Istanbul Programme of Action from 2011 to the Mid-Term Review
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The Fourth United Nations Conference on LDCs adopted the Istanbul Declaration and the Istanbul Programme of Action for the decade 2011- 2020 (IPoA). The IPoA takes the form of a mutually agreed compact between LDCs and their development partners and contains eight priority areas of action, each supported by concrete deliverables and commitments. These eight development priorities include productive capacity, agriculture, food security and rural development, trade, commodities, human and social development, multiple crises and other emerging challenges, mobilizing financial resources for development and capacity- building, and governance at all levels. An emphasis is placed on equity at all levels through empowering the poor and marginalized, and ensuring social justice, democracy, gender equality and sustained, inclusive and equitable economic growth and sustainable development.
With the adoption of such a comprehensive and result-oriented Programme of Action, the new and challenging phase ahead is one of ensuring that the deliverables and commitments in favour of LDCs lead to concrete actions. Cognizant of the need not to loose the momentum built in the wake of the successful conclusion of the Fourth United Nations Conference on LDCs, a Roadmap has been developed to ensure a swift move towards the implementation phase of the newly adopted Programme of Action. Seen as a planning tool, the roadmap is designed for the purpose of steering the LDCs and their development partners on a path of a coordinated, coherent and effective and gender sensitive implementation of the IPoA.
The Roadmap provides for concise insight into the:
The different vehicles/actors that will be used in order to accelerate the implementation of the IPoA (Intergovernmental machinery, UN system and other international organizations and regional banks, Global Partnerships, South-South Cooperation and Multistakeholder Engagement );
The objectives which the above vehicles/actors will help arrive at;
The activities/steps, including the substantive ones, which need to be deployed in order to deliver the expected outcomes.
1 Road Map for the Implementation of the Istanbul Programme of Action from 2011 to the Mid-Term review
Responsible Objectives Activities to be undertaken Target dates for action intergovernmental bodies, agencies and other entities Promoting global General Assembly annual reviews of the consensus building in implementation of the Istanbul Programme of Starting from September GA, OHRLLS, DGACM and support of the Action and GA resolutions in support of the 2011 up to the mid-term other UN system implementation of the implementation of the Istanbul Programme of review of the IPoA organizations IPoA Action; ECOSOC annual reviews of the implementation of the Programme of Action, Starting from July 2011
I including through mechanisms such as AMR ECOSOC, OHRLLS, DESA n up to the mid-term review
t and Development Cooperation Forum, and ECA e of the IPoA
r resolutions in support of the implementation of g
o the Programme of Action. v
e Periodic reviews by the Trade and r G
n Development Board of the implementation of Starting from June 2011 l m
o the Istanbul Programme of Action, with a focus
b up to the mid-term review TDB, UNCTAD e on substantive issues addressed in the LDC a n of the IPoA l t Report as well as technical support extended to a l
the LDCs C
l Active participation in and substantive u
s contribution to the preparatory process of and t
e to major UN Conferences and other
r Starting from June 2011 LDC Global Bureau, International Conferences and Initiatives, e.g up to the mid-term review OHRLLS and other UN Rio+20, AfT Global Review, Busan Conference of the IPoA system organizations on Aid Effectiveness, the High-Level Committee on South South Cooperation, DCF, G-20, UNCTAD XIII, etc... Active participation in and substantive Starting from June 2011 LDC Global Bureau, contribution to the final review of the MDGs up to the mid-term review OHRLLS and other UN and its follow-up of the IPoA system organizations
2 Responsible Objectives Activities to be undertaken Target dates for action intergovernmental bodies, agencies and other entities The first will be held in September 2011 and the periodicity of the LDC Global Bureau and LDC Ministerial Meetings remaining meetings to be OHRLLS determined at the September meeting Follow up, monitoring Endorsement of the Istanbul Programme of and review of the Jun-11 GA Istanbul Programme Action by the GA of Action Report of the SG on the outcome of the Jun-11 OHRLLS Istanbul Conference
