Bpm Active Training Courses Booking Form

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Bpm Active Training Courses Booking Form

bpm academy: Enrolment Form and Course Terms and Conditions

Please complete the following form in BLOCK CAPITALS and send back to bpm active, 7 Trinity Mews, Maudlin Drive, Teignmouth, South Devon, TQ14 8TF or email [email protected]


First Name: Mobile Number: Surname: Home Number: Address: Email: Emergency Contact Name: Emergency Contact Number: Post Code: How did you hear about bpm active: Date of Birth: Male/Female: Occupation:


Course Start Date Venue Price

Please provide a short statement describing your reason and motivation for attending this course:


Please specify any previous training or qualifications relevant for the course you wish to book upon. A photocopy of certificate) must also be submitted with this application for APA (Approved Prior Achievement

Examining Body Level Subject Grade Date awarded


This information is treated as confidential and will only be used to help you. Do you have any of the following?

A learning difficulty Dyslexia Visual or hearing impairment English as second language Please give additional details of any conditions which would require extra learning support:

If you have answered yes to any of the above and would like to discuss your individual learning needs further, please contact bpm active in confidence on 0773 242 7882


 Cheque (payable to bpm active and sent along with this enrolment form to the address above)  Cash (in person only. Do not send cash through the post)  Request invoice, Easy pay options and BACs (contact bpm active for payment options to suit your needs)

CONFIRMATION I have read and agree with the terms and conditions:

Signed………………………………………………………………………………………. Date………………………………………………………………

Signature of parent/guardian (if you are under 18) …………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Thank you for choosing to study with the bpm academy and we look forward to meeting you on the course! TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF ACCESS TO THE BPM ACADEMY TRAINING COURSES


Course Materials: resources provided to assist the learning and study of the course content including and not restricted to awarding body eLearning access, course manuals and access to the student area

Enrolment Notification: A confirmation email sent to the learner upon payment or part payment of a course enrolment.

PARQ: Physical Activity Readiness Questionnaire completed upon course attendance and prior to any physical activity

Easy Payment Plan Contract: Standing Order mandate required for completion prior to the course commencing of any outstanding course fees

Personal Information: All such information collected by us via the enrolment form, PARQ, Easy Payment Plan etc. shall be referred to in these Terms and Conditions as ‘Personal Information’

Learner Agreement: Code of learning conduct and expected level of commitment to study before, during and after contact days with regards to pre-course study, on-course conduct, pre-assessment and portfolio preparation and completion

Tutor Agreement: Code of teaching conduct and dedicated support commitment to learners before, during and after contact days with regards to pre-course study, on-course conduct, pre-assessment and portfolio preparation and completion.

1 Introduction

1.1 Please read these Terms and Conditions carefully before accessing your training course and student area operated by bpm active. In particular, we draw your attention to paragraphs 3 (Enrolling on courses), 4 (Withdrawal), 7 (Course Policies and Fees) and 11 (Tutor Support). By enrolling on our courses you are agreeing to enter into a financial commitment. Bpm active strongly recommends that prior to enrolment you satisfy yourself that you fully understand and are able to comply with that commitment. If there is anything you are unclear about or if you have any questions, please contact us immediately by telephone, e-mail or through the website.

1.2 Without prejudice to the above, by using or accessing our training courses you agree to be legally bound by these Terms and Conditions of use, as they apply to your use of or access to our student area and enrolment on our courses.

1.3 If you do not wish to be bound by these Terms and Conditions, then you may not use our student area or enrol on our courses.

2 Nature of our Student Area

2.1 Our student area is a place for you to gain additional resources for study on our courses. Log in details of the Student Area will be sent via email upon enrolment.

2.2 Exclusive use of the Student Area is for bpm academy students only and log in details are not to be shared with non bpm academy learners.

3 Enrolling on Courses on our Website and Fees 3.1 A representative of the bpm academy will, if required, offer the learner a full descriptive introduction and discussion of content regarding the choice of course, enabling the potential learner to select the most appropriate pathway of study. Course content materials or resources will not be sent out until a commitment to study and the arrangements of course fees have been confirmed.

3.2 To enrol on a course you will need to follow the options and procedures set out on our website.

3.3 Details of fees and the procedures for payment are displayed on our website. By enrolling on a course you are agreeing to be responsible for the payment of the applicable fees in full.

