United Nations Children S Fund Telephone 234-9 4618538

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United Nations Children S Fund Telephone 234-9 4618538

United Nations Children’s Fund Telephone 234-9 4618538 UN House, 3rd Floor Facsimile 234-9 461 8578 Central Area, Diplomatic Zone www.unicef.org Abuja

Date Issued: 14h March, 2017 Request for Proposal: 2017/Supply/9130639


UNITED NATIONS CHILDREN’S FUND (UNICEF) seeks to engage one or more Institutions that would be interested in providing third party service for the management of staff

Technical and Financial proposals should be forwarded to UNICEF Nigeria supply section mail box [email protected] and or hard copies in sealed envelopes and should be dropped in the bid box placed in the reception room at the entrance hall of UNICEF, or be sent through courier service. Address to: Supply Manger, UNICEF, Old CBN Building, Area 11, Garki, Abuja, Nigeria.


The reference RFP - 2017/Supply/9130639 must be shown on your offer.

The proposal format should align with the technical evaluation criteria when replying to this invitation. Failure to submit your bid in this format, or failure to complete the details as requested, will result in invalidation.

Offers MUST be received on or before 14:00hours Nigeria local time on 4th April, 2016 and will be publicly opened at 14:30hours Nigeria local time same day. Proposals received after the stipulated date and time will be invalidated.

Please visit our website www.unicef.org and download our supplier profile form (SPF) and fill same with necessary information to evaluate you

This request for proposal is approved by:

Michael Zanardi Chief, Supply & Logistics Section

1 United Nations Children’s Fund Telephone 234-9 4618538 UN House, 3rd Floor Facsimile 234-9 461 8578 Central Area, Diplomatic Zone www.unicef.org Abuja



Background 1. -Established as a vast and complex network, the Polio Social Mobilization Network in Nigeria known as Volunteer Communication Network (VCM) spearheads a strategic campaign of behavior and social change through more than 17,000 Community level worker deployed at settlement level. Their prime goal is to mobilize families and communities for universal administration of the Oral Polio Vaccine (OPV) in identified high-risk areas of 14 out of 37 states of Nigeria. -WPV1 and WPV3 transmission interrupted back in 2014 in Nigeria and declared polio non endemic in 2015, however Polio is back in 2016 in Borno as outbreak. Nigeria now joins back polio endemic country list along with Pakistan and Afghanistan following Polio outbreak in Borno state. Nigeria was taken off the list of polio endemic countries in September 2015 because a year had passed with no reported cases of WPV1. This recent case in Borno has a close genetic match with a case in Borno in 2011, indicating it has been transmitting somewhere (either in Nigeria or neighboring countries) undetected since that time. Nigeria has the capacity to stop or contain polio outbreaks. The key will be to urgently improve vaccination coverage during the outbreak response. The quality of the outbreak response is what will be critical to achieve success rapidly. UNICEF as key GPEI partner, will do everything it can to support national and local authorities in their efforts to rapidly address this public health risk by improving campaign quality by strengthening its social mobilization and communication effort through its VCM network.

- The risk of polio virus transmission is very high in other states from Borno considering reverse transmission mechanism ; it is important to ensure that no children are missed from the polio campaigns is a key challenge for all partners working on polio eradication and for UNICEF too. And the Polio VCMNet is poised to address these challenges through strategic communication and social mobilization in the high risk areas. - On the other hand, convergence around the polio communication programme to maximize C4D approach and the Expert Advisory Group for Polio recommended building resilience mainly around routine immunization. Within this plan, UNICEF is committed to improve routine immunization, nutrition status, water and sanitation where the Polio VCMNet is present. This also includes: o Polio Eradication programs through C4D approach. o Strengthening primary health systems and building capacities of Government and Non- Governmental stakeholders for child survival and maternal health interventions. o Strengthening Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) through Government flagships programs. o Strengthening IYCF BCC programs

2 United Nations Children’s Fund Telephone 234-9 4618538 UN House, 3rd Floor Facsimile 234-9 461 8578 Central Area, Diplomatic Zone www.unicef.org Abuja

o Providing technical assistance to state, LGA and Ward health officials for polio, health and nutrition services with special focus on Integrated Management of Newborn and Childhood Illnesses, Routine Immunization, Vitamin A and other Maternal and Child Survival interventions. - In addition to Polio unit under C4D section in UNICEF Abuja office will have specific number of facilitators to implement the respective program as per deliverable based ToR.

In view of this, UNICEF is seeking a contractor to provide facilitators to work in the field, State level, LGA Level also assignment may be in Internal Displaced camps and conflict zones.

Purpose of the assignment

2. The purpose of the assignment is to provide human resources services in support to UNICEF office in Abuja and Field Offices by hiring LGA facilitators, Sr. LGA Facilitators, State Facilitators, Sr. State Facilitators and state supervisors. The services to be rendered by the Facilitators are detailed further below, but essentially fall in the following three categories: - Management of vast human resources, including identification of qualified human resources, short listing, interviewing and on-boarding including management of their files, evaluation of their performance and other necessary human resources management such as non-working days, work plans, activity reports, log books, performance appraisal.

- Financial management, including disbursement of professional fees, tax deductions at source, OPE and expenses incurred in implementation of program activities.

- Approved Program Activities by the C4D section to be implemented by the facilitators , and consultants of sections

- Logistics management, including for travel and for other meetings, for all the Polio and VCM related events, trainings of Social Mobilization Network, partners of Polio and Health including Government, and partners of the sections Health, Education, CP, WASH, Nutrition and Education.

Scope of Work:

3. The scope of work shall be as follows:

a) The contractor will have to identify potential facilitators, manage and supervise

3 United Nations Children’s Fund Telephone 234-9 4618538 UN House, 3rd Floor Facsimile 234-9 461 8578 Central Area, Diplomatic Zone www.unicef.org Abuja

facilitators and senior facilitators based on UNICEF’s request and UNICEF acceptance of the proposed facilitators as meeting the terms of reference (TORs) detailed in Annex B.

b) Requests can only be accepted from UNICEF through a signed contract or in writing signed by the authorized UNICEF designated official.

c) UNICEF will be involved in the selection of facilitators through interviews or written test as deemed necessary by the UNICEF hiring manager (UNICEF’s approval is required prior to deployment), based on programme requirements.

d) The contractor will be responsible to provide full administrative support to the facilitators as requested by UNICEF.

e) The facilitators working under a contract with the contractor in support of UNICEF programmes/operations are employed by the contractor. UNICEF does not have any direct or indirect responsibility towards these personnel (facilitators) and their legal heirs.

f) The contractor is responsible for the provision and payment of the monthly salary and other entitlements as per Nigerian Law (social insurance, medical and life insurance, transportation and communication costs) of each facilitator as per rates agreed with UNICEF and detailed under the payment terms, including the deduction of income tax from each facilitator and payment of the same to the authorized Government department.

g) Daily Subsistence Allowance (DSA) and Travel costs when outside of and/or within the Governorate will be paid on arrears based on the documented monthly travels as approved by UNICEF in writing.

h) The contractor will be paid a percentage against the management of facilitators’ contracts as administrative fees, covering for the costs indicated under the payment terms.

Categories of Facilitators 4. There care five categories of facilitators - LGA Facilitator -Senior LGA Facilitator -State Facilitator - Senior State Facilitator - State Supervisor The key assignments of each type of facilitator per section is attached as Annex B.

Respect of UNICEF Core values

5. The Contractor shall ensure that its employees follow UNICEF Core Values that reflect attitudes and convictions that are shared across all UNICEF staff. These core values include: Diversity and Inclusion, Integrity and Commitment, fairness and transparency and commitment to the cause of children. The Contractor and its employees must accept and believe in the core values and agree to work in a multi-cultural environment with sensitivity and respect for UNICEF's mandate.

4 United Nations Children’s Fund Telephone 234-9 4618538 UN House, 3rd Floor Facsimile 234-9 461 8578 Central Area, Diplomatic Zone www.unicef.org Abuja

6. The Contractor is committed to ensure the highest standards of conduct, professionalism and accountability of all its personnel deployed to provide service for UNICEF.

7. UNICEF expects the contractor and its employees to uphold the Standards of Conduct; highest standards of efficiency, competence and integrity and have zero-tolerance policy on sexual exploitation and abuse. For the avoidance of doubt these standards are defined as follows: a) Sexual exploitation is any actual or attempted abuse of a position of vulnerability, differential power, or trust, for sexual purposes, including, but not limited to, profiting monetarily, socially or politically from the sexual exploitation of another.

b) Sexual abuse is the actual or threatened physical intrusion of a sexual nature, whether by force or under unequal or coercive conditions.

8. The Contractor shall include the provision on the UNICEF Core Values and the Policy on Sexual Exploitation and Abuse in all contracts of contractor employees (facilitators) assigned to work with UNICEF.

Legal Status of the Contractor and its employees (Facilitators) 9. The Contractor and its employees including the facilitators shall be considered as having the legal status of an independent contractor. The Contractor’s employees and subcontractors including facilitators shall not be considered in any respect as being employees of UNICEF. The Contractor agrees to explain this point clearly to all facilitators assigned to UNICEF that they are NOT employees of UNICEF and to include this provision in all facilitators contract.

Responsibility of the Contractor 10. The Contractor shall be fully responsible for all works performed by its employees, agents, servants, and sub-contractors and shall only select individuals who are professionally and technically competent to perform the work, with appropriate training as may be required. The Contractor shall take all reasonable measures to ensure that all its personnel conform to the highest standards of moral and ethical conduct and respect the core values of UNICEF. 11. The Contractor shall ensure that all facilitators provided to UNICEF are medically fit to perform the work in the locations assigned and shall be responsible to provide health insurance and life insurance cover in accordance with the laws applicable in Nigeria. 12. The Contractor shall provide and thereafter maintain insurance against all risks in respect of its property and any equipment used for providing the services. The Contractor shall provide and thereafter maintain all appropriate workmen's compensation and liability insurance, or its equivalent, with respect to its facilitators to cover claims for death, bodily injury or damage to property arising from the execution of the required services. The Contractor represents that the liability insurance includes sub-contractors. 13. The Contractor shall also provide and thereafter maintain liability insurance in an adequate amount to cover third party claims for death or bodily injury, or loss of or damage to property, arising from or in connection with the provision of work assigned or other equipment owned or leased by the Contractor or its agents, servants, employees or sub- contractors performing work or services.

