Why Is Peace Elusive
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of violence.” Generations toviolenceisnow that come nature of one violence.” believe have human and bythehuman nowthe “culture inalmost conditioned is being attitudes, everything about short everyofbehavior, human ourlanguage, dominate relationships, aspectour life. Our our “culture bythey of developedwholeviolence”gradually came tousing that force a only fear.realizedtimesin beings pre-historicSince theysurvive exert in that human could jungles force dominantor control remainsasviolence that assuperiorforce able to only long is the When seek or to we the opponent. fear of control someone through punishment subjugates violence tobecause appearsvery peace temporary wonis be through it When violence is peacecivilizationperishthat doomed and is tobyunattainable belief violence. now mostlyheart-breaking futility in leading toworse.ended andThereis pessimism wide-spread a efforts hard the worldattainbutaround peace their beings to generationsworked human For “Passive Violence” that all of us practice daily consciously of “Passive all us is that practiceunconsciously. Physical Violence” and problem we focused“PhysicalViolence”onis The and enough have ouronall attention not still andwarsinvolved, 300since. than are,more in wars all parts end the world,toutedthe war have to as orof the world, was been WWII forget while that us point butnot to Warlet Most people after II history. the peace World semblance Yes,have a variouswarsattained of at peace anyone? we and ended times in arebyCanlives innot nation Peace? said war be a theymean it that because at with peace question:Whatwe Isay the answer toanother would lies in do question that nonviolence, then Gandhiji’s philosophyunderstood of ISatyagraha, in say that or have If I living can peace? mostthen that isquestion people soaskwhy peace of The incapable illusive? Are humans not nature. is violence that human beconvincedlive the time withIfinish readingwillto chapter hope you this by just has it. Why Is PeaceElusive?WhyIs By Gandhi By Arun
Page1 unrest and violence. To combat this we enact fear harsher welaws.violence.this and the widely unrest To combat Controlenact is through imbalancessocial societiesand causes this in that to and crimeleads, inevitably, increasing ourselves civilized considerreallyLaw:Survival economic of wethe Fittest. practice The Jungle the firstofand selfishnessseedsmeans plant wepossiblethereby children. Although in bysuccessmeasured getthe topany is material possessions. urge to ourby We children leadstothat wantchildrenlife selfishness succeed in practice greed. their and Parents to andof isthe resulteverywhere capitalismsociety ofis turmoil this of much the kindin we the world, is in peace withineither.is there peacemuch nations little orIf there Human no not wish seewe tothe world.” the change in then “become weaknessesand“passive”have acknowledgeandcommitting violence we to behaviorour bad the fire ifdon’toffwe we out first Sinceareresponsiblecut the fuel equally supply? all in isfuelssay it violencethat the fireviolence” would sowe“passive” how of can“physical put oppression,greed,discrimination, insensitivityresources, poverty, wasting so and Gandhiji on. directly or classifieddotoindirectly. be These could causes hurt asdon’t people be whileused, isof dois violent where isweor“passive” nothe kinds yetacts force and what used murders, and beatings,of fighting, killing,violencewhere force the otherphysicalrapeall acts of violence. Nor violencesimplyof violence. is of or physicalTherearethe actkilling. aspects of fighting said not Henonviolence practiced. is about and the opposite of ortalked violence the absence Gandhi breadththisthe depth and to of must the nonviolence understand attain we But, peace am Gandhiji say: sure I would homes,canbuildthe world? in we peace our how The is:build and arises withinby that cannot peace suffered question ourselves society. If we rebellious, looserespect become fortheir is parents ofkind the effects that of and attitude families In is blendeditup. who suffer They the most. arethe children rapidly catching countries exceed60traditionaldivorce the morewesternwhile eastern societies ratescent per in peaceIn hasof mostliving economicfear and domination home too.of destroyed the at anything retribution. must fear ofstresseslive the law and in have those The while who don’t possessThosewealth ideology. oraccepted who killed livefear of robbed, mugged being in If True Peace is to be attained then nonviolence is the only way. only way. thePeacebeattained is nonviolence is then If toTrue
