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BOOK Fear, F.A., Rosaen, C.L., Bawden, R.J. and Foster-Fishman, P.G. (2006) Coming to Critical Engagement: An autoethnographic exploration. University Press of America (UPA). New York.

BOOK CHAPTERS and PEER REVIEWED JOURNAL PUBLICATIONS Bawden, R. J. (2011) Systemic Action research, Turbulence and Emergence. Chapter 3. In “Action Research for Sustainable development in a Turbulent World.” O. Zuber-Skerritt (ed) Emerald Press, London.

Swanson, J.C., Lee, Y., Thompson, P.B., Bawden, R.J. and Mench, J.A. (2011) Integration: Valuing stakeholder input in setting priorities for socially sustainable egg production. Poultry Science 90: 2110-2121

Bawden, R.J. (2010) Ethics and Agricultural Science: A worldview challenge. Journal of the Australian Association for Agricultural Science and Technology 23: (3) 19-22

Bawden, R.J. and Saito, O. (2010) Ecology, Sustainability and Knowing Systems. Chapter 7-1 In “Designing our Future: Local Perspectives on Bio-production, Ecosystems and Humanity”. M. Osaki, A. Braimoh, K., Nakagami (eds). United Nations University Press Tokyo. (pp 328-345)

Bawden, R.J. (2010) Social Ecologies in Conflict: The Clash of Epistemes and the Challenge of the Modern. In “Social Ecology: Applying ecological understanding to our lives and our planet” D. Wright, C. Camden-Pratt and S. Hill (eds) Hawthorn Press, Stroud. (pp 52-63). . Bawden, R.J. (2010) Sustainability Ethics: A Systems Perspective Chapter 2.In “Sustainability Ethics”. E. Selinger, R., Raffelle and W. Robinson (eds), Automatic/VIP Press, New York (pp 21-51).

Bawden, R.J. (2010) Messy Issues, Worldviews and Systemic Competencies Chapter 6 In “Social learning systems and communities of practice”. C.P. Blackmore (ed) Springer London. (pp 89-102) . Bawden, R.J. and Reichenbach, M. (2010) Learning by Experiencing: Systemics, Futures Thinking and Scenarios. Chapter 4. In “Sustainable development: Principles, Frameworks and Case Studies”. O. Ukaga, C. Maser and M. Reichenbach (eds) CRC Press Baco Raton. (pp 95-115)

Bawden, R.J. (2008) Farm Animal Welfare: A systemic challenge. Chapter 14. In: “The Ethics of Intensification”. P.B. Thompson (ed) Springer Science, Dortmund. (pp 199-204).

Bawden, R.J. (2008) The Educative Purpose of Higher Education for Human and Social development in the Context of Globalization. In: “Higher Education in the World: New Challenges and Emerging Roles for Human and Social Development”. Principal Editor: GUNI. Guest Editor: Peter Taylor. Global University Network for Innovation (GUNI) Palgrave Macmillan. London. (pp 65-73)

Jordan, N.R., Bawden, R.J. and Bergmann, L. (2008) Pedagogies for Addressing the Worldview Challenges of Sustainable Development . Journal of Natural Resource and Life Science Education 37:

Bawden, R.J. (2007) Pedagogies for Persistence: Cognitive Challenges and Collective Competencies. International Journal of Sustainable Development and Innovation 2: 299-314

Bawden, R.J. (2007) A Paradigm for Persistence: A Vital Challenge for the Agricultural Academy. International Journal for Agricultural Sustainability. 5:17-24.

Bawden, R.J., McKenzie, B. and Packham, R.G. (2007) Moving Beyond the Academy: The intellectual and moral challenges of systemic capabilities. Systems Research and Behavioural Sciences 24: 1 – 13.

Bawden, R.J (2007) Knowing Systems and the Environment. Chapter 15. In “Sage Handbook on Environment and Society”. J. Pretty, A. Ball, T. Benton, J Guivant, D. Lee, D. Orr, M. Pfeffer and H. Ward. (eds). Sage Publications, London (pp 224-234)

Bawden, R.J. (2007) Redesigning Animal Agriculture: A systemic perspective Chapter 1. In “ Redesigning Animal Agriculture’. D..Swain, E..Charmley, J. Steel and S. Coffey (eds) CAB International. London (pp. 1-17).

Bawden, R.J., Woodhill, J. and Guijt, I. (2007) The Critical Role of Civil Society in Fostering Social

1 Learning for a Sustainable World. Chapter 6. In “Social Learning toward a more Sustainable World: Principles, Perspectives, and Praxis’. A.J. Wals (ed) Wageningen University Press. (pp 133-148).

Bawden, R.J. (2007) A Systemic Evaluation of an Agricultural Development Project: A Focus on the Worldview Challenge. Chapter 3 In “Systems Approaches to Evaluation: An expert anthology” R. Williams and I. Iman (eds) Edge Press/American Association of Evaluation. New York.

Bawden, R.J. (2006) Towards Inclusive Well-Being: A Perspective on Social Ecology Paper #9 In “Key Issues for the 21st Century – Environment”. J. Pretty (ed) Sage Publications, London. First published in A Social Ecology Journal 1: 189-196, 1999.

Bawden, R.J. (2006) Educating for Capability and Inclusive Well-being. Chapter 7 In “Towards a Global Community: Educating for tomorrow’s world”. W.J. Campbell, N. Baikaloff and C. Power (eds) Springer, Dordrecht. (pp 109-124)

Wals, A. E. J and Bawden, R.J. (2005) Integrating Sustainability into Agricultural Education: Dealing with complexity, uncertainty, and divergent worldviews. In “Curriculum Innovations in Higher Agricultural Education”. A.E.J. Wals (ed). Elsevier . The Hague (pp21-60)

Bawden, R.J. (2005) The Hawkesbury Experience: Tales from a road less travelled. Chapter 14 In “The Earthscan Reader in Sustainable Agriculture” J..Pretty (ed) Earthscan, London (pp145-172).

Bawden, R.J. (2005) A Commentary. Agriculture and Human Values 22:169-176

Bawden, R.J. (2005) Systemic Perspectives on Community Development: Participation, learning and the essence of wholeness. Perspectives on Community Development in Ireland 1: 45-62

Bawden, R.J. (2005) Systemic Development at Hawkesbury: Some personal lessons from experience. Systems Research and Behavioural Science 22: 151-164

Bawden, R.J. (2005) Guest Editorial “A Hawkesbury Symposium: A Silver Jubilee Celebration of Systemic Initiatives”. Systems Research and Behavioural Science 22: 105-108

Bawden, R.J. (2004) Sustainability as Emergence: The need for engaged discourse. Chapter 3 in “Higher Education and he Challenge of Sustainability: Problematics, Promise and Practice”. P.B. Corcoran and A.E.J. Wals (eds) Kluwer Academic. Dordrecht. (pp 21-33)

Bawden, R.J. (2003) Angst, Agora, and the Academy: Reflections of Experiences of Conscious Evolution. World Futures – The Journal of General Evolution 60: 53-66 Using Systems Thinking to Construct Agoras of the Global Village. Ed Kenneth Bausch

Fear, F., Bawden,R.J., Cheryl L. Rosaen, and Pennie G. Foster-Fishman (2003) A Model of Engaged Learning: Frames of Reference and Scholarly Underpinnings Journal of Higher Education Outreach and Engagement, 7: 55-63

Bawden, R.J. (2002) Valuing the Epistemic in the Search for Betterment: The Nature and Role of Critical Learning Systems. Chapter 12 (Volume 4) In Systems Thinking G. Midgley (ed) Sage Publications London (First Published in Cybernetics and Human Knowing 7: 5-25. 2000)

Bawden, R.J. (2002) Learning for Change. Chapter 12 In Health Ecology: Learning to Cope with Complex Realities. V. Dimitrov and T.Naess (eds) The Nature Centre for Nature-Culture-Health. Asker: NaKuHel Norway

Bawden, R.J. and Zuber-Skerritt, O. (2002) The Concept of Process Management The Learning Organization 9:132-138

Bawden, R.J. (2002) Sustainability as an Emergent Property: The Need for Engaged Discourse. Chapter 3 In “Higher Education and the Challenge of Sustainability: Contestation, Critique, Practice and Promise” Peter Blaze Cocoran and Arjen E.J. Wals (eds)

Bawden, R.J. (2001) Life Beyond Economics: Learning Systems and Social Capital. Chapter 3 In “Learning to Manage Change: Developing Regional Communities for a Local-Global Millennium” Ian Falk (ed) National Centre for Vocational Education Research Limited Leabrook South Australia.

