Windsor Public Library Board Annual Meeting Tuesday, April 28, 2015 4:00 p.m. Budimir Branch

Present: Dr. Peter Frise (Chair), Councillor Rino Bortolin, Councillor Jo-Anne Gignac, Councillor Irek Kusmierczyk, Dan Lee, Howard Pawley, Margaret Payne Staff: Kitty Pope (CEO), Anne Rutherford (Secretary), L. Turcotte, N. Peel, B. Seecharan, C. Woodrow, T. McManus Guests: Valerie Critchley, City Clerk, Nick Thomas (KPMG) Regrets: None

1. Call to Order: Chair called the meeting to order at 4:05 p.m.

2. Approval of agenda:

Seconded Moved: H. Pawley J. Gignac : 22.15 That the agenda be approved as presented. CARRIED

3. Declaration of Pecuniary Interest: None

4. Windsor Public Library Annual Report:

1) Dr. P. Frise – Chair’s comments Dr. Frise presented the Chair’s Annual Report highlighting the work of staff and the Board in 2014. The Chair thanked the Mayor and City staff, Library staff, Board members and WPL’s customers for their support.

Seconded Moved: H. Pawley D. Lee : 23.15 That the annual report be approved as presented. CARRIED 2) Review of 2014 Audited Financial Statements – KPMG Mr. N. Thomas reviewed the statements

Seconded Moved: R. Bortolin M. Payne : 24.15 That the audited financial statements be approved as presented. CARRIED

The Chair thanked Mr. Thomas for the well presented statements. N. Thomas left the meeting at 4:35 p.m.

3) Review of 2014 budget and actuals – L. Turcotte

Seconded Moved: J. Gignac M. Payne : 25.15 That the 2014 internal financials be approved as presented. CARRIED

The Chair asked for a motion to thank L. Turcotte for her work with WPL financials.

Seconded Moved: M. Payne J. Gignac : 26.15 That the Board officially thank and recognize L. Turcotte for the work she does with WPL financials. CARRIED

Seconded Moved: H. Pawley D. Lee : 27.15 That the Board appoint KPMG as WPL auditors for 2015. CARRIED

4) Review of 2014 Annual Report – CEO’s review of Annual Report K.Pope gave a brief overview of the 2014 Annual Report. A discussion followed.

Seconded Moved: R. Bortolin H. Pawley : 28.15 That the annual report be approved as presented. CARRIED

5. Adjournment:

2 Seconded Moved: H. Pawley D. Lee : 29.15 That the annual board meeting be adjourned at 4:50 p.m. CARRIED


X Dr. Peter Frise Chair, Windsor Public Library

X Kitty Pope CEO, Windsor Public Library