Xiaoming He Curriculum Vitae Department of Mathematics and Statistics Phone: 573-341-6208 Missouri University of Science and Technology Email:
[email protected] Rolla, MO, 65409 Web: http://web.mst.edu/ hex/ Education Ph.D. in Mathematics; Virginia Tech (08/05|05/09). Advisor: Prof. Tao Lin. M. S. in Mathematics; Virginia Tech (08/05|05/07). Advisor: Prof. Tao Lin. M. S. in Computational Mathematics; Sichuan University (08/02|06/05). Advisor: Prof. Tao L¨u. B. S. in Computational Mathematics; Sichuan University (08/98|06/02). Thesis Advisor: Prof. Xiaoping Xie. Positions Professor; Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Missouri University of Science and Tech- nology (09/21{present). Faculty Fellow; Office of Vice Chancellor of Research, Missouri University of Science and Technology (07/21{present). Associate Professor; Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Missouri University of Science and Technology (09/16{08/21). Assistant Professor; Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Missouri University of Science and Technology (09/10{08/16). Postdoctoral research associate (supervised by Prof. Max Gunzburger); Department of Scien- tific Computing, Florida State University (05/09|08/10). Research Interests • Interface problems, multi-phase problems, computational fluid dynamics, data assimilation, stochastic PDEs, boundary integral equations, feedback control • Finite element methods, domain decomposition methods, lattice Boltzmann methods, extrap- olations • Computational plasma physics (Particle-In-Cell method) 1 Awards and Fellowships • Faculty Research Award, Missouri University of Science and Technology, 2019. • Affordable and Open Educational Resources Initiative Award, University of Missouri, 2019. • Humboldt Research Fellowship for Experienced Researchers, Alexander von Humboldt Foun- dation, 2018. • Faculty Research Award, Missouri University of Science and Technology, 2014.