OHRLLS with substantive inputs of UN system Publish the list of deliverables Jul-11 organizations, the BWIs and other international organizations These recurrent reports OHRLLS with substantive Annual reports of the Secretary-General on the are due in May of every inputs of UN system implementation of the IPoA year organizations
GA, with the support of Establishment by the General Assembly of ad- OHRLLS, DESA December 2011 and hoc working group on smooth transition and after support the work of the ad-hoc working group and UNCTAD
Report on smooth transition strategies as per May-12 DESA, OHRLLS, UNCTAD GA/RES/65/171 with inputs from member states
3 Responsible Objectives Activities to be undertaken Target dates for action intergovernmental bodies, agencies and other entities
OHRLLS, with substantive Global mid-term review of the IPoA 2015 (TBC) inputs from all stakeholders
R Establishment of the biannual agenda item, Promoting regional Regional Commissions (ECA e decision to mainstream the IPOA into the work g consensus building in and its sub-regional i programme of the commissions, Biennial Starting from November o support of the offices (SROs), ECLAC, n review of the implementation of the Istanbul 2011 a implementation of the ESCAP and ESCWA) and
l Programme of Action at the regional and sub- IPoA OHRLLS regional level by the Regional commiss Mainstreaming the Maintain and further strengthen cooperation Starting from June 2011 IPoA into LDCs’ between OHRLLS and LDCs on the up to the mid-term review OHRLLS and LDCs national development implementation of the Istanbul Programme of of the IPoA plans and strategies Action Prepare a Memorandum of Understanding between OHRLLS and UNDG, with UNDP OHRLLS and UNDP, as acting as Chair of UNDG. This memorandum Between July 2011- chair of UNDG, and UN will guide the efforts of all UN system October 2011 system organizations with a organizations in supporting national-level field presence mainstreaming and implementation of the N IPoA, including t a t
i Formulate a detailed project proposal on o
n national-level mainstreaming of the IPoA. The OHRLLS,UNDG, a project will help identify approaches to Between October 2011- UNCTAD,ECA, ESCAP and l mainstream the IPoA into national development December 2011 UN system organizations strategies. It will also help identify ways in with a field presence which UN country teams could come OHRLLS and UNDP, ECA, Between Jan 2012-March ESCAP and UN system Seek funding for the project 2012 organizations with a field presence Workshop of National Focal Points. The July of every year from OHRLLS national focal points are LDC government 2012 officials dealing with the LDC-related issues and stationed in their respective capitals.
4 Responsible Objectives Activities to be undertaken Target dates for action intergovernmental bodies, agencies and other entities OHRLLS, UN Country Resident Coordinators, From May 2012-April Implementation of other activities of the project ECA, ESCAP and UN 2015 system organizations with a field presence Maintain and further strengthen cooperation Mainstreaming the Starting from June 2011 between OHRLLS and donor countries and OHRLLS, donor countries IPoA into donor up to the mid-term review emerging countries on the implementation of and emerging countries countries and of the IPoA the Istanbul Programme of Action emerging countries' Encourage donor countries and emerging OHRLLS, OECD/DAC and development Starting from June 2011 countries to develop donor strategies to UNCTAD and donor cooperation up to the mid-term review support the effective implementation of the countries and emerging strategies of the IPoA Istanbul Programme of Action countries
5 Responsible Objectives Activities to be undertaken Target dates for action intergovernmental bodies, agencies and other entities Mainstreaming the Maintain and further strengthen cooperation T Member states, with the h IPoA into the work between OHRLLS and UN Funds, Starting from June 2011 e support of OHRLLS and UN
programmes of UN Programmes and specialized agencies on the up to the mid-term review U Funds, Programmes and
N Funds, Programmes implementation of the Istanbul Programme of of the IPoA specialized agencies
S and specialized Action y agencies
s Decision adopted by the Executive Board of t
e UNICEF inviting UNICEF to integrate the Jun-11 UNICEF m IPoA into its programme , t h
e Decision adopted by the Executive Board of Nov-11 WFP
B WFP to integrate the IPoA into its programme W
I Decision adopted by the Executive Board of s ,
UNDP, UNFPA and UNOPS inviting these a
n institutions to integrate the implementation of UNDP, UNFPA and UNOPS,
d Jun-11 the Istanbul Programme of Action into their UNCDF
O programmes of works, including the t h programme of work of UNCDF e r Discussion on the implementation of the
