Anonymous, (NUW Received Via NUW)
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075 (i) Anonymous, (NUW received via NUW) Warehousing, process work. Employed through a labour hire agency Pay and Conditions Health and Safety Personal Impact Financial Security Paid Fair: true Safe work: false Predictable Roster: false Bills ok: false Legal Employment: true WorkSafe: false Childcare: false Accommodation ok: false Could speak up: true Could speak up: false Leave: false Future secure: false Solution STOP AGENCIES; THEY ARE WROUGHTING THE SYSTEM. The money the government pay agencies to do nothing is a joke. Story I was employed through a labour hire agency more than a year ago. I worked at a yoghurt factory and no gumboots were supplied …it was a wet environment and I went home after an 8 hour shift with soaking wet shoes socks and pants. I didn’t go back after that. Another incident many years ago was when I worked at a pharmaceutical company. Another casual and I were sent upstairs to a confined room to operate a bottle machine. We had never used this machine before and were given no training. We worked out how to load bottles into it and got it running. The machine jammed and when we tried to fix it the other lady I worked with nearly got her hand cut off by a long blade that flung across the inside of the machine. At the same company we had a methadone spill when the tank got tipped over by a fork lift upstairs. We were all off our face as we had to cover machinery and clean up the mess. I have worked for agencies for over 7 years and that’s only because it’s hard to get a job that doesn’t go through an agency. Some jobs are advertised then you go in and join up only to never get a call when you know that you are qualified for that position. They sign you up just to get you on their books. Some positions I have had but your hours get cut back because the Agency bring more people in just to train them up. I have been working at companies for 11 months then they get rid of you because after 12 months they have to make you full time if it’s in there EBA. You have to live off your credit card or you don’t eat. The Salvos helped us out a few times. My partner had a workplace injury and couldn’t work. We had to live off my casual wage. The stress and depression you suffer not many people can understand. I wanted to kill myself on many occasions if it wasn’t for my kids I wouldn’t be here. This happened in the warehousing, process work industry. I was making goods for sale in supermarkets, chemists and department stores. The best thing the government could do is STOP AGENCIES THEY ARE WROUGHTING THE SYSTEM. The money the government pay agencies to do nothing is a joke. Submission URL: 075(ii)
Anonymous , Wodonga (NUW received via NUW)
Manufacturing employed through a labour hire agency by Skilled @ Mars Pet care Pay and Conditions Health and Safety Personal Impact Financial Security Paid Fair: true Safe work: true Predictable Roster: false Bills ok: true Legal Employment: true WorkSafe: true Childcare: false Accommodation ok: true Could speak up: true Could speak up: true Leave: false Future secure: false Story I was employed through a labour hire agency in my current job. Not knowing from week to week how many shifts I would get, being on standby on the days that I'm not rostered on. Receiving phone calls at all hours of the night/day. Kids miss out on school activities, camps. Not having money to do things on the holidays. Not accruing any holiday, sick or long service leave. This happened at Mars Pet care, Wodonga when I was employed by Skilled. This happened in the Manufacturing industry. Submission URL: 075(iii) Anonymous, Altona (NUW received via NUW) Warehousing employed through a labour hire agency by ASAP recruitment @ FTA Foods / Ward Mckenzies Pay and Conditions Health and Safety Personal Impact Financial Security Paid Fair: false Safe work: false Predictable Roster: true Bills ok: true Legal Employment: false WorkSafe: true Childcare: true Accommodation ok: true Could speak up: false Could speak up: false Leave: true Future secure: true Solution Make all agency staff full time with holiday pay and sick pay. Story I was employed through a labour hire agency in my current job. I had a workplace accident and within 2 weeks was no longer required I have been sacked for complaining about bald tyres on my forklift this happened at FTA Foods / Ward Mckenzies, Altona when I was employed by ASAP recruitment. This happened in the warehousing industry. Make all agency staff full time with holiday pay and sick pay. Submission URL: 075(iv) Anonymous Leongatha, (NUW received via NUW) Food production employed through a labour hire agency by Skilled @ Murray Goulbourn Leongatha Pay and Conditions Health and Safety Personal Impact Financial Security Paid Fair: true Safe work: true Predictable Roster: false Bills ok: true Legal Employment: true WorkSafe: true Childcare: false Accommodation ok: true Could speak up: false Could speak up: true Leave: false Future secure: false Solution Casual employees should be made full time after six months. Story I was employed through a labour hire agency in my current job. Lost a whole day’s pay …don't know if I wrote my time down or they missed it. Can't get a bank loan or credit card. Being casual I could be put off any time, no security. This happened at Murray Goulbourn, Leongatha when I was employed by Skilled. This happened in the Food production industry. Casual employees should be made full time after six months. Submission URL: 075(v) Anonymous , Laverton (NUW received via NUW) Cold storage employed through a labour hire agency by Dougham @ AB oxford cold storage Pay and Conditions Health and Safety Personal Impact Financial Security Paid Fair: true Safe work: false Predictable Roster: true Bills ok: true Legal Employment: false WorkSafe: false Childcare: true Accommodation ok: true Could speak up: false Could speak up: true Leave: false Future secure: false
Solution Get rid of agencies and fair discipline processes. Enforce verbal and written warnings before sacking. Story
I was employed through a labour hire agency less than 3 months ago. Hard to talk about if they feel threatened they'll get rid of you. People were scared to join the union. I believe they set me up because I took some leave …its my father’s heart attack, so they wanted to get rid of me. Manager told me to improve my speed and implied that not meeting speed would threaten employment. Believe I lost my job because of caring for my father. Very stressed and busy and they gave warnings to people that were unfair. This happened at AB Oxford cold storage, Laverton when I was employed by Dougham. This happened in the Cold storage industry. I was making goods for sale in supermarkets. Get rid of agencies and fair discipline processes. Enforce verbal and written warnings before sacking. I was a very hard worker and they sacked me for no reason. …job was threatened I had to deal with Ian who I had only seen a couple of times before. The managers were always changing. Submission URL: 075(vi) Anonymous, Laverton (NUW received via NUW) Cold storage employed through a labour hire agency by Dougham @ AB oxford cold storage Pay and Conditions Health and Safety Personal Impact Financial Security Paid Fair: true Safe work: false Predictable Roster: true Bills ok: true Legal Employment: false WorkSafe: false Childcare: true Accommodation ok: true Could speak up: false Could speak up: true Leave: false Future secure: false
Solution Get rid of agencies and fair discipline processes. Enforce verbal and written warnings before sacking. Story
I was employed through a labour hire agency less than 3 months ago. Hard to talk about if they feel threatened they'll get rid of you. People were scared to join the union. I believe they set me up because I took some leave my father’s heart attack, so they wanted to get rid of me. Manager told me to improve my speed and implied that not meeting speed would threaten employment Believe I lost my job because of caring for my father Very stressed and busy and they gave warnings to people that were unfair. This happened at AB oxford cold storage, Laverton when I was employed by Dougham. This happened in the Cold storage industry. I was making goods for sale in supermarkets. Get rid of agencies and fair discipline processes. Enforce verbal and written warnings before sacking. I was a very hard worker and they sacked me for no reason. labour-hire-industry-and-insecure-workHen my job was threatened I had to deal with Ian who I had only seen a couple of times before. The managers were always changing. Submission URL: 075(vii) Anonymous, Melton (NUW received via NUW) Warehouse employed through a labour hire agency by Programme Integrated @ Pacific Brands Pay and Conditions Health and Safety Personal Impact Financial Security Paid Fair: true Safe work: true Predictable Roster: true Bills ok: true Legal Employment: true WorkSafe: true Childcare: true Accommodation ok: true Could speak up: false Could speak up: true Leave: false Future secure: false
Solution Pass workplace legislation that facilitates the reporting of conduct and misconduct by large companies. Story
I was employed through a labour hire agency more than a year ago. Was a union delegate participating in renegotiating EBA. Because of my involvement with the union, I stopped receiving shifts. Because I wanted to work four days, I was constantly worried about work stopping. Calls could stop at any time this happened at Pacific Brands, Melton when I was employed by Programme Integrated. This happened in the Warehouse industry. Pass workplace legislation that facilitates the reporting of conduct and misconduct by large companies... I suddenly stopped receiving shifts, and when I queried this with programmed, I was told I was "no longer required". Upon court proceedings it was discovered that programmed had been complicit in facilitating my removal from the Pac brands site when they were supposed to be working for me in providing me work (all up, over 4 years). Rather than risk their contract with Pac brands. I had to defend myself in court through the NUW in order to clear my name and prove that the circumstance was as against me as I had unfortunately assumed. Programmed claimed I was not dismissed but only ever offered me one shift at $5 per hour less than my usual rate. As part of the court case outcome, I was required to sign a non-disclosure agreement stating that I agree to cease working on a Pac brands or integrated site, despite the fact I had worked through integrated for over four years, even prior to Pac brands. Submission URL: 075(viii) Anonymous, Swan Hill (received via NUW) – TO BE TRANSLATED 農產(蔬果)加工業 非正式聘僱 by 工頭
Pay and Conditions Health and Safety Personal Impact Financial Security Predictable Roster: Paid Fair: false Safe work: true Bills ok: true false Legal Employment: Accommodation ok: WorkSafe: true Childcare: true false true Could speak up: Could speak up: true Leave: true Future secure: false true
Solution 必須堅實落實、貫徹制度保障臨時短期工作簽證移工的勞動權益,打擊不法仲介、工頭與惡質雇主以不法薪資雇用移工,提供完整(多國語言)澳洲勞動法令予移工, 加強工會宣導。
Law enforcement. Make sure all the employers and labour agencies follow the regulation. The authorities should publishing the awards and labour regulation in multiple languages. Labour should know more about unions. Story I was 非正式聘僱 一年以前. 2011 年前往澳洲打工度假的半年期間是透過工頭接洽到工作,在蔬果工廠擔任包裝員,時薪低於法定標準,只有 13 澳幣。 工作時數並不 穩定,有時會臨時通知不用上班,有時會超時工作,完全取決於雇主接到的訂單量多寡與農場採收的蔬果量決定,而工人並不會事先知道。 因為工作時數不穩定,且 加班並沒有支付加班費,所以每週薪資都不固定。 , Swan Hill when I was employed by 工頭. This happened in the 農產(蔬果)加工業 industry. I was making goods for sale in supermarkets.必須堅實落實、貫徹制度保障臨時短期工作簽證移工的勞動權益,打擊不法仲介、工頭與惡質雇主以不法薪資雇用移工,提供完整(多 國語言) 澳洲勞動法令予移工,加強工會宣導。 I was employed through a labour hire agency in Swan hill a year ago. In 2011, I got a job through labour hire contractor, I am a packer in vegetable shed. The pay were way below minimum wages, $13 an hour, the working hours were irregular, sometimes the contractor just phoned me and say I don’t have to work in the morning, it’s all depends on the shed orders. Due to the irregular working hours, and no penalty rate, my weekly wages were so unstable.
Submission URL: 075(vix) Anonymous , Mulgrave (NUW received via NUW) Employed through a labour hire agency by skilled group @ Peter ice-cream Pay and Conditions Health and Safety Personal Impact Financial Security Paid Fair: false Safe work: true Predictable Roster: false Bills ok: false Legal Employment: false WorkSafe: true Childcare: false Accommodation ok: false Could speak up: true Could speak up: true Leave: false Future secure: false
Solution Pay rise for casual worker. Lower the cost of house and rental property. Cut schools fees, and others items children need for schools. Affordable housing to put or rent for low- income with families. Story I was employed through a labour hire agency in my current job. Called to work then cancelled the agency won't pay four hrs their owed or got roster to work on the day but our names not on the list. Roster change dramatically from day to day. One week I only got 14hrs or less than four hrs a week. I was employed through a labour hire agency more than13 years ago as a casual worker trying to find full-time work. Three MTh ago company hired new workers full-time. Be very nice if we could have a chance to apply. We can't afford to pay for our mortgage, pay for our bills and put food on the table for our children. Find hard to cope with stress from work. I know that I can't afford to retired at 65 we got mortgage or rental property to pay. Our children future what's going to happen without work we can't survive? The cost of living is expensive and many families are trying to find full-time work to support their growing families. My responsibility to help our children to have a better education and find good jobs. I worry for the future of our children and grandchildren. This happened at Peter ice-cream, Mulgrave when I was employed by skilled group. Pay rise for casual worker. Lower the cost of house and rental property. Cut schools fees, and others items children need for schools. Affordable housing to put or rent for low- income with families. Submission URL: 075(x) [REDACTED] 075(xi) Anonymous, Broadmeadows (NUW received via NUW) Warehousing employed through a labour hire agency by Elite staffing @ Tibix Pay and Conditions Health and Safety Personal Impact Financial Security Paid Fair: false Safe work: false Predictable Roster: false Bills ok: true Legal Employment: false WorkSafe: false Childcare: false Accommodation ok: true Could speak up: false Could speak up: true Leave: false Future secure: false
Solution Pay me!!! Story I was employed through a labour hire agency less than 3 months ago. Elite staffing have not paid me for 5hrs work unloading a container, I had to leave early and the manager Frank was not there so I told Daniel a team leader that I needed to leave to pick my son up and that I'll be back in the morning to fill in a time sheet but the agency told me that I would not be going back there. I called Elite about it and have a paper trail of everything that went on. I emailed them with "do I need to get my lawyer " got a call from Gary saying that the person that was dealing with me no longer works for them. I still have not been paid. Reaching heavy items up high. Went there for a Supervisor job they had me empty containers this happened at Tibix, Broadmeadows when I was employed by elite staffing. This happened in the Warehousing industry. Pay me!!! Submission URL: 075(xii) Anonymous, Melbourne (received via NUW) – TO BE TRANSLATED
Hospitality 雇主直接聘用的非固定時數工作者 by 雇主 @ ajisen ramen restaurant Pay and Conditions Health and Safety Personal Impact Financial Security Predictable Roster: Paid Fair: false Safe work: true Bills ok: true true Legal Employment: Accommodation ok: WorkSafe: false Childcare: true true true Could speak up: Could speak up: true Leave: false Future secure: true false
Story I was 雇主直接聘用的非固定時數工作者 還在工作中. Part-time 40hr/week, 10AUD/hr 不知是否有保險,以及若發生意外不知公司是否會賠償 通常由主管排假,新人不容易 拿到想放的時段 this happened at ajisen ramen restaurant, Melbourne when I was employed by 雇主. This happened in the hospitality industry. I am direct employed as a part time worker, average 40 hours a week, $10 per hour, I don’t know if my employer pay for the work cover, I don’t know what to do if I got injured at work. I am not allowed to choose which day off when I need to. And this is happened at ajisen ramen restaurant. Submission URL: 075(xiii) Anonymous , 墨爾本 (NUW received via NUW) – TO BE TRANSLATED 非正式聘僱 by 仲介 @ Baiada Health and Pay and Conditions Personal Impact Financial Security Safety Predictable Roster: Paid Fair: false Safe work: false Bills ok: true false Legal Employment: Accommodation ok: WorkSafe: false Childcare: true false true Could speak up: Could speak up: true Leave: false Future secure: false true
Solution 打擊非法顧主跟仲介 Labour hire licensing Story I was 非正式聘僱 一年以內. 一小時 15au 每天上 12~16 小時假日上班沒加班費 我們不是正式員工所以沒任何保障 如果發生事故自行吸收 this happened at Baiada, 墨爾本 when I was employed by 仲介..打擊非法顧主跟仲介
I was employed by labour hire agency for less than a year ago. Average working hours, 12~16 hours per day. $15 per hour, no penalty rate. I was making goods for sale in supermarkets. If workers got injure at work, no work injury compensation.
Submission URL: 075(xiv) Anonymous, Deloraine (received via NUW) – TO BE TRANSLATED 農業 從仲介公司得到工作 by 仲介 @ Tasmania berries/hillcrest Health and Pay and Conditions Personal Impact Financial Security Safety Predictable Roster: Paid Fair: true Safe work: true Bills ok: true false Legal Employment: Accommodation ok: WorkSafe: true Childcare: false false true Could speak up: Could speak up: false Leave: false Future secure: false true
Solution 派調查員前往被檢舉的公司 以及深入調查任何仲介公司的營運 抽成問題有沒有照正常程序走 Investigating every labour hire company, make sure they are not exploiting people, and not take any money from workers.
Story I was 從仲介公司得到工作 還在工作中. 1 公斤草莓最低不低於 1 塊錢 農場的草莓每天價錢都不一樣 但仲介不會告訴我們 甚至直接訂出草莓一 週價錢是多少 所以就算那 天價錢很高我們也不知道只能領仲介的公定價 農場給我們的薪資透明度不高 因為無從得知仲介從中間抽了多少錢 農場天氣會影響草莓的產量不是很穩定 但是確要被 仲介從中抽成將使我覺得一週薪資被扣了很多 this happened at Tasmania berries/hillcrest, Deloraine when I was employed by 仲介. This happened in the 農業 industry. I was making goods for sale in supermarkets.派調查員前往被檢舉的公司 以及深入調查任何仲介公司的營運 抽成問題有沒有照正常程序走 I got my current job through a labour hire agency. The job is picking strawberries in the farm, the piece rate is above $1 dollar per kilo, even the market price is higher than $1 dollar, we are still getting $1 dollar per kilo rate. The farmer never told us the rate, so we have no idea how much of our wages has been taken from the contractor. The farm is Tasmania Berries. Submission URL: 075(xv) Anonymous , Broadmeadows (received via NUW) Transport & Logistics employed through a labour hire agency Pay and Conditions Health and Safety Personal Impact Financial Security Paid Fair: true Safe work: true Predictable Roster: false Bills ok: true Legal Employment: false WorkSafe: true Childcare: false Accommodation ok: true Could speak up: false Could speak up: true Leave: false Future secure: false
Solution More job securities for labour hired workers. Story I was employed through a labour hire agency in my current job. As a casual I believe that we should be paid between 15 - 25percent more than permanent workers to compensate for the non-benefits were not entitled to. In our case we received pretty much the same hourly wages as the permanent workers. Our position might be filled if we decide to take some time off. Our wages don’t go up with time compare to permanent employees. This happened in the Transport & Logistics industry. I was making goods for sale in supermarkets. More job securities for labour hired workers. Submission URL: 075(xvi) Anonymous , Perth (received via NUW) – TO BE TRANSLATED 食品業 雇主直接聘用的非固定時數工作者 by 雇主 @ Aldwich Holdings Pty Ltd / Supa Spud -potato Pay and Conditions Health and Safety Personal Impact Financial Security Predictable Roster: Paid Fair: true Safe work: false Bills ok: true false Legal Employment: Accommodation ok: WorkSafe: false Childcare: false true true Could speak up: Could speak up: false Leave: false Future secure: false false
Story I was 雇主直接聘用的非固定時數工作者 還在工作中. 工作開始及結束時間皆不一定。有時星期六會加班。一天可能上班 4 小時也可能超過 12 小時。無超時加班費也沒 有假日上班加給。 正式工作前沒有完整的教育訓練及安全須知 上班時間通常到前一天下班時才會知道。結束時間也不一定。有時很晚下班,隔天還要很早上班。上班 日無法好好規畫下班後的時間如何利用。 由於上班時間不一定,有時一週工時長,有時短。無法有固定收入。 This happened at Aldwich Holdings Pty Ltd / Supa Spud -potato, Perth when I was employed by 雇主. This happened in the 食品業 industry. I am a direct casual employee, the working hour is varied, sometimes I have to work on Saturday, sometimes I may work 4 hours a day or up to 12 hours a day. No matter how many overtime I have done, there is no penalty rate been paid. There is no work safe training. In general, the working hours is irregular, sometimes too long sometimes too short. So I don’t have stable income. This is happened at Aldwich Holdings Pty Ltd / Supa Spud –potato in Perth. Submission URL: 075(xvii) Anonymous , Bundaberg Central (received via NUW) – TO BE TRANSLATED 農業 非正式聘僱 by 不知道…應該是農場主人付工頭,工頭付我們工資 @ OZ VAS Pay and Conditions Health and Safety Personal Impact Financial Security Predictable Roster: Paid Fair: false Safe work: false Bills ok: true false Legal Employment: Accommodation ok: WorkSafe: false Childcare: true false true Could speak up: Could speak up: false Leave: true Future secure: false false
Solution 成立監察機構,隨機抽查農場、工廠,進行突擊巡查,向工作中的背包客了解工作情況,協調和保障僱傭雙方的利益。 Establish the monitoring system, including investigation, understanding workers working condition, protect the employment relationship.
Story 我是非正式聘僱的採果人員, 還在工作中。 我和朋友來自香港,於 Bundaberg/Bargara 農場採蕃茄、小青椒和大青椒,件計,蕃茄$1.5/桶、大青椒$0.96/桶、小青椒 $1.9 /桶,首一個月上班的人大概$200-300 週薪,時薪大概$12-13/小時,中手、快手才有週薪$600-1000。每天工時不定,介乎 3-7 小時, 每週工作七天,星期六日工作 薪酬與平日一樣。11 月初曾下冰雹,把這個農場的蕃茄和青椒打壞,表面全部有洞,僱主要求我們採果時順手扔掉壞果(當時大概 7-8 果都是壞果,工作 3 小時只採到 9 桶蕃茄,時薪不到$4)。及後農場主人發現仍有很多壞果,要求全部採果人員入蕃茄場扔壞果,但扔壞果並沒有薪酬,即 是這 1 小時沒有工資!同時,蕃茄場因天雨 積水,連同扔在地上的腐爛壞果,變成腐臭的死水,那個星期我們都要浸着那些腐臭死水採果;有些地方則是泥濘,走進 去採果時,雙腳就會插進泥濘之中,一不小 心便會扭傷。 這裡的工作人員除了 supervisors 是白人,其他採果人員、bucketboys 都是來自台灣、香港、日本、韓國。而據知情人士所說,我們是「跟工 頭」(馬來西 亞人),故此有人在此工作超過半年,只要找另一位老闆簽名便可。 在這兒工作,工作安全實在讓我憂慮:1)蕃茄場、青椒場內的通道全部是扔掉的壞果(supervisors 要 求我們把壞果直接扔在地上),行與行之間距離 很窄,地上又全部是圓圓的蕃茄、青椒(青椒場的通道還會有很多雜草,難以看到地上的青椒),一不小心便會滑倒,我 也曾試過踏中蕃茄和青椒上,有時能踏扁 它,但也試過差一點跌倒;2)雨後,蕃茄場和青椒場的地面變成泥濘地,十分濕滑,我試過在青椒場跨行時,扭到左腳腳踝, 但當時沒想起要告訴 supervisors,幸而傷勢輕微,幾天便自行痊癒,不過我相信在農場受傷應該沒有賠償或醫療保險吧!3)用來採果的桶子,滿桶時大概有 10-15 公 斤, 我們都是用腰帶掛在腰間,掛在腰間由空桶到滿桶的時間視乎收成而定,但在一採、二採等少果時期,經常要掛着四成至八成滿的桶子走來走去,腰椎、盤骨、 腿部 都長時間負荷重物,令很多採果人員都感到痛楚和疲勞,也容易令腰背受傷,但僱主並沒有提供其他安全措施或方法。 另外,這兒的收入不穩定,只能剛剛交房租和 車資。收成好時便可賺到房租和車資,但受天氣、蟲害等影響,農作物失收時,影響我們的採果的收入,同時僱主會將 損失轉嫁予背包客,例如要求我們無薪扔掉樹 上的壞果、扣桶(=扣人工)等等。 這件事發生在 bundaberg/bargara,不過我並不知道農場在哪裡,因為沒有人能告訴我農場的地點和名稱,看他們的制服則寫着 OZ VAS。 我們的薪酬應該是農場主人付工頭,工頭付我們工資,中間有沒有收仲介費就不得而知。據我所知,這個農場的收成都是交給超級巿場的,如果採的果不夠好, 超巿 不會為品質較差的農作品付錢,最後農場主人會責備我們、扣桶等。 我建議當局成立監察機構,隨機抽查農場、工廠,進行突擊巡查,向工作中的背包客了解工 作情況,協調和保障僱傭雙方的利益。希望之後來到澳洲的背包客,不用 再成為廉價勞工,而是真真正正的享受 working & holiday 吧! I am from Hong Kong, I used to work at Bundaberg/Bargara tomato farm. By contact, the tomato rate is $1.5 / per bucket,capsicum(big)$0.69 per bucket, capsicum(small) $1.9/bucket. In average, people earn $200-300/ week, roughly $12-13/hour. The working hour is irregular, between 3-7 hours per day. Work 7 days per week with flat rate. The workers are all visa holder (Taiwan, Hong Kong, Japan Korean), and supervisor are all Australian white man. Work injury: Once I accidently fall in the field, and twisted my ankle. Working conditions: 1. Illegal wage deduction,2. Hazard working environment. 3. Bullied at the work place.
