If You Are in Immediate Danger Call 999

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If You Are in Immediate Danger Call 999





Preparing and Responding to Emergencies and Community Challenges

Draft Version 5.1 – November 2015


PARISH CLERK – LAPC Phil Turner Sunny side Holme Lane Allithwaite Cumbria LA11 7QD

Telephone: Home: 015395 32639 Mobile: 07790205617 E-mail: [email protected]

CHAIRMAN – LAPC Cllr Chris Naylor Lyndene Holme Lane Allithwaite Cumbria LA11 7QD

Telephone: Home: 015395 33345 Mobile: 07940582106 E-mail: [email protected]

Councillor – LAPC Mike Lamb 6 Hazelgarth Allithwaite Grange-over-Sands Cumbria LA11 7RS

Telephone: Home: 015395 32876 Mobile: 07775736970 E-mail: [email protected]

A full list of Councillors and Community Emergency Wardens can be found at Appendix A1


VERSION DATE STATUS AUTHOR REVIEW DATE 1 Jan 2015 Document created Cllr. Steve Sim Oct 2016 2 Nov 2015 EA Updates Phil Turner Nov 2016



BL British Legion

CCC Cumbria County Council

DC District Council

EA Environment Agency

LAPC Lower Allithwaite Parish Council

MoW Meals on Wheels

PECC Parish Emergency Control Centre

SLDC South Lakeland District Council

SLDCEMC South Lakeland District Council Emergency Management Committee

WI Women’s Institute

WRVS Women’s Royal Voluntary Service


Details of Parish Emergency Co-Ordinators 2

Acronyms 3


1 Introduction 6

2 Aim of this Plan 6

3 Objectives of the Plan 6

4 What is an Emergency? 6

5 Levels of Emergency? 7

6 What sort of Emergency? 7

7 In an Emergency who is Responsible? 8

8 Parish Roles and Responsibilities 8

8 (a) Role of the Parish Emergency Co-Ordinators 8

8 (b) Responsibilities of the Parish Emergency Co-Ordinators 9

9 Responsibilities of Councillors/Community Emergency Wardens 9

10 Roles and Responsibilities of other Agencies 9

11 Communication Flow Chart 12

12 Recovery Action 13

13 Activation Arrangements 13

13.1 Initial Contact 13

13.2 Parish Cascade 14

13.3 Parish Emergency Team 14

14 Parish Control Centre 14

LAPC EMERGENCY PLAN – NOVEMBER 2015 4 15 Temporary Accommodation 14

16 Communications 16

16.1 Loss of Communications 16

16.2 Communications beyond the Parish 16

16.3 Local and National Radio 16

16.4 Highways 17


A1 List of Councillors and Community Emergency Wardens 18

A2 List of Contacts 19

B Communication Flow Chart 21

C1 List of Resources – Human Skills 22

C2 List of Resources – Materials 24

C3 List of Resources – Useful Premises 25

D Lower Allithwaite Parish Flood Plan 26

E Who does What during a Flood? 30

F1 Lower Allithwaite – Neighbourhood Map 32

F2 (a) Map showing route of Flood Plain 33

F2 (b) Map showing route of Flood Plain 34

G Communication and Information Log 35

LAPC EMERGENCY PLAN – NOVEMBER 2015 5 1. INTRODUCTION This Plan has been initiated by the Parish Council in order so that, in the event of an emergency occur ring in the Parish of Lower Allithwaite, there is a clear understanding of the roles and respons ibilities of the various support agencies, and a plan to enlist local people to help others in the c ommunity - including a list of contacts should residents require help in the event of an emerge ncy.

The plan is intended to provide a self-help response, during any emergency affecting the parish comm unity when the normal emergency response by the Emergency Services and County/ District Councils is delayed because of the scope or nature of the emergency.

2. AIM OF THIS PLAN To provide a framework plan that will assist in the local response to an emergency, when assistance fr om the Emergency Services and other responders is delayed.

3. OBJECTIVES OF THIS PLAN 1. To establish a local emergency management structure

2. To give an overview of roles and responsibilities

3. To detail cascade call out arrangements

4. Identify available community resources – personnel, equipment and emergency accommodati on.

4. WHAT IS AN EMERGENCY? The formal definition is “An incident arising, with or without warning, threatening or causing death or serious disruption to significant numbers of people, property or the environment, in excess of that which can be dealt with by the public services operating under normal conditions and req uiring the special mobilisation and organisation of those services and the deployment of local authority staff and resources”.

Under the Civil Contingencies Act 2004 an emergency is defined as an event or situation which threat ens serious damage to:

 Human welfare

 The environment

 Security of the United Kingdom

Cumbria County Council has an Emergency Management Team that works in partnership with the E mergency services, South Lakeland Council and voluntary agencies in order to provide a co-o rdinated response to a major incident.

LAPC EMERGENCY PLAN – NOVEMBER 2015 6 The Police have overall responsibility for control and coordination in an emergency situation. The cou nty and borough councils have specific responsibilities, which include establishing emergency centres, providing temporary accommodation for those made homeless and managing the lon ger term recovery phase.

The purpose of this document is to provide guidance and information about local resources that may b e essential in the event of an emergency within this parish.

This local plan has been drawn up under the auspices of the Parish Council, with help from representa tives in the community who could be called upon for assistance. A key element is individual Councillors/ community emergency wardens who would be the main contact for each limited geographical area, who would co-ordinate local needs, in communication with a “nerve centr e” at the Parish Council Emergency Control Centre office.