I n Istanbul Programme of Action to be held in t e the joint meeting of Executive Boards of r UNDP, UNICEF, UNFPA, UN n UNDP, UNFPA, UNICEF, UN-Women and Feb-12 a Women and WFP t WFP inviting these funds and programmes to i o mainstream the IPoA into their work n a programmes l
O Decision to be taken by the Executive Board r of UN Women requesting the Executive g a Director to integrate the implementation of the Jun-11 UN Women n
i Istanbul Programme of Action in the activities z a of UN-Women in accordance with its mandate t i o Follow-up, through HLCP, of the CEB HLCP 22nd Session in OHRLLS n decision of Spring 2011 to build on the September 2011 s
outcome of the Conference and UN system support to the mainstreaming of the IPoA
6 Responsible Objectives Activities to be undertaken Target dates for action intergovernmental bodies, agencies and other entities Engagement with the SG's Policy Committee with the view of contributing to the considering of LDC development agenda in Starting from June 2011 OHRLLS the discussions within and deliberations of the Committee Follow-up, through UNDG, of the CEB decision of Spring 2011 to build on the OHRLLS, UNDG , with the outcome of the Conference and UN system Starting from June 2011 support of UN system support to the operational mainstreaming of organizations the IPoA Engagement with Senior Management Group, including High-Level Task Forces such as that on Global Food Security with the view of Starting from June 2011 OHRLLS ensuring that LDC concerns feature in the agenda of these task forces Mainstreaming the Engagement with ECESA to ensure that LDC IPoA into the work concerns feature in the discussions and Starting from June 2011 programmes of UN deliberations of ECESA and the use of up to the mid-term review OHRLLS Funds, Programmes existing ECESA Clusters to advance LDC of the IPoA and specialized development agenda agencies Mainstreaming the Maintain and further strengthen cooperation IPoA into the work between OHRLLS, UNCTAD and the Starting from June 2011 OHRLLS, UNCTAD and the programmes of the Regional Commissions and Sub-Regional up to the mid-term review Regional Commissions regional Offices, if any, on the implementation of of the IPoA commissions and the Istanbul Programme of Action sub-regional Offices Feature LDC development agenda in the Starting from June 2011 Regional Commissions (ECA of ECA (five SROs) discussions within and deliberations of the up to the mid-term review and its SROs, ECLAC, ESCAP governing bodies of the Regional of the IPoA and ESCWA) and OHRLLS, Commissions and Sub-Regional Offices of ECA (five SROs)
7 Responsible Objectives Activities to be undertaken Target dates for action intergovernmental bodies, agencies and other entities Engagement with the regional consultative mechanisms in different regions to ensure that LDC concerns feature in the discussions Starting from June 2011 ECA, ESCAP, OHRLLS and and deliberations of this UN-wide Regional up to the mid-term review UNCTAD Coordination Mechanisms (RCMs) and sub- of the IPoA regional Coordination Mechanisms, if applicable. Mainstreaming the IPoA into the work Maintain and further strengthen cooperation programmes of the between OHRLLS and other international Starting from June 2011 OHRLLS, BWIs, other BWIs, as organizations and regional banks on the up to the mid-term review international organizations and appropriate, other implementation of the Istanbul Programme of of the IPoA regional banks international Action organizations and regional banks P
Promoting the r o OHRLLS, IACG, UN
c Inter-agency brainstorming to take stock contributions of the End of June 2011 organizations and other e of the IPoA and discuss the way forward UN System and s international organizations those of the BWIs s and other Institutionalization of the interagency Two meetings a year until OHRLLS, IACG, UN international coordination framework / Annual IACG the mid-term review of organizations and other organizations and meeting the IPoA international organizations regional banks in the Establish a Task Force to work on the implementation of terms of reference for the joint gap and S OHRLLS, UNCTAD, UNIDO,
the IPoA u capacity analysis with the aim of Between August 2011-
b UNESCO, World Bank, WTO, establishing a Technology Bank and December 2011 s WIPO and ITU t
a Science, Technology and Innovation
n supporting mechanism t i v Task Force to prepare proposals on January 2012-March OHRLLS, UNCTAD, UNIDO, e activities related to the functions of the 2012 UNESCO, World Bank, WTO, Science, Technology and Innovation WIPO, ITU and the Center Government of Turkey
