Municipal Officers Meeting s1

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Municipal Officers Meeting s1


Mayor Twomey called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.

Roll Call: Patricia Boston, J. Fred Staples, Clement Fleurent, Susan Deschambault, Bob Mills, Richard Laverriere, Raymond Gagnon, David Flood, George Lamontagne

The Council honored the Flag by reciting the Pledge of Allegiance.

There were no adjustments to the agenda.

Liquor License: Que Huong, LLC Motion by Councilor Laverriere, seconded by Councilor Boston to grant the liquor license to Que Huong, LLC. Vote: 8/1; Councilor Fleurent opposed. Councilors Boston, Staples, Deschambault, Mills, Laverriere, Gagnon, Flood and Lamontagne in favor. Motion carries.

Presentation: Rotary Park Master Plan Update Amanda Bunker, from Wright Pierce, gave an overview of what is in the Rotary Park Master Plan. Representatives from Wright Pierce have met and worked with the City’s Recreation Staff, as well as other organizations and field users to come up with possible future uses for the Rotary Park area. These possible future uses include additional sports fields, parking lots, a riverwalk trail, a dog park and picnic structures.

Presentation: Update on Consolidated Annual Performance & Evaluation Report (CAPER) Linda Hardacker, CDBG Coordinator, went over all the projects that were started and completed in Year 1 of the CAPER Action Plan. She also went over some of the projects that are proposed for Year 2 of the Action Plan.

Public Addressing the Council..(5 minutes per speaker) A couple citizens addressed their concerns to the Council. Roland Pelletier of Ward 3 said this for the record, “For two months, I’ve been trying to get from the City Manager if this guy is licensed to sell advertisement from the airport.” (Mr. Pelletier was speaking about the recent Open House held at the Airport)

Motion by Councilor Laverriere, seconded by Councilor Mills to adjourn. Vote: Unanimous. Time: 7:50 p.m.


Mayor Twomey called the meeting to order at 7:50 p.m.

Roll Call: Patricia Boston, J. Fred Staples, Clement Fleurent, Susan Deschambault, Bob Mills, Richard Laverriere, Raymond Gagnon, David Flood, George Lamontagne

There were no adjustments to the agenda.

Consideration of Minutes: September 1, 2009 Motion by Councilor Lamontagne, seconded by Councilor Mills to accept the minutes as printed. Vote: Unanimous.

Second Reading: {For a copy of the Order and first reading, see the Council Meeting minutes of August 18, 2009}

2009.61) Amendment/Ch 30-Emergency Services, Sec 30-27, Charge for use Motion by Councilor Mills, seconded by Councilor Staples to remove the order from the table. Vote: Unanimous.

Motion by Councilor Mills, seconded by Councilor Staples to grant the second reading of the order.

Motion by Councilor Lamontagne, seconded by Councilor Mills to amend the ordinance by striking “within the city limits.” Vote: 8/1; Councilor Deschambault opposed.

1 Councilors Boston, Staples, Fleurent, Mills, Laverriere, Gagnon, Flood and Lamontagne in favor. Motion carries.

Vote on ordinance as amended: 8/1; Councilor Deschambault opposed. Councilors Boston, Staples, Fleurent, Mills, Laverriere, Gagnon, Flood and Lamontagne in favor. Motion carries.

Orders of the Day: 2009.68 IN BOARD OF CITY COUNIL..SEPTEMBER 15, 2009 BE IT ORDERED, that the City Council of the City of Biddeford does hereby approve and recommend the submittal of the Final Draft of Year 1 – 2009 Consolidated Annual Performance and Evaluation Report (CAPER) to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development.

Motion by Councilor Laverriere, seconded by Councilor Staples to grant the order. Vote: Unanimous.

2009.69 IN BOARD OF CITY COUNCIL...SEPTEMBER 15, 2009 BE IT ORDERED, that the City Manager be authorized to sign a contract for Network Virtualization, hardware and software upgrades to the Public Safety computer network from Systems Engineering as per the proposal dated July 24, 2009 for $76,000.00.

Note: The Finance Committee approved this item on September 1, 2009. The funding has been approved as a Federal grant through the Police Department.

Motion by Councilor Lamontagne, seconded by Councilor Laverriere to grant the order. Vote: 8/1; Councilor Gagnon opposed. Councilors Boston, Staples, Fleurent, Deschambault, Mills, Laverriere, Flood and Lamontagne in favor. Motion carries.

