College of Education

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) For Part Time Faculty

Please note that these are general questions and answers. If your question is department or program specific, it is best to ask one of the following: department chair, program coordinator, course custodian or block leader.

The questions are arranged by the following categories: General Faculty Requirements and Getting Started – syllabi, roster, office hours, student add/drop, grading, faculty absence, course evaluations, supplies, personnel file Copying Course Material Instructional Technology and Support Personnel File (Performance Review File) El Toro Campus Questions Other

General Faculty Requirements and Getting Started

Q: Where do I obtain a sample course syllabus? A: Check with your department chair or course custodian.

Q: Where do I obtain a class roster? A: This answer depends on the department. Some department staff place class rosters in faculty mailboxes. A few departments require you to print out your roster from the university web site. Please check with your department staff person.

Q: What is the policy on office hours? A: Part time faculty must schedule and maintain a minimum of one office hour per week for each three-unit course. Field supervisors are not expected to schedule office hours.

Q: What should I do if I find I must miss a scheduled office hour? A: Post a notice that you will not be able to keep your office hour and/or contact Marye Watkins-Woodruff in advance at 714-278-4309.

Q: Where is my campus mailbox? A: Mailboxes are located in your departmental office. Please collect your mail at least once a week. Students are not allowed in the mailroom. Please advise students to turn mailbox items into the department office.

Q: Where can I find the College of Education's website? A: Q: What is the policy on adding or dropping students? A: The policies on adding and dropping students vary somewhat from semester to semester. This variability depends on the University’s enrollment management for any given semester. Please see the information from the University’s current Schedule of Classes or check with your department’s staff person.

Q: What grading policies should I follow? A: Course grades are designated by course as either Credit or No Credit, or letter grades A, B, C, D, F. Ask either your program coordinator or course custodian for specific course expectations.

Q: What is the policy regarding the posting of student grades? A: Generally you are discouraged from posting grades. If you do so, take action that shields the individual’s identity. Do not use social security numbers and do not post grades in unbroken alphabetical order.

Q: What should I do if I should miss a class for any reason? A: THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT AND A NEW UNIVERSITY POLICY: First contact Rebecca Ngumi at 714-278-4021 to let her know you will be absent. You must also contact her when you return. If you do not let her know when you return, you will continue to be considered absent and you will be docked for your absence until you notify her.

You should arrange a substitute for your class if at all possible. If you are ill or an emergency arises and you have been unable to notify your students in advance, contact Marye Watkins-Woodruff at 714-278-4309.

Q: What is the policy for conducting instructor evaluations? A: Just prior to the end of each semester, you will find in your campus mailbox an envelope that contains blank evaluation forms. Directions are found in this envelope as well. PLEASE FOLLOW THESE DIRECTIONS EXACTLY AS THEY APPEAR. YOU MUST HAVE YOUR STUDENTS COMPLETE THESE EVALUATIONS. You must leave the room while the students are completing these and have a designated professor or student take them to the location indicated in the instructions. The professor or student may place the envelope of completed evaluations in the mailbox outside of EC190 if the department office is closed. You will receive computer-generated results of these evaluations by the middle of the following semester. They will be placed in your campus mailbox. Or you may ask your department chair to see them.

Q: How do I obtain supplies? A: Check with your department staff person who will be able to supply you with the basics – transparencies, file folders, etc.

Q: What are the expectations for developing the mandatory personnel file? A: Requirements are found in the category of PERSONNEL FILE below. You will be expected to submit personnel file each year in March or April in order to be considered for future University employment.

Q: Is there a college dress standard or expectation? A: Professional dress is expected. Copying Course Material

Q: What is the procedure to prepare and duplicate course materials and exams? A: There are 3 options: a.) The most useful and easiest way to get the needed materials to the students is by using “Blackboard”. If you are not familiar with the use of “Blackboard” please contact the Faculty Development Center at 714-278-4722 or by email at [email protected] and sign up for a class. b.) Please use the services of The Pulse (in the bookstore) to reproduce large course packets. You should do this as soon as possible in advance of the beginning of the semester. The bookstore will then put the course packets on the shelf with the textbooks for students to purchase. c.) Some copying can be done in-house in your departmental office as long as it is are no more than 30 pages at a time, e.g., 30 copies of one page or 3 copies of ten pages. Please use the copy machine with discretion and for CSUF class related materials only.

Q: What code do I use to log in to the copy machine? A: You will first ask Mary Watkins-Woodruff in CP500 to set you up. She will assign your code as last four digits of your SSN.

Q: What should I do if I have a large copying job? A: Fill out a repro form, attach a copy of the material to be copied and submit it to Marye Watkins-Woodruff in CP500. Plan on a minimum of a four-day turn around.

Q: What is the copyright policy? A: The College strictly adheres to the Federal Copyright Standards. They are attached and posted at each copy machine. Please do not ask the staff to infringe on this policy.

Instructional Technology and Support

Q: What is the procedure for securing audio-visual equipment in classrooms? A: All classrooms are now “smart classrooms.” You are required to go through special training to obtain a key in order to use the equipment. Please contact: ClassroomTechnology Support, Art Booth, X3483 or [email protected].

Q: What technical help is available? A: For technical & software support, you may call help desk, 714-278-7777. c. To reserve the use of a lab for your class, contact Shariq Ahmed at 714-278-5484 or [email protected]

Q: How do I arrange for a phone in my office? A: Contact Pam Bellomy at 714-278-4022.

Q: Can I access my campus phone from home? A: Yes. Dial 714-278-2525, enter your phone extension number (the last four digits of your campus phone) and hit pound, then enter your password (usually 1111) and hit pound. Q: Do I have access to a computer? A: Part time faculty offices include computers. You can access your account from any computer via the website address:

Q: Where can I find the College of Education's website? A:


Q: Should I complete a personnel file? A: Yes. Each year you will be asked to submit one. Your department chair will inform you of the date. These are generally due mid April and cover the previous calendar year.

Q: Is this a requirement? A: Yes. All instructors employed by the University must be evaluated yearly. This is a requirement in order to be considered for hiring in subsequent semesters.

Q: Who evaluates my file? A: Either the department chair or a personnel committee of the department in which you work.

Q: What should I place in my personnel file? A: Include your resume (see standard College format) a reflective narrative analyzing your teaching and student evaluations class roster syllabus (not applicable to field supervision) grade distribution

Computer generated student ratings and grade distributions are distributed to you in your campus mailbox in the semester after you have completed teaching the course. You may check with Pam Bellomy at 714-278-4022 to arrange to see the original student feedback forms.

Q: May I see a sample of a well-prepared file? A: Check with your department chair.

Q: Where can I find the university policy statement that governs my portfolio review process? A: Go to (UPS 210.060)

Q: Where will I find the guidelines and forms necessary for my file? A: Go to and click on Submission of Performance Review File and Part Time Performance Review File Cover. IRVINE CAMPUS QUESTIONS

These are forthcoming.


Q: When will I be informed about teaching or supervision in future semesters?

A: Need for part time faculty varies a great deal from semester to semester. Each department chair or staffing person will do his or her best to notify you of teaching/supervision duties as much in advance as possible. You should contact your department chair for specific questions.

CZD 8//13/04