____ 1. Complete the application process for admission to Ivy Tech Community College of Indiana. For information, contact the office of Admissions. ____ 2. Meet with an academic advisor.

____ 3. Submit this application by returning the applicant information (front of this sheet) to the School of Health Science office (Ivy Hall 2144). If you have completed the pre-requisites, then attach an unofficial transcript to this application.

____ 4. Meet with Medical Assisting Program Chair.

____ 5. The cumulative GPA must be 2.0 or above before enrollment into MEAS 238 (Clinical I).

Anticipated enrollment in MEAS 238 (Clinical I) Application Deadline Applications are taken Fall on a continual basis Applications are taken Spring on a continual basis Applications are taken Summer on a continual basis

It is your responsibility to ensure that any required document(s) are submitted by the deadline. Pieces of information will NOT be accepted. The Admissions Committee for the Medical Assisting Program will review this application only if all documents are present.

Do not contact the Medical Assisting Faculty or School of Health Sciences Administrative Assistants to inquire about the status of your application after the deadline.

Acceptance into the Medical Assisting Program will be based on a “highest” points basis and there is no “cut-off” that is pre-set for each incoming class. The number of students accepted into the program is based on the number of externship sites anticipated to be available in the coming year. Please return your completed application to the School of Health Science office in order to be considered for the next cohort selection that you may qualify to enter.

2018 年 5 月 4 日 MEDICAL ASSISTING GENERALIST TC & AAS PROGRAM ADMISSION APPLICATION (Applicants please fill out the top portion only)

Last name: ______First name______

Student ID # C______

Street Address______City______State ___ ZIP ______

Phone ( ) ______( ) ______

Ivy tech Email: ______

FOR OFFICE USE ONLY (To be completed by MEAS Admissions Committee Only) POINT SCALE A 6 Date Received______B 4 C 2 REQUIRED PRE-REQUISITE COURSES (must be completed before D/F 0 CLEP 3 admittance into Clinical I will be considered)

Course Enrolled/Completed Grade Points APHY 101 HLHS 101 Social/Behavioral Science/or Humanities elective ENGL 111/COMM 101 or 102


Course Completed Grade APHY 102 ENGL 111/COMM #2 MATH 123 or MATH 1XX MEAS 109 MEAS 110 MEAS 137 MEAS 209 IVYT 112

Cumulative GPA above 2.0 yes no Total Pre-Requisite Points GPA Applicant response: Accepts: ______Declines: ______

2018 年 5 月 4 日