Breakdown by Organisation

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Breakdown by Organisation

A u di e n c e A tl a s V ic t o ri a Appe ndix 1: Brea kdow n by Orga nisati on

Febru ary 2014 How to read thi s report 3 Her M ajes ty’s The atre 18 33 Art G aller y of B allarat 4 Immigration M useum 1 9 M C G 34 A rts C entre M elbourne 5 M althouse The atre 20 35 A thenaeum The atre 6 McClell and Sc ulpture P ar k and G aller y 21 36 The A ustralian B allet 7 M eat M ar k et 22 37 A ustralian C entre f or C ontemporar y Art 8 M elbourne F es tiv al 23 38 Im age 9 M elbourne F ringe F es tiv al 24 39 Bendigo Art G aller y 1 0 M elbourne In ternational C omed y F es tiv al 25 4 0 C astlemaine S tate F es tiv al 11 M elbourne In ternational Film F es tiv al 26 41 C i rcus Oz 12 M elbourne In ternational J a zz F es tiv al 27 42 C omed y The atre 1 3 M elbourne M useum 28 43 C rown C asino 14 M elbourne R ecital C entre 29 44 F orum The atre 1 5 M elbourne Sy mphon y Orc hestra 30 45 Geelong P er f orming A rts C entre 16 M elbourne The atre C ompan y 31 46 Heide M useum of M odern Art 1 7 M elbourne W r it ers F es tiv al 32 Current Market 36% (visited in the 9% past three years) 8% are aware of the Lapsed visitors Venue & Organisation Crossover (visited more Art Gallery of Ballarat than three years Art ago) 15% Awareness Ranking Gallery of Potential Market Ballarat (never been but 64% interested in within the attending) 3% Never been and not interested in attending

Unaware Base [3841] visual arts market

Proportion of current visitors Proportion of other venues’ current who are also current visitors visitors who are also current visitors of of other venues the Art Gallery of Ballarat Current Market (visited in the 9% past three years) are aware of the Venue & Organisation Crossover 8% Art Gallery of Ballarat Lapsed visitors (visited more than three years Awareness Ranking ago) Art Gallery 15% of Ballarat Potential Market within the (never been but interested in 64% attending) 3% Never been and not interested in attending

Unaware Base [3841] visual arts market

Current Market by Culture Lapsed & Potential Market by Culture Segment Segment People who last visited more than three years ago People who have made at least one visit to or who have never visited but are interested in the Art Gallery of Ballarat in the past three visiting years

Compared to current 2% Compared to lapsed and potential visual arts market in 2% visual arts market in Victoria (percentage point Victoria (percentage point difference) difference) 5% 19% Essence 8% Essence 5% +3 15% 6% Expression E Affirmation +3 14%

Art Gallery -3 Enrichment 15% Art 18% Gallery 26% of Ballarat Stimulation 5% [Base of - Release Ballarat 40% 349] 10% 11% 3 Entertai Perspective nm +1 [Base 897] Enrichme Release Perspective Proportion of visitors of Proportion of current visitors other venues’ the Art who are also current visitors nt current Gallery of of other venues Entertainment visitors who Ballarat 0 are also current Current Market 76% (visited in the Crossover with venues and organisations for past three years) are aware of current visitors to Arts Centre Melbourne Lapsed visitors Arts Centre Melbourne (visited more than three years ago) Awareness Ranking Potential Market (never been but within the interested in attending) multi-artform market Never been and not interested in attending


Proportion of other venues’ current Proportion of current visitors visitors who are also current visitors who are also current visitors Athenaeum Theatre

Current Market are aware of the (visited in the past three years) Athenaeum Theatre Venue & Organisation Crossover Lapsed visitors Awareness Ranking (visited more than three years ago) 6 Potential Market (never been but interested in within the attending) commerical Never been and theatre market not interested in attending


