Unit 1 Study Guide Directions: Write out the question and answer on your own paper. Measurement and Calculations: 1. Define qualitative measurement and give an example.

2. Define quantitative measurement and give an example.

3. What is the base unit for mass?__g___ length? _m____ volume? ___L___ Time? ___sec__

4. What tool is used for measuring mass? __scale/balance___ length? __ruler/meter stick___ volume? ___graduated cylinder__

5. What property does volume measure? How much space an object occupies What is the formula for the volume of a cube? L x W xH What are the units? cm3 or m3

6. What is the formula for density? ______What are the units of density? ______Calculate the density of a marble that has a mass of 15 g and a volume of 7 mL.

7. Use skip counting to convert the following: KHDUdcm| µn a. 6700 cg into _0.06700____kg d. 0.078 Km into ______mm b. 50.4 Hm into ______m e. 630.0 mL into ______DL c. 2.400x103cl into ___24____liters f. 0.00607 m into_____6070__ µm You MUST use dimensional analysis and show all your work. a) 3 wks = __21_ days, g) 2920 mL = _2.92__ L b) 38 miles = __2407680___ inches h) 760,500 mg = _0.7605__ kg c) 0.040 oz = __.0025___ lbs i) 290 cm = _0.29__ Dm, d) 34.8 min = _.58____ hour j) 500 mL/sec=_30 L/min, e) 250 km = __819875.78___ ft, k) 140 kg/L = __140_ g/mL, f) 290 cm = __9.51__ ft l) 5500 ft/min = __62.5_ miles/hour e)250 km x 1 mile x 5280 ft= 819875.78 1 1.61 km 1 mile Scientific Notation is a way of expressing numbers that are very small or very big in an easier format! Express the following numbers in scientific notation. d. 6700 = 6.7 x 102 e. 50.4= 5.04 x 101 f. 0.00078= 7.8 x 10-4 g. 347 000 000 000 000 000 h. 0.000 000 000 0240 i. 630.13 8. Express the following as whole numbers a. 2.400x108= 240000000 1 b. 6.07x10-3= 0.0067 c. 8.40 x104 d. 7.012 x10-6

9. What is the difference between accuracy and precision? Give an example to explain this concept. Precision refers to the closeness of two or more measurements to each other. Accuracy refers to the degree of conformity and correctness of something when compared to a true or absolute value

What the formula for percent Error? (you need to have this memorized!) Percent Error= | Accepted value- calculated value | x 100 (absolute value makes it a positive number ) Accepted value ( the units cancel so the answer is a %)

10. Calculate the percent error of an experiment if you calculated the density of gold to be 18.65 g/mL but the true (accepted) value is 19.32g/mL .

11. What is the single factor that determines the path that a star takes during its life time? mass

12. All stars begin with the same 3 stages. List and define them. ___nebula______-____cloud of gas and dust______

___protostar_____-____no fusion, no balance between gas and gravity______main sequence______-______fusion of H+H He , balance between gas and gravity______13. Draw & label the path of a medium average mass star below:

Nebula protostar yellow main sequence red giant planetary nebula white dwarf

14. 1A main sequence star fuses ___hydrogen_____ to form ____helium___. A main sequence star becomes a red giant when it runs out of ___hydrogen_____ to fuse and begins to fuse____helium____ into ____carbon____. Stars can fuse elements up to _Iron____.

15. The other elements in the universe are formed from ____super novas__.

16. Which stage of a star has a balance between gravity pushing in and fusion pushing out? ____main sequence_____

17. Our sun is a ___average____ mass star. What evolutionary stage is our sun in?____main sequence__

18. Will the sun go supernova? No Why or why not? It is not big enough If not, what will eventually happen to the sun? it will form a planetary nebula and turn into a white dwarf

2 19. The surface color of a star indicates its ___temperature_____.

20. What color are the hottest stars?___blue______

21. What color are the coolest stars?____red______

22. An H-R diagram plots the relationship between what 2 star characteristics? Temperature and magnitude

23. There are 3 main groups of stars on an H-R diagram. List them & describe their temperature (hot or cold) & absolute magnitude (bright or dim). Star Group Hot or Cold Bright or Dim Hot to cool bright trending to dim Main sequence Cool Bright Giant/super giant Hot Dim White dwarf Big bang questions: Use your packet to answer the following questions. 1. The Big Bang is a theory that explains how the __Universe______formed ___13.7_ billon years ago. 2. What did the universe look like before the big bang? ____size of a pin head______

3. How could the universe be squeezed so small? ___atoms as we know them did not exist, they were broken apart in to their smallest pieces called quarks and did not have all the empty space 4. What started the expansion of the universe? ____the four forces coming together as the unified force

5. What are Quarks? ______smallest pieces of an atom______What do quarks combine to form? __P+, n, e- 6. H and He condense into ____gas clouds______

7. The gas clouds evolve into _____stars______

8. Stars combine to form______galaxies______

3 9. The Big Bang theory tells us that the universe is moving. Describe how the universe is moving: ______outward- expanding______

10. If the light from a galaxy is said to be red-shifting what does that tell you about how the galaxy is moving? ______that the light/galaxy is moving away from us______

11. If the light from a galaxy is said to be blue-shifting what does that tell you about how the galaxy is moving? ______the light/galaxy would be moving toward us______