Hartford County 4-H Fair Association

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Hartford County 4-H Fair Association

Hartford County 4-H Fair Association Secretary’s Minutes for Monthly Meeting held on January 18, 2013

The meeting was called to order at 7:11 pm by President Becca Hayes. The secretary’s report was read and seconded. Mrs. Gilbert asked about the discussion on the entry forms. The secretary’s report was accepted. The treasurer’s report was read and accepted. The starting balance was $4714.43. Deposits included $6000.00 from the savings account to the checking account, $55.00 from fundraising income, and $14.50 from the staples rebate. Bills paid included $190.00 to Postmaster, $4033.00 to Baldwin Insurance Agency, and $38.50 to Lauren Sanizzaro to replace and old check for the 2012 fundraising commission. The ending balance was $6527.43.

Vice Presidents Report: There was no 1st Vice President report. The 2nd Vice President talked to Mrs. Allen, steward for the Arts & Crafts, about the miscellaneous category and how some kids have been putting similar items in multiple categories. They came to the conclusion that it is the steward’s decision whether an item fits in this category as previously stated in our premium book under Class 20 rule number 4. A sign up has started for people wanting to be a steward or superintendent. Also, in an attempt to fill up space in the Exhibition Hall, the 2nd Vice President suggested club booths that would focus on each club and what they do within their club. These are a different type of booth then the ones already listed in the premium book. The booths would help advertise each club and a Best in Show would be awarded. The 3rd Vice President briefly met with his Junior advisor before the meeting to discuss what he needs to get quotes on for this year, and who he needs to contact for equipment. The 4th Vice Presidents got feedback from multiple one day craft vendors who want to have their booths in the field next to the barn so they are on the road. There was discussion about whether one day vendors have to have their booths in the barn or if they could have them outside in the field. Many vendors have kids showing and they want to be able to watch their shows. The 4th Vice Presidents asked if they had permission to make it available to vendors on their contracts to choose whether they want their booth in the field on the road or in the barn. They also reported that they are working with their advisor to set the fee, for the one crafters, at a lower rate than last year. The 4th Vice Presidents will be having a meeting with a craft fair organizer from a large craft show about contact information.

Committee Reports: The Fundraising Committee announced that the kickoff had good attendance and went well. They also thanked the advisors and officers who attended and helped. Sponsorship forms are due on March 23rd. Linda has forms and they are also on the Hartford County 4-H website. The Publicity Committee looked at rates and prices for advertising in the Hartford Courant and Journal Inquirer. The Program Committee is taking game suggestions and movie suggestions for the movie night at the fair. They are also looking into having an AG Olympics and expanding the game tent. The Meat Goat Committee had no report. The Bonny Burr Committee met on January 3rd and talked about how we can make Fair Association better. The Future of the Fair Committee had no report. There was a motion to close committee reports. The motion was seconded and passed. Old Business: The Four Town contract meeting was moved to January 22nd. Attending the meeting will be Laura Irwin, Conor Smith, Mr. Pelton, Mrs. Ferguson, and Mr. Beaudoin. There was a motion to close old business. The motion was seconded and passed. New Business: There was discussion about renting walkie talkies for the fair. We will need 20 two channel walkie talkies. Mrs. Cushman reported that there is a company called Radio 1 from Amston, CT that can fill this order for $219.44. This is less than what the cost was from Bearcom the company that we used last year. There was a motion to switch companies to Radio One. The motion was seconded and passed.

