gesture or physical contact, including any intentional written, verbal, or electronic communication, as stated above, may seek redress under any available law, either civil or criminal, after exhausting all administrative remedies.
Responsibilities The District Administrator shall be responsible for ensuring notice of this policy is provided to students, staff, and third parties and for the development of administrative regulations, including reporting and investigative procedures, as needed.
Consequences Students whose behavior is found to be in violation of this policy will be subject to discipline up to and including expulsion. Staff whose behavior is found to be in violation of this policy will be Page 25 subject to discipline up to and including dismissal. Third parties whose behavior is found to be in violation of this policy shall be subject to appropriate sanctions as determined and imposed by the District Administrator or the Board. Individuals may also be referred to law enforcement officials.
Retaliation and Reprisal Retaliation is prohibited against any person who reports or is thought to have reported a violation, files a complaint, or otherwise participates in an investigation or inquiry. Such retaliation shall be considered a serious violation of Board policy, whether or not a complaint is substantiated. False charges shall also be regarded as a serious offense and will result in disciplinary action or other appropriate sanctions. Cross Reference: 3325F Harassment Reporting Form for Students
Threats of Violence 1. No threats of violence will be tolerated. Students shall not make any threats, suggestions, or predictions of violence against any person or group of persons or to the school building - whether made orally, in writing, or via e-mail. No threat of violence will be considered a joke. Any bomb threat or threats of violence - whether or not made during school hours or on school grounds - shall result in immediate long-term suspension and/or expulsion.
2. The superintendent shall report any threats of violence to the police.
3. When a student is suspended from school for making threats, the student may not return to school until he/she has completed an evaluation by the school psychologist and a conference with the parents, school psychologist, superintendent and involved staff member and/or counselor has been held.
4. The superintendent may recommend expulsion of a student to the school board. If a student is expelled for making threats, the student may not return to school or be on school grounds at any time.
5. All students shall report any and all threats of violence, including jokes and threats of suicide, by informing the superintendent, classroom teacher, or guidance counselor. This would include both threats to students and staff members.
6. The school district reserves the right to hold the student responsible for any costs and/or damages incurred by the district because of a threat.
Gun-Free School A student who uses, possesses, controls, or transfers a firearm, or any object that can reasonably be considered, or looks like, a firearm, shall be expelled for a definite period of time of at least one (1) calendar year. The Board of Trustees, however, may modify the expulsion period on a case-by- case basis. The Superintendent shall notify the criminal justice or juvenile delinquency system of any student who brings a firearm to school.
This policy includes firearms in the back of vehicles as well. Firearms are not to be brought to school, to the school grounds, or in vehicles in or around the school parking area, for any reason whatsoever, including during hunting season.
POSSESSION OF A WEAPON ON SCHOOL GROUNDS = The following terms are defined. School grounds is defined as all buildings owned or leased by a local school district that are used for instruction or for student activities; and/or any area around the school buildings within one-block in Page 26 any direction (school zone).
“Weapon” shall be defined as any type of firearm, a knife with a blade of any length, a sword, a straight razor, a throwing star, nun-chucks, firecrackers, or brass or other metal knuckles.
The Board of Trustees may grant persons and entities advance permission to possess, carry, or store a weapon on school grounds. All persons who wish to possess, carry or store a weapon in a school building and/or on school grounds shall present this request to the Superintendent for approval. It is solely within the Superintendent’s discretion whether to allow a person to possess, carry or store a weapon in a school building and/or on school grounds. This policy does not apply to law enforcement personnel.
If a student violating this policy is identified as disabled, either under the IDEA or Section 504, a determination must be made whether the student's conduct is related to the disability. If the violation of the policy is due to disability recognized by the IDEA or Section 504, lawful procedures for changes in placement must be followed.
Students involved in violation of the weapons policy will be suspended from school until a hearing of the Board of Trustees can be scheduled. The minimum suspension would be ten (10) school days.
