1. Infinitive- Verb That Means to DO Something. in Spanish, All Infinitives End in Ar
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Vocabulario- Capítulo 3- 1
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1. Infinitive- Verb that means TO DO something. In Spanish, all infinitives end in – ar, -er, or –ir. 2. Hacer-(infinitive) To do 3. ¿Qué te gusta hacer?- What do you like to do? 4. Montar en bicicleta- (infinitive) to ride a bike 5. Leer- (infinitive) to read 6. Las revistas- (noun) magazines 7. Las novelas- (noun)- novels 8. Correr- (infinitive) to run 9. Escuchar-(infinitive) to listen to 10. Dibujar- (infinitive) to draw 11. Pasear- (infinitive) to go for a walk 12. Hacer ejercicio- (infinitive) to do exercise 13. Patinar-(infinitive) to skate 14. Alquilar videos- (infinitive) to rent videos 15. Cantar- (infinitive) to sing 16. Comer- (infinitive) to eat 17. Escribir-(infinitive) to write 18. Las cartas- (noun) letters 19. Ir- (infinitive) to go 20. Ir al cine- (infinitive) To go to the theatre 21. Ir al centro comercial- to go to the mall 22. Nadar- (infinitive) to swim 23. En la piscina- (prep phrase) In/ at the pool 24. Navegar por internet- (infinitive) to surf the web 25. Pasar- (infinitive) to pass, to spend (time) 26. El rato- the while 27. Pasar el rato-(infinitive) to spend time 28. Solo/a- (adverb)- alone 29. Ver- (infinitive) to see 30. La televisión- (noun) TV 31. Jugar (a)- (infinitive) to play (a game or a sport) Always followed by “a”. 32. A + el = al– (prepositional contraction) to the, at the 33. Los juegos de mesa- (noun) board (table) games 34. El béisbol- (noun)- baseball 35. El fútbol americano- (noun) football 36. El fútbol- (noun) soccer 37. El básquetbol- (noun) basketball 38. El baloncesto- (noun) basketball 39. El volibol- (noun) volleyball 40. El tenis- (noun)- tennis 41. Salir- (infinitive) To go out 42. Con- (preposition) with 43. ¿Con quién?- With whom? (singular person) 44. ¿Con quiénes?- With whom? (plural people) 45. Conmigo – with me 46. Contigo- with you (peer) 47. Con + Object pronoun= with him, her, etc. Example: Con él=with him Con ella =with her Con nosotros = with us 48. El centro comercial- (noun) the mall 49. Ir de compras- (infinitive) to go shopping 50. Rule- When telling what one likes to do, USE (me, te, le, nos, os, or les) gusta- don’t use gustan with infinitives. 51. ¿Qué quieres hacer hoy? – what do you want to do today? 52. ¿Quieres ir al cine conmigo?- Do you want to go to the theatre with me? 53. Ni idea- (I have) no idea 54. Está bien – OK, All right 55. Present tense conjugation of QUERER- to want Yo quiero- I want Nosotros- queremos- We want (m) Nosotras queremos- We want (f) Tú quieres- You (peer) want Vosotros queréis- Yall want(friends,SP) Vosotras queréis- yall want (friends,SP) Él quiere- He wants Ellos quieren- They want (m) Ella quiere- She wants Ellas quieren- They want (f) Usted quiere- You (resp) want Ustedes quieren- Yall want 56. Use querer (conjugated) + infinitive to say what one wants to do Example: Yo quiero ir de compras- I want to go shopping. 57. la familia- (noun)- family 58. mi- (possessive adjective)- my (before a singular noun) Example- mi amigo- my friend 59. mis- (possessive adjective)- my (before a plural noun) Example- mis amigos- my friends 60. Los números hasta un mil- See notes on numbers 61. El + (Day)= On that day – (Example: El lunes= On Monday) 62. Los + (Days) = On those days – (Example: Los lunes= On Mondays)
63. Nota cultural: Latin American high schools typically do not sponsor organized sports teams. Students who may want to take a more active part in sports can do so by joining clubs and associations outside of school. How is this similar to or different from your school sports program?
64. Nota Cultural: In Latin America many teens must introduce their friends to their parents before they go out with them. When inviting a friend out, teens are often expected to tell the friend’s parents where they are going and when they will return. While this custom may be changing, it is still common in many places. Is this similar to or different from your parents’ rules?