Getting to know the regions of Africa

Directions Part I: Use the website Exploring the Regions of Africa ( to complete the chart below. Click on each region first, and then click on Overview and Eco-Info links.

Sahara Sahel Savanna Rainforest Animals






Vegetation Part II: Using the information in the chart, make predictions about life in the four regions.

Sahara Sahel 1. What is the greatest challenge to living there? 1. What is the greatest challenge to living there?

2. Why has the Sahara mesmerized outsiders for centuries? 2. What has Sahel boasted about for centuries?

3. What types of jobs do people have there? 3. What types of jobs do people have there?

4. What are the major environmental issues there? 4. What are the major environmental issues there?

Savanna Rainforest 1. What is the greatest challenge to living there? 1. What is the greatest challenge to living there?

2. When most non-Africans think of Africa what, region do they picture? 2. What is happening to Africa's vast rainforests?

3. What types of jobs do people have there? 3. What types of jobs do people have there?

4. What are the major environmental issues there? 4. What are the major environmental issues there?