3.4 bpm active are entitled to refuse any enrolment application made by you or on your behalf. If your application is accepted, bpm active’s acceptance of your application to enrol on a course will be notified to you by email (“the Enrolment Notification”). This will normally happen when the course deposit (see fees) and/or arrangements for full payment for the course by the method referred to in 3.4.1/2 below has been made by you and been confirmed as satisfactory by bpm active or any third party acting on our behalf, and at that time the contract between us will come into force. The Enrolment Notification, which will be sent to the e-mail address you gave us when enrolling, will normally be sent to you when we (or any third party acting on our behalf) receive: -

3.4.1 Cleared funds for payment in full for the course

3.4.2 The course non-refundable deposit (see fees for all fees and payment terms)

3.5 If you are aged between 16 and 18 when you commence a course, you will need a third party such as a parent or guardian to stand as your guarantor for the obligations that you will be entering into. You are required to give the name and address of your proposed guarantor on your application form to enrol. Bpm active will write separately to your nominated guarantor, who will be required to confirm to us in writing that they are prepared to stand as your guarantor. On receipt of the appropriate confirmation of guarantee and payment (as explained in 3.4 above), an Enrolment Notification will be sent to you and to your guarantor. Until this happens bpm active are under no obligation to you to provide any services.

3.6 If a third party such as your employer is paying for your fees, you are required to give the name and address of the payer on your application to enrol. Bpm active will write separately to such third party, who will be required to confirm to us in writing that they are prepared to pay your fees. On receipt of the appropriate confirmation of guarantee and payment (as explained in 3.4 above), an Enrolment Notification will be sent to you and to the third party who is responsible for your fees. Notwithstanding any third party agreeing to and/or actually paying any of your fees, you remain personally and fully responsible for the balance (if any) in the event of failure on the part of the third party to pay.

In certain limited circumstances where the third party is proposing to make payment by the method referred to in 3.4.1/2 above, we may (at our sole discretion) send out the Enrolment Notification and allow you to commence a course before the financial arrangements have been finalised and/or before we have received payment. Under these circumstances, you agree to procure that the third party will take all necessary steps to apply for, secure and finalise the financial arrangements as soon as possible. In the event that the third party fails to secure financing, you warrant and represent that you will be personally and fully responsible for all the fees relating to the course that you have enrolled on. It is recommended that you do not commence a course until full financing is in place.

3.7 You undertake that all details you provide to us (or any third party acting as our agent) for the purpose of enrolling you will be correct; that the credit or debit card or any electronic cash which you use is your own and that there are sufficient funds or credit facilities to cover the cost.

3.8 bpm active reserves the right to require you to provide any additional information that it may deem necessary in order to authorise your enrolment.

3.9 You recognise that if payment for your course is not made by the due date for payment, it will result in the matter being referred to the Credit Protection Association (“CPA”) for recovery of the outstanding debt. If so, you agree to indemnify bpm active against the costs bpm active incurs in referring the matter to CPA to pursue the debt, including CPA’s current applicable fees for writing to you, any commission payable by bpm active to CPA, all reasonable incidental costs of recovering the debt and interest at 2% above the base interest rate set by the Bank of England from time to time.

4 Withdrawal and Access to Course Materials

4.1 As part of undertaking a course with the bpm academy you will be granted access to various materials (“Course Materials”)

4.2 You may withdraw from a course for any reason (including if you simply change your mind) within 7 working days of us (or an agent acting on our behalf) sending the Enrolment Notification. To do so you must notify us in writing or other durable and recordable medium (including e-mail) within those 7 working days. In circumstances where we have not received your notification, you will be required to provide evidence. You are therefore required to retain evidence of dispatch such as recorded delivery if sending your notification by post or a read receipt if sent by e-mail. You will then be entitled to a full refund from bpm active in respect of the course. This will be paid as soon as possible, but in any event, within 30 days. The rights referred to in this paragraph do not apply where you have received any benefit from enrolling on the course, including but not limited to accessing Course Materials or Student Areas of the website that are only available to enrolled students.

4.3 Following the expiration of 7 working days from the date on which bpm active (or our agent) has sent the Enrolment Notification, no refunds will be given and the obligation to make outstanding payments whether or not they have yet fallen due will not be cancelled.