Proportion of other venues’ current Proportion of current visitors visitors who are also current visitors who are also current visitors of the Athenaeum Theatre of other venues Current Market (visited in the past three years) 67% Lapsed visitors (visited more than three years ago) are aware of Australian Ballet Potential Market (never been but Awareness Ranking interested in attending)

Never been and 1 not interested in attending within the Venue & Organisation Crossover Unaware ballet or classical dance market

Proportion of other venues’ current Proportion of current visitors visitors who are also current visitors of who are also current visitors The Australian Ballet of other venues Current Market (visited in the past three years) 6% are aware of 5% ACCA Lapsed visitors (visited more than 15% three years ago) Awareness Ranking Potential Market (never been but ACCA interested in 7% attending) 66% Never been and not interested in attending

Unaware within the Venue & Organisation Crossover Base [3841] visual arts market

Proportion of other venues’ current Proportion of current visitors visitors who are also current visitors who are also current visitors of ACCA of other venues Current Market (visited in the 51% past three years) Venue & Organisation Crossover Lapsed visitors are aware of (visited more ACMI than three years ago) Awareness Ranking Potential Market (never been but interested in attending) 6 Never been and not interested in within the attending museum market Unaware

Proportion of other venues’ current Proportion of current visitors visitors who are also current visitors of who are also current visitors ACMI of other venues Current Market are aware of the (visited in the 11% past three years) Bendigo Art Venue & Organisation Crossover Gallery Lapsed visitors 11% (visited more than three years Bendigo Awareness Ranking ago) Art Gallery Potential Market 57% 17% (never been but 2 interested in attending) within the Never been and visual arts not interested market in attending 4% Base Unaware [3841]

Proportion of other venues’ current Proportion of current visitors visitors who are also current visitors of who are also current visitors the Bendigo Art Gallery of other venues 3% 4% Current Market are aware of the (visited in the 3% past three years) Castlemaine Lapsed visitors (visited more than 11% three years ago) Potential Castlemaine State Festival Market (never State been but Awareness interested in Festival Ranking attending) Never been and 80% not interested in 8 Venue & Organisation Crossover attending Base Unaware [3841] within the festival market




Proportion of other venues’ current Proportion of current visitors visitors who are also current visitors of who are also current visitors the Castlemaine State Festival of other venues Current Market (visited in the past three years) Lapsed visitors (visited more than Venue & Organisation Crossover three years ago) are aware of Potential Market Circus Oz (never been but interested in attending) Never been and not interested in attending


Proportion of other venues’ current visitors who Proportion of current visitors who are are also current visitors of Circus Oz also current visitors of other venues Current Market are aware of (visited in the the Comedy Theatre past three years) Venue & Organisation Crossover

Lapsed visitors Awareness Ranking (visited more than three years ago) 4 Potential Market (never been but interested in within the attending) commerical Never been and theatre market not interested in attending


ence +2 ssion +7

-4 Affirmati

Proportion of other venues’ current Proportion of current visitors visitors who are also current visitors of who are also current visitors the Comedy Theatre of other venues Current Market (visited in the 67% past three years) Lapsed visitors are aware of a show at (visited more Crown Casino Venue & Organisation Crossover than three years ago) Awareness Ranking Potential Market (never been but interested in 5 attending) Never been and not interested in within the attending commerical theatre market Unaware

Proportion of other venues’ current Proportion of current visitors visitors who are also current visitors of a who are also current visitors show at Crown Casino of other venues Current Market 46% (visited in the 9% Venue & Organisation Crossover past three years) are aware of the Lapsed visitors 16% Forum Theatre (visited more than three years Forum Awareness Ranking ago) Theatre Potential Market 54% within the (never been but 16% interested in commerical attending) theatre Never been and not interested in attending Unaware

Base [3841] market 4%

Proportion of other venues’ current Proportion of current visitors visitors who are also current visitors of who are also current visitors the Forum Theatre of other venues Current Market (visited in the past three years) 33% Lapsed visitors (visited more are aware of the than three years ago) Geelong Performing Arts Centre Potential Market (never been but Awareness Ranking interested in attending) within the Never been and not interested in multi-artform attending market Venue & Organisation Crossover Unaware