5 United Nations Children’s Fund Telephone 234-9 4618538 UN House, 3rd Floor Facsimile 234-9 461 8578 Central Area, Diplomatic Zone www.unicef.org Abuja

14. The Contractor shall, upon request, provide UNICEF with satisfactory evidence of the insurance required to perform the assignment. 15. UNICEF shall not be liable for any action, omission, negligence or misconduct of the Contractor's employees, officers, agents, servants and sub-contractors, nor for any insurance coverage which may be necessary or desirable, nor for any costs, expenses or claims associated with any illness, injury, disability or death of such personnel performing the required services. 16. The Contractor shall indemnify, hold and save harmless and defend, at its own expense, UNICEF, its officials, agents, servants and employees, from and against all suits, claims, demands and liability of any nature or kind, including their costs and expenses, arising out of the acts or omissions of the Contractor or its employees or sub-contractors in the performance of required services. This provision shall extend, inter alia, to claims and liability in the nature of workmen's compensation, product liability and liability arising out of the use of patented inventions or devices, copyrighted material or other intellectual property by the Contractor, its employees, officers, agents, servants or sub-contractors. The obligations do not lapse upon termination of the resulting contract/Long Term Agreement.

Identification & Selection of Facilitators 17. UNICEF shall identify the requirement of the category of facilitator required and make a request to the contractor. This request shall include the detailed requirements of the assignment and location of the assignment.

18. The Contractor shall manage the process to identify suitable facilitators and make recommendations to UNICEF. The recommendation shall include the names of the suitable candidates and the CVs of the candidates and a confirmation that the facilitators have been briefed thoroughly about facilitator role and the fact that upon selection they will be an employee of the Contractor and not a UNICEF employee. As much as possible, the facilitators shall be selected from the area of assignment.

19. UNICEF shall review the CVs of the candidates and may interview the candidates as deemed necessary, accept or reject the candidate. If the proposed candidates meet the requirements of the assignment, UNICEF will accept and issue a contract to the Contractor to avail to UNICEF the services of the facilitator as per the TOR.

20. If the candidate does not meet the requirements of the assignment, the Contractor shall provide another candidate until such time that a suitable candidate is found and accepted by UNICEF. 21. The Contractor shall conduct reference checks for all facilitators provided to UNICEF and copies of these reference checks shall be provided to UNICEF upon request.

Travel requirement

22. All official travels outside the duty area of the facilitators shall be prior approved by UNICEF designated official and in line with the following: a) Facilitators’ field trips will be coordinated with the Chief of Field office or the manager to whom they report. b) A template for any duty travel will be shared with facilitators for their reports, which will be reviewed and approved by the relevant Chief of Field Office or the manager.

6 United Nations Children’s Fund Telephone 234-9 4618538 UN House, 3rd Floor Facsimile 234-9 461 8578 Central Area, Diplomatic Zone www.unicef.org Abuja

Contract Management & Supervision

23. The supervision and reporting lines shall be as follows:

a) UNICEF Nigeria Chief of Operations is the key UNICEF contact and responsible for the management of the contractual relationship with the contractor.

b) The technical guidance on duties and responsibilities will be provided by the respective Chief of Field Office (CFO) for the area where the facilitator is deployed.

c) All instructions to facilitators relating to their main responsibilities with UNICEF will be provided only by the UNICEF hiring manager.

d) The Contractor shall provide an overall national focal point for UNICEF to contact for organization purposes for facilitators, requirements, and performance issues and for coordination of activities in relation to the management of the Long Term Arrangement. This person must represent the contractor to ensure close coordination with UNICEF.

Replacement of Personnel 24. UNICEF reserves the right to request the replacement of any person assigned by the Contractor. The Contractor shall, at its own expense, replace such person forthwith, subject to UNICEF’s prior written approval of the replacement. 25. The Contractor shall maintain pool of facilitators to provide minimum disruption and if the key personnel for any reason become unavailable to work, the Contractor shall notify UNICEF contact person to seek their agreement prior to making any substitution of the key personnel. Key personnel are designated as personnel identified in the proposal as key individuals such as the supervisor and the national focal point of the Contractor.

Payment Terms and Conditions

26. Subject to review and approval by UNICEF, payments shall be made on monthly basis within 30 days upon receipt of invoices and supporting documents in line with the following: a) The invoice shall include an administrative fee against the management of facilitators’ contracts which is inclusive of costs related to the medical, life and social insurance, office space & stationary supplies, laptop, 3G & air time, recruitment, transportation within the Governorate and income tax. b) The Contractor shall submit an invoice by the first week of each month with monthly report. c) The monthly invoice should explicitly mention that all monthly deductibles and allowances including income taxes, social and health insurance were paid by the Contractor. While the value of the contract is presented/agreed in NGN, the actual payments may be paid in local currency. 27. UNICEF shall pay the following to the Contractor for each category of facilitator per month that it receives services satisfactory. Raters for Facilitator Services

7 United Nations Children’s Fund Telephone 234-9 4618538 UN House, 3rd Floor Facsimile 234-9 461 8578 Central Area, Diplomatic Zone www.unicef.org Abuja

Category *Salary **Commu Hazard ****Cost of ***Transportati (NGN) nication allowance Living on (NGN) Tel. Card Applicabl Allowance (NGN) e for DSA NGN Borno LGA State state LGA 175,000 10,000 To be 10,00 16,00 40 NGN/KM Facilitator defined 0 0 Senior LGA 350,000 10,000 To be 10,00 16,00 40 NGN/KM Facilitator defined 0 0 State 500,000 10,000 To be 10,00 16,00 40 NGN/KM Facilitator defined 0 0 Senior State 630,000 10,000 To be 10,00 16,00 40 NGN/KM Facilitator defined 0 0 State 750,000 10,000 To be 10,00 16,00 40 NGN/KM Supervisor defined 0 0

28.*Salary – Each facilitator is required to work 8 hours, 6 days a week (Monday– Saturday) or as determined at the time of the request of the facilitator prior to commencement of work. 29. **Telephone Card Allowance will be paid to the Contractor to enable the facilitators be able to communicate with various stakeholders in the performance of the assignment.

30. *** Transportation payed as per distances 40 NGN per KM to enable the Contractor to transport the facilitator within the areas of their assignments to perform their duties. No additional transport expenses shall be paid during the course of their duty.  Contractor will arrange transportation for its facilitators for programme implementation through hiring of suitable vehicles.  Contractor will ensure that the vehicles hired are approved by authorities for commercial use and adhere to the safety standards as prescribed by the traffic authorities of the State and Federal Government.  Contractor will ensure that the vehicles are provided by the transport agencies in a timely and efficient manner;  Contractor will maintain records of the bookings, usage daily log books and will make direct payments to the transport agencies for vehicles hired;  Contractor will prepare a monthly plan for the transport requirements programme wise and make bookings accordingly. CONTRACTOR will also maintain records and overviews of the bookings made, actual usage, costs incurred etc.  Contractor will do complete logistic management of programme consultations / meetings/workshops on specific request from UNICEF; Contractor will book venues at State/District levels for programme consultations/meetings/workshops; Budget for the above events will be prepared by Contractor and prior approval from UNICEF will be obtained;  Contractor will disburse payments to the participants towards boarding, lodging, travel etc based on prior approval from UNICEF. 8 United Nations Children’s Fund Telephone 234-9 4618538 UN House, 3rd Floor Facsimile 234-9 461 8578 Central Area, Diplomatic Zone www.unicef.org Abuja

31.****Cost of Living Allowance – UNICEF shall pay to the Contractor NGN 10,000 for LGA Level & NGN 16,000 for travel to State Level travel per night per facilitator for any overnight stay outside the governorate where the facilitator is assigned subject to UNICEF approval. There may be occasions, when authorized by UNICEF, the facilitator may be paid this allowance to cover expenses for an overnight stay within his assigned governorate in remote areas far from facilitator’s home. 32. UNICEF shall pay the Contractor administration/management fee for the provision of the services to UNICEF requested under this arrangement. Therefore UNICEF expects the Contractor to pay the salaries and allowances above in full to the facilitators. UNICEF reserves the rights to verify such payments. In the event that the Contractor fails/refuses to pay the amounts in full, UNICEF reserves the right not to refund the Contractor for the unpaid part of the amount. 33. UNICEF shall reimburse the amount paid by the Contractor to the facilitators provided to UNICEF in accordance with the clauses above. Any payment related to the cost items that are not prior agreed in writing will not be reimbursed. The total amount payable in respect of facilitators, travels, calling cards shall be based on the number of facilitators assigned, and actual travel undertaken and calling cards actually provided based on UNICEF request.

Duration of the Agreement Twelve (12) months from the signature of agreement with the option for yearly extension up to 3 years subject to satisfactory performance.


Marking and returning of proposal SEALED PROPOSALS must be securely closed in a suitable envelope, clearly MARKED on the outside with the RFP NUMBER and despatched to arrive at the UNICEF office indicated NO LATER THAN the CLOSING TIME AND DATE. Proposals shall be submitted in English, and shall be sealed in 1 outer and 2 inner envelopes and all envelopes shall indicate the bidders name and address. The outer envelope shall be addressed as follows:

UNICEF Attn: Supply Manager Old CBN Building, Prefab 5, Area 11, Garki, Abuja.

RFP#: RFP- 2017/Supply/9130639

9 United Nations Children’s Fund Telephone 234-9 4618538 UN House, 3rd Floor Facsimile 234-9 461 8578 Central Area, Diplomatic Zone www.unicef.org Abuja

DUE: 14:00 am local time on 4th April 2017

Technical Proposal The first inner envelope shall be marked Technical Proposal and addressed in the same manner as the outer envelope.