Any student subject to an expulsion shall be entitled to a hearing before the Board of Trustees, in accordance with Section 20-5-202, MCA.
Sexual Harassment/Intimidation of Students (District Policy 3225) Sexual harassment is a form of sex discrimination and is prohibited. An employee, District agent, or student engages in sexual harassment whenever that individual makes unwelcome advances, requests sexual favors, or engages in other verbal, non-verbal, or physical conduct of a sexual or sex-based nature, imposed on the basis of sex, that:
1. Denies or limits the provision of educational aid, benefits, services, opportunities, or treatment, or that makes such conduct a condition of a student’s academic status; or 2. Has the purpose or effect of: a. Substantially interfering with a student’s educational environment; b. Creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive educational environment; c. Depriving a student of educational aid, benefits, services, opportunities, or treatment; or d. Making submission to or rejection of such unwelcome conduct the basis for academic decisions affecting a student. The terms “intimidating,” “hostile,” and “offensive” include conduct that has the effect of humiliation, embarrassment, or discomfort. Examples of sexual harassment include but are not limited to unwelcome touching, crude jokes or pictures, discussions of sexual experiences, pressure for sexual activity, intimidation by words, actions, insults, or name calling, teasing related to sexual characteristics, and spreading rumors related to a person’s alleged sexual activities.
Students who believe that they may have been sexually harassed or intimidated should consult a counselor, teacher, Title IX coordinator, or administrator, who will assist them in the complaint process. Supervisors or teachers who knowingly condone or fail to report or assist a student to take action to remediate such behavior of sexual harassment or intimidation may themselves be subject to discipline.
Any District employee who is determined, after an investigation, to have engaged in sexual harassment will be subject to disciplinary action up to and including discharge. Any student of the Page 27 District who is determined, after an investigation, to have engaged in sexual harassment will be subject to disciplinary action, including but not limited to suspension and expulsion consistent with the District’s discipline policy. Any person who knowingly makes a false accusation regarding sexual harassment likewise will be subject to disciplinary action up to and including discharge with regard to employees or suspension and expulsion with regard to students. The District will make every effort to ensure that employees or students accused of sexual harassment or intimidation is given an appropriate opportunity to defend themselves against such accusation.
To the greatest extent possible, the District will treat complaints in a confidential manner. The District realizes that limited disclosure may be necessary in order to complete a thorough investigation. Retaliation against persons who file a complaint is a violation of law prohibiting discrimination and will lead to disciplinary action against an offender.
Any individual seeking further information should consult the Superintendent for the name of the current Title IX Coordinator for the District. The Superintendent will ensure that student and employee handbooks include the name, address, and telephone number of an individual responsible for coordinating District compliance efforts. An individual with a complaint alleging a violation of this policy should follow the Uniform Complaint Procedure. Cross Reference: 1700 Uniform complaint Procedure
Legal Ages for Children to Enter School Kindergarten is our first level of education at Fromberg School. We have full-day Kinder One and Kindergarten at Fromberg School. Starting age for Kinder One is four years old and for regular Kindergarten five years old before September 10. Starting age for first grade is six (6) years of age before September 10. (Section 20-5-101), MCA. Both a birth certificate and immunization record is required before a student can be enrolled in Kindergarten or Kinder One. These items will be kept on file in the student's cumulative folder.
Messages Please try to make arrangements for after school care for your child before school begins for the day. We will try hard, but it is not always possible to get messages to your child during the school day through the office.
Elementary Supply Lists Each teacher will furnish his/her students with a list of supplies needed for the year. These supplies are modestly priced and easy to obtain.
Recess Procedures Weather permitting; students are given recess during the day. Decisions to have outside recess during cold weather depend on the temperature, (Below 0), and the wind chill factor, (below 0). During inclement weather the gym will be used when available. Students should always dress for outside recess. Students will have supervised free time in the classroom on days when bad weather prevents outside recess or the gym is being used. Quiet games, talking with friends, reading, drawing, etc. are usually allowed by the teacher or teacher aide.
