Don't USE UCC, Use Jurisdiction

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Don't USE UCC, Use Jurisdiction

Don't USE UCC, use jurisdiction You are under the jurisdiction, unless you speak otherwise that you are not. Your silence (or ignorance of otherwise) in not saying you are not under the jurisdiction, declares that you are under the UCC jurisdiction. Legal BS but fact. Just saying you aren't doesn't cut it either.

Using UCC to avoid or protect yourself from UCC is like stepping into the snake pit to obtain the anti-snake-bite serum. Stay out of the snake pit, please!!

You do not need to know the UCC rules or how to play. If you learn the rules, they will only change them .. You can't win.

You only need to know what makes you a player in the UCC game. If you are not a player, you are not under UCC jurisdiction.

I also thought UCC was "the key". It might be the supreme law of the land, but everyone under it's jurisdiction, volunteered to be so, MOST without knowing they had done so.

"Not Knowing" you volunteered by definition, null and voids said contract that placed you under that jurisdiction.

What ? Yep, you MUST have knowingly volunteered, but even that alone does not make it valid. When and how did you knowingly, with full knowledge, volunteer?

I mean no disrespect to anyone thinking UCC is the key to this puzzle, but it seems you have been hook-winked into continuing to be a player. Are we here to learn? I hope so. I'm not trying to pick a fight or be political, I'm only trying to convey information.

I'll get to jurisdiction, but I have to lay some ground work first.

Commercial contract law applies to corporations/businesses and is applied to these artificial creations ONLY. These artificial creations only exist in the minds of men and on paper.

Commercial contracts can only exist between artificial creations.

We are tricked into thinking that these "laws" which only apply to an artificial creation applies to us, the non-artificial, flesh and blood person.

Smoke and Mirrors, you have been lied to get you to volunteer into contract, but they are all VOID.

Three questions must be first answered before the contract can be enforceable: 1) whether the corporation does in fact exist. (In the minds of men and on paper exist?) 2) whether it has the capacity to enter into the contract and 3) whether the person signing on behalf of the corporation is, in fact, the authorized signatory. (you are the authorized signatory of your corporation)

A contract must be voided by one of the two parties. Don't go trying to VOID anything!! You must be "the player" in the UCC game to VOID anything and it RED Flags you.

Example of voidable contract is one made when one of the parties is an infant. IE birth certificates. The INFANT is required to void this contract. Are you beginning to get the idea this is as close to real BS as it gets? birth certificates = citizen which is another lie because the birth certificate is invalid, but since the INFANT never protested, the lie continues via TV, School, etc "You are born a citizen" .. BS. You can't be born a citizen any more than you can be born a Boy Scout. You may meet the qualifications, but you can not be "born" anything but a boy or girl. You can't be born into a political party or group, of which, a citizen is a political "group", more about that later.

GENUINE CONSENT Example of voidable contract, a misrepresentation is, by definition, a statement which is false and which must have induced one of the parties to enter into the contract. Does this statement sound like inducement to you : "Everybody must get a License" , IE: Drivers' license

A specific type of mistake is sometimes referred to as 'non est factum' , Latin for 'this is not my deed' . This occurs when a person executes one form of document thinking the document is something else. IE: Marriage License. Declares the couple as incompetent. Marriage licenses started out being only for the feeble minded and STAYED that way.

Duress occurs when a person is forced to enter into the contract against his will. Is not everyone under duress every time you "MUST" (so you have been told) involuntarily (as in NOT of your free will) get (remember you "MUST") a license, a registration, insurance, bank accounts, permits, auto inspection, etc. etc.

Undue influence, on the other hand, is more subtle. Like duress it results in one party losing his free will to contract out. Undue influence, hmmm, 12 years of SCHOOL telling us you are a citizen, your parents telling you the same BS (unknowingly, of course) and all those other lies about licenses, etc.

However it occurs more frequently when a person is in a superior or dominant position in relation to another and uses this influential position to induce the other to enter into the contract. Again, if undue influence is found, the contract is voidable at the option of the innocent party. Parents, teachers, church, police, etc .. Well boy-howdy .. they all tell you "You Must" .. is this mind control? Tell a lie long enough and ...

