Elementary Football Players and Parents 2015

Welcome to what we hope will be a fun learning experience for you and your child. We are currently in our 11th year of elementary football and have enjoyed working with and developing our future Gators. As a coaching staff, we try our best to give everyone playing time and teach the basic fundamentals of football.

Elementary football will be just for the 5th and 6th graders this year. We will have practices on Tuesdays and Thursdays until the end of the season. Saturdays are our game days. Most will be on the road, but we do have one scheduled for Middle River. We will pass out a schedule of upcoming events as we get them.

Our first practice is scheduled for September 1st at 3:30 in Greenbush. We will distribute equipment, insurance waivers, and go over any other instructions we might have. School will not be started yet, so parents will be in charge of getting their kids to and from practice that day.

Our first scheduled event will be in Erskine on September 12th.

If you have any questions please contact:

Coach Erickson Cell: 242-4786 Work: 463-4087

Coach Modahl Cell: 469-1114 Home: 528-3672

If there are any cancellations, we will notify the schools and have it announced on KJ102. For Whom: 5th- 6th Graders from BGMR

Where/When: - Greenbush-Practice behind the school on Tuesdays and Thursdays. 3:30 to 5:30 pm. - Games on Saturdays for 5th and 6th Graders at various sites.

Cost: $30.00 (Checks payable to BGMR Football) Border State Bank C/O BGMR Football - Payment needs to be turned in before the first game. Attn: Tony McLean - Arrangements can be made as needed—please call. 133 Main Street North - Please send info and payments to:→ →→→→→→→ PO Box 280 Greenbush, MN 56726

What is being taught? - Basic Football Skills - How to play as a team. - Sportsmanship

What is needed? - Football Gear is provided (except shoes) - Spikes are recommended - just make sure they are not metal spikes.

Transportation: - Practices: Use school busing—except for the practices that take place before school starts. Parents will need to provide for those days. - Games: Own transportation--we encourage car-pooling. The coaches may have room for a few extra that don’t have a ride, but we would need to know ahead of time.

------(Cut at dotted line and send in with payment) Border State Bank C/O BGMR Football Attn: Tony McLean Name: ______Grade: ______133 Main Street North PO Box 280 Greenbush, MN 56726

Parent Names: ______Contact Numbers: ______