Page 28 Homework in the Elementary Classroom Students should expect that homework may be assigned at various levels. Please make it a point to involve yourself with your child's work. This practice will give you a better idea of what your child is working on in school.
Promotion and Retention Procedures Promotions and retention are based on an evaluation of academic, physical, social, and emotional growth. Parents can assume their child will be promoted unless the alternative of retention has been discussed during the school year. Parents will be involved with any retention decision.
Response to Intervention (RtI) This is Fromberg Elementary School’s fourth year participating in the Response to Intervention (RtI) process with the Office of Public Instruction (OPI) and Region III CSPD (Comprehensive System of Professional Development). RtI is the practice of providing high-quality instruction/intervention matched to all students’ needs, using assessment to determine a student’s learning rate and level of performance, to make important educational decisions to guide instruction. RtI is a proactive process that enables learning for all students by providing both prevention and intervention services. There are eight non-negotiable, essential components of RtI: 1. Strong Leadership 2. Evidence-based Curriculum and Instruction 3. Ongoing Assessments 4. Collaborative Teaming 5. Data-Based Decision Making 6. Fidelity of Implementation 7. Ongoing Training and Professional Development 8. Community and Family Involvement
Each element is part of an interrelated process which will be applied to every student. Essentially, instructional practices are evaluated and adjusted based on results of reliable and valid student data. If any component is missing, the process breaks down.
The RtI process is an instructional, assessment, intervention, and extension process for systematically delivering instruction, monitoring student progress, and making decisions about the need for intensifying instruction. The fundamental question that RtI addresses is: “Under what conditions will a student successfully demonstrate mastery of our standards?”
A multi-tiered system of support provides guidance for delivering comprehensive, quality instruction for all students. It ensures prevention as well as remediation. It provides for whole group instruction, small group instruction and/or individualized instruction based on student need. RtI is based on the assumption that most students will respond to general education curriculum and instructional practices without any additional supports. It also supports those who will need supplemental and/or intensive levels of instruction or enrichment to make benchmark goals. Fromberg Elementary School will use a three tier model.
To assure that the RtI process is followed and that parents are involved in this educational process for their children, the following activities will be completed:
1. All K-6 students will be given universal screenings in reading and math three times per year (Fall,Winter, Spring).
Page 29 2. Students who do not meet the benchmark criteria set forth by the district will be progress monitored to ensure adequate progress is being made.
3. All K-6 students may receive diagnostic testing (as needed) to help determine appropriate levels of intervention.
4. All students will be instructed using an evidence-based core program. All intervention programs available to students will also be evidence-based.
5. Fidelity checks will be implemented. This will encompass the RTI process, assessments, and all core and intervention programs.
6. Written documentation will be kept and made available (upon request) on all students throughout the RTI process.
7. For students who do not make adequate gains after extensive intervention opportunities have been provided, the referral process for special education can be started with signed parental consent.
8. Parents will be contacted throughout the school year explaining their child’s educational program, current intervention, and/or progress. Contact will be made via conferences, phone calls, and/or written reports. Parents may comment, and suggestions will be made if student improvement is needed.
9. When requested, or as need arises, RTI related workshops will be offered for K-6 parents and students, as well as the public. They will be invited to learn about the RTI program, student selection, and evaluation processes. Suggestions and recommendations for the RTI program will be encouraged at this time.
RtI is evolving and we are privileged to take part in this process.
Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS) through the Montana Behavioral Initiative (MBI). In 2015-2016 the elementary staff began to implement positive behavior supports as part of the Montana Behavioral Initiative (MBI). According to the to the Montana Office of Public Instruction, “MBI is a proactive approach in creating behavioral supports and a social culture that establishes social, emotional, and academic success for all students. MBI uses the Response to Intervention model which is a 3-tiered system of support and a problem solving process to assist schools in meeting the needs of and effectively educate all students.” More information about the MBI can be found online at:
At Fromberg School, students and staff reach social, emotional, and academic success by striving towards clear and defined expectations. Throughout the elementary classrooms and common areas, students understand and meet these expectations, which also create school spirit and a sense of belonging. Here are the Fromberg K-6 Expectations:
We are Falcons! Falcons are Responsible!