Proportion of current visitors Proportion of other venues’ current who are also current visitors visitors who are also current visitors of other venues of the Geelong Performing Arts Centre Current Market 7% are aware of Heide (visited in the 6% Museum of Modern past three years) Art Lapsed visitors 10% 3% (visited more than three years ago) Heide Museum of Potential Market (never been but interested in Modern Art Awareness Ranking attending) Never been and 5 not interested in 75% attending Venue & Organisation Crossover Base [3841] within the Unaware visual arts market

Proportion of other venues’ current Proportion of current visitors visitors who are also current visitors of who are also current visitors Heide Museum of Modern Art of other venues Current Market (visited in the past three years) are aware of Her Majesty’s Theatre Lapsed visitors (visited more than three years Awareness Ranking ago) Potential Market within the (never been but interested in commerical attending) theatre market Never been and not interested Venue & Organisation Crossover in attending



+2 Affirm

Proportion of other venues’ current Proportion of current visitors visitors who are also current visitors of who are also current visitors Her Majesty’s Theatre of other venues Current Market (visited in the past three years) are aware of the Immigration Museum Lapsed visitors Venue & Organisation Crossover (visited more than three years Awareness Ranking ago) Potential Market (never been but within the interested in museum attending) market Never been and not interested in attending


Current Market by Culture Lapsed & Potential Market by Culture Segment Segment People who last visited more than three years ago People who have made at least one visit to or who have never visited but are interested in the Immigration Museum in the past three visiting years

4% Compared to current Compared to lapsed and potential 3% museum market in Victoria museum market in Victoria 5% 4% (percentage point (percentage point difference) 17% difference) 15% 9% Essence Essence +2

Expression +9 Expression

-2 Immigration 20 Affirmation +3 Immigration Affirmation %

+2 -2 Museum Enrichment Museum Enrichment 10% -1 Stimulation 17% Stimulation +2 33% [B6 Release -4 -4 Perspective 14% e -1 10% 17% -4

Entertainme [Base 1610] Release P Proportion nt of of current v visitors - c who are 2 vi also current who visitors of P also other venues c e vi r the s Immig on p M e c t i v e


Entertai nment Current Market 6% (visited in the past three years) 9% are aware of Malthouse Theatre Lapsed visitors (visited more than three years Malthouse Awareness Ranking ago) Theatre 21% Potential Market 54% (never been but interested in attending)

Never been and 10% not interested in

attending Venue & Organisation Crossover Base [3841] within the Unaware theatre market

Proportion of other venues’ current Proportion of current visitors visitors who are also current visitors who are also current visitors of Malthouse Theatre of other venues 4% Current Market 3% (visited in the 2% past three years) Lapsed visitors 7% are aware of McClelland (visited more Gallery and Sculpture than three years Park ago) McClelland Awareness Ranking Potential Market Sculpture (never been but Park and interested in 6 attending) Gallery Never been and not interested 84% in attending

Unaware within the Venue & Organisation Crossover Base [3841] visual arts market

Proportion of other venues’ current Proportion of current visitors visitors who are also current visitors of who are also current visitors McClelland Sculpture Park and Gallery of other venues 5%

Current Market 30% (visited in the past three years) 8% are aware of the Venue & Organisation Crossover Lapsed visitors Meat Market (visited more 13% than three years ago) Meat Awareness Ranking Market Potential Market 5% (never been but interested in 70% within the attending) multi-artform market Never been and not interested in attending Base [3841]


Current Market by Culture Lapsed & Potential Market by Culture Segment Segment People who last visited more than three years ago People who have made at least one visit to or who have never visited but are interested in the Meat Market in the past three years visiting

1% 4% Compared to current 4% Compared to lapsed and potential multi-artform market in multi-artform market in Victoria Victoria (percentage point difference) (percentage point difference)

