Campus Sustainability Committee
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Campus Sustainability Committee Meeting Minutes
ISSUED BY: Shannon Clounts ATTENDEEES: Azita Dashtaki, Shannon Clounts, Lyn Forster, Tiffany Weimar, Collene O’Reilly, Jill Rosen, Alex Van Mecl, Charlotte Barry, Tobin Hindle, Jim Johnson, Larry Faerman, John Hardman, Anthony Majhess LOCATION: CO 118 Campus Operations Bldg DATE/TIME: May 22, 2009
1. Welcomed special guest, Boca Raton City Council member Anthony Majess.
2. Discussed meeting with City of Boca Raton regarding sustainability and possible partnerships with Chamber of Commerce, PBCC and Lynn University. Ideas will continue to be discussed and focus will be on how to have students involved in the process. Council member Majess expressed an interest in working with the university to make these partnerships happen. Possible ideas include the green ambassador program and/or community garden.
3. John Hardman talked about the success of Focus the Nation and would like to build on the agenda for next year. He has been appointed by Jim Murley to the SE Regional Sustainability Committee. John will be primary contact for the development of the Climate Action Plan. Reminded subcommittee chairs to submit worksheets.
4. Azita mentioned that subcommittees should still be reviewing ways to reduce footprint and stressed the importance for reviewing other climate action plans for additional information.
5. Azita discussed the BOT presentation relating to where the sustainability committee is currently and what we are planning. Kristin Murtaugh has suggested that sustainability should become an integral part of the overall strategic plan.
6. Eric suggested that printing double sided should be mandatory and that professors should be persuaded to accept double sided papers. Eric also suggested that the university should only purchase recycled paper. Student groups are required to complete paperwork for various functions and the process needs to be changed to a paperless system. A representative from IRM needs to serve on the sustainability committee to address these deficiencies.
7. Alex has done a fantastic job with getting the Mission Green name out there with marketing materials for the Mission Green Student Association. Mission Green shirts should be available for all members of the University. Shannon will talk with Stacy about getting Mission Green shirts in the bookstore and have Jan Bond’s team design the shirts. 8. Tobin expressed an interest with the conservation committee and the owls, tortoises. Azita explained the conservation committee will be meeting soon and she will include him in the meeting. Tobin expressed he feels the habitat management plan should include natural areas and that Diane Owen, environmental science program, would like to engage the students with this program.
9. Jim Johnson related there have been 57 carpool parking spots added and the carpool matching system is completely functional.
10. There needs to be a program to establish green team leaders in all areas to guide others with changing habits for printing, turning out the lights/computers and recycling. This could be a program involving students for training.
11. Alex updated the committee on MGSA such as a possible YouTube video for recycling, a week long tent event for recycling and his position with Housing.
12. Planning for Campus Sustainability Day needs to begin soon. Azita, John, Jill, Alex, SGA, Shannon, Helen and Jo Ann Jolley volunteered to serve on the planning committee.