4.4 Access will only be given to ‘Course Materials’ on condition that all due payments have been made to date in accordance with the payment arrangement. If for any reason, payments as outlined in any payment arrangement are not received by bpm active (or our agent) or any payment is returned, refunded or retrieved by you, your credit card company or the entity through which you have arranged finance, your access to Course Materials will be denied and any course manuals must be returned to bpm active within 7 days. Under these circumstances bpm active will no longer be under any obligation to you and your enrolment will be cancelled immediately. No refund will be given of any payments made to the date of cancellation. All outstanding payments (including those that have not yet fallen due) will remain payable by you and bpm active will take any action required to reclaim such outstanding payments.

5 Computer Specification, Software Support and Alterations to the Website, Courses and the Awarding Body

5.1 You are responsible for providing and maintaining suitable computer and communications equipment and software necessary to gain access to the eLearning, Student Area and emails and download Course Materials to enable you to complete the course for which you have enrolled.

5.2 If you are using the computer of a third party (e.g. your employer), it is your responsibility to ensure that you have the necessary consent to do so. If your circumstances change (e.g. if you change employer or if your employer changes its computer, equipment or software) and you no longer have access to a suitable computer for any reason, bpm active is not responsible for this and no refund of fees will be given in these circumstances.

5.3 bpm active do not provide software support and this is for you to arrange with your software provider.

5.4 We reserve the right to alter, suspend or discontinue any aspect of our website or the content or services available through it. This includes but is not limited to changes that we are required to make in the content and structure of our courses in order to ensure continuing compliance with the requirements of national standards.

Unless stated otherwise, any new features including new content, and/or the availability of new courses or modules shall be subject to these Terms and Conditions.

6 Information you Provide

6.1 The following applies to any information you provide to us, for example, during any registration or ordering process: You authorise us to use, store or otherwise process any personal information which relates to and identifies you, including but not limited to your name and address, to the extent reasonably necessary to provide the services which are available through our website. You understand and agree that bpm active may disclose to third parties, on an anonymous basis, certain aggregate information contained in your registration application. Bpm active will not disclose to any third party your name, postal address, e-mail address or telephone number without prior consent, except to the extent necessary or appropriate to comply with applicable laws or in legal proceedings where such information is relevant.

You must ensure that the Personal Information you provide is accurate and complete and that all ordering or registration details (where applicable) contain your correct name, address and other requested details. It is your responsibility to ensure that bpm active is updated on any changes to such information via email or letter. Most correspondence will be sent to your e-mail address but non-electronic correspondence will be sent to your postal address.

7 Course Policies and Fees

7.1 If you wish to change the date of your course you must contact tutor support at least 14 days prior to the course date. After this time no refund or transfer to another course will be granted.

7.2 Transfer of course is subject to a £50 transfer fee

7.3 If you fail to attend a course and/or practical/theory assessment in which you have enrolled, a deferral for that course will be recorded. No refund or transfer to another course will be granted without additional charge.

7.4 bpm active reserves the right to change and/or cancel the dates and venues for courses and/or assessments. You will be notified of any change by telephone, post or e-mail (which will be notified to the contact point you provided on enrolment) and you will be able to transfer to another course at no extra cost to you.

7.5 bpm active are not liable in any other way for any additional expenses, costs or other charges that you may incur as a result of such change or cancellation and you are responsible for ensuring that bpm active has up to date contact details for you.

7.6 bpm active will refund any deposit and/or course fees if the course has to be cancelled for any reason by bpm active and an alternative arrangement cannot be agreed.

7.7 You are required to conduct yourself in an appropriate manner at all times during the course in reference to the ‘’Learner Agreement’’ If you behave in a manner which in the opinion of bpm active is threatening, abusive, offensive or otherwise unacceptable, bpm active will have the right to bar you from that and all future courses. You will remain liable for the fees for courses and modules on which you have enrolled.

7.8 In addition to your general responsibility to ensure that you are fit to undertake a course. You are specifically responsible to ensure that you are physically fit on any occasion when you attend a course when you will be required to complete a physical activity readiness questionnaire (a copy of which is available in advance on request). If the results of this questionnaire indicate you require your GP’s consent to perform physical activity, you will not be permitted to perform the physical components of that day. This may prevent you from completing your course. In these circumstances you will need to obtain the appropriate medical clearance and guidance from your GP and re-book another course. Fees for such courses will not be refunded and bpm active will not be responsible for your travelling costs or other expenditure that may be wasted.