The Bidder must provide sufficient information in the proposal to demonstrate compliance with the requirement set out in each section of this Request for Proposal.  the Bidder General Information form and relevant supporting documentation  the list of management and team staff and their CV’s;  a detailed organization chart of the company including the location and staffing of existing and planned offices;  the firm financial information  the list of projects in Hand and their financial values (at least two)  a list of references (at least three) for the past five years with a particular emphasis on similar Consultancy Services  the list of current litigations (if any)  A proposed methodology, schedule of activities and staff deployment plan

Financial proposal The 2nd inner envelope shall be marked Financial Proposal and addressed in the same manner as the outer envelope, and shall contain the following documentation:  the detailed budget

In ADDITION, proposal in PDF ONLY should also be send to Supply Chief ONLY by the deadline at: [email protected]

Time for receiving proposal Sealed Proposals received prior to the stated closing time and date will be kept unopened. The Officer of the Bid Opening Unit will open Proposals when the specified time has arrived and no Proposal received thereafter will be considered.

UNICEF will accept no responsibility for the premature opening of a Proposal which is not properly addressed or identified.

Modification to sealed Proposals already submitted in a sealed envelope, will be considered if received prior to the closing time and date.

10 United Nations Children’s Fund Telephone 234-9 4618538 UN House, 3rd Floor Facsimile 234-9 461 8578 Central Area, Diplomatic Zone www.unicef.org Abuja

Public opening of proposal Bidders, or their authorized representative, may attend the public opening of the RFP at the time, date and location specified. The only envelope that will be opened at public bid opening is the Technical Proposal.

Validity Proposals shall remain valid for a period of ninety (90) days from the date of closing of the Proposals.

Changes and/or Alterations All requests for changes or alterations to the Request for Proposal or requests for clarifications must be submitted in writing by fax or e-mail to the UNICEF Construction Management Specialist. Information provided verbally will not be considered a fundamental change and will not alter this Request for Proposal.

Inquiries received less than three (3) working days prior to the Proposal closing date cannot be guaranteed any response. Only written inquiries will receive an answer. All inquiries and answers will be provided to all invitees in writing, regardless of the source of the inquiry.

Subcontracting Bidders shall identify on their offer, any services, which may be subcontracted to another firm. A Technical Proposal as described hereafter must be submitted for all subcontractors and will be considered as being part of the bid.

Rights of UNICEF UNICEF reserves the right to accept any proposal, in whole or in part; or, to reject any or all proposals. UNICEF also reserves the right to negotiate with the Bidders. UNICEF shall not be held responsible for any cost incurred by the Bidder in preparing the response to this Request for Proposal. The Bidder agrees to be bound by the decision of UNICEF as to whether her/his proposal meets the requirements stated in this Request for Proposal. UNICEF reserves the right to award the agreement to one or more contractor(s).

Property of UNICEF This Request for Proposal, inquiries and answers and the Proposals are considered the property of UNICEF. All materials submitted in response to this Request shall remain with UNICEF.

Language of Proposal The proposals prepared by the Bidder as well as all correspondence and documents relating to this document shall be written in the English Language. Any printed literature furnished by the Bidder written in another language will only be considered if accompanied by accurate English translation of the relevant passages for purposes of interpretation.

11 United Nations Children’s Fund Telephone 234-9 4618538 UN House, 3rd Floor Facsimile 234-9 461 8578 Central Area, Diplomatic Zone www.unicef.org Abuja

Proprietary Information Information, which the Bidder considers proprietary, must be marked clearly "proprietary" next to the relevant part of the text, and UNICEF will then treat such information accordingly.

Evaluation of proposal Following closure of the RFP, proposals will be evaluated by a UNICEF evaluation team to assess their merits. The evaluation will be restricted to the contents of the Proposals and the reference checks.

First, the Technical Proposals will be evaluated. The Technical Proposal was allocated a total possible value of 70 points. Technical Proposals receiving 50 points or higher, will be considered technically responsive and the Price Proposal will be opened. Proposals which are considered not technically compliant and non-responsive, will not be given further consideration.

The Consulting firm will be selected upon the following criteria: - Technical proposal (weightage 70%):


No Weigh Criteria . t Company and organizational profile 20 Company background; financial strength and understanding of 10 (i) humanitarian programmes Experience in managing similar services; client portfolios with evidence in the form of recommendation letters from clients 4 demonstrating work completed and outcome. Experience in working or familiarity in the geographical area of 4 Nigeria. Experience with working with multiple stakeholders in a project 3 particularly Government and International organisations. (ii) Proposed work plan and approach 30 Extent of understanding of the requirements 10 Practicality of the proposed methodology relative to the context 10 of the service Risk assessment and mitigation strategies integrated into the 5 service Evidence of tools database for recruitment and understanding of 5 human resource management (vi Company Key Staff 20

12 United Nations Children’s Fund Telephone 234-9 4618538 UN House, 3rd Floor Facsimile 234-9 461 8578 Central Area, Diplomatic Zone www.unicef.org Abuja

) Appropriate technical resource with the right skills/expertise, qualifications to deliver the outputs required; Key technical skills/expertise of Individual team members to be used to 10 execute the assignment; Qualifications/level of education of key staff, evidence of expertise/experience of each individual team member etc Appropriateness of the mix of expertise/skills of team members 5 Evidence of Key managerial skills and cultural knowledge of the 5 individual team members Total 70

Second the Financial Proposal will be evaluated. The total number of points allocated for the Financial Proposal is 30. The maximum number of points will be allocated to the lowest price proposal that is opened and compared among those bidders which obtain the threshold points in the evaluation of the Technical Proposals. All other Price Proposals shall receive points in inverse proportion to the lowest price.

Only Financial offers of Firms scoring at least 52 points in the technical proposal will be opened.

- The financial proposal (weightage 30%) including all related fees (honorarium, daily subsistence allowance in Nigeria with all suggestions) and other estimated expenditures (logistic; international transport (flights in economic fare and terminal expensive, local flight and ground transportation, communication (telephone, mobile phones, internet…) to be reimbursed

The amount of the lowest financial offer will be awarded the maximum score of 30 points. And the proportionality rule will be applied to the financial offers of other Consulting firms.

The total number of points will be: sum of the number of points obtained in the evaluation of technical and financial offer. UNICEF reserves the right to select the most advantageous overall offer submitted by any of the Consulting firm.

UNICEF will not be held responsible for any duties, taxes or other levies including Value Added Tax for which the Firm may be liable in the course of the contract. UNICEF is exempted from all duties, taxes, or other levies must not be included in the fees as shown in the Financial Proposal.

The cost of all items in the Financial Proposal shall be calculated and shown in Nigerian Naira.

Liability and Indemnification

13 United Nations Children’s Fund Telephone 234-9 4618538 UN House, 3rd Floor Facsimile 234-9 461 8578 Central Area, Diplomatic Zone www.unicef.org Abuja

The Consultant is advised that UNICEF will not undertake any liability for taxes, duty or other contributions payable by him/her on payments made under the contract and UNICEF will not issue a statement of earnings

‘Indemnification’ clause of any UNICEF contract, is a part of the general terms and conditions are shared during the bidding process, At contract preparation level, these are system generated, standard insertions, including the one on “Indemnification”.


This RFP and any responses thereto, shall be the property of UNICEF. In submitting a proposal, the bidder acknowledges that UNICEF reserves the right to:

(a) Visit and inspect the bidder’s premises; (b) Contact any/all referees provided; (c) Request additional supporting or supplementary information; (d) Arrange interviews with the proposed project team/consultants; (e) Reject any/all of the proposals submitted; (f) Accept any proposals in whole or in part; (g) Negotiate with the most favourable bidder; (h) Award contracts to more than 1 bidder, as UNICEF considers being in its best interests.

Bidders shall bear all costs associated with the preparation and submission of proposals, and UNICEF shall not be responsible for these costs, irrespective of the outcome of the bidding process.


1. ACKNOWLEDGMENT COPY Signing and returning the acknowledgment copy of a contract issued by UNICEF or beginning work under that contract shall constitute acceptance of a binding agreement between UNICEF and the Contractor.

2. DELIVERY DATE Delivery Date to be understood as the time the contract work is completed at the location indicated under Delivery Terms.

3. PAYMENT TERMS 14 United Nations Children’s Fund Telephone 234-9 4618538 UN House, 3rd Floor Facsimile 234-9 461 8578 Central Area, Diplomatic Zone www.unicef.org Abuja

(a) UNICEF shall, unless otherwise specified in the contract, make payment within 30 days of receipt of the Contractor's invoice which is issued only upon UNICEF’s acceptance of the work specified in the contract. (b) Payment against the invoice referred to above will reflect any discount shown under the payment terms provided payment is made within the period shown in the payment terms of the contract. (c) The prices shown in the contract cannot be increased except by express written agreement by UNICEF.

4. LIMITATION OF EXPENDITURE No increase in the total liability to UNICEF or in the price of the work resulting from design changes, modifications, or interpretations of the statement of work will be authorized or paid to the contractor unless such changes have been approved by the contracting authority through an amendment to this contract prior to incorporation in the work.

5. TAX EXEMPTION Section 7 of the Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of the United Nations provides, inter alia, that the UN, including its subsidiary organs, is exempt from all direct taxes (including service tax) and is exempt from customs duties in respect of articles imported or exported for its official use. Accordingly, the Vendor authorizes UNICEF to deduct from the Vendor's invoice any amount representing such taxes or duties charged by the Vendor to UNICEF. Payment of such corrected invoice amount shall constitute full payment by UNICEF. In the event any taxing authority refuses to recognize the UN exemption from such taxes, the Vendor shall immediately consult with UNICEF to determine a mutually acceptable procedure.

