Deptford Board of Education Meeting Summary
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Deptford Board of Education Meeting Summary Nov 17, 2016 (Blackwood Terrace Building)
The meeting began at 7:00 PM. Approximately 12 community members were in attendance.
Mrs. Donohue was not present. Also in attendance were two board-elect members: Mrs. Stacy Gray and Mrs. Rachel Green (Mr. Getsinger was also present as he was re-elected to the board).
Public Comments opened at 7:03 PM and no one spoke about agenda items.
Minutes were approved unanimously, with Mr. McDevitt and Mr. McDonald abstaining.
Communications - NONE
Reports (7:04 – 8:03)
The five high school building administrators gave a 9-slide PowerPoint presentation about the high school’s Spartan Period and answered questions from the board and the community.
Mr. Allen began, saying:“We were asked to put together a presentation about Spartan Period.”
(Note: Members of the board, along with community members, have recently expressed their frustrations with the administration’s Spartan Period implementation changes this year as compared to last year.)
The presenters presented data that compared Spartan Period from last year to this year, but offered no data from pre- Spartan Period to the implementation of the Spartan Period in 2015-2016 or this school year.
Board Questions:
Mr. McDonald asked if these Renaissance rewards are based on the previous year’s marking period four grades, and Mr. Allen replied “yes.”
Mr. Zappile asked about failures remaining the same, per the presentation. Mr. Allen responded that the majority of failures are in underclassmen acclimating to the change in the structure of the school day.
Mrs. Rosser commented that she wants to identify students who need student-to-student mentoring in the summer. She also asked if administrators have had an active role in addressing student failures. Mr. Allen responded that students pushed to create this peer mentoring program. In regards to administrative roles, Mrs. Alexander mentioned the student hour log kit triplicate form, and that administrators receive carbon copy (yellow) form for students that do not appear to a teacher for help, and that the vice principals then meet with those students. She also mentioned that vice principals approach teachers to make sure they assign passes to struggling students.
Mrs. Kryszczak recommended surveying the students about Spartan Period.
Mrs. Jackson commented that she appreciated the changes implemented, and that she would like the ability for the online Genesis gradebook system to reflect when students stay with teachers for assistance during Spartan Period. Mrs. Jackson also asked how much reward from the Renaissance program is based on academic growth. Administrators cited a reward chart from their presentation. Mrs. Jackson asked if we had enough staff to cover all student needs. Mrs. Alexander replied that many teachers have duties to cover Spartan Period locations. Mr. Allen added that “outside of Spartan Period can be challenging,” in reference to the current number of teaching staff at the high school.
Mr. Petito added that the high school guidance department is visiting the middle school tomorrow to explain this plan to middle school students.
Mrs. Gray asked about “1,000 additional grades” from the presentation. Mr. Petito explained that, due to the rotating schedule, students are enrolled in more classes with this system.
Mrs. Gray asked how many clubs are offered during Spartan Period. Mrs. Bilda responded that it varies, but they are offered every day. Mrs. Gray asked if paid stipend positions for clubs were able to meet during the day, and Mrs. Bilda responded “yes.” Mrs. Gray expressed her concerns about volunteerism and students potentially missing opportunities to meet with teachers during the day. She also commented on the lack of student privileges during marking period one this year in regards to the changes made by the administration.
Mrs. Alcott expressed her concern with rewards for GPA.
Mr. Peatman asked how students can enter Honor Society when teachers are not meeting as clubs, and expressed his concern for an unsettled staff contract.
Mrs. Green asked if there is a contingency plan in place for this, and Mr. Allen responded “yes, as much as we can.” Mrs. Green further commented that she would like to see a swipe card to automatically track this. She asked Dr. Ford if he was in favor of this, and he replied “I have no comment at this time,” adding that he would be talking to the building principals about this.
POLICY Committee Report@ 8:03
Mrs. Jackson briefly reported on the drone policy and new legislation.
Personnel Committee Report
Mrs. Donohue was absent and there was no report.
Curriculum Committee Report
Mrs. Jackson said the committee will meet this Monday the 21st with Mrs. McAteer and that information will follow, adding that the committee is looking to meet once per marking period.
Finance Committee Report
Mr. Getsinger noted that the meeting was tonight prior to the board meeting. He reported that the committee discussed teacher substitutes and a possible increase in the rate for teacher substitutes through Insight. He also mentioned they discussed Sodexo and its funds.
Building and Grounds Committee Report
Mrs. Rosser reported there was no meeting, but they discussed related items at the finance committee meeting, and she said solar power is still in the works. Mrs. Jackson asked about vestibules at Central School. Dr. Ford responded that he would wait until the summer for any changes.
