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ST THOMAS MORE R.C. PRIMARY SCHOOL Oxford Road, Kidlington, Oxford. OX5 1EA Telephone: 01865 373674 Fax: 01865 849821 [email protected] Executive Principal: Mrs B Bowles
Minutes of the Academy Committee held at the School on Tuesday 6th September 2016 at 3.30 pm
Present : Breda Bowles (BB) (Executive Principal) (from 4.45 pm), Stephen Finn (SF) (Parent), Jennifer La Vertue (Staff), Sue Pollard (SP) (Staff), Sally-Ann Reckless (SAR), (Parent), Emma Rhodes (EJW) (Parent), Nicola Rogan (NR) Foundation), Sophie Upellini (SU) (Foundation)
In attendance : Judy East (Clerk) (JE)
The quorum of six was met. The meeting was opened at 3.30 pm by NR.
1. Opening Prayer NR conducted the opening prayer.
2. Apologies and Welcome An apology for absence was received from Chris Robins (Observer).
3. Election of Chair and Vice-Chair NR was elected Chair of Governors and SAR Vice-Chair for the academic year 2016-17.
4. Declarations of Interest None declared. A copy of the Register is kept in school and is published on the Website. The Register is due to be updated in January 2017. Action : Clerk 5. Urgent items There were no urgent items.
6. DBS checks SAR undertook to check the file and remind any Governors if checks are outstanding. Action : SAR 7. Finance Committee Business Noted that all meetings will cover Curriculum and Finance – more members are needed. Action : All Governors
8. Minutes of the Academy Committee Meeting held on 13 July and Matters Arising Minutes of 13th July will be re-sent and agreed at the next meeting as some text was missing. Action : Clerk
1 Signature ...... Date ...... Matters Arising : Parish Newsletter and School Newsletter : SAR reported that 2 people have expressed interested in Foundation Governor vacancies and BB will take forward the Parent Governor vacancy. BB arrived at 4.45 pm Action : SAR/BB : Projects for Friends’ Support : Noted that new benches had been installed in the Hall which the children really liked; further money would probably be used for table cloths and crucifixes. SP reported that her Village Hall had paid £200 for the old tables. The new Shed had been erected and the Playground cleared – parents were congratulated on doing an excellent job, led by SF – it was agreed to add photographs to the next Newsletter and thank the people who had helped. It was hoped that the Friends would also help fund Playground equipment and Astro-turf.
Caretaking : BB and SF to take forward and advertize for a permanent Caretaker. Action : BB/SF RE Governor : BB reported that she had spoken to Father Andrew, who is Priest at Carterton, and he was going to speak to Father Prem. and also the Bishop. NR said she would speak to Father Mervyn and let him know the date of the next Academy Committee meeting and also invite him into school for a Mass or Assembly.SAR undertook to write a letter if NR reports no progress. Action : BB/NR/SAR 9. Headteacher Report KS2 Restricted data was tabled; noted that results would not be officially released until 15th September. BB said that this term would be difficult because of new supply teachers on long-term contracts and a senior leader was out of school. BB hoped that Governors would speak to staff, who had been very supportive in setting up classes, etc. for the supply teacher, who had settled well and been a positive influence.. Noted that three members of the SLT were on sick leave. It was agreed to follow up in T& L to see how things are going. BB suggested waiting to do Learning Walks until the 3rd week of term – agreed the walks should link to the SDP and SEF. Action : BB/All Governors KS1 data was tabled Average Point Score : Average ability of the group was 2B, which is on target. The cohort is poor because there are some high level Special Needs and EAL.
Reading, Writing, and Maths attainment : Significantly lower than National Average for this school, brought down by Writing – there is more confidence in Reading and Maths. Assessment for Writing is completely different to what has been done before.
Q. Big Write was brought in to address the problem. A. Story Telling has the biggest impact on writing, but we still have a way to go. JLV confirmed that a lot of people have been working very hard to improve Writing and that over time it is getting better.
Individual results were 72% Reading, 45% Writing, 86% Maths. Grammar was good, 72%. BB undertook to break down the scores so that Governors have the relevant information to hand for OFSTED. Action : BB ST THOMAS MORE R.C. PRIMARY SCHOOL Oxford Road, Kidlington, Oxford. OX5 1EA Telephone: 01865 373674 Fax: 01865 849821 [email protected] Executive Principal: Mrs B Bowles
Teacher-assessed School Data (Years 1 and 6) : Assessments were done 4 times. The number of “Emerging” children has reduced. BB said that Governors need to look at overall groups and individual groups – Writing is the issue by a long way. BB will circulate a complete set of data when she has finished pulling all the information together. Noted there had been no significance difference since June. Action : BB Nursery : Numbers have gone up, helped by a Facebook blog. As the year progresses, numbers will probably increase.
Staffing : Advertizements went out in August and a few replies have been received. There was need to advertise internally for the role SU is doing. Thought was being given to having an Apprentice Receptionist. Sue Burnham will be coming in 2 days a week to support SU. There are 2 Teacher vacancies (1 Teacher is on sick leave).
Staff training : An INSET Day had been held led by Deborah Kidd, with exciting ideas not dissimilar to what the school already does, but taking it further.
Timetable : This has always been an issue as it is difficult to keep everyone happy, but there is more consistency now in the classroom.
Special Needs : The school is still looking at transition for one high level Special; Needs child.
10. School improvement It was agreed to hold a Staff/Governors’ meeting at 3.30 pm on 5th October to look in In detail at the School Development Plan; BB undertook to invite the staff. At the meeting each Curriculum Head will give a brief presentation and BB will provide the SDP and given an update. Action : BB 11. Policies (i) Safeguarding : Deferred to next meeting. BB to circulate Policy. Action : BB
12. Committee Minutes/Reports Nothing to report.
13. Standing items (i) Safeguarding : Nothing to report. (ii) Health & Safety : Consideration needs to be given to the Caretaker role. (iii) Pupil Premium : An update will be given in BB’s next Headteacher Report. Action : BB
14. DBMAC News Nothing to report. 3 Signature ...... Date ...... 15 Governors (i) Foundation Vacancies (4) : Taken under item (8) above.
(ii) Parent Governor Vacancy : BB will take forward.
(iii) Classroom visits/learning walks : Taken under item (9) above.
(iv) Training : None undertaken since the last meeting.
16. Diary dates : 2016/17 Academy Committee Meetings Diary dates for the year will be circulated. Action : EJW 17. Other business It was agreed to hold an Open Morning to “Meet the Teachers” for Governors, Friends and Parents : BB to arrange date. Action : BB
The meeting closed at 5.15 pm