Mr. Nash Called the Meeting to Order at 10:00 A.M s5

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Mr. Nash Called the Meeting to Order at 10:00 A.M s5


PRESENT: Mickey Thompson, member, Cheryl Cotner-Bailey, member, and Warren V. Nash, president.

OTHERS PRESENT: Fire Marshal Koehler, Police Chief Bailey, Assistant Police Chief Fudge, Chris Gardner, Larry Summers, Fire Chief Juliot, Linda Moeller, Jessica Campbell, David Hall, Sidney Main, Bryan Slade, Tonya Fischer, Shane Gibson, John Rosenbarger, Alicia Meredith, Courtney Lewis, Brian Slayde and Mindy Milburn


Mr. Nash called the meeting to order at 10:00 a.m.



1. Vectren re: Cut permits at Mt. Tabor @ Industrial Way (14508133) – street cut, 1339 Beeler St (14500272) – sidewalk cut

Mr. Thompson asked if they are going to shut down traffic with flaggers on Mt. Tabor and Industrial Blvd.

Jeff Higdon replied yes and stated that it is in the outer third of the street.

Mr. Thompson asked for time

Mr. Higdon stated that he isn’t sure but he could have Mr. Reed give him a call.

Mr. Thompson stated that they prefer that they don’t do the work first thing in the morning.

Mr. Thompson moved to approve the above cuts subject to approval by Mr. Thompson, Mrs. Cotner-Bailey second, motion carries.


Brent Greenwood 603 Princeton Drive, requested a dumpster at 219 Pearl Street on behalf of for Stephen Beardsley. He explained that a business that wants to take over one of his buildings and stated they would like to have a dumpster on the street for a week but they expect to get the work done in less time.

Mr. Nash asked when they would like to start.

Mr. Greenwood stated they would like to start Monday.

Mr. Thompson moved to approve for a period not to proceed for one week, Mrs. Cotner- Bailey second, motion carries.

Derek Misch stated that they are getting ready to start another IN-AWC project on Earnings Way. He presented the board with a map of the project and requested a street cut on the side of the cul-de-sac at 4239 Earnings Way and added that it is ~80’X5’.

Mr. Nash asked if it will impede access.

Mr. Misch stated that he is in talks with the person who is leasing the property from Koetter.

Mr. Thompson moved to approve, Mrs. Cotner-Bailey second, motion carries. 1 Board of Works March 21, 2017

All meetings are recorded and on file with the City Clerk’s Office Brian Fleck updated the board on McDonald lane and explained that there has been signal work going on at the Charlestown Road intersection to get ready for the installation of the detector loops. He stated that they have poured foundation and are working at the Grant Line Road intersection as well. He added that they have ground up from Rita Drive to Grant Line Road and they are working on storm sewer in that area. He stated that weather permitting they are hoping to have that part completed in 3-4 weeks and then they will move to cutting the road to excavate.

Mr. Nash asked if they are on schedule.

Mr. Fleck replied yes.

Mr. Nash asked about completion date.

Mr. Fleck replied August 22.




1. Vicki Glotzbach re: Handicap Parking Request at 1744 East Oak Street

Mindy Milburn presented a handicap parking request for 1744 East Oak Street and explained that Officer Miller has gone out to the location and turned in the paperwork to be approved.

Mr. Thompson moved to approve, Mrs. Cotner-Bailey second, motion carries.

2. Shane Gibson re: 2017 ADA Transition Plan

Mr. Gibson explained that this is a proposal from VS Engineering to update the transition plan for the ADA requirements. He stated that the cost is not to exceed $24,000.00.

Mrs. Moeller explained that the city currently has an ADA plan but this will assist them in updating their website and evaluating the different buildings to make sure they are all ADA compliant.

Mr. Nash asked about the time frame.

Mrs. Moeller stated 90 days.

Mr. Thompson added that this is a requirement so that they don’t run into problems with their federal funding matches.

Mrs. Cotner-Bailey moved to approve the contract with VS Engineering, Mr. Thompson second, motion carries.

3. Shane Gibson re: Resolution for Purchasing and Easement Approval on Daisy Lane

Mr. Gibson explained that they did the Daisy Lane improvement project in 2005 and this is to clean up some easement issues. He stated that they closed of the entire area and the owner is requesting an exit only curb cut be installed. He explained that this will enable development of the site and clean up the easement issues and added that the cost is $15,000.00

Mr. Nash asked if it would stop the access from Daisy Lane.

Mr. Gibson explained that there is no access or entrance from that property onto Daisy Lane currently and the property owner is asking for an exit only curb cut to make the property more marketable. He stated that it will be their responsibility to do the work according to the plans if they decide to install it.