Falcons are Respectful!
Page 30 Falcons are Safe!
Falcons are Kind!
Falcons are Learners!
Fromberg teachers were recently trained in the PAX Good Behavior Game as a tool for managing student behavior. The PAX Good Behavior Game is a proven, research-based classroom management model designed for use in grades K–6. Based on a strategy developed by a classroom teacher 40 years ago, the PAX Game involves student teams “competing against” each other to earn rewards for refraining from disruptive, inattentive, or aggressive behavior. Approximately 20 published studies have shown that use of this model results in decreased classroom disruptions (by 50–90%), a greater number of students fully engaged in learning (by 20–50%), decreased referrals and suspensions (by 30–60%), and more time for teaching and learning (by 25%). Longitudinal studies have also shown that children who experienced the Good Behavior Game in elementary school were less likely to be involved in violent behaviors later in life and were less likely to use tobacco or other drugs later in life.
Pets at School Cats, dogs, etc. are wonderful pets. However, they can be a real nuisance on the school playground. Please leave pets at home during regular school hours unless permission has been granted by the teacher and Superintendent.
Birthdays and Holidays We are happy to accommodate your child's birthday celebration at school!! Birthdays are usually celebrated during the last period of the day. Please contact your child's teacher to make arrangements. Celebration of holidays such as Christmas, Valentine's Day, and Easter is optional, depending on the teacher's choice. If for some reason, you do not want your child to participate in the celebration of a holiday and/or birthday, please contact his/her classroom teacher.
Attendance / Promptness The general welfare of all students is best served by regular school attendance. If your child is absent, please contact the office the morning of the absence by 9:00 am so that we can account for those students. Also, elementary students are expected to be in school on time in the morning. Repeated abuse of this will result in a parental conference with the teacher and superintendent and possible disciplinary action. Elementary teachers will send home rules in their classrooms concerning problems that occur with either excessive absenteeism and/or tardiness to school in the mornings. The administration reserves the right to contact local Social Services if attendance becomes a major concern of the school.
Attendance at Extra-Curricular Activities The supervision of children at school functions must occur to ensure the safety of the fans and participants. Children are to be supervised by the parents and/or guardians during the course of the event and/or game. Frequent trips away from the seats need to be limited. Respect and be courteous of the rights of others who have come to enjoy the event would be appreciated. Page 31 Major and Severe Disruptions In case of a severe disruption, a student will be sent to the office immediately and consequences will be administered by the Superintendent as according to the JH/High School Student Handbook.
Directory Information: Annual Notice
It is the intent of the Fromberg School District to disclose “directory” information from the education records without parental consent unless parents notify the school that they do not want information released on their child/children.
Directory information is information in the student’s educational record that is not generally considered harmful, and its release is not considered an invasion of the student’s privacy. According to the United States Department of Education, directory information includes, but is not limited to, the following data concerning a student: name, address and telephone number, date and place of birth, official activities, dates of attendance, height and weight, honors, and photographs. Page 32 Parents who wish to retain the right to consent to the disclosure of directory information must notify the school in writing.
Asbestos Notification
In compliance with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA), in the fall of 1988 we performed inspections of our school building for asbestos-containing building materials. The inspection findings and asbestos management plans have been on file in the school office since that time.
The EPA requires the school district to perform re-inspections of the asbestos materials every three years. An accredited Inspector was hired in the Spring of 2001 to do such service and a report is on file at the school office…our last inspection occurred February 28, 2012.