2 Bawden, R.J. (2001) Educating for Unity through the Diversity of Knowing: A Systemic Perspective. Chapter.6 In “Creating our Common Future: Educating for Unity in Diversity”. W.J. Campbell (ed) Berghahn Books Oxford. UNESCO Publishing

Fear, F., Rosaen, C., Foster-Fishman, P.G., & Bawden, R. J. (2001) Outreach as Scholarly Expression: A Faculty Perspective. Journal of Higher Education Outreach and Engagement, 6:21-34

Wals, A.E.J., and Bawden, R.J. (2001) Integrating Sustainability into Agricultural Education: Dealing with complexity, uncertainty and diverging worldviews Interuniversity Conference for Agricultural and Related Sciences I Europe (ICA) (46pp)

Bawden, R.J. and Wals, A.E.J. (2000) Conceptualising Sustainability in Education for Agriculture and Rural Development. Polish Journal of Environmental Studies Supl II. 9 :13-21

Bawden, R.J. (2000) Valuing the Epistemic in the Search for Betterment Cybernetics and Human Knowing 7: 5-25

Bawden, R.J. (2000) The Complexity of Bioethics: A Challenge to Legislation Chapter 15 In “Bioethics and Biolaw” Volume 1. P.Kemp, J.Rendtorff, and N.M. Johansen (eds) Rhodos International Science and Arts Publishers Copenhagen

Bawden, R.J. (2000) Systems Thinking for the Systemic Age. In “Gone Today Here Tomorrow” R.Slaughter (ed) Prospect Media Sydney

Bawden, R.J. (2000) Innovations and their Consequences: A Systemic Appraisal. Chapter 1 In “New Vistas in Rural Development” R.K. Samanta (ed) B.R. Publishing Delhi

Bawden, R.J. (1999) Towards Inclusive Well-Being: A Perspective on Social Ecology A Social Ecology Journal 1: 189-196

Bawden, R.J. (1999) A Cautionary Tale: The Hawkesbury Experience Chapter 20 In “Integrating Concepts of Sustainability in Education for Agriculture and Rural Development” W.van der Bor, Peter Holen, Arjen E.J. Wals, and W. Leal Filho (eds) Peter Lang Frankfurt am Rhein

Bawden, R.J., Macadam, R.D., Packham, R.G. and McKenzie, B. (1999) Back to the Future: Reflections from Hawkesbury. Chapter 26 In “Cow up a Tree: Learning and Knowing Processes for Change in Agriculture” M. Cerf, D. Gibbon, B. Hubert, R.Ison, J. Jiggins, M. Paine, J. Proost, Niels Roling (eds) INRA Editions Versailles

Bawden, R.J. (1998) The Community Challenge: The Learning Response New Horizons 99: 40-59

Woog, R.A and Bawden, R.J (1998) All you Needed to Learn During your MBA, but Probably Didn’t. New Horizons 97: 1-10

Bawden, R.J. (1997) “Learning to Persist: A Systemic View of Development” In: F.A.Stowell, R.L. Ison, R Armson, J. Holloway, S. Jackson, and S. McRobb (eds) "Systems for Sustainability: people, organizations and environments" New York Plenum Press. Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the UK Society for Systems Sciences Milton Keynes (July 1997)

Bawden, R.J. (1997) Extension as Critical Learning: A Systemic Response to the Global Challenge. Chapter 1 In “Management of Agricultural Extension in Global Perspectives” (pp3-26) R.K Samanta and S.K Arora (Eds) B.R. Publishing Corporation Delhi

Kay, R. and Bawden, R.J. (1996) Learning to be Systemic: Some Reflections from a Learning Organisation The Learning Organisation 3: 18-26

Bawden, R.J. (1996) The Systems Dimension in Farming Systems Research (Lead Article) Journal of Farming Systems Research and Development 5: 1-18

Bawden, R.J. (1995) Perspectives on Risk Chapter 5 In “Acceptable Risks for Major Infrastructure”, P. Henreichs and R. Fell (Eds) Proceedings of the Seminar on Acceptable Risks for Extreme

3 Events in the Planning and Design of Major Infrastructure. Sydney. April 1994 A.A. Balkema Rotterdam / Brookfield (pp 41-48)

Bawden, R.J. (1995) I as in Academy: Learning to be Systemic Systems Research 12: 229-238

Bawden, R.J. (1995) A Learning Approach to Sustainable Agriculture and Rural Development Reflections from Hawkesbury. Training for Agriculture and Rural Development,1994-95. FAO/UNESCO/ILO 54 : 19-29

Bawden, R.J. (1994) Creating Learning Systems: A Metaphor for Institutional Reform for Development. Chapter 35 In “Beyond Farmer First: Rural Peoples Knowledge, Agricultural Research and Extension Practice”, I.Scoones and J. Thompson (Eds) Intermediate Technology Publications, London

Bawden, R.J. and Packham, R.G. (1993) Systemic Praxis in the Education of the Agricultural Practitioner Systems Practice 6: 7-19

Bawden, R.J. (1992) Systems Approaches to Agricultural Development: The Hawkesbury Experience Agricultural Systems 40: 153-176

Bawden, R.J. and Ison, R.L. (1992) The Purpose of Field Crop Ecosystems - Social and Economic Aspects Chapter 2 In "Field Crop Ecosystems", C. Pearson (Ed.), Volume 18: Ecosystems of the World. Elsevier, London (pp 11-35)

Bawden, R.J. and Zuber-Skerritt, O. (1991) Learning, Process Management and Change. Chapter 5 In "Action Learning for Improved Performance". O. Zuber- Skerritt (Ed), AEBIS Publishing, Brisbane.

Bawden, R.J. (1991) Towards a Praxis of Situation Improving: Beyond Problem Based Learning. Chapter 31. In "The Challenge of Problem Based Learning" D.Boud and G. Feletti (Eds), Kogan Page, London (pp 320-331)

Bawden, R.J. (1991) Whose Learning is it Anyway? - A Justification for Learner Managed Learning; New Horizons 85: 30-43

Bawden, R.J. (1991) Systems Thinking and Practice in Agriculture J. Dairy Science 74: 2362-2373

Bawden, R.J. (1991) Dealing with Complexity: The emerging focus for development Humanekologi 1/2:41- 51

Bawden, R.J., Busch. L. and Gagni, A. (1991) The Agricultural University for the Twenty First Century Impact of Science on Society 164: 353-366 (Adapted from keynote paper for Workshop on Agricultural Universities for the Twenty First Century Reston Virginia Oct 1988

Bawden, R.J. and Packham, R.G. (1991) Improving Agriculture Through Systemic Action Research. Chapter 20. In "Dryland Farming Systems - A Systems Approach". V. Squires & P. Tow (Eds) Sydney University Press (pp 261-271).

Bawden, R.J. (1990) Of Agricultural Systems and Systems Agriculture: Systems Methodologies in Agricultural Education. Chapter 22. In "Systems Theory Applied to Agriculture and the Food Chain"..J. Jones & P. Street (Eds), Elsevier, London (pp 305-325)

Bawden, R.J. (1990) Towards Action Researching Systems, Chapter 2. In "Action Research for Change and Development". O. Zuber-Skerritt (Ed) Griffith University Press, Brisbane. (pp 21-50)

Bawden, R.J., Vietor, D., Singley, M.D, Sowell, R., Morren, G.E.B and Wilson, K (1990) In Systems Approaches for Improvement in Agriculture and Resource Management. Wilson, K. and Morren G.E.B (Eds),Macmillan Publishing Company, New York (1990).

Bawden, R.J and Macadam, R.D. (1990) Towards a University for People-Centred Development: A Case History of Reform. Australian Journal of Adult and Community Education 30: 3-11

4 Bawden, R.J (1989) Agricultural Universities In Volume 2 “Analytical Perspectives” The International Encyclopedia for Higher Education, Pergamon Press New York (pp 1061-1066).

Packham, R.G., Roberts, R.J. and Bawden, R.J (1989) Our Faculty goes Experiential Chapter 13. In "Making Sense of Experiential Learning - Diversity in Theory and Practice". S.W. Weil and I. McGill (Eds). Open University Press (pp 129-150)

Bawden, R.J and Russell, D.B. (1989) Action Researching : Extension Reconstructed Chapter 3 In "Agricultural Communication for Development" J. Samanta (Ed), NAARM, India (pp 3-29)

Bawden, R.J (1989) Assessing the Capable Agriculturalist. Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education 13:151-162.

Bawden, R.J. (1987) On Leadership, Change & Autonomy Chapter 27 In "Developing Student Autonomy in Learning", D. Boud (Ed.), Kogan Page, London (pp 227-242)

Bawden, R.J., Ison, R.L, Packham, R.G., Macadam, R.D. and Valentine, I. (1985) A Research Paradigm for Systems Agriculture. Chapter 2. In "Farming Systems Research: Australian Expertise for Third World Agriculture." J.V.Reminyi (Ed), ACIAR, Canberra (pp 31-43)

Bawden, R.J. (1985) Problem-based Learning: An Australian Perspective. Chapter 3. In "Problem- based Learning in Education for the Professions." D.Boud (Ed.), Higher Education Research & Development Society of Australasia (pp 43-59)

Macadam, R.D. and Bawden, R.J. (1985) Challenge and Response: A System for Educating More Effective Agriculturalists. Prometheus, 3:125-137.

Bawden, R.J. and Valentine, I . (1984) Learning to be a Capable Systems Agriculturalist. Programmed Learning and Educational Technology, 21:273-287.

Bawden, R.J., Macadam, R.D., Packham, R.G. and Valentine, I (1984). Systems Thinking and Practices in the Education of Agriculturalists. Agricultural Systems 13: 205-225.