8 Responsible Objectives Activities to be undertaken Target dates for action intergovernmental bodies, agencies and other entities Ac Meetings of Investment Advisory Council (IAC) to advance a number of tiv Two meetings will be specific commitments contained in the UNCTAD, OHRLLS, the iti held, one in 2012 and IPoA, including on concessional start-up private sector another in 2013 es finance and investment preference regimes (Aid for Investment) ILO and WHO, together with Encourage the Social Protection Floor As determined by the partner agencies, OHRLLS, Advisory Group to substantiate Social Protection Floor WFP, the CEB Secretariat, commitments on this subject matter Advisory Group ECA and ESCAP Promoting the Establish an inter-agency working group contributions of the on resource mobilization which will be UN System and entrusted with the responsibility of Between October 2011- OHRLLS, UNCTAD, IMF, the those of the BWIs substantiating commitments in the December 2011 World Bank, DESA and other areas of aid, FDI, remittances as well as international on domestic resource mobilization organizations and Partner with the ECESA Cluster on DESA/DSPD, OHRLLS, regional banks in the Social Development with the view of As determined by the UNFPA, UNICEF, ECA, implementation of involving this Cluster in the ECE-ESA Cluster on ESCAP and other members of the IPoA substantiation of commitments on Social Development the Cluster human and social development Establish and convene a meeting of an Between June 2011- OHRLLS, DESA, UNCTAD, inter- agency working group on the December 2011 the UN Statistical Commission, Indicators for the monitoring, follow-up ECA, ESCAP, UNFCCC and review of the IPoA UNESCO/UIS , UNOPS , OECD, World Bank
9 Responsible Objectives Activities to be undertaken Target dates for action intergovernmental bodies, agencies and other entities Establish an inter-agency working group on crisis mitigation and resilience building to substantiate the UNDP, the World Bank, commitments on this subject matter. OHRLLS, WFP, the CEB These commitments relate, among Secretariat, UNCTAD , ECA, others, to supporting LDCs’ risk Between June 2011- ESCAP, UNEP, UNFCCC, mitigation strategies, facilitating LDCs’ December 2011 UNCCD, WMO, Regional access to required resources from Banks and other organizations different environment and climate funds, with large field presence in accelerating the legal and institutional LDCs arrangements for the establishment of the Green Climate Fund. Establish an inter-agency working group FAO, IFAD, WFP, ,OHRLLS, on agriculture, food security and rural Between June 2011- the CEB Secretariat and all development to substantiate the December 2011 relevant organizations with commitments on this subject matter. field presence in LDCs Partner with UN CEB Inter-Agency As determined by the UN UNCTAD, WTO, OHRLLS, the Cluster on Trade and Productive CEB Inter-Agency CEB Secretariat, World Bank, Capacity in rolling out trade-related Cluster on Trade and IMF, ITC, UNDP, UN Regional commitments contained in the Istanbul Productive Capacity Commissions and UNITAR Programme of Action. The first meant for African LDCs will be Organize two capacity-building convened in October workshops for the national focal points 2011, while the second WMO and OHRLLS on the importance of meteorological workshop intended for challenges and services Asian and Pacific LDCs will be held in 2012 Continue work of the United Nations As determined by the UNWTO, ILO, ITC,UNCTAD, Steering Committee on Tourism for TOR of the UN Steering UNDP, UNESCO, UNIDO and Development (SCTD) Committee on Tourism WTO for Development (SCTD)
10 Responsible Objectives Activities to be undertaken Target dates for action intergovernmental bodies, agencies and other entities Prepare the Report of the Secretary General on how to ensure the effective implementation of the functions of Jun-12 UN Secretariat OHRLLS and to strengthen is capabilities and its effectiveness Follow up, Convene the Open Forums on Partnerships These forums will be monitoring and to provide platform for UN System Agencies OHRLLS and UN System organized in 2012 and review of the Istanbul to brief/report on the efforts and initiatives in Agencies 2013 Programme of Action implementing the IPoA
Responsible Objectives Activities to be undertaken Target dates for action intergovernmental bodies, agencies and other entities S C o o Promoting the LDCs and member states from u o t p complementary role the South, UN Funds, h Starting from June 2011 e
- of South South Engagement of the countries of the South in Programmes and Agencies, r S up to the mid-term review a
o Cooperation in the the implementation of the IPoA including OHRLLS, UNCTAD, t of the IPoA i u o implementation of UNDP, UNEP, and the Bretton t n h the IPoA Woods Institutions.
