GMU CRU Bible Study Leader Application 2010
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GMU CRU Small Group Leader Application 2012
Applications are due by April 19th, 2012 Please remember to read Cru’s Statement of Faith at
Men please e-mail application to Brett at [email protected]
Women please e-mail application to Kathie at [email protected]
Name: ______
Email: ______Cell: ______
I am a: In Fall 2012 I’ll be a:
Male Sophomore Super Senior
Female Junior Grad Student
Address for Fall 2012:
When do you expect to graduate?
Where do you attend church while at GMU:
Which type of Small Group do you wish to lead?
Freshmen On Campus
Freshmen Commuters
Transfer Students
Specific Community (Athletes, Frat/Sorority, etc…) ______
Organic Bible Study – A pre-evangelistic discussion group for non-Christians and nominal-Christians. Discussion focuses on obstacles to belief in Christ. You will receive special training before leading an OBS.
General Student Body
Specific Community: ______If you are a NEW Small Group Leader, please tell us briefly how and when you came to Christ and/or began to live for him.
If you are currently a Small Group Leader please describe your walk with God right now.
If you lead students in Bible study you’ll need to have a firm grasp of the basics of the gospel. We have a great resource (Cru.Comm) that will help you, but we’d like to know that you are grounded in the fundamentals. Please explain your understanding of the following topics. You are encouraged to use your Bible, but please DO NOT depend on any other works (i.e. Bible Gateway, Commentaries, online sermons), NOR receive help from other people. You may use as much room as you need for the following questions.
How does a person come to Christ?
Who is the Holy Spirit and what role does he play in the life of a believer?
What role has God asked Christians to play in evangelism?
It will also help you to have a solid background to draw on as you lead others. Please tell us about your experience in the following areas. Inexperience will not necessarily be disqualifying. You may use as much room as you need for the following questions.
Who has led you in Bible study and/or discipled you?
What was that like for you?
Have you ever led a bible study before?
How did it go?
We’d love to hear a bit about your desires and abilities. Please answer the following questions.
Why would you like to lead a Small Group next year?
What do you think you’d find difficult or need help in while leading a Small Group Bible Study? FOR CURRENT SMALL GROUP LEADERS ONLY
How has your experience as a Small Group leader been so far? What did you study and what resources did you use?
We’d love to hear a bit about your desires and abilities. Please answer the following questions.
Why would you like to continue leading a Small Group next year?
What would you like more training in as you seek to lead a Small Group Bible study again?
Any other thoughts or questions? PERSONAL SECTION
The following section contains questions of a more personal nature. The information you provide below will be kept confidential and seen only by a staff member of your own gender. Your answers to these questions will not necessarily disqualify you from leading a Small Group. They were chosen so that we might help you with your spiritual growth and development. We care much more about you and your personal growth than about what you can do for Cru. Please be honest with us so that we may help you grow.
We understand that in some cases you may feel hesitant to share personal information with multiple people. Please select the statement that is most accurate for you:
I am comfortable with any staff member of my gender reading the personal section.
I am only comfortable with the staff member selected below reading the personal section:
Men: Brett Miller Jared Hollick Greg Boros Ben Bennett Ashton Burzio
Women: Kathie Virunurm Kristin Hollick Elise Boros Krista Miller
My name is: ______
My gender is: Male Female
You may use as much room as you need for the following questions.
Do you consume alcoholic beverages?
Are you 21?
What personal limits do you set for yourself in this area?
What are your personal standards about whom you would date and what sort of physical relationship is appropriate?
Have you maintained these standards? Please explain:
There are many opportunities for us to fall into sexual sin, including but not limited to: inappropriate touching (light – over clothes; heavy – under clothes), intercourse, oral sex, homosexuality, masturbation and pornography. These can trip up leaders and we’d like you to enjoy freedom from them. Is there any area in which you have fallen short of an exemplary sexual standard?
Are you part of a community/accountability where you share these struggles? If so, who?
Eating disorders can be very damaging to you personally and limit your ability to minister to others. Have you struggled with unhealthy eating habits?
Is there any other area of personal sin or failing that you should tell us about? (downloading music illegally, drug use, cheating on tests/papers, pirating software, etc…) Qualifications for Leadership
Believing that God has laid out in His Word specific qualifications for persons taking on spiritual leadership (Titus 1:6-9, I Tim 3:1-7, I Pt 5:1-3), and, Believing that God's blessing on our ministry is related to the hearts and actions of the leaders, and, Believing that leaders will be held to a higher standard by God, (James 3:1), and, Believing that you are more important than the ministry.
We ask students in leadership in Cru at George Mason University to meet the following qualifications:
1. A consistent and growing relationship with God characterized by:
Walking in the power of the Holy Spirit (Eph. 5:18-21, Gal. 5:16-25)
2. An upstanding and morally pure character and lifestyle: Titus 1:6-9, I Tim 3:2-4
Sobriety (Eph 5:18, Phil 2:3-4)
Honesty/ Integrity - No cheating on tests or stealing
Sexual purity (I Thess. 4:3-8, I Cor 6:18-20, Heb 13:4, I Cor 7:1, I Cor 10:23, 24)
Individual convictions vary in regard to this. We ask as a minimum that you:
Not be involved in any sexual activity beyond kissing.
Not view pornography in any form (magazines, internet).
Live as an example to others, being above reproach in speech, action and appearance.
To assist you in meeting these standards you must:
Be accountable to another student in leadership.
Confess moral failure even if your accountability partner doesn’t initiate. Respond honestly to questions from appropriate staff members.
Recognize that your accountability partner will need to follow the prescription given in Matthew 18 if immorality continues.
3. Agreement with and commitment to help fulfill GMU Cru’s mission, vision, and values.
Mission: To turn lost students into Christ-centered laborers. Vision: To be a united body that is continually sharing the Gospel, being transformed by the Gospel and multiplying the Gospel in every Mason community and the world.
Values: Full of Faith, Effectiveness, Development and Unity.
4. Faithfulness and commitment in given responsibilities. - Matthew 25
Be faithful in what has been entrusted to you in your leadership in Cru
Be faithful in your academic pursuits.
5. In light of the fact that we are a Student-led, Staff-directed movement I am willing to submit to Staff Direction.
6. Participation in a GMU Cru Small Group and Small Group Leader Trainings.
You are required to participate in a small group Bible study. We will do our best to provide you with someone to disciple you.
7. Commitment to the following Trainings, Retreats and Conferences.
Small Group Leader Training tentatively on Monday, August 20, 2012.
Launching Day Retreat on Tuesday, August 21, 2012.
Fall Retreat September 21st-23rd, 2012.
ONE of the following Conferences: RADIATE 2012 or Big Break 2013
I have read and I am in agreement with the Cru statement of faith.
I understand the qualifications of leadership and will seek to walk in them in the power of the Holy Spirit.
(Please type or sign your name below.)