Bawden, R.J. (1983) Population Dynamics. In Australian Agriculture - Volume 4, "Micro-organisms and Inverterbrates in Agricultural Production Systems", J.V. Lovett (Ed.), University of New England Press.

Bawden, R.J. (1983) Experiential Learning in Agriculture. Annual FAO/UNESCO Publication Training for Agriculture and Rural Development - FAO, Rome.

Bawden, R.J. (1979) A Perspective for Parasite Management Agriculture and Environment 4: 43-55

Dobson, C. and Bawden, R.J. (1973) Studies on the Immunity of Sheep to Oesophagostomum columbianum: Effects of Low Protein Diet on Resistance to Infection and Cellular Reactions in the Gut. Parasitology 69: 239-257

Hogarth-Scott, R.S., Bawden, R.J. and Ingpen, M.J. (1973) Biological Models, An Attempt at Communication in Science. Search. Journal of ANZAAS) 4: 325-340

Clegg, J.C. and Bawden, R.J (1972) Echinococcus granulosus in Armidale and Surrounding Districts Australian Veterinary Journal 48: 216,

Bawden, R.J. (1970) The Effects of Nematode Parasitism on the Rate of Passage of Ingesta through the Alimentary Tract of Sheep. British Journal of Nutrition 24: 291-296.

Bawden, R.J. (1969) Relationships between Oesophagostomum columbianum Infection and the Nutritional Status of Sheep Australian Journal of Agricultural Research 20: 965-970.

Bawden, R.J. (1969) Relationships between Oesophagostomum columbianum Infection and the Nutritional Status of Sheep - 2. Haematological Observations. Australian Journal of Agricultural Research 20: 601-606

5 Bawden, R.J. (1969) Relationships between Oesophagostomum columbianum Infection and the Nutritional Status of Sheep - 1. Effects of Growth and Feed Utilization. Australian Journal of Agricultural Research 20 : 589-599

Bawden, R.J. (1969) The Establishment and Survival of Oesophagostomum columbianum in Male and Female Sheep Given High and Low Protein Diets. Australian Journal of Agricultural Research 20: 1151-1159.

Bawden, R.J. (1969) Some effects of the Diet of Mice on Nematospiroides dubius (Nematoda). Parasitology 54: 203-213.

Bawden, R.J. (1969) A Rapid Technique for the Recovery of Strongyloid Larvae from Pasture Samples. Australian Veterinary Journal 45: 228-230.


International Conferences

# Bawden, R.J. (2010) “From Transforming Systems to Transforming Systems – and Back Again”. European Conference of the International Farming Systems Association, BOKUL, Vienna, Austria. July 4-8, 2010

Bawden, R.J. (2009) “Systemics in Research, Education, Engagement and Development”. International Conference of the Brazilian Society of the Systems Sciences. Aracaju, Brazil, October, 8-10, 2009

Bawden, R.J. (2009) “Inclusive Well-being: A systemic view of development” International Conference of the Society for the Systems Sciences Brisbane, July 13-18.2009

#Bawden, R.J. (2008) “Ecology, Sustainability Science and Knowing Systems” International Conference on Sustainable Agriculture for Food, Energy and Industry, June 2 -7, 2008, Sapporo Japan.

#Bawden, R.J. (2008) “The Educative Purpose of Higher Education for Human and Social development in the Context of Globalization”. 5th International Conference Global Universities Network for Innovation (GUNI) Barcelona Spain. April. “Higher Education in the World: New Challenges and Emerging Roles for Human and Social Development”. Technical University of Catalonia. March 31-April 2, 2008

#Bawden, R.J. (2007) “Challenges of Sustainable Agri-Food Systems: Implications for Curriculum, Research, Extension and Development. International Conference – “21st Century Challenges to Sustainable Agri-food Systems: Biotechnology, Environment, Nutrition, Trade and Policy”. Bangalore, India March 16-18. 2007.

#Bawden, R.J. (2005) “Livestock Sciences: A Systemic Perspective” 3rd International ‘Horizons in Livestock Sciences’ Conference of Division of Livestock Sciences. Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization (CSIRO) Australia. ‘The Redesign of Animal Agriculture’. Gold Coast Australia October 2-5. 2005

#Bawden, R.J. (2005) “Critical Engagement for Systemic Development: Transforming relationships between the Academy and the Citizenry in a Systemic Age”. 5th Annual, Conference of Global Consortium for Education and Research for Agriculture (GCHERA) R eforming Institutional System in Higher Education and Research for Agriculture Strengthening the Service Mission of Universities and Research Institutions for Sustainable Global Development Hangzhou China September 11-15, 2005

#Bawden, R.J. (2004) “Soil, Science, and Systemics” 6th Annual Meeting of the Soil Science Society of Southern Brazil. Florianopolis, Santa Caterina Brazil November 8-13, 2004

#Bawden, R.J. (2003) “Transforming Engagement: The need for a universal discourse”. 6th World Congress ‘Action Learning Action Research and Process Management (ALARPM)’ and 10th Participatory Action Research Congress: “Learning Partners in Action” Pretoria. South Africa. September 21-24, 2003

Bawden, R.J. (2003) “Multiple Stakeholder Processes for Development: A Systemic View”. An International Symposium and Workshop on Multiple Stakeholder Development, “Linking

6 Participatory Practices and Governance: Challenges to a Learning Society” Wageningen University, Netherlands, September 17, 2003

#Bawden, R.J. (2003) “Systemic Discourse, Development, and the Engaged Academy”. 47th Annual Conferenceof the International Society for the Systems Sciences: “Agoras of the Global Village”. Heronissos Crete: July 7-11, 2003:

#Bawden, R.J. (2002) “Systemic Agricultural Ethics: Appreciating the Multiple Perspectives of Agriculture”. International Conference: “Future Food and Bioethics”. Copenhagen. Denmark October 23-26

#Bawden, R.J. (2001) “The Complexity Challenge: A Systemic Response” International Conference on “Coping with Complexity in Rural Development”. An Event Celebrating 50 years of the International Agricultural Center. Wageningen University Holland June 15

Bawden, R.J. (2001) “Systemic Variations on a Theme of Research” Invited presentation International Service for National Agricultural Research (ISNAR) The Hague Holland June 11

#Bawden, R.J. (2000) “The Nature of Knowing Systems” International Conference on “Achieving change through improved knowledge systems” Palmerston North New Zealand August 16-17

#Bawden, R.J. (2000) “Of Reform and Transformation: A Case Study in Curriculum Innovation” Commissioned address: “Changing Learning and Education in Forestry” Sapa Vietnam 16-19 April 2000

Bawden, R.J. (1999) “Systemic Development: An Holistic Approach to Curriculum Reform in Agriculture and Related Endeavours” International Seminar on Higher Education Reform in Agriculture. World Bank. Washington DC December 1999

#Bawden, R.J. (1999) “Learning from the Future: Systems Thinking and Acting FROM the New Millenium” Fred Emery Oration. 5th Australian and New Zealand Systems Conference Wellington New Zealand July 1999

Bawden, R.J. (1998) “Rural Policy: Complexity in Action” Keynote Plenary Address. Annual Meeting of the South African Systems Society. Cape Town November 1998

Amezah A, Sriskandarajah N, Bawden, R.J.(1998) Participatory Learning: Agricultural Specialists Learn with Farmers in Ghana. Proceedings of the 15th International Symposium of the Association of Farming Systems Research and Extension, Pretoria, 2 :960-65.

#Bawden, R.J. (1997) “Learning to Develop Together: A Systemic View of Community” Keynote Plenary Address 29th International Meeting of the Community Development Society. Athens Georgia (July 1997)

#Bawden, R.J. (1997) “Systems Approaches to Agriculture: Human, Animal, Environment” Keynote Address Annual Meeting of the Canadian Society of Animal Science Montreal (July 1997)

#Bawden, R.J. (1997) “Learning to Persist: A Systemic View of Development” Keynote "Systems for Sustainability: people, organizations and environments" Annual Conference of the UK Society for Systems Sciences Milton Keynes (July 1997)

#Bawden, R.J. (1996) “The Epistemic/Systemic Development in Responsible Rural Development”. Annual Conference of the International Society for the Systems Sciences. Phoenix, Arizona (July 1996)

#Bawden, R.J. (1996) “The Complexity of Bioethics as a Challenge to Legislation” International Conference on Bioethics and Biolaw, Copenhagen, Denmark (June 1996)

Bawden, R.J. (1996) “The Challenge of Persistence - Agriculture for Sustainable Rural Development” Annual Congress of Texas A&M International Agriculture Program, College Station Texas (January 1996)

Emadi, Mohammed, H. and Bawden, R.J. (1995) “Systemic Action Researching Among Iranian Nomads” Fifth International Rangelands Congress Salt Lake City Utah (July 1995)

7 # Bawden, R.J. and Woog, R.A. (1994) “Changing Minds for Changing Ways: Hawkesbury’s Quest for Better Agricultures” Annual Conference of the Ontario Association of Agrologists, McGill University, Montreal (September 1994)

