Brookfield East High School PTO Meeting Minutes Tuesday, January 9, 2018 6:30pm

In Attendance: Janean Manders, Amie Williams, Susan VanLith, Kristin Westrick, Margaret Wadzinski, Sandy Behling, Alana Gardner, Linda Kirmis, Beth Horneffer, Vicki DeGarmo, Principal Farley

Meeting called to order at 6: 35

Principal Chat - Mr. Farley  Family University 1/13/18– First time event and already 140 people registered.  End of 2nd term coming up – Teacher record day = no school Jan 22  Junior ACT Prep Opportunities are being advertised in school  AP Review session opportunities are also coming up  Celebrations – Reviewed the many awards and accolades for the various club’s, sports and organizations in our school  New Course: 9-week elective course studying Principles of Leadership. There is a lot of excitement about this new leadership class  Freshman Planning Night – 1/31/18. Expecting 360 students to enroll next fall which is 40 more than current class. Discussed how enrollment is growing district-wide and we are only district in the region where enrollment is increasing.


Presidents Report – Janean Manders

 Post Prom Chairperson - Beth Horneffer has GRACIOUSLY volunteered to step up and Chair this committee. THANK YOU!  Continued discussion on Insurance for PTO – Janean presented two bids from insurance companies. After much discussion, it was determined additional due diligence was required and would be tabled at this time  PTO will have a table at Freshman Orientation Night on 1/31/18  Donations o $100 to Parent University o $100 to Mr. Jacobson Memorial Fund

Vice-Presidents Report-Open Position

Secretary’s Report- Amie Williams – No Updates

Treasurer’s Report – Susan Van Lath  Reviewed attached treasurer’s report  17/18 PTO Dues were received from CAO, down slightly from expected revenue) Class Liaison Report – Linda Kirmis

 Reviewed current class fundraisers

 Discussed Senior Ball on May 3


Membership/Directory – Wendy Penney – No updates

Parent Network/EPLC – Kristin Westrick

 EPLC – Usually when there are new board members there is a school board candidate forum, but we have 2 unopposed incumbents, Scott Wheeler and Jean Lambert, so they are considering doing a meet and greet in lieu of a forum. More to follow  Parent network event through Facebrook on the book, Evicted was incredibly well received with over 70 guests in attendance.  Upcoming Events o 2/5 “The collapse of parenting” – Tips / Help on Parenting Style. o 2/19 – Documentary called The Breaking Point o 3/13 Facebrook to host book discussion on Save me a Seat o 3/14 – Raising Resiliency in School Event

Spirit Wear–Beth Horneffer - Next sale is at Freshman Orientation Night on 1/31

Fundraising – Need Chair  If interested please email [email protected].  Discussed Chick Fil A fundraiser. Mr. Farley, Janean Manders and Sandy Behling to coordinate. Sandy Behling will contact restaurant and follow up.  Ford Drive Event is still under consideration

Faculty Appreciation–Need Chair If interested please email [email protected].  Next Faculty Staff Appreciation Dinner is on Feb. 22 for parent teacher conference. Deb Robinson has agreed to chair event again. THANK YOU! Menu to encompass Soups /Salads and Sandwiches. Deb will use sign up genius.

Bake Sale– No Updates

Junior Post Prom – Beth Horneffer – No updates

Project Graduation – Kristin Westrick / Lisa Lutz – No updates Father/Daughter Dance – Need Chair  Need new chairperson. Last year at Westmoor CC. Janean will also look into Western Racquet Club. Really well-received event. We will send out request for chair through Facebook, Twitter and school postings

Mother/Son event – Jana Rhode – Has some great ideas being worked on, more to follow

EEF – Leslie Dehn – EEF  Circle of friends in May  Keynote Speaker to be announced soon

New Family Welcome– Sandy Behling and Vicky Degarmo  Met with Frances regarding welcome folders for new families and warm welcome process.  Evaluating a calendar for each grade.  Polling 25 new families (not from PPMS) to see what the experience was to improve process and improve best practices.  At Freshman Info Night will have separate table for New Families

Old Business - None

New Business  Kristin Westrick discussed calendar committee surveying district population on having a concurrent spring break with all local district. Objective is to improve coordination for teachers who work in one district but have children in another. Kristen indicated there is growing momentum to push this initiative forward.

 Beth Horneffer discussed work on the Districts Human Growth and Development K-8 Committee. Any comments, questions or concerns are most welcome and should be directed to her

Adjourned at 8:00pm Next meeting is March 13 next meeting Submitted by Amie Williams, Secretary