ADR Fellowship: Social Entrepreneurship & Cross-Culture Network

New York, 4-16 July 2010

An initiative of

The Edmond de Rothschild Foundation, New York

The Ariane de Rothschild Fellowship aims to develop a network of entrepreneurs with a demonstrated interest in social change and cross cultural dialogue. It is an endeavor to create a new brand of both dialogue and social entrepreneurship that allows for sustainable business models to have far reaching impact.

The ADR class of 2010 will comprise mainly Muslim and Jewish fellows who show a proven ability in acquiring business skills and knowledge derived from the humanities. In addition, they are required to demonstrate a shared purpose in using social entrepreneurship as a new bridge across the cultural divide.

In a multi-layered approach, the program blends three educational components: action-driven social entrepreneurship program, exposure to state-of-the-art scholarship and cross-cultural dialogue.


To create a new dialogue paradigm based on social entrepreneurship that involves:

 Action learning in business and social value  Classes and seminars in politics, history etc.  Dialogue workshops  Exploring NY cultural diversity & social enterprise  Development of a professional network across national & cultural boundaries  A shared purpose in building sustainable social value


 To help the Fellows improve their social entrepreneurship skills  To build a professional network of Jewish and Muslim social entrepreneurs  To develop an action driven paradigm for cross cultural dialogue

For more information, please go to


 Applicants should complete the attached application form and return it electronically to the above mentioned website by January 22, 2010 at the latest.  If you are pre-selected you will be contacted for an initial phone interview.  The final selection process will be complete by March 15, 2010.

We distinguish between social enterprise and non-governmental or non-profit organizations. A social enterprise has revenue generation activities that

2 finances part or whole of its budget while a non-governmental or non-profit organization relies mostly on grants and public subsidies to finance its budget.

Eligibility Requirements

Fellows are selected through a competitive application process that includes personal interviews for limited number of spaces. Selected Fellows will attend the program in New York City in July 2010.

The fellowship provides for air travel to and from USA, UK and France, lodging and some meals.

 Social entrepreneurs whose organizations are in early stages of development and focus on revenue generation. OR

 You work for a non-profit organization or a charity and have a clear plan of reducing dependency on fund raising. We encourage organizations that aim to achieve significant financial autonomy.

 Your organization works in one of the following sectors Environment and new technologies Social media Health Community Service Education Creative Arts Intercultural & Interfaith projects

Please note that we might consider other areas.

 You must submit an initial outline of a business plan at the time of application.

 You can commit two weeks in July 2010 to participate in the

3 program.

 You are a resident of the United Kingdom, France and the United States

 Your organization is registered in France, the UK or the USA.

 You are fluent in English



This form must be completed in order for us to better understand you and your project. Please attach your cv and business plan summary.


First name

Last name

Date of birth

Country of residence

Are you Male Female

Postal Address


Telephone Work Mobile


Is English your mother tongue? Yes No

If not, what is your English language proficiency?

. Fluent . Conversational . Beginner . None

Do you speak any other languages?

If yes, which langauges do you speak and your level of proficiency?


Do you work for

An existing social enterprise?

An NGO/non-profit organization/charity?

All Applicants must attach a summary of their three-year business/strategic plan (3 pages max)

Organization’s Name


6 Core mission

Area of expertise

Environment & new technologies Social Media Health Community Service Education Creative Arts Intercultural/Interfaith projects


How long have you been working with this organization?

What are your job responsibilities?

II (a). If you are a social entrepreneur or work for a social enterprise, please answer the following questions.

Each answer must not exceed 100 words unless marked with an *.

1. What is your project's geographical reach and target population?

2. List your most recent achievements?

7 3. *List the organization's Key Performance Indicators or benchmarks?

4. Has the organization reached some of its benchmarks?

5. *Please provide precise indicators or figures on how these benchmarks have been achieved?

6. Who are your closest competitors? How is your project different?

7. What is your project's unique selling point?

8. *What are your major challenges?

II(b). If you represent an NGO/Non-profit organization/charity , please answer the following questions.

Each answer must not exceed 100 words unless marked with an *.

1. What is your project's geographical reach and target population?

2. List your most recent achievements?

3. *What are the organization's Key Performance Indicators or benchmarks?

4. Has the organization reached some of its benchmarks?

5. *Can your success be measured in tangible terms? If yes, how? Please cite at least three examples.

6. Who are your closest competitors? How do you differ from them?


7. *If your financial/strategic model is based primarily on fundraising (individuals, foundation/government grants, corporate gifts), please explain clearly how do you plan to change to 'revenue generation' to make your organization self sustaining?

8. What skills do you need to change your economic model?

9. Do you plan to implement revenue generation: how and when?

II (c). References

Please provide two professional references. (If are currently in school, you can list your professors.)




Phone numbers


1.Have you had to address inter-community relations particularly between Muslim and Jewish communities? How have such relations been, especially in your immediate environment, been affected by

9 contemporary global issues? Please share personal accounts. (max. 1000 words)

2. Please answer one of the following questions (max. 1000 words): a) What does 'identity' mean to you? Or b) Do you think where politics have failed; businesses with social impact can help resolve deep-rooted conflicts. (Use examples like Israel-Palestine or other).

– You and the DR Fellows Program


1. What skills would you like to learn during the program?

2. What do you expect from the program?


The goal of the program is to build a professional network of mainly Muslim and Jewish (or from Muslim and Jewish background) social entrepreneurs. In what way will you contribute in building the network after the program? Provide your ideas/experiences for network development.