A list of Councillors/ community emergency wardens is attached at Appendix A1.

5. LEVELS OF EMERGENCY From initial research it has been established that there are three recognised levels of emergency: -

1. A major catastrophic event in cities, or elsewhere in the North West, requiring large capacity shelters and support. Such incidents would require very large premises (far larger than the Village Hall, for instance) to accommodate and manage large numbers of temporary “refugees”. We need not concern ourselves too much with this category as the Parish Council would be approached as part of a measured, coordinated scheme initiated by a higher tier authority.

2. A major emergency at County or District level, or beyond, where the management of the event would be undertaken at County or District level. Whilst Village Halls could well be a receiving station for dispersed persons, and selected local people involved in support, this need not be of immediate concern locally, as support services such as CCC’s Services for Families and WRVS would be galvanised into action.

3. A local emergency within the Parish of Lower Allithwaite which, though inevitably involving the higher levels of Government for support (such as the supply of sandbags due to flooding), needs a high level of local involvement by local people as it is they who are most likely to know who is likely to be at risk and/or in need.

This Plan concentrates entirely on this third category. (although in any scale emergency local volunteers may assist the public – possibly being coordinated by the lead roles listed in this plan?)

6. WHAT SORT OF EMERGENCY? For the purpose of this plan, LAPC recognises five categories of emergency:-

1. Flooding/Heavy Snow/Ice 2. Large scale evacuation due to a major event, e.g. major fire, pollution incident 3. A pandemic health threat. 4. Electrical outages following severe gales? Power cuts are very common during winter storms but are usually fixed within good time? 5. This plan has flexibility to provide a reasonable response to other types of emergency

LAPC EMERGENCY PLAN – NOVEMBER 2015 7 Whilst all three would inevitably involve the emergency services and/or the major authorities, the knowledge of local people will be vital in mitigating the effects on the local community. However, this should be reviewed by the Cumbria County Council Community Risk Register. Flooding is perhaps the most likely scenario, hence the inclusion of a Flood Plan as an appendix (D) to this document.

7. IN AN EMERGENCY WHO IS RESPONSIBLE? This document lists the principal actions of each organisation. However, it must be noted that it may not always be possible for all actions to be carried out during all emergencies.

Responding organisations have limited resources so may not be able to provide assistance in all circumstances. In such cases the owners and occupiers need to be aware that they should make their own arrangements to protect their property from risk, especially flooding. Many factors may influence the level of response to specific emergencies.

Priority is likely to be given to those that are vulnerable when assisting people, and to property which is occupied. The classification of roads may be used in prioritising the response to road flooding or heavy snow; protection of commercial property may depend on the risk of environmental pollution from stored chemicals etc.


8 (a) ROLE OF THE PARISH EMERGENCY CO-ORDINATOR The Parish Co-ordinator will be the first councillor/warden on the scene

The role of the Parish emergency co-ordinator is:

1. To advise and help local community preparations for the response to an emergency.

2. Assess local problems that may arise in the event of abnormal circumstances such as a major incident or a natural disaster occurring.

3. Identify vulnerable local residents such as the elderly who may require assistance. This will be dealt with by local groups W.I, Meals on Wheels, WRVS, British Legion.

4. To determine the capabilities of the community to care for itself during an emergency in the absence of support from the emergency services and county/borough authorities.

5. To prepare and maintain the Community Emergency Resources Register.

The role of the Parish emergency co-ordinator during a major incident:

6 Assess the situation within the community.

7. If isolated, co-ordinate some immediate self help recovery.

8. To report the local situation to South Lakeland District Council on 01539 733333 or out of hours on 0870 428 6905 or 0870 428 6906 and/or Cumbria County Councils Emergency Management Centre –Tel: 0333 2407 287

9. To organise such local resources as are available within the community.

LAPC EMERGENCY PLAN – NOVEMBER 2015 8 10. To provide local knowledge to the emergency services or other organisations, as and when they are able to respond to the incident.

8 (b) RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE PARISH EMERGENCY CO-ORDINATOR The Parish Emergency Co-ordinator will be the Parish Clerk or Council appointee’

11. To ensure that Councillors/ Community Emergency Wardens are aware of their role should an emergency occur.

12. To ensure that the local community is aware of the Parish Council’s Emergency Plan and that residents are aware of Councillor’s/ Community Emergency Warden’s contact details.

13. To ensure that all those involved in the cascade call out system are aware of what action they have to take.

14. To maintain the Community Emergency Resource Register with the aid of the Councillors/ Community Emergency Wardens.

15. To maintain contact lists within this plan

16. To liaise with South Lakeland District’s Safety and Emergency Planning Adviser to identify suitable training that may be available to emergency volunteers.

17. To protect any personal data contained within this plan


1 To assist the Parish Emergency Co-ordinator in identifying other community volunteers.

2 To take part in exercises arranged to test the cascade call out system and working of the register.

3 To assist the Parish Council in dealing with any emergency which may affect the community?

10. ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF OTHER AGENCIES The Emergency Services will normally provide most of the initial response. They will be supported by the local authorities (Borough and County Councils), Environment Agency, utility (Gas, water and electricity) companies and voluntary organisations. The emergency services’ main role will most frequently be to save life.


