Why Did the Character Act/Feel That Way?

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Why Did the Character Act/Feel That Way?

Name: ______Period: ______Book & Author: ______CONTRASTS & CONTRADICTIONS “Why did the Character Act/Feel that Way?”

Definition: The character acts/feels in a way that is contradictory or unexpected, given how he or she normally acts/feels. Text Clue: The author shows actions or feelings that the reader hasn’t seen before or doesn’t expect from a character. Question: Why would a character act/feel this way? What inferences can the reader make?

What Character Action/Feeling What was Unexpected about the What Inference(s) can I make about Why Page # was Unexpected? Action/Feeling? the Character would Act/Feel this way? Name: ______Period: ______Book & Author: ______AHA MOMENT “Why might this Realization be Important?”

Definition: A character realizes, understands, or finally figures something out, usually related to conflict or theme. Text Clue: The author seems to interrupt the action, or perhaps puts a character off alone to think, and some realization occurs. Question: What might the character do or think now?

What Words told me this was What Realization came to the How is this Realization likely to be Page # going to be an Aha Moment? Character’s Mind? Important in the Story? Name: ______Period: ______Book & Author: ______TOUGH QUESTIONS “What does this Question tell me about the Character?”

Definition: The character asks him- or herself a difficult question related to a difficult situation or inner conflict. Text Clue: The author shows the character thinking or asking a difficult question about a difficult situation or inner conflict. Question: Based on this tough question, what inferences can I make about this character?

What Inference(s) can I make What did this Tough Question make me Wonder What is the Tough Question? Page # about How this Tough Question about the Character? will Affect the Character? Name: ______Period: ______Book & Author: ______WORDS OF THE WISER “How could this Advice Affect the Character?” Definition: A wiser, often older, character shares his or her experience, wisdom, or life lesson with the protagonist, hoping to guide him or her through a difficult decision. Text Clue: The protagonist and wiser/older character have a private moment where the wiser/older character offers advice to the protagonist. Question: How could this advice affect the protagonist? What Inferences can I make What Advice/Insight did the Page # How could this Advice/Insight Affect the Protagonist? about any Themes/Life Lessons Older/Wiser Character share? noticed in this moment? Name: ______Period: ______Book & Author: ______AGAIN & AGAIN “Why might the Author Repeatedly Bring this Up?”

Definition: The author repeats a word, phrase or idea over and over, making the reader wonder about its significance. Text Clue: The author may identify or highlight a particular word, phrase or idea, causing it to stand out from the rest of the text. Question: Why might the author repeatedly bring this up?

What is the Idea or Phrase that is Why might the Author How might this Idea or Phrase Page # Repeated Again and Again? Repeatedly Bring this Up? be Symbolic in the Story? Name: ______Period: ______Book & Author: ______MEMORY MOMENT “Why might this Memory be Important?”

Definition: A memory interrupts the present action of the story, revealing something important about the character or plot. Text Clue: The author has the character remember something from the past. Question: Why might this memory be important?

What did the Character What Inference(s) can I make about How Page # Why might this Memory be Important? Remember? this Memory might Affect the Character?

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