7.9 You acknowledge that you are fully aware of the risks involved in participating in courses which can be physically and mentally demanding. You represent and warrant that you discharge bpm active, its agents, employees and representatives on a continuing basis from any and all liability for injuries or damages resulting from your participation in any of the bpm active courses, and or in connection with performing, conducting, teaching or instructing course material to the fullest extent permitted by law. This exclusion shall not cover death or personal injury caused by the negligence of bpm active or its employees, agents or sub-contractors. 7.10 You agree that you may be recorded, audio recorded and photographed by bpm active as part of your course and you consent to bpm active using your photograph, recordings and any other likeness of you for any and all promotional and training purposes.

7.11 Attendance at Theory Revision Afternoons are charged at £25 per learner and required prior to attendance.

7.12 The learner will be charged £35 for reassessment of Practical and Theory units. No charge is made for the reassessments of Worksheets and you may continue to attempt to successfully complete each unit as many times as required.

7.13 All course units are to be completed within 6 months from first attendance on a direct delivery course or from the date on the enrolment notification email for distance and online courses. Failure to complete the units in this timescale will result in a re-registration fee currently £80 per course per learner. It is your responsibility to ensure that you complete the course within this time frame

7.14 Failure to complete the course in full or individual units of the qualification after 12 months will result in full attendance of the next available course and course fees will be required in full prior to attendance. No easy payment plans will be offered under these circumstances. It is your responsibility to ensure that you complete the course within this time frame.

7.15 No refunds will be given for courses that are not completed.

8. Worksheets, Practical & Theory Units Assessment Planning

8.1 At the start of each course, you and your tutor will complete the Assessment Plan and schedule completion dates for each Unit of the Qualification. These are to provide a guide and date for completion. Any alterations to these dates must be communicated between tutor and learner and documented accordingly on the Assessment Plan.

9. Postal Arrangements and Additional Resources

9.1 It is the learner’s responsibility to photocopy all paperwork which is sent to assessors for marking and to ensure the paperwork is sent via recorded delivery.

9.2 bpm active will send all manuals, certificates and associated paperwork via recorded delivery and will not be responsible for any loss of paperwork using this service.

9.3 The learner will be charged for additional resources if required through loss, damage or otherwise, currently £25 per Manual, £10 per Learner Assessment Record

10. Certification

10.1 Certificates and/or a Letter of Certification to show completion of a course will not be issued until bpm active (or its agent) has received payment in full for the course for which you are being certificated.

10.2 All certificates will be issued in the name held on our records at the date you successfully complete the course or module. It is your responsibility to inform bpm active in writing of any change of name and to provide appropriate evidence, such as a marriage certificate or deed poll.

10.3 If you lose a certificate and require a replacement, a fee of £30 will be payable. If you change your name or address prior to the date you successfully complete the course but fail to notify us and require bpm active to issue a new certificate, a replacement fee of £30 will be payable.

11 Tutor Support

11.1 Tutor support is offered by phone, text on 07732427882, email at [email protected] or other bpm active/academy social media or online support. 11.2 Tutor support will operate between the hours of 9.00am and 6.00pm GMT (Monday to Friday)

11.3 Learner queries will be replied to within 48 hours

12 Security and Data Protection

12.1 bpm active is registered under the Data Protection Act 1998 and complies with the Act and the data protection principles. You consent to bpm active processing your personal information for administrative, legal and management purposes. We do not disclose your information to third parties. If you need to correct any information we are holding, please contact us through the website, by telephone, e-mail or post.

13 Alterations

13.1 We may alter these terms and conditions from time to time and post the new version on our Student Area, following which all use of our website will be governed by that version. You must check the terms and conditions on the website regularly.

14 Entire Agreement

14.1 These Terms and Conditions, together with your enrolment application and payment method instructions, if any, are your whole agreement in relation to bpm active and any service you obtain from bpm active.

15 Causes beyond Control

15.1 bpm active will not be held liable for any failure to perform any obligation due to causes beyond its reasonable control.

16 Replacement

16.1 These terms and conditions replace all other Terms and Conditions previously applicable

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