Minutes of the Tropic Town Board Meeting

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Minutes of the Tropic Town Board Meeting


Minutes of the Tropic Town Board Meeting Held June 9, 2011 at 4:00 p.m. in the Tropic Town Heritage Center

PRESENT: Mayor WaLon Brinkerhoff BOARD MEMBERS: Gaia Greenhalgh, Max Stewart; Council Members Jim England and Doug Ahlstrom excused. Marie Niemann - Tropic Town Clerk & Sydney Syrett – Tropic Town Treasurer.

OTHERS: Joann Brannon, Clare Ramsay, Alfred Foster, Lance Foster, Tristen DeMille, Raymond Brinkerhoff, Brett Chynoweth

CALL TO ORDER: Mayor WaLon Brinkerhoff

PLEDGE: Lance Foster

APPROVAL OF MINTUES: A motion was made by Gaia Greenhalgh to approve the minutes of the Tropic Town Board Meeting held May 14, 2011. Second by Max Stewart. Motion carried.

APPROVAL OF PUBLIC HEARING MINUTES: A motion was made by Gaia Greenhalgh to approve the minutes of the 2011-2012 Budget hearing minutes. Second by Max Stewart. Motion carried.

APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA: A motion was made by Gaia Greenhalgh to approve the agenda. Second by Max Stewart. Motion carried. ______


Business License: Two applications were reviewed for Robert and Joanne Brannon. Bryce Valley Dog Training is obedience and socializing class for dogs; Joanne and her daughter have been involved in dog training and competitions for about 8-years. A grassy area is needed for the training, Joanne inquired about the availability of the town park; the class is an eight-week session one or two nights a week-Wednesday/Thursday early evening. Neighboring concerns worried about a dog kennel/dogging daycare; this is not the case. Joanne also stated that it is required for all participants to have their dogs on a leash and pick up after them. Council agreed that the upper end of the Town Park could be used, away from the pavilion; also to check with the office for park availability. The north area of the Heritage Center could be used is the park is unavailable. A motion was made by Gaia to approve a business license for Joanne Brannon – Bryce Valley Dog Training. Second by Max Stewart – Motion carried.

Although Robert Brannon was not able to attend, a letter outlining his tour guiding service was attached to his application; Joanne present to answer additional questions. “Bryce Canyon Guided Tours” is registered with the State of Utah Department of Commerce. Mr. Brannon checked with David Tebbs, Mayor of Bryce Canyon City, and Justin Fischer, Planner and Zoning Official for the Garfield County, and both respect the business license from Tropic Town and that no further license is needed. Robert has also met with the National Park Service to discuss the protocol for doing commercial tours within the park. The following requirements are being made: a Commercial Use Permit from the NPS, Business License from Tropic and Personal Liability Insurance. Currently he is employed with the concessionaires of Bryce Canyon National Park as a tour guide. A motion was made by Gaia to approve a business license for Bryce Canyon Guided Tours. Second by Max Stewart – Motion carried.


The planning commission reviewed a building permit application for a porch covering on the home of Clare Ramsay. Alfred reported the required setback is 25 ft. the existing porch/sidewalk is 22 feet. Code allows the structure as long as it is not enclosed. A motion was made by Max Stewart to approve the building permit for Clare Ramsay – Second by Gaia Greenhalgh. Motion carried.

Council discussed with Commissioner Ramsay the possibility of the County’s assistance with graveling/grading 250 North. Commissioner Ramsay will work something out with Wade Barney and report back to Doug or Mayor Brinkerhoff.


Tristen DeMille: Gaia invited Tristen, from Jones and DeMille Engineering, to present a proposal on the Francisco Lane sewer project. Jones and DeMille specialize in finding money and helping communities engineer projects. Tristen reported there is a much funding available, which is made more available for rural communities. Community Impact Board (CIB) uses 1.75% of the town’s Median Adjusted Gross Income (MAGI –Grant eligibility for water) with sewer they use 1.4% and the latest tax return from the State. Tristen reported that Tropic’s MAGI is very high $34,644; which is not favorable. Tristen continued explaining CIB’s suggested formula for communities to use in setting w/s rates. After much discussion on the Town’s current w/s charges, sewer lagoon capacity, funding, etc., Tristen reviewed their proposal for Francisco Lane; approximate cost $430,000 for everything. Questioned the cost of the road, Tristen said his estimate was probably low, because the road was not chip sealed at the time of the estimate; which it currently is now.

