Record of Proceedings s2

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Record of Proceedings s2

RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS Regular School Board Meeting Tuesday, February 17, 2015 7:00 p.m. – Oconomowoc High School Little Theatre

ORDER OF BUSINESS Call to Order: President Wiemer called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. Roll Call: Present: Bickler, Guckenberger, Karnowski, Schick, Suttner, Zimmer and Wiemer Others Present: Superintendent Roger Rindo; Director of Student Services Dawes, Director of Curriculum & Instruction Flannery, Director of Business Services Sheridan and Deputy Clerk Snyder The meeting was properly noticed according to Wisconsin Statutes. There was consensus by the Board to move Agenda Item VIII.E.1 – Discussion/Possible Action on Policy 377.2 – Random Drug Testing earlier on the agenda to precede Agenda Item VIII. C.- Personnel Actions. No dissent was voiced. Rules for the meeting were used according to policy.

SCHOOL SHOWCASE – PARK LAWN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Jennifer Jones, Principal of Park Lawn Elementary School, introduced Bethany Staus, Gifted and Talented teacher and Abby Klabunde, 3rd grade teacher. Ms. Staus and Ms. Klabunde introduced three students who provided information on their classroom, and opportunities for individualized learning.

AWARDS AND GRANTS and CORRESPONDENCE AND INFORMATION Superintendent Rindo highlighted the following:

Oconomowoc High School will present the 7th annual senior directed play – “The Mousetrap” from February 18-21; On February 27, the OHS Band Aids are hosting the 10th Annual Jazz Dance fundraiser at Olympia Resort in Oconomowoc; from March 5-8, Silver Lake Intermediate School’s production of MULAN, Jr. will be held March 5-8; Congratulations to Melissa Blahnik who has been asked to serve at the 2015 College Board’s AP Psychology Reading in June; to Kurt Melton who was recently asked to serve as the Head Coach for the Division 1 North All-Stars at the WBCA All- Star Game, and to Beth Tillema, OHS Accounting Teacher who received a WICPA grant which will help accounting students attend a competition and visit a major accounting firm.

Dee Warzin, Co-President of the Oconomowoc Public Education Foundation, presented the Board with a check for $77,434.00 for grants for the 2014-2015 school year.

PUBLIC PARTICIPATION Mike Bickler moved, seconded by Dave Guckenberger, to open public participation. The motion passed unanimously. Record of Proceedings Board Regular Meeting – February 17, 2015 Page 2

Karl Buschhaus spoke about his concerns with the proposed OASD drug testing policy. He asked that the policy not be approved, and that the second reading not be waived this evening.

Dave Young spoke about his concerns about testing students involved in sports and extracurricular activities; and administration’s oversight about what will be done with the information.

Dave Guckenberger moved, seconded by Mike Bickler, to close public participation. The motion passed unanimously.


APPROVAL OF MEETING MINUTES Mike Bickler moved, seconded by John Suttner, to approve the School Board meeting minutes of the Regular Board Meeting on January 20, 2015.

During discussion Sandy Schick said that she felt a descriptive sentence should be put in the January minutes in the section on West Fields that reflected this would be completely funded and finished at no cost to the district.

Mike Bickler moved, seconded by John Suttner, to insert the phrase “at no cost to the district”. Mike Bickler then moved, seconded by Sandy Schick, to amend the motion to read: to approve the softball field upgrades located at the west fields to be completely funded at no cost to the district. The motion passed unanimously.

APPROVAL OF TREASURER’S REPORT Dave Guckenberger moved, seconded by Sandy Schick, to approve the revenue and expense report for the period ending February 10, 2015 as recommended by the Finance, Operations & Advancement (FOA) Committee. The motion passed unanimously.

APPROVAL OF PERSONNEL ACTIONS Dave Guckenberger moved, seconded by Mike Bickler, to approve the recommended certified staff early retirement (Capperino) and support staff new hires (Schmidt; Stone). The motion passed unanimously.

Superintendent Rindo thanked Marilyn Capperino, OHS science teacher, for her 29 years of service. Board members, whose children have had Ms. Capperino as a teacher, said that their students have commented that she is an excellent teacher, and will be truly missed.


Discussion/Possible Action on Policy 377.2 - Random Drug Testing Steve Zimmer, Chairman of the CIA Comm., introduced this agenda item. He commented that the intent of this policy is to introduce another tool for students, and the only proactive tool, to help fight drug abuse. Record of Proceedings Board Regular Meeting – February 17, 2015 Page 3

Superintendent Rindo said the draft policy being presented is a culmination of work that started in August, 2014 that included many stakeholder groups. It is intended to offer another resource for parents and students for the prevention and intervention of drug abuse.

Director of Student Services, Lisa Dawes, mentioned the input of the AODA Committee, and the discussion of the earlier ages when drug experimenting is beginning. She reiterated that the policy is not meant to be a penalty, but a deterrent, and to help kids get the help they would need to fight drug issues.

Director Dawes read the following into the record as a follow-up to an information request that the CIA Comm. asked she obtain:

Questions were asked of both Pewaukee and Arrowhead based on their experience with testing over the years and the outcomes for students.

Arrowhead has been doing testing for 7 years. They are a two building campus and test 10 students in each building each month from September to May. They actually get very few positive results each year. They did a survey of the student body two years ago and by a strong majority, students indicated it was a deterrent.

Pewaukee has been testing since the 2004-05 school year. Their policy allows them to test up to 25% of the student body. They currently test 13 students each month school is in session - so a total of 130 students. They have a student body of 815 so that is roughly 16% of their enrollment. Results have been fairly consistent over the years. They rarely have a positive test and are thankful for this as their goal with the testing is to deter and not to "catch." Their philosophy in testing is to "detect to deter" and to reinforce a culture of healthy choices. They believe having the policy in place provides students another reason to say no when confronted with opportunities to use alcohol or drugs.

Their Athletics/Activities Director compiles data and presents annually to the Board regarding the number of students tested, infractions, refusals to test, etc. Again, because the testing process centers on deterrence, the absence of positive tests is really the best measure of effectiveness.

OHS Counselor Scott Bakkum spoke about the difference in the environment today from 12 years ago when the Board first looked at a drug policy. Today’s drugs can be fatal, even with a first time use. He shared data from various surveys including the Silver Lake Intermediate School survey, the Youth Risk Survey, an OHS Grade 9-12 survey. And he noted that many results are anticipated to be underreported.

Member Schick said that she felt that this policy is much better researched and well written than information submitted 12 years ago.

Board member Karnowski shared some of the research statistics that she obtained in her study of the issue, and said that because of her research she has changed her opinion to now support the policy. She felt it offered students another weapon in their arsenal to say “no”.

It was agreed that, even once the policy is approved, the Board has the right to bring back the policy for more discussion and modify issues that may be identified. If the policy is felt to not be working, the Board can also rescind the policy. Record of Proceedings Board Regular Meeting – February 17, 2015 Page 4

Member Guckenberger said he would have difficulty supporting a policy that included 7th and 8th grade level students.

Students at the intermediate level have either self-reported through the AODA committee, or they may have been reported by their intermediate-level friends.

Mark Olson, the district’s legal counsel, said the policy and supporting material had been thoroughly reviewed. The policy is felt to be legally sound and defensible. The purpose is to deter drug use and to protect students; positive results will not be reported to law enforcement and are not intended to punish; students will not be directly monitored as the sample is given; an independent lab will conduct the testing; the identity of the student does not determine if testing is conducted; if the first test is positive, the sample will be retested; if the second test is positive, the student/parent are allowed an opportunity to explain; and positive results are not kept in a student’s file, but in a separate confidential file.

Steve Zimmer moved, seconded by Mike Bickler, to approve Reading 1, of Policy 377.2 - Random Drug Testing and its related procedure and exhibit and to waive the second reading.

Steve Zimmer moved, seconded by Mike Bickler to rescind the previous motion.

Steve Zimmer moved, seconded by Mike Bickler to with draw all motions and their seconds.

Steve Zimmer moved, seconded by Mike Bickler, to approve Reading 1, of Policy 377.2 - Random Drug Testing and its related procedure and exhibit and to bring back the policy for its 2nd Reading/Approval at the next regular Board meeting... Voting “aye”: Bickler, Karnowski, Schick, Suttner, Zimmer and Wiemer Voting “nay”: Guckenberger. The motion passed 6-1.


Approval of Burkwald Contract - Review of FOA Comm. Presentation and Contract Renewal Discussion Burkwald & Associates was retained in July of 2011 to help the District improve the quality and cost effectiveness of the OASD employee benefit program. The financial significance of the employee benefit program should not be overlooked. OASD spends over $6.85 million per year to provide a comprehensive employee benefits program. Along with cost effectiveness, we believe that providing a high quality benefit program that meets the needs of OASD employees is critical to our ability to attract and retain the best employees and is directly related to Strategic Direction #3: Creating a Great Workplace with Highly Engaged Employees.

Burkwald’s fee for service has been $115,000 for the 2013-14 and 2014-15 school years. This represents a reduction of $10,100 (8.3%) from the initial contract rate of $125,100 for the 2011-12 and 2012-13 school years. Burkwald & Associates does not receive any agent fee or commission from the insurance carriers as a result of OASD’s business.

Sandy Schick moved, seconded by Dave Guckenberger, to authorize the administration to retain Burkwald & Assoc. (B&A) for employee benefits consulting through June 30, 2017, at the discounted 2-year rate of $8,542 per month. Record of Proceedings Board Regular Meeting – February 17, 2015 Page 5

Member Bickler said that he had an amendment to the motion. Since the employees benefit by the savings that Burkwald & Associates brings to OASD employees, he felt that the employee should bear the cost of the Burkwald fees. President Wiemer pointed out that Burkwald & Associates works for the best deal for the district to keep health care cost as low as possible. Member Guckenberger pointed out that they work to keep costs down for all benefits, not just health care.

Mike Bickler moved, seconded by Sandy Schick, to amend the motion. Dave Guckenberger agreed to amend the motion. The motion passed unanimously.

Mike Bickler moved, seconded by John Suttner, to authorize the administration to retain Burkwald & Assoc. (B&A) for employee benefits consulting through June 30, 2017, at the discounted 2 year rate of $8,542 per month which will be paid for through the employee premium contributions. The motion passed unanimously.

Oconomowoc Transport Company (OTC) Contract Negotiation Information from the FOA Committee was provided in the Board agenda packet. At this time, this is an informational, discussion update only.

The FOA Comm. developed a list of questions for OTC in January, 2015, and OTC met with the FOA committee on February 16, 2015. FOA expects to bring an OTC contract to the Board for approval at the March 17, 2015 meeting.

Sodexo Financial and Operational Program Review Chair Schick reported that Sodexo met with the FOA Comm. in January. Various issue were discussed including: quality of food served in schools; pre-order option for students; allergy controls, and investigating the option of pulling OHS out of the National School Lunch Program (NSLP).

This is an informational item. No action is required.

Budget Discussion - Revenue Assumptions Chair Schick reported that as of January that there were no changes.

Director Sheridan reported on changes that have occurred since January's FOA meeting particularly in regard to revenue limit authority and categorical aid. The State just released information on its 2015-17 budget proposal. The Board packet included a document which describes the impact on OASD's budgeting for next year. Administration believes there are still adjustments that will be made in the State's proposal, so it plans to proceed with budgeting planning allowing for various scenarios to account for possible changes in funding.

No action required...this is an informational update only.

Update on 2nd Friday Pupil Count - January 9, 2015 Chair Schick directed board members to the agenda packet information.

Oconomowoc Arts Center (OAC) Periodic Update This issue was officially tabled at the FOA January meeting. It will be discussed at the March 16 FOA meeting. Record of Proceedings Board Regular Meeting – February 17, 2015 Page 6

Review/Possible Action on Attendance Boundary Change The District met with a representative from Newmann Companies to make them aware of the recommendation to change attendance areas for this development. There were no concerns with respect to this change on their end.

President Wiemer asked that, if positive action is taken on this change, that administration notify Newmann Companies, Inc.

Sandy Schick moved, seconded by Steve Zimmer, to approve a revision to the Greenland Elementary attendance boundary to include the new residential development by Newmann Companies, Inc. on the north side of Lisbon Road with the exception of the lots on Mockingbird Court. The motion passed unanimously.

West Field Irrigation Proposal Comparison Chair Schick said that the FOA Committee had discussed whether it was more advantageous to move forward with underground irrigation or with water reels. The committee decided to build the $74,000 into the capital projects budget. No additional action is required.

Athletic Fields Forever (AFF) Fundraising Campaign Update Chair Schick reported that the information on this item was presented, but not discussed.

An all-encompassing list of AFF donations and donors was prepared. A total of $1.14M has been collected to-date (including AFF's tennis component). Reminder and confirmation letters were distributed in the fall of 2014, resulting in collections of $124,000 around year-end. Approximately $386,000 of pledges remain outstanding for multi-year commitments. There may be a minimal portion of these pledges that are uncollectible. Director Sheridan told the Board that a large number of donations was collected at year-end.

There is no action required on this item. It is an informational update only.

RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE AND ESTABLISHING PARAMETERS FOR THE SALE OF NOT TO EXCEED $28,000,000 GENERAL OBLIGATION REFUNDING BONDS, SERIES 2015 (from 02.16.15 FOA Mtg) Business Services Director Sheridan provided an update to the Board as follows:

In the Fall of 2014, OASD successful refinanced its Fund 38 debt and $10M of callable maturities of its Fund 39 debt. The Fund 39 debt was refinanced using OASD's $10M annual bank qualified (BQ) debt borrowing ability. This was defined as phase 1 of a multi-phase plan to refinance OASD's existing Fund 39 debt at lower interest rates than were available at the time of borrowing, hence saving money for OASD's taxpayers.

Now that we are in a new year, it is time to again look at refinancing options for OASD's Fund 39 debt for the callable maturities. Interest rates continue to remain favorable although outlook suggests an increase during 2015.

President Wiemer reminded the Board that the Board President, Superintendent and Director of Business Services have the authority to move forward with the most advantageous option. Record of Proceedings Board Regular Meeting – February 17, 2015 Page 7

Sandy Schick moved, seconded by Mike Bickler, to approve the Resolution Authorizing The Issuance And Establishing Parameters For The Sale Of Not To Exceed $28,000,000 General Obligation Refunding Bonds, Series 2015. The motion passed unanimously.

Member Guckenberger clarified that the parameter are the same parameters that are in the $10 Million earlier borrowing. Director Sheridan confirmed that they are.


Universal Design for Learning (UDL) Presentation Chair Steve Zimmer provided an update on this issue. He said that Kim Schiefelbein, District UDL Coach, presented the principles of Universal Design for Learning (UDL) and the current impact on teaching and learning within our schools at the last CIA meeting. He encouraged Board members to go through the fact sheet and contact Kim if they had questions.

This is for information only.

Approval of 2015 Summer School Brochure Chair Zimmer introduced this topic. The Board of Education was provided with electronic copies of the 2015 Summer School Course Descriptions brochures for students entering 4K-4th grades, 5th- 8th grades, and 9th-12th grades.

Member Schick asked about staffing. Director of Curriculum & Instruction, John Flannery, replied that staffing is complete for summer school. Member Karnowski asked why gymnastics was eliminated. Director Flannery said it is primarily due to staffing, as well as the range of learners (kindergarten through high school). Administration is currently in discussions with the Parks and Recreation Department to see what options might be developed and available to students.

Steve Zimmer moved, seconded by John Suttner, to approve the course offerings as proposed for the 2015 summer session. The motion passed unanimously.

FACILITIES ADVISORY COMMITTEE UPDATE Sandy Schick, Chair of the Facilities Advisory Committee, provided the following update:

The committee has met four times thus far. The committee includes approximately 60 committee members including two Board members, plus a wide variety of administrators, staff and community members.

The first two meetings in December and early January dealt with Mission Statement and timeline. The meeting on Jan. 28 included a behind the scenes tour at high school. The meeting on Feb. 12 included a behind the scenes tour at Greenland, and a demonstration of universal design for learning.

OLD (UNFINISHED) BUSINESS None. Record of Proceedings Board Regular Meeting – February 17, 2015 Page 8


Appointment of Board Member Karnowski to Board Committee, District Delegate and CESA Representative Board President Wiemer officially appointed new Board member, Jessica Karnowski, as a member to the Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment (CIA) committee. He also appointed member Karnowski as the Board's delegate to the WI Assn. of School Boards (WASB) and as the Board's CESA 1 representative.

FUTURE MEETINGS AND AGENDA ITEMS There is a Board Workshop scheduled on Monday, March 9, 2015 at 4:30 p.m. at Meadow View Elementary School.

The next Regular School Board meeting is scheduled for March 17, 2015 at 7:00 p.m. in the Little Theatre at Oconomowoc High School, 641 E. Forest Street, Oconomowoc, WI 53066

ADJOURN Mike Bickler moved, seconded by Sandy Schick, to adjourn. The motion passed unanimously. The Board meeting adjourned at 8:35 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Mike Bickler, Board Clerk Don Wiemer, Board President

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