Submission URL: 075(xviii) Anonymous , Mildura (received via NUW) – TO BE TRANSLATED 農業 非正式聘僱 by 仲介 Pay and Conditions Health and Safety Personal Impact Financial Security Predictable Roster: Paid Fair: false Safe work: false Bills ok: false false Legal Employment: Accommodation ok: WorkSafe: false Childcare: true false true Could speak up: Could speak up: false Leave: true Future secure: false false
Solution 仲介需要有合法證照才可營業,若顧主經過仲介找人需付擔額外費用 Labour hire licensing Story I was 非正式聘僱 一年以內. 不需要經驗,全計件制的,不需要報稅也沒有退休金 一旦工作受傷沒有保險理賠 所有工作全由仲介安排 仲介經常托欠工資而房租要準時 交,一周只有做一兩天 , Mildura when I was employed by 仲介. This happened in the 農業 industry. I was making goods for sale in supermarkets.仲介需要有合法證照才可營 業,若顧主經過仲介找人需付擔額外費用 I was employed by labour hire contractor less than a year. This is a piece rate job; no tax or super been paid. If I got injured at work, there will be no compensation either. The contractor never pays my wages in time, but I have to pay the rent every week. Sometime, I only worked 2 days a week. This happened in the agriculture industry, Mildura, my role was making goods for sale in supermarkets. Submission URL: 075(xix) Anonymous , Sydney (NUW received via NUW) – TO BE TRANSLATED Meat 雇主直接聘用的非固定時數工作者 by 雇主 @ Andrew meat / Lidcombe , Sydney Health and Pay and Conditions Personal Impact Financial Security Safety Predictable Roster: Paid Fair: true Safe work: false Bills ok: true false Legal Employment: Accommodation ok: WorkSafe: false Childcare: false true true Could speak up: Could speak up: true Leave: false Future secure: false true
Solution 正確檢查有打工度假簽證的公司 Assure the company is qualifying to do match job for job seeker. Story I was 雇主直接聘用的非固定時數工作者 三個月內. 貨架上疊的貨物很重,又有些許支架被撞凹,在七月還八月還發生貨架倒塌的結果,有同事因在內場拿刀不小心切 到手後,主管說你若要這份工作自己去外面包紮好 再進來工作,若說出去你明天就不要來的恐嚇言語警告 請假可能會怕沒工作做,公司不幫背包客保工傷保險,要自 己去加保當地收據給人資看才能繼續上班 工作時數相當不固定,曾經還被 day off 多天 This happened at Andrew meat / Lidcombe , Sydney, Sydney when I was employed by 雇主. This happened in the meat industry. 正確檢查有打工度假簽證的公司 I was employed as casual employee, three months, in meat factory. One day, I witness a worker accidently cut himself at work, the supervisor said ‘if you want to keep this job, fix it and come back work’. He also warning him, “If you told anyone or complain about the company, you won’t have this job anymore”. The company never pay the work cover insurance for backpacker, backpacker have to buy their own insurance then you can have a job here. I experienced been day off for couple days without any reasons. This happened at Andrew meat / Lidcombe , Sydney. Submission URL: 075(xx) Anonymous, (received via NUW) Informally employed Pay and Conditions Health and Safety Personal Impact Financial Security Paid Fair: false Safe work: true Predictable Roster: false Bills ok: false Legal Employment: false WorkSafe: false Childcare: false Accommodation ok: false Could speak up: false Could speak up: false Leave: true Future secure: false
Solution More supervision without pre notifying, and also provide jobs before they invited migrants to come, if they can't give secure jobs don't invite them here and don't take their money from their country. We are healthy people and our country paid a lot for us to become this, and also make it for every company obligatory to employ at least one new migrant who came here to gain local experience, even with low salary, you can make their lives a bit easier and prevent them to be depressed and anxious. Story I was informally employed less than 3 months ago. Because I needed money I had to be trained three days without pay and then 12 dollar an hour and if I wanted to have 10 minutes break they would not pay me. I had to clean the window when it was so hot and it may burn my face because we were late. They just called me when they needed me. It was casual and hardly I could pay just for eating, not for my bills, I had to borrow money from my country… more supervision without pre notifying, and also provide jobs before they invited migrants to come, if they can't give secure jobs don't invite them here and don't take their money from their country. We are healthy people and our country paid a lot for us to become this, and also make it for every company obligatory to employ at least one new migrant who came here to gain local experience, even with low salary, you can make their lives a bit easier and prevent them to be depressed and anxious. Submission URL: 075(xxi) Anonymous, (received via NUW) – TO BE TRANSLATED 服務業 非正式聘僱 by 雇主 @ The coffee club 在 Sunnybank plaza 跟 Sunnybank hills Pay and Conditions Health and Safety Personal Impact Financial Security Paid Fair: false Safe work: false Predictable Roster: true Bills ok: false
Legal Employment: false WorkSafe: false Childcare: false Accommodation ok: false
Could speak up: false Could speak up: false Leave: false Future secure: false
Solution 罰到他們關店 Fine the company till they bankrupt. Story I was 非正式聘僱 三個月內. 薪資 10 元...... 工作少於 5 小時沒有吃飯時間...... 吃飯時間半小時不算薪資 洗碗出餐一直趕...... 不知多少盤子下面都有凹痕....一刮到就流血 看他缺不缺人.... 薪資 10 元每星期只有 4.5 天.....一天不超過 5.6 小時...... This happened at the coffee club 在 sunnybank plaza 跟 Sunnybank hills when I was employed by 雇 主. This happened in the 服務業 industry. 罰到他們關店 I was once worked in a restaurant. As a casual worker the hourly wages were $10 flat rate. 4-5 days a week. The employee doesn’t get the meal if they worked less than 5 hours. This happened at the coffee club in sunny bank plaza. Submission URL: 075(xxii) Anonymous, Manjimup (received via NUW) – TO BE TRANSLATED 草莓農場 ABN 仲介但只有一個雇主 by supervisor Pay and Conditions Health and Safety Personal Impact Financial Security Predictable Roster: Paid Fair: false Safe work: false Bills ok: false false Legal Employment: Accommodation ok: WorkSafe: false Childcare: false false true Could speak up: Could speak up: false Leave: true Future secure: false false
Story I was ABN 仲介但只有一個雇主 還在工作中. 計件制,一盤草莓算 4.2 塊,共 12 小盒,早上 6 點開始工作,有時 11 點就下班,有時 3 點下班,一個禮拜只賺到 215 澳。 除了中午吃飯 30 分鐘沒有其他休息時間,坐農場的巴士一天收 7 塊錢的車資,薪資也沒有準時發。 草莓棚旁邊放蜂箱,蜜蜂飛來飛去有時會攻擊人 付完房租,車資和 食費幾乎沒有多於錢可以存。 賺不到錢又一直支出,很怕還沒集完二簽前就沒錢了 , manjimup when I was employed by supervisor. This happened in the 草莓農場 industry. I was making goods for sale in supermarkets. I have been told to apply ABN but with only one employer. The job is working at the strawberry farm by piece rate, $4.2 per tray. I start at 6 am, sometimes finished at 11, sometimes 3pm. In average I only earn $215 per week. No break except lunch time. I was making goods for sale in supermarkets. Submission URL: 075(xxiii) Anonymous, Cranebourn (NUW received via NUW) Informally employed by A Cambodian man who is usually called Thou @ Coolibah Herb Pay and Conditions Health and Safety Personal Impact Financial Security Paid Fair: false Safe work: false Predictable Roster: true Bills ok: true Legal Employment: false WorkSafe: false Childcare: true Accommodation ok: true Could speak up: false Could speak up: false Leave: false Future secure: false
Solution I would put myself’s in those disadvantages workers' shoe, and learn whatever difficulty that they might face especially those unfair treat from the factory owners as well as the contractors or agents. I would then set laws, implement them, and enforce the law effectively. A severe fine should impose to those factories who fail to comply with the laws. Story I was informally employed less than 3 months ago. As I was not employed directly from the company, but through a contractor who has set the wage rate as low as A$12.50 per hour without knowing how much the contractor get paid from the company. And because the company didn't open for workers who wanted to apply for the casual position directly with the company, we don't have choice besides accepting the rate. Although some workers have requested the contractor to increase their wage rate to $13 - $14, the contractor wouldn't care and said if you don't want to come just let him know. Minor injury regarding materials handling can sometime occur. As I work in a cold room and normally asked to pick the damaged leaves on the production line which wash with the cold water, and chemical substance added to the water to keep it fresh or for other reasons, so I don't know the consequences of the impact in the long run. The contractor has set specific dates that he would allow me to come to work. However, on some days when there are not enough workers to presence at the factory, he then called me and asked me to go in a forceful way to replace other workers who couldn't go to work on those days. I rejected the immediate calls as I don't have foods ready, and sometimes I already have other things to do on the days that I was set not to come to work. The contractor was angry and said you don't help me, so I have no other reasons to help you as well. Afterward, he prefer to allow others to work rather than me. It is actually a stressful situation when you have a financial difficulty. Luckily, I have my wife who afford the rent while I can use what I earn each week for the foods and share partially of the bills. This happened at Coolibah Herb, Cranebourn when I was employed by A Cambodian man who is usually called Thou. I would put my self’s in those disadvantages workers' shoe, and learn whatever difficulty that they might face especially those unfair treat from the factory owners as well as the contractors or agents. I would then set laws, implement them, and enforce the law effectively. A severe fine should impose to those factories who fail to comply with the laws. Submission URL: 075(xxiv) Anonymous, Manjimup (received via NUW) – TO BE TRANSLATED 草莓農場 ABN 仲介但只有一個雇主 by supervisor Pay and Conditions Health and Safety Personal Impact Financial Security Predictable Roster: Paid Fair: false Safe work: false Bills ok: false false Legal Employment: Accommodation ok: WorkSafe: false Childcare: false false true Could speak up: Could speak up: false Leave: true Future secure: false false
Story I was ABN 仲介但只有一個雇主 還在工作中. 計件制,一盤草莓算 4.2 塊,共 12 小盒,早上 6 點開始工作,有時 11 點就下班,有時 3 點下班,一個禮拜只賺到 215 澳。 除了中午吃飯 30 分鐘沒有其他休息時間,坐農場的巴士一天收 7 塊錢的車資,薪資也沒有準時發。 草莓棚旁邊放蜂箱,蜜蜂飛來飛去有時會攻擊人 付完房租,車資和 食費幾乎沒有多於錢可以存。 賺不到錢又一直支出,很怕還沒集完二簽前就沒錢了 , manjimup when I was employed by supervisor. This happened in the 草莓農場 industry. I was making goods for sale in supermarkets. I have been told to apply ABN but with only one employer. The job is working at the strawberry farm by piece rate, $4.2 per tray. I start at 6 am, sometimes finished at 11, sometimes 3pm. In average I only earn $215 per week. No break except lunch time. I was making goods for sale in supermarkets. Submission URL: 075(xxv) Anonymous, Melbourne (received via NUW) – TO BE TRANSLATED 餐飲 雇主直接聘用的非固定時數工作者 by 雇主 @ Essendon Charcoal Chicken Pay and Conditions Health and Safety Personal Impact Financial Security Predictable Roster: Paid Fair: false Safe work: false Bills ok: false true Legal Employment: Accommodation ok: WorkSafe: false Childcare: true false true Could speak up: Could speak up: false Leave: true Future secure: false false
Solution 針對重點區域加強稽查: 不少來自亞洲的背包客因為語言不通,常常淪為華人雇主壓榨的對象,在低於法定薪資的違法招募中,其中又以華人餐館最為普遍,政府應 加強對華人招募的稽查,如 China town 等華人聚集地, 制定檢舉制度及獎金: 一旦員工有確切證據證明所屬工作為不合法定工資時,雇主除了得償還員工工作期間損 失的薪水,更得到一筆由政府發放的檢舉獎金,而這筆獎金則來自於政府向雇主收取的罰款。 公開雇主違法資訊: 雇主違法情事得公開於公眾平台,由社會輿論抵制 血汗公司。 Law Enforcement. A lot of Asian backpacker easily to being exploited due to lack of English skills. Most of Asian restaurant in china town is underpaying workers, government should do more investigation, or set up rewarding reporting system. Inform public which employer is not doing the right thing. Submission URL: 075(xxvi) Anonymous , Perth city (received via NUW) – TO BE TRANSLATED 工廠農業 ABN 仲介但只有一個雇主 by 仲介 @ Galati group Pay and Conditions Health and Safety Personal Impact Financial Security Predictable Roster: Paid Fair: false Safe work: false Bills ok: true false Legal Employment: Accommodation ok: WorkSafe: false Childcare: false false true Could speak up: Could speak up: false Leave: false Future secure: false false
Solution 第一次扣財產 50%。第二次勒令停業 First time arrest the employer’s property, second time ordered to suspend business
Story I was ABN 仲介但只有一個雇主 還在工作中. ㄧ小時 16。無論六日加班都是 16。 之前有人受傷,公司都沒有負責,因為是黑工。 不能想離開就離開,會被扣很多錢。非 常的不合理 This happened at Galati group, Perth city when I was employed by 仲介. This happened in the 工廠農業 industry. I was making goods for sale in supermarkets.第一次 扣財產 50%。第二次勒令停業 I am ABN contractor, I worked 16 hours per day, no penalty rate for over time. Due to no work cover compensation a lot of workers in this site left the job after work injury. This happened at Galati group, Perth city. Submission URL: 075(xxvii) Anonymous, Perth (received via NUW) – TO BE TRANSLATED 食 非正式聘僱 by Addy 泰國仲介 @ the man butcher Perth Pay and Conditions Health and Safety Personal Impact Financial Security Predictable Roster: Paid Fair: false Safe work: true Bills ok: true false Legal Employment: Accommodation ok: WorkSafe: false Childcare: false false true Could speak up: Could speak up: true Leave: false Future secure: true false
Solution 希望能把不合法的仲介移除,鼓勵合法仲介 Get rid of unscrupulous labour hire company, encourage the labour hire company do the right thing! Story I was 非正式聘僱 一年以內. 包裝肉品 早上 4 點上班上到下午 3 點 薪水沒有加倍 仲介還要求辦 abn 不然不給薪水 薪資 現金 16 後期轉 17.29 沒有退休金 經理不容許請 假,如果請假要當天到公司讓她看過,才能請 this happened at the man butcher Perth, Perth when I was employed by Addy 泰國仲介. This happened in the 食 industry. 希望能 把不合法的仲介移除,鼓勵合法仲介 I was employed by labour hire company as casual worker in meat packing factory. The working hours is from 4 am to 3 pm, flat rate. My contractor asked me to apply ABN or I don’t get pay. The payment is given by cash, no super. I am not allowed to take any sick leave. This happened at the man butcher Perth. Submission URL: 075(xxviii) Anonymous, Melbourne (NUW received via NUW) Printing employed through a labour hire agency by People Co @ Style Print Pay and Conditions Health and Safety Personal Impact Financial Security Paid Fair: true Safe work: false Predictable Roster: false Bills ok: false Legal Employment: false WorkSafe: true Childcare: false Accommodation ok: false Could speak up: false Could speak up: false Leave: false Future secure: false
Solution If I was the P.M. I would do nothing because I would have a huge tax payer funded house and more money than I would know what to do with. Story I was employed through a labour hire agency less than 3 months ago. Job ad was for full time employment. The job was only casual. Got rid of me because they found someone to work for less $. Had to work Monday and Tuesday on night shift then Thursday on afternoon shift and day shift on Friday. I am living in a shed in my parent’s back yard. I just don't know how long it will take to get more work after this job is done. This happened at Style Print, Melbourne when I was employed by People Co. This happened in the Printing industry. If I was the P.M. I would do nothing because I would have a huge tax payer funded house and more money than I would know what to do with. Submission URL: 075(xxix) Anonymous, Melbourne (received via NUW) – TO BE TRANSLATED 雇主直接聘用的非固定時數工作者 by 雇主 Health and Pay and Conditions Personal Impact Financial Security Safety Predictable Roster: Paid Fair: false Safe work: true Bills ok: true false Legal Employment: Accommodation ok: WorkSafe: false Childcare: false false true Could speak up: Could speak up: false Leave: true Future secure: false true
Story I was 雇主直接聘用的非固定時數工作者 一年以前. , Melbourne when I was employed by 雇主. I was direct employed one year ago in Melbourne Submission URL: 075(xxx) Anonymous, (received via NUW) A directly employed casual Pay and Conditions Health and Safety Personal Impact Financial Security Paid Fair: false Safe work: true Predictable Roster: false Bills ok: false Legal Employment: false WorkSafe: false Childcare: true Accommodation ok: false Could speak up: false Could speak up: true Leave: false Future secure: false
Solution Raise social security thresholds, so you can receive Centrelink whilst in insecure work to make up the difference. Enforce minimum wage laws. Raise minimum wage. Story I was a directly employed casual in my current job. I am earning 16 dollars an hour and am 26 and could be fired at any time. I am constantly broke, and usually have to pay rent late. Raise social security thresholds, so you can receive Centrelink whilst in insecure work to make up the difference. Enforce minimum wage laws. Raise minimum wage. Submission URL: 075(xxxi) Anonymous , WARRNAMBOOL, VIC (received via NUW) – TO BE TRANSLATED 農 非正式聘僱 by 雇主 (MARSH SWAMPY) @ SWAMPY'S ORGANIC FRAM Pay and Conditions Health and Safety Personal Impact Financial Security
Predictable Roster: Paid Fair: true Safe work: false Bills ok: true false Legal Employment: Accommodation ok: WorkSafe: false Childcare: false false true Could speak up: Could speak up: true Leave: false Future secure: false false
Solution 積極派員調查食品安全,他的雞蛋和牛奶及酸奶製造過程,因為工廠環境非常髒亂。 Ask the safe food auditor to do more investigation, including the working environment. Story I was 非正式聘僱 還在工作中. 工作內容:是在包裝雞蛋.裝瓶牛奶.製作酸奶.撿雞蛋.餵食雞 薪資:時薪$25 ,週領現金 , 隨時待命等老闆電話 需要天天早晚開車去農場上班 (餵雞),單程時間約 30km , 並且還叫我們蓋雞舍,需拿危險器具 , 如: 電鋸.鋸子.螺絲槍.爬樓梯 工作時數倏忽長忽短,時間忽早忽晚, 一通電話不管幾點就要去上班, 且每周 薪資都會拖欠,每次不通知就自動分期付款給薪,甚至半個月都付不出來一直找理由拖薪,還會無預警放假,讓人找不到。因為拖薪的問題越來越嚴重,所以 我需要一些幫 助,來協助我領到我該領的工資,並且離開該工作。 因為是領現金,沒有打卡紀錄,都是自己記錄上班時數,每周再找老闆請款,但老闆會拖薪 , 搞失蹤,怕他就這樣擺爛不 認帳 This happened at SWAMPY'S ORGANIC FRAM, WARRNAMBOOL ,VIC when I was employed by 雇主(MARSH SWAMPY ). This happened in the 農 industry. I was making goods for sale in supermarkets. 積極派員調查食品安全,他的雞蛋和牛奶及酸奶製造過程,因為工廠環境非常髒亂。 I am direct employed by the farm as casual worker, my role is packing eggs, milk, producing sour cream, feeding chicken, and picking eggs. The hourly rate is $25, cash in hand. And on call all day, I have to drive 30km to work every day. Sometimes the employer even asks me to build the chicken farm, and I have to do the dangerous works. The working hours is irregular, sometimes in the early morning the employer called me, and ask me to get to the farm straight away. However, the employer never pays my wages on time, there is no time sheet I have no idea how many hours I worked. When the time close to the pay day my employer MARSH SWAMPY, always disappeared. This happened at SWAMPY'S ORGANIC FRAM, WARRNAMBOOL ,VIC Submission URL: 075(xxxii) Anonymous , sunshine (NUW received via NUW) Oil employed through a labour hire agency by IPA @ Fuchs Pay and Conditions Health and Safety Personal Impact Financial Security Paid Fair: true Safe work: true Predictable Roster: true Bills ok: true Legal Employment: false WorkSafe: true Childcare: true Accommodation ok: true Could speak up: false Could speak up: true Leave: true Future secure: false Solution Nothing like he is he does not care for struggling honest person. Fact of life. Story I was employed through a labour hire agency in my current job. We are on an EBA agreement which was passed 1/7/2014 we just got a pay rise this week but had to join the union to make this possible. Asked about back pay was told high unlikely been employed 2 years looking for other work all the time This happened at Fuchs, Sunshine when I was employed by IPA. This happened in the oil industry. Nothing like he is he does not care for struggling honest person. Fact of life. Submission URL: 075(xxxiii) Anonymous , BUNBURY (received via NUW) – TO BE TRANSLATED 蘿蔔工廠 ABN 仲介但只有一個雇主 by 仲介 @ GALATI GROUP Pay and Conditions Health and Safety Personal Impact Financial Security Predictable Roster: Paid Fair: false Safe work: false Bills ok: false false Legal Employment: Accommodation ok: WorkSafe: false Childcare: false false false Could speak up: Could speak up: true Leave: false Future secure: false false
Solution 要逞罰仲介. Law enforcement Story
I was ABN 仲介但只有一個雇主 還在工作中. 這份工作的薪資只有 16 元,工作時間也不一定,都是透過一個聊天軟體(KAKAO TALK)前一天才通知, 最近又要改成用 LINE, 來派班別,有時候會被放好幾天假,也都只能在這邊等,這邊有兩班制, 早班和晚班,他會隨時調動你的班別,有可能突然就早晚班對調,這邊很多背包客是來集二簽的, 聽前輩 說這邊的二簽都是用假資料,在二簽資料上薪水是 20 元以上,可是實際給我們的薪水卻只有 16 元, 差距大到有 5 塊錢的差距,最後損失的都只有我們背包客,在我們工作一 週之後. 最重要的是仲介一直和我們要 ABN,最後因為我和我朋友不需要二簽才妥協,不用給他 ABN 資料, 可是他又用其他的名義和我們要護照的照片還有簽證的資料,當 下我是很猶豫,想說黑工因該不用這些東西, 只有白工才需要,可是最後還是給了,現在很害怕他們互用我們那些資料去亂申請東西,很怕他們拿我的資料 去申請 ABN,也不 知道要去哪裡查是否有被他們拿去申請 這邊很多背包客,這邊是有需要開到插車,可是感覺這邊很多背包客都沒有證照,仲介就教他們開插車, 前幾天還因為有人開插車不 當,弄傷其他員工. 這邊工作都是前一天晚上才派工,沒有辦法安排自己的時間,時數也不穩定,有時工作 7 小時,有時又工作 12 小時 都是上班當下才知道當天要做多久,有時 候也會連續放假好幾天 像我朋友因為提出離職,一週工作只有兩天,上班時數都是由他們仲介掌控,這邊還有一些奇怪的規則, 當時面試仲介也都沒有說,都是其他同事說才 知道的,薪水會壓兩週,所以等於工作的前兩週都沒有薪水, 要到第三週才可以領第一週的薪水,還有就是如果要離職要提前兩週說,如果沒說每一週會扣 200 元 還有沒做滿 三個月又會再被扣 200 元,因為我們是急著下來的所以也沒有時間找房子,所以住在農舍裡面, 最近有聽到同事說要搬出去,仲介就會不派工給要搬出去的人,感覺在這邊很 像坐牢. This happened at GALATI GROUP, BUNBURY when I was employed by 仲介. This happened in the 蘿蔔工廠 industry. I was making goods for sale in supermarkets.要 逞罰仲介. I am a ABN contractor work for only one employer. The hourly rate is $16, no time sheet, the employer always contacts me through KAKAO TALK the day before. And just recently he starts using Line to contact me. The contractor claim they can provide the document if backpacker need to apply the second year visa, however, on the application form, it shows our hourly rate is above $20. The other thing is my contractor keep ask me to apply ABN, otherwise no job for me, and this is why I applyed ABN. The other thing is some backpackers are told to use the forklift without any license or professional training. I remembered there was an accident happened due to the forklift driver lack of experience. The working hours is varied, sometimes I worked 7 hours a day, sometime 12. If you told the contractor you about to leave, they will cut down your working hours to 2 days a week. The contractor holds our wages for two weeks, that’s means the first week wages we have to wait till third week. If workers did not tell the contractor about leaving, they will take $200 from our wages, also the contractor forced us to stay at least 3 months, if not, also charge $200. And workers have to live in the farm. I feel I am like a prisoner here. This happened at GALATI GROUP, BUNBURY when I was employed by contractor, this happened in the carrots industry. I was making goods for sale in supermarkets.
