‘Global Processes and Non Governmental Public Action’

A NGPA Summer School at Central European University, July 16-20, 2007

The ‘Global Processes’ workshop was designed for doctoral students as an opportunity for them to engage with NGPA programme and its researchers as well as to present their own dissertation work. During the 5-day workshop – in blistering 42 degree heat – they were able to assess the impact of non-governmental public action in various social and political transformations around the world. Their papers were from comparative and multi-disciplinary perspectives. The workshop functioned with presentations from the NGPA research programme in the mornings, and the doctoral presentations in the afternoons which gave them a chance to gain feedback from SUN-NGPA faculty.

Those from the NGPA programme included Jean Grugel from Sheffield, Brian Doherty from Keele, Jude Howell from LSE as well as Diane Stone and Andre Spicer, both from Warwick. In addition, Dr Stella Ladi from the Ministry of the Aegean in Greece, as well as number of faculty from the Central European University joined in with discussions, presentations and provided commentary on the research papers.

The doctoral participants were selected on the basis of their dissertation topics. All of them held in common a general research interest in civil society, non-profit or the voluntary sector. A list of their papers can be found below.

NGPA doctoral participants and paper titles

1. Balboa, Cristina. (Yale University) When Non Governmental Organizations Govern: Accountability Relationships in Private Conservation Networks

2. Brummer, Daan, NGOs in European governance: panacea or threat to democracy? Consensus, controversy and gaps in the literature

3. Edge, Jessica. (McMaster University) The Dark Side of the Information Revolution: Evaluating the Effectiveness of the Environmental Movement in the Issue Area of E- Waste

4. Elgert, Laureen (LSE) Environmental NGO Interventions: Limits to Governance?

5. Fransen, Luc. (University of Amsterdam) The Influence of NGOs on Corporate Responsibility Policies for Labour Standards

6. Hynek, Nikola (Masaryk University) The Governmentality of Advanced Liberalism: Reconceptualising the Conditions of Emergence for the ‘(Bio)Politics of Symbiotic Functionalism’ in the Landmine Case

7. Milan, Stefania (EUI) and Hintz, Arne (CEU) Inside, Outside and Beyond Policy Arenas: Non Governmental Public Action and Political Opportunities. 8. Milvan-Siman, Faina. (Ramat-Gan Law School) ILO processes and the Non Governmental Public Action

9. Olesan, Jared. (University of California, Irvine) Prospects for Civil Society in Central Europe: Evaluating Ties Between Transnationalisation and Domestic Integration.

10. Otto, Birke (University of Essex) The Water Integrity Network/Transparency International: Creating New Discourses in the Global Water Sector

11. Pautz, Hartwig (Glasgow Caledonian University) Think Tanks in Germany and the United Kingdom: Diffusing the Paradigm of the ‘Activating State’

12. Rafael Peels (Catholic Univesity of Leuven) Organised Civil Society in the EU-Andean Community Relations: the Illusion of Equal Equality

13. Pitt, Abilene (Oxford Brookes University) The Role of Civil Society and the World Bank in Argentina

14. Tucker, Karen. (Bristol University) Global Governance, Civil Society and Ethnography

15. Souza, Saulo de Santos (Federal University of Fernambuco) The New Rural World and the Role of Social Movements in Land Reform Policies in Brazil

16. Zakirova, Milyausha (European University) The Construction of the Urban Social Movements and Neighbourhood Protest

Further details can be found on the CEU Summer School web-site: http://www.sun.ceu.hu/

The Summer School organisers would welcome further proposals for another NGPA summer school!