2 Board of Works March 21, 2017

All meetings are recorded and on file with the City Clerk’s Office Mrs. Cotner-Bailey moved to approve Resolution BOW-17-02, Mr. Thompson second, motion carries.

4. Larry Summers re: Delta Services Contracts

Mr. Summers explained that the first contract is for preventative maintenance inspection program for all the signals in the City of New Albany and the second is a conflict monitor testing contract. He stated that the preventative maintenance contract is a per signal cost of $350.00 and the conflict monitoring is a per signal cost of $650.00

Mr. Nash asked what a conflict monitor is.

Mr. Thompson explained that if two red lights burn out on the same signal the conflict monitor sensing this and puts the signal on flash so that someone can call the city to have them come out to take a look at it.

Mr. Summers stated that they need them to go through and check the conflict monitors in each signal to ensure that they are working and to have the documentation saying that they are.

Mr. Nash asked how often this needs to be done.

Mr. Summers replied yearly

Mrs. Cotner-Bailey asked if this was for all the signals

Mr. Thompson explained that the preventative maintenance is for the cabinets because they have a lot of electronic equipment in them as well as a filter and this will check to make sure all the equipment is in good shape.

Mr. Nash stated that he is having trouble understanding the difference in the two contracts.

Mr. Summers explained that one is making sure everything inside the cabinet is in order and working properly and the other is more involved to test the conflict monitor which is a separate item.

Mr. Thompson stated that the conflict monitor is the safety portion of the signal and is essential.

Mr. Nash asked how long this would take and if they would do it during rush hours.

Mr. Thompson stated that it shouldn’t be disruptive at all.

Mrs. Cotner-Bailey moved to approve the contracts with Delta Services, Mr. Thompson second, motion carries.

5. Chris Gardner re: Street Sweeping

Mr. Gardner reminded the board that they started running the sweepers yesterday and the traffic division is placing notices for the next two weeks on vehicles blocking the sweeper. He added that starting on April 3 tickets will be issues.

6. Mr. Nash re: Parking at Farmer’s Market

Mr. Nash asked if Ms. Kaempfer had relayed the conversation they had Saturday about the signs.

Susan Kaempfer replied yes and stated that Chief Bailey has already taken care of it and this Saturday was a lot better. She explained that they met down there to show them where the signs will go and explained that it would be the same every week unless she calls to say otherwise.

3 Board of Works March 21, 2017

All meetings are recorded and on file with the City Clerk’s Office 7. Courtney Lewis re: Beautification Day 2017

Ms. Lewis stated that the 2nd Annual City of New Albany Beautification day will be held on April, 22 from 8:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. She added that it will be based out of Bicentennial Park and they are working on the schedule of events. She stated that they will have a few more dumpsters to place this year and they will be manned to ensure that there is no illegal dumping of hazardous materials.

Mr. Nash asked that she check with solid waste.

Ms. Lewis stated that she has spoken with them and they are working to make their Grant Line Road location available on that day.

Mr. Nash asked if the people who are staffing the dumpsters know what they can take.

Ms. Lewis stated that there will be the same magnetic sign on each dumpster that there were last year that lists all of the items that cannot go into the dumpsters.

Mr. Nash asked if she could give her a calendar of upcoming events.

Ms. Lewis replied yes.

8. Mickey Thomson re: Bare Steal Project

Mr. Thompson informed the board that Vectren will be working on the Twin Oaks bare steal project today and will handle it with flaggers.




Mrs. Moeller presented the claims docket for 3/7/17-3/20/17 in the amount of $1,193,587.46

General Claims (Bank 1): 230,913.18 Fire Department: 9,476.37 Police Department: 11,273.74 Street Department: 40,738.40 Parks Department: 17,504.85 Total From Above: 309,906.54 Medical/Drug Fund (Bank L) - Payroll Claims (Bank 2): 718,994.10 Sanitation Fund: 92,636.41 Thursday Utility Claims: 72,050.41

Total From Above: 883,680.92 Grand Total: 1,193,587.46

Mr. Thompson moved to approve the above cuts, Mrs. Cotner-Bailey second, motion carries.

4 Board of Works March 21, 2017

All meetings are recorded and on file with the City Clerk’s Office APPROVAL OF MINUTES:

Mr. Cotner-Bailey moved to approve the Regular Meeting Minutes for March 14, 2017, Mr. Thompson second, motion carries.


There being no further business before the board, the meeting adjourned at 10:34 a.m.

______Warren V. Nash, President Mindy Milburn, Deputy City Clerk

5 Board of Works March 21, 2017

All meetings are recorded and on file with the City Clerk’s Office

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