Page1 frugality in our use man-made frugalityourand in of resources.natural weeks. for notThisdemonstratemiserliness the needtwowas his to to done demonstrate but saidstillhe couldit using himselfhim demonstratedit least the next and by used this for at be is topencil forHowever, to it three-inch smallIshowed too use? whenfound and it anyone search memake would useless a that for something inso believe Why he wouldn’t the dark. wayI onwas he discarded school.the timeannoyed that myhome from surprised had and At and pencil1946, three-inchof outlittleain madego once search for a boy he me I butt that withWardha, as inI year Ashram 12 livedGrandfatherSewagram When Central India, a in old wepeace?exploitation how can build violently ourare self-interestbehaveand relationshipsone based another with on completely allofnow human act,dominated live, aspects breath, life. If we think, speak and is therefore, envelopethe best security Cultureto ourselves ahas that in of – aViolence culture to comethattruepeace believethatviolenceUtopianhave a is inevitabledream; is and, achievewe existencenot soable to of in centuries human peace many Sincehave been we knowcure malady weabout. to a nothing difficult neverand,is don’t have combat. we exploredtherefore,It that know, cannot violence materialistic more,materialistic response isconsume this to we more to because someone has that produce ofdon’t ourA think violentoften we actionbeing because even anyone. predictable as to found passive was that violence morepassive insidiousmuch violence. more and I widespread waste, while discrimination,teasing, stereotyping,etc namedisrespect calling, under went killing,etc.would murders, violence physical column. Fighting, rape, under go the appropriate putexperiences down andthem in bed I and analyze events wasthe day’s to to went required of genealogicalviolencewithoff-shoots tree “Passive”.I “Physical” twoand day before Every This lessonfollowed introspectiveagainst exerciseviolence an humanity. was of buildingby a resourcesthe means thatistoscarce is somewhere, toandlacking buy poverty forced live in nature to leads sinceand, of wasting over-consumption resources,against someone throw awaywe usefulareviolenceperfectly good things and committing day when we every this ifwastethat our mewe resourceslesson was as incident through do taught The he
Page1 violence to get justice which takes the formget tojustice whichsocietynations. violence takes ofin the crime wars and between the timeallunconsciously victims of passiveandviolence become physical angryresort to we passive “Physical” violence violence. and violence Since commit and consciously ourLater, parent’s behavior.the“Passive”change connectionexplainedme to my to between butaretake measuresignorance,today,corrective iflive unlikelycould inasthen we we do we violence. of Once what“passive” Iawareitpeople became passiveisviolence I how hurts and result of exerciseIthis The fewfilledwall wasa months my in that in roomexamples with of of society. “dregs” “incompetent”, States the Unitedmillionsin dismissand but as them of have livingwe Europe poverty “lazy”, havehope of affluentsurvival. inignorance no theynations and that The poverty entrenched enormous populationsother half is deeply the economictheir benefit from boom. The so forboomingthewealthy world,with nationseconomies,halfof both producing yetof the only destitution. examples andA of poverty growingChina,grovel prime in and disparities are India thestill goods.consigns the wherewithalproduceasegment of It humanity have large to ofwho consumethis haveside onlythosethat thoseand who is the meansmore argument people.This jobs is toHowever, provides the problem. that ofat and one looking the flip- way death and destruction. He taught me the importance of “thinking” nonviolently socan of the importancenonviolently we “thinking” that me Hedestruction. and taught death deadly towhencause leads violence that as abuseand be consequences could we anger electricity use intelligentlyif we for the good of weelectricity humanity. However,the abuse intelligentlyanger used that be as me can caused that the anger. Grandfather taught problem beingsattention the fuseandthe human is stopto havoc. tells anger that us pay In to to no is fuse inelectric the circuit. If there break circuit timelead to a could of then it crisis ajust as human asisis toand fusethe Angerbeings important natural to nonviolence. managing and the effectively foundation it becameanger practice of understanding his of therefore, rampant angerthe spark causedand, that violence was was convinced Gandhiji that we wish to society. in become see change the we have to the fire of violence physicalput In out to have the fuelother order cut off words supply.we to therefore,passiveClearly, firethe fuel ignitesviolence is that so,the of violence physical in ,
Page1 healthy mind we need mentalexercise. exercisemind taughtsimple.sitinneed Iis Ito healthy we The washad a physicalbuild theneedsameand a way,we able toexercise. Inbe to digest the knowledge the bodybeToable as themselves candigest the food strengthen regarded enough. to and Neitherby weourfood.knowledge information hungeractsand just as with of these feed is exercise.reality,is mental of filling the process with In not Education education the mind exercise. exercises mental beliefthe erroneous adequate education in that is anger teachingneglectalso mental exercises. Justwe teachingmanagement neglect as isangerit tomental retain control of the mind To practice and important do management of caused the incident that anger.reminder over the years, aresourcediary, became for nonviolentsolutions valuable instead constantof a efforts genuinethen make tosolution, and the goal.nonviolent the achieve Consequently, the intentionbut awith of intofinding the intentionmybook withanger of pouring not anwrite indiary, the incident becametoviolence.Ianger waslead to Whenever I angrytaught pause regain tosomethingtoand control of would learn one’s saying orthat mind avoid doing inviolence, not leads toone control of is one’s mind One either ormust