6% Essence +1 6% Essence +10 15% 19% Expression +19 5% Expression +7 11% Meat -1 Affirmation Affirmation +2 Meat 6% -1 Ente 18% [Base 784] Market Enrichment Market 22% -5 rtain Stimulation 42% -6 Stimulation 15% ment -6 -3 Release 10% Perspective -6 [Base 179] 17% -8 Release Perspective other venues’ visitors Proportion of current visitors Enrichment current of the who are also current visitors visitors who Meat of other venues +6 Entertainment are also Market Proportio current n of Current Market (visited in the past three years) are aware of the Melbourne Festival Lapsed visitors (visited more Venue & Organisation Crossover Awareness Ranking than three years ago) Potential Market 3 (never been but interested in attending) within the Never been and festival not interested market in attending Unaware

Proportion of other venues’ current Proportion of current visitors visitors who are also current visitors of who are also current visitors the Melbourne Festival of other venues Current Market (visited in the past three years) are aware of the Melbourne Fringe Lapsed visitors Festival (visited more Venue & Organisation Crossover than three years Awareness Ranking ago) Potential Market (never been but within the interested in festival attending) market Never been and not interested in attending


Proportion of other venues’ current Proportion of current visitors visitors who are also current visitors of who are also current visitors the Melbourne Fringe Festival of other venues Current Market (visited in the are aware of the past three years) 20% 19% Lapsed visitors (visited more than

three years ago) Melbourne Melbourne International Potential Market 13% International 16% Comedy Festival (never been but Awareness Ranking interested in Comedy attending) Festival Never been and 1 not interested in attending 32% Base [3841] within the Venue & Organisation Crossover Unaware festival market

+7 tion +3 17% Festival Stimulation +4 64% 64% Release -1 Release 0 International International Jazz Festival Film Festival

Proportion of other venues’ current Proportion of current visitors who are also current visitors of other venues Current Market are aware of the (visited in the 9% Melbourne International past three years) Venue & Organisation Crossover 9% Film Festival Lapsed visitors Awareness Ranking (visited more 38% Melbourne than three years ago) International 2 Potential Market Film (never been but Festival 32% interested in within the attending) festival Never been and 12% market not interested in attending Base [3841]


Proportion of other venues’ current Proportion of current visitors visitors who are also current visitors of who are also current visitors the Melbourne International Film Festival of other venues 4% 4% 33% Current Market (visited in the past three years) are aware of the Melbourne International Lapsed visitors (visited more than 17% Jazz Festival three years ago) Potential Market Melbourne

(never been but 67% International 8% Awareness Ranking interested in Jazz Festival attending)

Never been and 5 not interested in attending within the Venue & Organisation Crossover Base [3841] Unaware festival market

Proportion of other venues’ current Proportion of current visitors visitors who are also current visitors of who are also current visitors the Melbourne International Jazz Festival of other venues Current Market (visited in the 88% past three years) Venue & Organisation Crossover Lapsed visitors are aware of the (visited more Melbourne Museum than three years ago) Awareness Ranking Potential Market (never been but interested in attending) within the museum Never been and market not interested in attending


Proportion of other venues’ current Proportion of current visitors visitors who are also current visitors of who are also current visitors the Melbourne Museum of other venues Current Market (visited in the past three years) 25% Venue & Organisation Crossover Lapsed visitors (visited more than three years are aware of ago) the Melbourne Potential Market (never been but Recital Centre interested in Awareness Ranking attending) Never been and not interested within the in attending classical music market Unaware

Proportion of other venues’ current Proportion of current visitors visitors who are also current visitors of who are also current visitors the Melbourne Recital Centre of other venues Current Market (visited in the 10% 74% past three years) Lapsed visitors 26% are aware of the (visited more 15% Melbourne Symphony than three years Melbourne Orchestra ago) Symphony Awareness Ranking Potential Market Orchestra (never been but interested in within the attending) 20% 29% classical music Never been and market not interested Venue & Organisation Crossover in attending Base [3841] Unaware