Mrs. Kryszczak asked if the staff will have to electronically clock in. Dr. Ford responded that scanners are in place at the exterior of each building and have been present as some buildings for some time. (Note: This was an accurate statement, but did not answer Mrs. Kryszczak’s question. Electronic time clocks with embedded RFID scanners have been placed INSIDE each building, presumably for the entire staff to electronically clock in. The majority of staff members are not hourly employees.)
Mrs. Newcomb asked about customizing parameters for staff to scan into the building and Mr. Griggel responded that time parameters were customizable (for example, the staff can be limited to scanning into the building for certain times).
Mrs. Kryszczak asked about disciplinary measures with the fobs to gain entry to the buildings. Mr. Griggel stated that the entrance RFID readers do not record time, only the individual.
Shared services
Mrs. Newcomb asked about trash bids, and Mr. Griggel responded about the timeframe. He also discussed shared services in technology and an electrician with the township.
Dr. Ford stated that today he attended an anti-crime meeting at the municipal building. He stated the township will provide training to the district nurses on using Narcan, with it potentially being placed in the schools.
POLICY items were approved unanimously with no discussion.
PERSONNEL items (excluding the addendum to the agenda) were approved unanimously. Two items were adding – a new middle school girls basketball coach, and two new stipend positions for middle school basketball coaches (using money from unused stipends).
The PERSONNEL ADDENDUM was tabled for discussion in closed executive session.
STUDENTS items were approved unanimously.
FINANCE items were approved unanimously.
Items of Information – NONE
Mrs. Jackson commented that she attended a legislative session at the NJSBA convention, and the topic was state funding to districts. Dr. Ford commented that the district is currently $4M under-funded, but with Governor Christie’s proposed plan the district would be $9M under-funded.
Mrs. Jackson commented that she was disappointed that PARCC was not a topic of discussion. She recounted speaking to Washington Township Board of Education President, Ginny Murphy, and that their district has received no negative effects from the NJDOE in adopting a resolution against PARCC. Mrs. Newcomb, Mrs. Kryszczak, and Mrs. Jackson all spoke in favor of adopting a resolution against PARCC, and specifically speaking to its graduation requirement, the cost to the district in regards to technology, and the teacher evaluation aspect of the test. Dr. Ford expressed concerns about adopting a PARCC resolution.
Mrs. Morehead mentioned and that he district technology staff did not recommend using it.
Mrs. Kryszczak commented on the October 28 middle school dance and its co-sponsorship with the community. She also mentioned the Jazz Band event at Adelphia’s, and she asked about the statues of fill rates from the Insight substitute service.
Mrs. Morehead presented fill rates for each day in the month of November for substitute placements. Dr. Ford commented on the fill rate at Washington Township, stating that their fill rate is high in the 90th percentile because the daily rate is $95/day. (The current substitute pay rate in Deptford is $80/day.) A lengthy discussion followed about the fill rate and the pay rate.
Mrs. Newcomb thanked the board for attending the recent Project Graduation fundraiser.
BILLS LIST was approved unanimously.
PUBLIC COMMENTS opened at 8:53.
Mr. Randazzo, DEA President, asked for clarification on the board’s intent for the half day for all staff the day before Thanksgiving in regards to second shift custodians, citing problems with them not properly being released early last year by the administration.
Mr. Peatman commented on the state of the staff’s negotiations with the board, adding that he hopes the district settle the contract. He also asked why the library is closed after school, saying that a secretary whose schedule was changed by the administration now makes the library unavailable after school. Dr. Ford stated that he would look into this.
Mrs. Gray asked about the middle school vice principal vacancy, noting that district administration, in the past, has been quick to provide additional per diem rates to current administrators for taking on the duties of another position, saying that no stipend exists for the two current building administrators with the vacancy. (Note: The middle school vice principal position has been vacant since September 9.)
Mrs. Bitting made a comment regarding her change of degree status, stating that she followed the proper procedures for submission but was not granted the change. She also noted that she followed the chain of command in regards to approaching the board.
Mrs. Alcott thanked the board for attending the Project Graduation fundraiser. She also explained that she wants the board to adopt a resolution against PARCC, and that she would like the district staff negotiations to be settled.
Public comments closed at 9:08, and the board entered closed executive session at 9:08 PM. Public session re-opened at 10:59 PM.
There was a motion to vote on the Personnel Addendum.
The addendum was approved with Mrs. Rosser abstaining, Mr. Getsinger voting yes on all items but abstaining on item “J,” and all other board members voting “yes.”
Mr. McDonald addressed Mr. Randazzo, asking him to e-mail him regarding meeting for negotiations.
The meeting was adjourned at 11:01 PM.