Submission URL: 075(xxxiv) Anonymous, Melbourne (NUW received via VTHC) Call Centre employed through a labour hire agency by skilled @ Telstra Pay and Conditions Health and Safety Personal Impact Financial Security Paid Fair: false Safe work: false Predictable Roster: false Bills ok: true Legal Employment: true WorkSafe: true Childcare: false Accommodation ok: true Could speak up: false Could speak up: true Leave: false Future secure: false Solution Oblige employers to retrospectively grant full pay and conditions to employees on dodgy contracts. It would not take much analysis to work out who the main employers are. Story
I was employed through a labour hire agency in my current job. It's based on an out of date contract that contains irrelevancies and inconsistencies. It's an emergency services call centre. People call us and scream into our ear. Older staff have a hearing test every year, young people every 2 years. It's assumed if you fail, you are sacked. I spent the last 2 years trying to plan a visit overseas. Fell apart each time due to no holiday pay, no idea how to budget. This workplace has existed for 50 years and some staff have been on labour hire for 17 years. The host employer hasn't decided if they will tender for the work again in 2016. They took over 20 staff in 2014 and put them on one year contracts. The other 40 odd people may go with a few days’ notice in mid-2016 and the directly hired staff may not get much more time. This happened in the Call Centre industry. Got should oblige employers to retrospectively grant full pay and conditions to employees on dodgy contracts. It would not take much analysis to work out who the main employers are. Submission URL: 075(xxxiv) Anonymous, (NUW received via NUW) Warehousing a directly employed casual Pay and Conditions Health and Safety Personal Impact Financial Security Paid Fair: true Safe work: true Predictable Roster: true Bills ok: true Legal Employment: true WorkSafe: false Childcare: true Accommodation ok: true Could speak up: false Could speak up: true Leave: false Future secure: true
Story I was a directly employed casual more than a year ago. Essentially the boss would play favourites, and because there was no union involvement bringing up any issues you had with pay/management was a no-go. WorkCover was never explicitly discussed, but there were signs. I would have felt uncomfortable approaching my manager about it though, as a young casual worker. You were certainly expected to work a certain number of shifts regardless of how busy they were and how busy your own personal life was. Extended leave would definitely be cause for losing work - especially secure/regular shifts. This happened in the Warehousing industry. Submission URL: 075(xxxv) Anonymous , Canberra (received via NUW) Employed through a labour hire agency by Maddox @ Drake Pay and Conditions Health and Safety Personal Impact Financial Security Paid Fair: false Safe work: false Predictable Roster: false Bills ok: false Legal Employment: false WorkSafe: false Childcare: true Accommodation ok: true Could speak up: false Could speak up: true Leave: false Future secure: false
Story I was employed through a labour hire agency more than a year ago. Drake Maddox, the agency I worked for said I would be paid for the training I underwent after I worked for 100 hours. After the 100 hours and nearing more like 200 hours I asked about the money. Management said it would be put in my account. It never turned up. I asked again the next week, they said the same thing. This continued for over a month. Then the agency stopped giving me any shifts. I asked why they weren't giving me any shifts, and about the initial training being paid for. They said I wasn't a reliable enough worker and I didn't deserve the work or to be paid. At one point in my job, I was in a car accident. The accident was not my fault, but I lost my car and wasn't able to borrow one for getting to and from work. I tried catching buses because I knew if I wasn't available to work all the time, I would lose the job. I explained that I was catching buses to work but I really needed shifts but could only make it to them if they were in regular day hours and couldn't do late night or very early morning starts. At this point I got less and less shifts, even though I knew there were shifts that I could work from talking with other people in the job. This happened at Drake, Canberra when I was employed by Maddox. Submission URL: 075(xxxvi) Anonymous, (received via NUW) Cold Store @ Polar Fresh Pay and Conditions Health and Safety Personal Impact Financial Security Paid Fair: true Safe work: true Predictable Roster: true Bills ok: true Legal Employment: false WorkSafe: false Childcare: true Accommodation ok: true Could speak up: true Could speak up: false Leave: true Future secure: false
Solution Interest free house loans for married & living with families with children’s. Story I was less than a year ago. I have my Inguinal Hernia surgeries. My work capacity is light duties, lifting around 10 K.G. But my company is demanding to return back to normal work and in that lifting is up to 23 K.G. I feel my job is insecure. This happened at Polar Fresh; this happened in the Cold Store industry. Interest free house loans for married & living with families with children’s. Submission URL: 075(xxxvii) Anonymous, Yokine (NUW received via NUW) Market Research Industry a directly employed casual @ GFK--they are not a sympathetic employer. Pay and Conditions Health and Safety Personal Impact Financial Security Paid Fair: true Safe work: false Predictable Roster: false Bills ok: true Legal Employment: true WorkSafe: false Childcare: false Accommodation ok: true Could speak up: false Could speak up: false Leave: false Future secure: false
Solution Increase funding for job-seekers who are over the age of 45. Increase funding for job-seekers who are determined to up-skill themselves through participating in TAFE or university courses. Increase job opportunities for migrants and for those whose first language is NOT English. Reduce tax for low-income earners. Story I was a directly employed casual in my current job. In one of my casual jobs, I am at the mercy of natural elements (heavy rain, extreme heat, occasional abuse through door- knocking). And of course, I am at the mercy of people's kindness in my door-knocking work. I don't think I can speak to my supervisor about the frustration and alienation I experience in my door-knocking work. This employer does not have Employee Assistance Scheme in place to provide emotional support to employees who are under stress. This happened at GFK--they are not a sympathetic employer. Yokine. This happened in the Market Research Industry. Increase funding for job-seekers who are over the age of 45. Increase funding for job-seekers who are determined to up-skill themselves through participating in TAFE or university courses. Increase job opportunities for migrants and for those whose first language is NOT English. Reduce tax for low-income earners. Submission URL: 075(xxxviii) Anonymous , ADL (received via NUW) – TO BE TRANSLATED 屠宰 從仲介公司得到工作 by 仲介 @ 小周 (仲介) / TFI (T&R) Health and Pay and Conditions Personal Impact Financial Security Safety Predictable Roster: Paid Fair: false Safe work: false Bills ok: true true Legal Employment: Accommodation ok: WorkSafe: true Childcare: true true true Could speak up: Could speak up: true Leave: true Future secure: true true
Solution 增派人員 Hire more people Story I was 從仲介公司得到工作 還在工作中. 加班以及假日上班薪資不僅沒有加成,還是本薪扣除 1 塊後的薪資 公司安排多數人的工作給予少數人執行,在公司調快生產線 速度的情況下,我們為了追趕上期生產線速度而暴露在危險的工作環境中,使身體負荷過大而受傷 This happened at 小周 (仲介) / TFI (T&R), ADL when I was employed by 仲介. This happened in the 屠宰 industry. 增派人員 I was employed by labour hire company work in T&R meat processing factory, no penalty rate for over time. This is a hazard working environment, people always get hurt. Submission URL: 075(xxxix) Anonymous, Melbourne (received via NUW) – TO BE TRANSLATED 服務業 雇主直接聘用的非固定時數工作者 by 雇主 @ Hutong Group Health and Pay and Conditions Personal Impact Financial Security Safety Predictable Roster: Paid Fair: false Safe work: true Bills ok: true true Legal Employment: Accommodation ok: WorkSafe: true Childcare: true false true Could speak up: Could speak up: false Leave: true Future secure: false true
Solution 嚴懲不法老闆 定期隨機徹查不法工作 fair work 檢舉手續更簡便 以及增加接電話人員因為真的很難打進去 Punkish the employer, random check the factories, more complaint phone line in FWO. Story I was 雇主直接聘用的非固定時數工作者 還在工作中. 在墨爾本胡同集團的餐廳工作一週工作六天每天工作九到九個半小時領到薪水稅後每週薪水是六百九十元每小時 12.7 塊 我們工作沒有澳洲任何工作保障 讓我們工作像是次等人種 this happened at Hutong Group, Melbourne when I was employed by 雇主. This happened in the 服務業 industry. 嚴懲不法老闆 定期隨機徹查不法工作 fair work 檢舉手續更簡便 以及增加接電話人員因為真的很難打進去 I am direct employed by the company as causal worker, and works in hutong restaurant group in Melbourne. I work 6 days a week and 9-9.5 hours per day. My weekly wage is $690 dollars, hourly rate is $12.7. I feel like a subclass worker in this restaurant. I tried to make complaint to FWO and the hotline never works. this happened at Hutong Group, Melbourne.
Submission URL: 075(xl) Anonymous, Melbourne (NUW received via NUW) Warehousing employed through a labour hire agency by Tailored Workforce @ AM Solutions T/an Epharmacy - Preston Pay and Conditions Health and Safety Personal Impact Financial Security Paid Fair: true Safe work: true Predictable Roster: false Bills ok: false Legal Employment: false WorkSafe: false Childcare: false Accommodation ok: true Could speak up: true Could speak up: false Leave: false Future secure: false
Solution I would not ignore this kind of problem. I would fix these problems because it's not just me it happens to. It's happened to my workmates and probably lots of other people. I would make sure that companies focused more on the fact that a lot of us have families that we need to care for and provide for and it's difficult for us to get by on a day by day basis. Story I was employed through a labour hire agency less than 3 months ago. After one year I was promised full time by the host employer, but I was kept on as an agency casual and was then told that I was no longer required at work but was not given a reason. I was extremely disappointed and sad about this. I was trying to take out a loan at the time and now that's not going to happen anymore. I had regular hours and shifts, but all of a sudden, I was told there was no work for me. We were not told about that because we were casual and they didn't seem to care. I think the permanents were told about it, but they never really cared much about us casuals. It was mostly the same, but all of a sudden our shifts got cut from 8 hours to 6 hours with no explanation. Childcare for me was not an issue because my children are over 18 years of age. I couldn't take leave because I was so scared of losing my job. I would get very stressed and tired, but I would still go to work because I was scared of being fired. Every time I was offered a shift, I felt that I had to say yes otherwise I would stop getting shifts. I felt completely insecure. Sometimes I would struggle pay for bills and food because I would only get around 18 hours of work each week, especially when it was quiet. It was really sad and hard. One week I only received 4 hours work, another time it was only 8 hours in a week. I am struggling even more now since I have been told they don't need me anymore. Luckily my husband owns our house outright so we don't have a mortgage or rent, but it's still a struggle to keep up. I am helping my daughters pay rent because our house is so small there's no room for them here, and I need to support them as they are still studying and only one of them works part time. I never felt confident because I was casual for one year. I still kept going though because I needed work, I didn't want to be unemployed. Losing this job has been horrible and has affected me so badly. I have caring responsibilities for my husband and receive $121 from the Government every fortnight, which is just not enough. If I don't work, I can get $476 (roughly) every fortnight, but the food bill is $500, and there's not even enough to pay for the bills after that. I have a credit card, loan and help my daughters with their bills too, so I'm extremely stressed about how I'm going to make ends meet. I don't even get one hours' sleep at the moment. This happened at AM Solutions T/A Pharmacy - Preston, Melbourne when I was employed by Tailored Workforce. This happened in the Warehousing industry. I would not ignore this kind of problem. I would fix these problems because it's not just me it happens to. It's happened to my workmates and probably lots of other people. I would make sure that companies focused more on the fact that a lot of us have families that we need to care for and provide for and it's difficult for us to get by on a day by day basis. Submission URL: 075(xli) Anonymous, Carnegie (received via NUW) Gaming and Hospitality a directly employed casual Pay and Conditions Health and Safety Personal Impact Financial Security Paid Fair: true Safe work: false Predictable Roster: false Bills ok: true Legal Employment: false WorkSafe: false Childcare: false Accommodation ok: true Could speak up: false Could speak up: true Leave: false Future secure: false
Solution Increase workers’ rights, make sure unions have rights in workplaces. Story I was a directly employed casual in my current job. I don't believe they give break times often enough. There is a huge turnover of staff so I don't feel secure in my job even though I've worked there for nearly two years, in this time I've never been given the opportunity to talk to anyone about my position- the only time I've spoken to management has been about complaints with other staff and I don't think this was taken seriously. It appears that I get payed the 'fixed rate' and asking for changes in my job would lead nowhere. I have to carry heavy things, complete tasks I'm not 100% comfortable with and deal with things such as broken glass. I also handle large amounts of money. I have serious anxiety and depression but no one at work knows this and I don't feel it’s a supportive environment in which I can share those things. There are set shift times which are mostly inflexible. I receive the roster on Fridays for the week of work starting Wednesday, so five days’ notice- this is very frustrating as planning for even the next weeks activities is really difficult. I get different shifts each week so have no idea what my income will be each week. The only reason I can pay my bills and rent is because I also get Centrelink payments. I do not feel secure in my job at all, no one has ever made me feel like I'm important at my job and people seem to leave or get fired regularly. This happened in the Gaming and Hospitality industry Increase workers’ rights, make sure unions have rights in workplaces. Submission URL: 075(xlii) Anonymous, (MEAA received via NUW) Hospitality informally employed Pay and Conditions Health and Safety Personal Impact Financial Security Paid Fair: false Safe work: true Predictable Roster: false Bills ok: false Legal Employment: true WorkSafe: false Childcare: true Accommodation ok: true Could speak up: false Could speak up: false Leave: false Future secure: false Story I was informally employed less than 3 months ago. I was paid $15/hour for running a cafe with one other employee, neither of us had experience as managers. I often got burns and my boss would offer me a band aid but when I asked if he would make the work flow better and make changes so we didn't get burned he refused. I often got called in last minute, so I would have to cancel health appointments like ones with the psychologist who was assisting with my depression. This happened in the hospitality industry. Submission URL: 075(xliii) Anonymous, Bundaberg (received via NUW) – TO BE TRANSLATED Farm hand, packing 透過仲介的排班制工作 by 雇主 @ Barbera, big tomato shed (at Bundaberg) Pay and Health and Personal Impact Financial Security Conditions Safety Predictable Paid Fair: true Safe work: true Bills ok: true Roster: false Legal WorkSafe: Accommodation Childcare: true Employment: true false ok: true Could speak up: Could speak Future secure: Leave: false true up: true false
Solution 對於長期違法、藐視人權並完全不尊重澳洲文化的人,依法律途徑解決或驅逐出境。 Deport the illegal labour hire company operator. Story 我們要說的是一個經常上報且最近再度被新聞採訪,在 Bundaberg 非常有名的白工大廠 Barbera,Barbera 有分內場包裝及外場採果,內場包 裝有兩個 Shed,一個是最主要的 big tomato,另一個是 zucchini and capsicum,我們要投訴的是『Barbera 的韓國藉經理 JT』。 在 Barbera 內 場工作的背包客來自兩個地方,一個是在 Bundaberg 合法經營的 Tomato Backpacker,另一個是『Barbera 韓國藉經理 JT 自己私營的非法 Share House』,在外場的背包客同樣許多是來自 JT 私營的 Share House。 文中的“我們”,有來自 Tomato Backpacker 和 JT 私營的 Share House 的背包客,我們都曾在 Barbera 內場包裝 big tomato shed 工作,也就是韓國藉經理 JT 主要負責的部門。 以下列舉『Barbera 韓國藉經理 JT』 不當、剝削或違法的行為事項: 【一】非法私營 Share House 向背包客收取租金。 【二】非法的 Share House,且一個房間住超過兩個人。 【三】非法的工作綁住宿,要在 Barbera 工作需住進韓國藉經理 JT 私營的 Share House。 【四】罔顧人權且無視法律,韓國藉經理 JT 多次無 故且未提前告知,隨意開除背包客,甚至要求背包客當場立刻回家。 且由於住在 Tomato backpacker 的背包客,無法讓韓國藉經理 JT 賺取 房租,經常糟到比來自 JT 的 Share House 的背包客,更多不公平的對待。 不公平待遇舉例如清潔工作,並非輪流制,最骯髒最辛苦的工作 全部直接指派給來自 Tomato backpacker 的背包客,輕鬆且簡單的工作全安排給來自 JT 的 Share House 的背包客。 不公平待遇舉例如排班制 度,工廠內的支援性包裝工作,或是不同 Shed 需要支援人力,只有來自 JT 的 Share House 的背包客可以得到支援性工作的機會,這在淡季、 工作不穩定或是一週工作時數只有 20 個小時的時候,這樣的臨時性支援工作機會對背包客是很重要 的。 不公平待遇如隨 JT 個人喜好任用 制,一位完全不會分辨 big tomato、不知道工作內容、上班極為懶散、對待同事態度極差,來自 JT 的 Share House 韓國藉女生背包客,不僅 可以長期在 Barbera 工作,更得到了升職。 不公平待遇如隨意開除背包客並從未提前告知,一位已在 Barbera big tomato shed 工作超過 60 天、來自 Tomato backpacker 的背包客,無故被開除,且是在回到家之後才被通知明天不用再去上班了;一對同樣在 big tomato shed 工作超 過 60 天、來自 JT 的 Share House 的一隊情侶,無故被開除,並要求明天立刻 Check out。 由於『韓國藉經理 JT』在 Barbera 工作的時間非常 久,所以每個月都有許多不當、剝削或違法的事情不停的在發生,故事太多無法全部列舉,非常感 擔 誤寶貴的時間傾聽我們的故事, 再三感謝。 提外話題,韓國藉經理 JT 向每位背包客每週收取 130 至 240 不等(澳幣)的房租,同時包含 Barbera 內場與外場為數不少的背包客, 這樣巨額的收入, 不知道每年少繳多少稅給政府? I am employed by labour hire contractor named JT(Korean) and works in Bundaberg Barbera as tomato packer. There are two ways to get the job in this farm, first is Bundaberg hostel Tomato Backpacker, the other is Barbera Korean manager who runs an illegal share house and recruiting people to work in the farm. Several things: 1. Unregistered share house, rent $130-240 per week. 2. Each room got more than two tenants. 3. People who want to work in the farm has to live in JT’s share house. 4. Fire people without reason.
Submission URL: 075(xliv) Anonymous, Melbourne (received via NUW) Labouring & Call Centre work employed through a labour hire agency @ A variety of Labour Hire & Recruitment Companies Pay and Conditions Health and Safety Personal Impact Financial Security Paid Fair: false Safe work: false Predictable Roster: false Bills ok: true Legal Employment: false WorkSafe: false Childcare: true Accommodation ok: true Could speak up: false Could speak up: true Leave: false Future secure: false Solution Make recruitment companies be honest about the actual amount of work they will have for you & make them be up front & honest about what your role will be, the pay rate and what type of cut they receive from your work placement. Story In June 2012 I was made redundant from my job. After that the only employment I could find was through Recruitment & Labour Hire companies. Often did dangerous and unsafe work cleaning up animal fat spillage, pouring molten zinc to cast moulds, unloading trucks & containers. I was juggling several casual on call part time temporary jobs as there would either be no work or all the companies wanted me at once. They often didn't explain the hours so couldn't meet requirements of my various employers & lost out on work. One temporary call centre job I had to sign a form that if I didn't complete training I didn’t get paid, I missed a day’s training due to unforeseen circumstances & didn't get paid for several weeks work I had done & lost the job. This was illegal I went Fair work Australia but it took months to get paid. As an NZ citizen who moved to Australia After 2001 I was not able to receive any Australian government assistance from Centrelink. I had to budget & live on very little in order to buy food, pay rent & bills some weeks lived on 4 hours work or $80 a week. This happened in the Labouring & Call Centre work industries In Melbourne. We need to make recruitment companies be honest about the actual amount of work they will have for you & make them be up front & honest about what your role will be, the pay rate and what type of cut they receive from your work placement. After 15months of living not knowing how much work I would have from week to week and as I couldn’t find permanent work I returned to New Zealand to live in October 2013. Submission URL: 075(xlv) Anonymous, Sale (NUW received via NUW) First line of fresh food 非正式聘僱 by Contractor @ Covina farm Pay and Conditions Health and Safety Personal Impact Financial Security Paid Fair: false Safe work: false Predictable Roster: false Bills ok: true Legal Employment: false WorkSafe: false Childcare: true Accommodation ok: true Could speak up: false Could speak up: false Leave: true Future secure: false Solution Make everyone equal - no more exploiting. Story I was 非正式聘僱 一年以內. I used to work under payment (AUD15 per hour) and insecure working environment. Some machines have potential dangerous but no one cares. We have to protect by yourself. I was working holiday visa holder. But I realized that was too much work, sometimes I had have to work for 15 hours per day. Its means from 5am till to 10pm I was in the workplace, and next day have to start at 5am again!! This happened at Covino farm, Sale when I was employed by Contractor. This happened in the First line of fresh food industry. I was making goods for sale in supermarkets. Make everyone equal - no more exploiting. Submission URL: 075(xlvi) Anonymous, 墨爾本 (received via NUW) – TO BE TRANSLATED 農業 非正式聘僱 by 仲介 @ marciano grapes Mildura Pay and Conditions Health and Safety Personal Impact Financial Security Predictable Roster: Paid Fair: true Safe work: true Bills ok: true false Legal Employment: Accommodation ok: WorkSafe: false Childcare: false false true Could speak up: Could speak up: true Leave: false Future secure: false false
Solution 會努力掃蕩黑工,致力於讓每一個在澳洲工作的人可以拿到合理的待遇。 Arrest undocumented worker, fair work in Australia Story I was 非正式聘僱 還在工作中. 我在 Mildura 葡萄工廠、農場工作,是計件的,沒有繳稅,沒有退休金,沒有工傷保險,每週五發現金。裡面也有時薪人員,目前只有 3 人,時薪是 15 元, 搬箱人員是 13 元。 在剪葡萄時,偶爾會被剪刀剪到,曾經剪到很深,血流 5 分鐘才停止,差一點要縫傷口。 薪水每週只有 200~300 元,只夠付房 租、車資跟買食材,車資每人一天 5 元。 每週都是才發薪水就花光了!完全沒有多餘的錢可以去看看澳洲景點,畢竟我是拿 working holiday 的簽證,會想出去玩、出 去走走,但是在這個黑工工廠真的沒辦法。 This happened at marciano grapes Mildura, 墨爾本 when I was employed by 仲介. This happened in the 農業 industry. I was making goods for sale in supermarkets.會努力掃蕩黑工,致力於讓每一個在澳洲工作的人可以拿到合理的待遇。 I am a casual worker in Mildura grape farm. The work is piece rate, no tax no super, and no work cover. Every Friday is the pay day. The hourly rate is $15. And lifting is $13. The weekly wage is $200-300 dollars. It’s almost enough to cover he transportation fees ($5 per day) and my rent. This happened at marciano grapes Mildura, Melbourne when I was employed by labour hire. This happened in the agriculture industry. I was making goods for sale in supermarkets.