Proportion of other venues’ current Proportion of current visitors visitors who are also current visitors of who are also current visitors the Melbourne Symphony Orchestra of other venues Current Market (visited in the past three years) are aware of the Melbourne Lapsed visitors Theatre Company (visited more than three years ago) Awareness Ranking

Potential Market (never been but 1 interested in attending)

Never been and within the not interested in theatre market attending Venue & Organisation Crossover Unaware

Current Market by Culture Lapsed & Potential Market by Culture Segment Segment People who last visited more than three years ago People who have made at least one visit to the or who have never visited but are interested in Melbourne Theatre Company in the past three years visiting

1% 4% 5% Compared to current Compared to lapsed and 4% theatre market in potential theatre market in Victoria Victoria (percentage point (percentage point 8% 15% difference) 21% difference) Essence Ess +2 Expre Expression Melbourne on 8% Melbourne 21% Affirmation 0 Theatre Enrichment Theatre 21% -3 0 16% Enrichment

Company 32% Stimulation +2 Company Stimulation +2 -3 Release Release 4% 12% ve -3 -1 11% 17% Entertai Pers [Base 485] nment [Base 1633] pecti Proportion are also current Proportion of current visitors Perspective of other visitors of the who are also current visitors venues’ Melbourne Theatre of other venues current Company Entertainment visitors who 4% 33% Current Market 3% (visited in the past three years) are aware of the Lapsed visitors Melbourne Writers (visited more 15% Festival than three years ago) Melbourne Potential Market

(never been but Writers 11% Awareness Ranking interested in Festival attending) 67% Never been and within the not interested festival market in attending Venue & Organisation Crossover Unaware Base [3841]

Proportion of other venues’ current Proportion of current visitors visitors who are also current visitors of who are also current visitors the Melbourne Writers Festival of other venues Current Market (visited in the past three years) are aware of Venue & Organisation Crossover NGVI Lapsed visitors 31% (visited more than three years 44% ago) NGV Awareness Ranking Potential Market (never been but interested in 1 attending) 13% Never been and 8% within the not interested in visual arts attending Base [3841] market Unaware

Proportion of other venues’ current Proportion of current visitors visitors who are also current visitors who are also current visitors of NGV of other venues Current Market (visited in the past three years) 63% Lapsed visitors Venue & Organisation Crossover (visited more than three years are aware of the ago) National Sports Museum at the Potential Market (never been but MCG interested in Awareness Ranking attending) Never been and not interested in 5 attending Unaware within the museum market

Proportion of other venues’ current Proportion of current visitors visitors who are also current visitors of who are also current visitors the National Sports Museum at the MCG of other venues Current Market 6% (visited in the past three years) 8% are aware of Opera Australia Lapsed visitors (visited more Awareness Ranking than three years Opera ago) 18% 50% Australia Potential Market 1 (never been but interested in attending) within the 18% Never been and opera not interested market Venue & Organisation Crossover in attending Base [3841] Unaware

Proportion of other venues’ current Proportion of current visitors visitors who are also current visitors who are also current visitors of Opera Australia of other venues Current Market 75% (visited in the past three years) are aware of the Venue & Organisation Crossover Lapsed visitors Princess (visited more Theatre than three years ago) Awareness Ranking Potential Market (never been but interested in 3 attending) Never been and within the not interested in commercial attending theatre market Unaware

Proportion of other venues’ current Proportion of current visitors visitors who are also current visitors who are also current visitors of the Princess Theatre of other venues Current Market (visited in the past three years) 75% Lapsed visitors (visited more than three years are aware of the ago) Regent Theatre

