Thank you for teaching my class on late notice! This is usually how I teach my class.

Starting out – Bible Words

Write each word on the board, and ask the students what the word is (having them say it), and then asking if they know what it means. The last word of the day is played through hangman (you will most likely have to draw eyes, a mouth, and clothes on the hangman guy). The word you choose for the last word is up to you (there are some really good ones today). The faith words for today:

Magi – This word is used in some versions of the Bible for the Wise Men from the East who came to worship Jesus and present gifts.

Frankincense – A type of resin, which when burned, creates a fragrant smoke.

Gold – A precious, soft, yellow metal.

Myrrh- A type of resin made from dried sap; a perfume, it was used in ancient times with other spices to wrap a dead body in preparation for burial.

Epiphany – Revealed; a Christian festival on January 6, which celebrates the visit of the Wise Men to Jesus.

Bible Story

The play today is the Wise Men Visit. Usually these plays are a couple of pages long, but today’s is kind of short. Let the students pick their own parts, and they will read through the play. Some students will need help reading, so encourage them to sound out words. It will be helpful for Abrianna if you use your finger to point at words while she is reading. Use the bolded questions in the Teacher’s manual to ask about the play. Also, there were some artistic liberties added to this play, we don’t know how many wise men visited, nor their names (the ones listed in the play are their traditional names). Also, it’s ok to ask questions during the play as well.

Word Search and Lesson Leaflet

If there is time left over, you can have the students work on the attached word search, or the lesson leaflet.

The Visit of the Magi

Matthew 2

Characters: Narrator, Herod, Balthazar, Melchior, Gaspar, Chief Priest

Narrator: It was just after the first Christmas, and Jesus had just been born. When Jesus was born, a star lit up in the sky over Bethlehem. It was a star like no one had ever seen, and it made three astronomers from a faraway land curious about it. They loaded up their camels, and set forth, following the path of the star. Eventually, they came to Judea, and visited King Herod’s palace.

Balthazar: Where is the one that has been born King of the Jews? We saw his star in the east, and we have come bearing gifts to worship him.

Herod: King of the Jews? I am unfamiliar with this new king.

Narrator: Herod looked at the Chief Priest, and asked:

Herod: Do you know anything about this baby?

Chief Priest: It’s prophesied that a baby will be born in Bethlehem, who will be a ruler among the Jews.

Herod: Hmm… when did this star appear?

Melchior: The star appeared about two years ago, and it is leading us to Bethlehem.

Herod: Then go, and search for this baby. When you find him, come back to me, and tell me where he is, so I too may worship him.

Narrator: The Magi left Herod, and continued following the star, until the path stopped before a house. They went into the house, bringing treasures they had brought with them.

Gaspar: We’ve come from a great distance to worship the new King of the Jews! We have brought gold, frankincense, and myrrh.

Narrator: That night, an angel came to the Magi in a dream:

Angel: Don’t go back the way you came! Herod plans on killing the new king! Therefore, take the longer route so you don’t go by the palace.

Narrator: The same angel also warned Joseph in a dream to flee to Egypt: Angel: Joseph! Herod plans on killing Jesus! You must flee to Egypt, and stay there until Herod dies.

Narrator: Joseph, Mary, and Jesus left for Egypt after that warning. Herod soon had heard that the Magi left by a different route, and was furious.

Herod: How dare they defy me! I will kill the King of the Jews, whether or not I actually know who he is. I order the death of all males, two years or younger.

Narrator: Herod had all the boy babies across the land killed. Thankfully, Joseph, Mary, and the baby Jesus had escaped to Egypt safely. They would return after Herod had died, and lived in a town called Nazareth. ANGEL BALTHAZAR CAMEL DREAM EPIPHANY FRANKINCENSE GASPAR GOLD HEROD JESUS JOSEPH JUDEA MAGI MARY MELCHIOR MYRRH STAR TREASURES