Profile URL: Submission URL: 075(xlvii) Anonymous , SEDDON (received via NUW)
A directly employed casual Pay and Conditions Health and Safety Personal Impact Financial Security Paid Fair: false Safe work: false Predictable Roster: false Bills ok: false Legal Employment: false WorkSafe: false Childcare: false Accommodation ok: false Could speak up: false Could speak up: true Leave: false Future secure: false Solution There needs to be a significantly higher minimum wage (take that off those earning maximum wages...) There also needs to be more emphasis on fairness for employees and a restructuring of the extreme power imbalance between employee and employer - a casual worker is easily replaced, and thus exploited. More rights and guarantees for their security need to be in place, and public discourse needs to shift to support vulnerable employees. Story I was a directly employed casual less than a year ago. I was paid under minimum wage, work was unreliable and often for very short shifts, although sometimes expected to be longer. There needs to be a significantly higher minimum wage (take that off those earning maximum wages...) There also needs to be more emphasis on fairness for employees and a restructuring of the extreme power imbalance between employee and employer - a casual worker is easily replaced, and thus exploited. More rights and guarantees for their security need to be in place, and public discourse needs to shift to support vulnerable employees. Submission URL: 075(xlviii) Anonymous, Geelong (received via NUW) Industrial cleaning employed through a labour hire agency by Ecowize @ golden farms Pay and Conditions Health and Safety Personal Impact Financial Security Paid Fair: false Safe work: false Predictable Roster: true Bills ok: true Legal Employment: true WorkSafe: true Childcare: true Accommodation ok: true Could speak up: true Could speak up: false Leave: true Future secure: false Solution If I Were Prime Minister I would seriously review the way our employment agencies are hiring people. My experience with them has lead me to this conclusion. They are a Business put in place to make money, not to help people find work. Rather than actively trying to find people work, they try to enrol everyone in courses to make people more "employable" but really they just get more funding and government subsidies the more people they enrol. while the people doing these courses end up finishing them still without a job because of the lack of any real hands on experience. I’m not saying that all courses are bad and many do help people find employment but I think the vast majority are exploiting people on Centrelink by forcing them to do these courses with no real job prospects at the end. Basically what I’m trying to say is CRACKDOWN on employment agencies, make sure these courses people feel forced to do are actually helping people get jobs and not just getting some more funding for the agency. Cut out the bureaucratic bullshit! And give people jobs! Even if their just free trials or volunteer work (not work for the dole!). Arranging shoes on a shelf in an op shop is not giving people adequate work experience to prepare them for getting a good job. As far as fixing the problem, I think the way people are hired in this country and the way our unemployment agencies work does contribute to more people having to find casual labour kind of jobs because of lack of experience. Maybe if the government subsidised more workplaces for younger people on the dole the same way they do with unemployed elderly citizens we would have more young people out working rather than sitting in a course about washing your hands, while the government keeps pouring money into these useless employment agencies Story I was employed through a labour hire agency more than a year ago. Worked night shift hours with no bonus; got a chemical burn because of lousy protective gear; company wasn't very nice so couldn't see a future with it. This happened at Golden Farms, Geelong when I was employed by Ecowize. This happened in the industrial cleaning industry. I was making goods for sale in supermarkets. If I Were Prime Minister I would seriously review the way our employment agencies are hiring people. My experience with them has lead me to this conclusion. They are a Business put in place to make money, not to help people find work. Rather than actively trying to find people work, they try to enrol everyone in courses to make people more "employable" but really they just get more funding and government subsidies the more people they enrol. while the people doing these courses end up finishing them still without a job because of the lack of any real hands on experience. I’m not saying that all courses are bad and many do help people find employment but I think the vast majority are exploiting people on Centrelink by forcing them to do these courses with no real job prospects at the end. Basically what I’m trying to say is CRACKDOWN on employment agencies, make sure these courses people feel forced to do are actually helping people get jobs and not just getting some more funding for the agency. Cut out the bureaucratic bullshit! And give people jobs! Even if their just free trials or volunteer work (not work for the dole!). Arranging shoes on a shelf in an op shop is not giving people adequate work experience to prepare them for getting a good job. As far as fixing the problem, I think the way people are hired in this country and the way our unemployment agencies work does contribute to more people having to find casual labour kind of jobs because of lack of experience. Maybe if the government subsidised more workplaces for younger people on the dole the same way they do with unemployed elderly citizens we would have more young people out working rather than sitting in a course about washing your hands, while the government keeps pouring money into these useless employment agencies. Submission URL: 075(xlix) Anonymous, Footscray (ASU received via NUW) Captioning for television contracting with an ABN but to one employer only by Captioning and Subtitling International @ Captioning and Subtitling International Pay and Conditions Health and Safety Personal Impact Financial Security Paid Fair: false Safe work: true Predictable Roster: true Bills ok: true Legal Employment: false WorkSafe: false Childcare: false Accommodation ok: true Could speak up: false Could speak up: true Leave: false Future secure: false Story I was contracting with an ABN but to one employer only more than a year ago. I was paid as a contractor but required to work regular full-time hours according to the same roster as their full-time staff. My work and working conditions, hours, etc. were identical to full-time staff but my employer did withhold tax or pay super on my wages. Even though I was effectively working a full-time job I had no security, had to purchase my own equipment, and knew that they could vary or cancel my hours any time if it suited them. This happened at Captioning and Subtitling International, Footscray when I was employed by Captioning and Subtitling International. This happened in the Captioning for television industry. Submission URL: 075(l) Anonymous, (NUW received via NUW) A directly employed casual Pay and Conditions Health and Safety Personal Impact Financial Security Paid Fair: true Safe work: true Predictable Roster: false Bills ok: true Legal Employment: true WorkSafe: true Childcare: false Accommodation ok: true Could speak up: true Could speak up: true Leave: true Future secure: false
Solution I believe the Federal government should do more to ensure stable, decent conditions for workers that enable them to participate in family, social and civic life without risking their employment and therefore financial independence, autonomy and ability to plan for the future. Story I am a directly employed casual in my current job. I am working at a call-centre which exclusively employs casual workers. We do not get paid extra on Saturdays or Sundays (though working at least one weekend shift every week is a condition of our employment). We also do not get paid for working irregular hours (4.30pm-8.30pm). My job is the most suitable employment I can find with the connections, qualifications and commitments outside of work that I have. It is not possible for me to eat dinner before 9.30pm (by the time I commute home from work) on the days that I work. This means I cannot share dinner with my family. My work is seasonal with great variation throughout the year. Between mid- December and February there will be no work for us at the call centre and we will have to rely on savings, Centrelink, support from our families or further seasonal/casual employment to make income over the holiday period. This is a source of stress and anxiety. I believe the Federal government should do more to ensure stable, decent conditions for workers that enable them to participate in family, social and civic life without risking their employment and therefore financial independence, autonomy and ability to plan for the future. Submission URL: 075(li) Anonymous, Melbourne (received via NUW) Informally employed Pay and Conditions Health and Safety Personal Impact Financial Security Paid Fair: false Safe work: false Predictable Roster: false Bills ok: false Legal Employment: false WorkSafe: false Childcare: false Accommodation ok: false Could speak up: false Could speak up: false Leave: false Future secure: false
Solution Ban sham contracting. Make mandatory permanency after 1 month. Story I was informally employed in my current job, in Melbourne. I was making goods for sale in supermarkets. We need to ban sham contracting. Make mandatory permanency after 1 month. Enforce rosters and protect union members. Current employment standards are ruining people's lives. Submission URL: 075(lii) Anonymous , (received via NUW) – TO BE TRANSLATED 雇主直接聘用的非固定時數工作者 by 雇主 @ Yamato Pay and Conditions Health and Safety Personal Impact Financial Security Predictable Roster: Paid Fair: false Safe work: true Bills ok: true true Legal Employment: Accommodation ok: WorkSafe: true Childcare: true true true Could speak up: Could speak up: false Leave: true Future secure: false false
Story I was 雇主直接聘用的非固定時數工作者 三個月內. 店是在 claremont,一間名叫 Yamato 的日本餐廳。而工作主要是面對澳洲居民,必須說英文,但每小時工資只有 au$12,還要我們給稅號,我猜 是讓他們作假賬用。 職位是 waiter,但有時候要我們用刀去切食物,做廚房的工作 This happened at Yamato, claremont when I was employed by 雇主. I was direct employed by the restaurant within three months ago, the name of the restaurant is Yamato in Claremont. The hourly rate is $12. My position is waiter, and cover some kitchen hand job. Submission URL: 075(liii) Anonymous, Frankston (received via CFMEU) Food informally employed @ Crystol poultry, sunrise chicken (they keep changing names) Pay and Conditions Health and Safety Personal Impact Financial Security Paid Fair: false Safe work: false Predictable Roster: true Bills ok: false Legal Employment: false WorkSafe: false Childcare: false Accommodation ok: false Could speak up: false Could speak up: false Leave: false Future secure: false Solution Make every work place safe, get rid of hire companies, and bring back work for 3 months than full time work Story I was informally employed more than a year ago. Did not pay super, paid less for over time abused at work by other worker got told to ignore it, long hours, had to use other pls work boots; no one spoke English, did get injured, depression, anxiety scarred to go to work. This happened at Crystol poultry, sunrise chicken they keep changing names in Frankston. This happened in the food industry. Make every work place safe, get rid of hire companies, and bring back work for 3 months than full time work. Submission URL: 075(liv) Anonymous , 墨爾本 (received via NUW) – TO BE TRANSLATED 服務 雇主直接聘用的非固定時數工作者 by 雇主 @ 在 CROWN 的十里食街 Health and Pay and Conditions Personal Impact Financial Security Safety Predictable Roster: Paid Fair: false Safe work: true Bills ok: true true Legal Employment: Accommodation ok: WorkSafe: false Childcare: false false true Could speak up: Could speak up: true Leave: false Future secure: false true
Solution 我認為大部分敢游走在法律邊緣的雇主絕大多數來自華人,也許應該放大檢視華人所持有的產業才有可能停止剝削勞方 The Chinese employer are the bad one, they always treat their workers bad, underpaid, or long working hours. The authorities should investigate all the Chinese employer in every industry. Story I was 雇主直接聘用的非固定時數工作者 還在工作中. 一週是週薪 800 塊 但是我上班的時間是晚上 6 點半到凌晨 2 點半 禮拜五禮拜六甚至到凌晨 3 點半 不知道什麼時候 可能被裁員 This happened at 在 CROWN 的十里食街, 墨爾本 when I was employed by 雇主. This happened in the 服務 industry. 我認為大部分敢游走在法律邊緣的雇主絕大 多數來自華人,也許應該放大檢視華人所持有的產業才有可能停止剝削勞方 I am direct employed by the company as casual worker, the weekly rate is $800, my working hour is 6:30 pm to 2 am, sometimes have to work till 3:30 am on most of Fridays, Saturdays. This happened at Crown casino Hutong Group restaurant Melbourne. Submission URL: 075(lv) Anonymous, Brisbane (received via NUW) – TO BE TRANSLATED 非正式聘僱 by 雇主 @ My sushi on George Pay and Conditions Health and Safety Personal Impact Financial Security Predictable Roster: Paid Fair: false Safe work: false Bills ok: true false Legal Employment: Accommodation ok: WorkSafe: true Childcare: false false true Could speak up: Could speak up: false Leave: false Future secure: false false
Solution 他們的律師會教老闆以最低工資聘僱然後逼迫簽名領了假正常薪資表然後再簽另ㄧ份真正領到的薪資表 不簽不能領! 律師會教他怎麼避免被抽查 幫員工報假稅來逃稅 ⋯ 我不知道怎麼解決因為我不了解⋯ 直接取消大陸來澳開店! 來警告其他國家的老闆! My employer’s lawyer taught him how to under pay the worker, ex: force us to sign the counterfeit document claim our wage is legal, but in fact the workers were been underpaid. The lawyer will also taught my employer how to avoid tax. I don’t know how to solve this, please just cancel all the Chinese restaurant owner have a business here. Story I work in my sushi which near casino tower in Brisbane city before I got pay 12 dollars per hour and work 14hours And have to pay 2 weeks bone first but will return if you tell boss before 2weeks them will return. And that boss Sexual harassment, threats, deception me ...... Want to HAVE sex with me...... And be in the relationship with me! I'm a boy!!! I said I will sue you!!!!!!! He just told me I don't care I have lawyer lawyer will help me he have a wife and Twins...... But before I quit job I recorded some Evidence But I don't know how to sue him...... Why China boss can always do Illegal thing and no one can stop it.... I don’t even know why Australia can't control it ...... 他們的律師會教老闆以最低 工資聘僱然後逼迫簽名領了假正常薪資表然後再簽另ㄧ份真正領到的薪資表 不簽不能領! 律師會教他怎麼避免被抽查 幫員工報假稅來逃稅 Submission URL: 075(lvi) Anonymous , Sydney (CFMEU received via NUW) – TO BE TRANSLATED 工地 非正式聘僱 by 雇主 @ 雪梨 SP 和 AP 兩家~都是做 GYPROCK Pay and Conditions Health and Safety Personal Impact Financial Security Paid Fair: true Safe work: false Predictable Roster: true Bills ok: false
Legal Employment: false WorkSafe: false Childcare: false Accommodation ok: false
Could speak up: false Could speak up: false Leave: false Future secure: false
Solution 建立受雇者可以直接線上多種語言諮詢和尋求協助的管道,對於工會希望有一套工會成員操守的監督制度 The multi-language worker helping lines, union member should behave well. Story I was 非正式聘僱 一年以前. 在雪梨的工地~中國人老闆,當搬運材料跟清潔還有支援打膠的小工~一個小時 16 塊澳幣,後來有台灣背包客去工會投訴,在是情發生後薪水調 整到 18 元澳幣, 但在公司把事情解決後,以不需要工人了把所有台灣人解聘,而且是公司在雪梨的所有工地的台灣人都同時被報復性解雇!理由是不需要這麼多人了~但在 通知解雇 的同一天早上卻有新人來上班! 工地對於搬運重量有限制,但是僅限於一樓放置材料的地方,上了樓,管理者要求搬運材料時,就不會遵守了!~另外~鋪設在裝潢板 子牆中間的隔音海綿,粉塵很 嚴重,卻只有簡單的口罩怎麼可能有辦法保護肺部,那些海綿纖維吸入後,人體要怎麼代謝,後果就是越來越常咳嗽! 每周工作時間大約是 58 小 時~時薪是 16 元~但是公司卻有辦法做帳把薪資單的工作時間減少,讓每小時時薪符合規定, 曾經去工會投訴過,第一次有成功,工會介入處理~但第二次投訴時,案件卻被工 會在雪梨市區負責處理華人案件的中國人把案件擱置了, 等了好幾個星期都沒有消息,同時背投訴的老闆到處找我想報復,到最後還能相信誰? 連工會的人都會把案件擱置 導致事後到工會總辦公室查詢時發現沒有登錄,那背包客能怎麼辦? 沒有正式的工作,領的薪水帳目薪資明細都是公司做帳解決,跟實際的情況完全不同,公司都可以合法掩 護非法薪水,但是為了生活只能做一天算一天,甚麼時候會 沒工作也不知道,即使去投訴工會又面臨語言不同,語言可以通的工會負責成員卻吃案的狀況,最後連人身安全都 受到威脅...... This happened at 雪梨 SP 和 AP 兩家~都是做 GYPROCK, Sydney when I was employed by 雇主. This happened in the 工地 industry. 建立受雇者可以直接線上 多種語言諮詢和尋求協助的管道,對於工會希望有一套工會成員操守的監督制度 I was employed by the labour hire company more than one year ago, as a casual construction worker. My job was lifting and cleaning. The hourly rate was $16. There was some Taiwanese backpackers report to the union, and all the casual worker rate were raised to $18 dollars, but all of sudden all the backpackers who works in the Sydney construction industry were all got fired. The hazard environment is the dust, and the mask not helping at all. We worked 58 hours per week, and back to $16 per hour, the union did not help this time. What can we do? Even the company is “cooking the book” and all the workers are underpaid. I have been threatening by the employer. This happened at Sydney SP and AP GYPROCK, construction industry.
Submission URL: 075(lvii) Anonymous , Mooroopna (received via NUW) – TO BE TRANSLATED 農業 透過仲介的排班制工作 by 仲介 @ GValley Pay and Conditions Health and Safety Personal Impact Financial Security Predictable Roster: Paid Fair: false Safe work: false Bills ok: false false Legal Employment: Accommodation ok: WorkSafe: false Childcare: false false true Could speak up: Could speak up: true Leave: false Future secure: false false
Solution 請農場雇主直接公開聘用條件及合約書講明工作條件及注意事項,別再透過仲介從中獲利並剝削背包客,薪水也請農場會計直接發給背包客,而不是轉帳給仲介,不 平等的抽成在轉發給背包客。 No more labour hire, pay the worker directly not the labour hire. Story
Oct 27 晚上 我在澳洲最大網站 Gumtree,找到 Mooroopna cherry picking 的仲介廣告,仲介公司名稱為 GValley,聯絡人為 Mathew,我見到他們櫻桃是以秤重來計件, 心想這工作頗合理,因為目前看到臉書上 所放的櫻桃都以桶計件,以公斤來算是個非常公道的方式,而且不用綁住宿,當下見獵心裡,馬上打電話聯絡,當晚 Mathew 和我以簡訊方式詳談到半夜一點 多。 Oct 30 仲介詢問我是否已決定為他工作,我聲明我得親自看到地點才放心,因此約好明天早上從 Melbourne 殺去 Mooroopna 探勘 環境。 Nov 01 早上九點多抵達 Mooroopna Gvalley,打電話給 Mathew 三四次沒打通,過一下子就有一位名叫 Celest 的老女士,她是車屋公園(Finborough Caravan park)女主人,帶我們參觀環境,也去辦公室談工作細節,她提及要綁住宿才有提供工作,她手邊有十五個農場,一直全天有工到明年五月,各種作物都有,皆 可集二 簽,有計件也有時薪工,皆為白工,但因為我是女生,她會直接把我丟到包裝廠,而且薪水都是 21 起跳,明天就開工無需等工,當下我直接跟他預定一間車 屋,她也 一口氣收兩週的錢,說是慣例,我不疑有他,直接銀行轉帳,她開了收據,我也講明我下週抵達日期。 Nov 10 傍晚抵達車屋,女主人並沒有告知是否上班,等到我們 去辦公室找她,她才說你想等工嗎?我可以把你安置去一個超大包裝廠,時薪高達 25 以上,而且每天十小 時,再等個一兩天就好,我們答應了,也叫我多找點華人朋 友一起來賺錢。 Nov 11 一早女主人來大力敲門,那時還沒起床,直接叫男友五分鐘內準備去上班採櫻桃,我們自己有車,卻叫我們搭保母車過去,才不到五分鐘車程, 收來回七元車資,而 且摘不到六小時就回來,而且是 Colour picking,果量只摘了兩桶半,沒秤重,工頭直接倒進車上,當場傻眼,回來之後也不知明天是否上工,只 能等待他們通知。我男友出門工作不久,我也被叫 進辦公室,又付了一週租金。 Nov 12 一大早女主人又大力敲門,說我去番茄包裝(時薪 14 黑工領現) ,我男友繼續 採櫻桃,結果櫻桃只採到中午,工頭告知沒果了,接下來暫時都沒工,何時開工都沒 說。 Nov 13 沒工,聽到早上有歐洲背包客因為住帳篷也被收了$125 每週/人,不 服氣要去請求退錢,她說離開就不給工。我們也受不了,因為跟當初她說的全天有工及白工 薪資完全相反,殺進辦公室說要搬離且要求退款,她說要一週前通知才能 退款,但我說明我們只住了兩晚卻已經被收了三週租金,現在一毛都不給退,當下只想著要 報警。我也馬上傳簡訊給我找到的台灣背包客,警告他們這裡不好別前往。 Nov 15 我們到附近的大鎮 Shepparton 找仲介,也順利找到一個時薪工,我也順便救走一位台灣背包客跟一位德國背包客。當晚他們也陪同我們一起報警,警察也 直接 叫女主人過來審問,但警察說我們一開始就付錢,孤臣無力可回天,但警方說已經不是第一次有背包客投訴。當天晚上,那位台灣背包客去找女主人,她說明天 會有 工作給她,但不會給我跟我男友工作。 總結,在這裡遇到很多歐洲背包客,大家都被同樣理由騙進來,有一天沒一天的等待敲門才上門的工作,因此流動率很高,女 主人見太多人離開,載了三十人一起去 我們去過的仲介公司做 induction,拿了會員卡,但仲介公司卻說有工作機會的話會直接打電話給 Celest,因此掌控權還是在她 身上,不僅如此,他 也是個非常種族歧視的人,只要提到台灣人她就說我們是 Rubbish,法國人也是吃她閉門羹的名單。而她卻用了壓榨我們的錢買了一台高級 Audi R8 跑車。 27 Oct, I found a job ad from gumtree, Mooroopna cherry picking job. The labour hire company called G Valley. The contact is Matthew. 1st Nov I claim I need to be there to see if the job is ok, however instead of Matthew answer the call, Celest an old lady answered. She is the Finborough Caravan park owner. She said she has 15 different farm jobs info, as long as I agreed to stay in her caravan, she will provide me a packing job. I transferred two week rent to her on that day. I back to Melbourne and packed up my luggage, arrived Moonoopna caravan park in10th November. The next morning, she wakes us up early and ask my boyfriend get ready in 5 mins to pick cherries. She said we can’t drive our own car, and have to take her van, $7 per day, 5 mins drive distance. My boyfriend only worked less than 6 hours and came back that day. After my boyfriend gone to work, Celest called me to pay a further week rent. 12th Nov, Celest asked me to work in tomato factory, $14 cash in hand. My boyfriend still picking cherries. However, his picking job was the last day due to the season finished. 13th Nov, we weren’t working, but we heard some European backpacker were gathering in Celest’s office want to get their rent back, they were paid $125 per week per person. We were at the same boat, stay two nights paid 3 weeks rent. We called the police, police came but said he can do nothing to help. 15 Nov. We left the caravan park found a cash in hand job in Shepparton. Celest hates Taiwanese and French backpackers. She bought Audi R8 by using the scam money.
Finborough Caravan park Submission URL: 075(lviii) Anonymous, Keilor (received via NUW) Beverage employed through a labour hire agency by adecco @ Shweppes Pay and Conditions Health and Safety Personal Impact Financial Security Paid Fair: false Safe work: false Predictable Roster: false Bills ok: true Legal Employment: false WorkSafe: false Childcare: false Accommodation ok: false Could speak up: false Could speak up: true Leave: false Future secure: false Story I was employed through a labour hire agency in my current job. Every week I was getting different pays for the same amount of hrs worked. Also nobody from the union come to tell us anything, also being seasonal work once they don't need us they just don't call us in anymore. Not knowing if you have work from one week to another. Once the season finishes your left with no job until the season recommence, if they call u back. Knowing that people are working there who have been and still are casual for the last 5 years or so. Makes you feel there's no hope in getting a permanent job. This happened at Schweppes, Keilor when I was employed by Adecco. This happened in the beverage industry. I was making goods for sale in supermarkets. Submission URL: 075(lix) Anonymous, Melbourne (NUW received via NUW) Employed through a labour hire agency by Action work force @ Woolworths liquor distribution centre Pay and Conditions Health and Safety Personal Impact Financial Security Paid Fair: true Safe work: true Predictable Roster: false Bills ok: true Legal Employment: true WorkSafe: false Childcare: true Accommodation ok: true Could speak up: true Could speak up: true Leave: false Future secure: false Story I was employed through a labour hire agency in my current job. This happened at Woolworth’s liquor distribution centre, Melbourne when I was employed by Action work force. Submission URL: 075(lx) Anonymous, Olympic Dam (NUW received via NUW) Mining employed through a labour hire agency by WorkPac @ Transpacific Pay and Conditions Health and Safety Personal Impact Financial Security Paid Fair: true Safe work: true Predictable Roster: false Bills ok: true Legal Employment: false WorkSafe: true Childcare: true Accommodation ok: true Could speak up: false Could speak up: true Leave: false Future secure: false Solution I would put pressure on all business to make sure they follow the rules and have a few helpline for all of Australia to call in if they had any issues or concerns about their jobs. The calls would be recorded and there would be a team of people handling all the cases, and if the company tried and fired them over that call I would fine the company heavily and put it on the news that week. The money would go to the worker. Story I was employed through a labour hire agency more than a year ago. I wanted to be put on full time as everyone else was. Plus I worked 7 days a week which was 13 days on and one day off. Everyone else was two weeks on one week off. I wasn't meant to work weekends on my contract but I had to and was never allowed any off and my relationship broke down because of it. They ended up making major cutbacks and getting rid of staff that they didn't require anymore. This happened at Transpific, Olympic dam when I was employed by WorkPac. This happened in the Mining industry. I would put pressure on all business to make sure they follow the rules and have a few helpline for all of Australia to call in if they had any issues or concerns about their jobs. The calls would be recorded and there would be a team of people handling all the cases, and if the company tried and fired them over that call I would fine the company heavily and put it on the news that week. The money would go to the worker. Submission URL: 075(lxi) Anonymous, (received via NUW) Employed through a labour hire agency Pay and Conditions Health and Safety Personal Impact Financial Security Paid Fair: true Safe work: true Predictable Roster: true Bills ok: true Legal Employment: true WorkSafe: true Childcare: true Accommodation ok: true Could speak up: false Could speak up: true Leave: true Future secure: false Solution Make labour hire companies pay holiday / sick pay pro rata to hours worked. Story I was employed through a labour hire agency in my current job. It is what it is - take it or leave it. Again - as a casual you have no options. Make labour hire companies pay holiday / sick pay pro rata to hours worked. Submission URL: 075(lxii) Anonymous, Melbourne (NUW received via NUW) Social Research a directly employed casual Pay and Conditions Health and Safety Personal Impact Financial Security Paid Fair: true Safe work: true Predictable Roster: false Bills ok: true Legal Employment: true WorkSafe: false Childcare: true Accommodation ok: true Could speak up: true Could speak up: true Leave: true Future secure: false Solution A law that shifts cannot decrease by more than 20 per cent each week, unless already discussed and agreed upon by both staff and management. Story I was a directly employed casual in my current job. Cannot plan anything in advance as shifts are released on Friday afternoon for the following Monday week. Shifts are also cancelled and rearranged by management but are very inflexible if I have to cancel or rearrange my shifts. The call centre is closing down over summer, not sure what I will do then. Never know how many shifts I will get the following week, so cannot plan anything with a degree of financial security. This happened in the Social Research industry. A law that shifts cannot decrease by more than 20 per cent each week, unless already discussed and agreed upon by both staff and management. Submission URL: 075(lxiii) Anonymous, (NUW received via NUW) Market research Pay and Conditions Health and Safety Personal Impact Financial Security Paid Fair: true Safe work: false Predictable Roster: true Bills ok: true Legal Employment: true WorkSafe: true Childcare: true Accommodation ok: true Could speak up: true Could speak up: true Leave: true Future secure: true Solution Make labour hire and casuals more permanent. Story I was. Allergy reactions to perfumes and fragrant aerosols. This happened in the Market research industry. Make labour hire and casuals more permanent. Submission URL: 075(lxiv) Anonymous , Clayton, Melbourne (NUW received via NUW) – TO BE TRANSLATED Chocolate packing 非正式聘僱 by 雇主 @ Rapid pak / Clayton south Health and Pay and Conditions Personal Impact Financial Security Safety Predictable Roster: Paid Fair: false Safe work: false Bills ok: false false Legal Employment: Accommodation ok: WorkSafe: false Childcare: false false true Could speak up: Could speak up: true Leave: false Future secure: false true
Solution 重視非法檢舉電話 The FWO hotline should be more helpful. Story I was 非正式聘僱 一年以內. 計件,換算成時薪差不多十元,時數ㄧ天都上超過八小時 週六上班沒加倍 工作環境沒人穿工作螢光衣物,對高機還任意開進工作區,在場 內開很快,堆高機又用瓦斯,室內又沒有空氣流通 曾經朋友說有人被堆高機壓到腳,公司要他拿櫃檯的健保卡去看病,醫療費用也得自行負擔 錢每週無法固定 this happened at Rapid pak / Clayton south, Clayton, Melbourne when I was employed by 雇主. This happened in the chocolate packing industry. I was making goods for sale in supermarkets.重視非法檢舉電話 I was employed by labour hire as casual worker less than a year ago, it’s a cash in hand job, $10 per hour. More than 8 hours a day, no double pay for Saturdays. It was a dangerous working environment, no one wear safety vest, the forklift was driving around the factory without any warning. Once the forklift were crush my friends’ feet and the company asked him to pay his own medical bills. The wage is way below minimum and not stable. Submission URL: 075(lxv) Anonymous, (NUW received via NUW) A directly employed casual Pay and Conditions Health and Safety Personal Impact Financial Security Paid Fair: true Safe work: true Predictable Roster: true Bills ok: true Legal Employment: true WorkSafe: true Childcare: true Accommodation ok: true Could speak up: true Could speak up: true Leave: true Future secure: false Story I was a directly employed casual in my current job. I am dependent on whether they get a contract. If they don't I will lose my job and livelihood. Submission URL: 075(lxvi) Anonymous, (received via NUW) A directly employed casual Pay and Conditions Health and Safety Personal Impact Financial Security Paid Fair: true Safe work: true Predictable Roster: false Bills ok: true Legal Employment: true WorkSafe: true Childcare: false Accommodation ok: true Could speak up: true Could speak up: true Leave: true Future secure: false Solution I am 60 now and I have worked all my life and paid tax. I do not particularly like being on Newstart and I have a lot of potential which is being wasted. So many people are wasted in this country because of greedy multinationals who take advantage of people and do not pay their fair share of tax. People are overly hard on people on a Newstart allowance. I do not tell people but I refuse it allow it to affect my self-esteem because it is not my fault. People do not realise if this continues they are at risk themselves. Story I was a directly employed casual in my current job. Work in market research and it is very unpredictable. The Company was bought by EY a huge multinational and it has even made the problem worse. I have had to go on Newstart allowance because I cannot rely on the company to get enough work even though I have worked there for over 8 years. All the young people get the jobs and promotions. There is over monitoring and huge favouritism towards some people and other are overly monitored… No it will continue as is and I will have to stay on Newstart. I am 60 now and I have worked all my life and paid tax. I do not particularly like being on Newstart and I have a lot of potential which is being wasted. So many people are wasted in this country because of greedy multinationals who take advantage of people and do not pay their fair share of tax. People are overly hard on people on a Newstart allowance. I do not tell people but I refuse to allow it to affect my self-esteem because it is not my fault. People do not realise if this continues they are at risk themselves. Submission URL: 075(lxvii) Anonymous , Laverton, Vic (received via NUW) Retail employed through a labour hire agency by APS @ Met cash, Pay and Conditions Health and Safety Personal Impact Financial Security Paid Fair: false Safe work: false Predictable Roster: false Bills ok: true Legal Employment: true WorkSafe: true Childcare: false Accommodation ok: true Could speak up: false Could speak up: false Leave: false Future secure: false Solution Stop the labour hire industry. Story I was employed through a labour hire agency less than 3 months ago. Payed lower than everyone else doing more work than them You cannot call in sick without risking your job Have to live my life based on my job, always on standby This happened at Met cash, Laverton, Vic when I was employed by APS and Adecco. This happened in the Retail industry. I was making goods for sale in supermarkets. Stop the labour hire industry. Submission URL: 075(lxviii) Anonymous, (NUW received via NUW) Cold storage employed through a labour hire agency by action @ swire cold storage lyndhurst Pay and Conditions Health and Safety Personal Impact Financial Security Paid Fair: true Safe work: true Predictable Roster: true Bills ok: true Legal Employment: true WorkSafe: true Childcare: true Accommodation ok: true Could speak up: false Could speak up: true Leave: false Future secure: false Story I was employed through a labour hire agency more than a year ago. Mainly trying to find a fulltime job I have been casual now for over 10 years and can’t crack a fulltime job. Although I did 5 years for k mart distribution as a casual employed directly the company never put on fulltime staff then they gave the work to toll and paid us out thanks to the union. after k mart I have been kicked around by agencies that have their own interest at heart and find it frustrating by their impersonal way they go about getting you some work currently working at Swire cold storage for as a casual under a labour hire company which I get good rates and with a strong union presence we don’t get kicked around as much went on holiday which was cleared by my direct manager 3 months in advance. when I returned I later found out that the site manager tried to replace me I have learned to budget better and save for that rainy day when there’s no work but I would like to be able to plan more in advance. This happened at Swire cold storage Lyndhurst when I was employed by action. This happened in the cold storage industry. I was making goods for sale in supermarkets. Submission URL: 075(lxix) Anonymous, Geelong (AEU received via NUW) Teaching employed through a labour hire agency by Casual employment from local agency and directly from a handful of schools Pay and Conditions Health and Safety Personal Impact Financial Security Paid Fair: false Safe work: false Predictable Roster: false Bills ok: false Legal Employment: false WorkSafe: false Childcare: false Accommodation ok: false Could speak up: false Could speak up: false Leave: false Future secure: false Solution Get rid of agencies and give the power of employment to the individual schools, give CRT's the same rights and conditions as ongoing teachers, pay us accordingly! Story
I was employed through a labour hire agency in my current job. I work as a Casual Relief Teacher in the primary sector. I am often given less than 15 minutes break time throughout the working day, large classes and no support. Working with children/teens with special needs and being placed in compromising situations. Never being given emergency procedural plans or medical information about kids in classes or while on yard duty. Placing kids into childcare which is costly and then not getting work, knocking back work with agency due to children’s sickness and then being punished by not being offered work. Receiving calls for work (or not) each morning and being up and ready to go very stressful/ anxiety building. You never know when work is coming, cant plan for the future, reliant on agency and your standing with them, which seems to fluctuate from week to week- I have taken to calling the agency every evening and every morning and still no work, but meet other CRTS who say they get work every day through the same agency, who are generally childless and willing to accept calls at 8.30am for a 9am start, or long distances away, for half days work- it’s crazy! Geelong when I was employed by Casual employment from local agency and directly from a handful of schools. This happened in the Teaching industry. Get rid of agencies and give the power of employment to the individual schools, give CRT's the same rights and conditions as ongoing teachers, treat us with respect- we are teachers too not babysitters-pay us accordingly! Submission URL: 075(lxx) Anonymous, (received via NUW) A directly employed casual Pay and Conditions Health and Safety Personal Impact Financial Security Paid Fair: false Safe work: true Predictable Roster: false Bills ok: false Legal Employment: false WorkSafe: true Childcare: false Accommodation ok: false Could speak up: false Could speak up: true Leave: false Future secure: false Story I was a directly employed casual in my current job. Only paid when activities are programmed at sports centre where I work; other expectations like allowing access to tradespeople, phone calls from prospective clients when not on duty, putting rubbish bins out when not working that day, not paid minimum 3 hours each start sometimes family commitments make being available for last minute bookings hard to arrange access for clients. The centre does not tend to operate during school holidays so for 10 weeks per year I am left without work and income. Submission URL: 075(lxxi) Anonymous, Somerton Derrimut (NUW received via NUW) Warehouse employed through a labour hire agency by APA Pay and Conditions Health and Safety Personal Impact Financial Security Paid Fair: false Safe work: true Predictable Roster: false Bills ok: true Legal Employment: true WorkSafe: true Childcare: false Accommodation ok: true Could speak up: true Could speak up: true Leave: false Future secure: false Solution Take away agencies. Story I was employed through a labour hire agency less than a year ago. Christmas holidays factories closed and then no income! Living week to week hoping I got work each day... Paying loans and rent from week to week was three years in agency work worrying if I was ever going to be placed in full time work, this happened at Somerton Derrimut when I was employed by APA. This happened in the Warehouse industry. Take away agencies. Submission URL: 075(lxxii) Anonymous, Western suburbs (received via NUW) Warehousing employed through a labour hire agency by many different agency's @ Many different sites Pay and Conditions Health and Safety Personal Impact Financial Security Paid Fair: true Safe work: false Predictable Roster: false Bills ok: false Legal Employment: true WorkSafe: true Childcare: true Accommodation ok: true Could speak up: true Could speak up: false Leave: false Future secure: false Solution Look after Australians first. Story I was employed through a labour hire agency less than 3 months ago. Seems all work goes to non-Australians and as I get older the work is getting less. This happened at many different sites in the Western suburbs when I was employed by many different agencies. This happened in the Warehousing industry. Look after Australians first. Submission URL: 075(lxxiii) Anonymous, Melbourne (NUW received via NUW) Market Research a directly employed casual by Sweeney Research @ Sweeney Research Pay and Conditions Health and Safety Personal Impact Financial Security Paid Fair: true Safe work: true Predictable Roster: false Bills ok: true Legal Employment: true WorkSafe: false Childcare: true Accommodation ok: true Could speak up: false Could speak up: true Leave: true Future secure: false Solution It's almost like we're going backwards to the days when dockworkers used to rock up each morning in the hope of getting a job for the day. That's not a good way to live your life... Story I was a directly employed casual more than a year ago. It was an industry standard. I thought the work I was doing as beyond the position I was employed for, but didn't feel comfortable making an issue of it. I have never had WorkCover explained to me and how it might be relevant to me, in either my previous casual role or my current full time role. Paying rent. If you are in a casual position and the work dries up financial concerns loom large. The work ebbed and flowed. Sometimes we were crazy busy, other times I was at home waiting for the phone to ring to say that there was work available. This happened at Sweeney Research, Melbourne when I was employed by Sweeney Research. This happened in the Market Research industry. It's almost like we're going backwards to the days when dockworkers used to rock up each morning in the hope of getting a job for the day. That's not a good way to live your life... Submission URL: 075(lxxiv) [REDACTED] 075(lxxv) Anonymous, Brisbane (received via NUW) – TO BE TRANSLATED Vegetable 透過仲介的排班制工作 by 中介 @ MFC Pay and Conditions Health and Safety Personal Impact Financial Security Predictable Roster: Paid Fair: false Safe work: false Bills ok: true false Legal Employment: Accommodation ok: WorkSafe: false Childcare: false false true Could speak up: Could speak up: false Leave: false Future secure: false false
Story I was 透過仲介的排班制工作 一年以內. Mulgowie farming company $13/hour this happened at MFC, Brisbane when I was employed by 中介. This happened in the Vegetable industry. I was employed by contractor as a shift worker less than a year ago. The farm is Mulgowie farm, $13 per hour. this happened at MFC, Brisbane when I was employed by labour hire contractor. This happened in the Vegetable industry.