Accordingly, the Contractor authorizes UNICEF to deduct from the Contractor’s invoice any amount representing such taxes, duties, or charges, unless the Contractor has consulted with UNICEF before the payment thereof and UNICEF has, in each instance, specifically authorized the Contractor to pay such taxes, duties or charges under protest. In that event, the Contractor shall provide UNICEF with written evidence that payment of such taxes, duties or charges has been made and appropriately authorized. 6. LEGAL STATUS. The Contractor shall be considered as having the legal status of an independent contractor vis-a-vis UNICEF. The Contractor’s personnel and sub-contractors shall not be considered in any respect as being the employees or agents of UNICEF.

7. CONTRACTOR’S RESPONSIBILITY FOR EMPLOYEES The Contractor shall be responsible for the professional and technical competence of its employees and will select, for work under this Contract, reliable individuals who will perform effectively in the implementation of the Contract, respect the local customs and conform to a high standard of moral and ethical conduct.

8. INDEMNIFICATION The Contractor shall indemnify, hold and save harmless and defend, at its own expense, UNICEF, its officials, agents, servants and employees, from and against all

15 United Nations Children’s Fund Telephone 234-9 4618538 UN House, 3rd Floor Facsimile 234-9 461 8578 Central Area, Diplomatic Zone www.unicef.org Abuja

suits, claims, demands and liability of any nature or kind, including their costs and expenses, arising out of the acts or omissions of the Contractor or its employees or sub-contractors in the performance of this Contract. This provision shall extend, inter alia, to claims and liability in the nature of workmen’s compensation, product liability and liability arising out of the use of patented inventions or devices, copyrighted material or other intellectual property by the Contractor, its employees, officers, agents, servants or sub-contractors. The obligations under this Article do not lapse upon termination of this Contract.

9. INSURANCE AND LIABILITIES TO THIRD PARTIES (a) The Contractor shall provide and thereafter maintain insurance against all risks in respect of its property and any equipment used for the execution of this Contract. (b) The Contractor shall provide and thereafter maintain all appropriate workmen’s compensation and liability insurance, or its equivalent, with respect to its employees to cover claims for death, bodily injury or damage to property arising from the execution of this Contract. The Contractor represents that the liability insurance includes sub-contractors. (c) The Contractor shall also provide and thereafter maintain liability insurance in an adequate amount to cover third party claims for death or bodily injury, or loss of or damage to property, arising from or in connection with the provision of work under this Contract or the operation of any vehicles, boats, airplanes or other equipment owned or leased by the Contractor or its agents, servants, employees or sub-contractors performing work or services in connection with this Contract. (d) Except for the workmen’s compensation insurance, the insurance policies under this Article shall: (i) Name UNICEF as additional insured; (ii) Include a waiver of subrogation of the Contractor’s rights to the insurance carrier against UNICEF; (iii) Provide that UNICEF shall receive thirty (30) days written notice from the insurers prior to any cancellation or change of coverage. (e) The Contractor shall, upon request, provide UNICEF with satisfactory evidence of the insurance required under this Article.

10. SOURCE OF INSTRUCTIONS The Contractor shall neither seek nor accept instructions from any authority external to UNICEF in connection with the performance of its services under this Contract. The Contractor shall refrain from any action which may adversely affect UNICEF or the United Nations and shall fulfil its commitments with the fullest regard to the interests of UNICEF.

11. ENCUMBRANCES/LIENS The Contractor shall not cause or permit any lien, attachment or other encumbrance by any person to be placed on file or to remain on file in any public office or on file with UNICEF against any monies due or to become due for any work done or materials furnished under this Contract, or by reason of any other claim or demand against the Contractor.

16 United Nations Children’s Fund Telephone 234-9 4618538 UN House, 3rd Floor Facsimile 234-9 461 8578 Central Area, Diplomatic Zone www.unicef.org Abuja

12. TITLE TO EQUIPMENT Title to any equipment and supplies which may be furnished by UNICEF shall rest with UNICEF and any such equipment shall be returned to UNICEF at the conclusion of this Contract or when no longer needed by the Contractor. Such equipment when returned to UNICEF, shall be in the same condition as when delivered to the Contractor, subject to normal wear and tear.

13. COPYRIGHT, PATENTS AND OTHER PROPRIETARY RIGHTS UNICEF shall be entitled to all intellectual property and other proprietary rights including but not limited to patents, copyrights and trademarks, with regard to documents and other materials which bear a direct relation to or are prepared or collected in consequence or in the course of the execution of this contract. At UNICEF's request, the Contractor shall take all necessary steps, execute all necessary documents and generally assist in securing such proprietary rights and transferring them to the UNICEF in compliance with the requirements of the applicable law.

14. CONFIDENTIAL NATURE OF DOCUMENTS (a) All maps, drawings, photographs, mosaics, plans, reports, recommendations, estimates, documents and all other data compiled by or received by the Contractor under this Contract shall be the property of UNICEF, shall be treated as confidential and shall be delivered only to the UN authorized officials on completion of work under this Contract. (b) The Contractor may not communicate any time to any other person, Government or authority external to UNICEF, any information known to it by reason of its association with UNICEF which has not been made public except with the authorization of the UNICEF; nor shall the Contractor at any time use such information to private advantage. These obligations do not lapse upon termination of this Contract with UNICEF.

15. FORCE MAJEURE; OTHER CHANGES IN CONDITIONS (a) In the event of and as soon as possible after the occurrence of any cause constituting force majeure, the Contractor shall give notice and full particulars in writing to UNICEF of such occurrence or change if the Contractor is thereby rendered unable, wholly or in part, to perform its obligations and meet its responsibilities under this Contract. The Contractor shall also notify UNICEF of any other changes in conditions or the occurrence of any event which interferes or threatens to interfere with its performance of the Contract. On receipt of the notice required under this Article, UNICEF shall take such action as, in its sole discretion, it considers to be appropriate or necessary in the circumstances, including the granting to the Contractor of a reasonable extension of time in which to perform its obligations under the Contract. (b) If the Contractor is rendered permanently unable, wholly, or in part, by reason of force majeure to perform its obligations and meet its responsibilities under this Contract, UNICEF shall have the right to suspend or terminate this Contract on the same terms and conditions as are provided for in Article 14, “Termination”, except that the period of notice shall be seven (7) days instead of thirty (30) days.

17 United Nations Children’s Fund Telephone 234-9 4618538 UN House, 3rd Floor Facsimile 234-9 461 8578 Central Area, Diplomatic Zone www.unicef.org Abuja

(c) Force majeure as used in this Article means acts of God, war (whether declared or not), invasion, revolution, insurrection or other acts of a similar nature or force.

16. TERMINATION If the Contractor fails to deliver any or all of the deliverables within the time period(s) specified in the contract, or fails to perform any of the terms, conditions, or obligations of the contract, or should the Contractor be adjudged bankrupt, or be liquidated or become insolvent, or should the contractor make an assignment for the benefit of its creditors, or should a Receiver be appointed on account of the insolvency of the contractor, UNICEF may, without prejudice to any other right or remedy it may have under the terms of these conditions, terminate the Contract, forthwith, in whole or in part, upon thirty (30) days notice to the Contractor.

UNICEF reserves the right to terminate without cause this Contract at any time upon thirty (30) days prior written notice to the Contractor, in which case UNICEF shall reimburse the Contractor for all reasonable costs incurred by the Contractor prior to receipt of the notice of termination.

In the event of any termination no payment shall be due from UNICEF to the Contractor except for work and services satisfactorily performed in conformity with the express terms of this contract.

Upon the giving of such notice, the Contractor shall have no claim for any further payment, but shall remain liable to UNICEF for reasonable loss or damage which may be suffered by UNICEF for reason of the default. The Contractor shall not be liable for any loss or damage if the failure to perform the contract arises out of force majeure.

Upon termination of the contract, UNICEF may require the contractor to deliver any finished work which has not been delivered and accepted, prior to such termination and any materials or work-in-process related specifically to this contract. Subject to the deduction of any claim UNICEF may have arising out of this contract or termination, UNICEF will pay the value of all such finished work delivered and accepted by UNICEF.

The initiation of arbitral proceedings in accordance with Article 22 “Settlement of Disputes” below shall not be deemed a termination of this Contract.

17. SUB-CONTRACTING In the event the Contractor requires the services of subcontractors, the Contractor shall obtain the prior written approval and clearance of UNICEF for all sub- contractors. The approval of UNICEF of a sub-contractor shall not relieve the Contractor of any of its obligations under this Contract. The terms of any sub- contract shall be subject to and in conformity with the provisions of this Contract. 18. ASSIGNMENT AND INSOLVENCY

18 United Nations Children’s Fund Telephone 234-9 4618538 UN House, 3rd Floor Facsimile 234-9 461 8578 Central Area, Diplomatic Zone www.unicef.org Abuja

1. The Contractor shall not, except after obtaining the written consent of UNICEF, assign, transfer, pledge or make other dispositions of the Contract, or any part thereof, of the Contractor's rights or obligations under the Contract. 2. Should the Contractor become insolvent or should control of the Contractor change by virtue of insolvency, UNICEF may, without prejudice to any other rights or remedies, terminate the Contract by giving the Contractor written notice of termination.

19. USE OF UNITED NATIONS AND UNICEF NAME AND EMBLEM The Contractor shall not use the name, emblem or official seal of the United Nations or UNICEF or any abbreviation of these names for any purpose.

20. OFFICIALS NOT TO BENEFIT The Contractor warrants that no official of UNICEF or the United Nations has received or will be offered by the Contractor any direct or indirect benefit arising from this Contract or the award thereof. The Contractor agrees that breach of this provision is a breach of an essential term of the Contract.

21. PROHIBITION ON ADVERTISING The Contractor shall not advertise or otherwise make public that the Vendor is furnishing goods or services to UNICEF without specific permission of UNICEF.

22. SETTLEMENT OF DISPUTES Amicable Settlement

The Parties shall use their best efforts to settle amicably any dispute, controversy or claim arising out of, or relating to this Contract or the breach, termination or invalidity thereof. Where the parties wish to seek such an amicable settlement through conciliation, the conciliation shall take place in accordance with the UNCITRAL Conciliation Rules then obtaining, or according to such other procedure as may be agreed between the parties.

Arbitration Any dispute, controversy or claim between the Parties arising out of this Contract or the breach, termination or invalidity thereof, unless settled amicably under the preceding paragraph of this Article within sixty (60) days after receipt by one Party or the other Party’s request for such amicable settlement, shall be referred by either Party to arbitration in accordance with the UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules then obtaining. The arbitral tribunal shall have no authority to award punitive damages. In addition, the arbitral tribunal shall have no authority to award interest in excess of six percent (6%) and any such interest shall be simple interest only. The Parties shall be bound by any arbitration award rendered as a result of such arbitration as the final adjudication of any such controversy, claim or dispute.

23. PRIVILEGES AND IMMUNITIES The privileges and immunities of the UN, including its subsidiary organs, are not waived.

19 United Nations Children’s Fund Telephone 234-9 4618538 UN House, 3rd Floor Facsimile 234-9 461 8578 Central Area, Diplomatic Zone www.unicef.org Abuja

24. CHILD LABOUR UNICEF fully subscribes to the Convention on the Rights of the Child and draws the attention of potential suppliers to Article 32 of the Convention which inter alia requires that a child shall be protected from performing any work that is likely to be hazardous or to interfere with the child's education, or to be harmful to the child's health or physical, mental, spiritual, moral or social development.

25. ANTI-PERSONNEL MINES UNICEF supports an international ban on the manufacture of anti-personnel mines. Anti- personnel mines have killed and maimed thousands of people, of whom a large proportion are children and women. Anti-personnel mines present a serious obstacle to the return of populations displaced from their residences by fighting around their villages and homes. UNICEF has, therefore, decided not to purchase products from companies that sell or manufacture anti-personnel mines or their components.

26. AUTHORITY TO MODIFY No modification or change in this Contract, no waiver of any of its provisions or any additional contractual relationship of any kind with the Contractor shall be valid and enforceable against UNICEF unless provided by an amendment to this Contract signed by the authorized official of UNICEF.

27. REPLACEMENT OF PERSONNEL UNICEF reserves the right to request the Contractor to replace the assigned personnel if they are not performing to a level that UNICEF considers satisfactory. After written notification, the Contractor will provide curriculum vitae of appropriate candidates within three (3) working days for UNICEF review and approval. The Contractor must replace the unsatisfactory personnel within seven (7) working days of UNICEF’s selection.

If one or more key personnel become unavailable, for any reason, for work under the contract, the Contractor shall (i) notify the project authority at least fourteen (14) days in advance, and (ii) obtain the project authority’s approval prior to making any substitution of key personnel. Key personnel are designated as follows: (a) Personnel identified in the proposal as key individuals (as a minimum, partners, managers, senior auditors) to be assigned for participation in the performance of the contract. (b) Personnel whose resumes were submitted with the proposal; and (c) Individuals who are designated as key personnel by agreement of the Contractor and UNICEF during negotiations. In notifying the project authority, the Contractor shall provide an explanation of circumstances necessitating the proposed replacement(s) and submit justification and qualification of replacement personnel in sufficient detail to permit evaluation of the impact on the engagement. Acceptance of a replacement person by the project authority shall not relieve the Contractor from responsibility for failure to meet the requirements of the contract.

All the other terms and conditions are hereby accepted. The agency will conform to the requirements as listed out by UNICEF

20 United Nations Children’s Fund Telephone 234-9 4618538 UN House, 3rd Floor Facsimile 234-9 461 8578 Central Area, Diplomatic Zone www.unicef.org Abuja

Annex A - Terms of Reference for the Facilitators and Senior Technical Facilitators

TOR For Facilitators;


Facilitators are expected to carry out a range of duties to support UNICEF’s work in monitoring projects and programmes in various areas throughout Nigeria. Facilitators are identified among Nigerian citizens with specific expertise and a thorough knowledge of the territory in which they operate, based on their residency and/or work experience

21 United Nations Children’s Fund Telephone 234-9 4618538 UN House, 3rd Floor Facsimile 234-9 461 8578 Central Area, Diplomatic Zone www.unicef.org Abuja

Facilitators are critical components of the country Programme implementation and an important mechanism in ensuring the achievement of expected results, by regularly assessing whether the program is on track and progressing toward results. Monitoring is also an important mechanism that feeds into our reporting mechanism given the ongoing rising of donor and public expectations regarding transparency, accountability and effectiveness of resources allocated in response to development and humanitarian needs. A good Monitoring system will improve accountability, learning (within and outside of UNICEF), and the overall performance of UNICEF Country Programme.

2. CONDITIONS OF THE WORK: Facilitators are employed and supervised by the contractor, and all administrative and entitlement-related matters (including salaries, allowances, insurances, working premises, stationary and office equipment/supplies, computer equipment and transportation) will be provided and managed by contractor. Facilitators provide a service to UNICEF, and are not considered UNICEF staff members or consultants. Being contracted by contractor does not carry any expectation of being considered for UNICEF positions. Upon signing of the contract with contractor, facilitators will be asked to sign a Code of Conduct which will bind them to an agreed set of standards governing their conduct. While facilitators are not UN staff members, they are required to conduct themselves in a manner consistent with the Principles of the UN Charter as well as humanitarian principles but not covered by the Immunities and Privileges provided to UN Staff. Prior to deployment, facilitators will receive a standard orientation by contractor on all administrative and entitlement-related matters. UNICEF will subsequently provide an orientation on key technical programmatic matters related to facilitators’ main duties and responsibilities. Technical guidance on duties and responsibilities will be provided by the respective Chief of Field Office (CFO) for the area where the facilitator is deployed. All instructions to facilitators relating to their main responsibilities with UNICEF, will be provided only by the Chief of Field Office (CFO) or his/her Officer in Charge.

3. EDUCATION  University degree in a field related to the scope of work.

4. WORK EXPERIENCE  At least (three to eight) years range of experience based on category of the facilitator , progressively responsible relevant work experience in project/Programme management, monitoring and reporting. Experience in collecting and compiling quantitative and qualitative data is an asset.  Experience working in a humanitarian context is an asset.  Experience working with UN or NGO programmes/projects is an asset.


22 United Nations Children’s Fund Telephone 234-9 4618538 UN House, 3rd Floor Facsimile 234-9 461 8578 Central Area, Diplomatic Zone www.unicef.org Abuja

 Fluency both verbal and written in English, Local language of the area where the facilitator is to be stationed is an asset.

6. REQUIRED COMPETENCIES  Excellent analytical skills, including the ability to analyse diverse and complex information from a wide range of sources to make analytical statements to inform decision-making.  Good report writing skills.  Capacity to work in an emergency context under stressful conditions and strict deadlines.  Good communication and networking skills, including the ability to work in multi-disciplinary teams as well as establishing and maintaining close working relationships with a variety of implementing partners and counterparts at different levels.  Good computer skills, including experience with various software application;

7. CATEGORIES OF FACILITATORS: - LGA ( Local Government Area) Facilitator - Senior LGA ( Local Government Area) Facilitator - State Facilitator - Senior State Facilitator - State Supervisor

8. KEY ASSIGNMNETS OF FACILITATORS PER SECTION: Since facilitators have different categories, hence different key assignments set per each section as stated below:

A. Key Assignments for Nutrition Facilitators State Facilitator  Work closely with the UNICEF focal point in Field office and with SMOH, State Nutrition Officer in strengthening the capacity of government system. Provide support in ensuring effective coordination, networking and information sharing with the state government and NGOs including International NGOs.  Support SMOH’s concerned counterpart and partners in compilation of data/information from all PHCs.  Identify bottlenecks/barriers in the implementation of nutrition intervention and systematically workout solutions in collaboration with State Nutrition Officer and Supervisor.  The consultant will: - Ensure effective operation of systems for community-based management of severe acute malnutrition for children with age of under 5 years,

23 United Nations Children’s Fund Telephone 234-9 4618538 UN House, 3rd Floor Facsimile 234-9 461 8578 Central Area, Diplomatic Zone www.unicef.org Abuja

- Support to ensure the integration and scale up of nutrition interventions. - Liaise with supervisor to develop local capacity for supportive supervision and monitoring - Support the SNO to organize the nutrition monthly meetings - Conduct monitoring and supportive supervision in collaboration with SNOs to identify and document the success and challenges of the program,  The consultant in cooperation with state logistic officers and SMOH SNO, will assist in planning, develop distribution plans and supply requisitions.  Work with State Nutrition Officer to develop and implement joint work plans  Support State Nutrition Officers to prepare and timely submit proposals required by UNICEF.  Support in preparing and submitting weekly and monthly reports  Review correctness and completeness of routine programme data (CMAM, IYCF, MNDC) in collaboration with State Nutrition Officer  Prepare/submit regular statistical and narrative updates/reports including CMAM data as required in line with given time frame (e.g. monthly, quarterly, half-yearly and annual) and as requested.  Follow-up the implementation of State UNICEF supported activities to ensure they are according to the proposed budget, plan and budget.

B. Key Assignments for Education Facilitators Senior State facilitators: i. Support and coordinate the planning and implementation of all activities under their responsible output area with government and CSO/NGO partners

ii. Conduct regular monitoring of interventions under their respective output area (identify gaps, successes and lessons learnt) to ensure quality of the implementation of interventions; including quality assurance activities

iii. Liaison with government and CSO/NGO partners regularly (focal persons/desk officers) to ensure the implementation of GEP3/EAC activities according to plan: work with relevant UNICEF desk officers to prepare proposal for direct cast transfer (DCT) to support activities under this output and follow up timely retirement of DCT; provide technical assistance to SAMEs/SUBEBs to improve the quality implementation of activities under their respective output area

iv. Ensure that UNICEF protocols are used to resource project activities, and keep accurate and transparent accounts of all inputs and resources used;

24 United Nations Children’s Fund Telephone 234-9 4618538 UN House, 3rd Floor Facsimile 234-9 461 8578 Central Area, Diplomatic Zone www.unicef.org Abuja

v. Liaise with and between all bodies and institutions involved in GEP3/EAC activities, including local and international development partners and ensure the effective pursuit of project targets

Key deliverables . Timely submission of monthly output reports as well as contributing to quarterly and annual reports on specific areas under the output

. Monthly work plan detailing how key tasks will conducted (due on 25th of the month)

LGA Facilitators: Key tasks state LGA facilitators: i. Support and coordinate the planning and implementation of all activities under their responsible output area with government and CSO/NGO partners

ii. Conduct regular monitoring of interventions to ensure quality of the implementation of interventions; including quality assurance activities

iii. Liaison with government and CSO/NGO partners regularly at LGEA to ensure the implementation of activities according to plan;

iv. Provide technical assistance to LGEAs to improve the quality implementation of activities

v. Monitor distribution and use of supplies provided by UNICEF

Key deliverables . Timely submission of monthly output reports as well as contributing to reporting

. Monthly work plan detailing how key tasks will conducted

C. Key Assignments for Health Facilitators

1. State Supervisor: MNCH consultants Hard to reach project (Taraba, Niger, Jigawa) Tasks:  To lead in the process that will involve conducting a detailed gender analysis and development of a project specific gender strategy within the context of Primary Health Care.

 To build the capacity of all project teams and government counterparts on gender mainstreaming through training and supportive supervision ensuring that the project logic model and project monitoring framework reflect the

25 United Nations Children’s Fund Telephone 234-9 4618538 UN House, 3rd Floor Facsimile 234-9 461 8578 Central Area, Diplomatic Zone www.unicef.org Abuja

relevant gender outcomes, outputs, activities and the corresponding monitoring indicators.  Ensuring that during conducting the baseline, midline and end-line assessments, the survey methodologies include relevant gender and culture related topics to allow analysis of gender issues to be undertaken and included in the gender strategy.  Ensuring that the outreach teams recruit more women as well as predominantly female Volunteer Community Mobilizers (VCMs) because in Northern Nigeria, women are more receptive to female health workers.  Ensuring that all data tool design make provision for gender disaggregation of data and the same will be extended to data analysis.  Working with outreach teams/Ward Development Committees (WDCs) and government partners to ensure that meetings and activities of projects in the communities are conducted in a culturally and gender appropriate fashion so that the needs of both men and women are addressed.  Advocating for efforts to be made to encourage more women participate in the activities including the holding of different engagement opportunities for the women e.g. holding of separate women group meetings in the communities, and encouraging formation of women groups in the HTR communities.  Participate in all state levels and selected federal WHO/ UNICEF/ and partners technical review workshops, meetings and related assignments for ICCM and Hard To Reach Project-HTR Project. Work with partners to develop Gender strategy for hard-to-reach project and other MNCH projects interventions supported at different level.

2. Senior State Facilitator: MNCH Consultants (Zamfara state) – SSA: Tasks:  To lead in the process that will involve conducting a detailed gender analysis and development of a project specific gender strategy within the context of Primary Health Care.  To build the capacity of all project teams and government counterparts on gender mainstreaming through training and supportive supervision ensuring that the project logic model and project monitoring framework reflect the relevant gender outcomes, outputs, activities and the corresponding monitoring indicators.  Ensuring that during conducting the baseline, midline and endline assessments, the survey methodologies include relevant gender and culture related topics to allow analysis of gender issues to be undertaken and included in the gender strategy.  Ensuring that the outreach teams recruit more women as well as predominantly female Volunteer Community Mobilizers (VCMs) because in Northern Nigeria, women are more receptive to female health workers.  Ensuring that all data tool design make provision for gender disaggregation of data and the same will be extended to data analysis.  Working with outreach teams/Ward Development Committees (WDCs) and government partners to ensure that meetings and activities of projects in the

26 United Nations Children’s Fund Telephone 234-9 4618538 UN House, 3rd Floor Facsimile 234-9 461 8578 Central Area, Diplomatic Zone www.unicef.org Abuja

communities are conducted in a culturally and gender appropriate fashion so that the needs of both men and women are addressed.  Advocating for efforts to be made to encourage more women participate in the activities including the holding of different engagement opportunities for the women e.g. holding of separate women group meetings in the communities, and encouraging formation of women groups in the HTR communities.  Participate in all state levels and selected federal WHO/ UNICEF/ and partners technical review workshops, meetings and related assignments for ICCM and Hard To Reach Project-HTR Project. Work with partners to develop Gender strategy for hard-to-reach project and other MNCH projects interventions supported at different level.

3. State Supervisor MNCH consultants - Old EU project (Adamawa, Kebbi states) - Tasks: State and LGA  Work with the SMOH, SPHCDA and other partners to support dissemination of national policy, strategy, guidelines and quality of care model for MNCH at state and LGA level.  Support SMOH and SPHCDA by providing technical assistance to the development of good quality state and LGA annual operational plans and their review using the Primary Health Care Mechanism.  Support dissemination and use of approved training modules and guidelines on selected high impact Integrated Maternal New-born Child Health continuum of care interventions such as- Focused Antenatal Care (FANC); Skilled Birth Attendance (SBA); Emergency Obstetric and New-born Care (EmONC); Helping Babies Breath (HBB); Post Natal Care (PNC); Community Based New-born Care and Integrated Community Case Management (Iccm) for diarrhea, malaria and pneumonia.  Support state and LGA level supportive supervision, monitoring and evaluation of MNCH programmes. Health Facilities: Priority areas of work to be supported at this level and strategy based on TSS model (Training, Supplies, and Supportive Supervision) include but not limited to the following  Set up and implement a quality of care model for MNCH services in health facilities based on few selected high impact interventions.  Train health workers using approved training modules and guidelines on selected high impact Integrated Maternal New-born Child Health continuum of care interventions with assistance of state and LGA based TOTs.  Support end user monitoring of equipment and supplies provided to health facilities.  Participate in On the Job Training, Supportive Supervision and mentoring of health workers. 27 United Nations Children’s Fund Telephone 234-9 4618538 UN House, 3rd Floor Facsimile 234-9 461 8578 Central Area, Diplomatic Zone www.unicef.org Abuja

Communities, villages, households  Support setting up of structures for implementation of Community Health Strategy – WDCs, VDCs, training of VHWs, CHEWs and CHWs.  End user monitoring of supplies and demand for MNCH services in communities and households.  Use updated Mama/CHEW/CBNC kits as entry point for promotion of desired health seeking behaviour and link with immunization/polio related activities.  Promote uptake of selected high impact family care practices jointly with other sections namely -C4D, Nutrition, Child Protection, Media, advocacy and communications and WASH.  Promote uptake of integrated Community Case Management for diarrhoea, pneumonia and malaria.

4. Senior State Facilitator: MNCH Consultants Emergency (Borno and Yobe states) – Tasks: State and LGA  Work with the SMOH, SPHCDA and other partners to support dissemination of national policy, strategy, guidelines and quality of care model for MNCH at state and LGA level.  Support SMOH and SPHCDA by providing technical assistance to the development of good quality state and LGA annual operational plans and their review using the Primary Health Care Mechanism.  Support dissemination and use of approved training modules and guidelines on selected high impact Integrated Maternal New-born Child Health continuum of care interventions such as- Focused AnteNatal Care (FANC); Skilled Birth Attendance (SBA); Emergency Obstetric and New-born Care (EmONC); Helping Babies Breath (HBB); Post Natal Care (PNC); Community Based New-born Care and Integrated Community Case Management (iCCM) for diarrhea, malaria and pneumonia.  Support state and LGA level supportive supervision, monitoring and evaluation of MNCH programmes. Health Facilities: Priority areas of work to be supported at this level and strategy based on TSS model (Training, Supplies, and Supportive Supervision) Communities, villages, households  Support setting up of structures for implementation of Community Health Strategy – WDCs, VDCs, training of VHWs, CHEWs and CHWs.  End user monitoring of supplies and demand for MNCH services in communities and households.  Use updated Mama/CHEW/CBNC kits as entry point for promotion of desired health seeking behaviour and link with immunization/polio related activities.

28 United Nations Children’s Fund Telephone 234-9 4618538 UN House, 3rd Floor Facsimile 234-9 461 8578 Central Area, Diplomatic Zone www.unicef.org Abuja

 Promote uptake of selected high impact family care practices jointly with other sections namely -C4D, Nutrition, Child Protection, Media, advocacy and communications and WASH.  Promote uptake of integrated Community Case Management for diarrhoea, pneumonia and malaria.

5. State Facilitator; MNCH Consultants (Borno – IDP camp) Tasks:  Provide weekly update on the humanitarian situation and Integrated Primary health care services being provided in the IDP camps and health facilities in host communities  To ensure quality of care being provided through the camps clinics and health facilities in the host communities  Ensure the use of national protocols/guidelines in the management of patients and accurate and quality documentation of all clinical encounters  Ensure that the necessary drugs are available for implementation of standard treatment guidelines  Monitor the distribution and rational utilization of all UNICEF supported drugs, supplies, RUFTs, in the health facilities and ensure proper documentation.  Support the clinical and camp coordinators assigned to the camp clinics to oversee daily administrative functions at the clinic  In coordination with the Health Specialist formulate clinic goals, objectives and intervention strategies to improve access and quality of care.  Conduct and document monthly/quarterly clinic supportive supervisory and joint supervision along with the LGA/State/UNICEF team.  Ensure the full implementation of Integrated Primary Health care services in the camp clinics.  Monitoring and supervision of the Integrated PHC team being funded by UNICEF to ensure that work is done properly and efficiently.  Ensure that all statistical reports are accurate and submitted weekly, monthly, quarterly and may be required and monitor closely morbidity and mortality trends together with all the other health indicators  Monitor workload of health camp clinic and adjudicate resources as necessary  Develop work flow processes for receiving new IDPs.

6. State Facilitator : Logistician (Borno) – Tasks: 1. Maintains receiving, warehousing, and distribution operations by initiating, coordinating, and enforcing program, operational, and supporting personnel policies and procedures. 2. Complies with federal, state, and local warehousing, material handling, and shipping requirements by studying existing and new legislation; enforcing adherence to requirements; advising management/state on needed actions. 3. Safeguards warehouse operations and contents by establishing and monitoring security procedures and protocols. 29 United Nations Children’s Fund Telephone 234-9 4618538 UN House, 3rd Floor Facsimile 234-9 461 8578 Central Area, Diplomatic Zone www.unicef.org Abuja

4. Controls inventory levels by conducting physical counts; reconciling with data storage system 5. Tracks shipments dispatched from Abuja or other UNICEF warehouses to ensure their timely and safe arrival in Maiduguri warehouse 6. Contributes to team effort by accomplishing related results as needed. 7. Establishes systems to ensure inventory does not expire 8. Regularly conducts end-user monitoring 9. Collects and analyses stocks data to ensure efficient replenishment and use of commodities 10.Build the capacity of the state counterparts in logistic management 11.Establish a ready-to-go pallet system consisting of commodities from WASH, Nutrition & Health for newly liberated LGAs

7. State Facilitator; Data Officer (Borno) – Tasks:  Ensure all health facilities have and utilize the national HMIS tools for data collection.  Verify the accuracy and consistency of the data collected from various IDP camps and health facilities for all activities.  Ensure that timely and complete weekly, monthly, quarterly, annual and other health reports are submitted regularly.  Collate/compile the health data on morbidities, mortalities, referral, maternal and child health (MCH), community health activities, and submit it in a timely manner.  Ensure that analyzed key health data such as on morbidities, mortality and MCH is updated and displayed in graphical forms.  Safely keep soft and hard copies of records of all health information for weekly, monthly, quarterly and annual data.  Closely monitor the health data reporting procedure and immediately report any irregularities.  Manage and update health database of IDP camps and health facilities’ activities and share important information related to the databases with all relevant staff as required 8. S enior LGA Facilitator: Vaccine security and logistics (Zonal cold stores) Tasks: 12.Collect and analyse (social and VSL) data especially from and State levels for specific trends/patterns and to guide social mobilization/VSL planning and implementation, particularly the design and implementation of micro-strategies for reaching the hard-to-reach 13.Prepare relevant analytical reports and draft changes to the 2 in one program work-plan as required. Monthly reports will be in 2 parts (one component for social mobilization and the other for vaccine security). 14.Assist states in building two separate inventory systems for (i) cold chain and logistic equipment and (ii) communication equipment (e.g. megaphones, recorders, TV, and players), and IEC materials for effective health education. 30 United Nations Children’s Fund Telephone 234-9 4618538 UN House, 3rd Floor Facsimile 234-9 461 8578 Central Area, Diplomatic Zone www.unicef.org Abuja

15.Attend technical Co-operation State and social mobilization Committee meetings on EPI (including polio), prepare Notes for the Record, and undertake follow-up action and coordination related to program implementation and monitoring, particularly for social mobilization and VSL. 16.Facilitate, in coordination with UNICEF Field offices, the effective use of UNICEF funds (channelled through the Government departments) at the State and LGA levels. 17.Coordinate with UNICEF Field Offices and Partners on vaccine security issues and cold chain/logistic matters and in coordination with UNICEF Field offices, recommend the effective use of UNICEF logistic funds (channelled through the Government departments) at the State level for Immunisation activities. 18.Support the development of State Logistics Working Group (SLWG) Work Plans towards implementing the vaccine management standards and practices including bundling vaccines, maintaining stocks levels, preparing and following distribution plans of vaccine, devices and data tools for RI and SIAs and ensuring cold chain functionality and maintenance. 19.Serve as State technical advisors in cold chain management, delivery and distribution of vaccines for the polio eradication and routine immunisation. 20.Transfer of competences to State Cold Chain/Logistics Officers on VSL issues 21.Coordinate with UNICEF Field Offices and Partners on vaccine security issues and cold chain/logistic matters and in coordination with UNICEF Field offices, recommend the effective use of UNICEF logistic funds (channelled through the Government departments) at the State level for Immunisation activities.

9. S enior LGA Facilitator: Vaccine security and logistics (State cold stores) Tasks: 1. Collect and analyse (social and VSL) data especially from the LGA and State levels for specific trends/patterns and to guide social mobilization/VSL planning and implementation, particularly the design and implementation of micro-strategies for reaching the hard-to-reach, mobile and minority groups at the LGA and district levels. 2. Prepare relevant analytical reports and draft changes to the 2 in one program work-plan as required. Monthly reports will be in 2 parts (one component for social mobilization and the other for vaccine security). 3. Assist LGAs in building two separate inventory systems for (i) cold chain and logistic equipment and (ii) communication equipment (e.g. megaphones, recorders, TV, and players), and IEC materials for effective health education. 4. Attend technical Co-operation State and social mobilization Committee meetings on EPI (including polio), prepare Notes for the Record, and undertake follow-up action and coordination related to program implementation and monitoring, particularly for social mobilization and VSL. 5. Facilitate, in coordination with UNICEF Field offices, the effective use of UNICEF funds (channelled through the Government departments) at the State and LGA levels. 6. Coordinate with UNICEF Field Offices and Partners on vaccine security issues and cold chain/logistic matters and in coordination with UNICEF Field

31 United Nations Children’s Fund Telephone 234-9 4618538 UN House, 3rd Floor Facsimile 234-9 461 8578 Central Area, Diplomatic Zone www.unicef.org Abuja

offices, recommend the effective use of UNICEF logistic funds (channelled through the Government departments) at the State and LGA levels for Immunisation activities. 7. Support the development of State Logistics Working Group (SLWG) Work Plans towards implementing the vaccine management standards and practices including bundling vaccines, maintaining stocks levels, preparing and following distribution plans of vaccine, devices and data tools for RI and SIAs and ensuring cold chain functionality and maintenance. 8. Serve as State technical advisors in cold chain management, delivery and distribution of vaccines for the polio eradication and routine immunisation. 9. Transfer of competences to State and LGA Cold Chain/Logistics Officers on VSL issues 10.Coordinate with UNICEF Field Offices and Partners on vaccine security issues and cold chain/logistic matters and in coordination with UNICEF Field offices, recommend the effective use of UNICEF logistic funds (channelled through the Government departments) at the State and LGA levels for Immunisation activities.

11. Senior LGA facilitator MNCH Consultants (Borno – MMC and Jere LGA)

Tasks: State and LGA  Work with the SMOH, SPHCDA and other partners to support dissemination of national policy, strategy, guidelines and quality of care model for MNCH at state and LGA level.  Support SMOH and SPHCDA by providing technical assistance to the development of good quality state and LGA annual operational plans and their review using the Primary Health Care Mechanism.  Support dissemination and use of approved training modules and guidelines on selected high impact Integrated Maternal New-born Child Health continuum of care interventions such as- Focused Ante-natal Care (FANC); Skilled Birth Attendance (SBA); Emergency Obstetric and New-born Care (EmONC); Helping Babies Breath (HBB); Post Natal Care (PNC); Community Based New-born Care and Integrated Community Case Management (iCCM) for diarrhea, malaria and pneumonia.  Support state and LGA level supportive supervision, monitoring and evaluation of MNCH programmes. Priority areas of work to be supported at this level and strategy based on TSS model (Training, Supplies, and Supportive Supervision) include but not limited to the following  Set up and implement a quality of care model for MNCH services in health facilities based on few selected high impact interventions.  Train health workers using approved training modules and guidelines on selected high impact Integrated Maternal New-born Child Health

32 United Nations Children’s Fund Telephone 234-9 4618538 UN House, 3rd Floor Facsimile 234-9 461 8578 Central Area, Diplomatic Zone www.unicef.org Abuja

continuum of care interventions with assistance of state and LGA based TOTs.  Support end user monitoring of equipment and supplies provided to health facilities.  Participate in On the Job Training, Supportive Supervision and mentoring of health workers. Communities, villages, households  Support setting up of structures for implementation of Community Health Strategy – WDCs, VDCs, training of VHWs, CHEWs and CHWs.  End user monitoring of supplies and demand for MNCH services in communities and households.  Use updated Mama/CHEW/CBNC kits as entry point for promotion of desired health seeking behaviour and link with immunization/polio related activities.  Promote uptake of selected high impact family care practices jointly with other sections namely -C4D, Nutrition, Child Protection, Media, advocacy and communications and WASH.  Promote uptake of integrated Community Case Management for diarrhoea, pneumonia and malaria.

11. LGA Facilitator LGA Consultants (Borno) – Tasks:  Provide weekly update on the humanitarian situation and basic services (Health, Nutrition and WASH) in the newly liberated areas  Work with the respective specialist (Health, Nutrition, WASH, and C4D) to develop plan and strategies to improve on the health situation/outcomes in the LGAs.  Ensure the use of national protocols/guidelines in the management of patients and accurate and quality documentation of all clinical encounters  Ensure that the necessary drugs are available for implementation of standard treatment guidelines  Monitor the distribution and rational utilization of all UNICEF supported drugs, supplies, RUFTs, in the health facilities and ensure proper documentation.  Support the clinical and camp coordinators assigned to the camp clinics to oversee daily administrative functions at the clinic.  Work with the LGA in the selection and training of the specialized LGA Integrated outreach team  Provide monthly consolidated reports on integrated intervention (Health, Nutrition, WASH, polio) documenting progress against work plan objectives  Provide on job training to all cadres of health worker (clinics and community).  Participate in all meetings and activities related to the newly liberated LGAs and ensure implementation of recommendations especially those related to UNICEF.  Ensure that all statistical reports are accurate and submitted weekly, monthly, quarterly and as may be required and monitor closely morbidity and mortality 33 United Nations Children’s Fund Telephone 234-9 4618538 UN House, 3rd Floor Facsimile 234-9 461 8578 Central Area, Diplomatic Zone www.unicef.org Abuja

trends together with all the other health, nutrition and WASH related indicators.