Hash Out: The topic of Flower Class Lot 49 about having too many entries was brought up again but was noted that this was already addressed at the December meeting and was limited to 3 entries per type of plant. (see December minutes) There was discussion about how cakes that are being hand carved are being judged against cakes that were made with a mold. There was a motion to add in Food Art, Class 16, under Junior division Lot 2 add a section D Hand Carved and section E Mold used. Also under Junior Division Lot 3 add a section D Hand Carved and E Mold used. In the Senior division Lot 2 add a section E for Mold used. Lot 3 also add a section E for Mold used. The motion was seconded and passed. There was discussion about having a class for future 4-H’ers to enter in at the fair. The topic was sent to the 2nd Vice President, who will talk with her advisor about it. Add to the fair book the criteria for the Richard Laiuppa Swine Travel Trophy so that the 4-Hers know what needs to be done to be eligible for the award. There was discussion about the pressed flowers entered in the fair this year and how more scrapbooking items such as notecards were entered this year. The topic of adding a class to include these items was sent to the 2nd Vice President. In the Premium Book under Arts and Crafts, class 20, rule number 3 says, crafts made at camp, should be entered in Camp Craft which is now Class 22 not 20. Water jugs and coolers will be brought to the exhibition center judges during fair. There was a discussion about having clearer instructions to tell animal exhibitors to obtain their exhibitor number and not turn in their record books until all their animals are checked in. There was a motion to have a list of bulleted procedures at the exhibitor number table for all to read. The motion was seconded and passed. There was a motion to have the 1st and 2nd Vice Presidents organize the livestock exhibitors’ numbers ahead of time. The motion was seconded and passed. There was discussion on finding ways to encourage non-traditional 4-H club members to enter their projects in the fair. Mrs. Horn will coordinate with UConn and brainstorm further. There was discussion about passing out entry cards before the fair. It was decided to make it known that entry cards are available to take during work week. There was discussion on judging the record books consistently. The topic was sent to Rebecca Masse to discuss with Mrs. Gilbert. Having a training session for judges is a possibility. Superintendents and Advisors are not easily identifiable. There was discussion about having different colored shirts or buttons that identify these people. The issue was sent to the 2nd Vice President. There was a motion to under Arts and Crafts Class 20 for the 6, 4, 2 point value add lot 27 for sculptures not made out of clay. The motion was seconded and passed. The 2nd Vice President is going to send out emails to club leaders asking for them to look for 4- Hers to be superintendents. There was a motion to add a salsa category to Canning, class 19, under 3 jars of one variety and under 3 jars of mixed varieties and have all lot numbers adjusted accordingly. The motion was seconded and passed. There was a motion to donate $100.00 to Auer Farm for the use of their meeting room. The motion was seconded and passed. The meeting was extended to 9:30 pm to continue hash-out due to a lengthy list and only 2 meetings remain before the premium book must be sent out. The Publicity and Programs Committee are to discuss their hash-out items at their meetings. The officers are to discuss their hash-out items separately also. Hash-out items sent to the 1st Vice President included having a best of show junior and senior category for the costume class, having opposite clubs stewards inspect other clubs animals, and adding a goat milk contest to Saturday of the fair. Rebecca Masse is looking into getting a new dairy judge. There was discussion about moving the goat knowledge test to Friday and having more adult monitors. Mrs. Ferguson said she is already aware of this issue and has sent a request to program committee to move the time of the test and will look for volunteers to be adult monitors for the testing. There was discussion about the herdsmanship contest and how some feel it is unfair. Some groups do not realize they are getting points off for not having an educational display. Rebecca Masse is looking into having 4-H Alumni be herdsmanship judges. Albert was given the task to find a way to make the herdsmanship contest more visible in the premium book to livestock exhibitors. There was discussion about whether we want a horse draw. There are very few entries partially because other horse draws happen on the Saturday we have it. The Programs Committee will look into having the horse draw on Friday of the fair. There was a motion to pay $15.00 to the Eastern Draft Organization to remain members and this allows Hartford County 4-H to have our horse draw advertised in their schedule. The motion was seconded and passed. There was a motion to close old business. The motion was seconded and passed.

Announcements: The Tri-County Food Show will be on January 19th at the UConn Greater Hartford campus. The State 4-H Fair Association Training will be on February 2nd at the UConn Greater Hartford campus. There is still time to sign up for this event.

There was a motion to adjourn at 9:22 pm. The motion was seconded and passed.

Respectfully submitted, Brigitte Rathey Recording Secretary


4-Her’s Adults Albert Gilbert June Zoppa Janet Ferguson Justin Harlow April Perrauk Melissa Ferguson Brigitte Rathey Anne Dugas Aimee Gilbert Ross Beed Jen Cushman Beth Irwin Becca Hayes Wes Cushman Chris Allen Sierra Dockum Toni Spencer Bill Pelton Seymour Webb Chris Spencer Carter Smith-Wellman Jordan Muska Julia Francis Leslie Smith Laura Irwin Rebecca Stumpf Nick Dockum Steve Zoppa Mike Pampreen Ron Beaudoin Ryan Harlow Linda Horn Steven Pampreen Nancy Hayes Valerie Stumpf Jim Harlow Miriam Dugas Bill Keish Ivy LaFreniere Chris Ferguson

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