Submission URL: 075(lxxvi) Anonymous, Wodonga (NUW received via VTHC) Pet food manufacture employed through a labour hire agency by Skilled Albury @ Mar Petcare Wodonga Pay and Conditions Health and Safety Personal Impact Financial Security Paid Fair: true Safe work: true Predictable Roster: true Bills ok: true Legal Employment: true WorkSafe: true Childcare: true Accommodation ok: true Could speak up: false Could speak up: true Leave: false Future secure: false Solution Look into the casual labour hire market and tighten up on the length of time a particular position is kept casual. If the position lasts longer let’s say, 6 months, then that position must go permanent. Story I was employed through a labour hire agency in my current job. Pay increases are part of the employment agency being awarded the contract. Pay and costs are kept to a minimum and negotiations are between agency and company. No negotiations are with us. It’s simply, this is what you are getting, like it or leave. As a contractor on a shift, you are bottom of the ladder when it comes to annual leave allocation. The popular dates such as school holidays, long weekends are booked well in advance by associates, leaving no dates for contractors. My current position is a very physically demanding job with constant lifting of frozen meats. Its hard work and that's why it’s carried out by Contract labour. The associates simply will not do the job. I worry that if I get injured, and unable to carry on in the position, no other work will be found for me. They will simply get another contractor. My position should be filled by an associate and we should be treated the same. My position has been filled by contractors for at least the last 6 years, but the same old story applies, if you don't like it, leave. This happened at Mar Pet care Wodonga, Wodonga when I was employed by Skilled Albury. This happened in the Pet food manufacture industry. Look into the casual labour hire market and tighten up on the length of time a particular position is kept casual. If the position lasts longer let’s say, 6 months, then that position must go permanent. Submission URL: 075(lxxvii) [REDACTED] 075(lxxviii) Anonymous, Strathmerton (MUA received via NUW) Manufacturing employed through a labour hire agency by skilled @ bega Pay and Conditions Health and Safety Personal Impact Financial Security Paid Fair: true Safe work: true Predictable Roster: false Bills ok: true Legal Employment: true WorkSafe: true Childcare: false Accommodation ok: false Could speak up: true Could speak up: true Leave: true Future secure: false Solution Ban foreign workers and 457 visas. Make New Zealand workers only have work visas; give Aussies priority. Story I was employed through a labour hire agency less than a year ago. Financial worries never knew when I had work this happened at Bega, Strathmerton when I was employed by skilled. This happened in the manufacturing industry. Ban foreign workers and 457 visas. Make New Zealand workers only have work visas; give Aussies priority. Submission URL: 075(lxxix) Anonymous, Bunbury (received via NUW) – TO BE TRANSLATED Farm 透過仲介的排班制工作 by 仲介 @ Galati nominees PTY LTD /parkfield Pay and Conditions Health and Safety Personal Impact Financial Security Predictable Roster: Paid Fair: false Safe work: false Bills ok: true false Legal Employment: Accommodation ok: WorkSafe: false Childcare: false false true Could speak up: Could speak up: true Leave: false Future secure: false false
Solution 訂立法規要求公司仲介合法化,且薪資透明每週應給雇員薪資明細,讓雇主和雇員有良好互助關係。 Labour hire licensing, Story
I was 透過仲介的排班制工作 還在工作中. 靠一通電話仲介安排農場工作,挑馬鈴薯,時薪16元,時間4 pm- 訂單結束 (平均 10-12 小時/天), 中間只休息15分鐘,有 時另外多加30分鐘休息 (休息時間不是固定的,隨工頭決定,有時趕工甚至工作十小時中間也未 給 break) ,休息時間不給薪,薪資做完一個禮拜後要等兩個禮拜後才 發放,未提前兩個禮拜前提離職,每一個禮拜扣200元澳幣,兩個禮拜扣400澳幣, 做滿三個月才會給薪資明細報二簽用,且仲介要求提供 ABN 帳號供公司使用。 沒有勞工保險,也未報稅,因工作受傷會沒有保障,工作環境在農場包裝工廠,行走會穿梭在升降車裝載貨品,會擔心被撞到且公司未提供反光背心,仲介要求雇員 自行購買。 發薪日要做滿一週後還要在隔兩週才能領,對剛開始負擔房租和伙食費用有壓力,無法安排時間因下班沒有一個固定時間且也沒有超時工作的補助,且仲 介安排班表 都是前一天才網路群組通知,另外要擔心離職未提早兩個禮拜前說要被無故扣薪或者被為難隔兩週拿不到薪水。 工時太長又薪水低於平均薪資,無法定休 息時間身體無法負擔,無法長久在此工作。 This happened at Galati nominees PTY LTD /parkfield, Bunbury when I was employed by 仲介. This happened in the Farm industry. I was making goods for sale in supermarkets.訂立法規要求公司仲介合法化,且薪資透明每週應給雇員薪資明細,讓雇主和雇員有良好互助關係。 I was employed by labour hire company as shift worker, $16 per hour sorting potatoes, the shift start from 4 pm to midnight, 10 to 12 working hours per day. Only 15 mins break in between, sometime we had 30 mins meal break, (not all the time, it’s all depends on the head contractor) the payment will hold for a further week. If the workers did not give 2 weeks leaving notice, the contractor charge 1 week, $200, two weeks $400. The pay slips only provided when the worker works more than three months. No super, no tax and the contractor asked me to provide ABN. This happened at Galati nominees PTY LTD /parkfield, Bunbury when I was employed by labour hire. This happened in the Farm industry. I was making goods for sale in supermarkets. Profile URL: Submission URL: 075(lxxx) Anonymous, (NUW received via NUW) Cold Storage employed through a labour hire agency by A.P.S. Pay and Conditions Health and Safety Personal Impact Financial Security Paid Fair: true Safe work: false Predictable Roster: false Bills ok: true Legal Employment: true WorkSafe: true Childcare: false Accommodation ok: true Could speak up: false Could speak up: false Leave: true Future secure: false Solution The casual labour hire market really kicked off big time in the mid 90"s. it was ominous at the time and I believe it has been proven to be disastrous for Australian workers in so many ways. I would characterise the casual labour hire positions I have had as nightmarish. You are compromised in so many ways under those type of agreements. I ended up being pushed out of my place of employment because I needed to take time off to deal with a mental health issue. The head of the labour hire agency on site used my vulnerable state to push me out the door against my will. And to be honest the NUW were not a lot of help unfortunately. If anyone doubts how bad it is to be a casual labour hired employee, they only need to work in that field. You’ll soon find out how you are treated. Like a disposable item is how it can be best described. You are often looked down on and miss-treated by full time employees. Sometimes I think I would honestly rather be on the dole. It can be so destructive to your mental well-being to be a casual employee you really end up considering that it may be a better option just to give up and become permanently. And I am a punctual, responsible, well presented and most of all hard working individual. It’s disheartening. People much smarter than I should do something about this. It’s a terrible state of affairs. Needs to be fixed. Story I was employed through a labour hire agency less than 3 months ago. If you work for a casual labour hire company you better damn well keep your mouth shut or you're risking your job. Again as a casual labour hire employee you are very limited in what you can say with regards to safety, without fearing that it may impact the shifts you are given that are at your employers discretion. If you take leave you are always worried about being penalised when you return. I felt my employer would then roster you on less frequently. As a casual labour hire employee you are constantly stressed and worried about your position. You never knew week to week what your roster might be. And where I worked the two women mostly responsible for doing the rosters there had friends and family that worked there and they played favourites all the time. It was not how hard you worked or how well you did your job, it was totally down to how happy those two women were with you at any given time. When I was employed by A.P.S... This happened in the Cold Storage industry. I was making goods for sale in supermarkets. The casual labour hire market really kicked off big time in the mid 90"s. it was ominous at the time and I believe it has been proven to be disastrous for Australian workers in so many ways. I would characterise the casual labour hire positions I have had as nightmarish. You are compromised in so many ways under those type of agreements. I ended up being pushed out of my place of employment because I needed to take time off to deal with a mental health issue. The head of the labour hire agency on site used my vulnerable state to push me out the door against my will. And to be honest the NUW were not a lot of help unfortunately. If anyone doubts how bad it is to be a casual labour hired employee, they only need to work in that field. You’ll soon find out how you are treated. Like a disposable item is how it can be best described. You are often looked down on and miss-treated by full time employees. Sometimes I think I would honestly rather be on the dole. It can be so destructive to your mental well-being to be a casual employee you really end up considering that it may be a better option just to give up and become permanently. And I am a punctual, responsible, well presented and most of all hard working individual. It’s disheartening. People much smarter than I should do something about this. It’s a terrible state of affairs. Needs to be fixed. I had to edit my comments too for fear that it may jeopardise my chances of obtaining further employment. So rest assured you are still not getting the full story. Submission URL: 075(lxxxi) Anonymous, Melbourne (NUW received via NUW) Warehouse employed through a labour hire agency by integrated @ Pacific Brands Truganina Pay and Conditions Health and Safety Personal Impact Financial Security Paid Fair: false Safe work: false Predictable Roster: false Bills ok: true Legal Employment: false WorkSafe: false Childcare: false Accommodation ok: true Could speak up: false Could speak up: true Leave: false Future secure: false Solution Sure 100% Story I was employed through a labour hire agency more than a year ago. As a casual always fear if you say something or talk about your rights you may lose your job. Managers can breach any law but not worker. As a casual if take sick or personal leave then you will lose your job without doubt... I worked for two years risking health and sacrificing family. Always fear in mind and work like a donkey... no rights, no faith, no help you live in a scary world during casual period. This happened at Pacific Brands Truganina, Melbourne when I was employed by Integrated. This happened in the Warehouse industry. I was making goods for sale in supermarkets. Sure 100% Submission URL: 075(lxxxii) Anonymous, point cook (NUW received via NUW) Logistics employed through a labour hire agency by Cornerstone HR @ catch of the day Truganina Pay and Conditions Health and Safety Personal Impact Financial Security Paid Fair: false Safe work: false Predictable Roster: true Bills ok: true Legal Employment: true WorkSafe: true Childcare: true Accommodation ok: true Could speak up: true Could speak up: false Leave: true Future secure: true Solution I will make sure the companies are abiding by law in every field. Story
I was employed through a labour hire agency in my current job. I started a new job casually I was sent home after 5 and a half hours but I was told its going to be 8 hours shift. Moreover, I was supposed to get paid afternoon pay rate but as they sent me home before 19:00 they paid me according to a day shift rate. Which is totally unfair. Now I am doing 10 hours shift every day from 1300 to 2300. I get 1st 10mins brake at 1510. Then lunch at 1900 to 1930. No break in between whatsoever. Then second and last 10mins brake at 2130. Can someone please explain me how can they make you work for 10 hours and give you only 2 ten minutes brake and a half an hour lunch? This happened at Catch of the Day Truganina, Point Cook when I was employed by Cornerstone HR. This happened in the logistics industry. I will make sure the companies are abiding by law in every field. Submission URL: 075(lxxxii) [REDACTED] 075(lxxxiii) Anonymous, [REDACTED] Clayton South VIC 3169 (received via NUW) – TO BE TRANSLATED 食品產業 雇主直接聘用的非固定時數工作者 by 雇主 @ Rapid Pak Pay and Conditions Health and Safety Personal Impact Financial Security Predictable Roster: Paid Fair: false Safe work: true Bills ok: false true Legal Employment: Accommodation ok: WorkSafe: false Childcare: true false true Could speak up: Could speak up: false Leave: false Future secure: false false
Solution 嚴加徹查這類的包裝工廠,是否以時薪計算薪資,另外還是查詢公司相關 PPE 的支出經費以及人事經費是否正常。 Investigate the packing shed, see if the employer underpaid workers, also the PPE financial report. Story
I was 雇主直接聘用的非固定時數工作者 一年以內. By contract。計件包裝巧克力,還要看大家包裝的速度,以及巧克力的單價,才能決定我們的薪資多寡。意思是,如 果今天 Mars 巧克力要包裝,但是是今 年第一次包,那麼給的每一箱的包裝價格就不會更去年一樣,我們在包的當下是不會知道實際的每箱給我們的薪水多寡。可能少 於去年可能多於去年。 總之我們就是幾乎工作 9 個小時,一直在包裝。中午休息 30 分鐘。 另外他們會給某些人價格好一點的巧克力包裝。然後給來自台灣、香港的背 包客價格差一點的巧克力包裝。而且常常我們都是接受零碎的任務。以計件者的優勢來 說,時間就是金錢,停下來就是損耗。我們多次上班無法準時開始工作。因為 主管還在想要安排我們甚麼工作。或者某個產品線的訂單已經包裝完畢,主管還在慢慢 安排下一個產品線的訂單。 我計算過我們的平均時薪,第一天上班包的比較慢, 大約平均時薪 9 元多,上工一個月後,由於給我們比較好的產品線,平均時薪最高有到 17 元過。但這個是換算 成時薪後的結果。可是後來由於復活節的巧克力訂單陸 續包裝完成,訂單量減少,包裝進入淡季。無預警的裁掉了兩條背包客的生產線(他們本身的員工沒有受到影 響) 。 如果已經沒有訂單,或者訂單量少,會讓我們提早 下班,或者直接休假。.... 需要我們的時候周一到周六長時間的工作,不需要我們的時候,時間變少,被放假,被提早下班。 該公司沒有提供 PPE。手套都是我們自行 購入,保護手指頭的膠帶也是我們自行購入。手指手掌手臂被割傷,也是我們自行處理。因為現場要搬巧克力、物料等重 物,沒有提供鋼頭鞋是很危險的。另外清潔 人員總是不足夠來把產線地面上的垃圾清除,像是巧克力包裝袋會造成滑跌,箱子的打包帶如果踩到或勾到,人也會摔 倒。另外叉車 (堆高機) 司機沒有按照工廠的限 制規定。 這一切都只有在有人來查廠,或者有客戶要來查廠,才會實作。否則平常甚麼都沒有。 基本上很難請假。我記得有一對香港背包客情侶,他們說他們有朋友 來,想要請一周的假。經理跟他們說,你們可以不用來了!!!!!!!! 一樣是打平的工作,尤其是後來時數變少的時候。 而且你永遠不知道當天你要包的巧克力是哪一種, 價格好不好。(至少你能確定的是價格好的,都給了他們固定的員工) This happened at Rapid Pak, 11 Audsley St, Clayton South VIC 3169 when I was employed by 雇主. This happened in the 食品產業 industry. I was making goods for sale in supermarkets.嚴加徹查這類的包裝工廠,是否以時薪計算薪資,另外還是查詢公司相關 PPE 的支出經費以 及人事經費是否正常。 I was direct employed by the company less than a year ago, as a contractor. The work is piece rate packing chocolate, and the rate is varied by the price of chocolate. In general, we work 9 hours a day, the lunch breaks 30 mins. I calculate the piece rate and my packing speed, I would say, my hourly rate will be $9. The hazard working environment make workers got injured all the time. Workers easy fell at the work due to the unclean floor, the cleaner only clean the floor when some customer or FWO come to visit. And we can’t take any day off, a couple from Hong Kong decide to take a week off for travel, the manager said you don’t need to worry to come back!
Submission URL: 075(lxxxiv) Anonymous, Frankston (NUW received via NUW) Medical Education on a rolling contract by Medimark International Pay and Conditions Health and Safety Personal Impact Financial Security Paid Fair: true Safe work: true Predictable Roster: true Bills ok: true Legal Employment: true WorkSafe: false Childcare: true Accommodation ok: true Could speak up: false Could speak up: true Leave: false Future secure: false Story I was on a rolling contract more than a year ago. We were on limited tenure contracts. (Usually 6 months) This position was totally unsuitable for those supporting a family together with financial commitments. This happened in Frankston when I was employed by Medimark International. This happened in the Medical Education industry. Submission URL: 075(lxxxiv) Anonymous, Melbourne (received via NUW) Warehouse/Storage employed through a labour hire agency by Action Workforce @ Polar Fresh Pay and Conditions Health and Safety Personal Impact Financial Security Paid Fair: true Safe work: true Predictable Roster: true Bills ok: true Legal Employment: true WorkSafe: true Childcare: true Accommodation ok: true Could speak up: true Could speak up: true Leave: true Future secure: true Solution Eliminate agencies and be employed directly by company on a trial basis for 3 months and as long as a certain criteria is met regarding your performance on the job and offer of employment should be made. Story I was employed through a labour hire agency less than 3 months ago. This happened at Polar Fresh, Melbourne when I was employed by Action Workforce. This happened in the Warehouse/Storage industry. Eliminate agencies and be employed directly by company on a trial basis for 3 months and as long as a certain criteria is met regarding your performance on the job and offer of employment should be made. Submission URL: 075(lxxxv) Anonymous, Melbourne (NUW received via NUW) Cold Storage, employed through a labour hire agency by Action Workforce. @ Polarfresh, Laverton North. Pay and Conditions Health and Safety Personal Impact Financial Security Paid Fair: true Safe work: false Predictable Roster: true Bills ok: false Legal Employment: false WorkSafe: true Childcare: true Accommodation ok: false Could speak up: false Could speak up: false Leave: true Future secure: false Solution There's been an ugly bully culture developing in this nation for the past 10-20 years. The government and media need to address this issue ASAP. It's a big part of the reason for us needing organisations like Beyond Blue. Bullying costs our economy a fortune, and takes away many of our citizens happiness. Story I was employed through a labour hire agency less than a year ago. Was bullied quite badly by several members of management and staff over a roughly 9 months. Fell into severe depression, had to resign. Little to no support. Was like company wanted to sweep situation under the rug, pretend like nothing ever happened. As above. Severe depression and suicidal thoughts due to bullying and harassment. This happened at Polarfresh, Laverton North, Melbourne when I was employed by Action Workforce. This happened in the Cold Storage industry. I was making goods for sale in supermarkets. There’s been an ugly bully culture developing in this nation for the past 10-20 years. The government and media need to address this issue ASAP. It's a big part of the reason for us needing organisations like Beyond Blue. Bullying costs our economy a fortune, and takes away many of our citizens happiness. Submission URL: 075(lxxxvi) Anonymous, Melbourne (received via NUW) – TO BE TRANSLATED 旅館觀光服務業 雇主直接聘用的非固定時數工作者 by 我不確定是 Citiclub hotel 還是 Smart Cleaning 支付我們薪水 transaction details: Transfer from CBA CommBank app Citi club @ Citiclub hotel/ Smart Cleaning Solutions - Corporate Health and Pay and Conditions Personal Impact Financial Security Safety Predictable Roster: Paid Fair: false Safe work: true Bills ok: true false Legal Employment: Accommodation ok: WorkSafe: false Childcare: true false true Could speak up: Could speak up: true Leave: false Future secure: false true
Solution 嚴加徹查 ABN 雇用。ABN 已經被很多的雇主、仲介所濫用。他們發現比起 TFN 要負擔員工的保險、退休金.....的相關支出,使用 ABN 的商業雇用模式會更加節省經 費。而這些節省的經費其實是剝削我們這些勞工!!! 所以應該限定 ABN 的使用,即使是以 ABN 申請公司,將類似這樣的清潔工作外包給旅館,也應該要俱一定規模。 Investigate the sham contracting- ABN, even the hotel cleaner should not be ask to apply ABN. Story I was 雇主直接聘用的非固定時數工作者 一年以內. 以 ABN 在墨爾本的 Queen St.上的 CitiClub hotel 擔任 Housekeeping。屬於 Casual 一周二十小時不到。時薪 18 元。 但 他們聲稱是時薪,而他們時薪的算法是算房間。例如這間房間大一點 50 分鐘,這間房間小一點 30 分鐘。意思是你必須在時限內完成,而且這個時限還包刮你走 在走 廊上,搭電梯,主管叫你跑腿去拿一個玻璃杯的時間。所以我經常性的超過時間。後來我被無預警的解僱了!!! 經理只跟我說你要做更快,他一直看著時間。而他也被 他的經理要求,我們必須清潔地更乾淨。牆角的灰塵,任何平面的灰塵,牆壁上的鞋印口紅印或者任何污漬。 其實我們沒有太多時間處理太多細節。 因為是 ABN,即 使周六日或國定假日上班也沒有 Penalty。 另外我們是穿著這個公司的制服 Smart Cleaning Solutions - Corporate 會使用到化學藥劑,像是清潔浴室廁所的鹽酸或洗潔劑。 還有垃圾桶以及廁所的穢物都可能汙染。 另外地毯經年累積的髒圬是怎麼用吸塵器吸都吸不掉的,經常工作時打噴嚏。 但因為工作時間被限制,很難有時間更換及穿 戴手套 工作開始時間固定,但下班時間要看當天的住客量,房間多就晚下班,房間少就早下班。最早的一次是 9 點上班 11 點就下班了,才兩個小時。最晚的那次上到 下午 4 點多。 這個工作最糟糕的就是你無法精確的安排每一天下午 2 點以後的行程,因為你無法像主管一樣隨時掌握房量 (工作量) 。 另外這份工作是等候簡訊通知明 天上不上班。所以無法預先排定自己的行程。 一周只有二十小時,甚至更少。所以只有打平而已。我變成像是來 Working 沒有 Holiday,我無法體驗更多的澳洲名勝, 只是被綁定時間,卻又沒有足 夠小時數工作的勞動力而已!!! This happened at Citiclub hotel/ Smart Cleaning Solutions - Corporate, Melbourne when I was employed by 我不 確定是 Citiclub hotel 還是 Smart cleaning 支付我們薪水 transaction details: Transfer from CBA CommBank app Citi club. This happened in the 旅館觀光服務業 industry. 嚴加徹 查 ABN 雇用。ABN 已經被很多的雇主、仲介所濫用。他們發現比起 TFN 要負擔員工的保險、退休金.....的相關支出,使用 ABN 的商業雇用模式 會更加節省經費。而 這些節省的經費其實是剝削我們這些勞工!!! 所以應該限定 ABN 的使用,即使是以 ABN 申請公司,將類似這樣的清潔工作外包給旅館,也應該要俱一定規模。 I was direct employed by the company less than a year ago as casual worker.I was house keeper in Citi club hotel which located on Queen street, Melbourne. As a casual worker my hourly rate is $18 per hour, less than 20 hours per week. The manager asks me to finish one big room in 50 mins, and small one 30 mins, the clean time include other duty, ex: change the glass, no penalty rate for weekend work. One day I got fired without any warning, the manager said I wasn’t quick enough to finish my duty in time. Our uniform says Smart Cleaning Solutions – Corporate”, we have to use chemicals all the time for better clean. I think I am only do working but not holiday, the long working hours but limit days is not good. This happened at Citiclub hotel/ Smart Cleaning Solutions - Corporate, Melbourne when I was employed as causal cleaner. I was forced to apply ABN.