# Sriskandarajah, N, and Bawden, R.J. (1994) “Farming as a Human Activity: An Alternate Worldview” Nordic Conference “Achieving Results by Cooperation within Environmental Protection and Agriculture. Kokkola Finland (August 1994)

# Sriskandarajah, N, and Bawden, R.J. (1993) “Science, Systems and Surprise: A Systemic Reconstruction of Sustainability” Proceedings of the Conference on “Science and Sustainability: Reshaping Agricultural Research and Education”. Bellevue Washington DC (October 1993)

# Bawden, R.J. (1993) “I as in Academy: Learning to be Systemic” The Von Bertalanffy Invitation Lecture presented at the International Society for Systems Sciences Biennial International Conference Richmond, NSW Australia (July 1993)

# Bawden, R.J. and Emadi, M.H. (1993) “Systemic Action research Among Iranian Nomads: Learning to deal with the problematique” International Society for Systems Sciences Biennial International Conference Richmond, NSW Australia (July 1993)

# Khatoonabadi, A. and Bawden, R.J. (1993) “The Medium is the Message: Towards a new philosophy and method and grassroots of ‘extension’ ”. Australia Pacific Extension Conference Gold Coast Australia (April 1993)

# Bawden, R.J. (1991) “Systems Approaches to Agricultural Development: The Hawkesbury Experience”. International Symposium on Systems Approaches to Agricultural Development, Asian Institute of Technology, Bangkok, (December 1991)

# Bawden, R.J. (1991) “Praxis: The Essence of Systems for Being.” Higher Education Research and Development Society of Australasia Annual Conference, Wellington, New Zealand, (August 1991)

Macadam, R.D. and Bawden, R.J. (1991) “Action Researching Systems - Extension Reconstructed”. International Workshop in "Agricultural Knowledge Systems and the Role of Extension", Stuttgart, Germany, (May 1991).

# Sriskandarajah, N, and Bawden, R.J. (1991) “From Agricultural Systems to Systems Agriculture: A Systemic Reconstruction of Sustainability” Proceedings of the Third Conference of the Agriculture, Food and Human Values Society – “Varieties of Sustainability – Reflecting on ethics, environment and equity”. Santa Cruz (May 1991)

Woog, R.A. and Bawden, R.J. (1991) “Development in Agricultural Education: Ways of Knowing, Being and Becoming”. Conference on Agricultural Extension and Education, Little Rock Arkansas (April 1991)

# Bawden, R.J. and Packham, R.G. (1991) “Systemic Praxis in the Education of the Agricultural Systems Practitioner.” Biennial Conference of the International Society for Systems Science, Sweden, (March 1991). . # Bawden, R.J. (1990) “Learning to Create a Quality Culture”. Total Quality Management Institute. Conference, Auckland, New Zealand, (Nov. 1990)

# Bawden, R.J. (1990) “Systems Thinking and Practices in Agriculture” Extension Symposium at the Annual Conference of The American Dairy Science Association Raleigh North Carolina USA (June 1990)

# Bawden, R.J. (1990) “Whose Learning is it Anyway? A Justification for Learner-managed learning”. First International Conference on Learner Managed Learning, London, (March 1990)

Sriskandarajah, S., Bawden, R.J. and Packham (1989) “Systems Agriculture - A Paradigm for Sustainability.” Farming Systems Research and Development Conference, University of Arkansas, (October 1989).

8 Bawden, R.J. (1989) “Not Only...Not Only...but Also” Second International Conference on Experiential Learning Richmond NSW Australia (July 1989)

Bawden, R.J. (1989) “Strategic Planning - A Process of Experiential Learning” ANE-ARDO Conference Rabat Morocco (June 1989)

Bawden, R.J. and Woog, R.A. (1988) “Towards a Systemic Epistemology”. International Conference on Systems, Budapest, Hungary, (June 1987).

Packham, R.G., Roberts, R. and Bawden, R.J (1987) “Systemic Experientialism: The Hawkesbury Paradigm”. The First International Conference of Experiential Learning, London, (June 1987)

Bawden, R.J (1986) “Systems Thinking in Rural Development". Department of Education & Training, World Bank, Washington, (March 1986).

Bawden, R.J. (1986) “ A Systemic Reappraisal of the Land Grant Curriculum.” North Carolina State University College of Agriculture, (April 1985)

Bawden, R.J. (1985) “Researching Systems in Agriculture.” International State of the Art Workshop for Food and Agricultural Systems Education, University of Hawaii, (July 1985).

Bawden, R.J. (1985) “Systems Analysis: Case Study of the Hawkesbury Way” National Curriculum Task Force Conference on Systems Approaches to Agriculture and Natural Resources, Pomona California USA (February 1985)

Bawden, R.J. and Sledge, R (1984) “Learning about Developing Farming Systems”. International Symposium on Education Training for International Agricultural Development - Silsoe, U.K. (May 1984),

Bawden, R.J. (1984) “ Institutional Systems in Agricultural Development”. Conference of Asian Development Bank Donor Countries - Philippines, (May 1984).

Bawden, R.J. (1984) “Agricultural Systems and Curriculum Reform” Inaugural Meeting of the National Curriculum Task Force of Systems Approaches to Agriculture and Natural Resources, UC Davis (April 1984)

Bawden, R.J (1983) “Where to from Here?” Agricultural Education and Extension Section - XVth Pacific Science Congress, Dunedin New Zealand

Bawden, R.J , Valentine, I and Woog, R.A. (1983) “Innovation in Agricultural Education”. Extension and Education in New Zealand Agriculture. Conference of Ministry of Agriculture & Fisheries, Wellington, New Zealand, (December 1982).

Bawden, R.J. and Canabez, F. (1976) “Piroplasmosis in Uruguay: Some Epidemiological Observations” International Congress on Ticks and Tick Borne Diseases, Cali, Colombia (August 1976)

International Seminar/Workshops

Bawden, R.J. (2012) “Growing Mozambique”. Technoserve. Isla de Mocambique Moz. April, 1-21 2012. (Presenter, Designer and Facilitator).

Bawden, R.J. (2011) “Systemic Agro-forestry Development in Mozambique”. Technoserve. Nampula Moz. May 11-16, 2011. (Presenter, Designer and Facilitator).

Bawden, R.J. (2010) “Agro-forestry Development in Mozambique”. Technoserve. Nelspruit SA. July 11-16, 2010. (Presenter, Designer and Facilitator).

Bawden, R.J. (2010) “The Social Sustainability of Egg Production”. Washington DC February 4-5, 2010. (Co- Presenter, Co-Designer and Co-Facilitator)..

Bawden, R.J. (2008) “The Strategic Development of the Poultry Industry in Mozambique”. Technoserve. Isla de

9 Mocambique . October 12-16 2008. (Presenter, Designer and Facilitator).

Bawden, R.J. (2008) “Learning at the Interface between Animal, Public and Environmental Health” EARTH University, Costa Rica May 27 – June 1.2008. (Presenter, Designer and Facilitator).

Bawden, R.J. (2007) “Knowing and Communicating” International Conference and Workshop: Environmental Communication. Agricultural University of Uppsala, Sweden. October 2007.(Presenter and Facilitator)

Bawden, R.J. (2007) “A Systems Perspective on Zoonosis” Salzburg Seminar – International Conference and Workshop #444: Convergence of Animal, Public and Environmental Health. Salzburg Austria. September (Facilitator and Presenter)

Bawden, R.J. (2003) “Systemic Development and the Empirical/Normative Nexus”. International Symposium and Workshop St Anne’s College Oxford University. July 15-17, 2003 (Presenter)

#Bawden, R.J. (2001) “Of Epochs, Paradigms, Pluralism and Persistence” International Conference / Workshop for Neuvo Paradigma in Latin America. ISNAR. San Jose. Cost Rica October 14-21 (Facilitator and Presenter)

Bawden, R.J. (1994) “Dealing with Complexity in a Rational Way: Holistic/Systemic Approaches to Agricultural Development”, Seminal Paper presented at a Workshop for Training and Development Division Asian Development Bank, Manila Philippines, (December 1993). (Facilitator and Presenter)

Bawden, R.J. (1993) “Agriculture, the Environment and the Curriculum” Expert Consultation on Agricultural Education, FAO Rome Italy (November 1993) (Facilitator and Presenter)

Bawden, R.J. (1993) “Educational Innovation for Development” International Workshop sponsored by the Kellogg Foundation Battle Creek (July 1993) (Facilitator and Presenter)

# Bawden, R.J. (1992) “Creating Learning Systems - A Metaphor for Institutional Reform for Development”. International Workshop on Knowledge Systems - Beyond Farmer First: Rural Peoples' Knowledge, Agricultural Research and Extension Practice - Sussex University, UK, (October 1992). (Facilitator and Presenter)

Bawden, R.J. (1991) “Of Systemics and Farming Systems Research: A Critique”. International Workshop on "Implications of FSR/E in the Indian Context", NAARM, Hyderabad, India. (November 1991) (Facilitator and Presenter)

Bawden, R.J. (1990) “ Rural Universities for Development: A Systemic Perspective.” Workshop at the International Service for National Agricultural Research, (ISNAR), The Hague, Netherlands, (March 1990). (Facilitator and Presenter)