11 Responsible Objectives Activities to be undertaken Target dates for action intergovernmental bodies, agencies and other entities
E Promoting the
n Project Proposal with IPU to be finalized and contribution of LDC June-July 2011 IPU and OHRLLS h MOU to be signed
a and non LDC
n parliaments to the c
e implementation of Seek funding for the project in cooperation July 2011-September d IPU and OHRLLS the 2011 – 2020 with IPU 2011 P
a Istanbul Programme r
t of Action for the Global follow up of the IPoA – organization of n July 2011 - December e Least Developed global follow up meeting to the 2011 IPU and OHRLLS
r 2013 s Countries Parliamentary Forum (2012) h i
p Liaise with the UNDP to setup UN focal points IPU and OHRLLS, s at national level to strengthen the July 2011 - December
w UNDG/Country Resident
i parliamentary focal point mechanism at the 2012 i v Coordinators t i h national level l
S P Support parliamentary structures and capacity o a January 2012 - c r building by organizing national and regional IPU and OHRLLS l i
i December 2015 e a workshops in cooperation with UNDP and IPU t m y
e Build a gateway of information, e.g. brochure, n booklet, fact sheets on “integrating the IPOA t s into national development plans and the role July 2011 - December ,
IPU and OHRLLS P of parliaments” to enhance parliaments 2015 r i
v awareness of and access to information on
a the IPOA and the LDC development process t e
Undertake advocacy work to promote the role S
e of the UN system in supporting parliaments to July 2011 - December
c IPU and OHRLLS fulfil their role in the implementation of the 2015 t o Programme of Action r
a Explore other ways of support the LDC and July 2011 - December IPU and OHRLLS n
d non LDC parliaments in the implementation of 2015 the IPoA
12 Responsible Objectives Activities to be undertaken Target dates for action intergovernmental bodies, agencies and other entities Convene a wrap-up meeting with the private sector steering committee to reflect on the outcomes of the Conference and discuss Jun-11 OHRLLS possible ways the private sector can continue to contribute to the process. Develop a strategy of a channels/platform for Promoting private a continued engagement of the private sector sector's contribution July 2011-September OHRLLS, UNCTAD and the in the implementation, follow-up, monitoring to the 2011 Private Sector and review of the Istanbul Programme of implementation of Action the Istanbul Programme of Action OHRLLS, UNCTAD and the Establish a "Business Advisory Committee” Last quarter 2011 Private Sector
Convene the Global Business Forum for the OHRLLS , UNCTAD, ITC, Sep-12 development of the least developed countries World Bank, Global Compact
Promoting civil Convene a civil society steering committee society’s contribution meeting to reflect on the outcomes of the Jun-11 OHRLLS, NGLS to the Conference implementation of Develop in consultation with NGLS CSO the Istanbul OHRLLS, NGLS and the Civil strategy to engage CSOs implementation of Jul-11 Programme of Action Society IPoA
Establish CSO Advisory Committee on the OHRLLS, NGLS and the Civil August/September 2011 LDCs Society
Convene first meeting of CSO Committee on OHRLLS, NGLS and the Civil Oct-11 the LDCs Society
Convene a regional Civil Society Forum in Mid-2012 OHRLLS, NGLS and the Civil Africa and Asia in the context of the regional Society review of the implementation of the IPoA
