162-180 Hood Road, Portarlinigton

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162-180 Hood Road, Portarlinigton


April 2012 162-180 Hood Road, Portarlington

TPG Ref: 2304 Client: Portarlington Golf Course Inc.

Page 1 PLANNING SCHEME AMENDMENT | 162-180 Hood Road, PORTARLINGTON Planning Scheme Amendment 1 6 2 - 1 8 0 H O O D R O A D , P O R T A R L I N I G T O N

Table of Contents


INTRODUCTION This submission requests an amendment to the Greater Geelong Planning Scheme and is made by The Planning Group Australia on behalf of the Portarlington Golf Course Inc. who owns the golf driving range on the land known as 162 -180 Hood Road, Portarlington.

The contact details for the application are: Portarlington Golf Course Inc. C/- The Planning Group Level 7, 420 St Kilda Road MELBOURNE VIC 3004 Phone: 8866 0288 [email protected]

The subject site is currently used as a golf driving range, which is associated with the main part of the Portarlington Golf Course located directly west of the site. This rezoning submission proposes to amend the Greater Geelong Planning Scheme to apply a consistent zoning to the land owned by the Club being both the golf driving range and the remainder of the Portarlington Golf Course. The main golf course is located to the west of the subject land and the proposed rezoning is a logical extension of existing facilities on offer. We propose to rezone the golf driving range from Farming Zone (FZ) to Special Use Zone 3 (SUZ3), which will integrate the land with the existing zoning of the main golf course and allow for greater integration of the use.

The golf club currently has approximately 700 members and recently won the best regional pro- am course of the year 2011-2012. The golf club provides gaming, bar, food and golfing facilities on the Special use part of the site.

Page 3 PLANNING SCHEME AMENDMENT | 162-180 Hood Road, PORTARLINGTON site and surrounds

THE SITE The subject site is 8ha in area and is located on the eastern side of Oxley Road, south of Hood Road and north of Tower Road. The land is currently zoned Farming Zone (FZ). The subject site includes the following parcels of land:

 Crown Allotments 60 and 90 of Folio 493 Vol. 1183

Please refer to Appendix 1 for the Certificate of Title.

Both parcels of land have been owned by Portarlington Golf Course for at least 13 years. The additional site is currently used as a golf driving range, which is associated with the Portarlington Golf Course.

The subject site has frontage to Hood Road, Oxley Road and Tower Road. The site has relatively flat topography, falling slightly from north to south. There is a parking area for approximately 8-10 cars at the northern end of the site, which is accessed from Oxley Road. A small storage shed exists at the southern end of the property. Refer to Figure 1 below for a Locality / Site Context Aerial.

No restrictive covenants affect the land. All basic services are available to the site including water, sewer, gas, electricity and telecommunications.


Figure 1: SITE LOCATION PLAN (source: nearmap)

SURROUNDING ENVIRONS Land to the north, east and south is used for general agricultural purposes. The land to the west of Oxley Road contains the existing Golf Course.

Hood Road is classified as an arterial road and is aligned in an east-west direction to the north of the site. The road is configured as a two lane, two way divided carriageway. Oxley Road to the west and Tower Road to the south are local access roads, which are both unsealed.

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STATE PLANNING POLICY FRAMEWORK The State Planning Policy Framework (SPPF) provides the broad strategic basis for future land use and development decisions.

Clauses 14–19 of the SPPF provide guidance as to how these goals can be achieved.

Clauses of particular relevance to the subject rezoning include:

Clause 11.05-2 – Melbourne’s Hinterlands The objective of this clause is to manage growth in Melbourne’s hinterland, the area immediately beyond Metropolitan Melbourne and within 100 kilometres of the Melbourne’s Central Activities District. This requires consideration of complex ecosystems, landscapes, agricultural and recreational activities in the area.

Clause 11.05-5 – Coastal Settlement The objective of this clause is to plan for sustainable coastal development. This includes the consideration of a support network of diverse coastal settlements which provides for a broad range of housing types, economic opportunities and services.

Clause 15.03-1 & 2 - Heritage The objective of this clause is to ensure the conservation of places of heritage significance, and to ensure the protection and conservation of places of Aboriginal cultural heritage significance. This requires the identification, assessment and documentation of places of Aboriginal cultural heritage significance, in consultation with relevant Registered Aboriginal Parties, as a basis for their inclusion in the planning scheme.

