National Middle School Association Board of Trustees Winter Meeting January 22 – 24, 2010

Attending: Jeff La Roux, Jan Burgess, Vicki Denmark, Nancy Poliseno, Ed Vittardi, Ashley Smith, Janet Vernon, Lynn Scearcy, Carol Deets, Joan Garrett, Cathie Thibodeau, Carole Carlson, Janet Griffith, Kathleen McCaffrey, Mike Muir (via teleconference).

All NMSA staff, Bruce Bailey, Pete Lorain, Pam Kuntz

Cathie Thibodeau called the meeting to order. She thanked the staff and applauded their efforts. She also thanked Pete Lorain and Santo Pino for stepping to the forefront. In addition she thanked Ed Vittardi and Nancy Poliseno for their role on the transition team.

Jeff La Roux led a group exercise to help learn about each other.

Pete Lorain led the staff and board in an activity to begin the process to create a vision of NMSA. Reports were presented by regional trustees and staff. Small groups were created and charged with listing 3-5 observation or pattern, 3-5 priorities in order, and to respond to the recommendation from the search committee. The groups reported out with the results to be compiled by Sally Ann DeBolt.

Staff was thanked for their input and allowed to leave. The directors remained.

A motion to approve the minutes was submitted by Carole Carlson and seconded by Jan Burgess. For (15) Against (0) Abstain (0) The motion passed.

A motion to approve the agenda was submitted by Jeff La Roux and seconded by Carole Carlson. Cathie Thibodeau requested to move the reports by Al Summers and Derek Neal to Friday evening, have an executive session Saturday morning, and move the Task Force 2000 report to the June Board Meeting. Jeff accepted the agenda as amended and Carole seconded. For (15) Against (0) Abstain (0) The motion passed.

Cathie read into the minutes motions approved by the board between formal meetings: A motion to accept the resignation of the Executive Director, Betty Edwards A motion to form a transition committee. A motion to approve Santo Pino as an interim Executive Director. A motion to authorize a search committee for a new executive director. All motions were unanimously approved. Derek Neal presented a report on the Affiliate Task Force. The task force has been charged with the mission to identify how NMSA and the affiliate organizations can work together for the betterment of adolescents.

Al Summers introduced The Tandberg equipment that was recently donated. He then presented the Conferences and Events report.

Cathie Thibodeau presented her President’s Report.

Copies of the NCATE report submitted by Ken McEwin were distributed.

It was announced that Sue Swaim will fill in for NMSA advocacy efforts in Washington DC.

Santo Pino presented a report from the Search Committee.

There was a short break for dinner.

Ann Eichel presented the financial reports.

April Tibbles presented the Publication Report. April requested the board consider rethinking the NMSA publication schedule. The board gave support to proceed.

Ann Eichel presented the Directors’ Report.

Cathie Thibodeau closed the meeting till 8:30 AM January 23, 2010.


Saturday, January 23, 2010

Jeff La Roux, Jan Burgess, Vicki Denmark, Nancy Poliseno, Ed Vittardi, Ashley Smith, Janet Vernon, Lynn Scearcy, Carol Deets, Joan Garrett, Cathie Thibodeau, Carole Carlson, Janet Griffith, Kathleen McCaffrey, Mike Muir (via teleconference).

Ann Eichel, Bruce Bailey, Pete Lorain, Pam Kuntz

Cathie Thibodeau called the meeting to order. She announced a change in the agenda for presenting a budget item and a report by the search committee.

Jan Burgess moved that the board enter into executive session. It was seconded by Carole Carlson. For: (15) Against: (0) Abstain: (0) The motion passed. Carole Carson moved the board move out of executive session. It was seconded by Ashley Smith. For: (14) Against: (0) Abstain: (0) The motion passed.

Jan Burgess and Jeff La Roux presented a report from the Policy Committee.

Cathie Thibodeau brought the following items from budget discussions that the Executive Committee has established as priorities: Affiliate Summit, April 2010 Board Meeting, and Task Force 2000.