Potential Market Awareness Ranking (never been but interested in attending) 2 Never been and not interested in Venue & Organisation Crossover attending within the commercial Unaware theatre market

ion +1

-2 Enric

ion +4

Proportion of current visitors Proportion of other venues’ current who are also current visitors visitors who are also current visitors of other venues of the Regent Theatre Current Market (visited in the past three years) 17% 26% 83% Lapsed visitors 3% (visited more than three years ago) are aware of Potential Market Scienceworks

(never been but 19% Scienceworks Awareness Ranking interested in attending) within the Never been and not interested in museum market attending 35% Venue & Organisation Crossover Unaware Base [3841]

Proportion of other venues’ current Proportion of current visitors visitors who are also current visitors who are also current visitors of Scienceworks of other venues Current Market (visited in the past three years) Lapsed visitors (visited more 78% than three years ago) are aware of Sidney Potential Market Myer Music Bowl (never been but interested in attending) Never been and not interested in attending Venue & Organisation Crossover Unaware

Proportion of other venues’ current Proportion of current visitors visitors who are also current visitors of who are also current visitors the Sidney Myer Music Bowl of other venues Current Market (visited in the past 86% three years)

Lapsed visitors are aware of Sovereign (visited more than Hill Gold Museum three years ago)

Potential Market Awareness Ranking (never been but interested in attending) within the Never been and museum not interested in market attending Venue & Organisation Crossover Unaware

Proportion of other venues’ current Proportion of current visitors visitors who are also current visitors of who are also current visitors Sovereign Hill Gold Museum of other venues Current Market (visited in the past three years) Lapsed visitors Venue & Organisation Crossover (visited more than three years are aware of the ago) State Library of Potential Market Victoria (never been but interested in attending) Never been and not interested in attending Unaware

Proportion of other venues’ current Proportion of current visitors visitors who are also current visitors who are also current visitors of the State Library of Victoria of other venues 3% 2% Current Market 3%1% (visited in the are aware of the past three years) Tarrawarra Museum Venue & Organisation Crossover of Art Lapsed visitors (visited more Awareness Ranking than three years ago) Tarrawarra Potential Market Museum 7 (never been but interested in of Art attending) within the visual arts Never been and market not interested 92% in attending

Unaware Base [3841]

Proportion of other venues’ current Proportion of current visitors visitors who are also current visitors of who are also current visitors the Tarrawarra Museum of Art of other venues 2% 24% Current Market 4% (visited in the past three years) are aware of Theatre Works Lapsed visitors 4% (visited more 14% than three years Awareness Ranking ago) Theatre Potential Market within the (never been but Works interested in attending) 76% Never been and not interested in attending

Unaware Base [3841] theatre market Venue & Organisation Crossover

Proportion of other venues’ current Proportion of current visitors visitors who are also current visitors who are also current visitors of Theatre Works of other venues 3% 25% Current Market 3% (visited in the past three years) are aware of the Lapsed visitors Wangaratta Jazz (visited more than 14% Festival three years ago)

Potential Market Wangaratta 6% Awareness Ranking (never been but Jazz interested in attending) 75% Festival within the Never been and festival not interested in market attending Venue & Organisation Crossover Unaware Base [3841]

Proportion of other venues’ current Proportion of current visitors visitors who are also current visitors of who are also current visitors the Wangaratta Jazz Festival of other venues 3% 1% Current Market 1% (visited in the Venue & Organisation Crossover past three years) 6% Lapsed visitors (visited more 11% than three years ago) are aware of Potential Market The Wheeler The Wheeler Centre (never been but Centre interested in attending) Never been and not interested in 89% attending Base [3841]


Proportion of other venues’ current Proportion of current visitors visitors who are also current visitors who are also current visitors of The Wheeler Centre of other venues Current Market (visited in the past three years) are aware of the Lapsed visitors Victorian Opera Venue & Organisation Crossover (visited more than three years Awareness Ranking ago) Potential Market 2 (never been but interested in attending) within the Never been and opera or operetta not interested market in attending Unaware

Proportion of other venues’ current Proportion of current visitors visitors who are also current visitors of who are also current visitors the Victorian Opera of other venues

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