Notice of Non-Discrimination
Fromberg School does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, or age in its programs and activities. The following person has been designated to handle inquiries regarding the non-discrimination policies: Name and/or Title: Teri Harris, Superintendent Address: 319 School Street, Fromberg, MT 59029 Telephone No.: 406-668-7315 For further information on notice of non-discrimination, see list of OCR enforcement offices for the address and phone number of the office that serves your area, or call (800) 421- 3481
FROMBERG PUBLIC SCHOOL School – Parent – Student Compact
Federal guidelines require that all schools receiving Title I funds develop a School – Parent – Student Compact. A compact is an agreement among participants working together for a common goal. Teachers, students, and parents all have the responsibility to contribute to the effort to establish an effective climate for learning for all students. This compact outlines the rule of each group in an effort to provide a high quality education for our students. As a student, I will: _____ attend school regularly and arrive to all classes on time _____ complete homework assignments on time and to the best of my ability _____ always do my best to produce quality work _____ participate in school related activities _____ set aside time at home to read each day _____ show respect for fellow students, teachers, and school property _____ follow classroom, school, and bus rules As a parent, I will: Page 33 _____ ensure that my child attends school regularly and arrives on time _____ ensure that my child completes his/her homework on time _____ provide a place in my home where my child can read, study, and complete assignments _____ discuss my child’s progress with his/her teacher on a regular basis _____ support the school; encourage my child to be respectful of teachers, fellow students _____ encourage my child to read at home daily _____ volunteer at school whenever possible As teachers, we will: _____ help each child meet his/her fullest potential in a safe learning environment _____ make efficient use of learning time by coming prepared to teach with meaningful activities _____ provide high quality curriculum and instruction in a supportive environment where learning is encouraged and celebrated _____ adapt instruction to meet the individual needs of all learners _____ encourage students to read for enjoyment as well as information _____ supply students and parents with clear and frequent evaluations of progress and achievement _____ promote an environment where parents feel welcome in the school and are encouraged to volunteer and participate in classroom activities _____ encourage parents to contact us to discuss their child’s progress academically and socially _____ hold parent-teacher conferences to discuss individual student achievement and share ways to support learning at home
Parents, if you have more than one child attending the Fromberg School, please date this document, have all your children sign this compact when you do, and return it to the office as soon as possible. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter.
______(Student Signature) (Parent’s Signature) (School Representative Signature) ______(Student Signature) ______(Student Signature) ______(Student Signature) (Date)
Fromberg Public School 2017-2018 PARENT PERMISSION FORM K-12 Students
Student Name(s): Grade: ______This form will remain in force for the 2017-2018 school year. If at any time you would like to make changes, please contact the school. I designate the following person as my emergency contact should the buses run early, illness, student missed the bus, child needs to leave school, etc. ______Emergency Contact Name Phone Number
Page 34 Parents: Please read the handbook information related to the topics below before completing this form. Once you have read the information provided please mark your choices, sign the form and return it to the school. ____Yes ____No I have read and understand the Student Handbook. ____Yes ____No I have read and understand the Activity Participation Policy. ____Yes ____No I have read the notice for directory information, and have notified the school in writing only if I do not want directory information about my child disclosed to third parties in accordance with FERPA. ____Yes ____No I have read and understand the Technology Use Agreement and I give permission for my child to use the internet. My child agrees to abide by the rules described herein. ____Yes ____No I have read, signed and returned an Emergency Medical Service Form. ____Yes ____No I have read, signed and returned a Title I School-Parent-Student Compact. (One per family) ____Yes ____No I have read, signed and returned the MHSA Concussion Statement. ____Yes ____No I give permission for my child/children in grades 7 – 12 to participate in the Fromberg School Attendance Incentive Program. ____Yes ____No I give permission for my child to attend activity trips and will notify the school in writing should I not want them to participate in a specific trip. ____Yes ____No I give permission for my child to attend school assemblies and will notify the school in writing should I not want them to participate in a specific assembly.
Parent Signature: ______Date: ______
Student Signature:______Date: ______
Student Signature: ______Date: ______
Student Signature: ______Date: ______
Student Signature: ______Date: ______
Student Signature: ______Date: ______
Page 35