physical non-physical. solutionswhennonviolent face Reactinganger find problemswe abusively in to when them. the world relationships onthe world are necessarily self-interest.built Materialism thrives on boundlead to violence.international, iseven it to and Inconflicts materialistic societies around ofnonviolence. haverelationships inter-personal any level,philosophy If we at or poor was lessonme thirdabout relationships,an of Grandfatheralsohis that The taught integral part mekeeping of inmymoments crisis.helpedconsiderably cool in at mydistractions from able mind unnecessary thoughts and I will. It waskeep out months to was control of myforgaining mind. Withinfew I that a the imagelonger and longer and wasphysicalI able toboth found mental exercises.As Iin by and keep the key went the weeks difficult persistence closed was it The that myBut do. the imageis moment I eyes vanished. to exercises,Iimage physical of found the flowerinmind.Just as keep the my beginning forclosed objectandtriedthat my and minuteeyes to myon a then concentrated all attention placedin roomno flower on I quiet with distractions of a frontand any kind. the table of me
Page1 believe that wethat isolateourselves nationinterests believe cocoon,can innational protect ourand our culturewhich beliefs ofinthesethe prevailing violence areleads rooted to attitudethis people towhen projected the needemphasize In alsooncountries we for nationalismpatriotism. and tosuccessfulexhort them webecome life any meansThein possible.iswhen sameby attitude problem materialism is The hasus selfish attitudeourmadethis projected children and is on without conflict. yearsmany These flourished relationshipsrespectunderstanding. based and have onover are that mutual are Thereistoso.evidencebeings capable of provehuman relationshipsthink substantial that conflicts adon’t substantiallythisappreciation be where would minimized. pipe-dream? I Is build onrequired to relationships understanding, respect,based acceptance and compassion, into eruptviolence. avoidunmanageable andInare learning to progressively we conflict reachaconflictsconflictsdangerthese we that when managing stage is and become the creating anyone.anwhere notwithIn oneconflict bywould creating conflicts in atmospherebe manage peacefully.the philosophyit stresses of to satyagraha learn What to learning is avoid makes“conflictmanagement” courses. senseIt createdeveloped no to firstconflict then a and exploitation exploitation leadstoand kindsall conflictsof these conflicts. To deal with have we respecting societies respectingadegree with sharing. of greater compassionate our ofmutually vision tobroaden societylearnimperative and we buildthat nation and search towelimitrun ina ithow farcan the practice safe ofnest.in a of nonviolence is Thus, whichThereis inthey live. no itsthe neighborhood can byworld family ensure ignoring security asnation preserve of itssecurityignoringwelfare of the world. Just the rest no the can by ishowever be, may powerful it toand and inexorably country, strong linked the security inter-related. and andTheare interconnected interlinked, security nations welfare of any the culture of believedandnonviolence is extension,In it humans all that therefore, by all the world. consequences on weaponsbeof about the ourwith ofnotsanctity nation mass and concerned destruction believecan concernedof be about the rest world. We we preserve that the not and
Page1 on their own feet and do Gandhiji andtheirthings other called for themselves.“Trusteeship.”own this on feet In designed “constructive stand helpand of to the poor the poorprograms” confidence launching to whichinvolved self-means trying rebuild the self-respect getting and compassionin Culture inspeaks of Gandhiji’s Nonviolence,rooted the actingof concept, of people out society. on dependent will theyforever that are theyanything that and remain lazy, are of incapable doing they –self-confidence. createsself-respect society and poorinto that the stereotypes buy that The forcedlive people intothey that When are sacrifice of any form oppression the two thingsare already give. the charitypopulationby furtherwea oppressed circumstances is by oppressed fromorConsequently, the individuals.dependentcharity whether the government become on andresult checkpoorrequires ait.isand commitment, The mail easy just write out no the aredesireischarity togood, it motivateda periodically. individualsout Such actions do by dole feedfor generations; soup the same the hungry toin way havekitchens societies run need a andFor give the poortheyon organizations of platter. instance, pity we what out Wheniscompassion. act morethe poor pityby we and motivated than the needy show by to The we that must bykindexplain Gandhiji of “compassionate” concern sharing. I meant what must become a part atheyof must of arepartthe problem.become the solution if the central know their we issolutionswilldon’t life how what can poorwe findhelpful?like be Thethat isit live what in homelessdestitute.means, be If what to meansand it poverty to ignorance, dealwegreatmore a absolutely poor possess. noneed have humility we idea than We what will forproblem us isif we for listen itTheworkingand to solve your you factwhen the you.” this knowto approach “wethe poorusually is: notions try fit Our into preconceived and plan. withown tryresolvego isThe we to the problemswe ourproblem educated. when of the poor the between and the ignorant the richpoor, and to and the gap between bridge time talent involved more means spending getting aand commitmentIt deal more writing than cheque. tothe poortheirThis, so helprealizethe money,potential.of much course,not a needs great possess trustees,instead ofasof the talentshould owners bewillingand, weusethetalent, to we ourselves means this is must trusteeswe considerthat words, what that of the talent