Discussed the financing of this project and additional funding needed for the expansion of residents north of town; providing sewer services to everyone. Mayor explained the town’s w/s connection fees are very low in compared to surrounding communities; possibly raise fees for those areas being developed. Tristen stated that it would hard to do without forming an improvement district or improvement area. You can assess those getting the new sewer services, as a one-time fee. Otherwise you have to treat everyone the same. Connect fees for w/s are what it cost the town for materials, labor, etc. With changes to the rules associated with Impact Fees, it would be better off to remove them; these funds are to be spent within seven years, need to be tracked, spent/accounted for, etc. Unless the town expanse sewer services, impact fees should be removed, because the sewer system is paid for. Impact fees on sewer connections can be applied if the town is expanding the services. User fees/monthly rates are what finances the project and could be raised. Tristen will do a financial analysis and report findings, assisting the Mayor and Council in possible changes to w/s connection, impact and user fees.

Water Drainage: Alfred Foster has recently purchased property southeast of the bank for a commercial development. A pipe is needed to remove the water from the property. Mayor Brinkerhoff recalled the history of the area’s commercial development as was told to him by Doug Ahlstrom. A pipe was installed crossing Hwy 12 to drain off water from the Westside on to the Eastside. Alfred would appreciate any help with assisting them with the drainage issue. The development will bring more revenue to the town and provide jobs. Details of the project were not disclosed, but are forth coming. Town agreed to work together to resolve the drainage problem; but without details of the project, decisions could not be made in reference to who’s responsible for the cost installation of pipe and what assistance the town can give. Revisit the project in detail at next meeting.

Water/Sewer Connection Fees: After the discussion with Tristen regarding the town providing sewer services throughout town, Mayor Brinkerhoff and the Town Council will be analyzing the analysis to possibly increase of water/sewer monthly rates and connection fees, along with the removal of the impact fee from the sewer connection. Need to know the cost of materials, labor, and equipment in order to increase charges.

Internet Connection: An Internet connection is needed for the Library/Resource room. Reviewing the town’s other connections and their importance, it was agreed to re-direct the connection at the filtration building to the resource room.


Brett reported the graveling is done of 1250 North. Discussed the cleaning of right-of-ways, Lowell Mecham has been mowing them; Council would like DeRell Sudweeks contacted and discuss with him the job of mowing the right-of-ways.

UDOT Permit: Certificate for Bonding needed for the permit was forwarded to Marcia at the Richfield office. Application should be complete and the permit issued. Marie will follow up.


Now that summer is here, the park is being used regularly. Going well. In preparation for the 4th of July festivities, Gaia reviewed the activities and needed manpower. Many have inquired about setting up a booth for the selling handmade goods, and other improvements. Discussed the workload placed on the Town Council in preparation and holding the celebration. Max felt it best to organize a committee to oversee the festivities; working with the Council for direction and assistance. A public meeting will be arranged for all those interested in helping with the festivities.

Max reported public official from other Utah communities visited the area and commented how nice and clean the baseball complex park is. Their communities have a ballpark and are named. It is possible that the field can be named, now that the grant is finished.


No Report


Grants: It was reported that Tropic would be funded for both the Heritage Center parking lot and the Water Management Planning projects. Council reviewed the Bond Resolution for funding the Heritage Center parking lot and the Master Water Drainage Plan. The motion was made to pass the Resolution # 962011 by Gaia Greenhalgh – Second by Max Stewart. Motion carried. Matching fund is $10,000 for Storm Drainage Plan and $3,500 for the parking lot. FINANCIAL/WARRANTS

Sydney reported changes made by Ken Hinton – Town Auditor; they were minor changes in the General Fund and major changes in the Water Fund. Reviewed warrants. Council questioned payment for unemployment benefits for Shanna Talbot; she is working. Gaia will look into this. A motion was made by Gaia to approve the warrant. Second by Max – Motion carried.


Candidacy filing for public office is from July 1st – July 15th. Will be posting notice.


Town Board Meeting Schedule Resolution: A motion was made by Gaia Greenhalgh to approve the Resolution to change the time Town Board meeting from 6:30 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. Second by Max Stewart – Motion carried.


A motion was made by Gaia Greenhalgh to adjourn – Second by Max Stewart. Motion carried.


A motion was made by Gaia Greenhalgh to move into executive session – Motion second by Mayor Brinkerhoff. Motion carried.

A motion was made by Max Stewart to close the executive session – Motion second by Max Stewart. Motion carried.

Approved this 14th Day of July 2011 Marie H. Niemann – Tropic Town Clerk

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