RED LETTER TEXT above are from Fundamentals of Contract Law by Luigi Frascati .

I am only a parrot trying to put into the words on this page that of what I've heard. (Yes, heard with my ears and not read .. ) I can't cover everything in this posting that needs to be covered. I'm only a beginner in learning and I'm probably getting some of it wrong so don't shoot the messenger. Hear it from the horse's mouth and then if you think it is required, shoot the horse. So the following will be a bit disjointed ...

Yes, UCC is involved in the artificial creation of YOU that is under the jurisdiction of the supreme law of the land. You, the flesh and blood you, can not be under the jurisdiction of any court except common law.

You shouldn't worry about this artificial you, it's in the Game, it's the player. It isn't important other than to know it's not you. You never need to address the this artificial you.

Unless you show up to represent the artificial you by YOUR SILENCE. The court wants the artificial you to "Appear" before the count.. POOF! It's magic. It isn't your body, in the flesh and blood.

Government is political, period. In the minds of men, artificial again. Governments are at least two political groups. Two political groups, those that make the rules and those that follow the rules (ie: citizen) Which group are you in?

You can't be born into a political group, (or citizen) and therefore you must have volunteered to be in this political group called a citizen, at least that is how you get tricked into all this mumbo-jumbo legal BS of UCC.

Key phase: "Political Jurisdiction" If you are not under the Political Jurisdiction of the UCC then, hey, you are free. Government is Political, UCC was created by Government and therefore UCC is Political. UCC has Jurisdiction over the artificial, over the Political artificial. UCC has Political Jurisdiction.

Remember you can not be born into a Political group called citizen, you've been lied to.

This supreme law of the land which is supreme over a the totally artificial things that only exist in the minds of men and on paper. You must agree/volunteer to be a citizen (artificial Political group) and thus are under the Jurisdiction.

WHEN did you volunteer? What contract did you sign, that is was legal and VALID? Was there full-disclosure of what that contract meant to you? Never mind all those.

Amendment 13 - Slavery Abolished is the KEY to unlock the chains of Political Jurisdiction. Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.

"involuntary servitude" IE: the Draft, mandatory registration for the Draft. Hmmm, involuntary .. would not "mandatory" be involuntary? If you are not under the jurisdiction, then it isn't a crime.

You can state: I did not knowingly volunteer and bingo. DO NOT USE THOSE WORDS ABOVE.. that's an over simplified statement to get the point across. The court is left with proving that you did volunteer, which they can never do. A signature proves only that there was a signing. That alone does not make the contract valid.

"Please state you Name for the Court" Whoops, that's a wrong move. You don't have a Name you are "Know As", but you don't have a NAME. The Name is the artificial. Property has a Name, you don't have an owner and therefore, you don't have a Name. It must be "I am known as X". A Name as you know it is hear-say and also has legal overtones.

"When were you born?" Whoops, that's a wrong move. Again this is hear-say. Your parents told you when you were born. The ones that told you Santa Claus, Easter Bunny and the Tooth Fairy were real. Ok!!!! It's hear-say and the court needs a Birth date to NAIL DOWN your NAME. No single person in the history of the world knows when they were born. Everyone has been TOLD when they were born and you do not know it as an eye-balled witnessed fact. You were told so, like "You MUST get a license". OK!

"Are you appearing before this Court" Whoops, that's a wrong move. You can't appear as in you were invisible and you and poof, you "APPEARED" before the court. That's the artificial again.

The point is, claiming to be a citizen (artificial) or staying silent about it, brings you under jurisdiction.

This isn't how to say out of the snake pit, but is enough to begin to see the logic that prevents you from being entangled under the Political Jurisdiction called UCC and only common law or equity applies to flesh in the blood people. There's much more .. the 14th add. is involved too Learn why the constitution IS only a piece of paper, again you've been lied to and "told" what it means... Learn what amendments never applied to citizens.

I'll quit for now.


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