Clause 17 – Economic Development The objective of this clause: Planning is to provide for a strong and innovative economy, where all sectors of the economy are critical to economic prosperity.

Planning is to contribute to the economic well-being of communities and the State as a whole by supporting and fostering economic growth and development by providing land, facilitating decisions, and resolving land use conflicts, so that each district may build on its strengths and achieve its economic potential.


Municipal Strategic Statement (MSS) Council’s Municipal Strategic Statement sets the direction for land use and development in Greater Geelong and identifies a number of key planning matters for consideration and nominates a series of objectives and strategies for each.

Clause 21.07-1 – Economic Development and Employment One of the key issues under this clause is the provision of high quality living, working and recreational environments that are critical to attracting and retaining highly skilled people and the businesses in which they work.

Also, tourism activities in rural and coastal areas must be carefully managed so as not to compromise the natural environment and/or agricultural activities. . Clause 21.07-6 Tourism The objective of this clause is to support tourism development in rural areas that respects the open farmed landscape of the area, and contributes to the economy.

Clause 21.08 – Development and Community Infrastructure The key influences of this clause point to the fact that it is necessary to upgrade existing community infrastructure and to provide new community infrastructure to meet the needs of the current and future population.


Zones The land is presently included within the Farming Zone. A permit is required for a leisure and recreation use under this zone. Given the existing driving range use for the site and the intention to have consistent zoning for all uses associated with the golf course this is an inappropriate zone given the strategic intent of the MSS. The existing zoning at the site is illustrated in Figure 2 below. PLANNING SCHEME AMENDMENT | 162-180 Hood Road, Portarlington


Overlays There are no overlays which affect the subject site.


Clause 52.29 Land Adjacent to a Road Zone, Category 1 The purpose of this clause is to ensure appropriate access to identified roads and to ensure appropriate subdivision of land adjacent to identified roads.

PORTARLINGTON STRUCTURE PLAN The Portarlington Structure Plan Map annotates “support improvement of golf course facilities” as an objective of the plan.

The purpose of the zoning on the golf course (Public Use Zone 3) is to provide for the use and development of private golf courses and to ensure that the use and development of land for private golf courses does not prejudice the amenity of surrounding areas. Please refer to Appendix 2 for the Portarlington Structure Plan


The planning policy framework sets out the relevant objectives and policies that guide land use and development in the area.

The above review of the Greater Geelong Planning Scheme demonstrates that the proposed zoning for the site is appropriate given the strategic intent within the MSS, specifically Clause 21.14-5 - The Portarlington Structure Plan.

The consistent zoning of the Portarlington Golf Course will support the improvement of economic, recreational and tourism facilities in the area. The site is located within an area of Aboriginal cultural heritage sensitivity associated with ancient dunes. There is an Aboriginal cultural heritage place currently recorded on the Victorian Aboriginal Heritage Register on this parcel of land. The record of this place is 7821-0011. Matters of aboriginal heritage will not be disturbed by the proposed re-zoning It is not proposed to further subdivide the site and no alterations to existing access arrangements are being proposed. The Special Use Zone 3 (SUZ3) is the most appropriate zone given the land ownership, existing and future uses of the site and surrounding areas. PLANNING SCHEME AMENDMENT | 162-180 Hood Road, Portarlington


THE PROPOSED AMENDMENT This submission requests the exhibition of a planning scheme amendment to rezone the subject precinct from Farming Zone to Special Use Zone 3 (SUZ3).

The amendment will apply the same zoning as the adjoining Portarlington Golf Course which will allow the logical development of the course and ensure appropriate development outcomes.

INTEGRATION WITH THE EXISTING DEVELOPMENT The proposed development provides a logical infill development proposal given the land is currently being used as part of the Portarlington Club as a Golf Driving Range.

SITE SERVICES All basic services can be provided to the site; however detailed analysis will be carried out as part of any change should a development application be submitted to add any buildings such as another shed associated with the Club to the site.

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IS THE AMENDMENT REQUIRED? The Amendment is required to ensure a consistent zoning across the Golf Course, as sports and recreation (which covers a golf course) is a permit required use under the current zoning for the site (Farming Zone). Rezoning the land to Special Use Zone 3 will provide certainty with regard to the use of the land in association with the Golf Course.

HOW DOES THE AMENDMENT IMPLEMENT THE OBJECTIVES OF PLANNING IN VICTORIA? The proposed amendment aims to rezone the land to the same zone as the existing golf course which will improve the golf club facilities, which has been identified as an objective in the Portarlington Structure Plan. The amendment provides for the orderly, economic and sustainable use of land and thereby supports the objectives of planning in Victoria.

