How to for Self-Service Roles
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Guide for Banner Security Officers in Filling out Remedy Request Tasks for ITS product Managers
1 - INB Mary Ann Poitras Provide the following information on the Task in the worklog for the request : . username (i.e. --- mickeymouse) . banner id number (i.e. --- 000123456) . Instance where access is desired (i.e. eval/proc/mock ....) . class to assign (i.e. -- slu_fa_level_abc) . if requester is going to need to enter an entity then what kind of online matching source (i.e. -- form_vendors)
2 - WebFOCUS Renee Canavan
Procedure to Request WebFOCUS User Access
Note: WebFOCUS does not store or reset passwords. WebFOCUS authenticates users against BANNER INB. A user MUST be a BANNER INB user prior to gaining WebFOCUS access. Anytime the user changes his/her SLU Net password, they will need to login to BANNER INB to sync it prior to accessing WebFOCUS. Sometimes the syncing process takes while.
Within the Task Level Work Log, please provide the following information:
1. Specific Domain Name(s) 2. Type of User a. User i. Typical type of user ii. Runs reports created by others b. Analytical User i. Creates reports via the WebFOCUS Dashboard ii. Requires special consideration & coordination with BI Team c. Developer i. Creates reports via Developer Studio ii. Requires an additional license iii. Requires special consideration & coordination with BI Team d. ReportingObjectUser i. Finance only ii. Requires special consideration & coordination with BI Team e. RC Batch Ids i. Generic Report Caster Id used to run scheduled jobs ii. Must be created iii. Requires special consideration & coordination with BI Team 3. User Name and ID - if not the same as the Requestor Information at the Task Level 3 - Xtender Pat Shoff Note: Xtender does not store or reset passwords. SLU requires users to synchronize their passwords with BANNER INB (clik on XS icon in INB). A user MUST be a BANNER INB user prior to gaining Xtender access. Anytime the user changes his/her INB password, they will need to synchronize their password with BANNER INB.
Indicate the appropriate Group on the task in the worklog: - When adding a NEW user – see additional information below.
Finance Groups . Finance Lead (B-F-DOCS): Scan/Index Online, Batch Index, Modify Index, Display, Print, Delete Documents, Delete Page, Add Page, Create Annotations, Edit Annotations, Full Text Index, Full Text Query. . Finance General (B-F-DOCS): Display, Print.
Student Groups . B-S-Admin View (B-S-ADMIN): Enhance Pages, Display, Print, Add Page, Create Annotations, Create Redactions. (SLU-RECRUITMENT +): Enhance Pages, Display, Print, Add Page, Create Annotations. . B-S-ADMIN Lead (B-S-ADMIN): Scan/Index Online, Enhance Pages, Batch Scan, Batch Index, Modify Index, Display, Print, Delete Documents, Delete Page, Add Page, Create Annotations, Edit Annotations, Create Redactions, Edit Redactions. (SLU-RECRUITMENT +): Scan/Index Online, Enhance Pages, Batch Scan, Batch Index, Modify Index, Display, Print, Delete Documents, Delete Page, Add Page, Create Annotations, Edit Annotations. . ADMISSIONS SCAN (SLU-RECRUITMENT +): Scan/Index Online, Batch Scan, Batch Index, Modify Index, Display, Print, Delete Documents, Delete Page, Add Page. . ADMISSIONS VIEW (SLU-RECRUITMENT +): Display, Print. . ADMISSIONS LEAD (SLU-RECRUITMENT +): Scan/Index Online, Enhance Pages, Batch Scan, Batch Index, Modify Index, Display, Print, Delete Documents, Delete Page, Add Page, Create Annotations, Edit Annotations, Create Redactions, Edit Redactions, Global Annotations, Report View. . ADMISSIONS TECHNICAL (SLU-RECRUITMENT +): Scan/Index Online, Enhance Pages, Batch Scan, Batch Index, Modify Index, Display, Print, Delete Documents, Delete Page, Add Page, Key Ref Maint, Key Ref Import, Index/Image Import Report View.
Human Resource Groups . B-H-ID PROVOST (B-H-ID): Display, Print.
Getting Started for NEW users: Once NEW users (never accessed Xtender before for any application) are setup they will need to install the to enable them to view documents. Users with admin rights to their workstation will be prompted to do this when they try to view a document for the 1st time. For Non-admin users the current process for allowing users to do this is as follows : 1. User is added to a package by the IT server team and remains in the package for 2 weeks. The package will allow admin access for the user to their workstation. A) Security Office will need to add a task in Banner for this setup if the user is not currently using remedy. B) SO should add the task “ITS – Xtender Plug-ins” the information in the worklog for the server team should indicate that they need to “Add user to Package_Webxtender.slu” 2. User must login to Xtender within the 2 week window and view a document – they will be prompted to do the install.
There are currently instructions for users on getting started with Xtender available at (ITS A-Z under “D” for Document Imaging).
4 - Self Service Rena Davenport
Provide the following information on the Task in the worklog for the request :
Format Needed: Employee Name – Banner User Id – Role(s) Needed
Alumni Roles . -Advancement Data Tailor . -Advancement Moves Manager . -Development Officer
Finance Roles . -eSeeBatch . -eSeeDPV . -eSeeRemit . -eSeeUpload . -eSeeIDO . -UMG Budgeting Tools
Human Resource Roles : . -EPAF Administrator . -HR Manager (This is the Salary Planner role) . -Master Salary Planner . -eSeePCON
5 - WorkFlow Maggie Waters Request for access to Workflow roles or the Workflow development environment should follow these steps:
Employee requests access from their Functional Manager The Functional Manager passes an approved access request to the appropriate Security Officer The Security Officer reviews the request and approved The Security Officer runs the Dashboard Report to query Workflow roles and notes on the request ticket which roles should be assigned in Workflow If the request is for development access the Security Officer should notify the Functional Manager of the approval, so the Functional Manager can open a separate ticket specifically for completing the Workflow Developer Self Guided Training (ticket assigned to the Workflow Product Administrator) The Workflow Product Administrator completes the Workflow User configuration requested by the Security Officer The Workflow Product Administrator completes the tasks assigned for the training ticket
This will ensure that all access is approved by the Functional Manager and the Security Officer before access to Banner data is made available via Workflow.
6 - Axiom Maggie Waters Request for access to Axiom processing roles should follow these steps:
Employee requests access from their Functional Manager The Functional Manager passes an approved access request to the appropriate Security Officer (Student or Advancement) The Security Officer reviews the request and approves The Security Officer runs the Dashboard Report to query Axiom roles and notes on the request ticket which roles should be assigned in Axiom The Axiom Product Administrator completes the Axiom User configuration requested by the Security Officer The Axiom Product Administrator opens a task for the Axiom server System Administrator to open remote access to The Axiom Product Administrator opens a task for Desktop to configure the remote desktop access to The Workflow Product Administrator verifies the tasks are completed and notifies the user, then closes the ticket.
This will ensure that all access is approved by the Functional Manager and the Security Officer before access to Banner data is made available via Axiom.