Bawden, R.J. and Busch, L.J (1988) “Agricultural Universities for the Twenty First Century”. Position Paper. US-AID Sponsored International Workshop on higher education for agriculture, Washington, USA, (October 1988) (Facilitator and Presenter)

Bawden, R.J. (1988) “Systemic Approaches to Strategic Planning for Agricultural Universities”. US-AID Sponsored Workshop, Manila, Philippines, (August 1988). (Facilitator and Presenter)

Bawden, R.J. (1985) “Curricula for Systems Agriculture: Some Australian Initiatives.” International State of the Art Workshop for Food and Agricultural Systems Education, University of Hawaii, (July 1985). (Facilitator and Presenter)

Bawden, R.J. (1985) “ Learning to Manage Change - A Rationale for Systems Agriculture”. International State of the Art Workshop for Food and Agricultural Systems Education, University of Hawaii, (July 1985). (Facilitator and Presenter)

Bawden, R.J. (1984) “Experiential Learning in Rural Development”. Workshop on Educational Innovation - UNESCO Regional HQ., Bangkok, (May 1984). (Facilitator and Presenter)

10 National Conferences

Bawden, R.J. (2009) “Hawkesbury Happenings: a retrospective on three decades of learning in four dimensions” First National Conference on Experience-based Learning Traversing the Marshes: bridging theory and practice in experience-based learning. University of Technology Sydney (Dec. 7-9, 2009)

Bawden, R.J. (2006) A Word from a Presentist: with a twist of systemics Foresight 2006- Inaugural Meeting of Foresight Collaborative Melbourne. Vic. October 20-22, 2006

Bawden, R.J. (2006) Teaching for Uncertain Futures: The Open Book Scenario Project. Annual Conference Australian College of Educators. Teachers Shaping Futures: Futures Shaping Teachers. Adelaide. May 25-27, 2006

Bawden, R.J. (2005) The Three Dimensions of Systemics Australian Farming Systems Development Group, Annual Conference, Camden, NSW. August 15-17

Bawden, R.J. (2003) “The Future is in your Head” First Australian Dairying Conference, Shepparton Victoria January 19-21, 2003

Bawden, R.J. (2002) “On Knowing Differently” Human Dimensions of Environmental Science and Higher Education. 27th Conference National Association of Environmental Professionals. Dearborn, Michigan. June 23-26, 2002.

Bawden, R.J. (2002) “The Hawkesbury Experience: Tales from a Road Less Travelled.” Invited Paper: National Workshop on Future Directions of Agroecology University of Wisconsin. Madison May 29- 31, 2002

Fear, F., Bawden,R.J., Cheryl L. Rosaen, and Pennie G. Foster-Fishman (2002) “A Model of Engaged Learning: Frames of Reference and Scholarly Underpinnings” Outreach Scholarship: Catalyst for Change a national conference held at Columbus Ohio. October 6-8, 2002.

Bawden, R.J. (2001) “A Systemic Perspective on the Essential Learnings: A Few Words from Socrates and Kant” Invited Workshop on the Essential Learnings. South Australian Department of Education, Training and Employment. Adelaide South Australia“

Fear, F., and Bawden, R.J. (2001) “Boyer’s Last Words: A Critical Message Overlooked?" Presented (by Fear) at Outreach Scholarship: Learning, Discovery, and Engagement, a national conference held at The Pennsylvania State University, October 13-16, 2001.

#Bawden, R.J (1999) “Eating into the Environment: The Consequences of Techno-scientific Agriculture” Keynote First Australian Conference on Food Health and the Environment Eating into the Future. Adelaide South Australia (May 1999)

#Bawden, R.J. (1999) “The Dance of Development” Keynote. 2nd Annual Conference: Property Management Planning. Mildura Victoria (March 1999)

Bawden, R.J (1999) “The Environment: Where do Farmers Stand?” Keynote Annual Convention of Region 10 NSW Farmers Association . Culcairn NSW (February 1999)

#Bawden, R.J (1999) “The Next Step - Systemic Development?” Keynote. Annual Conference of the Conservation Farming Association of Australia. Toowoomba Queensland (February 1999)

Bawden, R.J (1998) “Laying Down the Path Walking” Keynote Annual Conference of the World Educational Foundations Launceston Tasmania (December 1998)

Bawden, R.J (1998) “The Systemic Development of Systemic Development” Keynote. 4th Annual Conference Australian and New Zealand Systems Society Richmond (October 1998)

Bawden, R.J (1998) “Leading Organisational Learning: A Systems Approach” Keynote. Leadership and Development Unit - Office of the Public Service (Qld) (October 1998)

11 Bawden, R.J (1998 ) “Inventing our Future” Keynote. Annual Conference: Queensland Institute for Senior Education Officers Brisbane (October 1998)

#Bawden, R.J (1998) “Education, Who Cares?: An Adult and Recurrent Learners Perspective” Keynote. Annual Conference Australian College of Education Canberra (September 1998)

Bawden, R.J (1998) “The Fourth Wave: Paradigmatic Developments in Australian Agriculture” Keynote Conference “How Farmers Learn” Launceston Tasmania (June 1998)

Bawden, R.J (1998) “Critical Learning: Implications for High School Agricultural Education” Keynote Tasmanian Association of Agriculture Teachers Launceston Tasmania (June 1998)

#Bawden, R.J (1998) “Beyond Economics: Learning Systems and Social Capital” Keynote Conference “Learning Communities, Regional Sustainability, and the Learning Society” Launceston Tasmania (June 1998)

#Bawden, R.J (1998 ) “Scenario Planning : Learning from the Future” Global Warming Post Kyoto. Conference. Bureau of Resource Sciences Canberra ACT (April 1998)

#Bawden, R.J (1998) “The Critical Trinity - Policy, Psychology and Philosophy” Keynote. Global Warming Post Kyoto. Conference. Bureau of Resource Sciences Canberra ACT (March 1998)

Bawden, R.J (1998) “The Leadership Revolution” Keynote. AusTAFE Regional Conference. Ballarat. VIC (March 1998)

#Bawden, R.J (1998) “Really Learning to Innovate; The Epistemic Challenge” Keynote. Australasian Society for Zoological Parks and Aquaria. Annual Conference Sydney NSW (March 1998)

Bawden, R.J (1998) “Worldviews and Views of the World” ABN Conference on Business Intelligence Sydney NSW (March 1998)

Bawden, R.J (1998) “The University in Society: The Systemic Development of the University of Western Sydney”. Keynote. Annual Conference Western Sydney District Rotary. Newcastle NSW (March 1998)

Bawden, R.J (1998) “Paradigms in Progress: Farming for the Future” Keynote. Premier’s Forum for Rural Youth Leaders. Queensland (March 1998)

Bawden, R.J (1997) “The Learning Lemniscate and its Role in Landcare” Keynote Address: Tasmanian Landcare Awards Conference Launceston TAS (November 1997)

Bawden, R.J (1997) “Learning for Systemic Capability” Keynote Address: Annual Conference Australian Capability Network Camperdown Sydney NSW (October 1997)

Bawden, R.J (1997) “Scenario Planning and Systemic Development” The Inaugural Kaye Gambetta Memorial Public Lecture Mildura VIC (October 1997)

Bawden, R.J. (1997) “Being Systemic” Keynote Address: Annual Conference Australia and New Zealand Systems Society Gatton QLD (September 1997)

Bawden, R.J (1997) “Of Knowing, Knowledge and Wisdom” Keynote Address: National Convention Senior Managers AUSTAFE Sydney NSW (September 1997)

#Bawden, R.J (1997) “Bytes, Rights, Bounty and Beauty” Keynote Address: Proceedings of the 23rd National Conference Australian Farm Management Society Toowoomba Qld (February 1997)

#Bawden, R.J (1996) “The Farm, the Church and the Common Good” Keynote Address: Report of the Trans- Tasman Rural Ministry Conference. Myrtleford Victoria (pp 22-29) (April 1996)

Bawden, R.J (1996) “Gender Issues and Systemic Development” Opening Address: Australian Women in Agriculture (NSW Chapter) Action Planning Conference (March 1996)

12 Woog, R.A and Bawden, R.J. (1994) “All You Needed to Learn from your MBA; But Probably Didn't ” National TAFE Conference on Management and Organisational Development, Sydney, (November 1994)

Bawden, R.J (1994) “Multi-paradigm Perspective on The Practice of Regional Integrated Environmental Management”. Conference of the National Centre for Environmental Management for Local Government, Australian National University, (October 1994)

Bawden, R.J. (1993) “Systems Science and the Learning Organisation” Seminal paper at workshop with CSIRO Senior Management, Little Bay, Sydney, (July 1993)

# Bawden, R.J. (1993) “Of Pigs, Progress and Paradigms” Annual Meeting of the Australasian Pig Science Association - Canberra, (December 1993 ) (Paper presented by R.Macadam)

# Bawden, R.J. (1993) “National Perspectives in Transition: The Case of Dryland Salinity” National Workshop on Dryland Salinity CALM, Bendigo, Victoria (August 1993) (Paper presented by N. Sriskandarajah)

Bawden, R.J. (1993) “Learning to Learn: The Prime Competency” The 1993 Honora Deane Lecture presented to the World Education Fellowship, Launceston, Tasmania, (May 1993)

Bawden, R.J. (1993) “Of Rural Leadership, Learning and Change” Queensland Rural Leaders Course: University of Queensland, Gatton (April 1993)

Bawden, R.J. (1993) “Changing the Mindscape to Value the Landscape” Annual State Conference of the Australian Society of Certified Practising Accountants, Sydney (March 1993).