2009.70 IN BOARD OF CITY COUNCIL...SEPTEMBER 15, 2009 BE IT ORDERED, that the City Manager be authorized to sign a purchase order for the purchase of five 2010 Impala LS vehicles from O’Connor GMC for $87,528.00 as bid, including four trade-ins, with funding to come from a Federal grant already approved for this purpose.

Note: The Finance Committee approved this item on September 15, 2009.

Motion by Councilor Laverriere, seconded by Councilor Staples to grant the order. Vote: 8/1; Councilor Gagnon opposed. Councilors Boston, Staples, Fleurent, Deschambault, Mills, Laverriere, Flood and Lamontagne in favor. Motion carries.

2009.71 IN BOARD OF CITY COUNCIL... SEPTEMBER 15, 2009 BE IT ORDERED, that the City Manager or his designee be authorized to sign a construction contract with R. J. Grondin of Gorham, Maine for the reconstruction of Granite Street Extension per their estimated cost bid of $577,522.75 based on unit pricing, with funding to be provided from City 2009 Road Reconstruction Bond money.

NOTE: The Finance Committee approved this item at its September 15, 2009 meeting, voting to send it on to Council for approval. This is a unit price contract and only those items supplied and installed will be paid for.

Motion by Councilor Boston, seconded by Councilor Laverriere to grant the order. Vote: Unanimous.

2009.72 IN BOARD OF CITY COUNCIL, SEPTEMBER 15, 2009 BE IT ORDERED, that the City Manager is authorized to execute a purchase and sale agreement with Wells Fargo for the purchase of real estate located at 10 Williams Court for the sum of $44,000 to be purchased with funds from the Neighborhood Stabilization Grant Program and is further authorized to accept a Quit Claim Deed from Wells Fargo for the property.

Motion by Councilor Mills, seconded by Councilor Laverriere to grant the order. Vote: Unanimous.

2 Appointment: IN BOARD OF CITY COUNCIL…SEPTEMBER 15, 2009 ORDERED, that I, Joanne T. Twomey, Mayor of the City of Biddeford, do hereby appoint: Joe McKenney 125 West Street Ward 3 to the Recreation Commission, replacing Heidi Tucker, for a term to expire December 2013.

Motion by Councilor Lamontagne, seconded by Councilor Laverriere to confirm the appointment. Vote: Unanimous.

City Manager Report: City Manager, John Bubier was on vacation. Acting City Manager, Brian Phinney made an announcement that this Saturday, Sept. 19th is Hazardous Waste Disposal Day at Biddeford Public Works. The Recycling Center will NOT be open on Saturday.

Other Business: Councilor Flood: announced that the Criterium Bike Race is this Saturday, Sept. 19th from noon to 7:00 p.m.

Councilor Mills: invited the Councilors to check out Shevenell Park where the Go Green group worked to remove the graffiti from the walls.

Councilor Deschambault: noticed in the Journal Tribune, in the “Gleanings from the Past” section of paper, that a Mr. James Brady who worked at the Pepperell Mill, started Adult Education in the 1930’s. She stated that she would love to see a book put together of people’s recollections of the old Mill days and the rich history of those days.

Council President Addressing the Council: Councilor Lamontagne: thanked Councilor Deschambault for pointing out that article in the newspaper. He agreed that there is a rich history in the Mill Buildings and it would be a great project to compile all those stories. He also encouraged everyone to participate in the Hazardous Waste Disposal Day on Satruday.

Mayor Addressing the Council: Mayor Twomey reminded the Council that there is a Public Hearing on Shoreland Zoning on Wednesday, Sept. 16th at 6:00 p.m. at the Biddeford Middle School. Also, there is a Special Council Meeting scheduled for Thursday, Sept. 17th to take action on one Article of the Shoreland Zoning Ordinance, as well to meet with personnel from LaKermesse.

Executive Session: 1 M.R.S.A. 405(6)(A) – Contract Negotiations Update Motion by Councilor Laverriere, seconded by Councilor Lamontagne to move into Executive Session. Vote: Unanimous. Time: 8:30 p.m.

Motion by Councilor Lamontagne, seconded by Councilor Laverriere to move out of Executive Session. Vote: Unanimous. Time: 9:54 p.m.

Motion by Councilor Flood, seconded by Councilor Boston to adjourn. Vote: Unanimous. Time: 9:55 p.m.

Attest by:______Carmen J. Lemieux, City Clerk


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