GET ORGANIZED . Simplify your surroundings, streamline and get rid of clutter. Have a place for your keys and your mail so that locating these items is always a stress-free part of your day. . Compile copies of all essential documents to make things easy to act on behalf of your loved one. Keep copies of Power of Attorney, Advanced Health Care Directives, DNR, Wills, Trusts, Proxy forms, etc. in a binder separated by tabs. It’s good practice to upload copies of these important documents to a FREE, online, cloud- based service like Evernote or Dropbox.

GET SYSTEMATIZED . Whether you use a paper or electronic system, for calendaring appointments & deadlines, be consistent and use the same system every time. No loose post-it notes! If you are using an electronic tool, don’t forget to synchronize! Share, edit and manage your calendar with other helpers electronically using Google Calendar or the Cozi Family Calendar. . Write out a 24-hour daily care schedule of routine tasks for personal care, bathing, meals and medications for your loved one. Include Emergency phone numbers for Doctors & Pharmacy, as well as DNR instructions. Post these where helpers can easily see them. You can find a comprehensive tool here: . Automate what you can. This includes online Rx refills, utility Bill Pay and Direct Deposit for income. If your loved one has multiple financial accounts with different banks, consider consolidating accounts so that you’re managing one login for managing their money.

GET PRACTICAL . Store it where you use it. Keep essentials, like medication, medical procedure supplies, grooming items and incontinent pads, nearby and clearly labeled. . Label medication bottles with dosage. Use a Sharpie or adhesive label and include AM/PM and number of pills. . For summoning nighttime help, have a hand bell or wireless doorbell near your loved one’s bed.

GET HELP . Reach out to family and friends for help. It’s helpful to get clear on what would benefit you most and ask for it. Need a break? A hand with your daily chores? A non-judgmental shoulder to lean on? The more specific you can be, the better the chances that you’ll get what you need.