Pupils Transfer What They Have Learned About the Causes of Flooding to Another Setting
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Teacher’s notes
Floods in Bangladesh **
Aims █ Pupils transfer what they have learned about the causes of flooding to another setting █ Pupils understand that flooding can be a much bigger problem in other countries than in the UK █ Pupils begin to understand the terms ‘developed’ and ‘less developed’ █ Pupils begin to understand the links between development and a country’s ability to cope with natural hazards
Introduction This activity is an extension of the work on floods in the UK. It is best done after units 7.1–7.5 have been completed.
Activity This activity is in effect an extended worksheet. It can be done in class or as a lengthy piece of homework.
Follow-up work █ Pupils could do further research into Bangladesh, its geography and culture. They could present their findings as a wall display, a magazine article, or a PowerPoint presentation. █ After looking at ways to control or prevent flooding in the UK, pupils could explore which methods might, or might not, work for Bangladesh – and why. █ Pupils could do research into the monsoon.
geog.1: 7 Floods 1 T Floods in Bangladesh **
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Here you will explore: █ why Bangladesh suffers so many floods █ why these floods cause so much hardship
A summer of terrible floods 1 First, read the report below, about floods in Bangladesh in 2007.
1155 dead in Bangladesh floods
Summer 2007 brought some of the worst Out in the countryside, Shiplu Hasan and his floods family huddle under a plastic sheet on a ever, to Bangladesh. Nearly two-thirds of muddy embankment. Below them, in the the country was under water. 1155 people swirling river, the swollen bodies of dead died, most from drowning. cows and chickens bob along in the water, Much of Dhaka, the capital, was along with tin bowls, and roof beams, and flooded. Thousands of people waded broken furniture. through dirty water, looking for safety in ‘ I don’t know what to do,’ said Shiplu. ‘We offices, or schools, or flood shelters. have no food, or water. My crops have been ‘ It is awful’ said Simi Das, as she washed away. My animals have drowned. My struggled through the water, carrying her house has gone. We are afraid to walk in the child. ‘The floods got into the sewage mud because the floods have driven snakes system. So there’s sewage everywhere. It from their holes. People have died from snake has polluted the water supply. We’ve no bites.’ clean water.’ But people need water. Around the The live cables that dangle everywhere add country, dozens of people have died from to the danger. Some people have been diseases caused by drinking, or washing electrocut- ed. Others died when flooded with, infected flood water. homes collapsed. From newspaper reports, July – October 2007
2 Now list four causes of death, linked to those floods: 1
3 Underline any causes of death in your list that might also apply to floods in the UK. geog.1: 7 Floods 1 S © OUP: this may be reproduced for class use solely within the purchaser’s school or college Floods in Bangladesh
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A map of Bangladesh
Key H i m a l a y a s NEPAL capital city town or city country border
INDIA land height above 1000 m 200 m – 1000 m below 200 m
Bay of Bengal 0 120 km
4 Look at the map of Bangladesh above. Comparing the UK and Bangladesh a Which country surrounds Bangladesh ? UK Bangladesh Population (millions) 59 136 b Which other country is a near neighbour ?
Area (sq km) 243 000 144 000 5 The UK is a developed country. That means people Number of people 244 1042 have a good standard of living, overall. It has a good per sq km infrastructure (roads, electricity supply, and so on). Average amount people £18 600 £124 earn a year Bangledesh is not so developed. Many of its roads are just % of people living in 10% 84% dirt tracks. Many people live in poverty. But it is working rural areas hard to become more developed. Length of paved roads 1531 km 138 km Complete these sentences by choosing from the box per sq km of land below the table. The table will help you. Number of phone lines 587 4 per 1000 people a Bangladesh has as many people Number of radios per 1406 45 as the UK. 1000 people Number of TVs per 508 6 b The UK is about times larger than Bangladesh. 1000 people c On average, people earn times more a year in the UK than in Bangladesh. 5a about half about ten times over twice 5b 1.7 6.4 20 d In Bangladesh, people live in the 5c 100 50 10 countryside, on farms. 5d few most geog.1: 7 Floods © OUP: this may be reproduced for class use solely within the purchaser’s school or college 2 S Floods in Bangladesh
Name Class
Why does Bangladesh have so many floods ? 6 Bangladesh has severe flooding most years. The table below gives factors that contribute to this. Beside each factor, see if you can explain why it contributes to the flooding. Use small neat writing.
This contributes to flooding in Bangladesh This is why it contributes to flooding A From May to September, moist winds blow in from the sea, bringing heavy monsoon rains to Nepal, India, and Bangladesh.
B Three major rivers flow into Bangladesh, from India and the Himalayas.
C The population of Bangladesh is rising fast – which means more and more land is being built over.
D Many forests have been cut down in India, Nepal, and northern Bangladesh.
E Bangladesh is a low, flat country. Most of it is only about 10 m above sea level.
7 When floods are on the way in the UK, we get warnings on TV, and radio, and even by phone. In Bangladesh, it’s harder to warn people. Give two reasons. (The table on the last page will help.)
8 In the UK, the police, fire service, army and others arrive quickly, to help during floods. In Bangladesh, help does not arrive so quickly. Suggest two reasons.
9 In Bangladesh, people may take a very long time to recover from flooding. Suggest a reason.
geog.1: 7 Floods 3 S © OUP: this may be reproduced for class use solely within the purchaser’s school or college