Instructor: L. Black/B. Carter/R. Glover Subject: 8Th Grade Math Dates: 3 Jan - 6 JAN 1995 s7

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Instructor: L. Black/B. Carter/R. Glover Subject: 8Th Grade Math Dates: 3 Jan - 6 JAN 1995 s7

Teacher: Dr. Booker Week of: 2-17-16 Subject: Tech Education 8 Period 3 LESSON CONTINUED

OBJECTIVES ST ACTIVITIES HOMEWORK EVALUATION A N D A R DS (fr om Pa cin g Gu ide ) Students will understand Teacher will model and activate prior Russia . M Ivan the Terrible 12. knowledge. (Before) O Us (During) Students will be assessed on N participation during class e Teacher and students will research project. dig discussions of technique and (After) ital teacher observation/ too Teacher and students will reflect and discuss ls technology resources to support learning. to pub lish cur ric ulu m- rela ted con tent T Students will be able to 9. U to explain Ivan the Terrible?s reign Uti E lize Ivan the Terrible and the dig ital Making of Russia - Video too ls to deli ver co m me rce and inf or mat ion tec hno log y cur ric ulu m- rela ted con tent to an aud ien ce. Lesson Planet Activity Students will practice careful, critical reading skills W E D

Students will be able describe how Ivan got his nickname. Creating a storytelling multimedia. T H U R

Students will be able to describe Ivan?s militia. 5. Teacher will model and activate prior multimedia F Us knowledge. R e I bas ic feat ure s of wo rd pro ces sin g, spr ead she ets, dat aba ses, and pre sen tati on soft war e. 12. Us e dig ital too ls to pub lish cur ric ulu m- rela ted con tent

Teacher: Dr. Booker Week of: 2-17-16 Subject: keyboarding Grade 7 Period 5 LESSON CONTINUED

OBJECTIVES ST ACTIVITIES HOMEWORK EVALUATION AN DA RD S (fro m Pac ing Gui de) Students will understand. The seven continents 3. Teacher will activate students’ prior Geographic . Students will be assessed on M Fol knowledge. participation during class O low (Before) (During) discussions of technique and N pre teacher observation Teacher and students complete a map. cis ely (After)Teacher and students will reflect on geographic a assignment. mu ltist ep pro ced ure wh en car ryi ng out exp eri me nts, taki ng me asu re me nts, or per for mi ng tec hni cal tas ks. T Students will Activity: Locate oceans and continents on U understand the geographical location of each the map. E continent and ocean.

Students will learn the physical characteristics of each . Students will construct maps. W continent – its land, climate, and landmarks. E D Students will compare and contrast the people, Students will classify animals and landmarks . T climate, food, and wildlife of according to continents. H Students will be assessed on U each continent/ocean. participation during class R discussions of technique and teacher observation/ Compare and contrast the people, climate, F food and wildlife of each R I continent/ocean.

Teacher: Dr. Booker Week of: 2 -17- 2016 Subject: Career Preparedness Period: 6 LESSON CONTINUED OBJECTIVES ST ACTIVITIES HOMEWORK EVALUATION A N D A R DS (fr om Pa cin g Gu ide ) Sta . Students will be assessed on MON nd Teacher will activate students’ prior decision Students will define needs and wants. participation during class ard making knowledge. 9 discussions of technique and After a brief introduction by the instructor, students teacher observation St will work through decision making scenarios ud (During) ent Teacher and students will reflect and discuss s decision making steps. (After) wil l un der sta nd the im po rta nc e of mo ne y ma na ge me nt for tee ns. TUE . Key Terms Activity Students will Categorize items as needs or wants using a Venn diagram

Students will understand PowerPoint: Finance Management . . WED their needs and wants and how expensive life is in America.

Finance Budget Activity THUR . Students create a weekly budget based on variables

Students describe ways teenagers can Teacher will model and activate prior budget F become wise consumers knowledge. R I

Teacher: Mrs. Booker Week of: 2- 17-2016 Subject: Finance Period 7 Lesson Continued OBJECTIVES ST ACTIVITIES HOMEWORK EVALUATION A N D A R DS (fr om Pa cin g Gu ide ) Students. will learn about stocks and understand Teacher will activate students’ prior financial . Students will be assessed on M what it means to buy stock in a company. knowledge. Sta participation during class O nd (Before) (During) discussions of technique and N ard Teacher and students research financial decision. teacher observation 2. . (After)Teacher and students will reflect on care wil choice. l un der sta nd tha t eff ect ive de cis ion - ma kin g req uir es co mp ari ng the ad dit ion al co sts of alt ern ati ve s wit h the ad dit ion al be nef its

Key Terms .

TU Students will understand the concept of risk E Business.

What Is a Stock, Anyway?" St W Students will Understand the concept of stock an Observation/Testing ED ownership ml da Understand the importance of risk analysis rd 3 Un de rst an ds th e co nc ep t of pri ce s an d th e int er ac tio n of su pp ly an d de m an d in a m ar ke t ec on o m y

Student will learn techniques for investment Stock Activity Sheet .

TH Sta U nd R ard 2. wil l un der sta nd tha t eff ect ive de cis ion - ma kin g req uir es co mp ari ng the ad dit ion al co sts of alt ern ati ve s wit h the ad dit ion al be nef its

Summary/Discussion Students will learn how to analyze risk Sta F nd R ard I 2. wil l un der sta nd tha t eff ect ive de cis ion - ma kin g req uir es co mp ari ng the ad dit ion al co sts of alt ern ati ve s wit h the ad dit ion al be nef its

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