Bawden, R.J (1992) “Quality Learning for Learning Quality”. QSA Conference "Quality in the Learning Process (July 1992).

Bawden, R.J (1992) “Becoming a More Effective Manager: A Learning Systems Approach.” IBC Conference (Sydney April 1992)

# Bawden, R.J. (1992) “Alternative Approaches to Future Education and Training for the Needs of Australian Agriculture: The Case for Systems Thinking and Practices”. Australian Farm Management Society Annual Conference, Adelaide, (February 1992).

Bawden, R.J. (1991) “Grains 2000: A Critical Review”. "Grains 2000 Conference", Canberra. (October 1991).

Bawden, R.J. (1991) “Systemic Perspective on the Culture of Agriculture” . Centenary Conferenece Hawkesbury Agricultural College, University of Western Sydney, Richmond NSW (Convenor) (August 1991)

Bawden, R.J. and Woog, R.A (1991) “ The Challenge Ahead: Learning to Create Fresh Directions”. "The Dairy Industry Convention", Surfers Paradise, Qld , (July 1991).

Bawden, R.J. (1991) “Learning to Create a Quality Culture.” Australian Society for Quality Conference. Canberra, (May 1991).

Bawden, R.J. (1991) “On Hawkesbury and the Role of a Contemporary University.” Fellowship Address to the NSW Chapter of the Royal Society for the Arts, Sydney (March, 1991).

#Bawden, R.J (1990) “Learning to Change for the Better”. CHAST (Centre for Human Aspects of Science and Technology) Conference, Sydney, (December 1990).

Bawden, R.J (1990) “Reflections on the Action of Reflections in Action”. Conference on Action Research for Management, Griffith University, Queensland, (August 1990).

Bawden, R.J. (1990) “The Search for Sustainable Systems - Perspectives on the Australian Sheep Industry". A primer for the Sheep and Wool Branch of the Queensland Department of Primary Industry, Hervey Bay, Queensland (January 1990).

13 Bawden, R.J (1989) “A Learning Trinity - For Knowing, For Doing and For Being”. Annual Conference of Principals of Western Division Schools. Parkes, (October 1989).

#Bawden, R.J. (1989) “The Quest for Quality - An Experiential Approach". Invited paper Ist National Conference of the Total Quality Management Institute. Sydney, (August 1989).

Bawden, R.J (1988) “Experiential Learning : The Integrating Convention.” Workshop at Victoria College, Melbourne, Vic., (December 1988).

Bawden, R.J. (1988) “The Hawkesbury Paradigm” International UNESCO Workshop "Linkages between Formal and Informal Education in Rural Development". Richmond, NSW, (December 1988).

Bawden, R.J (1988) “Thinking Sustainability.” National Conference of Organic Farmers "Towards Better Agriculture", Richmond, NSW, December 1988.

Bawden, R.J (1988) “Problem-Based Learning - A Focus for the Quiet Revolution.” "Rural Communities Determining Their Future - The Quiet Revolution", 4th Annual Conference of The Society for the Provision of Education in Rural Australia. SPERA, Tasmania, (July 1988).

Bawden, R.J (1988) “Experiential Learning - Towards a New Paradigm of Education “ "Thinking Whole" A Bicentenary Conference by the Social Education Association of Australia, Sydney, (January 1988).

Bawden, R.J. and Macadam, R.D. (1987) “ Extension as Facilitation - Learning for Rural Development”. Australasian Agricultural Extension Conference, Brisbane, (October 1987).

#Bawden, R.J. (1987) “ Learning Systems for Technological Change”. Centenary Conference, Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology, 'Technology, Education & Society: Future Directions ', (May 1987).

Bawden, R.J (1987) “Systems and High School Agriculture”. Biennial Conference of the Australian Association of Agriculture Teachers, Camden, (January 1987).

Bawden, R.J (1987) “ Learning to Manage Change”. Outlook Conference, Bureau of Agricultural Economics, Canberra, (January 1987).

Bawden, R.J (1986) “Experiential Learning”. Conference "Freeing the Curriculum for Learning" of the N.S.W. Inservice Education Committee (NISEC). Leura, (November 1986).

Bawden, R.J (1985) “ Is Research Reaching the Farmer?” Conference of Aust. Inst. of Agric. Science (Goulburn Branch) (October 1985).

Bawden, R.J (1985) “The Dawning of the Fourth Age - Sustainable Agriculture”, Conference of Biological Farming, Richmond, (August 1985).

Bawden, R.J (1985) “Rethinking Education.” Conference of the Workers Education Association, Newcastle, (July 1985).

Macadam, R.D., Packham, R.G ., Bawden, R.J. and Braithwaite, B.M. (1985) “ A System to Educate Systems Agriculturalists: A Case Study in Restructuring an Academic Organisation”. Annual Conference of the Australian Society for Operations Research - Adelaide, (July 1985 )

#Bawden, R.J., Ison, R.L., Macadam, R.D., Packham, R.G. and Valentine, I (1985) “ A Research Paradigm for Systems Agriculture.” National Conference on Farming Systems Research - Hawkesbury Agricultural College, (August 1985)

Bawden, R.J (1985) “ Problem Based Learning - An Australian Perspective.” Annual Conference of the Higher Education Research & Development Society of Australasia, University of N.S.W., (June 1985).

Bawden, R.J. (1985) “Sustainability of Farming Systems”. Annual Symposium of the Victorian Organic Growers Association - Wodonga, (March 1985).

14 Bawden, R.J. (1985) “ Advances in Education for Professionals”. Australian Association of Agricultural Consultants - Annual Conference, Sydney, (February 1985).

Bawden, R..J. and Macadam, R.D (1984) “Examination of Current Teaching Objectives and Strategies.” Workshop for Academics of Muresk Agricultural College, West Australia, (July 1984)

Bawden, R.J. and Macadam, R.D (1984) “The Hawkesbury Approach to Professional Education”. Open Workshop for Senior Staff - West Australian Institute of Technology, (July 1984)

Bawden, R.J (1984) “ Problem Solving and You”. Australian Institute of Valuers Rural Conference, Leura, N.S.W., (June 1984).

Bawden, R.J (1984) “ Programming Systems Studies for High School Agriculture”. Inservice Workshop for High School Teachers of Agriculture, Griffith, (June 1984).

Bawden, R.J (1984) “Innovations in Advanced Education in Agriculture”. Symposium on Agricultural Education - Australian Institute of Agricultural Science, Armidale, (May 1984).

#Bawden, R.J and Macadam, R.D (1983) “Problem Solving in Agricultural Systems - Innovations at Hawkesbury.” Keynote Address Biennial Conference of Principals and Directors of Agricultural and Horticultural Colleges of Australia and New Zealand at Centennial Celebrations of Roseworthy College - South Australia, (November 1983)

Bawden, R.J (1983) “ The Systems Viewpoint for Extension”. Conference of Senior Officers of Division of Animal Production - N.S.W. Department of Agriculture - Orange, N.S.W., (October 1983).

Bawden, R.J (1983) “ The Systems Paradigm”. Conference for Regional (Western) Teachers of Agriculture - Bathurst, N.S.W., (October 1983).

Bawden, R.J (1983) “Stability in Farming Systems”. Conference on Biological Farming - Richmond, N.S.W., (July 1983).

Bawden, R.J (1983) “Problem Solving - A Key Competency in Agriculture”. Conference of Livestock and Grain Producers Association (LGPA) - Sydney, (June 1983)

Bawden, R.J (1983) “Small Farming Systems - A Search for Sustainability.” Conference of Small Farmers Association - Richmond, N.S.W., (April 1983).

Bawden, R.J (1983) “Farming Systems Technologies”. Conference of Victorian Association of Technical Teachers of Agriculture - Dookie, Victoria, `(March 1983).

Bawden, R.J (1983) “The Hawkesbury Approach to Systems Agriculture”. Regional Conference - N.S.W. Association of Agricultural Teachers - Richmond, N.S.W., (March 1983).

Bawden, R.J (1983) “Farming Systems Thinking in Action”. Biennial Conference - Australian Association of Agricultural Teachers - Goulburn, N.S.W., (February 1983).

Bawden, R.J (1982) “Chemicals and the Environment - A Systems Perspective”. Conference Australian Institute of Agricultural Science - Darling Downs Branch, Toowoomba, (December 1982).

Bawden, R.J (1982) “A Systems Approach to the Manpower Equation” UNESCO/ADAB Seminar - Manpower Planning for Agriculture in Asia and the South Pacific - H.A.C. Richmond, (July 1982).

#Swain, F.G. and Bawden, R.J. (1981) “Education and Productivity Growth in Australian Agriculture”. Biennial Conference of Principals/Directors of Agricultural and Horticultural Colleges of the South West Pacific Burdekin, Qld (June 1981).