12. 1. LGA Facilitator : Nurse/Midwives (Borno) – Tasks  Provide Maternal, Newborn and Child health services in the IDP camp clinics including participation in the Polio campaign/response and active surveillance for Acute Flaccid Paralysis in the clinics and communities  Ensure high quality patient care by conducting regular quality care assessment of the clinic and implementing recommendations thereof  Report notifiable diseases immediately, evaluation of services through monitoring morbidity and mortality rates through weekly statistical reports that are accurate and submitted weekly, monthly, quarterly and as may be required.  To provide supportive supervision and mentoring of community health workers in the clinics.  Ensure the use of national protocols/guidelines in the management including Integrated Maternal Newborn and Child Health strategy in the management of patients and accurate and quality documentation of all clinical encounters.  Monitor the distribution and rational utilization of all UNICEF supported drugs, supplies, RUTFs, vaccines, in the clinics and ensure proper documentation  Work with the UNICEF LGA consultants to provide overall coordination and oversee daily administrative functions at the clinics.  Participate in and ensure that weekly camp health coordination meetings are conducted and support the linkage of the community volunteers to the health facilities.  Carry out other relevant or requested duties as may be required

D. KEY Assignments for C4D Facilitators

LGA Facilitator: Performance Monitoring Indicators - LGA Consultant 1. Submit individual work plan for next month and individual narrative report for reporting month 2 Completeness of planned activities 3 Submit updated list of VCM network and verify their presence (authorize VCM network profile/payment data of the LGA) 4 Conduct at least three supportive supervision visits to wards /settlements that require attention or poor performing VCM/VWS during in- between rounds within the assigned LGA. 5 Quality of supervision (checklist completed, follow up actions identified)

34 United Nations Children’s Fund Telephone 234-9 4618538 UN House, 3rd Floor Facsimile 234-9 461 8578 Central Area, Diplomatic Zone www.unicef.org Abuja

6 Conduct RI supervision visits (2 For LGAC with VCMs / 5 for LGAC without VCMs) 7 Conduct at least one investigation in LGA/Ward with poorest performance (high missed children after every IPD/RI defaulters/poor zero dose performance/weak social mobilization) 8 Quality of investigation done. 9 Rate timeliness and completeness of periodic reports/data from the LGA (e.g.. weekly updates, newborn data, RI defaulter tracking etc.) 10 Conduct at least five VCM supportive supervision random visits (For LGA with VCMs) 11 Proportion of wards with functional WDCs (held at least 1 structured meeting in the month, minutes available) and LGA consultant attended at least two such meetings

State Facilitator -Performance Monitoring Indicators - Cluster Consultant- 1 Submit individual work plan and individual narrative report 2 Completeness of planned activities 3 Submit updated list of VCM network, verify their presence, authorize VCM network profile/payment data of the cluster 4 Conduct at least five supportive supervision visits to VHR/VVHR or/and hard to reach LGAs /Wards /settlements /poor performing staff in-between rounds within the assigned cluster. 5 Quality of supervision (checklist completed, follow up actions identified) 6 Conduct at least 2 RI supervision visits in cluster and follow up on action points 7 Conduct at least one investigation in LGA/Ward with poorest performance (high missed children after every IPD/RI defaulters/poor zero dose performance/weak social mobilization) 8 make sure the Quality of investigation is done. 9 Rate timeliness and completeness of periodic reports/data from the cluster (e.g.. weekly updates, newborn data, RI defaulter tracking etc.) 10 Review cluster work plan, follow up on activities and retirement of funds 11 Proportion of LGA work plans & reports that are of acceptable quality

State Facilitator - Performance Monitoring Indicators - State Lead / International Consultant 1 Submit individual work plan and individual narrative report 2 Completeness of planned activities 3 Endorse/Authorize VCM network profile/payment data 4 Conduct three supportive supervision visits to VHR/VVHR or/and hard to reach LGAs/Wards/settlements/poor performing staff during in-between rounds. 5 Quality of supervision (checklist completed, follow up actions identified) 6 Conduct at least two RI supervision visits and follow-up on action points

35 United Nations Children’s Fund Telephone 234-9 4618538 UN House, 3rd Floor Facsimile 234-9 461 8578 Central Area, Diplomatic Zone www.unicef.org Abuja

7 Conduct at least one investigation in LGA/Ward with poorest performance (high missed children after every IPD/RI defaulters/poor zero dose performance/weak social mobilization) 8 Quality of investigation done. 9 Rate timeliness and completeness of periodic reports/data from the state (e.g. weekly updates, newborn data, RI defaulter tracking etc.) 10 Review state work plan, follow up on activities and retirement of funds 11 Rate the accomplishment of activities planned in the state work plan 12 Asset inventory is updated once every quarter (e.g., printers, projectors, materials, ODK reporting devices, etc.,) 13 Provide technical support to state social mobilization committee meetings 14 Provide support to the state communication team to develop data driven state social mobilization plan 15 Provide support to the State and LGAs to develop/update work plan/action plan to strengthen routine immunization/surveillance with specific focus on communication components. 16 Review RI performance and support development and implementation of RI component of communication plan 17 Hold monthly review meeting with all cluster consultants 18 Support coordination with all partners and representation at EOC 19 Track/monitor social mobilization funds given to State Ministry of Health before each campaign. 20 Prepare overall State Social Mobilization Plan

E. KEY Assignments for WASH Facilitators

LGA FACILITATOR Support LGA level WASH institutions to ensure effective planning and implementation of activities towards the attainment of project targets

1. Participate in meetings and engage with stakeholders at the LGA level to ensure good understanding of the project objectives and extract commitments for cost sharing towards capital projects, provision of operational funds, appropriate deployment of human resources, amongst others

2. Support to identify capacity building needs and facilitate training of LGA and community level facilitators for effective WASH services delivery

3. In collaboration with the State level Consultant, where applicable, support the LGA WASH Department/Unit to review LGA WASH sectoral plans and budgets and assist in the formulation of strategies, plans and budgets to achieve WASH results at the LGA level.

4. Support the project LGAs to develop LGA-wide plans for eliminating open defecation and support LGAs and communities to attain ODF through CLTS approach.

36 United Nations Children’s Fund Telephone 234-9 4618538 UN House, 3rd Floor Facsimile 234-9 461 8578 Central Area, Diplomatic Zone www.unicef.org Abuja

5. Provide regular supportive supervision and monitoring of project activities in line with the project work plan and logframe and ensure that project data and results are collated and regularly updated on the WASH Information Management System (WASHIMS)

6. Provide needed technical assistance to the WASH Departments/Units in the implementation, monitoring and supervision of WASH projects and contracts. This will include conduct of field visits to monitor and supervise construction of water and sanitation facilities to ensure that quality of construction conform to the contract specifications before certification is made for payment

7. Assist participating LGA WASH Departments/Units to articulate and communicate needed support from State RUWASSA on key thematic areas such as; community mobilisation, establishment and training of WASHCOMs, water safety planning, sanitation and hygiene promotion campaigns, project monitoring and reporting

8. Support project LGAs in maintaining a regular flow of information among stakeholders at all levels towards knowledge management and learning. This will include contributions to evidence generation, documentation of processes and results, human-interest stories and donor visibility.

9. Any other duty as may be assigned by the supervisor

SENIOR LGA FACILITATOR – Support LGA level WASH institutions to ensure effective planning and implementation of activities towards the attainment of project targets

1. Participate in meetings and engage with stakeholders at the LGA level to ensure good understanding of the project objectives and extract commitments for cost sharing towards capital projects, provision of operational funds, appropriate deployment of human resources, amongst others

2. Support to identify capacity building needs and facilitate training of LGA and community level facilitators for effective WASH services delivery

3. In collaboration with the State level Consultant, where applicable, support the LGA WASH Department/Unit to review LGA WASH sectoral plans and budgets and assist in the formulation of strategies, plans and budgets to achieve WASH results at the LGA level.

4. Support the project LGA to develop LGA-wide plan for eliminating open defecation and support the LGA and communities to attain ODF through CLTS approach.

37 United Nations Children’s Fund Telephone 234-9 4618538 UN House, 3rd Floor Facsimile 234-9 461 8578 Central Area, Diplomatic Zone www.unicef.org Abuja

5. Provide regular supportive supervision and monitoring of project activities in line with the project work plan and logframe and ensure that project data and results are collated and regularly updated on the WASH Information Management System (WASHIMS)

6. Provide needed technical assistance to the WASH Department/Unit in the implementation, monitoring and supervision of WASH projects and contracts. This will include conduct of field visits to monitor and supervise construction of water and sanitation facilities to ensure that quality of construction conform to the contract specifications before certification is made for payment

7. Assist the LGA WASH Department/Unit to articulate and communicate needed support from State RUWASSA on key thematic areas such as; community mobilisation, establishment and training of WASHCOMs, water safety planning, sanitation and hygiene promotion campaigns, project monitoring and reporting

8. Support the project LGA in maintaining a regular flow of information among stakeholders at all levels towards knowledge management and learning. This will include contributions to evidence generation, documentation of processes and results, human-interest stories and donor visibility.

9. Any other duty as may be assigned by the supervisor

38 United Nations Children’s Fund Telephone 234-9 4618538 UN House, 3rd Floor Facsimile 234-9 461 8578 Central Area, Diplomatic Zone www.unicef.org Abuja

Annex B – Number and Geographical Location of Facilitators

FOs Number Abuja 8 Bauchi 58 Borno 71 Enugu 16 Kaduna 48 Katsina 91 Ondo 10 Sokoto 42 Yobe 1 Grand Total 345

The table above shows the current number of facilitators in the locations specified. Please note that the number of facilitators is indicative only and could increase or decrease depending on UNICEF’s actual requirements.


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