Submission URL: 075(lxxxvii) Anonymous, various. (NUW received via NUW) miscellaneous employed through a labour hire agency by Hoban Recruitment @ Hoban Recruitment - various client, PTV, Tarra Trams, Metro, Melb. City Council Pay and Conditions Health and Safety Personal Impact Financial Security Paid Fair: true Safe work: false Predictable Roster: false Bills ok: false Legal Employment: true WorkSafe: true Childcare: false Accommodation ok: true Could speak up: false Could speak up: false Leave: false Future secure: true Solution 1. All income should qualify for the employer contribution to superannuation 2. Regulate and strongly police any companies relying on casual/contract work. Enforce tax penalties on those who rip off workers. 3. Do not give government contracts to companies who do not comply with all industrial/O.H.&S./superannuation regulations simply to lower their costs. Story I was employed through a labour hire agency in my current job. If you complain about the pay and conditions you are told that if you don't like it, others will. We are often sent to work at locations where there are not toilets at all. We are offered work at short notice even though the client booked the work weeks before. We are expected to do on our own time and at our cost to deliver work back to the office. You never know when you will have work. I have signed on with nine employers to try and get a liveable income. Also the $450/month limit to pay superannuation should be abolished. It will produce a lot of poor older people who have worked lots of hours across several employers and get no, or very little superannuation contribution payments. This happened at Hoban Recruitment - various client, PTV, Tarra Trams, Metro, Melb. City Council, various. When I was employed by Hoban Recruitment. This happened in the miscellaneous industry. 1. All income should qualify for the employer contribution to superannuation 2. Regulate and strongly police any companies relying on casual/contract work. Enforce tax penalties on those who rip off workers. 3. Do not give government contracts to companies who do not comply with all industrial/O.H.&S./superannuation regulations simply to lower their costs. Submission URL: 075(lxxxviii) Anonymous, Brunswick (NUW received via NUW) Bakery employed through a labour hire agency by owner @ Potts Bakery Pay and Conditions Health and Safety Personal Impact Financial Security Paid Fair: true Safe work: true Predictable Roster: true Bills ok: true Legal Employment: true WorkSafe: true Childcare: true Accommodation ok: true Could speak up: true Could speak up: true Leave: true Future secure: true Solution I will make job more secure. Story I was employed through a labour hire agency more than a year ago. This happened at Potts Bakery, Brunswick when I was employed by owner. This happened in the bakery industry. I was making goods for sale in supermarkets. I will make job more secure. Submission URL: 075(lxxxix) Anonymous, (NUW received via NUW) A directly employed casual Pay and Conditions Health and Safety Personal Impact Financial Security Paid Fair: true Safe work: true Predictable Roster: true Bills ok: true Legal Employment: true WorkSafe: true Childcare: true Accommodation ok: true Could speak up: true Could speak up: true Leave: false Future secure: false Solution Not allow somebody to be employed as a permanent casual without an offer for full time employment. Story I was a directly employed casual in my current job. I don't feel comfortable taking leave as I would lose income and believe I would jeopardise my future roster as there are so many casuals willing to take my position. As a casual when it’s not our peak season our hours get drastically cut to suit the business. I would not allow somebody to be employed as a permanent casual without an offer for full time employment. Submission URL: 075(xc) Anonymous, Box Hill South (AEU received via NUW) Entertainment contracting with an ABN but to one employer only by Santas-little-helpers @ Harvey Norman Pay and Conditions Health and Safety Personal Impact Financial Security Paid Fair: false Safe work: false Predictable Roster: true Bills ok: true Legal Employment: false WorkSafe: false Childcare: true Accommodation ok: true Could speak up: false Could speak up: false Leave: true Future secure: true Solution Abolish employers forcing workers to register with ABN's. Story I was contracting with an ABN but to one employer only in my current job. Offered work as a Santa Claus. The rate should have been $58.40, but was paid $34.00 per hour. They also wanted to deduct $30 to pay for public liability insurance! No Super paid and not covered by workers compensation at all! No, the company is more worried about its liability then health and safety of workers. This happened at Harvey Norman, when I was employed by Santas-little-helpers. This happened in the Entertainment industry. Abolish employers forcing workers to register with ABN's. Submission URL: 075(xci) Anonymous, Brisbane (received via NUW) – TO BE TRANSLATED 農業 非正式聘僱 by 不確定,但薪水在銀行上的 Transaction details 是來自 Direct Credit 037819 DARWIN INVESTMEN 657 @ Marland Mushrooms, Stapylton QLD Health and Pay and Conditions Personal Impact Financial Security Safety Predictable Roster: Paid Fair: false Safe work: true Bills ok: false false Legal Employment: Accommodation ok: WorkSafe: false Childcare: true false true Could speak up: Could speak up: false Leave: false Future secure: false true
Solution 嚴加徹查這些公司的收支紀錄啊!他們有怎樣的規模,大概就有怎樣的人數,會有怎樣的人事支出。如果他應徵有 100 人,依照澳洲的法定時數以及時薪來說,一週 就會至少有 100*21*38 的人事支出啊!太過低於這個金額就有問題。 這個部份需要跟稅務局,以及銀行合作。 Investigate all the company’s financial report. Story
I was 非正式聘僱 一年以內. By contract.每公斤蘑菇 90Cents。工作時間從早上七點到下午五點至七點,每天工作時數不一定,依公司判斷蘑菇長的速度安排的人數,以 及時數。 事情是在 2014 年 12 月,透過一位香港背包客 (工頭) 而進到這個公司 Marland Mushrooms。當初是說公司這邊會幫我們申請 ABN。但過了大約三四個月我才 知道公司根本沒有幫我申請 ABN。意思是這個工作是黑工。而且兩週只讓 我做了六天,無預警的就請我走人 (解雇) 。 我離開之前記得大部分的背包客都準備要去過 聖誕節跟跨年,所以準備離開。所以有一批可能是東南亞人進來公司,他們幾乎都不會說英文。而且年紀看起來都不是 背包客的年紀。可能是非法打工。 地點 110 Quinns Hill Rd E, Stapylton QLD 4207, Australia,153.2544456,3a,75y,170.71h,86.26t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4! 1sAPHS25rT8RcPayn20ivR5A!2e0!7i13312!8i6656 蘑菇採收是高架的,一共有六層。下面兩層是走路跟坐著採,上面四層則是站在橫軌滑梯上採。蘑菇是菌絲,需要生 長在潮濕的環境,地面常常有蘑菇的菌絲碎屑, I was employed as casual worker in Marland Mushroom less than a year ago. As a piece rate contractor, the rate was $0.90c per kilo as picking mushroom. The working hour is from 7am to 5 pm, sometimes 7pm. In 2014 Feb, I got in to Marland Mushroom through a contractor who is from Hong Kong, the contractor claim they will apply the ABN for us, however, obviously they did not, because the company did not pay the tax or super for us. I only worked for the company 6 days, and got fired with no reason afterwards. Not long after this incidence, all the backpackers were left for holiday, so the company recruit the new group who all from south Asia country, they don’t speak English, I wondering if they are undocumented workers.
地板到中午過後會越來越滑。上層的會爬上爬下,要小心摔跌。下層的則要小心上層的要移動,避免被上層的車給撞到。另外種蘑菇的鋼架有一些銳角要很小心身體 別去撞到。 因為既不是以 TFN 僱用,也非 ABN,所以完全沒有勞工保險。更不用提退稅以及退休金。 下午 2 點到 5 點之間,會傳簡訊告訴你明天上不上班!! 所以 後天有沒有班,大後天,未來一週,你都不會知道有沒有班。 而且當時候公司有調整一些方案,當然對公司來說這個是好事,因為他們可以增加採收量;但對員工來 說,這不是好事,因為人變多,班次變少,收入就銳減,就會 影響生活開支必須。 兩週只有六天,第一天收入才 48 元澳幣 12 個小時!!!後來有一次採收的蘑菇都 比較大,比較重,那次有破百而已,其他時候都很低很低。但即使破百,除以 10-12 小時候,薪水還是只有時薪 10 元左右。 房租少說都 100 起跳。所以前一個半月都 在燒自己帶來的本金,沒有 Working 沒有 Holiday 的打工渡假生活。 我後來曾與 Fair work 聯繫,但我發現我並沒有證據,而他們似乎也不太願意處理。我有聽說要 「立案」必須要有多人檢舉。 This happened at Marland Mushrooms, Stapylton QLD, Brisbane when I was employed by 不確定,但薪水在銀行上的 Transaction details 是來 自 Direct Credit 037819 DARWIN INVESTMEN 657. This happened in the 農業 industry. I was making goods for sale in supermarkets.嚴加徹查這些公司的收支紀錄啊!他們 有怎樣的規模,大概就有怎樣的人數,會有怎樣的人事支出。如果他應徵有 100 人,依照澳洲 的法定時數以及時薪來說,一週就會至少有 100*21*38 的人事支出啊! 太過低於這個金額就有問題。 這個部份需要跟稅務局,以及銀行合作。 Due to the humidity of the farm, the floor easy to get wet in the evening; we have to be very cautious otherwise will get injure. There was no TFN or ABN so we were not in the work cover system, not to mention tax return or super. Every afternoon between 2-5pm, I will get a text from the company, inform me if I need to work tomorrow or not. The 6 days that I worked there, first day I worked 12 hours earned $48 dollars for total. And the rent was $100 per week. I was about to make complaint to FWO, however, people said if it just me, it is impossible for me to file a case. So I did not manage to do it. This happened at Marland Mushrooms, Stapylton QLD, the payment Transaction detail from Direct Credit 037819 DARWIN INVESTMEN 657. This happened in the agriculture industry. I was making goods for sale in supermarkets Submission URL: 075(xcii) Anonymous, Melbourne (NUW received via NUW) Warehousing a directly employed casual by Linfox @ Linfox- Nottinghill tobacco Pay and Conditions Health and Safety Personal Impact Financial Security Paid Fair: true Safe work: true Predictable Roster: false Bills ok: false Legal Employment: false WorkSafe: false Childcare: false Accommodation ok: false Could speak up: true Could speak up: true Leave: false Future secure: false Solution Give casual better rights. Make it compulsory to convert a casual after a certain time. Make childcare more affordable, pay childcare workers better Salaries. Story
I was a directly employed casual in my current job. Being casual for 11 years, working 4-5 days per week until I took time off for maternity leave 5 years into working this job, I returned set up a plan to do set days and hrs to work 10 hrs two days to accommodate childcare. 4 half years later I took time off again for maternity leave to have my second child. On return from maternity leave they honoured the same arrangement for 15 months then they cut me off the roster told me they didn't have any work for me as I wasn't flexible enough because of my childcare. After 6 weeks of not getting a shift, and me getting the union involved my job gave me 1 four hour shift when I was originally doing 2 day 10 hrs per wk. really stressful and disappointing that after 11 year to be treated like that just because it suited the employer that because I was casual they could treat me badly. I specifically booked childcare to do my job, so when they cut me off the roster and gave me no work for 6 wks I was in curing cost and not making any income just to hold the spot for childcare. This happened at Linfox- Nottinghill tobacco, Melbourne when I was employed by Linfox. This happened in the Warehousing industry. I was making goods for sale in supermarkets. Give casual better rights. Make it compulsory to convert a casual after a certain time. Make childcare more affordable, pay childcare workers better salaries. Submission URL: 075(xciii) Anonymous, Melbourne (NUW received via NUW) Logistics a directly employed casual by Woolworths @ Woolworths - MLDC Pay and Conditions Health and Safety Personal Impact Financial Security Paid Fair: true Safe work: true Predictable Roster: false Bills ok: true Legal Employment: true WorkSafe: true Childcare: false Accommodation ok: true Could speak up: true Could speak up: true Leave: true Future secure: false Solution Brackets where casual employees could say how many hours they wanted, minimum. E.g., 10-16, 18-24, 26-30 etc. Ensure big companies don't just hire more casuals to do the work. They would rather give 50 blokes 4 hours each, than have 30 blokes doing minimum of 6 and some 8 hours, daily. The number of people taking out of the pot (of hours) was the biggest problem. Story I was a directly employed casual less than a year ago. Went behind with house payments in the 'quiet time' at work. One week I only got 14 hours and took home $344.02. Partner worked more to take strain. It was very stressful. Financial stresses, felt a bit emasculated even as I had to lean on my girlfriend to carry the financial burden. The rate of pay is great - when you’re busy. But it is cancelled out by the unpredictability and unreliability of your situation, as a casual. This happened at Woolworths - MLDC, Melbourne when I was employed by Woolworths. This happened in the Logistics industry. Brackets where casual employees could say how many hours they wanted, minimum. E.g., 10-16, 18-24, 26-30 etc. Ensure big companies don't just hire more casuals to do the work. They would rather give 50 blokes 4 hours each, than have 30 blokes doing minimum of 6 and some 8 hours, daily. I felt that the number of people taking out of the pot (of hours) was the biggest problem. Submission URL: 075(xciv) Anonymous, Albury (NUW received via NUW) Manufacturing employed through a labour hire agency by Adecco @ Mountain H20 Pay and Conditions Health and Safety Personal Impact Financial Security Paid Fair: false Safe work: false Predictable Roster: false Bills ok: false Legal Employment: true WorkSafe: false Childcare: false Accommodation ok: false Could speak up: true Could speak up: false Leave: false Future secure: false Solution Get rid of labour hire companies and make companies employ direct. Sick pay for casuals. Story I was employed through a labour hire agency less than 3 months ago. Forced to change labour hire company and received substantially lower pay. Constant leaning over causing back pain. Was not taken seriously. Also bullying; Constant bullying and unable to speak up. Was told plant shut down for the day but that changed and I wasn't notified. Didn't arrive at work and was told not to come in following day by supervisor Plant was always shutting down for weeks on end and only notified the day before this happened at Mountain H20, Albury when I was employed by Adecco. This happened in the Manufacturing industry. I was making goods for sale in supermarkets. Get rid of labour hire companies and make companies employ direct. Sick pay for casuals. Submission URL: 075(xcv) Anonymous, Northcote (UV received via NUW) A directly employed casual Pay and Conditions Health and Safety Personal Impact Financial Security Paid Fair: true Safe work: true Predictable Roster: true Bills ok: true Legal Employment: true WorkSafe: false Childcare: false Accommodation ok: true Could speak up: false Could speak up: true Leave: true Future secure: true Story I was a directly employed casual in my current job. Submission URL: 075(xcvi) [REDACTED] 075(xcvii) Anonymous, Mitcham. Vic (NUW received via NUW) Foods processing employed through a labour hire agency by Programmed Integrated Workforce @ Melrose Health Foods Pay and Conditions Health and Safety Personal Impact Financial Security Paid Fair: false Safe work: false Predictable Roster: true Bills ok: false Legal Employment: false WorkSafe: false Childcare: true Accommodation ok: true Could speak up: false Could speak up: false Leave: false Future secure: false Solution First of all regulation of on hire agencies so as they don’t undercut each other and the worker suffers financially while the employer increases its profits. Pay slips should be checked back to the rate invoiced the host organisation by the agency to ensure it is within the bandwidth the govt. Sets and employs regulators to check. Also if the worker gets injured the host organisation is responsible for rehab. Along with the agency. My case study has exposed so many loopholes in a system which penalises the worker when injured. Story I was employed through a labour hire agency more than a year ago. $20-46 per hour for a 9.5 hour day 4 days a week didn’t seem right. I was maxed out after 19 weeks and being the only one left from my agency (the host organisation simply engaged another agency) the pressure was put on leading to injury and subsequent WorkCover claim and saga. Bullying of the casuals by protecting the host organisations own staff from "hot spots “on the line was common as was pitting worker against worker. Felt you always had to do extra to be back tomorrow. Last proper holiday was in 2009 when I was directly employed. My agency didn’t protect workers interest/reputation for fear of losing a client. Relationships struggled as girlfriends prefer financial security and want to look forward to a holiday etc. Couldn’t update computer and credit rating suffered as income dropped. Despite being available every day of the year annual gross income wasn’t what you would expect. No Christmas party with colleagues etc. This happened at Melrose Health Foods, Mitcham. Vic when I was employed by Programmed Integrated Workforce. This happened in the Foods processing industry. First of all regulation of on hire agencies so as they don’t undercut each other and the worker suffers financially while the employer increases its profits. Pay slips should be checked back to the rate invoiced the host organisation by the agency to ensure it is within the bandwidth the govt.sets and employs regulators to check. Also if the worker gets injured the host organisation is responsible for rehab. Along with the agency. My case study has exposed so many loopholes in a system which penalises the worker when injured. Submission URL: 075(xcviii) Anonymous, Hallam (NUW received via NUW) Distribution employed through a labour hire agency by Australian personnel recruitment @ Bidvest Clayton Pay and Conditions Health and Safety Personal Impact Financial Security Paid Fair: false Safe work: false Predictable Roster: false Bills ok: true Legal Employment: true WorkSafe: false Childcare: false Accommodation ok: true Could speak up: false Could speak up: false Leave: false Future secure: false Solution Make employers start people on pro rata full time employment for their first 12 months. I would also provide additional support depending on the length of period of prior unemployment. Story I was employed through a labour hire agency more than a year ago. Was receiving less per hour as casual compared to the full timers on site. I had to work through minor injuries to maintain my employment and cash flow. Could never take time off until I became full time having to work all the overtime that was offered to me for fear of losing my employment. This made stressed and fatigued on a daily basis. This happened at Bidvest Clayton, Hallam when I was employed by Australian personnel recruitment. This happened in the Distribution industry. Make employers start people on pro rata full time employment for their first 12 months. I would also provide additional support depending on the length of period of prior unemployment. Submission URL: 075(xcix) Anonymous, Melbourne (NUW received via NUW) Health a directly employed casual Pay and Conditions Health and Safety Personal Impact Financial Security Paid Fair: false Safe work: false Predictable Roster: true Bills ok: true Legal Employment: true WorkSafe: true Childcare: false Accommodation ok: true Could speak up: false Could speak up: true Leave: true Future secure: false Solution I would love an independent umpire who would look into workplaces without employees feeling that they will have retribution. Story I was a directly employed casual more than a year ago. There is a power imbalance. Bullying and intimidation by employers are endemic. Employers make it difficult for no real reason, this happened in the health industry. I would love an independent umpire who would look into workplaces without employees feeling that they will have retribution. Submission URL: 075(c) Anonymous, Somerton (NUW received via NUW) Logistic for Chemist informally employed by owner @ Chemist warehouse Pay and Conditions Health and Safety Personal Impact Financial Security Paid Fair: false Safe work: true Predictable Roster: true Bills ok: true Legal Employment: true WorkSafe: true Childcare: true Accommodation ok: true Could speak up: false Could speak up: true Leave: true Future secure: false Solution Make sure Citizens are getting first preference for jobs and Illegal workers are restricted to their allowed hours. Story I was informally employed in my current job. I have done higher duties job since moving in to new warehouse and has been paid pickers rate, when asked about it on Monday 16th Nov to Hr lady in a meeting with Manager, I have been put off duty and asked to start picking. It has been very slow increase in pay rate whereas, the cost of living is getting higher, this happened at Chemist warehouse, Somerton when I was employed by owner. This happened in the Logistic for Chemist industry. I was making goods for sale in supermarkets. Make sure Citizens are getting first preference for jobs and Illegal workers are restricted to their allowed hours. Submission URL: 075(ci) Anonymous, Dandenong (NUW received via NUW) Logistics by Inghams Pay and Conditions Health and Safety Personal Impact Financial Security Paid Fair: true Safe work: true Predictable Roster: true Bills ok: true Legal Employment: true WorkSafe: true Childcare: true Accommodation ok: true Could speak up: true Could speak up: true Leave: true Future secure: false Story I was well, there is roster being invoked within the company; where as a Sunday will be a normal working day; casuals will or may not get fulltime. This happened at Inghams, Dandenong when I was employed by Inghams. This happened in the logistics industry. Submission URL: 075(cii) Anonymous, Melbourne (NUW received via NUW) A directly employed casual Pay and Conditions Health and Safety Personal Impact Financial Security Paid Fair: true Safe work: true Predictable Roster: false Bills ok: true Legal Employment: true WorkSafe: true Childcare: false Accommodation ok: true Could speak up: true Could speak up: true Leave: false Future secure: false Solution Way too big a question. In a nut shell a full time adult job (and I mean just one , not all families have two adults) should be available to most people and it should provide reliably enough money to raise a family on including accommodation, food, bills, education, and the occasional trip or luxury, even pay off an average home over a life time. At the moment you would be lucky to cover the rent. Story I am a directly employed casual in my current job. Rosters and even amount of work changed dramatically from week to week. We are given shifts for the week starting on the Monday after 5pm on the Friday so it is very hard to organise childcare or other responsibilities. Taking time off for any reason while allowed affects the likely hood of getting work down the track. The work becomes increasingly sparse after Christmas and did not pick up this year until May. As there was no indication of how long this dry spell would last and availability still had to be submitted each week it was not possible to take a holiday in case there was a shift or two available. A full time adult job (and I mean just one , not all families have two adults) should be available to most people and it should provide reliably enough money to raise a family on including accommodation, food, bills, education, and the occasional trip or luxury, even pay off an average home over a life time. At the moment you would be lucky to cover the rent. The insecurity is exhaustingly stressful. Submission URL: 075(ciii) [REDACTED] 075(civ) Anonymous, Melbourne (NUW received via NUW) Social research a directly employed casual by social research company @ social research company Pay and Conditions Health and Safety Personal Impact Financial Security Paid Fair: true Safe work: true Predictable Roster: false Bills ok: true Legal Employment: true WorkSafe: false Childcare: true Accommodation ok: true Could speak up: true Could speak up: true Leave: true Future secure: false Solution I don't know. Story I was a directly employed casual in my current job. Whether I get any work depends on the jobs the company has at any given time, sometimes there is no work and there is no way to predict it. Due to work coming and going unpredictably there is no way of knowing if you'll have work or not so you can't plan ahead financially. This happened at social research company, Melbourne when I was employed by social research company. This happened in the social research industry. I don't know. Submission URL: 075(cv) Anonymous, Melbourne (NUW received via NUW) Warehouse employed through a labour hire agency Pay and Conditions Health and Safety Personal Impact Financial Security Paid Fair: true Safe work: true Predictable Roster: false Bills ok: true Legal Employment: true WorkSafe: true Childcare: true Accommodation ok: true Could speak up: true Could speak up: true Leave: true Future secure: false Story I am employed through a labour hire agency in my current job. Only get 12-24hours notice from agency regarding work! Only been there 3weeks but it's the same for people who have been there 5+months currently getting short notice & only new employer, Melbourne this happened in the Warehouse industry. I was making goods for sale in supermarkets. Submission URL: 075(cvi) Anonymous, Melbourne (NUW received via NUW) Call centre informally employed by src @ social research centre Pay and Conditions Health and Safety Personal Impact Financial Security Paid Fair: true Safe work: false Predictable Roster: true Bills ok: true Legal Employment: true WorkSafe: true Childcare: false Accommodation ok: true Could speak up: false Could speak up: true Leave: false Future secure: false Solution A kind of short-term job insurance paid by the employer and to which an employee could add to, as in superannuation arrangement. Story I was informally employed more than a year ago. pay and conditions ok in themselves - but I felt that if questions were asked the person asking them could have put their job in jeopardy the requirement was to work a weekend day - so short holidays could you were offered less shifts the work itself could dry up and there would be no shifts and no compensation for this This happened at social research centre, Melbourne when I was employed by src. This happened in the call centre industry. A kind of short-term job insurance paid by the employer and to which an employee could add to, as in superannuation arrangement. Submission URL: 075(cvii) Anonymous, Cobden (NUW received via NUW) Dairy products employed through a labour hire agency by Skilled group @ Fonterra Pay and Conditions Health and Safety Personal Impact Financial Security Paid Fair: true Safe work: true Predictable Roster: false Bills ok: true Legal Employment: true WorkSafe: true Childcare: true Accommodation ok: true Could speak up: true Could speak up: true Leave: true Future secure: false Story I was employed through a labour hire agency in my current job. Highs and lows in production ruled the amount of work available. This happened at Fonterra, Cobden when I was employed by Skilled group. This happened in the Dairy products industry. Submission URL: 075(cviii) Anonymous, Dandenong (NUW received via NUW) Warehousing by Catalyst/Skilled @ Swire Cold Storage Pay and Conditions Health and Safety Personal Impact Financial Security Paid Fair: true Safe work: true Predictable Roster: false Bills ok: true Legal Employment: true WorkSafe: true Childcare: true Accommodation ok: true Could speak up: true Could speak up: true Leave: true Future secure: false Solution Dunno. Story I was employed more than a year ago. Feeling like I had to take every hour I could get. It was hard to be confident in committing to something financially (loaning money). This happened at Swire Cold Storage, Dandenong when I was employed by Catalyst/Skilled. This happened in the Warehousing industry. I was making goods for sale in supermarkets. Dunno. Submission URL: 075(cix) Anonymous, Wodonga (NUW received via NUW) Food/beverage and tobacco employed through a labour hire agency by Skilled group @ Mars petcare Pay and Conditions Health and Safety Personal Impact Financial Security Paid Fair: true Safe work: true Predictable Roster: false Bills ok: false Legal Employment: true WorkSafe: true Childcare: false Accommodation ok: true Could speak up: true Could speak up: true Leave: false Future secure: false Solution Make labour hire places give casuals decent hours as well as more notice for additional shifts. Also speaking to casuals who work for labour hire and see how they are being treated. Story
I was employed through a labour hire agency in my current job. I get my roster on a Friday and I pay a baby sitter to watch my children. I've had my shifts cancelled the night before I start but I still have to pay my baby sitter. I feel if I get called into work that I have to take it otherwise I will lose my shifts or job. I plan my life around my roster and I when I do get called in there is less than an hours’ notice and I live 45 minutes away I have face so much stress due to work that I have had to take a few days off as I was crying wondering how I would pay bills after shifts have been cancelled. Every week I worry about if I'm going to get shifts or not. I have three children to support and working one or two days a week is hard on us financially and emotionally. I have also suffered anxiety due to being lied to by the labour hire. They have offered me a contract trained me then have told me that I'm not required. This happened at Mars pet care, Wodonga when I was employed by skilled group. This happened in the Food/beverage and tobacco industry. I was making goods for sale in supermarkets. Make labour hire places give casuals decent hours as well as more notice for additional shifts. Also speaking to casuals who work for labour hire and see how they are being treated. Submission URL: 075(cx) Anonymous, (received via NUW) – TO BE TRANSLATED 從仲介公司得到工作 Health and Pay and Conditions Personal Impact Financial Security Safety Predictable Roster: Paid Fair: false Safe work: true Bills ok: true true Legal Employment: Accommodation ok: WorkSafe: true Childcare: true false true Could speak up: Could speak up: false Leave: true Future secure: true true
Story I was 從仲介公司得到工作 三個月內. Pemberton 草莓農場,1tray4.2 還要求清小果爛果,同期台灣人平均 1 日 15tray I was employed by the contractor company less than three months, in Pemberton strawberry farm. One tray piece rate was $4.2 dollars, in average we picked 15 trays per day. Submission URL: 075(cxi) Anonymous, Goldcoast (received via NUW) – TO BE TRANSLATED 工 雇主直接聘用的非固定時數工作者 by 雇主 @ 威廉企業 Health and Pay and Conditions Personal Impact Financial Security Safety Predictable Roster: Paid Fair: false Safe work: false Bills ok: true false Legal Employment: Accommodation ok: WorkSafe: false Childcare: false false true Could speak up: Could speak up: true Leave: false Future secure: true true
Solution 把外國工作人員與 A.B.N 這個灰色地帶,好好從新劃分吧,避免再有勞工受害。 Fix the sham contracting- ABN issue. Story I was 雇主直接聘用的非固定時數工作者 一年以內. 我們是工地的蹭灰人員,我們有合理的工作簽證與白卡,可是雇主一開始並沒有要求我們申請 A.B.N, 之後工作一段 時間,要求我們每個人要做三個月以上,否 則薪資只有一小時十 AU, 最後我選擇離開,而 fairwork 也沒有幫助我們告發雇主,我們只好默認繼續找新的工作。 有可能 有下雨漏電與建築物結構等危險 工作大多我們都很小心,當然我們老闆屬於比較危險的 this happened at 威廉企業, Goldcoast when I was employed by 雇主. This happened in the 工 industry. 把外國工作人員與 A.B.N 這個灰色地帶,好好從新劃分吧,避免再有勞工受害。 I was direct employed by the construction company as casual worker less than a year ago, I am holding working holiday visa, which gave me a fully entitlement to participate the local employment. However, the employer asked me to apply ABN at the beginning. And we have to work over 3 months otherwise our hourly rate will be only $10 dollars. I quit the job eventually, I report to FWO, no one reply. The work site was dangerous; all the workers were very cautious. This happened at William Corp. in Gold coast when I was direct employed. This happened in the construction industry. Submission URL: Anonymous, Melbourne (NUW received via NUW) – TO BE TRANSLATED Farm 從仲介公司得到工作 by 仲介 @ Covino Pay and Conditions Health and Safety Personal Impact Financial Security Predictable Roster: Paid Fair: false Safe work: false Bills ok: false false Legal Employment: Accommodation ok: WorkSafe: false Childcare: false false false Could speak up: Could speak up: false Leave: false Future secure: false false
Solution 希望政府可以監控這些不法仲介跟不法老闆;還給背包客一個基本的權利;不要讓台灣背包客都覺得澳大利亞是有企圖有目的剝削台灣人 The government should protect all the temporary migrant workers, especially backpackers. We are done with the exploitation and poor working conditions. Story
I was 從仲介公司得到工作 一年以前. 前半年 13$澳幣裝到信封袋;仲介 Sam 騙我們說他是會計會幫我們報稅 後來 fairwork 來查;我們變成 14$澳幣現金裝到信封袋 不 管是不是假日都要上班 沒有加班費;跟假日獎金 早上 5 點上班;晚上 5、6、7、8、9、10 點下班 工作環境很危險,在外場工作就有很多個同事從機器上摔下來;內場 很多女生被同事主管性騷擾,甚至有幾個女生被中東、印度的同事搞到大肚子回台灣墮胎;還有 女生被強吻、被摸屁股、襲胸的案件一直頻傳 主管不知道是不知情還 是不想管事;女生在那邊工作每天心驚膽戰 農場 200 多位亞洲背包客薪資狀況嚴重被剝削;老闆明明知道仲介給我們不合理薪資待遇;可是他卻沒有作為 仲介很常對 裡面漂亮的女生亂來;甚至強吻;如果跟仲介關係不好就會被開除;失去工作 工作時數很長、大部分的人都處於睡不飽的狀態;還要面對高壓的主管壓力 常常有人在 外面割菜切到手指;就算努力一週工作 90 小時;薪水也是很微薄 this happened at Covino, Melbourne when I was employed by 仲介. This happened in the Farm industry. I was making goods for sale in supermarkets.希望政府可以監控這些不法仲介跟不法老闆;還給背包客一個基本的權利;不要讓台灣背包客都覺得澳大利亞是有企圖有目的 剝削台灣 人 I was employed by labour hire company more than one year ago, the first 6 months I earned $13 per hour, as wages I always received an envelope with money every week. My contractor Sam lie about tax, however not long after, fair work investigator visited the site, and I got $1 dollar pay raise. There was no penalty rate for overtime, we have to start at 5 am and finish late, sometimes, 5pm, the latest day I worked was from 5 am to 10pm. The working environment is very dangerous, one of our worker were fall down from the tractor. Also a lot of girls in the packing shed were experienced sexual assault by the Indian workers, touched them inappropriately. Some girls even got pregnant and force to abortion. Girls were extremely careful at work. The farmer knows everything but did not do anything. The farmer also knows our wages were way below minimum, but still, he does nothing. Most of workers tried to be nice to the contractor, otherwise they will lose their job, I have never gain enough sleep the time I worked there, I only eared $90 per week. This happened at Covino, Melbourne when I was employed by labour hire. This happened in the Farm industry. I was making goods for sale in supermarkets.