The Executive Council made the following recommendations: Executive session decision $3000 Accept operating fund recommendation $220,000 Elections (online only) $7000 ESEA $10000 Affiliate Summit $20,000

The board gave directions to the Election Committee to proceed on the election process.

Susan Frost presented on advocacy efforts. The board gave support to proceed on endorsement of the Innovation Act and the School Principal Recruitment & Training Act.

Janet Vernon presented a report on elections.

Cathie Thibodeau opened discussion on the Executive Director search. More time will be allotted tomorrow.

Cathie Thibodeau closed the meeting until tomorrow morning.


Sunday, January 24, 2010

Jeff La Roux, Jan Burgess, Vicki Denmark, Nancy Poliseno, Ashley Smith, Janet Vernon, Lynn Scearcy, Joan Garrett, Cathie Thibodeau, Carole Carlson, Janet Griffith, Kathleen McCaffrey, Ed Vittardi, Mike Muir (via teleconference).

Ann Eichel, Bruce Bailey, Pete Lorain, Pam Kuntz

Cathie Thibodeau called the meeting to order.

Jan Burgess and Ashley Smith led the group in an affinity activity that focused on core values. Janet Vernon moved that the board move into executive session. Joan Jarrett seconded the motion. For (14) Against (0) Abstain (0) The motion passed.

XXXXX moved that the board move out of executive session. XXXXXXXX seconded the motion. For (14) Against (0) Abstain (0) The motion passed.

Cathie opened the session with a discussion of budget items. The board made the following budget recommendations: Executive Director travel $17,500 Regional Trustee travel $7000 Operating Fund allocation $220,000 Elections $1000 Interim Executive Director $3000 Special Project $1000

Discussion followed on holding an April Board meeting.

The affiliate summit was discussed along with the affiliate task force.

The Board approved a meeting of the Executive Council in April to coincide with the Search Committee meeting.

Ann Eichel was directed to update the budget.

Upon discussion it was decided Cathie Thibodeau will proceed with bringing appointments to the board to fill the present open positions.

It was decided that the Executive council would discuss the creation of a committee to review the composition of the board.

The Policy Committee presented their action items.

The 2010 Task Force Committee report discussion was moved to the September agenda.

Cathie Thibodeau announced that Ed Vittardi would serve as chair of the Board Composition Review Committee. Jeff La Roux volunteered to serve on the committee.

Parking lot items discussed: An update from the Financial Advisory Committee was requested. Ann Eichel gave the update. A clarification on protocol of booking flights was requested. Ann Eichel would work with trustees to get the best possible price. It was asked if expenses and receipts could be submitted on line. Ann Eichel agreed to accept online submissions of expenses.

Carol Deets moved that the meeting be adjourned. It was seconded by Janet Vernon For (14) Against (0) Abstain (0) The motion passed.

Jan Burgess moved that the meeting move back into session. It was seconded by Jeff La Roux. For (14) Against (0) Abstain (0) The motion passed.

Jan Burgess moved that all Level One policy changes recommended by the Policy Committee be approved. Carole Carlson seconded the motion. For (14) Against (0) Abstain (0) The motion passed.

Jan Burgess moved that policy 3.1.7 Elections be amended to read (4) Delete: the winner shall be decided by a run off election. Add the wording: and the winner shall be decided by instituting the following drawing of lots tie breaker protocol as written. It was seconded by Ed Vittardi. For (14) Against (0) Abstain (0) The motion passed.

Jan Burgess moved that policy 3.11 be amended to include: Facilitate a transition at the end of his or her term of office. The motion was seconded by Ed Vittardi. For (14) Against (0) Abstain (0) The motion passed.

Jan Burgess moved to accept the proposed change to 8.3 Rebate to Affiliates to: instate attendees who have paid at least 50% of the non-member regular registration rate. Para. 2: as defined above. Ed Vittardi seconded the motion. For (14) Against (0) Abstain (0) The motion passed.

Janet Vernon moved to adjourn the meeting. It was seconded by Ashley Smith. For (14) Against (0) Abstain (0) The motion passed.