#Bawden, R.J. and Swain, F.G. (1981) “Competency Based Agricultural Curricula - The Hawkesbury Experience.” Biennial Conference of Principals/Directors of Agricultural and Horticultural Colleges of the South West Pacific, Burdekin, (June 1981).

15 Bawden, R.J (1981) “Some Social Dimensions of Changes in Agriculture.” Joint Conference of Victorian Branches of the Australian Institute of Agricultural Science and the Australian Society for Animal Production, Melbourne, (March 1981).

#Bawden, R.J. (1981) “The Phantom Profession and its Educational Needs”. Annual Conference of the Australian Institute of Agricultural Science, South Australian Branch, Adelaide, (March 1981).

Bawden, R.J. (1981) “The Metamorphosis from Lecturer to Facilitator”. Australasian Consortium for Experiential Education, Sydney, (February 1981).

Bawden, R.J. (1981) “ An Educator's View of Agricultural Systems”. Biennial Conference N.S.W. Association of Agricultural Teachers, Richmond, N.S.W., (January 1981).

Bawden, R.J. (1981) “Trends in Horticultural Education” Annual Conference of the National Society for Parks and Recreation, Richmond, N.S.W., (January 1981).

Bawden, R.J. (1980) “Education as an Economic Resource in Australia's Rural Development”. First National Search Workshop on the Future of Australian Agriculture,Canberra, (June 1980).

Bawden, R.J. (1979) “Education for Change in Rural Australia”. Conference of the Livestock & Grain Producers Association of N.S.W., Sydney, (December 1979).

Bawden, R.J. (1979) “Rural Adjustment and Educational Needs”. Annual Conference N.S.W. Institute of Valuers, Port Macquarie, (July 1979).

Bawden, R.J. (1977) “ Parasites and Their Agroecological Perspectives”. Biennial Conference of Agricultural Teachers Armidale, (July 1977).

# Bawden, R.J. (1974) “Modern Concepts in the Control of Parasites “ (in Spanish). Congress of Latin- American Society of Buiatria, Paysandu, Uruguay, (June 1974).

Bawden, R.J. (1974) “A Systems Approach to Agricultural Development “ (in Spanish). Conference of the Society of Agricultural Scientists (Uruguay) Treinta y Tres, (March 1974).

Bawden, R.J. (1973) “The Educational Role of a Residential University College”. Biennial Conference, Australian Association of Heads of University Colleges and Halls of Residence, Armidale (July 1973).


Bawden, R.J. (1992 ) “Systemic Evaluation: Dealing with Complex Organisational Change” Presentation at USAID/CDIE Workshop on "AID and NGO Cooperation :Strategic Directions".

Bawden, R.J. (1986) “Radical Reappraisal of College Education in Agriculture”. A series of four faculty seminars, Cook College, Rutgers University, New Jersey.

Bawden, R.J. (1985) “Tomorrow's Needs - Today's Decisions.” National Conference of the Association of Agricultural Technologists of Australasia, Sydney.

Bawden, R.J (1983) “An Australian PhD in Systems : Is it Possible?”. Annual Conference - Australian Universities International Development Programme (AUIDP) Armidale, N.S.W.

Bawden, R.J (1983) “I'd Like to Say a Word for the Farmer”. National Conference - Rural Education Richmond NSW

Bawden, R.J (1983) “Paradigm Lost”. Annual Meeting Australian Association of Agricultural Economists - New England Branch.

Bawden, R.J (1983) “Innovative Curricula in Agricultural Education”. Workshop - Technical Teachers in Agriculture - C.B. Alexander College, Paterson, N.S.W.

Bawden, R.J (1982) “Problem Solving in Agricultural Systems.” Annual Conference of the Australian Society for Farm Management - Albury-Wodonga Branch


Bawden, R.J (1982) “ The Need for Prescriptive Educational Research Support”. Annual Conference Higher Education Research and Development Society of Australia, Sydney.

Lublin, J. and Bawden, R.J (1982) “The Evaluation of Innovation”. Annual Conference of Higher Education Research and Development Society of Australia, Sydney.

Bawden, R.J , Drinan, J.R. and Lundie-Jenkins, D.M (1981) “Curriculum Design by Objectives: Case Studies in Innovative Education at Hawkesbury Agricultural College”. Annual Conference of Higher Education Research and Development Society of Australia, Melbourne.

Bawden, R.J (1981) “Education as a Resource in Agricultural Productivity Growth”. Annual Conference of the N.S.W. Institute of Valuers, Tamworth, N.S.W.

Bawden, R.J (1981) “The Hawkesbury Experience - A Systems Study”. National Conference : Learning and Systems Approaches to Agriculture, Richmond.

Bawden, R.J (1981) “The Paradox of Science and the Systems Approach.” Annual Conference of the Sydney Science Teachers Association, Liverpool, N.S.W.

Bawden, R.J (1981) “ Experiential Learning and the Real Education of Consultants”. Annual Conference of the Australian Association of Agricultural Consultants, Dubbo, NSW

Bawden, R.J. (1980) “W(h)ither the Agricultural Specialist?”. Conference of the Australian Society for Animal Production (Sydney Branch), Sydney, 1980.

Bawden, R.J. (1980) “Education for Rational Rural Adjustment.” Conference of the Hunter River Branch Australian Institute of Valuers, Newcastle, NSW.

Bawden, R.J. (1980) “A Modified Nominal Group Technique as a Learning Exercise.” Annual Conference Australian Association of Adult Education - Richmond, N.S.W.

Bawden, R.J. (1980) “Education as a Resource for Successful Agricultural Management.” Annual Seminar of the Hawkesbury College Convocation, Richmond, NSW .

Bawden, R.J. (1980) “The Educational Needs of the Whole Farm Advisor.” Regional Conference of Extension Officers of N.S.W. Department of Agriculture, Wagga Wagga, NSW

Bawden, R.J. (1980) “ The Case for the Whole Farm Advisor”. Regional Conference of Extension Officers of N.S.W. Department of Agriculture, Dubbo NSW

Bawden, R.J. (1980) “Some Fundamental Aspects of Bee Breeding”. Annual Conference of the Victorian Apiarists Association, Mildura, Vic

Bawden, R.J. (1979) “A Systems Approach to Agricultural Education”. Workshop for Agricultural Economists, Dookie, Vic

Bawden, R.J. (1979) “Initiatives in Bee Breeding Research at Hawkesbury”. Annual Conference N.S.W. Apiarists Association, Batemans Bay, NSW.

Bawden, R.J. (1979) “Self Direction and Self Assessment in Learning”. Annual Conference Home Economics Tertiary Education Association, Sydney, NSW.

Bawden, R.J. (1977) “Cattle Tick Research Orientation in Uruguay”. 8th Congress - World Association for the Advancement of Veterinary Parasitology, Sydney, NSW.

Bawden, R.J. (1977) “Crisis in Agriculture - Food for the 21st Century” (invited paper). Regional Congress - McIntyre Development Unit 2000, Inverell, NSW.

Bawden, R.J. (1977) “ Parasite Biology and Management - an Overview” (invited paper). Annual Conference of the Australian Society for Parasitology, Brisbane, Qld

17 Bawden, R.J. (1977) “An Integrated FAO Project in Uruguay - Lessons for Australia?” (invited paper and Session Chairman). Joint Workshop on Effective use of Educational and Research Resources in Agricultural Development Programs, University of New England, Australian National University,

Bawden, R.J. , Canabez, F.R, Cardozo, H. and Nari, H. (1975) “Investigations into Parasitism in Livestock Production” (in Spanish). Uruguayan Society of Buiatria, Montevideo, Uruguay .

Bawden, R.J. (1974) “Economic Aspects of Parasitic Disease”. Annual Conference of the Australian Society for Parasitology, Adelaide, SA (Session Chairman)

Bawden, R.J. (1973) “Parasitism and Agricultural Productivity”. Annual Conference of the Australian Society for Parasitology, Adelaide SA (Session Chairman),.

Bawden, R.J. (1972) “Parasitism Systemised”. Annual Conference of the Australian Society for Parasitology, Canberra, ACT (Session Chairman).

Bawden, R.J. (1971) “The Peri-parturient Rise Phenomenon.” (Invited Review Paper) Annual Conference of the Australian Society for Parasitology, Brisbane Qld (Session Chairman).

Bawden, R.J. (1970) “Nematode Larval Ecology - Some Field Observations”. Annual Conference of the Australian Society for Parasitology, Armidale, NSW (Convenor)

Bawden, R.J. (1969) “Parasitism and Management Decisions”. Annual Conference of the Australian Association of Agricultural Faculties, Armidale NSW.

Bawden, R.J. (1969) “Studies of Nematode Larval Ecology in Relation to the Prophylaxis of Clinical Helminthosis”. Annual Conference of the Australian Society for Parasitology, Sydney, NSW.

Bawden, R.J. (1968) “The Nutrition of the Host in Relation to Oesophagostomum columbianum Infections of Sheep”. Annual Conference of the Australian Society for Parasitology, Canberra, ACT.