Submission URL: 075(cxiii) Anonymous, Bunbury (received via NUW) – 蘿蔔工場 ABN 仲介但只有一個雇主 by 仲介 @ Galati GROUP Health and Pay and Conditions Personal Impact Financial Security Safety Predictable Roster: Paid Fair: false Safe work: false Bills ok: true false Legal Employment: Accommodation ok: WorkSafe: false Childcare: false false true Could speak up: Could speak up: true Leave: false Future secure: false true
I was ABN 仲介但只有一個雇主 還在工作中. 這份工作是朋友介紹的,當時朋友對這份工作也還不是規則也不是很清楚的狀況下介紹我們近來,當時面試時對方(韓國 人)也都沒有介紹到工廠裡的規制,就問我 們幾時可以上工,也只有稍微提到薪水一小時十六元,還要繳 abn,剩下的就都沒提到了,因為很急者開工,所以只能住 在雇主的農舍裡面環境不是很好,一週要 一百元,很多東西都沒有,現在住滿八個人也只用一台小冰箱,上工的第一週就被要求學習機台設定,因為本人英文不好, 一直被羞辱,一直被罵,壓力其實很大, 而且上班的第六天就叫我一個人顧機台,都還沒學會就要一個人去處理那些繁雜的機台設定,當天領班就一直很不耐煩的看 者我操作機台,就那次之後就被強迫調到 晚班,每天都下午上班早上下班,因為這樣原本想離職時,才從資深員工那裡得知離職要兩週前說,如果沒說就會每週扣兩 百元,薪水會壓兩週,等於前兩週工作薪 水都沒辦法領,第三週發薪日發第一週得薪水,也因為朋友有事所以提早要離開,和韓國仲介聊完才知道沒滿三個月要在扣 兩百元,這根本就是不合理的要求,韓國 仲介當時也就順便和我們要護照照片和簽証的信件,一開使覺得很奇怪黑工基本上是不用這些,原本不想給的,可是同行的 朋友說沒關係,就發給了韓國仲介,也不 知道他會不會幫我們亂申請什麼,現在因為怕資料被他們亂用,和被他們亂扣錢,也不敢離職,完全被綁死在這邊,還有這 邊有很多想集二簽的人其時也不知道是否 能拿得到嗎? 這幾週聽說有員工車禍,現在也不知到狀況如何,昨天也有同事手被機台割傷. 上班都是當天才通知,完全被 綁死在這邊,沒有自己得時間 時數不固定,朋友常被放假,不知道會不會也這樣。 This happened at Galati GROUP, Bunbury when I was employed by 仲介. This happened in the 蘿蔔工場 industry. I was making goods for sale in supermarkets.
I am a ABN contractor and work with one employer. My friend got me this job, there was a Korean guy interviewed us, he did not say much, just mentioned we have to apply ABN, and the hourly rate is $16. We have been forced to stay in the farm house, $100 per week, there was 8 people live in the same house. The first week, I was be assigned to operating the machine, the supervisor was yell at me all the time, due to I don’t fully understand his order. I was under a lot of pressure back that time. Not long after this, I have been transferred to the night shift. I was thinking about quitting, but other worker said I should give them two weeks’ upfront notice. If the worker failed to do so, the company will take $200 from our wages. Also the contractor will hold two week wages, that means I can only get my first week wages in the third week. The Korean guy asked for our passport, photo, and also our visa document. I wonder why? If we are so called ABN contractor. A worker got himself into car accident, I don’t know what happened. Also some workers were injured at the production line. The working hour is not stable. This happened at Galati GROUP, Bunbury when I was employed by contractor. This happened in the carrot industry.
Submission URL:
075(cxiv) Anonymous, Brisbane (received via NUW) – TO BE TRANSLATED Hospitality 雇主直接聘用的非固定時數工作者 by 雇主 @ Viet Hoa 越華餐廳 Health and Pay and Conditions Personal Impact Financial Security Safety Predictable Roster: Paid Fair: false Safe work: true Bills ok: true true Legal Employment: Accommodation ok: WorkSafe: true Childcare: false true true Could speak up: Could speak up: false Leave: true Future secure: true true
Solution 規定每個營業場所必須登記員工人數,並實地抽查,探查黑工的存在與否 Register the workforce, investigate the worker’s visa status.
Story I was 雇主直接聘用的非固定時數工作者 還在工作中. 每天工作從晚上 5:30-8:30 工作內容為點餐、送餐、清潔環境 目前沒有遭遇大問題,唯有薪資不合法 this happened at Viet Hoa 越華餐廳, Brisbane when I was employed by 雇主. This happened in the hospitality industry. 規定每個營業場所必須登記員工人數,並實地抽查,探查黑工的存在 與否 I am direct employed by the company, from 5:30 pm to 8:30 am. My job is deliver food and reception, also clean the restaurant. The pay is under minimum. this happened at Viet Hoa restaurant, Brisbane. This happened in the hospitality industry. Submission URL: 075(cxv) Anonymous, Perth (received via NUW) – TO BE TRANSLATED 農 ABN 仲介但只有一個雇主 by 仲介 @ Galati Farm Pay and Conditions Health and Safety Personal Impact Financial Security Predictable Roster: Paid Fair: false Safe work: false Bills ok: false false Legal Employment: Accommodation ok: WorkSafe: false Childcare: false false true Could speak up: Could speak up: false Leave: false Future secure: false false
Solution 嚴罰對勞工無止盡剝削的不合法仲介,必且針對雇用不合法仲介,沒有做到督導之責的農場, 給予連帶的懲罰,我無法理解農場難道就沒有任何責任去關心實際為他 們付出的勞工嗎? Punish the labour hire company. Labour hire licensing. The farmer should pay more attention of their workers. Story
I was ABN 仲介但只有一個雇主 還在工作中. AU$16 per hour ,經常性加班超過 4hours, 沒有加班津貼, 周末上班也沒有加班津貼,不管任何情況的工資都是 16, 初期 工作前兩周不支薪,第三周支付第一周薪資,並且扣押兩周薪資直到離職後退還, 原因是韓國仲介規定離職須提前兩周告知,否則第一周罰 200,第二周 400, 這是 面試時完全沒提及到,而是在工作三四天後經由同事口中得知, 仲介還在僱用後,無理的要求我們申請 ABN,我提出不想這麼做, 事後韓國仲介 Louis 請我給他澳洲 政府核發的 Visa 信件和我的護照, 說是人事資料登記用,我給了, 但事後聽同事說他們會用這兩份資料去幫我申請 ABN, 讓我非常憂心。 因為手腕受傷我決定提前兩 周離職, 並且每天在午餐過後,連續工作 6 小時都沒有休息時間, 長期站立和工作壓力讓人身心疲勞,想盡快離開這個完全無視澳洲法律的地方, 沒想到韓國仲介 Louis 告訴我,未做滿三個月要再罰 200,真的是把我們當奴隸。 明明非正職員工是約聘工,卻無法依照自己的意向提離職就離開, 如果我當下就走,他們會直接從扣 押的兩周薪水中,像強盜一樣搶走我 600 澳的薪水。 而當我工作第一周提出離職,接下來的兩周他們經常不給我班次, 讓我連休三四天,我真想快離開這個充滿惡夢 的地方。 而有絕大數的同事因為需要集二簽日和不想被扣 200~600 的辛苦錢, 努力熬三個月才敢離開。 不管是韓國、台灣、香港的打工度假青年,都在這個農場遭到 剝削。 大家也因為 Galati Farm 在西澳是非常大的公司,並且與這個韓國仲介關係良好, 害怕自己身為打工度假身分與種種原因,不敢為自己發聲, 感謝這個平台和 聽證會能讓我有機會可以說出我們的故事。 前幾天經由同事說,有香港人因上班途中出車禍, 因為仲介公司強迫以 ABN 方式雇用我們,因此農場和仲介都沒有負責, 也聽說有外場員工因受傷也是無薪休假,必沒有受到農場或仲介任何的照顧。 常常處於憂慮和不滿的狀況,韓國仲介是以手機 APP 軟體 Kakao talk 全組發信的方式, 在工作前一天晚上,或者前兩三個小時通知你是否要上班,即使問 supervisor 我明天有沒有班, 他們也不肯透漏,因為我很快提出離職,有次連休的三天沒有班,如果 能早一點知道, 我就可以安排自己的旅遊和生活,但只能被困在農場裡,過著壓抑又極其無聊的生活, 一方面又非常憂慮沒有工作無法得到薪資生活,有種被迫囚禁 的感覺。 必須隨時討好 supervisor 否則無故被 off, 沒有收入和存感讓人產生非常不安和恐懼。 This happened at Galati Farm, Perth when I was employed by 仲介. This happened in the 農 industry. I was making goods for sale in supermarkets.嚴罰對勞工無止盡剝削的不合法仲介,必且針對雇用不合法仲介,沒有做到督導之責的農場, 給 予連帶的懲罰,我無法理解農場難道就沒有任何責任去關心實際為他們付出的勞工嗎? I am employed by the labour hire company who ask me to apply ABN, hourly rate, $16 per hour. We work more than 12 hours a day, no penalty rate. The company hold the first two-week salary till we resign, that’s means our first two-week payment will have to wait till the third week. If we did not give two-week notice of resign, the company will take $400 from us. The contractor company forced us to apply ABN, I don’t want to but he took my visa document, passport. If we did not work for at least 6 months, they will take another $200 from our salary. Galati is a big farm in WA, and they have a good connection with an Korean (contractor). The guy will send a time sheet the day before we work, or couple hours before. This happened at Galati Farm, Perth when I was employed by labour hire. This happened in the agriculture industry. I was making goods for sale in supermarkets.
Submission URL: 075(cxvi) Anonymous, DARWIN (received via NUW) Agricultural 從仲介公司得到工作 by 仲介 @ Anham mango Health and Pay and Conditions Personal Impact Financial Security Safety Predictable Roster: Paid Fair: false Safe work: false Bills ok: false false Legal Employment: Accommodation ok: WorkSafe: false Childcare: false false true Could speak up: Could speak up: false Leave: false Future secure: false true
Solution Find the farm and give them warning. Story I was 從仲介公司得到工作 一年以前. Picking mango every day 10hr's over time job but just pay normal pay. Live in farm house but it's just a poor cabin live over 4 people. Mango soap and allergies is a big problem for us, but the agent doesn’t give us work insurance. This happened at Anham mango, DARWIN when I was employed by 仲介. This happened in the Agricultural industry. I was making goods for sale in supermarkets. Find the farm and give them warning. Submission URL: 075(cxvii) Anonymous, Bairnsdale.Mildura, Melbourne (received via NUW) - TO BE TRANSLATED 蔬菜農場, 無花果農場, 中式餐廳 非正式聘僱 by 雇主 Pay and Conditions Health and Safety Personal Impact Financial Security Predictable Roster: Paid Fair: false Safe work: false Bills ok: true false Legal Employment: Accommodation ok: WorkSafe: false Childcare: false false true Could speak up: Could speak up: true Leave: false Future secure: false false
Solution 制定良好的外來勞工制度 (像是打工度假.學生等) Better migrant worker system, Story I was 非正式聘僱 一年以前. 餐廳洗碗工一小時 15 塊澳幣(領現金) 農場採菜,採一把 30cent(實際上應該是 50cent,仲介抽 20cent),不合理調高交通費,時數長短及休假由雇主 決定,旺季常常一天要工作到十 小時以上,一個月都沒休假也很正常,薪水領現金,,並要簽不合理的工作合約 農場採無花果,車資及住宿費從薪水扣,但是帳目不清,在採果量 上也被動手腳,計件制採一箱得 2.5 塊,遠低於澳洲的規定薪資,計時一小時 15 塊,薪水領現 金 以上工作工傷一概不負責 廚房工作可能會燙傷或是滑倒 農場工作在操作機 具可能會導致受傷,戶外工作也容易有工傷的疑慮 仲介會以一些理由調漲交通費及住宿費,請假不是很敢請,在農場與人有糾紛導致自己權利損失雇主也不太想管,只能自 認倒楣 簽證問題,還有申訴管道不夠有實質幫助.之前有投訴過,結果老闆來跟我說他跟當地警察是朋友,所以警察都會放消息給他,移民局才怎麼查都沒用 , Bairnsdale.Mildura,Melbourne when I was employed by 雇主. This happened in the 蔬菜農場, 無花果農場, 中式餐廳 industry. I was making goods for sale in supermarkets.制定 良好的外來勞工制度 (像是打工度假.學生等)
I was casual worker less than a year ago, washing dishes $15 per hour, cash in hand. Picking letters, piece rate $0.30 cent per bunch. The labour hire company charged transportation fees, the time sheet all depends on the employer, sometimes in the peak season, I have to work more than 10 hours a day. The accommodation and transportation fees will deduct from our salary, supervisor will deduct some of picking rate from our time sheet, my payment was never clear. The piece rate equal $2.5 dollars per box, it’s far way below to the minimum. And none of these employers pay for the work cover, that’s means if we got injured we have to depends on ourselves. We tried to make a compliant to FWO or policeman, and the employer said he is very good friends with policeman. So we can do nothing! I was in Bairnsdale, Mildura, Melbourne when I was direct employed by the farmer. This happened in the agriculture and hospitality industry. I was making goods for sale in supermarkets.
Submission URL: 075(cxviii) Anonymous, Sydney (received via NUW) – TO BE TRANSLATED 餐飲業 雇主直接聘用的非固定時數工作者 by 僱主 @ PAPPARICH BANKSTOWN Pay and Conditions Health and Safety Personal Impact Financial Security Predictable Roster: Paid Fair: false Safe work: false Bills ok: true true Legal Employment: Accommodation ok: WorkSafe: false Childcare: true false true Could speak up: Could speak up: true Leave: true Future secure: false false
Solution 國有國法,家有家規。最低工資保障就是為了保障員工得到應有的報酬。如僱主違反最低工資條例,就需要負上應有的責任。 The employer who did not pay the minimum wages should be punished. Story I was 雇主直接聘用的非固定時數工作者 三個月內. 我之前在 PAPPARICH BANKSTOWN 上班,大概做了一個月決定請辭,主要原因是僱主每星期發的工資都不同,我 完全不知道我的薪資是多少,但肯定並沒有最低工 資$17.29(稅前) ,還有 payslip 我也一直在追僱主,但僱主永遠只說需要些時間才弄好,要求我有耐性去等。由今年 十月開店到現在,也已經一個半 月了,難道 payslip 要弄這麼久嗎? 我是 working holiday visa 的,有提供 TFN 給僱主報稅,所以我希望可以追討我應得的賠償。 明年 2016 年我需要申請退稅手續,但我拿不到我在 PAPPARICH 打工的 payslip,那會影響我的退稅程序嗎? This happened at PAPPARICH BANKSTOWN, Sydney when I was employed by 僱主. This happened in the 餐飲業 industry. 國有國法,家有家規。最低工資保障就是為了保障員工得到應有的報酬。如僱主違反最低工資條例,就需要 負上應有的責任。 I was direct employed by the company less than three months ago. I was work in PAPPARICH BANKSTOWN. I decided to resign a month ago, the reason is my weekly pay was varied. I have no idea how much I am entitle to earned. There is definitely no $17.29 rate, and I have to chase my payslips otherwise my employer won’t provide it. I am working holiday visa holder, I provide TFN details to my boss, but I wonder if I can get any tax return next year. Wonder who can help me. This happened at PAPPARICH BANKSTOWN, Sydney when I was employed by 僱主. This happened in the hospitality industry. Submission URL: 075(cxix) Anonymous, Hope valley (NUW received via NUW) – TO BE TRANSLATED 水果工廠 透過仲介的排班制工作 by 仲介 Andy 交給房東 Rube 轉交給我 @ 水果工廠:OASIS FRESH 地址 29 everrette way hope valley Pay and Conditions Health and Safety Personal Impact Financial Security Predictable Roster: Paid Fair: false Safe work: false Bills ok: false false Legal Employment: Accommodation ok: WorkSafe: false Childcare: false false false Could speak up: Could speak up: false Leave: false Future secure: false false
Solution 快速擬定與通過監控仲介法案 Labour hire licencing Story I was 透過仲介的排班制工作 三個月內. 一小時 16 塊,15 分鐘計算一次 4 塊,未滿 15 分鐘捨去工時。 物品砸落 怕隨時被解雇 this happened at 水果工廠:OASIS FRESH 地址 29 everrette way hope valley, Hope valley when I was employed by 仲介 Andy 交給房東 Rube 轉交給我. This happened in the 水果工廠 industry. I was making goods for sale in supermarkets.快速擬定與通過監控仲介法案 I was employed by labour hire as shift worker less than three months, my employer paid me $16 per hour, but it’s like they pay me 4 dollars in every 15 mins, so if I did not work for full 15 mins, they won’t pay me. I was afraid to get fire all the time. The company name is OASIS FRESH address: 29 everrette way hope valley, Hope valley. When I was employed by contractor Andy, who always paid the wages to Rube. This happened in the agriculture industry. I was making goods for sale in supermarkets. Submission URL: 075(cxx) Anonymous, 墨爾本 (received via NUW) – TO BE TRANSLATED 汽車 非正式聘僱 by 雇主 @ TT engineering Pay and Conditions Health and Safety Personal Impact Financial Security Predictable Roster: Paid Fair: false Safe work: false Bills ok: true false Legal Employment: Accommodation ok: WorkSafe: false Childcare: false false true Could speak up: Could speak up: true Leave: false Future secure: false false
Story I was 非正式聘僱 還在工作中. 時薪十塊錢的搬運工 工廠擺放易燃物,並且為規劃安全路線 時薪十塊且常態的超時不加薪 收入過低 this happened at TT engineering, 墨爾 本 when I was employed by 雇主. This happened in the 汽車 industry. I am a casual worker in TT engineering company, the company paid me $10 per hour for lifting product. This happened at TT engineering, Melbourne when I was direct employed. This happened in the car industry.
Submission URL: 075(cxxi) Anonymous, Brisbane (received via NUW) – TO BE TRANSLATED 餐飲業 雇主直接聘用的非固定時數工作者 by 雇主 @ Hong Lee Meats Pay and Conditions Health and Safety Personal Impact Financial Security Predictable Roster: Paid Fair: false Safe work: false Bills ok: true true Legal Employment: Accommodation ok: WorkSafe: false Childcare: false true true Could speak up: Could speak up: true Leave: true Future secure: true false
Solution 禁止黑工 特別是華人雇主 Stop employer underpay people or not following the regulation. Story I was 雇主直接聘用的非固定時數工作者 三個月內. $11 一小時,每天工作 10 小時 第一天上班就要切燒肉 燒鴨 但沒有經驗只有很簡單培訓 地下很滑,試過滑倒。 因為 沒有經驗,所以工作期間用大刀砍燒鴨時切到手 最後因切到手後無法工作 失業 1-2 個月等待康復,雇主當時只付了急診室費用,答應的覆診費用和生活費也沒有給, 之後失去聯絡。 This happened at Hong Lee Meats, Brisbane when I was employed by 雇主. This happened in the 餐飲業 industry. 禁止黑工 特別是華人雇主 I was direct employed by the company, casual worker under three months. The employer paid me $11 per hour, 10 hours per day. I cut my finger the first day of work, and the employer sent me to the hospital pay for the emergency fees, and never come back to me. I was unemployed for 1-2 months, for the recovery. This happened at Hong Lee Meats, Brisbane when I was direct employed. This happened in the hospitality industry.