The Fire and Rescue Service is responsible for rescuing survivors. The Ambulance service is responsible for treating casualties and taking them to hospital. The Police will help co-ordinate this work. This group are Category 1 Responders marked #

POLICE - (Tel: Emergency 999 - Non Urgent 101) #

1. Inform other emergency services about the incident. 2. Co-ordinate the emergency services and other organisations during the response phase

LAPC EMERGENCY PLAN – NOVEMBER 2015 9 3. Protect and preserve the scene 4. Investigate the incident alongside other investigative organisations 5. Collect and pass on information about casualties 6. Identify those involved 7. Restore stability with the aim of restoring normality.

FIRE AND RESCUE SERVICE - (Tel: Emergency 999) #

8. Inform other emergency services about the incident. 9. Rescue 10. Respond to all emergency incidents as required 11. Assist the populace where a need is identified and the use of Fire Service personnel and equipment is relevant 12. Tackle fires or chemicals which have been spilt and other dangerous situations 13. Make sure all personnel involved in the rescue work are safe. 14. Gather information and carry out hazard assessments. 15. Help ambulance service get live casualties away from the scene 16. Help Police recover bodies 17. Restore stability with the aim of restoring normality.

AMBULANCE SERVICE - (Tel: Emergency 999 - Non Urgent 01772 867761) #

18. Inform other emergency services about the incident. 19. Provide a focal point for all medical resources. 20. Identify and contact the appropriate receiving hospitals. 21. Set up a casualty clearing station. 22. Prioritise casualties so that their injuries can be treated. 23. Prioritise which casualties must be evacuated using appropriate transport 24. Restore stability with the aim of restoring normality.

ENVIRONMENT AGENCY - (Tel: 0800 807060) #

25. Issue Flood Warnings 26. Receive and record details of flooding incidents 27. Monitor the situation and advise other organisations 28. Deal with emergency repairs and blockages on main rivers and own structures 29. Respond to pollution incidents 30. Advise on waste disposal issues

CUMBRIA COUNTY COUNCIL (Tel: 0333 2407 287 Duty Officer # 01768 812500 Office hrs) 31. Co-ordinate emergency arrangements and voluntary agency support 32. Support the emergency services and district/borough councils. 33. Help people in distress e.g. through the provision of a trauma support service. 34. Maintain safe conditions on the roads excluding those managed by the Highways Agency or private roads. 35. Put flood warning signs on the highway 36. Organise road closures and traffic diversions 37. Clear blockages on highway drainage systems 38. Clear road side gullies 39. May take action to protect property from flooding by water from the highway where there is a failure of the highway drainage system

LAPC EMERGENCY PLAN – NOVEMBER 2015 10 SOUTH LAKELAND DISTRICT COUNCIL (Tel: Contact Centre 0845 050 4434 or 01539 733333 Emergency Control Centre Office - Office Hours, Fax: 01539 740300 (Out of Hrs 0870 428 6905/6906) 40. Co-ordinating role for emergencies in own area as a Category 1 responder under the Civil Contingencies Act 2004. 41. Support emergency services 42. Initiate Emergency accommodation plan (set up and run Reception Centres) 43. Emergency assistance — e.g. make sandbags available, emergency accommodation (Reception Centres), feeding (Catering is provided by CCC) 44. Clear blocked ordinary watercourses NB. The arterial watercourses through Cartmel are largely maintained (managed by the Environment Agency) 45. Provide environmental advice, street cleaning etc. 46. Environmental health issues — pollution and public health issues 47. Blocked road channels and gullies due to litter and leaf fall 48. Warn and inform the public regarding emergencies 49. Emergency planning support to the Parish Council

LOWER ALLITHWAITE PARISH COUNCIL (Chairman Tel: 015395 33345 or Parish Clerk Tel: 015395 32639) 50. Creation of a Flood Plan, with emergency contacts 51. Flood warning dissemination (by local agreement with Environment Agency) 52. Appointment of “flood wardens” for each local area (see appendix A1) 53. Identification of vulnerable groups – eg. elderly or disabled, through local organisations as noted previously) 54. Assist with distribution of sandbags from district council stockpiles (as instructed by SLDC or CCC through Farmers, Builders etc.,) (SLDC make sandbags available at depots during extreme weather events – info on our website or via the Contact Centre.) 55. Assist the District Council to warn and inform the public regarding emergencies, at local level 56. Pass information regarding local issues and needs to Category 1 responders marked # via the District or County Council or if urgent contact the police directly on 999.

UNITED UTILITIES WATER/SEWERS (Tel: 0845 746 2200 or Twitter: @unitedutilities) 57. Emergency over pumping or tankering at sewage pumping stations 58. Clearing blockages in public sewers 59. May take action to protect property from flooding by water from the public water mains or discharges from the public sewerage systems


60. GAS – Transco (Tel: 0800 111999) 61. ELECTRICITY North West (Tel 0800 1954141 Twitter: @ElectricityNW) 63. Attend to emergencies relating to their service at properties putting life at risk as a result of flooding 64. Attend to flooding emergencies at their own serviced installations

LAPC EMERGENCY PLAN – NOVEMBER 2015 11 11. COMMUNICATIONS (As Appendix B) The flowchart below shows the contact points necessary in the event of an emergency

Local Event/ Incident

Parish Immediately Inform C Emergency start a log of hair of P Co-ordinator actions/ arish Cou decisions ncil

SLDC Emergency Management Notify Parish Centre Commence Community Parish Emergency Wardens and cascade Parish Maintain Councillors Log

Inform SLDC Open the Establish that Parish Parish the Parish Control Centre Emergency Emergency is open and Centre Team contact

Identify vulnerable residents who may require assistance

Identify volunteers with specialist

knowledge from resource lists

Temporary Accom Consider other modation Section 1 actions as 5.0 appropriate

Communications LAPC EMERGENCY PLAN – NOVEMBER 2015 12 Section 16.0 12. RECOVERY ACTION A central register of sources of voluntary assistance is attached at Appendix C1, C2 and C3.

Provided volunteers would be working under the sole control of the Parish Council and with any hand tools owned by the volunteers or the Parish Council, they would be covered under the Parish Council’s Insurance Policy. However, this does not extend to material damage to the tools themselves which, if owned by the volunteer, should be covered (if required) under their own policy.

All calls upon the voluntary sector must be made via either the Flood Coordinator or the Parish Emergency Coordinator.


The lead Council for this parish is:

South Lakeland District Council South Lakeland House Lowther Street Kendal LA9 4UK

Tel. No. 01539 733333 Normal working hours Out-of-hours Emergency No: 0870 428 6906 or 0870 428 6905 (Wait for call back)

District Safety and Emergency Planning Adviser: Direct line: 0845 050 4434 please use the main council email to ensure contact (this is viewed by contact centre staff in office hours - and if operating out of hours during an emergency): [email protected]

Fax: 01539 740300

The South Lakeland District Council Emergency Management Centre (SLDCMC) will contact the Parish Emergency Co-ordinator in the first instance who will activate the Parish Contact Cascade and if necessary call an ad hoc meeting of the Parish Emergency Team. (The Clerk, Chairman of the Council and Vice Chairman of the Council).

The Parish Emergency Team will co-opt volunteers with specialist knowledge when they have been identified, e.g. trained first-aiders.

Depending on the situation, the following procedure will be followed:

13.1 INITIAL CONTACT - PARISH CASACADE - APPENDIX A1 - PAGE 18 The District Council (Emergency Centre) will contact ONE named person on the Parish Contact Cascade about the incident, ideally starting with the Parish Emergency Co-ordinator.

They will:

a. Give as much information as possible. b. Advise on a course of action, if appropriate. c. Request advice on the local situation, if appropriate.

For locally developing emergencies, the Parish Emergency Co-ordinator Team will initiate the Parish cascade and notify Emergency Services, then the District Council with information about the incident numbers as above.

LAPC EMERGENCY PLAN – NOVEMBER 2015 13 13.2 PARISH CASCADE (APPENDIX A1-PAGE 18) The person contacted will:

a. Activate the Parish Cascade by calling the next person on the list, who will contact the next and so on, skipping a name in the case of non-availability.

b. Convene, if necessary, a meeting of the Parish Emergency Team:

13.3 PARISH EMERGENCY TEAM The Parish Emergency Team will:

a. Comply, if possible, with any advice or request from the Borough Council or Emergency Services b. Establish a communications link with the District Emergency Management Centre (Tel: 01539 733333 office hrs or 0870 428 6905/6906 out of hrs) and maintain it for the duration of the emergency. This link will normally be established at the parish emergency centre. c. Consolidate and disseminate information to residents and outside organisations. d. In the event of the village becoming isolated, undertake co-ordination of effort to sust ain the local community.

14. PARISH EMERGENCY CONTROL CENTRE A building should be identified that is capable of being used as a 24-hour parish emergency centre. It should preferably have a central location and be well known to local residents. Consideration should be given to communications e.g. telephone, fax, and computer links. The accommodation should include cooking, washing and toilet facilities. The address of the Parish Emergency Control Centre (PECC) is: Allithwaite Primary School or Cartmel Priory School closest or safest regards incident.

Tel: (Name) Allithwaite School Tel No: 015395 32144 Cartmel Priory School 015395 36202

Allithwaite School Keyholders: Names: Andrew Purvin Rowanside Holme Lane

Tel No: 0781 432 2661 Cartmel Priory School Key Holder: Names: George Rawsthorne(Site Manager) Tel No: 015395 36326 (Home) 0797 099 3195 (Mobile) It will be necessary to prepare an incident box containing ordnance survey maps, copies of the electoral role, other useful items to the Emergency services. There will be a Community Emergency Kit Bag available at each Control Centre. Remember the role of the Parish Council is to be available to assist the Emergency services as required but not impede their operations.

15. TEMPORARY ACCOMMODATION In the event of people being made homeless or needing shelter.

The county/district councils in Cumbria have responsibility for opening and managing rest centres, supported by Cumbria County Council’s Services for Families and voluntary organisations. Each borough/district council has identified suitable premises.

LAPC EMERGENCY PLAN – NOVEMBER 2015 14 For Lower Allithwaite, SLDC has identified and holds details for:

CONTACT ADDRESS TELEPHONE Ulverston Victoria High School, Springfield Rd, Ulverston, LA12 0EB 01229 483900 C Cartmel Priory School, Cartmel, Grange over Sands LA11 7SA 015395 36202 D Dallam School-Heversham, Heversham, LA7 7EH 015395 65165 Dallam School-Milnthorpe, Milnthorpe LA7 7DD 015395 65165 Queen Elizabeth School-Kirkby Lonsdale, Kirkby Lonsdale LA6 2HJ 015242 71275 Kendal Leisure Centre, Burton Road LA9 7HX 015397 29777 Queen Katherine School-Kendal, Appleby Road LA9 6PJ 015397 43900

Cumbria County Council will arrange transport to take evacuees to the Rest Centre where they will be given practical and emotional support. The local Community Healthcare Trust will provide medical s upport and access to pharmacy services. Cumbria County Council’s Resilience Unit will support Sout h Lakeland District Council and assist with arranging transport for evacuees to rest centres etc. as requ ired. While at the Rest Centre, local authorities will gather specific information, which will be recorded on rest centre registration forms. Social Services (Services for Families) are responsible for making sure that this process is carried out and that an initial assessment of each individual is made to identify any extra support that may be needed. The police will either fax or take the forms to Casualty Bureau, if invoked, to be processed.

However, in the event that normal arrangements are delayed the Parish may have a church hall or similar which can be used to give emergency shelter to those who have to leave their homes during an emergency. An alternative could be a school, scout/guide accommodation, barn or outbuilding.

The following items may be required if available:

 Blankets  First Aid Equipment  Radio  Space Heaters  Crockery  Toilet  Camp Beds  Cutlery  Waste Disposal Bags  Fire Fighting Equipment  Care of Pets  Bottled Water and Food


16.1 Loss of communications If telephones are affected by the emergency, communications within the community should be considered using couriers carrying written or verbal messages if safe to do so.

16.2 Communications beyond the community Passing messages via amateur radio operators and asking them to relay messages to the Police may be an option. South Lakeland District Council can liaise with CCC Resilience Unit regarding mobilising RAYNET or other agencies e.g. HM Coastguard, Bay Rescue, Ulvertson Inshore Rescue, Mountain Rescue

16.3 Local and national radio Consider maintaining a listening watch on local and national radio and television channels for information and monitoring the agencies twitter channels and retweeting agency tweets within the parish. A roster may be instigated as necessary.

TIME SCHEDULE NAME AND CONTACT PHONE NUMBER 08.00 – 12.00 12.00 – 16.00 16.00 – 20.00 20.00 – 24.00 24.00 – 04.00 04.00 – 08.00


BBC RADIO CUMBRIA: 95.2FM 96.1 FM 104.1FM 104.2 FM 756 MW 837 MW 1458 MW

Twitter @BBCCumbria

THE BAY: 96.9 FM 102.3 FM 103.2 FM

Twitter @TheBayOfficial

LAKELAND RADIO: 100.1 FM 100.8 FM 101.4

Twitter @LakelandRadio

LAPC EMERGENCY PLAN – NOVEMBER 2015 16 HEART FM: 105.4 FM 96.4 FM 102.2 FM 103.4

Twitter @heartradio

16.4 Highways

Road Closures: 0845 609 6609

M6 and A590 only: Highways Agency Tel: 0300 123 5000 & Twitter @HAnews_nwest


NAME CONTACT ADDRESS HOME MOBLE E-MAIL TELEPHONE TELEPHONE Chairman Cllr Chris Naylor Lyndene, Holme Lane 015395 33345 07940582106 [email protected] Allithwaite, Cumbria LA11 7QD Cllr David Huggett Greenfield House, Aynsome Road 015395 36378 07891675794 [email protected] Cartmel, Cumbria, lA11 6PS Cllr Steve Sim Lickle How, Church Road 015395 32891 07812406324 [email protected] Allithwaite, Cumbria, LA11 7RF Cllr Mary Bird Kolora, Holme Lane, 015395 32958 N/A N/A Allithwaite, Cumbria, LA11 7QD Cllr Roy Robinson The Chateau, Flookburgh Road, 015395 32249 N/A [email protected] Allithwaite, Cumbria, LA11 7RJ Cllr Mary Wilson Capricorn, Clogger Bank, 015395 36462 N/A N/A Cartmel, Cumbria, LA11 6PN Vice-Chairman Cllr Mike Lamb 6 Hazelgarth, Allithwaite, 015395 32876 07775736970 [email protected] Cumbria, LA11 7RS Cllr Percy Unsworth Headless Cross Cottages, Headless 015395 36507 N/A N/A Cross, Cartmel, Cumbria, LA11 7SF Cllr Caroline Johnson Calsfell, Allithwaite Road, 015395 32054 07891237230 [email protected] Cartmel, Cumbria, lA11 7SB Cllr Lisa Holdsworth 6 Pitt Garth, Haggs Lane, 07976 512487 [email protected] Cartmel, Cumbria, LA11 6PH Cllr Alex Bottomley Tetley Cottage, Allithwaite Road, 015395 36455 07813218250 [email protected] Cartmel, Cumbria, LA11 7SB Cllr Mary E Wilson Gateside Farm, Cark Road, 015395 36673 07411590026 [email protected] Cartmel, Cumbria, LA11 7NR Cllr Chris Anderson Thimble Hill, 4 Park View, 015395 36823 07971676359 [email protected] Cartmel, Cumbria, LA11 6PN


ORGANISATION CONTACT TELEPHONE TELEPHONE WEBSITE / E-MAIL (Office Hours) (Emergencies 24/7) EMERGENCY SERVICES AMBULANCE SERVICE 01772 867761 999 www.nwas.nhs.uk FIRE & RESCUE 999 999 www.cumbriafire.gov.uk POLICE 101 999 www.cumbria.police.uk

ENVIRONMENT AGENCY Main switchboard 0870 850 6506 0800 807 060 www.gov.uk/flood FLOODLINE To report flooding 0345 988 1188 0345 988 1188 NHS DIRECT Cumbria Health – On-call 0845 464 0300 0845 464 0300 www.chocltd.co.uk NATIONAL FLOOD FORUM – Co-ordinator 01229 403055 07754 592534 www.floodforum.org.uk

UTILITIES ELECTRICITY Electricity North West 0800 195 4141 0800 195 4141 [email protected] Twitter:@ElectricityNW GAS Transco 0800 111 999 0800 111 999 www.transco.co.uk Twitter:@nationalgriduk TELECOMMUNICATIONS BT 0800 800 150 0843 504 3130 WATER United Utilities 0845 746 2200 0845 746 2200 www.unitedutilities.com Twitter: @unitedutilities

LAPC EMERGENCY PLAN – NOVEMBER 2015 19 ORGANISATION CONTACT TELEPHONE TELEPHONE WEBSITE / E-MAIL (Office Hours) (Emergencies 24/7) AUTHORITIES CUMBRIA COUNTY Duty Officer 01768 812 2500 0333 2407 287 COUNCIL CCC CONTINGENCY Duty Officer 01768 812 2500 0333 2407 287 PLANNING SOUTH LAKELAND Safety and Emergency Adviser 0845 050 4434 0870 428 6905/6906 [email protected] DISTRICT COUNCIL (After 18.00 hours) SLDC EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT CENTRE

ADJACENT PARISH/TOWN COUNCILS BROUGHTON EAST PC Clerk Mrs J Bleakley 015395 33608 LOWER HOLKER PC Clerk Ms Lyn Prescott 015395 58224 www.lowerholkerparishcouncil.org.uk GRANGE TOWN COUNCIL Clerk Ms V Tunnadine 015395 32375 www.grangeoversandstowncouncil.gov.uk www.grangeoversands.net

RIVER/COASTAL ENVIRONMENT AGENCY 0800 807 060 0800 807 060 Twitter: @EnvAgencyNW FLOODING Cumbria Flood Warning www.environment-agency.gov.uk/flood Officer WEATHER UPDATES MET OFFICE 01392 885 680 01392 885 680 Twitter: @metofficeNWEng Fax: 01393 885681 Fax: 01393 885681 www.metoffice.gov.uk BBC WEATHER Twitter: @bbcweather www.bbcweather.co.uk/weather


Local Event/ Incident

Parish Immediately Inform C Emergency start a log of hair of P Co-ordinator actions/ arish Co decisions uncil

SLDC Emergency Notify Parish Management Community Centre Emergency Commence Wardens and Parish Parish cascade Councillors Maintain Log

Inform SLDC Open the Establish that Parish Parish the Parish Control Centre Emergency Emergency is open and Centre Team contact

Identify vulnerable residents who may require assistance

Identify volunteers with specialist

knowledge from resource lists

Temporary Accommodat Consider other ion Section 15.0 actions as appropriate

Communications Section 16.0



EMERGENCY SERVICES AMBULANCE Grange-over- Sands 999 01772 867 761 POLICE Kendal 999 or 101 0845 330 0347

FIRE AND RESCUE Grange-over-Sands 999 015395 32336 GP’s/DOCTORS Cartmel Surgery 015395 36366 Cumbia Health – On-call 01228 51116

FIRST AID TRAINING ST JOHN’S AMBULANCE Kendal 08447 704 800 Ulverston 01229 584 962

PHARMACISTS FLOOKBURGH Flookburgh 015395 58298 CO-OP GRANGE Grange-over-Sands 015395 32993 GRANGE PHARMACY Grange-over-Sands 015395 34891

LAPC EMERGENCY PLAN – NOVEMBER 2015 22 ORGANISATION NEAREST BASE TELEPHONE TELEPHONE EMERGENCY 24/7 OFFICE HOURS VOLUNTARY ORGANISATIONS BAY SEARCH AND RESCUE Grange-over-Sands 999 (Police or Fire) 015395 58771 07776 156171 ULVERSTON SEARCH AND Ulverston 999 (Coastguard) 07811 119838 RESCUE MOUNTAIN RESCUE TEAM Kendal 999 (Police) 015397 27134 (Kendal, Duddon and Furness) WOMEN’S INSTITUTE Allithwaite 07774 608 283 015395 32702 07552 459 457 015395 32386

DENTISTS AVONDALE Grange-over-Sands 015395 33166 015395 34554 SMILES Kendal 015397 16822 WESTMORLAND HOSPITAL Kendal 015397 39764 DENTAL HELP LINE Grange-over-Sands 015395 32669 015395 32669 17.30 – 21.00

VETS ARCHWAY VETS Grange-over-Sands 015395 32669 015395 32669 015395 38964 (Fax) APPENDIX C2 LIST OF RESOURCES – MATERIALS


BAY SEARCH AND RESCUE Gary Parsons 1st Aid 07776 156 171 / 015395 58771 Paul Calland Transport / Manpower / Pumps 07811 119 838

ULVERSTON SEARCH AND Bruce Chattaway 1st Aid 07909 993 017 / 01229 480 996 RESCUE Transport / Lighting / Pumps / Manpower

WOMEN’S INSTITUTE Wendy Graham Care, Companionship and 015395 32072 / 07774 608 283 Compassion Glenda Clark 015395 32386 / 07752 459 457

ECONOMICAL TAXIS Company Office Transport (4,6,8, & 16 Seats) 015395 58901 with disabled access




ALLITHWAITE Community Centre David Eyre – 07582 706 353 Kitchen and Toilets, disabled access St Mary’s Church Rev Rob Jackson – 015395 32437 Pastoral care, refreshment area and toilets The Institute – limited access Paul Brown – 015395 36646 Kitchen and Toilets Allithwaite CE School Andrew Purvin – 07814322661 Kitchen and Toilets, disabled access Brian Jones (Head) - 07528720075

CARTMEL Village Hall Mike Bates 01539535345 (Home) or Kitchen and Toilets disabled access 07794682525 (Mobile) Cartmel Priory School George Rawsthorne 015395 36326 (Home) or Kitchen Toilets disabled access 07970993195 (Mobile)

Race Course Johnathan Garrett 015395 36340 Toilets Kitchen disabled access Cartmel Priory Nick Devenish 015395 36261 Pastoral Care Toilets


This Flood Plan has been created so that, in the event of flooding in the Parish of Lower Allithwaite, there is a clear understanding of the roles and responsibilities of the various support agencies, and a list of contacts should residents require help in the event of an emergency. It should be read in conjunction with the Lower Allithwaite Parish Council Emergency Plan, and its Appendices, as below:

 Appendix A1 -Councillors and Community Emergency Wardens  Appendix A2 - List of Contacts  Appendix B - Flowchart – Points of contact in an emergency  Appendix C1 - List of Resources – Human Skills  Appendix C2 - List of Resources – Materials  Appendix C3 - List of Resources Useful Premises  Appendix D - LAPC Flood Plan 2014  Appendix E - Who Does What During a Flood  Appendix F1 - Lower Allithwaite Map  Appendix F2 - Lower Allithwaite Flood Plain  Appendix G - Communications / Information Log

Appendices F1 and F2 shows the rivers and coastline which has been drawn up under the auspices of the Parish Council, with help from representatives in the community who could be called upon to provide assistance.

A key element is the appointment of “Councillors/Area wardens” who would be the main contact for each limited geographical area, who would co-ordinate local needs (eg. provision of sandbags, assistance for the elderly, etc.) and report to the overall Flood Coordinator or the Parish Emergency Planning Coordinator.

1. FLOOD RISK AREAS The maps attached to this document (Annexes F1 and F2) identifies potential risk areas, as identified by the Environment Agency. This identifies a number of events, any one of which could cause flooding to a greater or lesser extent in parts of Lower Allithwaite Parish


2.1. Blockage or Collapse of a culvert To prevent a blockage occurring, the riparian householders should monitor the culverts and bridges, and clear them of any accumulating debris if they can, with the help, if necessary, of SLDC or the Environment Agency. The trash screens protecting the culverts are co- ordinated by SLDCC & should be regularly cleared of debris.

LAPC EMERGENCY PLAN – NOVEMBER 2015 26 Note that this is particularly important all along the stream at a time of prolonged or torrential rainfall, when one of the three chief coordinators identified at Appendix A should also be informed as soon as possible of any accumulation of debris that could either block one of the culverts or bridges, or float onwards and cause problems further downstream.

If at any time a blockage is causing, or threatening to cause, a blockage, one of the three chief coordinators identified at Appendix A1 should be warned as soon as possible. If neither can be contacted, phone the Environment Agency direct on 0345 988 1188.

2.2. Prolonged rainfall threatens or overloads a culvert or a bridge One of the three chief coordinators identified at Appendix A1 will arrange to receive the Environment Agency’s Floodline Warnings, so that they are alerted to monitor the situation, either themselves or through “community emergency wardens”; this includes watching for debris being brought downstream by rising water levels.

The Environment Agency has Flood warning messages on their website. Each Parish Emergency Co-ordinator should sign up to receive flood warning messages by contacting Floodline on 0845 988 1188, this is free of charge.

3. LOCAL FLOOD ACTIONS 3.1. With careful planning, local flood action can reduce, or possibly reduce, the impact of flooding. Sensible precautions should be taken to avoid risk to life by rising flood waters, and exposure to health risks, for instance due to pollution of the foul sewer system.

It is the responsibility of individual householders to take whatever preventive measures they consider necessary to avoid damage to their property in the event of a flood. Local action could include placing of plastic sheeting and boarding across openings; blocking air bricks; laying of sandbag walls or temporary defence systems, and moving valuable or perishable items (including insurance policies and other personal documents) upstairs or otherwise out of reach.

A series of advisory leaflets may be obtained from the Environment Agency, Limited material (Floodpact) is available for the Parish Council Offices. Information is also available from:

 SLDC website www.southlakewland.gov.uk  National Flood Forum website www.floodforum.org.uk 01299 403055  Environment Agency website www.environment-agency.gov.uk/subjects/flood

3.2. Property Owners

 When you renew your insurance policy each year, ensure that it is adequate for flood damage.  Property owners may wish to create their own personal flood plan, details are available at https://www.gov.uk/prepare-for-a-flood/make-a-flood-plan  Move to a safe area if life at risk  Prevent water from entering property if possible  Take your pets with you

Switch off electricity and gas supplies at mains:

 Move valuable possessions above areas liable to be flooded

LAPC EMERGENCY PLAN – NOVEMBER 2015 27  Move vehicles to higher ground, but in a place which is unlikely to hinder emergency vehicles or be a nuisance to local residents.  Take important medication and vital contacts with you


4.1 The Environment Agency’s Local Flood Warning Plans provide details of flood warning arrangements for specific areas. However, we understand that at present this is restricted to only where automatic sensors have been installed. The EA will issue Flood Alert messages from these when flooding of low-lying land is expected:

 Flood Warnings when flooding of homes and businesses is expected;  Severe warnings when there is extreme danger to life and property; and  All-Clear messages when earlier warnings are no longer in force in the area.