Page1 next time they don’t get caught. In a of Nonviolencebe said InCulture punishment Gandhiji getmust they caught. don’t next time criminals, for the mostlikeand and sufferthe part, theythe punishmentthe sure quietly make of samejustice isWeconcept into our for misbehavior ourThe homes.carried punish children strongerthan criminals. citizens rather better the results startlinglybe out different. People would come punishment than would insteadhardened criminals wereof enlightened If prisons placescitizens. of reformation rather punishment only Besidesprison peoplecompulsions makes onin and the emphasis again. once ofandespeciallyif prison toperson better theyout the same face have come circumstances always does for this not bad a thatmakedoface Being punished good we orthings. us the compulsionsthings. dependsall the circumstances and bad doand on goodIt people things do why is that often goodbad our people and in psyches the bad the good and of us have allreality the beliefis people of in “Good” “Bad”In the worldpeople. that and roots made up its hasprison. byThis athem to give them attitude criminal, punish sending and trial ato is catch justice basedsystem It quick ispunishment. onchildren. Our and revenge buildourBriefly, andparentingtolastingare ourof peace.Justice want concept they ofweThere are aspectsViolence more toifreallymany of the Culture need we change that not only reduce the philosophy to a dogma but, in the whatthe process, the inphilosophyinget Dr. to only we trapped dogma reduce a but, not Thisbelittle is to of the motives scholars way. wenot butof when everything we seek proof one of – the scholarly intwowaythe intelligent approached be ways matter, for that orcan In or humility explained.all I any philosophy Gandhiji’sIsay that have philosophy, the things saidoffer grandfather of noallnotice noI proofYou will I really have my that citations that and and haveeffect parent’s the child.respect a willlove penance no on on and ismutual If it based betweenupon the parent the child. not the relationship contingent changethat course necessary.isthe lesson learn is Of ofon the effect penance the child notnotthe mistake means madethat the child done will the child will hasand realize it has itcomplex” athe children. childguilty Without makingfeel for the wrongcreates in a this “guilt realize theypenance the children make theirthat their through mistakes. Some argue may and Thetheresponsibilityby parents teachingpenance. replaced take for nottheirwell children
Page1 Culture of Violencepractice andCulture to nonviolencelikein attempting is paperand living a house practiceone incannot effectively. it live the philosophy of Livinga does nonviolence not envisioned. of themass countrytoday If one not Gandhiji that weapons destruction. is India of thebecomemostspendsenormous resourceshas one violentand on of the world nations nowould saidlonger follow virtually IndiaIndia Consequently, the philosophy of nonviolence. independence outGandhijiwasthe leaders and convenience. Once achieved on walked isof prime this.India examplecompatriotsa For nonviolence Gandhiji’swas strategy a of beenthatit andlimited hasbeen it had successfulstrategy successwhen not lasting. has has today tomorrow.” Itwenonviolencea discard because used onlyput and is as on have can you is ahad“Nonviolence beusedthat not to Gandhijijacket convenient. said: “strategy” when of analysisThis caused paralysis some scholars the tophilosophyhas of a nonviolence viewas dogma.a savedneeds and Abekeptbecomingtoday.from can to philosophyvibrant understood be ago was the person didmeanhow said what logicand centuries workwhat one’s deductiveto out intelligenttoto is of way learn the essence death. The of use the philosophy philosophy and King saidonce of“the weparalysesanalyses.” the LutherJr. Martin In English:work plain to the United States the United 1987. Email:to in in Arun 1956 a make 1934, leftAfrica in Gandhi as moved South to in life and journalist a India motivational Manilalaat BornSushila andis country.speaker to Universities the around website: Worldwide Gandhi, Founder/PresidentUSA IL, Arun Education Institute, Wauconda, Gandhi relevantare not danger. gravethen civilization they in is If one aretoday.canasking ifrelevant them say respectunderstanding respond by love, and When question whetherand today nonviolencerelevant people is Irespect understanding. peaceof brother-sisterhoodneed the graveyard. We canthat only and love and come from warsthe world. If peace,tosuccessending in achievein of the peaceunlikely meet is it therefore, awe My conclusion, iftryapply that philosophy distorted ofareis we to nonviolence be to stones. hail from hoping protected www.gandhiforchildren.org [email protected] Arun has lived yearshasinfor 21 States where Arun the United he
Page1 See also:See Rochester, Way, Wintergreen Address: NY 14618. 160 www.arungandhi.org