Submission URL: 075(cxxii) Anonymous, Melbourne CBD (received via NUW) Subway Sandwich artist 雇主直接聘用的非固定時數工作者 by 雇主 @ SUBWAY DFO Pay and Conditions Health and Safety Personal Impact Financial Security Predictable Roster: Paid Fair: false Safe work: false Bills ok: false false Legal Employment: Accommodation ok: WorkSafe: false Childcare: true false true Could speak up: Could speak up: false Leave: false Future secure: false false
Story I was 雇主直接聘用的非固定時數工作者 三個月內. $12 PER HOUR. Subway DFO in Melbourne. Oven is very hot, take the hot food with bare hand straight from the microwave. Unfair! Is Subway! This happened at SUBWAY DFO, Melbourne CBD when I was employed by 雇主. This happened in the Subway Sandwich artist industry. Submission URL: 075(cxxiii) Anonymous, Melbourne (received via NUW) Catering 雇主直接聘用的非固定時數工作者 @ Passer Malam Pay and Conditions Health and Safety Personal Impact Financial Security Paid Fair: false Safe work: true Predictable Roster: false Bills ok: true Legal Employment: false WorkSafe: true Childcare: true Accommodation ok: true Could speak up: false Could speak up: true Leave: false Future secure: false Solution 1. Set a maximum amount of backpackers for each year. For the time being, big cities are overflowed with tons of backpackers competing with students who have no limits within six months. One employer would logically hire people who can make it a longer stay. With excessive number of backpackers and limited openings, 'smart' applicants would forge their experience to increase the chance of their interviews. No wonder illegal job openings still exist, and backpackers who stays for opportunities would end up taking the vacancies. 2. Found a hotline or call centre for labour and management to know more about the WH VISA. I attended a job interview once, and the woman obviously had no idea about the visa stuff. She wondered if paper work is needed if they are going to hire an expat on a working holiday visa. I didn't know the answer either, so I took out the visa-granted letter, ending up with the conclusion that she might have to call 13 13 94--the Fair Work Ombudsman. I didn't get any news since the interview though. And it's seem like Fair Work Ombudsman is not in charge of such stuff either. Story
I was 雇主直接聘用的非固定時數工作者 還在工作中. I found this temporary job opening at Gumtree. It's an eighteen-day work at the night noodle market Melbourne. At the first day, I was told to arrive at half to four in the afternoon. No interviews and clarification about the job, not even a word about the hourly rate. At the end of the first day, I had to ask about the salary, and the Malaysian boss said its 12 dollars per hour, but it might change according to the performance. He said he would text me about the time schedule tomorrow (13 Nov). On the second day, I arrived to find out almost everyone was there. I work for three and a half hours. Being the last one in needed and the first one to dismiss, I feel like it doesn't worth it to come only for 3.5 hours, which means 42 dollars a day. The time schedule is unstable, and they didn't even mention about when they will give me the wages in cash. This is way too much. Meanwhile I doubt the feasibility to complain, as they said the hourly rate would change according to the performance. Working time is informed by text message only, 7-15 hours prior to the actual work hour. So what if they didn't text me, and decide to cut the cost on staff expenses? Normally, I would be unexpectedly dismissed when the customers were less people are coming as the closing hour was about to ticked by. Always the last employee they need, always the first one to be dismissed. I'm assuming that they will give me hours on a daily basis. My weekly budget on groceries is 30 dollars, and my weekly rent is 140 dollars. If I'm getting 42 dollars per night, the weekly wage would be 294. However, like I mentioned before, they didn't inform me about when I will get paid by cash. Therefore, I'm still living on my own savings. This happened at Pasar Malam, one of the booth in the night noodle market Melbourne. This happened in the Catering industry.
1. Set a maximum amount of backpackers for each year. For the time being, big cities are overflowed with tons of backpackers competing with students who have no limits within six months. One employer would logically hire people who can make it a longer stay. With excessive number of backpackers and limited openings, 'smart' applicants would forge their experience to increase the chance of their interviews. No wonder illegal job openings still exist, and backpackers who stays for opportunities would end up taking the vacancies. 2. Found a hotline or call centre for labour and management to know more about the WH VISA. I attended a job interview once, and the woman obviously had no idea about the visa stuff. She wondered if paper work is needed if they are going to hire an expat on a working holiday visa. I didn't know the answer either, so I took out the visa-granted letter, ending up with the conclusion that she might have to call 13 13 94--the Fair Work Ombudsman. I didn't get any news since the interview though. And it's seem like Fair Work Ombudsman is not in charge of such stuff either. Submission URL: 075(cxxiv) Anonymous, Perth (received via NUW) – TO BE TRANSLATED Agriculture 雇主直接聘用的非固定時數工作者 by 雇主 @ LamTi Farm Health and Pay and Conditions Personal Impact Financial Security Safety Predictable Roster: Paid Fair: false Safe work: true Bills ok: false false Legal Employment: Accommodation ok: WorkSafe: true Childcare: true false false Could speak up: Could speak up: true Leave: true Future secure: true true
Solution 要求該公司限期內沒改善就要取消營業執照 Cancel the license if the company breaching the law. Story I was 雇主直接聘用的非固定時數工作者 一年以前. 沒有超時加班費用 要請假的話還得被叫回去上班 只夠付房租 this happened at LamTi Farm, Perth when I was employed by 雇主. This happened in the Agricultura industry. I was making goods for sale in supermarkets.要求該公司限期內沒改善就要取消營業執照 I was direct employed as casual worker less than a year ago, no penalty rate has been paid, the money I earned just enough for my rent. Sometimes I have to work when I was actually having a day off. This happened at LamTi Farm, Perth when I was employed by the company. This happened in the Agriculture industry. I was making goods for sale in supermarket. Submission URL: 075(cxxv) Anonymous, Melbourne (received via NUW) – TO BE TRANSLATED 服務業 雇主直接聘用的非固定時數工作者 by 雇主 @ 榮昌亞洲超市 Pay and Conditions Health and Safety Personal Impact Financial Security Predictable Roster: Paid Fair: false Safe work: false Bills ok: true true Legal Employment: Accommodation ok: WorkSafe: false Childcare: true false true Could speak up: Could speak up: false Leave: true Future secure: false false
Solution 請大力打擊黑工,讓勞工有應有的權利 The worker should fight our right back! Story I was 雇主直接聘用的非固定時數工作者 三個月內. 薪資 11 澳幣 每日工作時數超過 8 小時無加班費 搬運貨物職業傷害 爬高處怕跌下 物品有從高處墜落的可能 人請太多 時工時不穩,有生活壓力 this happened at 榮昌亞洲超市, Melbourne when I was employed by 雇主. This happened in the 服務業 industry. 請大力打擊黑工,讓勞工有應有的 權利 I was direct employed as casual worker for less than three months, hourly rate $11. I worked over 8 hours per day, no penalty rate, and we have to lifting and claim up for store the goods. this happened at Wing Cheong Chinatown Supermarket., Melbourne when I was employed by the company. This happened in the hospitality industry. Submission URL: 075(cxxvi) Anonymous, in Melbourne city (NUW received via VTHC) Retail a directly employed casual by 7/11 (same manager of shop) @ 7/11 on corner of Russell st and little Bourke st Melbourne Pay and Conditions Health and Safety Personal Impact Financial Security Paid Fair: false Safe work: false Predictable Roster: false Bills ok: false Legal Employment: false WorkSafe: false Childcare: false Accommodation ok: false Could speak up: false Could speak up: false Leave: false Future secure: false Solution Below in detail. Story I was a directly employed casual more than a year ago. My first job as a teenager was at 7/11 in melb city on Bourke and Russel St corner in front of TGIF Fridays, about 7 years ago. I worked for 8 months which was paid at $9.50/hr for night shift and mostly on weekends had to do extra hours at no extra pay and the manager used to double the pay and halve the hours in the payslip. Being only one person on busy nights and especially having to do all cleaning, refilling and serving at same time during night shift, it was sometimes impossible and in case someone steals even a bar of chocolate, the manager used to come in the morning and check whole night's video on fast forward and deduct the money of stolen stock from my pay and also harass for not doing job properly. I was not aware of my rights back then. He used to encourage us to run behind the person who we see stealing in case, on to the road even risking our safety on weekend nights with the shop and streets full of crazy drunk people. There was a 24 hour bottle shop next door and a very famous night club right in the front (TGIF) which made it all even more dangerous.
One such Friday night, I saw a group of young guys come in and started to make mess and throw stuff around. I went out of security screen, as if I wouldn't have, the manager would have taken my whole week's pay off me for the damaged stock and stuff which I couldn't afford. As I tried to stop the guys, they all charge at me and I had to run for my safety outside the shop where the security guards from next door bottle shop rescued me from them. I was badly bleeding from my nose, mouth and had cuts and bruises over my arms and body. An ambulance and police were called who arrived there soon later. The paramedics gave me first aid and by that time the manager came there too as he did not live very far. He told them that he will take me to hospital as he didn’t wanted to pay for ambulance. I sat in his car and he took me to a hospital whose name I can’t remember. All the way to hospital he was cursing at me for messing up his weekend. At hospital he made me sit at in place and spoke to receptionist who told him it was a long wait. I was still bleeding from my nose and mouth and could hardly say anything as my lips were swollen by that time. The receptionist gave me tissues and I laid down on benches. I waited there for 6 hours to be seen whereas the manager left after 1.5-2 hours saying he has to go sleep because he has to go to shop again in the morning. I forgot to mention that earlier after paramedics and cops left, he made me wait inside the shop for half an hour trying to tidy us the shop and also waiting for another guy who he called on emergency shift before taking me to hospital. Anyway, after 6 hours of waiting, my blood had stopped and I wasn’t in a condition to stay there anymore because all that blood loss was making me kind of unconscious. I requested someone around me, not sure exactly who, to call my flat mate who came and picked me up and took me to sunshine hospital where I was told that they have more important cases to see like stabbing and frug overdoses which the lady there said were clearly more important than me. I don’t remember that part clearly, but my flatmate told me the next morning.
Next morning, I called my manager to see if he can help with my medicine and stuff to which he refused straight away. I asked him if I can take couple of days off and if he can pay me for those days. He started screaming at me and after a long phone call he agreed to pay me for 1 shift which were around $80 and also threatened me that if I asked for anything else, he was gonna take the whole damage done to shop from my future pays. I called him after 1 day to which he didn’t answered. I called him a few times and left a few messages but no reply. The next morning, I got a message from him saying that the owner has decided to sack me and has hired another member instead of me. I was shattered. Only if I knew what my rights were back then. Even before I started getting paid there, I was made to work 1 week 10-12 hours a day for no money on the name of training which was just ridiculous. There are hundreds and thousands of guys at places like these who are exploited every day for half the minimum wage just because they can’t find employment and are forced to work at places like these to meet their ends and it will never stop from happening till our government takes serious steps ensuring that everyone in the working class knows the rights they have got in their specific industry and most importantly stop with this casual and agency crap who are the biggest exploiters of younger workers and who push them into this kind of slavery filled jobs. I am currently a Union delegate at my worksite from NUW union and my company has just introduced agency hire at our workplace and from the start I can see the difference in the treatment of the company's own hired and labour hire worker's. Whereas directly hired labourers are not pushed for any performance criteria during the shift, the agency guys are reminded every morning by team leaders that they either do minimum of 100% of their engineering standards or they won’t be back the next day.
Any interference from us delegates is dealt with threats to our job being in danger if we continued. But we are not going to stop helping those poor guys because I have felt the same pain and suffering those guys are going through and I will make sure that either they are treated fairly or we will have to take action against companies like this. But we need our govt to make and enforce some laws for these companies so it is illegal for them to do things like these to young minds which will be the future of our country tomorrow and also will give unions and us delegates more power to make sure that every worker reaches home safely to their family, in the same condition their family saw them when they left for work in the morning. I hope this incident from my life will give you an ln idea of what casual and/or labour hire workers go through on their daily lives and the conditions they have to work in, in which working is almost same as being working as slaves in older times. Just the times have changed, but the practises have still persisted, just with a bit of changes made to them to look like they are all good to the rest of the world. Thanks.
Described in detail earlier. There were times when I was leaving with my friends in a trip or say for dinner with my friends at restaurant when I used it get a call from my manager to be at shop asap and god forbid if I said no, which I tried once to which he hung up and didn’t answer for a week or so and no work for all those days. After all those days when he finally picked, the first thing he said was “One more time no from your mouth and I will kick you out forever". You can imagine what kind of personal like a person can have with a job and a manager like this. And I just remembered the name of the manager was Tony. He was Chinese and the owner of that 7/11 also owned a 7/11 in port Melbourne where the condition of guys was almost same, the inly difference being it wasn’t an unsafe place to work as it wasn’t next to clubs and pubs but the working conditions were the same as me i.e. like a slave. Mentioned above in detail. This happened at 7/11 on corner of Russell st and little Bourke St, Melbourne, In Melbourne city when I was employed by 7/11 (same manager of shop). This happened in the Retail industry. Submission URL: 075(cxxvii) Anonymous, Melbourne (NUW received via NUW) – TO BE TRANSLATED Farm 透過仲介的排班制工作 by 仲介 @ covino farm Pay and Conditions Health and Safety Personal Impact Financial Security Predictable Roster: Paid Fair: false Safe work: false Bills ok: true false Legal Employment: Accommodation ok: WorkSafe: false Childcare: false false true Could speak up: Could speak up: false Leave: false Future secure: false false
Solution 從雇主宣導開始 Ask employer to do the right thing. Story I was 透過仲介的排班制工作 一年以內. 無止盡加班,時心 14,還要被抽 9 塊車資 站在濕滑的棧板上,足有一層樓高。 經常感到疲累 受傷沒保障 this happened at covino farm, Melbourne when I was employed by 仲介. This happened in the farm industry. I was making goods for sale in supermarkets.從雇主宣導開始 I was employed by labour hire company as shift worker less than a year ago. They pay me $14 per hour, $9 dollars for transportation, and overtime work is happened all the time. This happened at covino farm, Melbourne when I was employed by contractor. This happened in the farm industry. I was making goods for sale in supermarkets. Submission URL: 075(cxxviii) Anonymous, Geelong, VIC (NUW received via NUW) – TO BE TRANSLATED 雞肉場 從仲介公司得到工作 by 仲介 @ KC FRESH/GOLDEN FARMS Health and Pay and Conditions Personal Impact Financial Security Safety Predictable Roster: Paid Fair: false Safe work: false Bills ok: true true Legal Employment: Accommodation ok: WorkSafe: false Childcare: true false true Could speak up: Could speak up: true Leave: false Future secure: true true
Solution 使所有仲介均與政府註冊 Labour hire licencing Story
I was 從仲介公司得到工作 一年以前. 薪資從 14~17 元不等,加班及各種津貼都沒給,也沒有退休金, 工作內容在冷藏庫工作包裝及搬運雞肉,曾經因長時間搬運重物而導致 雙手腕受傷,但告知仲介卻不與理會,因為英文能力不夠好,沒法直接反應給肉場的人,剛好 遇到工會人員的協助,讓這間仲介曝了光,請假可能導致失去工作 This happened at KC FRESH/GOLDEN FARMS, Geelong , VIC when I was employed by 仲介. This happened in the 雞肉場 industry. I was making goods for sale in supermarkets.使所有仲介均 與政府註冊 I was employed by the labour hire company less than a year ago, my hourly rate was from $14 grew to $17, no penalty rate. I was work in cold storage, lifting the chicken. I was lucky that union visits the site and my working conditions has got improved. Due to lack of English skills workers are scared to talk.
Submission URL: 075(cxxix) Anonymous, 墨爾本 (received via NUW) – TO BE TRANSLATED 旅行業 雇主直接聘用的非固定時數工作者 by 雇主 @ 五洲旅行社 Health and Pay and Conditions Personal Impact Financial Security Safety Predictable Roster: Paid Fair: false Safe work: true Bills ok: false true Legal Employment: Accommodation ok: WorkSafe: false Childcare: true false true Could speak up: Could speak up: false Leave: true Future secure: false true
Solution 設定明確法律與罰款,並安排不定期抽查,同時開放檢舉窗口與翻譯人員協助 Irregular investigation, translation helping line. Story I was 雇主直接聘用的非固定時數工作者 還在工作中. 旅行社票務處理 一小時$10 目前尚無 時間過低無法儲蓄 this happened at 五洲旅行社, 墨爾本 when I was employed by 雇主. This happened in the 旅行業 industry. 設定明確法律與罰款,並安排不定期抽查,同時開放檢舉窗口與翻譯人員協助 I was direct employed by the company as casual worker, and I am still work for this company. I am a travel agency who deal with the air fare and ticket. The company pay me $10 per hour, this happened at Astra International Travel Melbourne, when I was employed by the company. This happened in the tourism industry Submission URL: 075(cxxx) Anonymous, (received via NUW) – TO BE TRANSLATED 服務業 非正式聘僱 by 雇主 Health and Pay and Conditions Personal Impact Financial Security Safety Predictable Roster: Paid Fair: false Safe work: true Bills ok: true true Legal Employment: Accommodation ok: WorkSafe: false Childcare: true false true Could speak up: Could speak up: false Leave: true Future secure: true true
Solution No Story I was 非正式聘僱 一年以前. 按摩店 抽成 手部肌肉或肌腱使用過度,所帶來的傷害 when I was employed by 雇主. This happened in the 服務業 industry. 無解 I was direct employed as masseuses in the massage shop, I was injured due to overuse my muscle. when I was employed by company. This happened in the hospitality industry.
Submission URL: 075(cxxxi) Anonymous, Sale (NUW received via NUW) – TO BE TRANSLATED 農業 透過仲介的排班制工作 by 仲介 @ Covino Farm Health and Pay and Conditions Personal Impact Financial Security Safety Predictable Roster: Paid Fair: false Safe work: false Bills ok: true false Legal Employment: Accommodation ok: WorkSafe: false Childcare: true false true Could speak up: Could speak up: false Leave: true Future secure: true true
Solution 每個人都應該擁有一定的工作權利和福利 不會因為長期或短期工作和種族來區分 剝削應有的權利 No matter the worker is visa holders or citizens, we should all be treated equal. Story
I was 透過仲介的排班制工作 一年以內. $14/hour 長時間工作 每天超過十小時 操作機器 期間出現操作問題時需自行修理 this happened at Covino Farm, Sale when I was employed by 仲介. This happened in the 農業 industry. I was making goods for sale in supermarkets.每個人都應該擁有一定的工作權利和福利 不會因為長期或短期工作和種 族來區分 剝削應有的權利 I was employed by the labour hire as shift worker less than a year ago, $14 per hour with long working hours, I worked over 10 hours a day, and have to fix the machine when it’s failed to operating. This happened in the agriculture industry. I was making goods for sale in supermarkets.
Submission URL: 075(cxxxii) Anonymous, Pemberton (received via NUW) – TO BE TRANSLATED 農業 從仲介公司得到工作 by 仲介 @ 澳商亞吉仲介公司 Health and Pay and Conditions Personal Impact Financial Security Safety Predictable Roster: Paid Fair: false Safe work: true Bills ok: false false Legal Employment: Accommodation ok: WorkSafe: false Childcare: true true true Could speak up: Could speak up: true Leave: false Future secure: false true
Solution 即使是計件制也要有最低的薪資保障 Even piece rate should have minimum Story I was 從仲介公司得到工作 三個月內. 草莓農場計件制 每 tray 4 元 一天只能採 15tray 不確定下班時間,不確定每 tray 的價格,都是浮動的機制 工作扣除房租,吃飯錢後 所剩無幾,不能有臨時的費用 this happened at 澳商亞吉仲介公司, Pemberton when I was employed by 仲介. This happened in the 農業 industry. I was making goods for sale in supermarkets.即使是計件制也要有最低的薪資保障 I was employed by the labour hire company less than three months, as strawberry picker the piece rate is 15 trays per day, not sure about the working hours, not sure about the rate. After deduct the accommodation fees and food, I have nothing left. This happened at Agri labour labour hire, in Pemberton when I was employed by labour hire. This happened in the agriculture industry. I was making goods for sale in supermarkets. Submission URL: 075(cxxxiii) Anonymous, Adelaide (received via NUW) – TO BE TRANSLATED 農業 從仲介公司得到工作 by 仲介 @ PLL Pay and Conditions Health and Safety Personal Impact Financial Security Predictable Roster: Paid Fair: false Safe work: false Bills ok: false false Legal Employment: Accommodation ok: WorkSafe: true Childcare: false false true Could speak up: Could speak up: false Leave: false Future secure: false false
Solution 計件制不應讓仲介亂砍價!給背包客很底的薪水! 試問兩個人一起採,一天只有六 bin,一 bin25 元的情況下,如何維持生活! The legal piece rate. Story 這是從仲介公司得到工作 ,在南澳的 renmark, 採 citrus, 按照計件算錢, 再怎麼努力一天也只有八十元(稅前),但每天工作都是六小時以上! 如果仲介看你不爽,還 會不給班,每天都傳訊息說不用上班! 曾經一個禮拜只有一天班,一周薪水不到一百澳幣! 該工作承諾會給二簽證明,但最後也沒給! 採 citrus 都要爬大梯子(約一 至兩層樓高),梯子直接架在樹幹上,也沒有其他保護措施!仲介的手下,也就是俗稱的 supervisor, 會一直要我們 往上爬,就算到達紅線以上仍是要我們採那一兩顆 在樹頂上的果! 有朋友曾經因為這樣直接從梯子上摔下! 每天都要早起等簡訊,時間都是不固定的,從八點到十二點都有過,甚至都已經要出門上班了,才又傳簡訊 說要改時間,或是不用上班了! 這份工作收入非常差也不穩定,因為是仲介所以常常剝削我們背包客! 如果樹上還有留果,一顆樹扣五元!在工作前完全沒提到這點! This happened at renmark, Adelaide when I was employed by PLL. This happened in the 農業 industry. I was making goods for sale in supermarkets.計件制不應讓仲介亂砍價! 給背包客很底的薪水! 試問兩個人一起採,一天只有六 bin,一 bin25 元的情況下,如何維持生活! I was employed by the labour hire company, working in Renmark citrus farm south Australia. The picking job is piece rate, no matter how hard I worked I can only get maximum $80 per day. And I have to work more than six hours per day. If the contractor doesn’t like particular worker, he will ask the guy take a day off all the time. once there were a guy only worked one day in the whole week. They will also do the unreasonable deduct from the salary just because there were one or two oranges still on the tree. This happened at Renmark, Adelaide when I was employed by PLL. This happened in the agriculture industry. I was making goods for sale in supermarkets
Submission URL: 075(cxxxiv) Anonymous, (NUW received via VTHC) Employed through a labour hire agency Pay and Conditions Health and Safety Personal Impact Financial Security Paid Fair: true Safe work: false Predictable Roster: false Bills ok: false Legal Employment: true WorkSafe: false Childcare: false Accommodation ok: false Could speak up: true Could speak up: false Leave: false Future secure: false Solution I would bring in permanent hours for casuals after a certain time like six months or a year so that people can plan their lives. Story I was employed through a labour hire agency in my current job. The building has no air conditioning and is over 37 degrees once the weather outside gets to about 30. We are supposed to have a 10 minute break every hour to cool down but, because there is nowhere cool, management doesn't allow the breaks. We want to wear high-vis singlets in order to be a bit cooler but management won't allow it. Working casual hours means I can't plan to do anything else in my life. We are told the night before by text message whether we have a shift the next day and shifts generally start at 6.00 am. I am only 20 years old and would like to be able to go out with friends at night, but don't feel that I can because I may have to get up at 4.30 am to get to work on time. The number of days that I work each week is very variable which makes it hard to pay rent, food and bills some weeks. It is hard to plan. It is hard to see a future with my current work situation because it is so insecure. I don't know from one day to the next how many hours I will be working, or the times. It means that I can't plan to do other things around my work because I don't know what they are. It is also hard to know, from one week to the next, whether I will have enough income to meet my basic living costs and I don't know how I would be able to pay for unexpected extra expenses, like emergency dental work. I can't see that I would ever be able to settle down and have a family with my current work arrangement. I would bring in permanent hours for casuals after a certain time like six months or a year so that people can plan their lives. Submission URL: 075(cxxxv) Anonymous, (NUW received via VTHC) A directly employed casual Pay and Conditions Health and Safety Personal Impact Financial Security Paid Fair: false Safe work: false Predictable Roster: false Bills ok: true Legal Employment: false WorkSafe: true Childcare: false Accommodation ok: true Could speak up: false Could speak up: false Leave: false Future secure: false Solution Acknowledge that casual employees are constantly discriminated against, they can’t stand up for their rights easily, and have real trouble with renting and getting loans AND do something about protecting us. Story I was a directly employed casual in my current job. Some conditionS were not in the Award like travel and meeting time payment, and they were arbitrarily changed when it suited the employer, so we lost money. the employer is not transparent in how they assess performance and never allow for the performance of supervisors or the computer system in affecting performance being out in public at all times of day and night, not always put in pairs when requested - I am a woman so this is really important anxiety about being able to pay bills, difficulty organising a life around work when shift times are only known one working day in advance.
When applying for renting I don’t admit I do casual work, I say part time acknowledge that casual employees are constantly discriminated against, they can’t stand up for their rights easily, and have real trouble with renting and getting loans AND do something about protecting us. Submission URL: 075(cxxxvi) Anonymous, (NUW received via VTHC) Employed through a labour hire agency Pay and Conditions Health and Safety Personal Impact Financial Security Paid Fair: true Safe work: true Predictable Roster: false Bills ok: true Legal Employment: true WorkSafe: true Childcare: false Accommodation ok: true Could speak up: true Could speak up: false Leave: false Future secure: false Solution Only have casual jobs for kids 18 years and under or depending on the work required. Story I was employed through a labour hire agency in my current job. We feel uneasy if we report anything that it could lead to less or no hours Living week to week not knowing if I will get paid the next week Not know when you will get work Making sure there is someone around to look after my daughter at short notice Not knowing if there will be work each week and how much there will be? So stressed if I'd be able to pay bills and live. Only have casual jobs for kids 18 years and under or depending on the work required. Submission URL: 075(cxxxvii) Anonymous, (received via NUW) Pay and Conditions Health and Safety Personal Impact Financial Security Paid Fair: true Safe work: true Predictable Roster: true Bills ok: true Legal Employment: true WorkSafe: true Childcare: true Accommodation ok: true Could speak up: true Could speak up: true Leave: true Future secure: true Story
"I was employed through a labour hire agency less than 3 months ago. If you spoke up about your pay or conditions, you probably wouldn't get another shift. When I wasn't working I was pretty much resting or sleeping. I started at 6.30 in the morning and drove from South Yarra to Truganina every day - that's 60km every day for work - for five months and then all of a sudden apparently there's no more work. I was told it was quiet. But I know they're putting on new casuals all the time. While I was working I could pay my bills and rent - but I've been out of work for three weeks now with no real reason. Things get hard financially now. I am applying for a lot of jobs through other agencies. I don't like how Programmed treat people. I'm hoping something will come up soon - but it will be another labour hire job. II don't think it will be any more secure. This happened at Pacific Brands, Truganina when I was employed by Programmed Integrated. This happened in the Warehouse and distribution industry. I was making goods for sale in supermarkets and large retail stores. If I had the power to change this, I would make sure that casual workers had rights too. Some permanency, or at least a way to get to that. We work hard, we have food to buy and bills to pay. We contribute like any other worker. Casual workers should be treated with respect." Submission URL: