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Ms. Jacqui Greadington EOEA President



Thanks to all of you for expressing your confidence and acceptance of the tentative agreement. On Friday, February 5, a total of 876 EOEA members participated in the contract ratification vote. The results were 856 voting YES and 20 voting NO. Your team was determined to bring back a contract that we were proud to present to you. We are pleased that you agreed. Although the road was long and tedious, it was our honor to serve and protect your interests in this process. The Board and the Superintendent have been informed of the ratification, thereby, solidifying the negotiated agreement. Special thanks to Negotiations Chair and EOEA Vice-President, Clarence Osborne for his skill and leadership.


Numerous concerns have been expressed regarding the operation of the school based Professional Development (PD) Committees. As you know, the new PD regulations insist that teachers play a major role in determining and developing the PD needs of their schools. Although an (one) administrator from each building serves on the committee, the majority of members should be teachers elected by their peers through the EOEA election process.

Some of the issues raised have been: 1. Administrators receiving notice and not informing the elected teachers of scheduled meetings. 2. Administrators coercing and/or suggesting that elected teachers resign from the committee. 3. Administrators continually reminding teachers that there will be “too much work” for them to do. 4. Administrators refusing to provide time for the committee to meet and plan, insisting that teachers use their lunch and/or prep to do this important work.

In my opinion, this behavior is designed to manipulate and control the process. I have asked that teachers be informed of scheduled meetings directly, and not through administration. The Association will seek compensation for teachers who have been forced to give up their lunch and/or prep to follow the state mandated guidelines. We recognize that this is important work. It is an opportunity to develop professional development opportunities that are meaningful to teachers. We know what we need, and our input is invaluable. For years we have been subjected to PD that we have found to be a waste of time. In order for this to work, there has to be cooperation between all interested parties. Administrators must be open to teacher input and expertise. Sadly, the district does not have a successful history of this type of collaboration. Election to the school based PD Committee should not be a form of punishment. It is my true hope that the district can embrace the tenets and guidelines of the PD regulations. We, the practitioners, know what works. To EOEA members serving on these committees, thank you for your dedication and commitment to achieving student success. It is our hope that your experience is successful. If you are experiencing any problems in carrying out your commitment to quality professional development, please contact the EOEA office immediately.

Volume 7, Issue 6 Page 1


EOEA HEALTH, SAFETY AND SECURITY COMMITTEE (HSSC) By Clarence Osborne, Chairperson November and January were busy months for the HSSC. In November the Early Childhood offices located on Glenwood Avenue went through an overall renovation after the boiler burners malfunctioned during the Thanksgiving break. The building smelled of burnt oil and several staff members suffered adverse reactions to the smell. All staff members were moved to another area as the building was renovated. In January, Houston Academy had several air quality concerns. PEOSHA (Public Employee Occupational Health Administration) was called in by President Jacqui Greadington to assess staff members’ concerns about steam leaks and asbestos. The Board was issued two citations for issues that should have been addressed. EOEA member Michele Murchison attended our last meeting and offered the following information about school safety;  School Safety Drills-Fire Drills are required twice a month. Evacuation or Safety Drills are self-scheduled. There is no requirement of numbers per month or school year by law. Ms. Veale sent a memo regarding school safety issues in September asking administrators to perform one evacuation drill in September/October and one lockdown in November.  The schools are accountable for the drills. They must fill out drill summaries. They also must call security base who then logs in the time of the drill.  Drill summaries along with safety plans are checked on site visits and monitored through QSAC.  The Mental Health Emergency Response Team has been deployed to help children with relatives in Haiti. In addition the district has convened a planning committee for long and short term response activities. The committee appreciates Ms. Murchison taking time out of her busy schedule to attend our meeting. The HSSC will conduct a follow-up walk-through of Gordon Parks Academy on Thursday, February 18, 2010.


TAX TIME-Association dues are an educational tax deduction for If you or a family member is experiencing “stress” or any members who itemize their taxes. The allowable amounts for the other behavioral health condition, you can contact your confidential 2009 tax year are: no cost referral service at 1-888-828-7826. Full Time Teachers: $1130.50 Building Based Subs: $572.50 P.R.I.D.E. By Donna Jenkins, Chairperson

HUMAN RIGHTS DINNER -The NJEA Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s Human Rights Dinner Celebration chaired by EOEA President Jacqui Greadington was a huge success. The sellout crowd enjoyed keynote speaker Hill Harper and songs by Freddie Jackson.

PRIDE ART CONTEST-The PRIDE committee is sponsoring an ART contest. The theme for the contest is “Students – Family – Community”. All entries must be submitted to Donna Jenkins at Healy at Healy school or the EOEA office by February 10, 2010. Winning entries will be placed on reusable bags. See your Rep. for details.

ECEA PRIDE EXPO at the LIVINGSTON MALL-The PRIDE Mall Expo sponsored by the Essex County Education Association will be held March 5 thru March 12, 2010. Our students will have artwork, poems, letters, sculptures, drawings, and many other projects on display. There will be musical performances by Houston - Saturday, March 6, 12: 00p.m.- 2:00p.m. Please make every effort to support our students. Jackson, Louverture, and Warwick will be performing during the week. Displays should be setup Thursday, March 4th. The ribbon cutting-ceremony is Friday, March 5, 2010 at 7:00p.m.

EOEA NEA-RA Election Results-Returning delegate EOEA President Jacqui Greadington. Elected for two-year term Clarence Osborne (Truth) and Priscilla Burke (Tyson), one year Kathie Osborne (PPS), Deborah Thurmond (Hughes), Amy Scott (Warwick) and Donna Jenkins (Healy).

FEBRUARY FEBRUARY-Black History Month Black History Month The Pride committee will be allotting schools $100.00 for light refreshments 11 National Inventor’s Day for parents, guardians and community members attending Black History 15 President’s Day programs. Please acknowledge refreshments are compliments of the EOEA. 18 ECEA Higher Education Workshop – Coordinator of programs must present program, attendance and original Atrium, W. Orange receipts for refund. No refunds will be given for purchases made at Wal-Mart MARCH or Sam’s Club. 2 Read Across America Day 5-12 ECEA PRIDE EXPO at Livingston MARCH-Women’s History Month Mall Read Across America Day – March 2nd Dr. Seuss’s Birthday 10 School Social Worker Day EOEA participates in the month long celebration by allowing schools actively 18 ECEA Bargaining Workshop – Appian participating in RAA activities an allotment of $100.00 for light refreshment Way, Orange for invited guest readers, participants and community members in attendance 25 ECEA Minority Leadership Workshop of programs. Atrium, W. Orange For additional info on NEA’s RAA go to Volume 7, Issue 6 Page 2


GOVERNMENT RELATIONS By Amy Scott, GRIEVANCE REPORT Chairperson By Priscilla Burke, Chairperson Kudos to my colleagues who wisely ratified our contract during 1. There are several grievances pursuing these critical and unpredictable times. As New Jersey prepares to removal of reprimands from files on behalf of several members. cope with a $10.9 billion dollar deficit (higher than originally All grievances not responded to at Level II have been moved to projected) and deceased revenue as the millionaire tax expires and Level III (Various Buildings) There was a Level III hearing others relocate, one can conclude that government must reduce regarding this issue for one site spending. (Soon to be scheduled) Last week school administrators received a memo from the NJ/ them of a probable reduction in state aid (less 2. Grievances have been filed against administrators who have used a DOE informing concern by a parent (which was resolved) and incorporated the than flat funding); and recommending a state-wide freeze on salaries information into reprimands and an evaluation. (Tyson including school employees. Since teacher contracts are negotiated Elementary) (Hearing held at Level III and we are waiting for a by local school boards, it was unclear if Christie could enforce this response from the board). Moved to Level IV. mandate. In order to pursue his agenda, Gov. Christie has requested (Soon to be scheduled) extended veto power, and received bipartisan support. In his opinion, an enemy of the public good is its public employee unions. 3. Several teachers are grieving losses of increments. Two hearings were held and we are waiting for two to be scheduled. An Crisis can initiate change, and odd proposals can emerge. It is increment withholding has been recommended for Arbitration being proposed that schools unable to meet their AYP for more than after not being scheduled at Level IV. The Association believes 5 consecutive years should be closed, and converted to charter that the recommendation for the loss of increment was schools. Obama, Duncan, Christie, & Schundler support the disciplinary, arbitrary and capricious. One loss of increment has expansion of Charter Schools. Merit pay for teacher’s based upon student test scores gone to arbitration; there are two that are being reviewed for is being considered. There is talk of an arbitration. elimination of tenure for teachers which is supported by many 4. A class action grievance was filed on behalf of any teacher who administrators. Districts desire to reserve the right to impose a “best was held beyond their contractual day on the last day of school. last offer” in the case of stalled teacher contract talks. Proponents of (Level III)(Hearing was held at Level III . Moved to Level IV. vouchers and charter schools offer increased support for government (Soon to be scheduled) vouchers and school choice; delayed expansion of pre-school 5. A grievance will be filed against the administration at Tyson programs; and audit of SEHPB by the Division of Pensions as a Elementary that is mandating that teachers wear the school mechanism to reduce spending. Employees must submit uniform twice a week. (Moved to level IV) Moved to Uniserv for documentation for dependent and spousal health coverage, and possible Arbitration. (Soon to be scheduled) additional support for universal health care. (Forms will be available 6. Refusal by Administration to give professional development after February 10, 2010.) Also there is a proposed “Promotion of credits to teachers who are trained at staff meeting. (Cochran) Jobs” bill to include education. Moved to Level IV. Moved to Arbitration. Public and political support and finances will determine the 7. The Association will proceed with a grievance that a member was future of public education particularly in urban cities. AYP and test scores will be a contributing factor. However recently, the Obama sent to personnel after a family illness which did not meet the requirement as set forth by the contract. (Carver) administration acknowledged a flaw in NCLB and is currently seeking to eliminate “Adequate Yearly Progress” benchmarks which FYI: The Association has continued to try to resolve grievances for 15 years has been the bedrock of the school accountability although the process has been affected by the retirement of both Dr. system, and are seeking to replace it with an index that would Kenneth King and Mrs. Alice Paris. We have proceeded to Arbitration reward educators who prepare students for college and careers (Merit Pay.) Opposition accused the Obama administration of with issues that require action beyond the district level, and we have recently connected with a new administrative assistant who will handle retreating from the established deadline of bringing every child in scheduling. Thank you, for your patience. 98,000 public schools to academic proficiency by 2014. Unwarranted responsibility and extreme accountability rests on THEMES FOR PRIDE ESSAY CONTEST the shoulders of educators nationwide. We must continue to be (Please select a theme appropriate for your grade) unified, to support our unions, and remain invested in the future of KINDERGARTEN (K) -What I like best about school public schools. We ask that you visit the website and GRADES & FIRST GRADE (1 st )-Why I do my best in school become a cyberlobbyist. Send letters to your Senators and TWO (2 nd ), THREE (3 rd ) AND FOUR (4 th )- Why I am a good student Congressman asking them to support the Jobs bill and to include GRADES FIVE (5 th ) & SIX (6 th )-I take pride in my school because education in the process. Every member is asked to donate $5.00 to GRADES SEVEN (7 th ) & EIGHT (8 th )-What makes me successful in the NJEA Political Action Committee. You have the option of school? completing a payroll deduction form, or sending your tax-deductible HIGH SCHOOL—GRADES NINE—TWELVE (9 th , 10th, 11 th , 12 th )- donation to the EOEA office. Your $5.00 can and will make a Why is my public education so unique and how will it influence my difference. Unions and public education will face many challenges future? during these economical times and we must stand up and fight, or be Please submit essays to Donna Jenkins @ Healy or the EOEA office devoured. Please give today! no later that April 2, 2010. Complete details can be found on the Thank you for the confidence that you have shown. Your EOEA website: support is sincerely appreciated by many, including me.