Bawden, R.J. (1999) “A Short Walk Within My Long Journey” Liberty Hyde Bailey Program. Occasional Paper #2 Michigan State University

Bawden, R.J. (1999) Book Review “Issues in Agricultural Bioethics” Mepham, T.B., Tucker, G.A., and Wiseman, J (eds) Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 11: 145-162

Bawden, R.J. (1998) “The Community Challenge and the Learning Response” New Horizons #99. October

Woog, R.A and Bawden, R.J. (1998) “All You Needed to Learn from your MBA; But Probably Didn't ” New Horizons National TAFE Conference on Management and Organisational Development, Sydney,(November 1994) Reprinted New Horizons #96 June 1998

Bawden, R.J. (1997) “How Should we Farm?” Occasional paper #2 Liberty Hyde Bailey Series. Michigan State University East Lansing

Bawden, R.J (1995) “Systemic Development: A Learning Approach to Change” Occasional paper #1. Centre for Systemic Development, University of Western Sydney Hawkesbury.

Bawden, R.J. (1997) “Farming with Wisdom” Power Magazine October 1997

Bawden, R.J. (1992) "Commentary". The Quality Magazine 1:1

Bawden, R.J. (1992) "Guest Editorial" Agricultural Systems 38: 339-340.

Bawden, R.J. (1992) "Probing the Limits of Probing" PROBE, the Newsletter of the Australian Problem Based Learning Network 6: 1-4.

18 Bawden, R.J. (1991) “The Faculty of Agriculture and Rural Development" In "Challenge and Change: The History of Hawkesbury Agricultural College 1966-1991. B.Braithwaite (Ed).

Bawden, R.J. (1991) "We Have to Change our Approach to Succeed: The Role of Universities in Society" Connections, Newsletter of the Western Suburbs of Sydney, November 1991

Bawden, R.J. (1988) "On Epistemology". A Quarterly Experience 19: 2-5 The Newsletter of the Australian Consortium on Experiential Education.

Bawden, R.J. (1984) "The Neophyte Stirs". Connections - the Newsletter of the Conference of Principals and Directors of Colleges of Agriculture and Horticulture of South West Pacific.

Bawden, R.J. (1984) "Educating the Systems Agriculturalist". Chiasma 22: 16-22 University of New England Undergraduate Association Extension Journal .

Bawden, R.J. and MacKinnon, M.M. (1980) "The Portfolio". Quarterly Newsletter - Higher Education Research and Development Society of Australia.. Number 56

Bawden, R.J. (1980) "The Hawkesbury Curricula". Quarterly Newsletter in Extension - Roseworthy Agricultural College, Number 12

Bawden, R.J. (1973) "Drenching Rationalised". Chiasma 11, 64-70, University of New England,

Bawden, R.J. (1969) "The Conquerer Worm". Triticum 12, 12-15, University of Sydney.

Bawden, R.J. (1969) "Parasitism and Management". Chiasma 7, 6-9 University of New England.

Bawden, R.J. (1968) “The Worm Enigma". Chiasma 6, 2-4 University of New England.


Bawden, R. J. (2012) “Agriculture at the University of Western Sydney: A Systemic Appraisal of Past, Present and Potential Futures”. Report of a Stakeholder Consultation, University of Western Sydney

Bawden, R. J. (2011) “Sustainable Agro-forestry Development in Mozambique” A report to TechnoServe.

Bawden, R.J. (2003) “Ethics, Leadership and the Open University”. A Report to the Open University. September 2003.

Bawden, R.J and Thiagarajan, D.G. (2003) “The Golden Revolution and Jogging Elephants”. A Report to USAID India.

Bawden, R.J. (2002) “Increasing Rural Household Incomes in Kenya through Horticulture: A Project Implementation Proposal”. A Report to USAID (September 2002)

Bawden, R.J., Sterns, P. Aust, Harris, S., and Berdegue, J. (2002) “Increasing Rural Household Incomes in Kenya through Horticulture: A Design Proposal”. A Report to USAID (March 2002)

Bawden, R.J., Kherralah, M, and Mainville, D. (2001) “The Impact of Improved Grades and Standards on the Export Potential of Targeted Agricultural/Fishery Commodities in Mozambique”. A Report to USAID (March 2001)

Bawden, R.J. (2000) “CHESP and the Scholarship of Engagement: Strategies towards a universe of human discourse”. Report to the Joint Education Trust (JET) of South Africa (December 2000)

Bawden, R.J. (1998) “Agricultural Education: Future Perspectives”. A Report on Perspectives on the Future of Agricultural Education and Training Systems and some Implications for the World Bank and other Donors. (September 1998) (pp 137) ERIC listed (2001).

Bawden, R.J., Macadam, R.D. and Hartman, P. (1993) "IAV at the Crossroads : A Learning System in Transition". Evaluation Report on USAID Project at the Hassan II Institute of Agriculture and Veterinary Science Rabat Morocco (September 1993)(pp 93)

19 Bawden, R.J.(1993) "A Peri-Natal Journey - From Extension to Transactions" Evaluation Report on Kellogg Foundation Project University of Natal, South Africa (March 1993) (pp 100)

Bawden, R.J., Rigby, J. and Warren, B.J. (1991) "Coming Down to Earth" Evaluation Report on US-AID Project at La Escuela de Agriculture de la Region Tropical Humedad E.A.R.T.H. Costa Rica (July 1991) (pp 78)

York, E.T., Price, E.J. and Bawden, R.J. (1989) ”A Review of Circumstances affecting UPLB Today and Suggestions for Shaping its Future” Evaluation Report on US-AID Project at University of the Philippines, Los Banos. (pp 115)

Bawden, R.J (1976) “ Parasitism and Livestock Production - The Development of a National Research Program”. FAO Technical Report 1/72/012. (pp 112).

OTHER CONSULTANCY REPORTS Bawden, R. J. (1997) “Seeing the World Differently” for ENEX New Zealand (July 1996)

Bawden, R. J. (1995) “Scenarios and Strategies for Participative Development of Water Supply and Sanitation Sector of Papua New Guinea” for Asian Development Bank (December 1995)

Bawden, R.J (1995) “The Global Business: Strategic Development through Learning” for NatWest Incorporated (September 1995)

Co-authored reports on US-AID Missions to Haryana and Rajastan (1987) to Tamil Nadu and Karnataka (1987) and to Philippines (1988).

MAJOR SUBMISSIONS "The Social Ecology of Waste Management" - Submissions to Co-operative Research Centre National Initiative (1991).

Reports (4) to McColl Committee National Inquiry into Agricultural Higher Education (1991).

"Praxis: Beyond Competency" - Submission to The Mayer Committee on Competency Based Education (1992).

"Building Development-Focused Universities" A proposal to BIFAD for an initiative for collaborative networking between universities. (Busch and Bawden).(March, 1989)

"Towards a University for People-Centred Development:A Case History of Reform" A submission to Winrock International. (Dec 1988) (Bawden and Macadam).

“Education for Rural Development” Senate Standing Committee on Priorities in Higher Education.(1988).

“State Colleges of Agriculture and Rural Development - An Open Submission to Government (1988).

Reports on US-AID Missions to Haryana and Rajastan (1987) to Tamil Nadu and Karnataka (1987) and the Philippines (1988).

“Education and Rural Development”. National Task Force (1987)

“Agriculture for Rural Development”. Balderstone National Enquiry into Agriculture (1982)

OCCASIONAL ESSAYS A short walk in my long journey (March 2001) How should we farm? (January 1999) The University of Western Sydney as a Post Neo Classical Institution (July 1991) And So into the Nineties (December 1989) On Knowledge, Knowing and Change (July 1989) (Bawden, Hanibal and Gahan) Towards the Concept of a Federated University (June 1989). Experiential Learning and Strategic Planning (June 1988).

20 Of Visions and Strategies - A Post Sabbatical Essay (March 1988) An Episteme in Evolution - An Essay in Autobiography (November 1987) The Poverty of Pluralism- the Dialectic Alternative (September 1987) Models in Question - The Land Grant System - A Sabbatical Essay (June 1987) Of Maps, Models, Metaphors and Mind - A Sabbatical Essay (January 1987) The Reorganization of the School of Agriculture (July 1986) Strategic Options for the School of Agriculture (June 1985) On Reorganisation (October 1984) Learning to be a Systems Agriculturalist - The Hawkesbury Approach (May 1984) Terms of Trade and Productivity in Australian Farming Systems (February 1984) Contracts (with Roger Packham) (April 1983) The Hawkesbury Tenets for Agricultural Education (April 1983) The Hitch-hikers Guide to the School of Agriculture (March 1983) From Whence I Have Come (August 1982) An Exercise in Depression (June 1982) Self-direction (with Ian Valentine) (December 1981) Information as a Resource (April 1981) Facilitation (December 1980) Enterprises - A Positional Statement (September 1980) The Identity Crisis of Advanced Colleges (April 1980) Of Holism - What's in a Word? (February 1980) Towards a Taxonomy of Curricular Characteristics (December 1979) Adjustments in Structure and Organisation of the School of Agriculture (July 1979) The Challenge of the 80's (June 1979) Of Systems and Spirals (September 1978) Where I Am At (August 1978)


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