The amendment has been prepared in accordance with the Ministerial Directions on the Form and Content of Planning Schemes under section 7(5) of the Act.

HOW DOES THE AMENDMENT ADDRESS ANY ENVIRONMENTAL EFFECTS? The amendment will not have any adverse effects on the environment. Considering the existing use of the land as a golf driving range the subject site will not involve any significant environmental effects.

HOW DOES THE AMENDMENT ADDRESS ANY RELEVANT SOCIAL & ECONOMIC EFFECTS? The amendment will facilitate a number of positive social and economic outcomes including:

- Ensuring adequate supply of recreational facilities in Portarlington; - Provision of economic development and employment; - The maintenance of a rural break to indented head; - And, the better utilization of existing community infrastructure, services and facilities.

These social and economic outcomes result in net community benefit for the residents of Portarlington.

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DOES THE AMENDMENT COMPLY WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF ANY OTHER MINISTER’S DIRECTIONS APPLICABLE TO THE AMENDMENT? The proposed amendment complies with the requirements of Ministerial Direction on the ‘Form and Content of Planning Schemes’. The proposed amendment provides a thorough strategic evaluation in respect of Ministerial Direction 11.

DOES THE AMENDMENT SUPPORT OR IMPLEMENT THE STATE PLANNING POLICY FRAMEWORK (SPPF), THE LOCAL PLANNING POLICY FRAMEWORK (LPPF), AND SPECIFICALLY THE MUNICIPAL STRATEGIC STATEMENT (MSS)? The proposal is consistent with the intent of both the State and Local Planning Policy Frameworks and the Municipal Strategic Statement. The amendment achieves an outcome that ensures net community benefit and sustainable development, in line with the principles and goals outlined in the SPPF.

State Planning Policy Framework Clause 11.05-2 – Melbourne’s Hinterlands The proposed amendment accords with this clause through the continuation of existing established uses and maintaining the rural break currently in place.

Clause 11.05-5 – Coastal Settlement The proposed amendment will provide economic opportunities and services associated with the existing Golf Course and further expand and improve the current facilities associated with the Golf Club.

Clause 15.03-1 & 2 - Heritage Sites of Aboriginal Heritage on the land will not be disturbed as part of this rezoning.

Clause 17 – Economic Development The proposed amendment will provide opportunities for economic development through the provision of ongoing employment and recreational facilities for Portarlington.

Local Planning Policy Framework Municipal Strategic Statement (MSS) The proposed amendment complies with Council’s Municipal Strategic Statement as it provides economic and employment opportunities, promotes tourism and enhances the community facilities available in Portarlington.

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DOES THE AMENDMENT MAKE PROPER USE OF THE VPP’S? The amendment uses the most appropriate VPP tools to ensure that the subject land can be used in a way that supports the strategic objectives of the scheme. This involves rezoning the land from Farming Zone to Special Use Zone 3 in accordance with the existing Golf Course Zoning.

DOES THE AMENDMENT ADDRESS THE VIEWS OF ANY REFERRAL AUTHORITY? The Amendment application will need to be referred as part of the normal process.

ASSESS THE IMPACT OF THE NEW PLANNING PROVISION ON THE RESOURCE AND ADMINISTRATION COSTS OF THE RESPONSIBLE AUTHORITY? The amendment will generate little resource and administration costs for Council beyond any additional planning permit and building consent applications generated for the subsequent development of the land, of which there are no immediate plans.

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CONCLUSION This submission proposes to amend the Greater Geelong Planning Scheme to facilitate the zoning of the land in line with the associated Golf Course. The proposed amendment will change the zoning from Farming Zone (FZ) to Special Use Zone 3 (SUZ3). The Portarlington Structure Plan (Amended September 2008), incorporated within the MSS, specifically supports the improvement of the golf club facilities in the area.

The strategic assessment has demonstrated that there is justification at all levels to support the rezoning of this land to Special Use Zone 3. The Amendment is required to apply the same zoning across all golf club facilities. The proposal will facilitate economic and employment opportunities and enhance community facilities in the area

The proposed amendment provides adequate planning controls to ensure that the proposed development achieves sustainable development objectives and does not prejudice the amenity of surrounding areas.

Given this, it is recommended that the amendment be supported by Council.

Julie Katz CEO April 2013

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