Volume 7, Issue 6 Page 3


INSTRUCTION & TRAINING FAST By Deborah Thurmond, Chairperson By Carla Hinds, Chairperson

The second cycle of Professional Development requirement ends We are continuing the work and the outreach. The Book August 31, 2010. Teachers who were employed on September 1, 2005 Clubs continue to be successful and growing each meeting. The must complete the 100-hour PD requirements by August 31, 2010. next meetings are: “Savvy Sisters” on February 23rd and likewise, Teachers hired after September 1, 2005 or teachers who completed The “Miles Ahead” Book Club. Contact either Betty Copeland or their first five-year cycle on or after September 1, 2006 had their Abdulsaleem Hasan at Glenwood Campus if you are interested. requirements prorated. The “Savvy Sisters” will sponsor a bus ride to see “Madea’s Big The third cycle of the Professional Development initiative will Happy Family” on Saturday May 1st. It will leave the East Orange begin on September 1, 2010. All teachers employed on that date will Board of Education parking lot promptly at noon. The bus will be required to earn another 100 hours by August 31, 2015. Only stop at Old Country Buffet after the show. The price includes: the teachers hired after September 1, 2010 will have their PD play, buffet and transportation. The cost is $85. A deposit of $50 requirements prorated. is due by no later than February 19th. Tickets are selling out Please don’t forget to submit your PD hours to Ms. Lorena quickly. Please call Glenwood Campus and ask for Betty Copeland Simmons. Teachers at Tyson and Garvin should have submitted hours (973)674-4200, ext. 135. during the month of January. Healy, Bowser, and Carver teachers are The “Keepers’ of the Dream” dinner will be held on scheduledVisit toour submit website: PD hours in February. February 25th as indicated last month. Please be sure to contact the Please direct any regarding the submission of your PD EOEA office if you are interested in attending. hours to Lorena Simmons at 973-266-5783. Please consider attending: “Strategies for Closing the If you are still trying to acquire PD hours, log onto Achievement Gaps” to be held on Saturday, May 8, 2010 from 9:00 to check out the NJEA Professional Development a.m. – 4:00 p.m. It will be at NJEA Headquarters attendees receive Institute endorsed programs. Participants will receive a certificate PD credits. Call: Kathy Mathews at (609)599-4561, ext. 2370 verifying their attendance at the endorsed events. Thanks for all your support as we move our schools and community to a level of excellence.

NEGOTIATIONS By Clarence Osborne, Chairperson After a marathon round of negotiations the EOEA membership ratified the tentative agreement by an overwhelming margin;856 Yes votes, 20 No votes. The members of the Negotiations Team (Kennette Bailey, Priscilla Burke, Judy Buzzelli, Jacqui Greadington, Cleta McLeod, and Deborah Thurmond) did a stellar job of supporting me in this effort. The Negotiations Committee members (Lynn Godfrey, Millicent Godfrey, Sonia Montenegro, Kathie Osborne, and Lawrence Woods) were actively involved from the start. They assisted in designing the negotiations survey and serving on sub-committees to gather information from “sub-groups” such as guidance counselors, pupil personnel services, Edmonson Center, nurses, coaches (design, literacy), sports coaches, et al. And let me not forget the efforts of the Action Committee, chaired by Patty Jubelt. This committee took direction from the Negotiations Team to organize actions to support the negotiations effort. The seven members of the Negotiations Team did not wield the power of the Association. It was the collective efforts of the entire EOEA membership! Thank you to all of the EOEA members who took the time to support the actions that helped to secure a fair and equitable settlement. Whether you attended a Board meeting or participated in informational picketing at your school your efforts are greatly appreciated. The Association will now work with the Board on the details of (1) retro-active pay and (2) contract language for the printing of the new contract book. Being that we are into the second year of the expired contract the Association will be soliciting EOEA members to become involved in the upcoming (Dec. 2010) negotiations. Some members have personally expressed an interest in serving in the upcoming negotiations. If you are interested in being considered to serve on the Negotiations Committee contact the EOEA office for an application form.

Volume 7, Issue 6 Page 4

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