Residents can register to receive flood warnings by contacting Floodline on 0345 988 188 or by visiting the Environment Agency website.

4.2 During a flood, information is available from the Environment Agency’s web-site:

www.gov.uk /flood or

http://apps.environment-agency.gov.uk/flood or

https://www.gov.uk/check-if-youre-at-risk-of-fg looding or

the Environment Agency’s overall Floodline service: 0345 988 118.

Floodline uses Quick Dial numbers to speed up access to local flood information, related to geographic areas.

4:3 The quick dial numbers for the Lower Allithwaite Area are:

0845 988 1188 or 0345 988 118 option 1 then enter: 022416 (North M/Bay) 022417 (Borne Leisure/Flookburgh/ Windmoor Embankment) 141046 (Rivers Brathay,Winster & Rothay)

Facebook: https//apps.facebook.com/floodalerts

The Agency will also arrange to call all those who have registered with them, when a pote ntial flood is likely to put them at risk. Copies of the application form can be obtained fro m the Environment Agency.

5. FLOOD TRIGGERS Following periods of heavy rain it will be necessary to monitor trash screens more regularly t o make sure they are clear of debris. When the EA has indicated imminent floods there will n eed to be consideration given to assisting vulnerable groups to undertake tasks like moving va luables to higher levels etc.

LAPC EMERGENCY PLAN – NOVEMBER 2015 28 5.1. Flood action should automatically be triggered by the Environment Agency, but would additionally be triggered by one of the three Coordinators listed at Appendix A in consultation with each other, based on information which they may have received (eg. from Street Wardens).

5.2 Whilst EA are now responsible they do not currently have the technical facilities in place to provide automatic warnings. Until this situation is rectified, the following trigger s will need to be adopted locally, when the water level.

5.3. Residents in known areas of flooding, will need to be especially vigilant and t rigger the alarm, through their street warden, when water threatens their properties. Howe ver, without any obvious current flood alleviation routes, action may be limited to individ ual damage limitation. The street warden may need to call on the coordinators, however, f or assistance from the Volunteer Force.



Environment Agency

1. Issue Flood Warnings 2. Receive and record details of flooding incidents 3. Monitor the situation and advise other organisations 4. Deal with emergency repairs and blockages on main rivers in Cartmel and own structures 5. Respond to pollution incidents 6. Advise on waste disposal issues 7. Issue warnings when there is a risk of flooding occurring; alerting those who have registered, in areas where the service can be provided.

County Council

1. Co-ordinate emergency arrangements 2. Maintain safe conditions on the roads 3. Put flood warning signs on the highway 4. Organise road closures and traffic diversions 5. Clear blockages on highway drainage systems - blocked road channels and gully gratings, storm debris 6. May take action to protect property from flooding by water from the highway where there is a failure of the highway drainage system 7. Assist with providing transport for evacuees to rest centres.

District Council

1. Co-ordinating role for own area 2. Flood warning dissemination (by local agreement with Environment Agency) 3. Emergency assistance (Civil Contingencies Act 2004) — make available sandbags at depots and if resources permit take sandbags to houses with vulnerable people 4. Clear blocked watercourses (Land Drainage Act powers) NB Main rivers in Cartmel are managed by the Environment Agency 5. Environmental health issues — pollution 6. Blocked road channels and gully gratings — routine street cleaning only. 7. Emergency planning support groups 8. Waste and debris removal

(Note the Lead Agency for flooding on roads is now Cumbria County Council)

Parish Council

1. Flood warning dissemination (by local agreement with Environment Agency)

Fire and Rescue Service

1. Rescue 2. Respond to all emergency incidents as required 3. Assist the populace where a need is identified and the use of Fire Service personnel and equipment is relevant

LAPC EMERGENCY PLAN – NOVEMBER 2015 30 Water Companies

1. Emergency over pumping or tankering at pumping stations 2. Clearing blockages in public sewers 3. May take action to protect property from flooding by water from the public water mains or discharges from the public sewerage systems

Electricity, Gas and Telecommunication Companies

1. Attend to emergencies relating to their service at properties putting life at risk as a result of flooding 2. Attend to flooding emergencies at their own serviced installations

Large Industrial Companies

1. Protect own premises and installations 2. Source of resources which could be hired

Property Owners

1. Move to a safe area if life at risk 2. Prevent water from entering property if possible 3. Switch off electricity and gas supplies at mains 4. Move valuable possessions above areas liable to be flooded 5. Consider developing flood plans, moving their vehicles to a higher level 6. Call 999 if there is a need to be evacuated 7. Only switch of gas and electricity if the property is not flooded and it is safe to do so 8. Collect together essential items such as medication, blankets, baby food, nappies, torch and batteries, bottled water and food when there is a risk of flooding. 9. Take your pet with you (this is part of emergency arrangements within Reception Centres)




LAPC EMERGENCY PLAN – NOVEMBER 2015 33 LOWER ALLITHWAITE FLOOD PLAIN MAP KEY Zone 3B Functional Flood Plain Zone 3a High Probability Zone 2 Medium Probability < Local Drainage Issues






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