Bioethics Lesson Plan

Purpose: The class will be divided in half to debate both the positive and negative aspects of gene therapy as it is currently being practice.

Instructional Objectives:  Give all students a common experience with Cystic Fibrosis and gene therapy.  Allow students an opportunity to struggle with the practice and ethical aspect of gene therapy as it is currently being practiced.  To give student an opportunity to make an emotional connection with the topic of DNA and genetic technology.

Major Concepts/Standard(s) addressed: BIO.6 g

Materials Required: CNN Video, Segment 2 “Cystic Fibrosis” Packet of current articles Handout detailing the requirements for the ethics position paper

Safety: This lesson does not present any physical safety concerns but the facilitator should be aware that emotionally this may be a difficult lesson for those students who have personal experience with someone who has Cystic Fibrosis.

Instructional Activities: KWL What do students know about or think they know about Cystic Fibrosis? Gene Therapy? Do they generally feel positive or negative about either? Do they know anyone who has Cystic Fibrosis or another genetic disorder? What is bioethics?

Introduce Lesson Today we are going to talk about some of the ethical and practical questions regarding the practice of gene therapy. As a class we are going to come up with a position statement on gene therapy. Genetic technology is the fastest growing sector of biology today. Yet few pieces of legislation or policy have been created to govern the research that is being done today. If we were to introduce legislation to the Senate what would it be and why?

Watch CNN video clip and handout article packets. Divide class in half. Ask one side to make a list of things supporting gene therapy and one side to make a list against continuing to do research on gene therapy. (The side with the most valid point could receive a prize)

Ask student to list on the board all ideas that should be considered Pro’s and Con’s the practice of gene therapy.

Bring the class back together to decide as a whole upon a position statement about the continuation of gene therapy.

Describe the requirements of the ethics paper and give out handout about the requirements.

Assessment: Informal- discussion participation Formal- See rubric for Bioethics paper Bioethics Paper Rubric

Exemplary Accomplished Incomplete Position Position Position Position Statement statement is statement is statement is 25 pts clear and clear and unclear and demonstrates a demonstrates demonstrates great deal of some effort. little effort. effort. Body of paper At least 1 page At least 1 page Under 1 page 40 pts long and makes long and makes and less than at least 5 3 effective three effective supporting supporting supporting statements statements statements Grammar 0-2 errors per 2-4 error per 5 + error per 10 pts page page page Citations All resources Some resources No resources 5 pts cited correctly sited correctly sited correctly Total Points = 80 Pts