ACTION PLAN: Core Values
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To Be Completed By
ACTION PLAN: Core Values
Actions Objectives Current Status Next Steps Monitoring (Short/long Term) A. Training for all Short Term: Determine Target Date: levels supervisory possible progressive services Establish Committee: staff to move through a committee of DSPs 8/31/2015 services from and people we support “Legacy” based together with the services to Development and Planning community based department. Develop Training: services. 2/2016 (Progressive) Long Term: Set up training for supervisory staff on moving away from “legacy” services towards more progressive services through Education and Training involving DSPs. Greater “buy-in” from DSPs and people we support regarding services provided and the value of their input. B. Develop support Short Term: Hosting meetings Target Date: Work with Joanna networks for and luncheons for families to Begin meetings/lunches: Greco as the families and DSPs as interact and meet each other 9/2015 volunteer Family well as increase on a smaller programmatic Advocate. family satisfaction. level. Hold events within (Person Centered- programs and invite family Family Based) members (ex: holiday parties at residences, birthdays).
Revised June 23, 2015 Page 1 of 2 Actions Objectives Current Status Next Steps Monitoring (Short/long Term) Long Term: Coordinate closely with already existing parent advocate groups and develop new relationships with family members of the people we serve D. Create a culture of Short Term: Incorporate the Target Date: Core Values within Core Values into the interview Fall 2015 the Agency process and develop a cross (Integrity) walk between the agencies Core Values and OPWDD’s Core Competencies. Ongoing
Long Term: The culture of Core Values will be strengthened and the essence of Core Values will be embraced by all employees on a daily basis. E. Market the agency Short Term: Less open Target Date: Survey staff as a great place to positions. Focus on the staff regarding the have a career. who are highly satisfied. Ongoing positive aspects of Continue the current Retain staff. their positions and recruitment efforts. Involve Increase visibility of DSPs in the interview process. areas to highlight the agency and for recruitment. highlight the positive aspects. (Dedication)