13 Responsible Objectives Activities to be undertaken Target dates for action intergovernmental bodies, agencies and other entities Involvement of the civil society in the OHRLLS, NGLS and the Civil implementation, monitoring and follow-up of September 2011-2015 Society the Istanbul Programme of Action Develop strategy to engage academic and OHRLLS, UN Women in philanthropic foundations in the Jul-12 consultation with academic Promoting the implementation of the IPoA and philanthropic foundations contribution of the academia and Implementation of strategy, which may philanthropic include quarterly roundtables at new foundations into the York/Washington-based institutions, Starting from September OHRLLS, academic and implementation of initiate students (developed countries and 2011 philanthropic foundations the IPoA LDCs) to work on joint projects focusing on LDCs
14 Responsible Objectives Activities to be undertaken Target dates for action intergovernmental bodies, agencies and other entities Ensuring greater awareness about the IPoA Develop draft advocacy and outreach Between June - August OHRLLS, DPI strategy (internal) 2011
Disseminate draft advocacy and outreach A Sep-11 OHRLLS d strategy to LDCs for input v o c a October 2011-December c Finalize advocacy and outreach strategy OHRLLS
y 2011 a n Consult with Member States for funding for Between September d
A advocacy and outreach strategy, including 2011 and November OHRLLS w discussion on global campaign for LDCs 2011 a r e Initiate implementation of advocacy and October 2011-December n OHRLLS e outreach strategy 2011 s s - R Initiate and prepare outline of UN a Sep-11 OHRLLS i
s Communication Cluster on LDCs (TOR) i n g
Convene first meeting of UN Communication Nov-11 OHRLLS, DPI Cluster (HQ)
Convene first meeting of UN Communication OHRLLS, DPI and regional Jan-12 Cluster (Regional) economic commissions
Develop proposal for UN International Day for Jul-11 OHRLLS the LDCs
15 Responsible Objectives Activities to be undertaken Target dates for action intergovernmental bodies, agencies and other entities Identify ‘Goodwill Ambassador’ for the LDCs with support from SG’s Goodwill Ambassador Sep-11 OHRLLS Office
Convene first meeting with Goodwill Nov-11 OHRLLS Ambassador
Prepare outline of documentary video September-November OHRLLS outlining ‘Best Practices in LDCs’ 2011
Prepare publications including comprehensive September-November communication kit on each of the priority OHRLLS 2011 areas of IPoA Visit of the High Representative to Key June 2011 - December capitals of the Development Partners of LDCs OHRLLS, Host Country 2011 (Countries TBD) Participation of the High Representative in meetings of Key international and Regional Organizations such as the World Bank, IMF, June 2011- April 2012 OHRLLS (UNCTAD XIII, ESCAP, ECA, UNIDO, WTO, African Union, etc. to raise awareness of the IPoA and emphasize implementation
Starting from June 2011 Engagement of the Eminent Person Group in up to the mid-term review OHRLLS advocacy activities of the IPoA
16 Responsible Objectives Activities to be undertaken Target dates for action intergovernmental bodies, agencies and other entities
Between June 2011- Develop a strategy for resource mobilization OHRLLS September 2011
Preparation of project proposals with a view
R to solicit extrabudgetary funds in support of
e Ongoing OHRLLS the implementation of the IPoA and the s o activities spelled out in the Road Map u r Starting from October c Mobilizing resources Implementation of the projects funded by e 2011 up to the mid-term OHRLLS in support of the M donors review of the IPoA o implementation of b the Istanbul i l i Programme of Action z a Activities in preparation of the establishment t Between June 2011- i
o of the establishment of the International OHRLLS December 2011 n Migrants Remittance Observatory
Explore the possibility of establishing a Multi- UNWTO, ILO, ITC,UNCTAD, July 2011 - December Donor Trust Fund for Tourism for UNDP, UNESCO, UNIDO and 2015 and beyond Development WTO